* I t > y L 0 W M . * r * - ! < - < f , . * - , -v Tfc. ITQi'l3 Dry times will not drive us away. We will stay. Closing out all Summer Goods at 50 cents on the $ , to make room for our Fall and Winter Stock. * f \ Will go East in Septem- ber for New Goods--and then look out for novelties in Fall and Winter Goods. 'fV . , ' / " - - Our Dress Making De partment is run by an effi cient Dress Maker , and work is guaranteed. . * * * We liave decided to REDUCE OUR STOCK before invoicing , July 1st , 1890 , and we will offer our ENTIRE STOCK at a p FOR fASH1 J Vyn\JlI. We must reduce our stock before July 1,189O. Come and see tlie in lit T , fc. i * * * YOURS , THE RUSTLER FOR TRADE , MAIN AYRNUE , MeCOOK , : : NEBRASKA. COMMENCING Summer Complaints. Statistics show that a large proportion of the children die from what is known as Sum mer Complaint , Diarrhea , Cholera Infantum and Dysentery. Humphreys' Specifics Nos. Four , Five and Six are sale and certain. Tyrotoxicon is the name ot the subtle and < leadly poison that lurks in ice cream. It is developed in the course of its manufacture , and the longer the cream is kept the greater the proportion ot poison. For rheumatic and neuralgic pains , rub in Dr. J. H. McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment , and take Dr. J. H. McLean's Sarsaparilla. You will not suffer long , but will be gratified wiMi a speedy and effective cure. Sold by C. M. Smith &Son. If you suffer from any affection caused by impure blood , such as scrofula , salt rheum , sores , boils , pimples , tetter , ringworm , take Dr. J. II. McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment Sold by C. M. Smith & Son. This Trade FvJartt Is on Tie Best fatenroof Coat In the world. or Illustrated Catalogus , ffrcr. L. J. Tower , Borton , FROKHARRIS ( VST.Al.LY WEAK ) . IMo BO bj too close appllsitioTi to liusine-sor study : scirc mental ftr.nlnor grief ; SIX ! tj IXCESShS iu middle life.or \ i ou liiliiU contracted ill vouu1 ] . fiSeM AUI ! > ICT1HSTO ! kFK\OLS UHilLITl ur E2 > (3 FXHUSTIOVYVASTIMiNKlkM-SS. IN. V ixr $ KSwiii ! jnitu uti'nr iniouv.imini : > - III.K jtCr.D ; lack of \ ici. A Igor , and strength.-nith ie\iml organs impnircd nnil rcakencil prematurely in a } > projchtioM age. E SJAV fFB ! TTo.piiik fromkiionlc.tiro ? E dfli ttUilKof I'KKMVMOiT KhhtLTS in many tl'oii'an'l eo.-es treutcil acclcureil in past twclvcycars. " . 'AsetMeneporour filth In Prof. Harris' ara , , . 113 © © SOLUBLE MEDICATED PASTILLES. * -j-pl A J ve offer eight days tri-il JU1SOMTKLY FJM/E. t KIMU-m „ , , . „ young or oM , suffering from thla prevalent trouble shouM enrt their address o we can furni.ti que.-ttons to bcnniwrred , that we may know the true condition of each ciie ami prepare medicine to effect a prompt cure. Located In Xeir York ( after 12 years at St. I.oms ) , we offer all a chance to be en ml bv the celebrated Pastille Treatment. THE HARRIS REMEDY CO. , Mfe. Chemists , 99 BEEKMAN STREET , NEW YORK. GG on Throat Affection SCROFULA Wasting of Flesh Or any Disease tcliere'the Throat and Zunys are Inflamed , ZacTe of Strength or JTcrra 'Tower , you can be relieved and Cured by SCOTT'S ' EMULSION ° PURE COD LIVER OIL With Hypopnosphites. PALATABLE AS MILK. Ask for Scott's EmuJtton , and let no ex planation or solicitation induce you to accept a rubititute. Sold Ity att Druggists. SCOTT A BOWNE.Chemlsts , N.Y. \ CREAM AKlN Its superior excellence proven in millions of homes for more than ti quarter of a centurs' . It is used by the United States Government. Endorsed by the heads of the Great Universi ties as the Strongest , Purest and most Health ful. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder does not contain Ammonia , Lime , or Alum. Sold only in cans. PKICE BAKING POWDER CO Nc\v i'ork. Chicago. St. Louis. PLEASANT PRAIRIE POSIES. Jake Gerver wtis u business visitor nt Obor- lln , Kan. , the 4th inst. The farmers have commenced cuttingup their corn in this section. The widow Foul has moved to PeterFoxcn's place to care for his hogs while ho runs a beer wngon in McCoolc. * Tom llolpu gave an ice crean supper to his friends ( they seem to be legion ) at his par ents'home on the2th of July , and all enjoyed themselves. Sunday School at the Dodge school house will reorganize next Sunday , as some of the ollicers contemplate a visit east. There will be preaching' directly after Sabbath school. There does not appear to Jieenough interest manifested in the Prohibitory Amendment as one could wish. Wake up , fiieude , work and help drive tiie Demon ot Hell from our bcau- tiiu ! land. The farmers aic marketing their hogs on account ot shortage ol the corn crop. Some nic even givinguwiiy and killing their pigs. Let them vole for the Piohibitory Amend ment , then they can take their money ro buy corn to i'eed them instead of that which sends souls to perdition. VAILTCfJ VOICES. Still on deck. James Harris is on our streets , looking well and hearty. Good health geneialiy prevails a rr.rebless ing to all mankind. Neighbor Met chant and family are taUing in the eastern scenery. We hear the occasional hum ot the thieshing machine. It sounds good. We understand the mental status ot John Kolb was not very certain , and he will be placed under cai el ul treatment and we predict success. Harvest is past. Wo will have to wait until ' 01 for our good crop. Wewcicin hopes this section would not make the showing on small grain and earn but we are pietty short this year trom lack of rain. ASH CREEK ITEMS. Squire Schnmcl is cutting corn. Miss Idsi Evans spent Sunday with her par- ents. A. Y7. Coiey had business in Indianohi , last Monday. Joe Dudeli is puttingdown a well ouhis tim ber claim. Mis. J .E. Furr departed for Iowa , last Thurs day morning. The Misses Btiniicll were guests at Mr. Evans' , last Sunday. A large number of people from "Germany" are going to leave for the east , in a few days on account of dry weather. Nine carloads are going fiorn "Missouri Hidge , " we understand. OUSEKVEH. ELECTRIC BITTERS. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special mention. All who have used Electric Bitters sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the liver and kidneys , will remove pimples , boils , salt rheum and other affections caused by impure blood. Will drive malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all malaria fevers. For cure of headache , constipation and indigestion try Electric Ditters. Entire satisfaction guaranteed or money refuuded. Price 50 cents and § 1.00 per bottle at A. Mc- Millen's Drug store. 104ts. DRY CREEK CHRONICLES. Dry , drier , driest. The League was well attended , Sunday. Ell Frederick leaves his farm , this week. Mr. Sutton wounded himself quite severely , this week , with a corn knife. Charlie Boatman was at Vailton , Sunday. Wonder what the attraction is ? Wo notice that Mose Golfer takes auite an interest in the Driftwood Sunday school of late. Ah , there. Mose ! REPORTER. Is CONSUMPTION INCURABLE ? Read the followin-r : Mr. C. H. Morris of Newark , Ark. , says : "Was down with abcess of lungs , and friends and physicians pro nounced me an incurable consumptive. Be gan taking Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption , am now on my third bottle , and able to oversee the work on my farm. It is the finest medicine ever made.1 Jessie Middlewart , Decatur , Ohio , says : "Had it not been for Dr. King's New Discov ery for Consumption I would haye died of lung troubles. Was given up by doctors. Am now in best of health. " Try it. Sample bottles free at A/McMillen's Drug store. 10-4ts. Brief But True. Worms make a child peevish and fretful. Don't let yours worry with these pests or worm colic. Humphreys' mild and pleasant Specific No. 2 will give it relief. Children who are troubled with worms may be quickly relieved by giving them Dr. J. H. McLean's Liquid Vermifuge. It kills and ex pels worms. C. M. SMITH & SON. PROCLAMATION. , A joint resolution waa adopted by the legislature of the state of Nebraska , at the twenty first session thereof , and approved March 80th , A. D. 1889 , proposing an amend ment to sections two , | 2" | four [ 4 ] and five (5 ( | of Article eLx l l of the constitution of said state , and that said section as amended shall read as follows , to-wit : Section 1 : That section two (2) ( ) of article * six ( G ) of the constitution of the state of Nebraska. be amended BO as to read us follows : "Section 2 : The supreme court shall consist of five ( G ) judges , a majority of whom shall be necessary to form a quorum or to pronounce a decision It shall have original jurisdiction in cases relating to revenue , civil cases in which the state , shall be a party , mandamus , QUO warranto , habeas corpus , and such appel late jurisdiction as may bo provided by law. Section 2 : That section four (4) ( ) of article six (6) ( ) . of the constitution of the state of Ne- bjraska , be amended eo as to read as follows : Section 4. The judges of the supreme court shal be elected by the electors of the state tit large and their terms of ofllce , except as here inafter provided , shall bo for a period of five (5) ( ) years. " Section 3 : That section five (5) ( ) of article six ( G ) of the constitution of the state of Nebraska , bo amended so as to read as follows : Sections : "At the first general election to behold in the year 1891 , and after the adoption of this amendment 19 the constitution , there shall bo elected three (3)judgos ( of the supreme court , one of whom shall bo elected for the term of one (1) ( ) year , one forthe term of three (3) ( ) years and one for the term of five (5) ( ) years , and ut each general election thereafter there shall bo elected one judge of the -supreme court for the term ot five (5) ( ) years. Provided , that the judges of the supreme court whose terms have not expired at the time of holding the general election of 1891 , shall continue to iioui tneir oiuco tor the remainder of the term for which they were respectively elected un der the present constitution. " Section 4 : That each person voting In favor of this amendment shall hnvo written or print ed upon his ballot the tallowing : "For the nroposed amendment to the consti tution i elating to the number of supreme judges. " Therefore , J , John M. Thayer. Governor of the state of Nebraska do hereby give notice in accordance with section one (1 ; article fif teen (15) ( ) , of the constitution , and the provis ions of the act entitled "An act to provide the manner of proposing all amendments to the constitution and submitting- same to the electors of the state. " Approved February 13th. A. D. 1877 , that said proposed amend ment will bo submitted to the qualified voters of the state for approval or rejection at the general election to be hold on the 4th day of November. A. D. 1&90. In witness whereot I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be nllixed the great seal of the state of Nebraska. Done at Lincoln this 2Gth day of July , A. D. Ib90 , and the twenty- foiirlh year of the state , and of the independ ence ol the United States the one hundred fif teenth. By the Goveinor , JOHN M. THAYER. BBNJAMIN K. COWDEKV , [ SEAL. ] Secretary ot State. PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS. A joint resolution was adopted by the legislature of the state ot Nebraska , at the twenty-fiist session thereofand approved February 13th. A. D. Iife9. proposingan amend ment to the constitution of said state , and that said amendment shall rimd as tollows , to-wit : Section 1 : Tl-at at the general election to beheld held on the Tuesday succeeding the flrst Mon day of November , A. D. 1SM ! ) , there shall be submitted to the electors ot this state for ap proval or rejection an amendment to the con stitution of this state in words ns follows : "The manufacture , sale and keeping lor pule of intoxicating liquors as a beverage lire lor- cvcr prohibited in tins state , and the legisla ture shall provide bv law for the enlorcemunt of this provision. " And there shall also at said election he separately submitted to the electors of this state lor then- approval or ic- jection an amendment to the constitution of the state in words as follows : "The 111:11111 : * facture. sale and keeping lor sale of intoxi cating liquors as a beverage shall be licensed and regulated bj law. " SectionS : At such election , on the bal'otof each elector voting tor the proposed amend ments to the constitution , shall bo written or printed the words : "For pioposed amend ment to the constitution , mnhibitmir thf manufacture , suit- and Keeping lor s.ileot in toxicating liqtioit * as a lit-vet age. " or' Against the proposed amendment to the constitution prohlhltinRt he ni.uiufact tire , sale and keeping lor sale of intoxicating liquors asa beverage. " There shall nl o be written or printed on flic ballot ot each elector voting lor the ptopos * il anu'iidment to the fen = titntion , the words , : 'Tor proposed amendment to thcciiiu-titution that the uiuiintacturc , sale and keeping lor sale of intoxicating liquors as a lipvunigu in tills state shall lO licenced and rotriihitcd by law. " or "Ajryinst said piopos'-d iinundinent to the constitution that the mannfactnie.s.ile and keeping for sale of intoxicating liquors as a beverage shall be licensed and regulated by law. " Sections : If either of the said proposed amendments shall be approved by a majority ol the electors voting at the said election , then it shall constitute section twenty-seven 1273 of ni tide ill of the constitution of this state. Therefore. T. John M. Thayer , Governor of the btiite ot Nebraska , do hereby -ivo notice in accordance with section one HID article fif teen B13J of the constitution and the provisions of the act entitled "An act to provide the manner ot nroposing ai' ' amendments to the constitution and submitting the same to the electors of the state. " Approved February i : > th , A. D. Ib77. that said proposed amend ment will be submitted to the qualified voters of this state for approval or r jcction nt the general election to be held on the 4th day of November , A. D. 1SOO. In witness whereof T have hereunto set my hand , and caused to be affixed the great seal of the state of Nebraska. "Done at Lincoln this SGthdayof July. A.D.1SOO. and the 24th year of the state , and ot the independence of the United States the one hundred fifteenth. Bv the Governor. JOHN M. THAYER , BENMAMI.V R. COWDERY , 10 3mo. CSr.AL.ll Secretary of State. P KOCLAMAT1ON. WIIKREAS. A joint resolution was adopted by the legislature of the state ot Nebraska , ut the twenty-first session thereof , and approved March 30th , A. D. ISS'J , proposing an amend ment to Section Thirteen (13) ( of Article Six ( G ) of the constitution ol said state ; that said sec tion as amended shall read us follows , to wit : Section 1 : That section thirteen (13) ( of arti cle six ( G ) of thd constitution of the state of Nebraska bo amended so as to read as follows : Section 13 : The judges of the supreme court shall each receive a salary of thirty-five hundred dollars ( So.oC'O ) per annum and the judges of the district court shall receive a salary of three thousand dollars ( § 3,000) ) per annum , and the salary of each shall be paya ble quarterly. Sections : Each person voting in favor of this amendment shall have written or printed upon his ballot the following : "Forthe proposed amendment to tne consti tution , relating to the salary of judges of the supreme and district court. " Therefore , I , John M. Thayer , governor of the state of Nebraska , do hereby give notice , in accordance with section one [ 1J article fif teen [ 13 ] of the constitution , and the pro visions of an act entitled : "An act to provide the manner of proposing ail amendments to the constitution and submitting the same to the electors of the state. " Approved Febru ary 13th , A. D. 1877 , that said proposed amend ment will be submitted to the qualified voters of this state for approval or rejection , at the general election to be held on the 4th day of November. A. D. 1890. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the great seal of the state of Nebraska. Done at Lincoln , this 2Gth day of July , A. D. 1890 , and the twen ty-fourth year of the Ptate , and of the inde pendence of the United States the one hun dred fifteenth. By the Governor. JOHN M. THAYER. BENJAMIN- . COWDERY , [ SEAL. ] Secretary of State. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned , U. J. Warren , did on the 9th day of November. 188S , purchase of J. H. Goodrich , Jr. . as county treasurer of Red Wil.'ow ' county. Nebraska , at tax sale and in the manner provided by Jaw for sale of lands or lots for delinquent taxed , and for the taxes for the year ISSi , the follow ing described lots and real estate , to-wit Lots 9 and 10 and 12 in block No. 15 , first addition to McCook , Red Willow county , Nebraska. Lots 1 and - in block No. 25. second addition to McCook , in said county and state , and that said lots and each of them were taxed for the year 1887 in the name of and to the Lincoln Land Company , and notice is further given that the time for redemption of such lots from such tax sale will expire on and after the 9th day of November. 1890 , and this is shown oy the certificates of sale issued to the undersigned by said treasurer and bearing date November 9,1888. Dated this 18th day of July. 1890. U. J. "WARREN. A woman always stands on tbe porch to see the backman roll her trunk up the front step. She thinks that is bossing the job. LEGAL NOTICE. Frank O. Cllmor. 1'utlonco Pock , udminlatrii trlxof thocHtuto of William Peck , deceased. ' . Patience Peck , Mary Pvck. John Peck. Ida , Pock. William J. Peak and I'ntiouco-Pack-- * puardlun of John Peck. Ida Peck and William : J. Peck , defendants , will take notice that ou , the ith day of August. 18CK ) . W.V.VIckruy anil J.W.Vickroy , plaintiffs , filed their petition In the district court of Red Willow county , Nebraska , aKtni t the above-named defend ants the object and prayer of which arc to re quire the defendants to pay to the plaintiffs within a time to bo fixed by the court the amount duo them upon one certain promis sory note dated December ild. I860 , executed by Allen Hartley and Ussolla Bartley for the sura of $1,018.11 with interest at the rate of ton per cent , per annum , suld note being secured by a mortgage on the followlugdescrlbed real estate : Lots numbers 1,2 , 'J. 4. C , 0.7. , 13.14. 15,16.17,18,19,20 , 21.22. 23 and 24 In block 4& and lots numbers 1,2.3.4. 5.0. 7. , 14,15.1C , 22.23 and 24 in block 40. situated in the town of Bartley , In Red Willow county. Nebraska , which said note and mortgage and the judgment and decree enter ed thereon in the district court of said Red Willow county on the 18th day ot Juno. 1889 , was on the J3th day of June , Ib'JO , sold and assigned to said pluntiifs ; and in default in paying the amount due on said note and mort gage and the decree entered thereon as afore said the said defendants each and j.11 of them- and all persons claiming under them bo abso lutely barred and foreclosed of and from nil right , title and equity of redemption and In terest in and to suid mortgaged premises. You are required to answer this petition on- or before the 15th day of September , 1800. Dated this Oth day of August. 1800. W. V. VlCKREY AND J. W. VlCKRKY. By W. S. Morlan , Plaintiffs , their attorney. ll-4ts. Publication of Summons. In district court in and for Red Willow Coun ty , Nebraska. Iowa Mortgage Co. , Plaintiff , vs. Samuel M. Jollitfe , Defendant. * crrj Samuel M. JollItTe , non-reflldeut defendant , will take notice that on the Gth day of August , Ib90. the Iowa Mortgage Company filled its petition in the district court of Red Willow county , Nebraska , against said defendant , and John N. Smith , Lucinda Smith and V. Frank lin , the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a ceitain mortgage executed by i.io defendants John and Lucinda Smith upon the northeast quarter of section six. township 4 , range 'M , to secine the payment of seven promissory notes for 54 23 each , that there is now duo upon said notes and mortgage the sum of S31.CO. Plaintiff prays for a decree that the defendants John N. Smith and Lucinda Smith bo required to pay the same or that said premises be sold to satisfy the amount found to be due and that whatever interest you may have in Eaid premises may be declared interior , junior and subject to the claim ot the plaintiff. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 22d day of September , 1890. Dated this thefUh day of August , A. D. 1890. ll-4ts. IOWA MORTGAGE Co. , Plaintiff. Uy its Attorney , J. Uyion Jennings. LAND Qfvicn AT MCCOOK , NEB. . I August 2d. 18IO. ! f Notice is hereby given thai the following ] named settler has filed notice of her intention to make final proof in support of her claim , and that said proof will lie made before Regis ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Septem ber 17th , Ib90 , vi/ ; : AMELIA CONRAD. H. E. No. 9317 for the S. 'A N. W. H and N. V Viu S.W.ii sec.23. town. 4 northrange 30 w. Cth P. u M. She names the lollowing witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon , anil cultivation ot.siu'd laud , viz : Samuel D. Mc- Cluin. RmilonlH.Pate.Hiram 1C. Bixler.John Cane , all ol McUook , Neb. S. P. HART , Ml Register. I.IAND OPPICK AT McCooK , NEB. , i Angnsf Ibt. ItliO. f Nottfu is heieby gsvun that the following- namcd settler hits tiled notice of his intcntipn to nniko tinal proof in support of his claim , and thac said proof will be made before Heg- ister or Receiver at JIcCoolc , Neb. , on Septem ber r.ih.lMiO. vi/ : AUSTIN E. CHAPMAN , i II K. No. S7CO for the S. W. ' { section o. town , li noitli. intiKe.'O west ( Jtli P. 31. Ho names A i IIP lonowing wiiHissi'ti i < > priiv j nih continu ous IPSdcncc ii [ " n. iind cultivation of , said land , viz : Jac < < b L' . i-'qmro. Siiincy W. Ford , lienj.imin F. Lincoln , John \ ' . ' llortou , all of McCook , Neb. VII S.'P. IIAHT , Hc-gister. LAM ) Orricn AT MCCuoK. JulyIS'Jt : ) . i NOIMJO is heu'foy uivcMi that the following- named settler has ( lied notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that t > : ud puiof villje inside before Itetfia- teror Ifocc-uer. at McGook , Nebraska , on Jjnt- i ur-lay , August 'J , 1800 , vi/ : PETER IJOYLE. H. E. No. 77. for the E. Y2 , Nw. 11. and w. 'A , Ne. h. Sec. L'O. T. B. range 2) . w. Uth P. M. He names the following witnc-bsc-s to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation ol , eaid land , viz : John Show , Frank P. Allen. Vocances Franklin and John Sevenker , allot" McCook. Nebraska. 0 * 5. P. HAKT , Register. Land Oflice at Mctoolc , Neb. , ) JulySM. 1M)0. ) ( Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and thatsitid proof will be made bi'iore W. S. Phillips , clerk of district court at Imlinnoln , Neb. , on Tuesday , fceptembor-d , ISM ) , vi/ : AAKON II. UEDFERN , who made H. E. No. 415 for the houthwestJ4 ot section 27 , township li , north ol range 8. west ( Jth P.M. He names the following wit nesses to prove Ins continuous residence upon , and cultivation ot , suid land , vizr John W. Tolman. Frank Weaver iind Samuel Milieu of Danbury. Neb. , Oliver P. Hillings of In- dianoIa.Neb. ! > S. P. HAKT , Itegister. Land Ollice at McCookNeb. . , I July'I : st. IB'Jt ) . | Notice is hereby sriven that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of liis claim , and that said proof will be made before Regis ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday , August 80th. 1890. viz : MATHEW J. HEAFY , II. E. No. 25 } , for the northwest H section 5 , township 3 north , range 20 west. Cth P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove Discontinuous residence upon.and cultivation of , said land , viz : Peter lioyle , Mary Seven- ker. john M. Henderson , john Shepherd , all of McCook , Neb.r'J S. P. HART , Register. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEB. . J uly 2fUb , 1890. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final homestead commutation proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Kegister or Heceiver at McCook , Neb. , on Thursday. September 18th , 1600. viz : TAYLOR WARD. H. E. No. 9020 , for the N. & N. W. % and W.i S. W.ri section 27. township 2 , north of range 29 , west of Cth P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resi dence upon , and cultivation ot. said land , viz : .lames E. Troy , John Stalker , john E. Tirrill , Ira J. Cory , all of McCook , Neb. T10. S. P. HAItT , Kegister. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEB. , ; Jul3 10th , 15IH ) . f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention , tn mnko final tiroof in sunoort of his claim. and that said proof will be made before Kegis ter or Keceiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturdayv August 10.1890.iz . : GEORGE BROWN. H. E. No. 1570. for the S. YN. . W. K and N. Y S. W.i * section 32. township o north , range 30- west. Cth P. M. He names the following wit nesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of. said land , viz : Thomaa- Wuitmer and Jacob Betz of McCook. Neb. . . Joseph Allen and Albert Wilms of Osborn , Nebraska. ' 7. S. P. HART , Kegiste.r. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEB. , J August 6th , 1890. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final five year proof in support of his claim , and thatsaid proof will be made before Register or Keceiver at McCook , Neb. , on Tuesday. September 23d. 1890 , viz : GOTTLIEB 5IENTZ , H. E. No. 1914 for the S. y. S. W. J section 7 and N. N. W. X of section 18 , in town. 5 , north of range 30. west 6th P. M. He name * the following witnesses to prove his continu ous residence upon , and cultivation of , said : land , viz : Henry L. Patch , Myron F. Loomis , Philipp Schmidt. Osburn , Neb' . John Hess- Zimmer , Neb. * 11 S. P. HART , Register. Imperfect digestion and assimilation pro duce disordered conditions of the system whicb grow and are confirmed by neglect. Dr. J. H- McLean's Strengthening Cordial and Blood ; Purifier , by ita tonic properties , cures indiges tion and gives tone to the stomach. 51.00 per bottle. 10-6ts. C. 51. SMITH & SON.