-HE- ' I ' ® k " : JHc 00k . Stibtttie. ' • / ; f i • n ' > * M VOLUME IX. McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING , AUGUST 1,1890. NUMBER lO. ] # ' I ; S • FRANK HARRIS , President. W. C. BULLARD , Vice Presiden ; W E. C. BALLEW , Treasurer. 'IS ' * ' ' § - in'js I THE McCOOK GO-OPERATIVE g Bill i Sip Assiii f , CAPITAL , $500,000. t [ $400,000 $ , Siocl If SltariM I I - ' " " f SERIES If Op anil Will Close it I FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL ON OH ADDRESS [ C. H. MEEKER , Secretary , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. F | OUR SPECIALTIES. Siberia Refrigerators. Wliite Mountain Ice Cream Freezers. Thomas Two Knife Lawn Mowers. Jewel Vapor Stoves. Great Western Stoves and Ranges. Ohio Wrought Steel Ranges. Glidden Barbed Wire genuine. • Screen Wire. Screen Doors. Building Hardware , and everything in f -The Hardware Line. p [ " " The Pioneer Hardware , | W. C. LaTOIJRETTE , Prop. I Four Doors Sontli of J. C. Alleir fc Co. , McCook , Neb. , I gp- / r Traveling Men for Prohibition. Special to Toe Tribune. Lincoln. Neb. , July 2U. A traveling mi who has made nearly two-thirds of the cou ties south of the Flatte in Nebraska durii the lost sixty days , reached Lincoln , Mondi morning. He states that eeven-tenthi of i commercial travelers he has met since t ! Amendment campaign started , are In favor the Prohibitory Amendment. He states ittt way : "Anybody but the commonest kind ' a chump must see that if Prohibition carric collections will bo better. Laborers , mecba ics and many farmers will pay more cash f < necessaries and the saloons will send le money out of the state for liquor. Lumb men will sell to men who never before owni the roofs over their heads , and the women ai babies will wear clothes that will set the who neighborhood to staring. Talkaboutinjurit tradel It will give every decent business boom. The butcher will sell good meat to tt men who have been buying cheap liver ; tt grocer will sell costly canned goods to me whose families have lived without "sauce" c the table half the time ; and the clothing me chant but what's the use to take your va uable time ? I have met scores of the moi enthusiastic traveling men you ever beard < who are doing more for th6 Amendment tha twenty ordinary lecturers. It will be million of money in the pockets of Nebraska me chants if the trade-sapping saloons are drive from the state. " Smith and Huckins are into a great revivi at Wymoro with their big tent. Over a thoui and people came night after night to bear th speeches and cheer the songs. These me have never been a dead-weight on the con mittee , but so satisfactory has their work bee among the people , that tho matter ot finance has given no trouble. Half a dozen such ten teams would create a whirlwind of Amend ment sentiment and insure the adoption of Pre hibition. The Independent Peoples' Convei tion of York county adopted a resolution i : favor of the Prohibitory Amendment. The Swedish Non-Partisan Prohibition Com mittee will begin an extensive tent campaigi at Holdredge , Aug. 5 , and go from ther through Kearney , Hamilton , Fillmore , Polk Saunders , Burt and Douglas counties. The ; will accomplish great good among the Scandi navians. Major E. T. Scett and wife are doing splen did Amendment service under the manage ment of the Prohibition State Central Commit tee. Complaint reaches this office daily in regan to tho neglect of the Amendment work in tin country districts. This is a fatal mistake am every committeeman , worker , or friend of the cause should insist that the county canvasses should be made iu systematic order. Tlious anils of able home workers should take up this battle. The agents of tho liquor dealers arc already planning a gudgeon-catching cam paigu among the farmers. It would bo ji crime against humanity to allow them to sue ceod in deceiving and tricking the people. Let every worker make this a personal matter iind invade the country. If the battle is press ed steadily and aggressively for the next ninety days prohibition will sweep the state by a handsome mojority. But every man and ivoman must work as though the eutire bur- len rested on their shoulders. Judge Wilbur F. Bryant spends the week in 3ayes county. Ash Creek Items. W'J. Evans' family is very low with the aeasles. Chas. Weiutz moved to McCook , the first of he week. Joseph Dudek lost a valuable calf , Sunday ight last. Mr. Whitmore departed for Iowa , last Mon- ay morning. \Y. P. Burns departed for Kansas , last week , 3 visit his aged mother. Tho Misses Evans and F. D. Morrow were uests at Mr. Stockton's , Sunday. A good rain , Monday night , which was ac- smpanied by hail that did considerable dam- Fe. Obseuver. Demorest Medal Contest. There will be a Demorest Medal Contest t Yailton , Wednesday evening , Aug. 6th , at :30 : o'clock. The contestants aire George larris , Euth Grundy , Andrew Fauss , Lillie > utcher , Grace Esher , Auna Grundy , Den- isDutcher , Walter Lesser , CHffordDunham , lay Frederick. At the Fredericks school house contest , Mr. ieorge Kneeland won the Demorest Medal nd Miss Alice Hartley wou a silver coin 51.00) as second prize. W. O. Korval , Supt KEPOBT OF THE CONDITION OF THE First National Bank , at McCook , in the State of Nebraska , at the close of business , July 18th , 1890. RESOURCES. oans and discounts § 121,945.86 verdraf ts secured and unsecured. . 263 & 1 " . S. bonds to secure circulation . . . 12.500.00 ue from approved reserve agents. 13,541.82 ue from other National banks. . . 695.19 anking-house , furniture , fixtures. 16,713.00 urrent expenses and taxes paid. . . 298.51 hecks and other cash items 173.23 ills of other banks 235.00 ractional paper currency , nickles , and cents 20.41 pecie 10,433.20 egal-tender notes 232.00 edemption fund with TT. S. Treas urer 15 per cent of circulation 562.50 Total 5177,616.06 LIABILITIES. ipital stock paid in S 50.000.00 irplusfund 10.000.00 ndivided profits 4,098.24 ational bank notes outstanding. . . 11,250.00 dividual deposits subject to check 43,125.39 smand certificates of deposit 53,848.45 ue to state banks and bankers. . . . 5.293.98 Total fm.6l6.06 ' State or Nebraska , i ) unt7ofRed Willow , f bS * [ , W.F.LAWSON.Cashlerof the above-named ink , do solemnly swear that the above state- Bnt is true to the best of my knowedge and illef. W. F. Lawson , Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 80th y of July , 1890. B. C. Ballew. Notary Public. IBRECT Attest : A. Campbell , 1 ' Geo. Hocknell , } Directors. SL. Green. j _ } i GOING EAST CENTRAL TIME LEAVES. No. 6. local paB6enger , 4:45. A. J No. 2 , through passenger , 6:10 , A. J No. 4 , local passenger , 5:55 , P.5 No. 128. way freight 5:30. A.J B "Way freight No.130 arrives from west i 4:15 , P.M. , mountain time. GOINO WEST MOUNTAIN TIME LEAVES. No. 3 , local passenger , 4:40. A. J No. 1 , through passenger. . . 10:40 , A. I * Nonlocal passenger. 9:30. P. > &TWay freight No.127 arrives from the eai at 7:20. P. M. . central time. E No. 137 , Beverly accommodation , leave at 5:15 , A. M. Returned , arrives at 9 : I5A.M Kuns only on Mondays , Wednesdays and Fr days. A. Campbell , Supt. A. J. Welch , Agent. Engines 46 and 120 are out of the shops. J. F. Forbes , train dispatcher at Holyokt is in the city preparing to move his family. Engine 157 is out of the shops and Hollida ; is as tickled as a boy with a new pair of boots Messrs. Bailey and Hawksworth went t < Denver for a few days' visit , the first part o the week. Koadmasters from all points on the divis ion were at McCook , the first of the week checking up their rolls. Engine 109 is laid up for light repaiis oi account of breaking a rod strap and knock ing out a cylinder head. J. W. Trammell , manager of the Burling ton's line of Eating Houses , was at head quarters on business , Tuesday. Master Mechanic Archibald went out to hi ; farm , Wednesday , and says there will be ? little corn out that way if we get rain. John Kennedy , brother of Felix Kennedy , is visiting him a few days , this week. Mr- Kennedy is general yarthnaster at Topeka , Kansas , for the Santo Fe road. Geo. B. Harris , General Manager of the Burlington system , passed through McCook on the Hyer , Thursday , in his special car , ac companied by General Manager Holdrege. Engineer Jones departed on Tuesday even ing for Chicago , where he expects to drive the iron horse in the future. The "Blawsted Britisher" will be missed from the western division. For the benefit of some people who are more or less "gullible * 'it might be well to state that railroad men do nor , asaiule , take fi leave of absence tor a vacation with the purpose of jumping the country. To Teachers. The Institute beginning Aug. 11th will be leartily welcomed at McCook. Board will 3e provided at reduced lates and every ellbrt .vill . be made to make it one of unusual inter- ; st and prolit. We expect to see all teachers ind all wishing to teach and let me add , all nterested in educational work. The Insti- ute is planned primarily to be a help to the eachers of country schools. We do not for- ; et that in this season of drought and crop ailure , many will have to make an effort to .ttend and we trust the reward will be large , troportioued to the effort. It this year. 1S90 , 3 to be remembered as one of severe strin- ency , financially , let it also be remembered s one of especial activity and progress iu ur schools. For two short weeks , let the liings of the mind and character come to the ront where they should be. A Beading Cir- le is to be organized , auxiliary to tiie Xeb- iska State Teachers' Beading Circle , to rhich we hope every teacher will become a lember. The reading is to be along two dis- nct lines (1) professional workand(2) ( ) gen- ral culture. COURSE OF STUDY. 1. Compayns' lectures on teaching. 2. Welch's "How to Organize , Classify nd Teacli a Country School. " 3. Selections from Hawthorne and his riends. The first twe give suggestions , rules and irections as to principles , manner and meth- d of work , in the Jast , we are to study auth- rs who have left us an enduring heritage in terature. Very cordially , Eliza. G. Netiletox. Guiliemus Rex. The tolk who lived in Shakspere's day And saw that gentle figure pass By London Bridge , his frequent way , They little knew what man lie was ! The pointed beard , the courteous mein , The equal port to high and low , All this they saw or might have seen But not the light behind the brow ! The doublet's modest gray or brown , The slender sword-hilt's plain device , What sign had these for prince or clown ? Few turned , or none , to scan him twice. Yet't was the king of England's kings ! The rest with all their pomps and trains Are mouldered , half-remembered tilings 'T is he alone that lives and reigns ! Thos. B. Aldrich , in The Century for Aug. Prohibition County Convention. The Prohibitionists of Red Willow county , eb.are hereby called to meet in mass con- ntion at the Congregational church in Mc- > ok on Saturday , Aug. 9th , 1890 at3 o'clock , M. , for the purpose of nominating a coun- ticket selecting six delegates to the state nvention which convenes in the city of ncoln , " Aug. 27th at two o'clock , P. M. , and b transaction of such other business as may . operlv come before the convention. Ladies the W. C. T. U. may become delegates d their presence and council is desired. 1.1. Gbttndv , W. O. Norvax , Secretary. Chairman. i you suffer from any affection caused by pure blood , such as scrofula , salt rheum , rea , bolls , pimples , tetter , ringworm , take . J. H. McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment. Id by C. H. Smith & Son. \ J. ALBERT WELLS , DRY GOODS , MILLINERY , GARPET8 Dress Making a Specialty. I During JULY and AUGUST I will make I SWEEPING REDUCTIONS in all depts. of New and Desirable Goods , which must I be sold in order to make room for my I I FALL PURCHASES. DRESS GOODS. I Bargains never before attempted will be H given in all kinds of DRESS GOODS. I MILLINERY. I Positively the greatest sacrifice in prices H on TRIMMED and UNTRIMMED HATS. I I JBAPPROiTHABLE f VALUES M WIX BE OFFERED IN Wiite Goods , Embroideries and Flouncings. } REAT BARGAINSI I adies' and Misses' Underwear and Hosiery. I Mammoth Reductions I I Carpets , Pugs aed Surtaies , . I "While 1 have been giving extra values H each week in my several depts. , this sale H includes everything in every department H until sale is concluded. ' H