The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 01, 1890, Image 8

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    ' * * " " " " ' " " i - " ' ' * . . . . . - - IZ KBB
2' ? \ . - | ; -1 it ri mrmriiiirnnmriT i
Hi - > . > - . -
| } ,
_ * _
Dry Goods ,
Clothing , Carpets ,
Furnishings ,
v *
i. . Dress Making ,
> :
WJiite Goods , Lawns , Sateens ,
Challies , Ginghams , Laces ,
iI ii I i i
! Embroideries , India Silks.
g | L , LOWMAN & SON ,
i • < tt3 Summer Underwear.
| H"d Flannel Shirts ,
? ; ' * Ch Coats , Vests ,
t3 Straw Hats.
Attention , Farmers.
We are closing out our en
tire stock of Farm Imple-
I ments at cost. Bight nowis
the time to secure rare bar
I gains. Gall and be amazed
at our prices. They must be
sold at once.
A 5c. CIGAR ,
Try this popular brand. It is one of the finest $ c. cigars
ever placed on sale in McCook.
S .j Imperfect digestion and assimilation pro-
duce disordered conditions of the system which
S grow and are confirmed by neglect. Dr. J. H.
McLean's Strengthening Cordial and Blood
* j Purifier , by its tonic properties , cures indiges
tion and gives tone to the stomach. $1.00 per
> bottle. 10-Cts. C. M. Smith & Son.
IS TORE I ipppft Sp | |
* < farreleirced by experience tint the only waterproof
1 coat they can sell to a cowboy or hunter is tba
' : -t Pommel Slicker with the "Fuh Brand" Trade
S- : Mark on it. They are the best waterproof saddle
\ . ' ' coats ever Bade. They keep the saddle , .the
| i- ; feone'c back , and the rider thoroarhly dry and
- - , , warm. Ko saddle sores from the galling of a wet
Ug ; , - atddle. When wed as a walking coat , the ex.
& > teeaios frost buttons back , and the Slicker i *
gar * changed at once to aa ordinary coat. Jnst try
W" ate. thcr cost bat little and will prerent colds ,
§ j | , fcren. rnenmatisa ( and other results to exposure
KjK eathe weather. Beware ef worthless ueitatSome ,
mi : " " ettir garment stamped with " Fish Brand " Trade
mks - ' aiarL Don't accept any inferior coat whea rem
fe' ZakaTe the "Fish Brand Slick ? " delrrerei
[ } % - ' fihottt extra cost. Particulars and illostrated o >
fe- sitCBefree.
RT JI.rf.TOWM , . - BMten , MM *
Dissolution of Co-partnership.
Notice is hereby given that the co-partner
ship heretofore existing between CM. Loper
and C. M. Charlesunderthe firm name of Lo
per & Charles , has been dissolved by mutual
consent. C M. Loper continuing the business
is entitled to receipt for all accounts due the
said firm , and lie agrees to assume all liabili
ties of said co-partnership.
Dated July 26,1S90. C. M. LorER ,
C. M.
scon's SBRjZP
CURES Wasting Diseases
Wonderful Flesh Producer.
Many have gained one pound
per day by its rise.
Scott's Emulsion is not a secret
remedy. It contains the stimulat
ing properties of the Hypophos-
phites and pure Norwegian Cod
Liver Oil , the potency of both
being largely increased. It is used
by Physicians all over the world.
gold by all Druggist * .
• OOTT AIOWNI. Oh ml t , N.Y.
City Market Report.
Wheat $ .CO ® .05
Corn .w
llye 50
Oats 40
Butter 07
Eggs 10
Potatoes 1.00 ® 1.30
Onions 40
Hogs 3.00
Chickens , per dozen - ' .00 ® 2.30
Turkeys 06 ® .07
Hay 8.00
Flax 1.00
Steers 4.00
Sheep 3.30
Summer Complaints.
Statistics show that u large proportion of
the children die from what is known as Sum
mer Complaint , Diarrhea , Cholera Infantum
and Dysentery. Humphreys' Specifics Xos.
Four , Five and Six are safe and certain.
The circulatiqn of the blood quickened and
enriched bears life und energy to every por- j
tion of the body : appetite returns ; the hour i
of rest brings with it sound repose. This can ;
be secured by takiujr Dr. J. H. McLean's Sar-
suparilla. C. M. Smith ic Son.
For rheumatic and neuralgic pains , rub in !
Dr. J. H. McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment , and J
take Dr. J. H. McLean's Sarsaparilla. You (
will not suffer long , but will be gratified with i
a speedy and effective cure. Sold by C. M.
Smith & Son. *
Administrator's Notice.
State of Nebraska , Hed Wilww County- .
Notice is hereby given to all persons having ]
claims and demands against John S. Johnson |
late of Hed Willow county , deceased , that the ,
time fixed for filing claims against said estate j
is six months from the 4th day of August , ]
1890. All such persons are required to present
their claims with the vouchers to the County
Judge of said county , at bis office therein , on i
or before the 5th day of February , 1891 , and all <
claims so filed will be heard before the said i
Judge on the first Monday of March , 1891 , at i
1 o'clock , P. M. i
Dated July 7th , 1890. HAnLOW W. Keyes , '
County Judge. <
All persons indebted to said estate , are re
quested to make Immediate payment to the
undersigned. Charles White ,
7-4ts. Administrator.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned , )
U. J. Warren , did on the 9th day of November , *
1888 , purchase of j. H. Goodrich , Jr. , as county J
treasurer of Hed Willow county. Nebraska , at
tax sale and in the manner provided by law i
for sale of lands or lots for delinquent taxes
and for the taxes for the year 1887 , the follow- ]
ing described lots and real estate , to-wit. Lots
9 and 10 and 12 in block No. IS , first addition ,
to McCook , Hed Willow county , Nebraska , i
Lots 1 and 2 in block No. 25 , second addition to (
McCook , in said county and state , and that .
said lots and each of them were taxed for the
year 18S7 in the name of and to the Lincoln
Land Company , and notice is further given
that the time for redemption of such lots i
from such tax sale will expire on and after t
the 9th day of November. 1890. and this is i
shown by the certificates of sale issued to the
undersigned by said treasurer and bearing i
date November 9,1888. i
Dated this 18th day of July , 1890. ]
D. J. Warhen. jo
• • • • • • • i
Now is the time to enter
the McCook Business College "
and prepare yourself to take a a
remunerative position *
in the fall.
The growth of this institution is un- *
paralleled , and the advantages which it
affords young men and women are not *
surpassed in the west. >
fcfc-L PURE J d
ppRicr $
Its superior excellence proven in millions
of homes for morn than a quarter of a century.
It is used by the United States Government.
Endorsed by the heads of the Great Universi
ties as the Strongest , Purest and most Health ,
ful. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder does
not contain Ammonia , Lime , or Alum. Sold
only in cans.
New Fork. Chicago. St. Louis.
Is Consumption Incurable ?
Read the followinc : Mr. C. H. Morris of
Newark , Ark. , says : "Was down with abcess
of lungs , and friends and physicians pro
nounced me an incurable consumptive. Be
gan taking Dr. King's New Discovery for Con
sumption , am now on my ihird bottle , and
able to oversee the work on my farm. It is
the finest medicine ever made. "
Jessie Middlewart. Decatur , Ohio , says :
"Had it not been for Dr. King's New Discov
ery for Consumption I would have died of lung
troubles. Was given up by doctors. Am now
in best of health. " Try it. Sample bottles free
at A. McMillen's Drug store. 10-4ts.
McMASTER. Mrs. Maria McMaster , born
at Leeds , England , Oct. 27,1823 , died at the
home of her daughter , Mrs. Guthrie , near
Daiibury , Neb. . July 21,1890 , aged 66 years ,
8 mouths and 25 days.
She leaves five sons and two daughters to
mourn her loss , her companion preceding
her twelve years. She died in triumph of a
living faith , having been over forty years in
the service of the Master. "Blessed are the
dead which die in the Lord , that they may
rest from their labors and their works do
follow them. "
This remedy is becoming so well known and
so popular as to need no special mention. All
who have used Electric iiitters sing tho same
song of praise. A purer medicine does not
exist and it is guaranteed to do all that is
claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases
of the liver and kidneys , will remove pimples ,
boils , salt rheum and other ectious caused
by impure blood. Will drive malaria from the
system and prevent as well ascureall malaria
fevers. For cure of headache , constipation
and indigestion try Electric Bitters. Entire
satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded.
Price 50 cents and § 1.00 per bottle at A. Mc
Millen's Drug store. 10-4ts.
Children who are troubled with worms may
be quickly relieved by giving them Dr. J. H.
McLean's Liquid Vermifuge. It kills and ex
pels worms. C. M. Smith & Son.
Land Oki-ick at McCook , Neb. , :
July 2,1890. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support ot' his claim ,
; ind that said proof will be made before Regis
ter or Receiver , at McCook , Nebraska , on Sat
urday , August 9,1890 , viz :
FI. E. No. 77. for tho E. $4 , Nw. h. and w. ; ; ,
So. H , Sec. 20. T. 3. range 29 , vr. litli P. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
lis continuous residence upon , and cultivation
if , said land , viz : John Show , Frank P. Allen. :
ITocances Franklin and John Sevenker , all of
yicCook , Nebraska.
6 * S. P. HART , Register.
Land Office at McCook , Neb. , i
June 23d , 1890. f
Notice IS hereby given that the following- (
lamed settler has filed notice cf his intention
o make final 5 year proof in support of his
ilaim. and that said proof will be made before
tegister or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on
Saturday , August 2,1890 , viz :
I. E. No. 3490 , for the E. 'A S. E. H N. W. U
5. E. Ji of section 8. and N. E. y N. E. J4 of -
ection 17 , in town. 5. north of range 29 , west
ith P. M. He names the following witnesses
o prove his continuous residence upon , and •
sultivation of , said land , viz : Colbein P.
filand and Enoch E. Osvog of Quick , Neb. ,
rames T.Foley and Andrew P. Larson of Mc-
Jook , Neb. 3 S. P. HART , Register.
Land OHice at McLook , Neb. , J
July 22d , 1890. f
Notice is hereby given that the foilowing-
tamed settler has filed notice of his intention
o make final proof in support of his claim ,
: nd that said proof will be made before W. S.
• hillips , clerk of district court at Indianola ,
feb. , on Tuesday , September 2d , 1890 , viz :
? ho made H. E. No. 415 for the southwest H
if section 27 , township 2 , north of range 28 ,
rest 6th P. M. He names the following wit-
lesses to prove his continuous residence
ipon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : John
V. Tolman. Frank Weaver and Samuel Millen =
if Danbury. Neb. , Oliver P. Billings of In-
lianola , Neb. 9 S. P. HART , Register.
Land Office at McCook , Neb. , i
July 21st. 1S90. J \
Notice is hereby given that the following-
lamed settler has filed notice of his intention
o make final proof in support of his claim ,
, nd that said proof will be made before Regis-
er or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday ,
Lugust30th. 1890. viz :
I. E. No. 254 , for the northwest J section 5 ,
ownship 3 north , range 29 west , Gth P. M.
le names the following witnesses to prove
is continuous residence upon , and cultivation
f , said land , viz : Peter Boyle , Mary Seven-
er. John M. Henderson , John Shepherd , all
f McCook , Neb. 19 S. P. HART , Register.
Land Office at McCook , Neb. , j
July 26th , 1890. J
Notice is hereby given that the following-
lamed settler has filed notice of his intention
o make final homestead commutation proof
a support of his claim , and that said proof
? ill be made before Register or Receiver at _
lcCook , Neb. , on Thursday. September 18th , -
B90. viz : TAYLOR WARD.
I. E. No. 9020 , for the N. Ji N. W. ii and W. <
. W. U section 27. township 2 , north of range /
\ west of 6th P. M. He names the following I
ritnesses to prove his continuous resiV
eHce upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz :
amesE. Troy , John Stalker. John E.Tirrill.
ra J. Cory , all of McCook , Neb.
• 110. S. P. HART , Register.
Land Office at McCook , Neb. , i
Julj 10th , 1890. 1
Notice is hereby given that the following-
amed settler has filed notice of his intention
) make final proof in Bupport of his claim ,
ad that said proof will be made before Regis-
; r or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday , _
ugustl6,1890viz :
: . E. No. 1579 , fqr the S. 14 N. W. Ji and N. Vi
, W. H Bection 32 , township 5 north , range 30 m
est , 6th P. M. He names the following wit-
esses to prove his continuous residence upon ,
ad cultivation of. said land , viz : Thomas
rhitmer and Jacob Betz of McCook. Neb. ,
oseph Allen and Albert Wilms of Osborn ,
ebraska. 7. S. P. HART , Register.
T5Tt MBMKMWlWwWiKiMMMwia a aaM M wtMtt wwws
Soturdag , June jtk , 1890 * . \ j
% u
We have decided to KEDTJCE OUE STOCK before invoicing , July ( I
1st , 1890 , and we will offer our ENTIEE STOCK at a HI
We must reduce our stock before July 1,1890. \ ' |
Come and see the 9
BarpiiireOIiim ! I
'I '
McCOOK , : : : : : : NEBRASKA. I
I liave a nice line of $2,50 slioes. I
I have a fine $3.00 shoe. m
I have an elegant § 5.00 shoe.
M $ kttie of Bogs' Sftoes I
is complete , from § 1 to § 3. B
In Ladies' Fine and Mill Slioes I
for the season , I have an elegant line , 9
and the largest selection ever Drought fl
to McCook. Prices from § 1.50 to § 5.
The quality of my goods I keep up to _ 9
high mark. My prices I keep down fl
to the lowest mark. I deal with all H
alike : work for trade and appreciate fl
it. gS = > Mail orders have my best and
prompt attention. S
Jilt Edge Ladies' Shoe Dressing is the Best.
Try it and you will want no other. I B
have the oil * for k
also dressing Kanga-
shoes. , H
The Old Reliable Shoe Dealer. H