The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 08, 1890, Image 3

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ifJs A Destructive Fire at Seneca , N" . Y.
Property Co the Value of Nearly One
JTIlIlion Dollar/ ) Destroyed A' l t-
ant Secretary Chandler Rendcr a
, Decision In an Iowa Iand Case
" '
' KaiiMnn Corn' Injured by Hot Winds
- \
IV The Conger Lard Bill.
The Wllfion Bill to be Reported.
fa WASHINGTON , July 81. By a vote
faq of 5 to 1 the conferees upon the orig
inal package bill decided to report to
q their respective houses the senate
( Wilson ) bill upon the subject , which
fl confines its operations exclusively to
the control of intoxicating liquors.
K The negative vote was caused by Mr.
Oates of Alabama , Messrs. Reed and
r Thompson of Ohio joining with the
K senatorial conferees in support of the
senate bill.
Several states , as is well known ,
have passed laws to prohibit the im
portation of dressed beef and other
III meats , which under the interstate
commerce clause of the constitution ,
iavo been held by the supreme court
to bo void and of no effect. Had the
liouso bill been adopted by the con
ferees the supreme court would have
Tjeen compelled to recognize these
measures as constitutional upon their
re-enactment by the states. Tlie
house bill was of too broad and general -
eral a nature to commend itself to the
judgment of the lawyers who com
posed the majority of the conference
B-J committee and it was therefore set
aside without much opposition at the
second meeting of the committe.
A million Goes Up In Smoke.
SYRACUSE , N. Y. , July 81. A de
structive fire visited Seneca Falls yes
terday. special from there gives the
following particulars :
The Pew building against the erec
tion of which three or more years ago
-such an earnest protest was made , ful-
.filled "its mission as a fire trap this
morning , and it is feared it has proven
; a death trap. A few minutes after 3
o'clock this morning the building was
discovered on fire , and in a few minutes -
utes the entire structure was in flames.
"Tho Pew building was approachable
.from but one direction , and the katmos-
iphere quickly became BO hot that the
r . : firemen could not endure it. The splen
did Phoenix block , including the elec
tric light plant , postoffice , express office
, fice , Reveille printing establishment ,
the Courier , Sanderson's furniture
warehouse and the Western Union telegraph -
egraph office , succumbed to the flames ,
-and within four hours fifteen stores
' ast of it to the Sheldon block were
The .flames sprang across the street
to the Hoag opera house and before an
lour passed that was consumed with
all the buildings on Fall street on that
side east to the Sheldon block , while
on the north side the Co-Operative
"block was the limit , On State street
the flames extended to and included
Kellogg's livery t stable , but all his
stock was saved.
" All three of the newspapers are
burned and telephone service is sus
pended. The Western Union com
pany is doing business at the railway
The fire was under control at 9
o'clock , but soon" broke out again in
Tedman & Glaske's dry goods store ,
which is now burned. The -loss al
ready amounts approximately to $233-
000 , and if the fire is not extinguished
eoon , it mayv be considerably larger.
. An area of nearly three acres was
burned over and many of the best
fouHdings in the village wiped out.
Careful estimates place the loss be
tween $600,000 and $700,000 , with an
insurance of about $100,000.
An loTVa Land Decision.
WASHINGTON , July 31. Assistant
Secretary Chandler considered the ap-
posl of James Callahan and James C.
Severy from the decision of the land
commissioner in the case of the assig
nee , of Wearle C. Little vs. Callanan
and Severy , claimants , under the
swamp land grant , holding for rejec
tion the claim of the state of Iowa , as
signee under said grant , to the north
east one-fourth of the southeast one-
fourth of section 12 , township 88 north ,
range 33 west , Fort Dodge series , Des
Moines land district , Iowa. The as
sistant secretary says : "Inasmuch as
the filed notes fail to show prima facto
the swamp character of this tract of
land the burden of proof was upon the
-state or its grantees to show that the
greater part of the tract was of the
character contemplated by the grant of
September 28 , 1850. Considering this
0se in the light of that rule , I am of
the opinion that the conclusion reached
by the-commissioner is justified by the
evidence and the decision appealed
K irora is therefore affirmed. "
Corn Ruin.
ATCHISON , Kas. , July 81. S. H.
Fullerton of the Chicago lumber com-
jpany , which has yards all over Kansas
-and Nebraska , stated that the crop
prospects in the western half of Kan-
sa's is gone up and the yield will be
practically nothing. Mr. Fullerton has
had faith until now that corn would
come out all right in western Kansas
? md would yield a fair crop , but his
advices for the last few days are that
the hot winds have come to stay and
everything is burnt out. In the middle -
-dle part of the state the .drouth has
been very severe , but there will be a
light yieid unless the hot winds come.
.Mr. Fullerton thinks the eastern third
of Kansas will yield an average crop ,
"but west of the first hundred miles
there will be very little corn.
Will Report Conner's Lard Bill.
WASHINGTON , July 81. The house
committee on-agriculture decided to re-
i *
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port favorably the bill introduced An
the house by Conger last Monday , to
regnlato the manufacture and sale of
compounded lard. The bill is similar
in language and scope to the amended
bill already reported by the committee ,
the .only material change in it being
small reductions imthe rate of taxa
tion. The purpose of reporting this
last bill is to facilitate the action upon
the subject in the house by substituting
it for the amended bill first reported ,
thereby avoiding the necessity for sep
arate votes on the numerous amend
ments to the original bilL
Extending ; tlio Free Delivery *
WASHINGTON , Augujt 1. The pro
position which came from the senate
committee on postofflces and postroads
to extend the free delivery system to
towns having a population of 5.000 or
annual postofllco receipts aggregating
$7,000 meets with general , approval ,
and inasmuch as the postmaster gen
eral says that $35,002 a year will cove ?
the increase of cost it is not at all un
likely that it will bo passed , if not at
this session , before the end of this
congress. No more is heard of the
proposition to construct buildings for
postoQices in towns of the second class.
It is more than likely that the scheme
to extend the fre'e delivery service to
the smaller towns will take precedence
over the postoffice building proposition.
Postmaster General Wanamaker is
anxious to extend the free delivery as
much as possible. He says the greater
the number of people who are served
by thopostofflce department the greater
will become the popularity of , that
branch of the public service and the
greater will be the benefits to the people
ple as a body.
A Chance for tlie "World's Beauties.
VIENNA , July 30. The following
directions have been given for -those
ladies who wish to compete in the in
ternational beauty contest : All com
petitors must send photographs , with
their , addresses , to the committee.
Those who are admitted must attend
in evening dress , or costumes repre
sentative of the country from which
they come. The committee state that
should the competitors desire it travel
ing expenses and the cost of living
here for five days will bo paid out of
the funds at the disposal of the man
agers. Each lady who is in the com
petition will receive a souvenir of the
occasion. The total sum to be awarded
to the winner is § 1,200.
"Lost at Sea.
YORK , Aug. 1. Adispatch re
ceived here announces the loss at sea
of the Spanish bark Esperanza and a
portion of her crew. The bark sailed
from Boston for Falmouth on May 20
with a cargo of oil. She carried a crew
of twenty-eight men. Foggy weather
was met during the entire voyage until
June 2 , when the fog lifted and a gale
sprung up. It increased in /vehemence
until June 13. At the height of tha
gale two port holes were staved in and
water poured into the vessel in tons.
Eventually the water caused the car
go to shift , part of the hatches burst
and the heavy barrels rolled from side
to side. Seeing that the vessel was
doomed the crew took to the boats ,
the last man to leave being the cap
tain. As he stepped into the boat and
pushed off , the ill-fated boat rolled
over and sank.
Claims Heavy Indemnity.
YORK , August 1. A morning
paper states that the Pacific Mail
steamship company , after consulting
with certain officials high in authority ,
have made .a demand upon the repub
lic of Guatemala for § 500,000 indem
nity for the illegal seizure of a portion
of the cargo of the steamer Colima ,
which was detained at the port of San
Jose de Guatemala July 17. The seiz
ure included several hundred stands of
rifles shipped from San Francisco and
consigned to the republic of Salvador.
A formal demand for damages was
sent to President Barrillas at Guate
mala City two days ago. The com
pany did not rest , there , however , but
also filed particulars of the claim with
the United States government at Wash
Deserted on tlie Eve of Marriage.
NEV YORK , August 1. Moritz
Varin , a drummer for a manufacturing
glass house in Germany , arrived yes
terday on the steamer Friesland in
search of his runaway sweetheart ,
Christina Antspitz. She eloped from
Berlin with well-to-do married
a - - man
named Heinrich Schoecks on the eve
of her marriage to Varin , taking with
her § 2,000 of Varin's money and also
all the presents he had made her.
Schoecks' wife was also a passenger on
the Friesland. The faithless couple
, were located in Chicago and Varin and
Mrs. Schoecks will proceed thither.
AVerse Tlian Anarchys
TOLEDO , O. . August 1. A most extraordinary
v-.uition of affairs
traordinary < pre
vails at Bairdstown , an oil village on
the Baltimore & Ohio railroad , about
twenty miles south of this city. There
have been five incendiary fires within
a week and every business house has
been destroyed. The cause is thought
to be the passage by the authorities
some tune ago of a bill forbidding the
sinking of gas or oil wells within the
town limits. It is alleged that men
who are holding town lots at big"
prices , hoping to sell them to oil men
and finding their aspirations checked ,
leagued together to burn the town with
a view to turn it. into an oil-producinf
A New Coffee Combination.
Rio JANEIRO , August" 3. A com
pany has been formed here for the
purpose of assuring stability to coffee
quotations and to facilitate business in
that commodity. Agencies willbe
established in London , New York ,
Havre and Hamburg. Shares in the
.new company to the amount'of $50,000
have been subscribed for.
JL memorial From the Wage
Alliance of the District of Columbia
Many Congressmen and Senator *
Asking for Leave of Absence The
Senate Bill for a Limited Postal and
Telegraph Service Other Matters In
Both Houses of Congress.
In the senate on the 28th the bill to
pension all of the surviving officers
and men of Powell's battallion of Mis-
oouri mounted volunteers during the
war with Mexico , was passed. The
tariff bill was taken up and Vest ad
dressed the senate in opposition to it.
Advocates of high tariff taxation , ho
said , were confronted by a great peril.
Depression in agricultural interests ,
and the emphatic demands of the farm
ers for something besides lying statis
tics and party declaration had caused
President Harrison and Secretary
Blaine to urge upon congress the legis
lation for subsidies to steamships and
for reciprocity treaties with South
Amei-ican states in order to obtain a
forign market for American products.
Very little was heard now of the home
market but a great deal of the South
American market. Turpie addressed
the senate briefly on McPhorson's reso
lution to recommit the bill with instruc
tions to report the bill to reduce the
revenue and to equalize the duties on
imports in which the average ad vale
rem rate of duty on all dutiable arti
cles shall not exceed the average
ad valorem war tariff rate of ' 64.
Question was taken on the motion to
recommit , and was defeated by a strict
party vote. Yeas , 19 ; nays , 29. In
the house a motion was made by Can
non of Illinois that the house go into
committee of the whole for the further
consideration of senate amendments to
the sundry civil appropriation bill.
Recommendations of the committee on
appropriations were agreed to without
much friction or bone of contention ,
the senate irrigation amendment being
passed over until other matters were
disposed of. Cannon made a strong
effort to throw into conference the sen
ate amendment , increasing the appro
priation fo * the official publication of
the official war of the rebellion from
$152,100 to $235,000 , but was defeated ,
the house deciding to concur without
disposing of all the amendments.
In the senate on the 29th Sawyer ,
from the postoffico committee , reported
back the senate bill to establish a lim
ited postal and telegraph service. It
was placed on the calendar. Ingalls
introduced a bill to establish a depart
ment of communication and .said it was
prepared by and introduced at the re
quest of the wage workers' alliance.
The tariff bill was then taken up in
pursuance to the understanding reached
in the republican senatorial caucuses
last night. McPlierson amendment ,
offered yesterday , to reduce the duty
on acetic acids , was rejected by a party
vote. After further debate the bill
was laid aside and the house joint resolution
elution to continue the appropriation
under the existing laws , up to August
15 , was presented , discussed and
passed. In the house Cannon of Illi
nois , from the committee on appropria
tions , I'eported a joint resolution pro
viding temporarily , until August 14 ,
for such of the expenditures of the
government as have not been provided
for by appropriation bills , which have
already become laws. Passed. The
house then went into committee of the
whole on the senate amendment to
the sundry civil appropriation bill.
The amendment which gave rise to
the discussion was that of appropri
ating § 200,000 for the purchase of a
suitable site for a building for the su
preme court , In speaking of this
amendment Caruth , of New York , re
gretted the gentleman from Iowa ,
( Struble ) had made an attack upon
the speaker. He thought there was
some consolation in what the gentle
man from North Carolina , McClatnmy ,
had to say to the gentleman from Iowa
on his funeral occasion about the dy
ing song of the swan. The speaker
might exclaim that swans sang before
they died , but that certain persons
died before they sang. [ Laughter. ]
He was opposed to a building for the
supreme court. The amendment was
non-concurred in. The committee
having concluded consideration of all
the other amendments , the question
recurred on the consideration of the
irrigation amendment , which had been
temporarily passed over. It was
agreed that debate on this subjei
should be limited to four hours , and
the committee then rose and the house
In the senate on the 30th Senator
Vest presented a memorial of the wage
workers' alliance of the District of
Columbia , denouncing the bankruptcy
law. Senator Sherman offered an
amendment to the deficiency appro
priation bill ( which ' was referred to
the committee on appropriations ) , ap
propriating $50,000 for making a
boundary line between the United
States and Mexico , and called atten
tion to its urgency. The tariff bill
was taken up and Senator Merrill ad
dressed the senate. In the course of
his speech , referring to the countries
of Central and South America , Sena
tor Merrill said that the rapid growth
and development of these countries
was one of the marvels of the age.
With their vast areas of fertile land ,
and a favorable climate they had ( as
might have been expected ) turned
their chief attention to agricultural
products and to cattle , sheep and
horses. Of all these they had an
abundant and cheap supply , not only
for home consumption , but also for
exportation. To carry any of these
products there in the vain hope of
finding fl market would bo like "carry
ing : coals to New Castle. " At the con
clusion of Senator Merrill's speech
the'consideration of the bill by para
graphs was continued , Numerous
amendments in the nature of reduc
tions offered from the democratic side
were rejected by party votes. The
conference report on the District of Co
lumbia appropriation bill was discussed
without action , and after a brief secret
session the senate adjourned. In the
house , the speaker laid before the
house fifteen requests for leave of ab
sence. The conference report in" the
District of Columbia appropriation bill
was agreed to , and the house went into
committee of the whole on the senate
amendments to the sundry civil appro
priation bill. In speaking in favor of
the senate irrigation amendment , Mr.
Cummings of New York made an at
tack upon the directors of the geolog
ical survey , criticising the work of the
bureau and ridiculing the preparation
of the topographical maps. Mr. Can
non defended Mr. Powell and said that
Mr. Cummings might have attacked
him for the purpose of making a funny
speech , or he might have taken this
course to enact legislation which would
place the arid region at the disposal
of less than 3,000 men. Pending ac
tion the committee arose.
In the senate on the 31st the tariff
bill was then taken up and Senator
McPherson moved to make the rate on
extracts of licorice 4 cents a pound ,
the amendment of the finance commit
tee being to reduce it from C to 5 cents.
The usual political discussion followed ,
in the course of which Senator Aldrich
said the Mills bill originally proposed
a duty of 4 cents on licorice paste , but
when it was found that the men en-
gaffed in that business were democrats
the rate was increased to 5 cents.
Senator Vest denied this statement.
Senator McPherson's motion was final
ly rejected by the usual party vote and
the committee amendment agreed to.
Some other committee amendments
were agreed to , and four pages having
been disposed of , the senate adjourned.
Mr. Oates of Alabama , as a question of
privilege , offered a resolution for an
investigation of the charges of corrup
tion in connection with the passage of
the silver bill against the members of
the house contained in the recent edi
torial in the National Economist. Mr.
Oates said that when a charge of this
kind was made by a respectable jour
nal it was worth investigating. Mr.
Cannon of Illinois contended that if
such charges were made specific and
by somebody who had business to sus
tain them , it would be well to look
into the matter , but under the circum
stances they were unworthy of notice.
The speaker decided the motion was.
not a priviledged one. In doing so he
said these paragraphs were constantly
floating about in the newspapers of the
country. They were of a vague char
acter , and made no statement upon
which anybody could be expected to
predicate a belief or conviction.
In the senate on the 2d , the journal
of yesterday having been read , Mr.
Edmunds moved to amend and correct
the journal by making it slate the
names of the thirty-two senators who
were present yesterday morning when
the roll was first called. There was
general opposition to this motion ,
which was defeated. Mr. Blair offered
a resolution instructing the committee
on rules to report within four days a
rule for the incorporation of the pre
vious question or some method of lim
iting and closing the debate in the par
liamentary proceedure of the senate ,
and asked for its immediate considera
tion. Objection being made on the
democratic side it went over until to
morrow. The house joint resolution
to permit Captain George W. Davis of
the United States army to accept a po
sition in the Nicaragua canal construc
tion company was passed. The senate
then proceeded to consideration of the
tariff bill , resuming it under the
head of lead products. The house
Resumed consideration of the senate
amendments to the sundry civil appro
priation bill. The question being on
non-concurring in a minor senate
amendment , Mr. Rogers of Arkansas
rose and , being recognized by the
speaker , said he wished to submit a
few remarks. Mr. Cannon of Illinois
made the point that debate was not in
order. The speaker was at first in
clined to sustain this point , but after a
brief debate in order to save time he
recognized Mr. Cannon to move the
previous question. Against this Mr.
Rogers protested and had quite an ex
tended colloquy with the speaker.
The remainder of the afternoon was
consumed in vain attempts to seclire a
quorum , and without disposing of the
bill the house took a recess. On a
call of the house 158 members. failed
to respond.
Celman's Manifesto.
LONDON , Aug. 3. A dispatch to the
Times from Buenos Ay res states that
President Celinan has issued a mani
festo to the people of the Argentine
Republic. After speaking for the de
mand for his resignation , which was
made by the leaders of the revolution ,
the president refers to the prosperity
and liberty the country enjoys under
his rule. The manifesto attributes the
sole cause of the insurrection to the
incessant agitation of the local party
in Buenos Ayres , which it says wishes
to impose itself on the entire republic ,
while prosperity , peace and security
are represented in the present govern
ment. Even Celman's own party , the
dispatch says , is aghast at the presi
dent's callousness and his incompre
hensible and vain ignorance of the real
gravity of the situation. The mani
festo concludes with an expression of
eternal gratitude to the supporters of
the president's asthority , and ad'ds that
the patriotic people blesses them as the
saviors of the government.
President Harrison will arrive in
Boston August 12.
The Amount Required Will Not Make
a Very Big Hole In the Treasury
The North Dakota Republican Con
vention Bombardment of Bucnoa
Ayrex Speaker Reed Troubled With
Public Building Bills Silver Going
o Europe Revolution In Zanzibar *
Bounty for Eiillntmciit.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 1. Another
class of claimants for bounty for en
listment has had their claims favora
bly reported upon by the committee
on war claims. A bill was introduced
some time ago to allow the men who
enlisted in the ordnance corps , their
widows or heirs the same bounties as
have been allowed to other enlisted
men who served in the war of the re
bellion. In its report recommending
the passage of the bill the committee
says : "The records of the war de
partment show the total number of
men enlisted in the ordnance corps
from 18C1 to 1865 to have been 731.
Of these 89 deserted and 176 were dis
charged or died prior to the close of
the'war. The paymaster general's of
fice estimates the amount that would
bo required to pay all except the de
serters' sums equal to those paid other
enlisted men of the same dates of en
listment at $168,535. From this there
would be a reduction on account of
such discharges as were made under
circumstances preventing payment of
bounties , also the usual percentage of
cases in which claims would not be
presented owing to the disappearance
of the claimants and the absence of
heirs or legal representatives. It is
believed that the total cost of placing
these men on a footing in this particu
lar with other volunteers would not
exceed $150,000.
North Dakota Republicans.
. GRAND FOKKS , N. D. , August 1. In
the republican state convention yes
terday morning John P. Bray of Grand
Forks was renominated for auditor , L.
E. Barker of Pembina for treasurer ,
John Flithe for secretary of state and
C. A. M. Spender for attorney general ;
superintendent of public instruction ,
John Ogden ; commissioner of agricul
ture , II. T. Helmson ; insurance com
mission , A. L. Carey. The platform
indorses President Harrison's adminis
tration and the silver bill , urges the
passage of the federal election bill , ex
tends congratulations to Speaker Reed
and the representatives for their facil
itation of business , demands as high a
rate of protection on the woolen indus
tries as is accorded the most favored
manufactures , and especially favors all
legislation tending to promote agricul
ture. A reduction , of the duty on bind
ing twine from two and three-fourths
to one and one-fourth cents.
The dependent pension bill is in
dorsed. Elaine's .reciprocity bill is in
dorsed , declares in favor of the vigor
ous inforcement of the prohibition law
and favors an amendment to the state
constitution forever prohibiting a
licensed lottery. Congress is urged to
pass a law against using the mails for
lottery purposes.
Buenos Ayrcs Bombarded.
BUENOS AYRES , August 1. During
the insurrection here the ironclad
fleet , which had joined the revolution
ary movement , bombarded the city for
two days. Serious damages was done
to many buildings , especially those in
the vicinity of the Plesa Victoria.
One thousand persons were killed and
5,000 wounded.
Telegraphic communication with
Buenos Ayres via Galveston is re
opened. This is an indication that
peace reigns throughout the Argentine
Public Building Bills.
WASHINGTON , August 1. The public
building question is troubling Mr.
Reed above all things else now. The
average annual appropriation for the
erection of buildings is about $7,000-
000 , and he thinks this sum should not
be increased this year. Already bills
have passed aggregating $5.000,000 ,
and measures yet pending will require
the appropriation of about $20,000,000.
The speaker is trying to select from
the bills on the calendar those that
shall exhaust the $2,000.000 yet re
maining to make the annual average
expenditures. All the members are
agreed that $20,000,000 is too much to
be voted away in one year for public
buildings , but every one believes his
bill to bo the most important one on
the calendar. The difficulties in the
way of Mr. Reed's making a satisfac
tory composition with the claimants on
a basis of 10 per cent are evident.
The Rush of Silver to Europe.
NEW YORK , August 1. An evening
paper says the large shipments of sil
ver bullion to London the past few
days has given rise to much comment
because it has been predicted that as
soon as the silver bill passed this coun
try would be flooded with the silver of
fortiign countries. The actual facts
have been precisely the reverse. The
head of the leading bullion brokerage
house in this city , said to-day : "There
has been a great deal of talk relative
to 'the causes of the present movement
of silver to England. The truth of
the matter is just this : Every summer
England demands a large amount of
silver to bo sent to India to pay for
wheat and cotton. The demand usual
ly comes in August or September. This
year it has come earlier , presumably
owing to the fact that after August 13
the government will begin to buy
4,500,000 ounces of silver per month
for coinage , under the new silver law.
A Destructlre "Wind and Hall Storau
Sioux FALLS , S. D. , August 4. A
violent storm took plnco hero yester
day , beginning at 8:40 a. m. and last
ing only seven minutes , but in that
time an amount of damage was done
that can scarcely bo computed , but is
estimated all the way from § 25,000 to
$30,000. Many of the citizens had
not yet awoke from their slumbers
when the roar of the approaching
storm rudely awakened them.
Ominous clouds gathered in the
northwest and the dust flew with tor-
rifle force , the wind having risen to a
velocity of sixty-five miles an hour.
The buildings rocked and bent like
trees. The dust had scarcely cleared
away when hail as big as apples came
pelting down upon the city.
Stones eight inches in circumference
and weighing two pounds were found.
Hundreds of these were .seen after the
storm passed over , and thousands of
panes of glass wore destroyed in the
hotels , public schools , private resi
dences , Baptist college , Norwegian
college , deaf mute school , penitentiary
and business blocks. Even the heav
iest plate glass in business blocks was
punctured as if it was so much paper.
Every gas lamp in the city is de
stroyed , the tin tops oven have been
pierced with the hail stones. The Ill
inois Central passenger train was com
ing in at the time , and every window
pane facing the wind was broken. The
Pullman suffered as badly as the rest.
The Central round house looks as if it
had been bombarded with shell and
ball. The family cow of John McCur-
rier was killed by a huge stone. Many
visited where the cow fell in her tracks
and on examination the animal was
found to bo covered with bruises.
The son of Banker Avery was
knocked insensible by a hail stone.
Hundreds of instances have come to
the surface where the hail seemed to
have leveled everything in its way.
Dealers have been telegraphed for
glass all day and houses arc virtually
without protection * The St. Augusta
Cathedral , built by Mrs. John Jacob
Astor of Now York , windowed with
imported French cathedral glass , was
no exception to the rule , and presents
a sorry looking picture. This loss
alone will run up into the hundreds.
The extent of the storm seems to
have been confined principally to the
city. Special telegrams from Salem
reports no damage but hail. Dell
Rapids on the north reports no hail ; on
the south the storm did not extend a
mile. On the east reports are more
severe. Luverne , Beaver Creek , Val
ley Springs , Ellsworth an'd Bruce all
report hail , with slight damage to
With but few instances the small
grain is all harvested. Corn seems to
have escaped any serious damage. Li
the city trees were barked and garden
truck of every kind has been leveled
to the ground. There wore ninety-
eight plate-glass .lights broken in the
new court house , entailing a , loss of
$2,500 , other damage being done to the
building- .
The Dependent Pension Kill.
WASHINGTON , August 4. The house
bill providing 528 additional clerks to
be employed in the work of preparing
ing for the payment of pensions , un
der the dependent pension bill , will
soon be adopted by the senate. The
new law has been in force but a little
over a month and already about 28Q-
000 applications for pensions have been
filed under it. One-third of these are
cases that were already on file in the
pension office , but had to be filed again
in accordance with the provisions of
the law. One-half of the other two-
thirds will probably be rejected. Be
fore the end of the year it is likely
400,000 applications for pensions will
be filed under the new law , and by the
end of eighteen months there will bo
500,000 cases. Of the cases that are
filed earliest a large proportion are
likely to be more successful than those
filed later on. There are now about
1,200,000 men living who enlisted in
the union armies and saw some service.
A majority of these may become enti
tled to a pension under the dependent
law , but it is not probable. The aver
age age of the living veterans of the
late war is now about fifty-three vears.
The Anti-Lottery Bill.
WASHINGTON , August 4. It is quite
plain now that if this congress passes
the anti-lottery bill the president ,
postmaster general and the newspa
pers -will be entitled to the credit. The
lottery lobby has done its work. Its
army of paid men has silenced some of
the most potent advocates of an anti-
lottery measure that have ever been
heard on the floor of the house ; men
who have in years past cried aloud
against the lottery eril are now busily
i engaged in their districts or sitting
silently at their desks on the floor of
the house. Their voices are no longer
heard in the name of reform. Those
who can be induced to speak on the
subject are found offering objections to
the bill recently reported from the
committee on postoflices and postroads.
They see in it an infringement of the
"sacred rights guaranteed by the con
stitution , which insures privacy and
safety for private mail. "
When the absent members of the
house who cannot get a "sick leave"
return , it is probable that a fire brand
will be thrown into the lottery camp
and the bill now on the calendar
forced up for consideration. Too much
credit cannot be given Messrs. Caldwell -
well of Ohio , Evans of Tennessee and
Hopkins of Illinois , members of the
house committee on postoffices and
postroads , for the firm and energetic
stand they have taken in favor of the
measure to suppress the lottery.