The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 08, 1890, Image 4

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    f & * 11 $
For Governor ,
For Lieutenant Governor ,
Fc : Secretary of Stiitc ,
For Auditor.
For Treasurer.
- < - - ' ' J. E. HILL.
For Attorney General ,
Tor Commissioner Public Lands nnd Buildings
For Superintendent Public Instruction ,
Republican Congressional Ticket.
For Congressman , M District , J
For Representative.
For County Attornej- ,
For Treasurer.
For CommlBBloner. 1st District.
For Commissioner. 2nd District.
Republican Senatorial Convention.
The Republican electors of the 20th Sena
torial district of Nebraska are requested to
s > Mid delegates from their several counties to
ii'cet in convention in the city hall at McCook ,
NVb. , on SATOUDAV , AUGUST ICm. 1890. at one
o'clock , P. M. , for the purpose of placing in
nomination a candidate for state senator of
t ! distinct , and for the transaction of
euub other business as may properly come
before the convention. This several-counties
are entitled to the followinjrreprpsentation :
Chase C j Gosper 5
dimly 51 Hitchcock 7
Frontier 8 1 Hayes 4
Fnriias 101 Red Willow J )
It is recommended that no proxies be ad
mitted to. the convention , and that delegates
present bo authorized to cast full vote of dele
gation. Your committee further endorse the
11 .ding of the state central committee in the
* ; iatter ofthecoutestfrom Red Willow county.
C. T. BitEWElt , Chirmun.
JOHN C. HAYES. Secretary pro tern.
A MORE devoted friend and ser-
'vant of the common people than
Gilbert L. Laws never stood in the
halls of Congress , but the fortunes
of politics were against him. The
people will yet find work for him.
Gilbert L. Laws is worthy of all
esteem and confidence. While we
say this for Mr. Laws , we are at
the same time heartily pleased with
the choice of Mr. Harlan , who is a
friend of Mr. Laws and sound on
the questions that most interest the
people at this time. Three cheers
and a tiger for Harlan and the
.republican party. Friend Tele-
' graph.
IN THE death of John E. Clark ,
the city of Lincoln sustains a loss
-well nigh irreparable.
CONGRESS should take prompt
and effective action on the recom
mendation of President Harrison
concerning the lottery curse.
ONLY three hundred and fifty-
two miles of new railroad have been
constructed in the Northwestern
states during the past six months.
WESTERN Nebraska demands a
congressman. Now the question
arises , what has "Western Nebras
ka got to say about it ? Kearney
WALT M. SEELS holds his cinch
on the secretaryship of state cen
tral committee with a firm hand.
He was reelected at the committee
meeting in Omaha , Tuesday night ,
'toy a complimentary vote.
"iFthe democrats wanted to name
j p. man of some ability to aspire to
? -Jim Laird's brogans , why didn't
.they pick on Joe Cordeal , Judge
- - .Lucas or W. C. Bullard of Mc-
k" asks the Beatrice Express.
" J. C. ALLEN , nominee for Secre
tary of State , is the first traveling
mail in the state that has ever been
honored with the nomination for
a high political position , and the
knights of the grips are swearing
by him. Red Cloud Republican.
THE prediction that the half
holiday in New York would injure
busintss and increase crime by
reason of the idleness of working
people , has been proven without
foundation. The law works with
out a jar , and thousands of hard
working men , -women and children
are benefitted. Professional idle
ness increases crime , but liouest
workin0- men and women can appre
ciate and properly utilize a holiday.
SENATOR PLTJMB has introduced
an amendment to the McKinley
bill which provides that when pro
tected articles shall be arbitrarily
advanced in price by a combina
tion , as proved before a federal
court , the importers shall be en
titled to receive competing foreign
goods at one-half the established
"MR. LAWS can now proceed to
take possession of the vacant Mc-
Cook laud office , a plum that has
remained hanging on the tree foi
just such an occasion as this. "
Arapahoe Mirror , dem.
We hope the fate of Ananias
will not overtake Mr. Eeed before
the above falsehood comes home
to roost wfcth him.
"THE lodge" and "the church"
don't travel in the same speed class ,
evidently , a fact more or less de
plorable. Eecent figures , carefully
compiled , show that Boston has 243
churches to 599 lodges ; Washing
ton , 181 churches to 316 lodges ;
Brooklyn , 355 churches to 695
lodges ; Chicago , 3St churches to
1,088 lodgesand the same proportion
tion obtains in other cities.
IT is" stated that the Farmers'
Alliance of America contains four
million members. This vast army
of producers would be a power in
the land , if it were not for the fact
that the most prominent officers
are no sooner chosen than they be
come possessed of an epidemic of
office itch. When a leader of a
reform movement becomes a can
didate for office his motives are
naturally called in question.
JOHN 0. ALLEN , the republican
nominee for secretary of state , was
for several Tears " a traveling man
in the employ of Raymond Bros.
& Co. As a representative of the
republican party he will have no
occasion to "pad" his orders , * for
the whole state of Nebraska will
be his customers after the 4th of
November. The traveling men
will see that Mr. Allen gets a big
support from their ranks. O'Neill
THEY have built a huge barn
near the tomb of General Grant in
New York covering the very plot
of ground that they promised to
turn into a beautiful flower garden.
It is evident that the country is
getting ripe to take the monument
enterprise away from New York
and rescue the bones of the old
commander from the greedy popu
lation of Manhattan. A resolution
has been introduced in the senate
looking to the removal of the re
mains to Arlington with the con
sent of the family , and there erect
ing a suitable memorial to the hero.
THE democratic press of Neb
raska support two tickets and two
platforms without the least embar
rassment. It is easy enough when
the "hoss gets used to it to .carry
double. " The only regret of the
veteran democratic editor is that
the prohibitionists are refraining
from putting up a ticket this fall
lest they should drive off the sup
porters of the amendment. If they
co'uld only carry a prohibition
ticket also , the democratic editors
would feel natural and reasonably
happy. Lincoln Journal.
IT appears that in 1840 the city
of New York contained one Pro
testant church to every 2,000
people ; in 1880 , one to 3,000 ; in
1888 , one to 4,000. In some of
the uptown wards , where the best
showing was made , one sufficed for
5,000 people , while there was one
saloon to 125 people. The total
population of the city was about
1,500,000 , and the total member
ship of the Protestant churches
only about 100,000.
the other day to a reporter of the
Rochester Union : "I believe in
protecting what are called the in-
Eaut industries , but after those 'in
fants' get to be six feet high and
wear No. 12 boots , it is about time
to stop rocking the cradle , especial-
when the infant tells you that
if you stop rocking he will get out
of the cradle and kick your head
off. "
AN amendment to the interstate
commerce law has been favorably
reported , which will give reduced
rates to theatrical companies.
This gratifying information comes
like the resurrection trumpet of
Gabriel to .the double mammoth
Uncle Tom's Cabin companies
which have been stranded during
the past two years.
THE sensible nomination of Hon.
N. V. Harluu oJ ! York for congress
in the Second district places a gen
uine anti-monopoly republican in'
the field against n doubtful antimonopoly -
monopoly democrat. 'There is no
question where Mr. Harlan stands.
For years and in fact evt > r since
he entered politics he has been an
unswerving , consistent mend of
the people. He was elected speak
er of the house in the teeth of the
corporations who fought desporatfi-
ly to defeat him. His record as
speaker was unassailable and since
that time he'has been in every con
test with the people and against
the corporations. ' Ho was chair
man or the anti-monopoly republi
can'conference held in this city in
May and lie has been in touch with
his people at home in their efforts
for good government. There is
not an alliance man in the Second
district but that can find in 'Mr.
Harlan a staunch Mend and sup
porter. They can vote for him
with even more confidence than for
their own nominee. The nomina
tion of Harlan means the saving of
the Second district to the republi
cans and the election of a man in
every way in sympathy wiih his
constituents. Lincoln Call.
THE TKIBUNE is not unmindful
that the spirit of the times is scarce
ly tolerant of anything savoring
of monopoly defense. We are not
forgetful , either , that there are
grievances to be adjusted wrongs
to be redressed. And yet we de
sire to warn our readers against
the dangerous tendency of the day
the blind following of irrespon
sible demagogues , whose ensan
guined hands are ever uplifted to
strike capital or corporation , re
gardless of results or justice.
Western Nebraska is especially in
terested in a conservative solution
of the railroad question it means
more lines and developemeut to
this section. Eadical , extreme
measures will retard the growth of
this part of Nebraska , in particular ,
and compromise her prosperity.
A little caution and deliberation ,
together with a modicum of brains
and sound horse sense , will work
righteousness and justice to all.
But beware the demagogue.
WHEEEAS , God Almighty has
given every man one mouth to be
led , and one pair of hands adapted
jo furnish food for that mouth ; If
anything can be proved to be the
will of heaven , it is proved by this
tact , that that mouth is to be fed
by those hands without being in
terfered with by any other man
who has also his mouth to feed and
liis hands to labor with. I hold ,
if the Almighty had ever made a
set of men that should do all the
eating and none of the work , He
would have made them with mouths
only and no hands ; and if He had
ever made another class , that He
intended should do all the work
and none of the eating , He would
have made them without mouths
and with all hands. Abraham
THERE was something of the in
dependent spirit of the untrarnmel-
ed West in the speeches which
senators PLUMB and TELLER made
yesterday in Congress against the
BLAIR resolution. The proposi
tion to introduce gag-law in the
Senate is more than the statesmen
who have drank in the free inspi
ration of the prairie can stand.
They will not submit to the curb
which the Senator from the con
tracted state of New Hampshire
proposes to place upon the members
of the Upper House. It outrages
the sense of liberty which every
man feels who knows what it is to
live and move where there is plen
ty of room.
A GROWING interest is felt in the
possible action of congress with
reference to Elaine's reciprocit } '
proposals , which if adopted will
leave the McKinley bill in a badly
battered condition. Speaker Keed ,
who cracked the whip for the Mc
Kinley bill , is opposed to the
Blaine innovation , as. its adoption
would perceptibly dim Seed's star
of leadership , which has shone so
31-ightly. It is probable that the
Senate will do some work on the
reciprocity line. The action of the
Eouse is altogether uncertain.
Stleantime the sentiment of the
country is with Secretary Blaine.
Kearney Hub.
NEBRASKA is reported at the cen
sus office to be out of debt , having
neither a bond out nor a warrant
'or which there is not cash in the
xeasuryfor the holder whenever
le presents it.
WILSON of Iowa rather squelch
ed the "farm mortgage"weepers
in the senate the other day who
were going over the old bogus
statistics about the way the ivest
was saddled with farm mortgages ,
by informing them that whereas
the "statistics" gave the aggregate
of farm mortgages in Iowa as § 567- ,
000,000 the actual count showed
up only 851,000,000. The statis
tics fiend had multiplied bv ten
and carried $56,000,000 , that was
all. What they added after mul
tiplying by ten was more by six
millions than the original amount.
It is very probable that all the oth
er states were misrepresented by
the "statistics" in about the same
proportion. A more brazen fraud
on the public was never perpetrated
than the publication of these
bogus statistics. But they have
been used with great eft'ect by
cranks and .democrats in school
house addresses to the farmers.
SYMPATHY and free lunch for Mc-
Keigan. votes and respect for Har
lan , describes the situation in the
Second district , according to the
Sutton Advertiser.
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Fall Styles , 189O.
are now ready to wliich we call
your attention.
W'e are giving very liberal discounts
from Regular Prices on all
o /"N * y " t
n O / * 1
Y"1 Yl"Y V \ 1 " 8 YY"l TY"l AT" iA i / A / rO
nng a oiiniHier IJOOGS
Don't fail , to look through our stock before
purchasing anything
MeCOOK , NEB. , August 8th.
1 ;
To oiir many customers and friends in
Red Willow j Hayes , Frontier , Chase , Dundy
and Hitchcock Counties , we wish to extend
oiir thanks and appreciation for the liberal
patronage you have given the firm of J. C.
ALLEN & CO. the past years. We now oiler
our entire stock of DKY GOODS , JTOTIOXS ,
We will dispose of the stock in 90 Days.
Store "building , lot and fixtures for sale.