The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 08, 1890, Image 5

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* . Silence is golden.
Cur Daua STORE.
Family Groceries at Noble's.
Drink SHERBET , at McMiLLEN's.
.Nebraska Poultry Powder at MoMiL-
The fatter the woman the smaller the
Fresh and paioked moats of all kinds
at the B. & M. meat market.
Dr. A. J. Thomas , Dentist , in Union
over Boston shoe store.
Hammocks , croquet sets , base ball
gloves at McMillen's Drug Store.
E BEST" fly paper is made and
sold only at the City Drug Store.
"Better bear tdo ills you have than
to flee to others you know not of. "
' I
Special sulu of seeds at
. All grades of McCook Flour.
Plumbing in all its branches prompt
ly and skillfully performed by F. D.
i Burgess
H. P. Sutton , the Leading Jeweler ,
and official B. & 31. wntch examiner at
Brewer will sell you more meat for
iI 75 cents than any market iji McCook
will for $ f.OO.
What theB. & M. meat market lacks
in"blow and bluster" it makes up in qual
ity and price.
Kapke , The Tailor , guarantees you
( I the lowest prices and the most stylish
and elegant clothing.
0. M. Smith & Son have the only
hand-made and imported paper ever
brought to McCfok.
The fly paper prepared andsold by the
City Drug Store is the most effective
article in the market.
75 cents buys more meat at Brewer's
market than $1.00 will purchase any
where else in McCook.
Look at the Organs Sutton , the
Jeweler , is selling at $60.00 and $75.00
on $5.00 per month payments.
HANGING LAMPS Noble is head
quarters for hanging lamps. He car
ries a large and splendid selection.
Our stock of Wall Paper is now com
plete. Call and get prices * .
Noble is the only exclusive grocer in
the city. His stock is the largest and
his-prices correspond with the times.
If you want a stylish n't at the very
lowest figures , KAPKE , THE TAILOR ,
is the man to patronize. Bear of The
The B. M. meat market continues
to. meet all competition , and "to go
them one better" in price and quality
of mea't.
Everyone can afford to make their
home attractive at the prices C. M.
Smith & Son get for Wall Paper and
e Decorations.
The choicest meats are sold at the
B. & M. meat market at prices asked
for inferior cuts elsewhere. Note this
important fact.
C. M. SMITH & SON have everything
TIONS and sell at prices never before
reached in McCook
We don't claim to save you 25 per
cent. , but will save you much vexation
of spirit if you-buy your flour of us.
The well known Dr. Vaughan of the
University of Michigan .now claims to
have discovered that cholera infantum
and typhoid fever kill by means of an
albuminous poison produced by the germ ,
and he is engaged in searching for an
antidote for the poison.
As a refreshing , thirst-satisfying
summer drink , soda water has no su
perior. The City Drug Store has an en
viable reputation of producing the most
popular results in all the latest drinks.
Only pure fruit juices used.
Go and see LUDWICK'S mammoth
stock of second hand goods. Furniture ,
cook stoves , heaters and gasoline stoves ,
bought and sold. Will also rent goods
by the week or month. A pawn bro
ker's business in connection. Second
door west of the McEntee Hotel.
"We arc so constituted that the more
our animal nature is curbed and restrained
ed- , the greater becomes the soul's su
premacy over it ; but on the other hand ,
the more we indulge and yield to its de
mands , the more we lose our power of
self-control until at length the will is
utterly dethroned and we are carried
headlong down the path to hopeless dis
aster. "
It was developed at the congressional
convention th'at J. B. Jennings of Mc
Cook converted sixteen democrats in
five minutes at the Bdndville primary.
If the committee would purchase a tent
and start exhorter Jennings out to follow
up McKeighan it might be unnecessary
for the other boys to do any preaching
during the revival. Hayes County Re
Noble , The Grocer.
Hay will bo hay , this year.
WALL PAPER nfe McMillen'e.
Staple and Fancy Groceries at Noble's.
The louder the dude the noisier his
SHERBET , the healthful drink , at Mc-
Wait for the reunion at Box Elder ,
August 21 , 22 , 23.
Prescriptions carefully compounded
at the City Drug Store.
Milford flour of all grades.
All the latest and most popular soda
water drinks at the City Drug Store.
Thisis the sort of weather that makes
the price of corn grow very rapidly.
17 different brands of flour at
days at J. C. ALLEN & Co.'s
What must you do to be saved ? Why
buy your groceries at Noble's , of course !
Q5F"Wo carry the most complete line
land and legal blanks west of Hastings.
The premium lists for the county fair
are just out. They bear the Democrat
. J . W. Dillon , nurse. Resi
dence at the farm northwest of the old
Eaton ranch.
Sewing machines and organs repaired
by Sheppard , the jeweler. New tools
for the business.
I . .1 .
The B. & M. meat market will give
the highest market price in cash for
live stock , poultry and hides.
Noble , the leading grocer , makes a
specialty of fresh , clean family grocer
ies. He will , treat you right.
WANTED An experienced girl for
general house work. Inquire at resi
dence. . GEO. lIocKNELL. '
IN QUEENSWARE Noble carries
the largest assortment and the richest
designs of the season. His-prices are
The purchasing power ot 75 cents at
Brewer's meat market is greater than
that of 100 cents at other city markets.
Just test it.
Ed 11 owe says : As soon as a woman's
husband begins to make money , she
stopscarryingbundlesand orders a cake
of yeast sent up.
The funeral of Herman Trichal's
child , that died in McCook , Sunday , was
held on the day following from .the
family residence.
The drouth will have a rather depress
ing effect on county fairs , this fall , and
there will likely be a dearth of pump
kin stories , perforce.
Do not allow yourself to be misled.
The B. & M. meat market sells the
choicest meats of all kinds and at the
very lowest living prices.
FOR RENT A barn that will accom
modate 30 head of horses. Buggy room ,
corral , well , and small house. Inquire
At the City Drug Store , a spe3ialty is
made of compounding physicians' pre
scriptions. Only the purest drugs ob
tainable in the market are used.
Closing out our clothing department.
You can buy nice and nobby suits at
your own price. Come and take them
away. 76ts.J. . C. ALLEN & Co.
We have a few patterns of Wall
Paper from last year , which we will
sell regardless of cost.
Make Noble your family grocer and
many other blessings will fall to your
lot , besides having the best groceries on
your table that the market affords.
84 I &
E. B. Bowen & Co/s $3.00 , $3.50
and $4.00 shoes for gentlemen are the
best values ever offered in McCook.
At wholesale and retail by
One trouble with this world is that
there are too many people in it who will
not cast their bread upon the water un
less they "are assured beforehand that it
will come back in a few days a full
grown sandwich all trimmed with ham
and butter and mustard.
This is the situation up in Kearney ,
according to the Hub : "Consumers of
city water are "requested" to be more
economical with city water andletth'eir
lawns burn out rather than impose upon
the water works company. It costs
money to keep up pressure , and the Hub
is surprised that citizens have been so
thoughtless. "
We never know how many mistakes of
editors are quietly and unostentatious
ly corrected by the humble typographer.
The other day an editor down east who
had turned state's evidence and exposed
a friend , endeavored to explain that he
never would have done if he had been
"treated half decent. " The compositor
naturally changed it to "created half
decent. " The change didn't cost the
paper a cent for there was only the alter
ation of one thin type for another.
A daughter was born to Dr. and Mrs.
T. B. Stutzman , Tuesday.
Note the numerous changes among
our advertisements , this issue.
On Tuesday , C. T. Brewer made an
other shipment of hogs to Omaha.
The church at Fairview , seven miles
southeast of the city , will be dedicated
on the evening of the 20th.
Episcopal services will be held in
Meeker block , next Sabbath , morning
and evening , at ] 1:80/A. M. and 8 , P. M.
ANANIAS of-the Goosetown .Banner
keeps right on lying about Congress
man Laws. Bah , you juggling Judas !
_ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ w _
One of the Riverside dairy teams
indulged in a runaway , Sunday , much to
the discomfiture of the vehicle to which
they were attached.
The drought has struck the Danbury
News. One entire page of its adver
tisements "dried up" in a single week. '
And the end is not vet.
Monday , C. T. Brewer was on the
Omaha market with both cattle and
hogs. T. S. Purdy also made a ship
ment of cattle , the same day to that
We publish another lengthy list of
land patents in this week's issue. Com
missioner Groff is a genuine Nebraska
rustler , and he is making things hum in
the land department.
The MethodistSnnday School indulg
ed in an outing at Fitch's prove on the
South Side , yesterday. There was a
numerous attendance and a gladsome
time had despite the excessive heat and
the wind. '
1 he worthy object of the benefit conceit -
ceit at the Methodist church , next Fri
day evening , commends itself to our
people , and doubtless the attendance
will tax the capacity * of the church.
Admission , 25 cents.
The Danbury News man "is not tak
ing sides in this county-seat matter , "
hut he finds room to publish the bolt
ers' report of the convention to the ex
clusion of the minutes of the regular
republican county convention.
According to the report of the secre
tary of the school board , it costs nine
teen dollars and thirty-four cents per
pupil per annum to educate the youth
of McCook. See the report of the con
dition of school finances in another col
Tt is becoming quite dry down at the
county-seat. Says the Goosetown Ban
ner : "From D. Lehn wo learn that
two parties broke into the cellar at the
brewery souch of town on Tuesday morn
ing and helped themselves to beer , tak
ing at jugful away with them. One of
the parties lives on Dry Creek and the
other lives south of town. "
Last Sunday , while out driving on
the South Side in the vicinity of the
Hatfield ranch , Mrs. A. J. Rittenhouse
and children narrowly escaped serious
injury in an accident. The spirited an
imal she was driving "accidentally stir
red up a hornets' nest , " the horse be
came unmanageable , run into the fence ,
threw out the occupants and damaged
the vehicle considerably. Mrs. Ritten
house was the only one injured , and
fortunately her injuries were not of a
serious character.
The Bartley Inter-Ocean has natur
ally enough fallen under the ban of the
gang of self-righteous Pharasees in the
east end of the county , who are now
spending all but the little time they
use in eating and sleeping in lying about
McCook and glorifying Indianola. The
old gang that have lived off' of Red
Willow county since its organization are
too bigoted and intolerant to allow any
thing to be said or printed concerning
McCook and the west end .that savors
of fairness or decency. Hence their
conspiracy to throttle the Inter-Ocean.
Tuesday in chambers Judge Cochran -
ran heard the injunction case of George
Burtchvs. Frank Gott , both parties be-
citizens of Imperial. It appears
that Gott some time since disposed of
his business interests in Imperial , agree
ing not to engage in that business in
Imperial before the expiration of the
year. The action was brought to re
strain him from breaking that agree
ment. A nice legal point is involved ,
as Gott is now running a store next
door to his old stand , as "head clerk. "
The Judge is taking the matter under
consideration for a few days.
The trouble in the camp of the Mod
ern Woodmen suggests the necessity
of a better system of auditing'accounts
than is in vogue in many of the secret
benevolent orders. A method that al
lows certain superior ofiicers of a society
to overdraw funds to the amount of $20-
000 or more ought not to be retained
for another day. Thorough organiza
tion , heavy bonds for ofiicers , and a com
plete system for auditing accounts as
the business is transacted ought to be
adopted by every benevolent order. Of
course the men at the head of these
organizations are supposed to be honest ,
and usually are ; but it is unbusiness-
Jike to allow any set of men to control
the affairs of an order without giving
the membership the right to investigate
the books and accounts on any day they
choose. Insurance requires the most
careful bookkeeping and the closest
supervision of any business known to
the commercial world. If the secret
orders wish to make a success of it they
must adopt business methods that will
make loss practically impossible. Jour
The Map is Out.
Major Pearman informs us that his
inap of Red Willow county is now of
press and on sale at the McCook Bo'ok
& Stationery Co.'s. Theofiico or mount
ed map sells for $1.00 , the pocket map
for 25 cts. The map contains cuts of a
number of McCook's principal business
houses , besides has a brief descriptive
article of the city thereon. It is pro
nounced accurate by competent persons
and will doubtless meet with a good
sale. Such a map has been needed for
years. It can now be secured ata reasonable
enable rate.
Benefit Concert.
On Friday evening of next week ,
August 15th , a benefit- concert will be
held in the Methodist church , to aid in
sending H. W. Eaton's crippled chile
away to school. The best talent of the
city have donated their musical services
and an evening of pleasure mav be ex
pected. THE TRIBUNE hopes that the
church may be filled to overflowing.
The object of the concert is a worthy
and commendable one.
On account of the G. A. R.National
Encampment at Boston , Mass. , Aug.
10 to 1G , 1890 , round trip tickets ml
be sold at rate of one fare from Aug. G
to 10 , inclusive , limited to continuous
passage in both directions with no stop
overs. Good to return to Sept. 30th.
The Burlington has been selected as the
official route to the National Reunion
For further information , apply to
A. J. WELCH , Agent.
Dedicatory Services.
On the evening of Wednesday , Aug
20th , the dedicatory services of Fairview -
view church will be held in the church ,
which is located about seven miles south
east of McCook. The Rev. C. A. Mas-
tin will preside.
The "Daisy" Buggy.
We are agents for the celebrated
"Daisy" buggy. Three different styles
on exhibition at our barn. Full leath
ern top. The buggy is guaranteed.
Call and inspect them.
Palace Meat Market.
\Ve are prepared to serve the public
with the choicest meats of all kinds at
the lowest living figures , and ask a trial
and share of patronage.
Main Ave. McCoiTER BROS.
For Sate or Trade.
I have three good-sized work horses
for sale ; or will trade for city lots or
property. Address me once.
A. J. ARMSTRONG , McCook ;
We would call your attention to our
new $2.00 and $2.50 Kid Button Shoes.
There is a difference between boys
and men , but it is a difference of self-
knowledge chiefly. A boy wants to
do everything because he does not
know he cannot ; a man wants to do
something because he knows he cannot
do everything ; a boy always fails , and
a man sometimes succeeds because the
man knows and the boy does not know.
A man is better than a boy because he
knows better ; he has learned by experi
ence that what is a harm to others is a
greater harm to himself , and he would
rather not doit. But a boy hardly knows
what harm is , and he does it mostly
without realizing that it hurts. He
cannot invent anything , he can only
imitate ; and it is easier to imitate evil
than good. You can imitate war but
how are you to imitate peace ? So a boy
passes his leisure in contriving mischief.
If you get another fellow into a
wasp's camp , you can see him jump
and hear him howl , but if you do not ,
then nothing at all happens. If you
set a dog to chase a cat up a tree , then
something has been done ; but if you do
not set the dog on the cat , then the cat
justflies in the sun and sleeps , and you
lose your time. ' If a boy could find out
some way of doing good , so that he
could be active in it , very likely he
would want to do good now and then ;
but as he cannot , he very seldom wants
to do good. W. D. Howells in Harper's
The publisher refrains from com
menting on the scandal that has horri
fied and paralyzed this community dur
ing the past week , in deference to the
feelings of innocent relatives and friends ,
and esteeming further publicity detri
mental to public morals and productive
of no desirable results.
THE Goosetown Banner , this week ,
forecasts the throttling of the Bartley
Inter-Ocean , the only paper outside of
McCook that has given the west end a
fair show in the county-seat deal. Well ,
just watch developements.
ME. ELAINE'S idea is diametric
ally opposed to the principle of non-
intercourse on which the McKinley -
ley bill is founded , and conforms
to the fact that no nation has ever
become great -without commerce.
That is the source of England's
powej , the cause of her vast wealth ,
and with our resources and ability
the United States , under a liberal
policy , -would exceed her in all
material respects within a quarter
of a century. Mr. Blaine is state-
man enough , to recognize this and
to act upon it.
Summarily Dismissed.
McCooic , NKU. , Aug. Cth , 1890.
2 o'clock , P. M. At a regularly called
special meeting o the Congregatlona
church at McCook , Neb. , after due notice of
the time and place of meeting was given to
Kev. Joel S. Kelsey , pastor osaid Congre
gational church , the following business was
transacted , to-wit :
Frank Harrk was duly elected chairman
and M. C. Maxwell , secretary.
It was moved and seconded that by reason
of evidence of sundry witnesses to facts con
stitutiiig unbecoming and unlawful acts com
mitted by the said Reverend Joel S. Kelsej
that his relations as pastor of this clmrcl
cease from this day and date. Motion car
It was moved and seconded that in view of
the evidence submitted in suppoit of facts
constituting such unbecoming and uulawfu
acts of the said Joel S. Kelsey that he bo
summarily dismissed from church relation
ship and fellowship from this day and dale
Motion carried.
The following resolution was adopted
"That it is the sense of this church'that the
unbecoming and unlawful actions of the
Ilev. Joel S. Kelsey , pastor of this church , is
censured by us as a church and we will ust
our influence and aid in any prosecution tlia
may be brought against him to secure lega
punishment for any crime connected in any
manner with the facts brought to light by
our investigation of the charges made agains
him to the extent that the knowledge o
such facts has become known to the church. '
It was moved , seconded and carried tha
the secretary give.notice to Rev. Joel S. Kel
sey of his discharge as pastor of the churcl
and dismissal from membership in the
church. FUAKK HAIJIUS , Chairman.
M. C. MAXWELL , Clerk.
City School Report.
The following is a summary of the receipts
and disbursements of school district No. 17
as shown in my annual report to the State
Superintendent :
Money in hands of Treasurer July 8 ,
1S89 § 3,800.00
Received from County Treasurer be
tween July S , ' 89-July 14 , ' 90. . 0,490.84
Received fioni fines and licenses 2,809.85
Received from McCracken fund G09.50
Paid teachers § 5,919.0.
Paid for finishing rooms 1,045.00
Paid for repairing houses and fuel. . 1,203.59
Paid for furniture , blackboards , etc. 788.0.
Paid janitors 75.1.00
Paid for sundries SGS.03
Amount in treasury July 14,1890. . . . . 2,834.82
§ 13,4 J 0.59
Cost of education per. pupil , § 19.34.
B. U. DAVIS , Secretary ,
Roard of Education.
No. C , local passenger , 4:45 , A. 31.
No. 2 , through pnssentjer , ( ! : IO , A. 51.
No. 4 , local passenger , 5 : . " > . P. 31.
No. 1 8. way freight 5:30 , A.M.
CS Way freight No.lJJO arrives from west at
4:15 , P.M. , mountain time.
$ o. 3 , local passenger , 4:40. A.M.
tfo. 1 , through passenger , 10:40 , A. M.
No. 5. local passenger 9:30 , P.M.
7Vay freight No.l2T arrives from the east
at 7:20. P. M. . central time.
J3 No. J37 , Beverly accommodation. leaves
at 5:15 , A. M. lleturned , arrives at 9 :15 A. M.
tuns only on Mondays , Wednesdays and Fri
days. A. CAMPBELL , Supt.
A. J. WELCH. Agent.
The golden chariot came in , to-day.
"If that way car don't ride to suit you , buy
i new one. "
Supt. Campbell went to Denver , Tuesday
on company business.
Train Master Keuyonmade allying visit
o Holyoke , Sunday.
Roadmaster Jossellyn of Orleans was a
visitor at headquarters , Tuesday.
Train Master Kenyon took a trip over the
St. Francis line , Wednesday , to get better ac
quainted with his territory.
Blacksmith John Wentz returned to work ,
Tuesday , after getting his foot healeiLup.
He will dodge sledges in the future.
S. A. Criswell , stationary engineer at the
Round House , is laid up for repairs on ac
count of injuries received in heavy lifting.
Dr. Z. L. Kay , medical examiner of the re
lief department , returned from-Omaha Tues
day , having accompanied his family that far
on their way east.
R. 13. Archibald took his family on a trip
through the Rocky Mountains via the Rio
Grande Ry. , going over the Range and re
turning Friday morning. They report a very
fine trip.
Elmer Drummoud , who has done efficient
service in the depot at this place the past two
years , has been appointed express agent on
the Burlington and will probably run between
McCook and Denver. Akron Star.
The poor crops in Nebraska are affecting
the railroad men as well as the farmers and
merchants. Orders are out along the line of
the B. & 31. to cut the forces wherever it can
be done without crippling the service. About
twenty men will be relieved at McCook if ail
reports are true.
The report circulated by unprincipled per
sons that the Sabbath school and services at
the Lutheran church were discontinued is
false. The regular service and Sabbath
school every Sunday at the usual hours , un
less recalled through the papers or from the
pulpit. E. J. HALL.
Mikeflogan left , last night , for Ogden ,
Utah , where he hopes to njake a ten strike.
Mart Herian , we are apprised , now holds a
responsible position on a Denver dray line.
The Prohibitionists of Bed Willow
co'unty meet in mass convention at the
Congregational church in this city , to
morrow , at 3 o'clock , P. M. A county
ticket will be placed in nomination and
delegates selected to the state conven
tion , Lincoln , August 27th.
Col. Ballew had business at Indlanola-
Fred Weed was down from Yimia , on busi
ness , Tuesday.
H. P. Walte departed , tills \veek , for Tex-
arkana , Arkansas.
Sehna Norcn accompanied her father home
from Orleans , Sunday.
Messrs. Mat Droll and Jake Steinmctz are
down the road , this week , after com.
General Dllworth of Hastings was the guest
of his niece , Mrs. J. C. AllenrSatnrday.
Mrs. C. F. Babcock is entertaining her sis
ter , Mrs.WE. . Babcoekof Cambridge.
C. E. White of the Nebraska Loan ABank-
ing Co. had business at Hayes Centre , Tues
Miss Gertrude Laws is visiting among her
many friends and admirers at Lincoln , thus
Bert. Thompson is doing efficient service-
back in his old quarters as deputy under Mr.
C. W. Beck came up from Hartley , this
morning , to attend his sick brother , Dr. G.
\V. Beck.
W. T. Hcnton , our next county treasurer ,
was over from Danlmry , Wednesday , on a'
little business.
J. C. Allen was in attendance upon the
meeting of the state central committee at
Omaha , Tuesday night.
S. E. Solomon smiled in upon us yester
day jrorning , while down from Culbertson
on a little land business.
Justin A. Wilcox departs Sunday for ( Ml-
man , 111. , to recreate awhile with his family
before their return home.
Smart , the photographer , came down , Sun
day , from Curtis , where lie has been taking
negatives for a week or two past.
Mrs. Nellie Johnson and Mrs. Cora Keller
leave for Waunetii Falls , Sunday , to enjoy a
brief vacation at that charming resort.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Gray , Mr. and Mrs. W.
J. Hills and Agent and Mrs. A. J. Welch
were among the visitors to Hartley , Sunday.
Capt. John C. O'Brien , the farmer-states
man pie-eminent of Hayes county , was a
pleasant caller at these headquarters , to-day.
Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Wilcbx have been en
joying a vacation Qf a week or two in the
Rockies. They returned home Wednesday
Mr. Jus. Uatfield returned , Saturday night ,
from his Illinois trip. He reports a crop
shortage in Illinois , except in a few favored
L. J. A. Arollers , ex-county clerk , and
G. A. Jose , banker , were down from the
capital of Dimdy , Tuesday evening , on a
social yisit.
J. W. Ptjarman was up from Oberlin , Tues
day. The Colonel has completed his map of
this county and was here for the purpose of
introducing it.
Miss Lottie Taylor , who has been visiting
relatives and friends here , during the past
tew weeks , departed forher home in Creston ,
Iowa , on Wednesday.
JohnKolb , living eight miles southwest of
McCook , was adjudged insane by the board
of insanity , Saturday , and was sent to Lin
coln for treatment. Courier.
Charlie Abbott ot theHayes Centre Repub
lican spent Monday evening in the city on
iiiswayto Beatrice , where he will take a
course in the Beatrice Business College.
E. A. Leach returned , the first of the week ,
"join Akron and other western points , where
he has been following the business of pre
serving shadows ere the substance fades.
Editor Kimmelt of TiiEMcCooic TIIUUXE :
was a caller at this ollice , Wednesday. He
was a delegate at large in the interest of Con
gressman Laws , and went down with a good
man. Hastings Democrat.
President Franklin of the Citizens Banfc
went down to Lincoln , Sunday , to attend the
funeral of John It. Clark , with whom he was
associated in the banking business , as well
is in other business enterprises.
Col. Frank Huber joined the multitude
that enjoyed the camp meeting services at
Bartley , Sunday. The Colonel is indispen
sable at all notable public gatherings. His
otirney also embraced a Hying visit to Oxford.
Mrs. P. II. Munson of Orleans , who has
been the guest of her sister , Mrs. G. A. Noren ,
'or a few days , departed homeward , Monday.
Their sister , Miss Augusta Stromburg. who
las been making a frying visit here , left for
Denver on the day following.
Notice of Garnishee.
Elmer Traver will take notice that on the
1th day of July , IS'.W , S. H. Colvin , a Justice
of the Peace of Willow Grove precinct , Ked
Willow countyNebraska , issued an order of
attachment for ihe sum of $20.00 in an action
) endinsr before him wherein Emma Meyer is
ilaintiff and Elmer Traver. defendant , that
) roperty of the defendant consisting-
money due said defendant has been attached
and garnisheed in the hantjs of the Chicago.
iurhngton &Quincy Kail Koad Company , un-
ersaid order. Said cause was continued to tne
irstday of September , 1S90. HtO o'clock. A.31.
ll-4ts. EMMA MEVEK , Plaintiff.
Dissolution of Co-partnership.
Notice is hereby given that the co-partner
ship heretofore existing between C. M. Leper
and C. M. Charlesunder the firm name of Leper
per & Charles , has been dissolved by mutual
consent. C. M. Lopercontinuing the business
is entitled to receipt for all accounts due the
said firm , and he agrees to assume all liabili
ties of said co-partnership.
Dated J uly 20,1590. C. M. LOPEI
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