The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 08, 1890, Image 1

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FRANK HARRIS , President. W. C. BULLARD , , Vice President.
E. C. BALLEW , Treasurer.
CAPITAL , $500,000.
G" ' "FT
I r , , - , , . . ! _ . . . . . . . 11 n i . JLJ J
I liave a nice line of $2.50 shoes.
I liave a fine $3.00 shoe.
I have an elegant § 5.00 shoe.
is complete , from $1 to $3.
for the season , I have an elegant line ,
and the largest selection ever brought
to McCook. Prices from $1.50 to $5.
The QTJAJLITY of iny goods I keep iip to
Mgli mark. My prices I keep down
. to tlie lowest mark. I deal with all
. ' alike : work for trade and appreciate
it. iJS Mail orders liave my best and
prompt attention.
Gilt Edge Ladies' Shoe Dressing is the Best.
Try it and you will want no other. I
w also have the oil dressing for Kang-a-
- shoes.
l'3g The Old -Reliable Shoe Dealer.
- . > + ftj& +
Special to THE McCooic T KIBUNE.
LINCOLN , NEB. , Atic. 5. A staff correspondent
pendent of this bureau interviewed J. H.
Craddock , State Secretary of the Knights of
Labor , who declares himself heartily in favor
of the adoption of the Piohibitory Amend
ment. He said : "No , sir , I was not opposed
to endorsing prohibition in the Independent
People's platform , but the committee thought
best not to undertake too many things. 1 am
in favor of constitutional prohibition , and
shall vote for it next November. I have re
peatedly committed myself to the measure.
1 believe fully three-fourths of the Independ
ent voters will cast their ballots for prohibi
tion. "
The Logan county Eepublican Convention
declared almost unanimously for the Prohib
itory Amendment. The tall grass is full of
prohibs out there , they say.
Forty-five real estate dealers in Lincoh
have signed the Prohibition Business Men
and Bankers list in opposition to Hogpen
Ilosewater and Hum. Besides this , two hun
dred other business men are down the same
way , with many more to hear from. The
taxation bugaboo has turned into a grinning
skeleton that makes the license fellowt > :
knees quake. They raised the false hue and
cry about ruinous taxation as a result of pro
hibition. Every comparison so far fioni of
ficial recoids has knocked the license claims
in the head. The latest table on taxation
DCS Moincs Topeka. Lincoln.
Year. Tax Kate Tax Kutc. Tax Kate.
1880 7 mills 29 } nulls 3L'JI mills
1881 25 ' S3 " 3J ? "
J S&X ' 18 " 3251 "
1SS3 27' ' 26 " 29Jf "
1884 21J < ! ' 20 ' 18
1885 22M ' ' JMJ " 2V/2 "
1880 22Ji ' 24H " 30
1887 18J " 2511-20" 30
1888 22 " 2917-20" 3754 "
1889 251-10" 293-10" 48J4 "
All thiee of these cities have gone forward
with public improvements in grading streets ,
ewerage and water works facilities , paving
and lighting , but the monstrous dilfeience
) etween the taxation in Lincoln , the high li
cense city and her Piohibition neighbors
passes all bounds of reason and enters the
domain of public lobbery.
Henry Brugman of Lincoln , the German
editor , has begun the 01 ganization ot "Per
sonal Hights Leagues" throughout the State ,
for the purpose of arrayin-r the foreign-born
citizenship against the home-protectors ol
this country. Mr. Brugman will find a rocky
road to travel. While he undertakes to
manipulate the German vote , he will find
thousands of loyal Germans \\lio are Ameri
cans when it conies to destroying the anar
chist American saloon. '
There is a busy worker at headquarters in
this city who toils day and night in the mul
tiplying correspondence of this Amendment
campaign. He is well known throughout
Nebraska , as he used to be Grand Secretary
of the Good Templars , lie was Secretary of
the Second Congressional Central Committee
in 18S8. He ran for Secretary of State and
pulled in away ahead of his ticket. He is
now speaker's clerk at headquarters and
knows no idle hour. His name is John E.
Hopper of Clay county.
The light for the amendment should now
be more generally transferred from tire cities
to the country districts. Unless more school
districts are reached , thousands of votes will
be lost by default. This warning has been
sounded before and should certainly be heed
ed. County and State committeemen , club
officers , and local workers should utilize
home talent and during September and Octo
ber there should be from twenty to fifty
meetings each week in the school districts.
The outlook grows more encouraging dai
ly as the weeks keep speeding toward No
ft fs Well Named.
An important suit was yesterday filedin
the district court , whereiu W. J. McGilleu is
plarntut arid the Kit Carson Cattle Company
is defendant. Sheriff McClay arid the Union
Savrngs Bank are made parlies defendant.
Plaintiff shows that he purchased some time
last year a lot of horses and cattle , formerly
the property of the Harlem Cattle Company
of Stratton , which were sold at receiver's
sale to satisfy a iudgment obtained by the
Kit Carson company. On the 5th of May
last he brought sixty-five head of the horses
to this city , and that while here they were
attached by Sheriff McClay for the Kit Carson
Company , who claimed that they were the
property of E. M. McGillen , who , the com
pany claimed , was indebted to them on notes
to the extent of S82.COO. The stock was sold
by Sheriff McClay arrd by agreement between
the contending parties , the proceeds of the
sale , some § 19,000 , was placed in the "Union
Savrngs J3ank. AV" . J. McGillen contends
that he owned the stock and hence brings
suit to recover the money and two horses un
sold and now in possession of the sheriff.
Tuesday's State Journal.
City Market Report.
Wheat 5 .70 ® .75
Corn 55
Bye 50
Oats 40
Butter 07
Eggs 10
Potatoes 1.00 ® 1.50
Onions 40
Hogs 3.00
Chickens , per dozen 2.00 © 2.50
Turkeys 00 © .07
Hay 8.00
Flax . . . 1.00
Steers 4.00
Sheep 3.50
The circulation of the blood quickened and
enriched bears life and energy to every portion
tion of the body ; appetite returns ; the hour
of rest brings with it sound repose. This can
be secured by taking Dr. J. H. McLean's Sar-
saparllla , C. M. SMITH & SON.
Government land patents as follows are at
the McCooic land oOtco and may bo secured
upon surrender of receiver's receiptproperlj
endorsed :
3815 Adldns Mart hn
3700 Alexander G. It.
3533 Arturbum E. E.
3531 Adninson JolinV. .
77i)8 ) Andrews John A.
4U87Aitley Crmrles 0.
39G9 neoney jtitncs VI.
3950 Baker john
37CO Ueoriey Charles S.
3545 BillInsrs ItnxieA.
3513 Barnwoll H. E.
2413 Buhler Chris. F.
854 Badger Frank
220 Bush Elmer E.
5534 Buzick Edwin
44S ! ) Bennett Willhini
4430 Braugh WilliamS
4148 Birdsell Edw. B.
4140 Bonn Albert A.
4139 Booth Walter
4127 Bltiir Duvid It.
4128 Berry Snlcni
411fi Illnnchard F. F.
4114 BecUwith Ira
4093 Hers Arthur W.
4088 Brown james L.
4033 Ballard Jlurtin S.
4197 Cole Garrett
3f8 ! ! ! Coupland Win. S.
3955 Cole Milton T.
J746 Curler King I > -
3711 Cassels AnnaM. !
37U'5 Conner .lames It.
3i33Conv/ Ifuttlen.
3431 Conwny Charles H
2374 Colctnan Bennett
1318 ( Junniiitflmm W E
819 Connnl Genrjre
7791 Crawlord George
419.J Cramer William
415' ) Chnppcll. Elmer
4154 Correll Jesses
4070 Cecil John A.
4060 Clark Emma
, D
3883 Dcnn'Elinor
3514 Darlinsr Joseph T.
3477 Doody Matthew
485 Dirt Hiram '
4101 Dillon MiirtlmG.
4067 Dale George W.
4113 Elcy jamcs T.
7777 Essex Grant
oflSOEveits George
4007 Felton jane
4107 Fatliiu Thcmasj.
4144 Faatz Andreas
3184 Fisher John G.
: U'19 Fonl William E.
3'J64 Fisliprliii
4015 Fleming Sum. M.
7782 Gilhain Win. C.
1214 Gurvcr John D.
177lGirnsey ! Chas.L.
2IS4 Gerver Ken lien U.
4005 Grove Henry W.
1(507 ( Gridley Ald.ib S.
4010 Hayes. Tlcnry
1089 Hoi ton .lolin lj.
110.3 Hill Jesse II.
4167 nilemnti Lloj d
4190 Hunt Harvey B.
4187 Hoyt james L.
4183 Hawkins Katie
4200 Hixson Wm. E.
7i5" : Hamilton Ida L.
77C4 Haiti Albert
7781 Hathaway james
7780 Hacker James O.
77S3 Hutchinson A. A.
779/Harder Henry
7803 Harris Phineas A.
7817 Horn Christian F.
1019 Hapner Charles A
2G10 Hoppo Carrie B.
3160 Hawk ilathew 31.
2US7 Holmes Win. W.
291 ! ) Holmes Win. H.
3506 Hyatt Alvin
SolSIIannan Timothy
3538 Hall Charles j.
3721 Horton Hatnp. H.
3710 Holady Gertie
376 J IhjndcrsonJolmL
3752 Hnnnnli John
3747 Hill Charles It.
3777 Howard james TJ.
K7fl Hackney Chas. E.
KMOHnlo.TohnN' .
3985 Ilellwjjr Chas. F.
3992 ITaln Eicuard M.
1027 Hollhiirswortli im
1002 Johnson Lats. M.
2624 Jacobs Joshua
. ' 181 Johnson Fredrick
3980 Kailey WJlllnm
3111 Kauirinun Jos. A
3479 Klnslujjer D. E.
4082 Kenny Harlin P.
4060 Kelly WHI.JI.
4070 Kelly Thomas F.
4003 Lewis George B.
3532 Low George W.
3519 Lewis James W.
3495 Link Latayettej.
4096 Laudsay W. C.
4040 Leonard Mlllard F
TTOSLunters Alberts.
4022 Marcellus Chas. O
4024 Moon Vllon It.
40U ; Morris Daniel S.
4019 Morgnn Daniel B.
4013 Moore Richard E.
3935 Malloy Phillip
3737 Moon Abraham
35159 McCube John
3&30 Mark William
3481McCann Minnie
779' ) Moiso Jumee L.
4207 Morrow Gluts. J.
4174 Miller ElUiibutlu.
4182 McMillan Sam W.
4131 M eft n lor HcnrvV
4057McCay Fiankl.
37:38 : Neighbor E.G.
4131 Olmstead Mary
4000 Ovenimn Frank L
MM Overman A. C.
391 Ovortnun Albert L
4077 Popejoy Eli C.
1191Petro Michael C.
PcRvoy Martin
4031 Powers St. John
4025 lleed William . \
4039 llil ! Simon
4014 lleilly Ellen
. 4194 Kenlah jolui E.
1205 Koo Milby
4193 Itonvnu .lohn F.
4078 ItecotdsJ.II.heirs
3973 !
3OT5 Sailing Absalom
376S Scott William F.
3609 SImonton A. M.
7780 Scott George W.
7763 Starett , Charles It
C270 Sommers Philip
4203 Smith Leonard W
42il4Snoko William. ! .
1181 Stockton L C.
4151 Schlegi'l Samuel
1152 Sams Lafeyette
4115 Spencer Imojrenc
4113 Small Win. F.
4111 SehnmlGottlieb ;
414j Sailm Wm. L.
400'JTalbot Edwin H.
40CO Taylor wjiimui Z.
39')9ThornIey.T. N.
3977 Troestei Fred.
37215 Thornpson J. L.
2069 Tooly .lames
ISS5 Talnmdge C. E.
7796 Travers William
7775 T.tylor Joseph L.
4075 Ulch Simon P.
7815 Ulch Elizabeth
COH Voiles Mollie M.
3951 YanSlykc Daniel
416SWickwire N. O.
4147 Wood Edwin S.
4105 Wlnttaker W. B.
4112 Wiggins Jacob
4141 Williams S.D.
7793 Wixom Josephus
J8S3 Winter Amanda
SOU Work Frank B.
3972 Williams HenryU
S9S2 Williatrs James
3927 Wieden Wenzel
3991 Winters Wm. H.
3996 Wood James
4023 Work W.
39S9 Young Franci2
7813 Zerkel Frank
877. Thomas Lonergan vs. Charles A
Clark et ux ct al , July 25 , equity , suit to fore
close m ortgage.
878. W. V. and J. W. Vickrey vs. Patience
Peck et al , August 5 , equity , suit to foreclose
879. McCook Co-operative Building anc
Saving Association vs. Anton Probst et ux el
al , August 5 , equity , suit to foreclose mortgage
550. Hannah Creasman vs. James Creas-
man , August 5 , divorce.
551. Iowa Mortgage Co. vs. John X. Smith
et ux et al , August 6 , equity , suit to foreclose
882. Emily O. Gibbs vs. Henry Bullreich
et ux , August 6 , equity , suit to foreclose mortgage
883. State of Nebraska vs. Mattie Ruth
McAllister , August 5 , larceny , being under 16
sent to reform school.
8S.J. The Lincoln Land Co. and Republi
can Valley Land Association vs. The Great
Western Watch Co. , August 7 , equity , suit to
foreclose vendors' lien.
Wilcox & Fowler vs. David Bryan , July 28 ,
transcript J. P. court , $70.50 , July 25.
Frick Co. vs. A. B. Packer et ux , July 3r ,
transcript D. C. court Adams , $3 < j/ , July 31.
E. C. McKay vs. David Bryan et ux , Au
gust 2 , transcript J. P. court , $428.90. Aug. 7.
Right dry , let us Lave rain.
Mrs.L.3. Burtless finished her final proof ,
last Saturday.
Mr. Sellers commenced work , last Saturday ,
in the R. R. yards at McCook.
Coons are raising : hob with W.T. Stone's gar
den , destroying' his sweet corn and melons.
George Fredericks and JoeMcCorkle left ,
last Saturday , overland for the Black Hills.
UKO. .
y u is u ,
Making - * a Specialty.-
> 0 r
. ; j
ulu J
Durina JULY and AUGUST 1 will -make
of Ne vv anc ! Desirable Goods , which must
be sold in order to make room for my
Bargains never before attempted will be
given in aJl kinds of DRESS GOODS.
Positively the greatest sacrifice in prices
White Goods , Embroideries and Fiouncings.
Ladies' and Misses' Underwear and Hosiery ,
- - - - - - - - - - - - . . , , . . . . . . , _ , j
Mammoth Reductions !
= fios "
We are closing ott bur en
tire stock of I arm Imple
ments at cost.rMight nowis
the time to .sdbpre rare bar
gains. Call and be amazed
.2/ t ffiff-