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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1890)
I • ii i i i S & ' > _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . • " " * - - - - - - - - - - - - - I - - - - - -J.- - - I 1" . L LOWMM _ & 'SON , g : I Dry Goods , rj I . . ' . - Clothing , Carpets , * d I > ir. . ; , Furnishings , S . . - ' - ' i Dress Making , I * ! ALL AT HALF PRICE f f _ White Goods , Lawns , Sateens , I Challies , Ginghams , Laces , ci' Embroideries , India Silks- I ALL AT HALF PRICE C , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ! g L. LOWMAN & SON , • • t ' hd * Summer Underwear. • "d Flannel Shirts , - C-H Coats , Vests , : rj Straw Hats. : • Attention , Farmers. We are closing out our en tire stock of Farm Imple ments at cost. Right nowis the time to secure rare bar gains. Call and be amazed at our prices. They must be sold at once. HALL , COCHRAN & CO. JACK DWYER'S "OUR COUNTY SEAT" A 5c. CIGAR , Try this popular brand. It is one of the finest 5c. cigars ever placed on sale in McCook. I _ xtT TI _ _ I Thl TradeI R2I2& _ H _ l1HlpN { ! Watemroof • mJUL Don't irritate your lungs with a stubborn ' ' cough when a pleasant and effective remedy may bo found in Ir. ) J. H. McLean's Tar Wine Lung Balm 1 C. M. Smith & Son. If you are suffering with weak or inflamed eyes , orjrranulated eyelids , you can be cured by using Dr. J. H. McLean's Strengthening ? Eyo Salve. C. M. Smith & Son. I PA C KAG ES jT ® k * - ' § TRAE7 > \ji PASTILLES S FORTHECUREOF * _ _ fc * i WIAfiCI EEi % ( VITALLY WEAK ) . lT < Je to by too close appll-tlcra to ' bo lne or to < lr : severe mental ttriln or grief ; SEXUAL S KXCKSSESIn middle lifc.or 11clom bablts contracted Inyoalh. 5 ? ltfCAIf _ j M AKK MCTiaSTO XKItlOLS DEniLtTYor „ • flCJUV ffiCK KXHALSTIOS.UASTnCWIUKXESS. IN- ? . - TOLUXTAHY LOMSLSnlth KAItLY IHCAY Id YOCSQandHID. * - DLKAGED ; lack of rim. vigor , and Ftrengtb.irithiexca ) organs Z- . impaired and weakened premature/ ! approaching old ace. fc , WHEH WE SAY CURE .ViSSBS8B * to any thon and casei treated endeared in put twelve year ? . K Tlvjrt As evidence or our faith in p f. Harris * fe. " - M * X © © SOLUBLE XDIMiTDPSTlES. & _ k TDIAI weuBerelghtdayitrltlJlBSOLCTKLTniEE. E , _ l _ _ _ _ _ AH men. young or old , fuSering from tblj z creralent trouble should end their addrett so ire can f Ornish if qsutiona to be answered , that we may know the true condition .fe ereaeh ease and jirtrare raedlelne to effect a prompt cure. fc , located in New York ( after li years at St. Louis ) , we offer if - ' , all a chance to be cured by the celebrated PasUUe Treatment. fr THE HARRI8 REMEDY CO. , Mfg. Chemists , 8r , m _ _ EJT STREET. NEW YORE. \L \ - i zzs&&w wrr iy * ? * 5m "The paper that is leading stilt. The one that speaks the people's will , And just exactly fills the bill. The Tribune. " Exposure to rough weather , getting wet , living In damp locatities are favorable to the contraction of diseases of the kidneys and bladder. As a preventive and for the care of all kidney and liver trouble , use that valuable remedy. Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm. $1.00 per bottle. C. M. Smith & Son. WHAT tPHTPt CONSUMPTION OUU 3 SCROFULA EMULSION SSSSf CURES Wasting Diseases Wonderful Flesh Producer. Many have gained one pound per day by its use. Scott's Emulsion is not a secret > remedy. It contains the stimulat ing properties of the Hypophos- phites and pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil , the potency of both being largely increased. It is used : by Physicians all over the world. PALATABLE A3 MILK. Sold oy aU Druggists. COTT * OWNCh ml t , M.Y ; ) > _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ "It goes right to the spot , ' 1 said an old man , who was rubbing in Dr. J. H. McLean's Voli i canic oil Liniment to relieve rheumatism. Sold by G. M. Smith & Spn. ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION Name The name and style of this corpora tion shall be the Bank of McCook. Place of Business The principal place of x business of this corporation is the city of Mc Cook , Red Willow county , Nebraska. The Purpose and Business op this Conl poration The receiving money on deposit and loaning thesame , discounting commercial . paper , selling and buying foreien and domesr tic exchange , the negotiation of loans on real estate security , the investment of money In real estate or other securities , the purchase s and sale of such real estate and personal propc erty as shall be considered desirable for its own use or profit or necessary for the collec tion or securing of any claims or debts owing to or in which this bank may have an interest , also the purchase and sale of municipal and c government bonds. Capital The capital stock of this corpora tion shall be the sum of $50,000.00 ( Fifty Thous- and Dollars ) with power to increase the same t to the sum of S21W.000.00 as tho share holders f may elect. Said stock shall be divided into sharesof one hundred dollars each , not less than fifty per cent , of said stock to be paid in at the time said corporation may commence business. This corporation shall commence r business on the first day of July , 1890 , and \ continue 99 years , unless the stock holders a shall conclude to surrender its charter or dis- . solve the same. < Liabilities The liabilities of this corpora- tion shall not exceed two-thirds ef the capital - stock of said corporation , subject to the pro visions of section 128 of the incorporated laws < of the state of Nebraska applicable to the business done by this corporation. ] Officers The officers of this corporation shall consist of a President , Vice President , . Cashier and Assistant Cashier with a Board of Directors of five or seven members as the stock holders may elect , chosen from the stock holders to be elected on the first day of J uly of each year , after the year of 1890. And t said corporation shall have power to make and adopt such by-laws , rules and regulations as a majority of the stock holders may deem necessary lor the general welfare of the cor poration. C. E. Shaw. Chas. A. "Van Pelt , Henry T. Church , Frank H. Fowler , W. C. Bullard , .Jay Olney , F 5 p. A. Wells. a SHERIFF'S SALE.s By virtue of an order of sale directed to me from the district court of Red Wiliow county , - Nebraska , on a judgment obtained before J. E. Cochran , judge of the district court of Red Willow county , Nebraska , on the 2d day of December , 1890. in favor of Christina Isbester as plaintiff , and against Hattie L. Kimball as defendants , for the sum of seven hundred and seventy four dollars and twenty-one cents , and costs taxed at $45.08 and on same day co-de fendant J. E. Seeley obtained a decree on his cross bill for $22.58 and accruing costs , I have levied upon the following real estate taken as the property of said defendant to satisfy said judgment , to-wit : The northeast quarter of section fourteen ( W , township (3) ( ) . north of range twenty-nine (29) ( , west 6th P. M „ in Red Willow county , Nebraska , and will offer the same for sale to the highest bidder , for cash in hand , on the 5th day of August. A. D. , 1890 , in front of the south door of the court house , in Indianola , Nebraska , that being the build ing wherein the last term of court was held , at the hour of one o'clock , P. M. , of said day , when and where due attendance will be given by the undersigned. Dated July 2d. 1890. W. A. McCool , 5. Sheriff of said County. THE WHITE LINE TRANSFER , ANDERSON & BARTHOLOMEW , PROPRIETORS. The best equipment in the city. Orders left at the office on Lower Main Avenue will re ceive prompt attention. ' 3fVPSiTSp i-tl f rv - . - - . " _ j-- J > - , _ L ! _ PURE ppRicr $ CREAM _ AKlNg Its superior excellence proven 111 millions of homes for more than a quarter of a century. It i ? used by 1 lie United States Government. Endorsed by the lieuds of the Great Universi ties as tho Stronirest , Purest nnd most Health ful. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder does not contain Ammonia , Lime , or Alum. Sold only in cans. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. New York. Chicago. St. Louis. * fa \ fav -v r J32T"Under this heading wc will be pleaded to include items of interest from all sections of the county. Writers' names MUST he signed. Communications should reach this office not later than Wednesday. Write plainly and on one side of paper only. Tin : I'uiu.isiikr. SmJTrrSDTSAUC | _ ] W. N. Cratty spent the 4th at home. Mrs. Rain is recovering from quite a spell of sIckiicss. That 3-year-old coltof Will Cooper's isa Oyer from Way back. The coyotes have commenced their f. .ll har vest among the fowls of the bam yard. Mr. and Mrs. I ) . E. and M. W. Klkenbcrry witnessed the races at Culbertson , the 1th. Corn is looming up in encouraging shape. A few more rains will insure mi immense yield. At the annual meeting in district number eight , W. O. Russell was chosen director nnd M. W. Eikenberry , treasurer. Over a dozen people , with their teams , left this neighborhood , last week , to work nu the B. &M. 'b Black Hills extension. J. B. Meserve branded 100 head of yearlings , Tuesday. Mr. Meserve lias a line bunch of cattle and they are looking prime , too. Mrs. L. J. Burtless' sale. Tuesday , was at tended by a good crowd. Horses sold well , cattle fair. The IS mouths' time did it. Mrs. Stewart of the new "Stewart Ranch" has made a purchase of fifty-eight head more cattle ; making about one hundred aud torty now on the ranch. Oni. • If you are all run down have no strength- no energy , and feel very tired all the time- take Dr. J. H. McLean's Sarsaparilla. It will impart stremrth and vitality to your system. 2-6ts. C. M. Smith & Son. VAILT0N VOICES. Lewis Fauss sells the White sewing machine. Elmer Sprague spent a few days on the old ranch. Mrs. Daniel Clements has been quite unwell of late. A very small boy has become a gue6t at the j home of S. A. Speer. r Driftwood hopes for her railroad. As nature 1 seems to have designed it , the road will surely come. t Hot and dry , but still hopeful. Corn looks j well just now. Small grain nothing to boast of this harvest. 1 Neighbor Merchant has disposed of his real I estate and designs to locate in the eastern part of the state , where a number of Mr. M. 's 1 friends reside. The picnic at A. W. Nettleton's grove was a grand success. Mr. N. spared no pains to make it such. Swings , ice cream and the like 1 were some of the attractions , while the ad dress of W. O. Norval was one of the best. | We hear it well spoken of by all present , j Wish we had SDace to report it here. 1 Ralph. j = = - j • • • • • • • I McCOOK BUSINESS COLLEGE. _ • • • • • • • Now is the time to enter i the McCook Business College and prepare yourself to take a A remunerative position in the fall. The growth of this institution is uns paralleled , and the advantages which it affords young men and women are not f , surpassed in the west. P LOPER & CHARLES , Mere. ii ° ti _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = _ _ _ _ rT _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ j jo jc 1 HUMPHREYS' , I _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' u Dn. Humphreys' Specifics are scientifically and carefully prepared prescriptions ; used for many years In private practice with success.andforover _ thlrtyyearsusedby thepeople. Every single Spe cific Is a special euro for the disease named. These Specifics cure without druggingpurg ing or reducing tho system , and are in fact and deed the sovereign remedies of the World. n LISTOFTHnfCIPAI.NOS. CURES. PRICES. J * 1 Feversf Congestion , inflammation. . . .2.1 " 12 Worms Worm Fever , Worm Colic . , _ 5 3 Crying ColicorTeethlngof Infants .25 U 4 Diarrhea , of Children or Adults 25 5 Dysentery , Griping , Bilious Colic.25 ( > Cholera Morbus , Vomiting 25 E 7 Coughs , Cold. Bronchitis 25 JJ 8 Neuralgia , Toothache.Faceache .25 ! ) Hendnclies , SlckHeadache , Vertigo 25 h 10 Dyspepsia , Bilious Stomach .25 " 11 Suppressed or Painful Periods. .25 ° 12 Whites , too Prof use Periods 25 V 13 Croup , Cough , DIfficultBreathlng. . . . 025 31 14 : Hale Itheum , Erysipelas , Eruptions. .25 15 Rheumatism , Bheumatlc Pains 25 16 Fever and A true , Chills , JIalarIa 50 _ 17 Piles , Blind or Bleeding .50 19 Cntarrh , Influenza , ColdintheHead .50 20 Whooping Cough , Violent Coughs. ,50 24 General nebIlity.PhysicalWeaaes3 .50 27 Kidney Disease _ • ' ! ! 28 Nervous Debility. . . . . . . . .1.00 : n 30 Urinary Weakness , Wetting Bed. .50 tc 32 Diseases of theHcartPaIpl Uonl.OO ai 1 . - t ( Sold by Druggists , or sent postpaid on receipt A of price. Do. Humphreys' Manual , ( l pages ) richly bound In cloth and gold , mailed free. HHmphrey8'aiedlcineCo.lQ9FultonSt.yY. fl SPECIFICS. ! - _ _ - _ - - - - _ - - _ _ - a , VtJi Ji JiN y ) SEMI-ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE j H. LAWLER'S , I - COMMENCING - J 55atitrdcMj , June jth , 1890 * } We have decided to EEDPOE OUE STOCK before invoicing , July 11 1st , 1890 , nud ive will offer onr ENTIRE STOCK nt n i ) SACRIFICE CASH ! ! .1 We must reduce our stock before July 1,1890 ) \ Come and see the \ \ BaiiisuOIiilrU ! ! I ) if YOURS , THE RUSTLER FOR TRADE , j _ EC. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "V\7" X _ _ S _ _ = ? . MAIN AVENUE , | MeCOOK , : : : : : : NEBRASKA. j Estimate of Expenses. Council Chamber , McCook. Neb. , i July 2,1890. i The following' estimate of expenses and the probable amount of money necessary for all purposes not provided for by the revenue de rived from the occupation tax to be raised by general taxation is hereby stated , as follows : For rent of city hall and jail 8 500 00 Salaries of city officers ( except police and street commissioner ) 950 00 For expense of lighting the streets by electricity 2,225 00 For printing and stationery 100 00 Total amount to be provided for by general fund 3.800 00 For 20 Are hydrants at $60 per annum 1,200 00 For supplies and repairs 200 00 rotal amount to be provided for by waterfund 1,400 00 1ECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING MAY 6XH , 1890. Amount received from county treas urer and other sources $5,650 17 Expended for fire depart , supplies..S 973 33 Expended for salaries city officers. . . 968 00 Expended for printing and stationery 113 30 Expended for rent of city hall and jail 393 28 Expended for furnishing city hall& jail 74 55 Expended for judges and clerks of elec tion 25 00 Expended for electric lighting aud supplies to April 15.1890 1.472 39 Expended for redemption of village warrantNo.57 154 51 Expended for miscellaneous items 420 81 rotal expenditures general fund $4,585 17 Dotal expenditures waterfund 1,075 00 By Order of the Council , $5,650 17 attest : W. C. Bullard. J. E. Kelley , Clerk. Mayor. Administrator's Notice. Itate of Nebraska , Red Willow County. Notice is hereby given to all persons having ilaims and demands against John S. Johnson ate of Ked Willow county , deceased , that the ime fixed for filing claims against said estate b six months from the 4th day of August , 890. All such persons are required to present heir claims with the vouchers to the County fudge of said county , at his office therein , on tr before the 5th day of February , 1891 , and all ilaims so filed will be heard before the said ludge on the first Monday of March , 1S91 , at o'clock. P.M. Dated July 7th , 1S90. HARLO v W. Keyes , County Judge. All persons indebted to said estate , are re- nested to make immediate payment to the mdersigned. Charles White , 7-4ts. Administrator. Land Office at McCook. Neb. , ; July 2,1890. Notice is hereby given that the followlng- tamed settler has filed notice of his intention o make final proof in support of his claim , \ nd that said proof will be made before Regis- ' er or Receiver , at McCook , Nebraska , on Sat- ' trday , August 9,1890 , viz : ' PETER BOYLE , I. E. No. 77. for the E. Ylt Nw. U. and vr. 55 , , le. X , Sec. 20. T. 3. range 29 , vr. lith P. M. ' He names the following witnesses to prove ' lis continuous residence upon , and cultivation , f , said land , viz : John Show , Frank P. Allen. rocances Franklin and John Sevenker , all of ' IcCook , Nebraska. ; 6 * S. P. HART , Register. Land Office at McCook , Neb. , j Jul5 10th , 1590. f Notice is hereby given that the following- ] tamed settler has filed notice of his intention | o make final proof in support of bis claim , , nd that said proof will be made before Regisj j er or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday , Lugustl6lS90viz : " GEORGE BROWN , , L E. No. 1579 , for tho S. Ji N. W. U and N. JJ < W. H section 32 , township 5 north , range 30 rest , 6th P. M. He names the following wit- < esses to prove his continuous residence upon , t nd cultivation of , said land , viz : Thomas ( Phltmer and Jacob Betz of McCook , Neb.i oaepu Allen and Albert Wilms of Osborn , - rebraska.r t. S. P. HART , Register. ( Land Office at McCook , Neb. , } \ June 9th , 1890. J • } Notice is hereby given that the following' I nnmed settler has filed notice of her intention ) to make final pre-emption cash proof in sup- I port of her claim , and that said proot will be . made before Register or Receiver at McCookr Neb. , on Monday. July 21,1890 , viz : ' MARY J. NEILL. D. S. No. 0781 , for the southeast quarter sec tion 34. township 1. north of rango 31 , west CthP. M. She names the following witnesses V to prove her continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : Edward . Frame , Jacob R. Ely and Clayton S. Richard- > > son of Herndon. Kansas , Edward Ackerman ' ofBanksvilleNebraska. S.P.HART , • . / 3TI Register. ,1 Land Office at McCook , Neb. , - , j ] June 9th , 1890. f ' ] i Notice is hereby given that the following'f named settler has filed notice of his intention , t to make final homestead proof in support of ( I his claim , and that said proof will bo made ! l ! before Register or Receiver at McCook , Neb J on Saturday , July 26th. 1890 , viz : ! 1 HUBERT BEACH , V H. E. No. 3329 for the N. E. quarter section 22 , A town. 5 , north of range 29. west Cth P. M. A He names the following witnesses to prove i { his continuous residence upon , and cultiva- i tion of , said land , viz : Isaac H. Atkinson of } McCook , Nob. . Hans J. Hansen , George S. Lashley and William E. Ketch of Box Elder , Neb. 3 * S. P. HART , Register. , Land Office at McCook , Neb. , ( . June 9th , 1890. f j Notice is hereby given that the following' * named settler has filed notice of his intention I to make final pre-emption cash proof in bud- ' \ port of his claim , and that said proof will be f made before Register or Receiver at McCook , 1 Neb. , on Monday , July 21,1890 , viz : \ THOMAS A. NEILL , 1 ( D. S. No. 6711 , for the southeast quarter of \ \ , \ section 28 , town. 1. north of rango 31 , west 6th \ j P. M. Ho names the following witnesses to v /i J prove his continuous residence upon , and ] Jj cultivation of , said land , viz : Jacob R. Ely , James Conley , Frank Schmidt. John Conley , all of Herndon , Kansas. S.P.HART , i • 3 Register. $ ' y Land Office at McCook , Neb. , 1 ' June 7th , 1890. f ) Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention J to make final five year proof in support of • his claim , and that said proof will be made- I before Register or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , 1 Saturday , , July 19,1890 , viz : ! CHARLES W. KNEELAND. , I H. E. No. 74. for lots 5 , 6 and 7 of section 29 , in ' \ town. 3 , north of range 30 , west 6th P. M. He ( names the following witnesses to prove his 1 continuous \ residence upon , and cultivation _ of • , 8aidland , viz : Mathew H. Johnston , Clar- fj ence i A. Nettleton. George J. Fredericks , A\ \ Arthur E. Lytic , ail of McCook , Neb. * . * 2 * 3 S. P. HART , Register. * ' f Land Office at McCook , Neb. , i \ June 18th. 1890. f j1 j Notice is hereby given that the following- | j named settler has filed notice of his intention 4 to make final five year proof in support of his 1 ] claim , and that said proof will bo made before I , Register or Receiver , at McCook , Nebraska , % 1 on Thursday , J uly 31st , 1890. viz : * f J SAMUEL M. COCHRAN. ' | | r II.E..No.3178 , for the swli sec.24 , tp.3 , N. . 'J of range 30 , west of 6th P. 31. J ] He names the following witnesses to prove- a ? | his continuous residence upon , and cultiva- i I tion of , 6aid land , viz : Truman F. West , a v Jame3 Doyle. David Bryan and Charles . J C Bergster , all of McCook , Nebraska. * 1 f\ \ * 4 S. P. HART , Register. ' | ifl \ ] / fl Land Office at McCook , Neb. , i , \ Juue23d.lS90. f \i \ Notice Is hereby given that the following- I j named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final 5 year proof In support of his : claim , and that said proof will be made before ' \ j Register or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on * } ? • Saturday , August 2,1890 , viz : . g { CRISTOFFER C. DUELAND , | ( H.E. No. 3490 , for the E. Ji S. E. ii N. W. , § ' S. E. J of section 8. and N. E. Ji N. E. Ji of jtl- \ section 17 , in town. 5 , north of range 29 , west g' II 6th P. 31. He names the following witnesses . S A to prove his continuous residence upon , and 5 V cultivation of. said land , viz : Colbein P. 1 Viland and Enoch E. Osvog of Quick , Neb. , James T.Foley and Andrew P. Larson of 3io Cook.Neb. 5 S. P. HART , Register. 0 i { _ - _ * _ j