The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 04, 1890, Image 8

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    a . - • *
: : L. LOWMAN & SON ,
Dry ( roods and Carpets ,
Clothing and Furnishiug Goods.
XVliite Ooods !
axi-d Laoes !
4 •
i *
• ON
Strictly Tiue--3VTo Bragr.
Attention , Farmers.
We are closing out our en
tire stock of Farm Imple
ments at cost. Right npwis
the time to secure rare bar
gains. Call and be amazed
i at our prices. They must be
sold at once.
I A 5c. CIGAR ,
Try this popular brand. It is one of the finest jc. cigars
ever placed on sale in McCook.
When you are addressed as above , your fint im
pulse is to look at the driver. If the day be stormy
and the driver is a wise man , you will find that h
wears a " Fish Brand Slicker , " and he will tell yoa
that he is as comfortable on the box as his passen
ger in the cab , and that for his business this coat
is invaluable. When you get once inside a " Fish
Brand Slicker , " there's no snch thing as weather
for you. It doesn't make the smallest difference
whether it rains , hails , sleets , snows , or blows.
You are absolutely and solidly corsfortable. Get
one at once. No danger of your not liking it after
wards. It is a waste of money to buy any other
waterproof coat. They are worthless after a few
weeks of hard usage. Beware of worthless im-
- itations , every garment stamped with the " Fish
' -Brand" Trade Mark. Don't accept any inferior
coat when you can have the " Fish Brand Slicker "
* delivered without extra cost. Particulars and
illustrated catalogue free.
A. J. TOWER , - . Boston , Mass ,
We would call your attention to our
new $2.00 and $2.50 Kid Button Shoes.
Bowen & Laycock.
If you are suffering with weak or inflamed
eyes , or granulated eyelids , you can be cured
by using Dr. J. H. McLean's Strengthening
Eye Salve. O. M. Smith & Son.
Notice of Application.
City Clerk's Office , i
McCook , Nebraska. June 19,1890. f
Notice is hereby given that A. McMillen has
filed his petition lor a Druggist's Permit , to
6ell liquors on lot 11 , block 21 , McCook , Neb.
4. J. E. KELi.Gr , City Clerk.
scoTrs SBBHr
CURES Wasting Diseases
Wonderful Flesh Producer.
Many have gained one pound
per day by its use.
Scott's Emulsion is not a secret
remedy. It contains the stimulat
ing properties of the Hypophos-
phites and pure Norwegian Cod
fiver Oil , the potency of both
being largely increased. It is used
by Physicians all over the world.
Sold by all Druggists.
• COTT IOWNE , Ch ml ts , N.Y ,
South Side Sauce.
Hay aniLrye cutting are in vogue.
Mr. HesB's house is about enclosed.
Hot , well yes ; at least it looks that way.
Corn is just a-humping , but it needs more
Oscar Russell is up and around again and
doing finely.
W. N. Cratty is fencing in another 80 acres
for pasture.
Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Eikenberry have moved
into the John Eaton house.
W. N. Cratty came home last Saturday night ,
and stayed over Sunday.
The census taker is around asking if you are
a fool , and how old you are.
Mr. Sellers is about to commence a large
frame house on his south side farm.
• T. Birdsall has shared , the first time in
years , and even his old neighbors don't know
Let every republican turn out to the pri
maries. That's the place to get in the work for
the party. Uno.
A Scrap of Paper Saves Her life.
It was justan ordinary scrap of wrapping
paper , but it saved her life. She was in the
last stages of consumption , told by physicians
that she was incurable and could live but a
short time ; she weighed less than seventy
pounds. On a piece of wrapping paper she
read of Dr. King's New Discovery , and got a
sample bottle ; it helped her , she bought a
large bottle , It helped her more , bought an
other and grew better fast , continued its use
asd is now strong , healthy , rosy , plump , weigh
ing 140 pounds. For fuller particulars send
stamp to W. H. Cole , Druggist , Fort Smith.
Trial Bottles of this wonderful Discovery
Free at A. McMillan's Drugstore.
"It goes right to the spot , " said an old man ,
who was rubbing in Dr. J. H. McLean's Vol
canic oil Liniment to relieve rheumatism :
Sold by C. M. Smith & Sou.
• • • • • • •
• • • • • • •
Now is the time to enter
the McCook Business College
and prepare yourself to take a
remunerative position
in the fall.
The growth of this institution is un
paralleled , and the advantages which it
affords young men and women are not
surpassed in the west.
The best equipment in the city. Orders left
at the office on Lower Main Avenue will re
ceive prompt attention.
" " * " "
* • - -
< • f f
ppmcr $
Its superior excellence proven m million !
of homes foriiioD'tlitiiiu'iiiuriemf ; i century
It is used by the United StittcH Government
Endorsed by the heads of the Great Universl
ties ns the Strongest. Purest and most Health
fill. Dr. Price's Cream linking Powder fine !
not contain Ammonia. Lime , or Alum. Sole
only in cans.
New York. Chicago. St. Louis
The Women of Aries.
Superbly Mutated at the point where tin
two streams divide , the Aries to-day tumble ;
itself very little about either its ancient glor
ies or its po siuilitiesof modern inipioveinent ,
It is si city of dreams where visible lelics ol
all the ages group themselves with careless
giace and a result of perfect unity. The far-
famed beauty of the Arle-iPimes is of a dis
tinctly Greek type , straight-featmed , low
browed and delicate. It is enhanced by theii
graceful black coMume , with swelling liclni
of white lace and coquetliMi little cap of the
same material set high on the head and bound
with a btoad black libbon , one end of which
is left free and falls to the .shoulder Young
and old , these women , almost without excep
tion , have luxuriant hair , curling lightly
about the temples. The Mitallness of the
head as compared with thesizeof the neck
another strikingly classic feature-accounts
in part , no doubt , for their supeib carriage.
This , too , is a beauty which they heem never
to lose. I have seen a heavy woman of sixty ,
with the marks of severe toil about herpei-
son and cairying a big burden , who crossed
the central square ot the town with the step
of an empress. Miss Preston's ' 'Provencal
Pilgrimage , " in July Century.
The blood must be pure for the body to be
in perfect condition. Dr. J. H. McLean's Sar-
saparilla makes pure blood and imparts the
rich bloom of health and vigor to the whole
body. 2-6ts. C. M.S.MiTn&So.\ .
Non-Partisan League.
A mass convention of the friends of the
Prohibitory Amendment is called to meet at
the Court House in Indianola on Thursday ,
July 10th , 1890 , at 2 o'clock , P. M. , sharp , all
the officers of the County League , the officers
and committees of Precinct and School Dis
trict Leagues , all W. C. T. U. and other
Temperance organizations are especially in
vited to be present. Friends of law and
order , one and all , male and female , come
and help adopt a plan ot action and try to
save our beloved state from the grip of
the rum power. The enemy is at work.
Shall we not be as active in trying to save
our homes and our children from tiie enemy
of good society ? Professional and business
men , come and help protect your interests.
Which will you have , cash for your goods
and no saloons , or a saloon and bad debts ?
Take your choice ! If you prefer cash and a
sober and intelligent patronage , come and
show your colors on the side of riglit , truth
and justice. C. W. Beck ,
President County League.
This is what you ought to have , in fact , you
must have it , to fully enjoy life. Thousands
are searching for it daily , and mourning be
cause they find it not. Thousands upon
thousands of dollars are spent annually by
our people in the hope that they may attain
this boon. And yet it may be had by all. We
guarantee that Electric Bitters , if used accord
ing to directions and the use persisted in , will
bring you Good Digestion and oust the demon
Dyspepsia install instead Eupepsv. We
recommen .ectric Bitters for Dyspepsia
and all dis ases of Liver , Stomach and Kid
neys. Sold at 50c. and $1.00 per Bottle by
A. McMillan , Druggist
Exposure to rough weather , getting wet ,
living in damp locatities are favorable to the
contraction of diseases of the kidneys and
bladder. As a preventive and for the care of
all kidney and liver trouble , use that valuable
remedy. Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver and Kidney
Balm. $1.00 per bottle. C. M. Smith & Son.
The qualified republican electors of Grant
precinct are requested to meet at the school
liouse , Friday , July 11th , at 4 o'clock , P. M. ,
to elect delegates to the republican county
jonvention , etc D. S. Barnes , Com.
By virtue of an order of sale directed to me
from the district court of Red Willow county ,
Nebraska , on a judgment obtained before J.
E. Cochran , judge of the district court of Red
Willow county , Nebraska , on the 2d day of
December. 1890. in favor of Christina Isbester
us plaintiff , and against Hattie L. Kimball as
Jetendants. for the sum of seven hundred and
seventy four dollars and twenty-one cents ,
and costs taxed at 45.08 and on same day co-de
fendant J. E. Seeley obtained a decree on his
iross bill lor § 22.58 and accruing costs. I have
levied upon the following real estate taken as
the property or said defendant to satisfy said
judgment , to-wit : The northeast quarter of
section fourteen (14 ( ; . township (3) ( ) . north of
range twenty-nine (20) . west 6th P. M. . in Red
Willow county , Nebraska , and will offer the
same for sale to the highest bidder , for cash
in hand , on the 5th day of August. A. D. , 1890 ,
in f rout of the south door of the court house ,
in Indianola , Nebraska , that being the build
ing wherein the last term of court was held ,
it the hour of one o'clock , P. M. , of said day ,
ivhen and where due attendance will be given
jy the undersigned.
Dated July 2d , 1890. W. A. McCool.
5. Sheriff of said County.
Land Office at McCook. Neb. , .
July 2,1890. i
Notice is hereby given that the following-
lamed settler has tiled notice of his intention
o make final proof in support of bis claim ,
md that said proof will be made before Regis-
er or Receiver , at McCook , Nebraska , on Sat-
irday , August 9,1890 , viz :
I. E. No. 77. for the E. H. Nw. J * , and w.i \ ,
* e. U , Sec. 20. T. 3. range 29 , w. 6th P. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
lis continuous residence upon , and cultivation
if , said land , viz : John Show , Frank P. Allen ,
rocances Franklin and John Sevenker , all of
IcCook. Nebraska.
6 * S. P. H A RT , Register.
it I
4 J
- -
Saturday June jtft , 1890 *
We have decided to REDUCE OUR STOCK before invoicing , July t
1st , 1S)0 ! ) , and we will offer our ENTIRE STOCK tit a
We must reduce our stock before July 1,1S90 j
Come and see the ,
oce 2 n i & (
_ . <
: E3L L.iL 7LBR j
McCOOK , : : : : : : NEBRASKA. j
Call for Peoples' Convention
To be held at the city hall m Iiulianola , on
July 12th , 1S90 , at 10 o'clock , A. M. , for the
purpose of placing in nomination candidates
for the following ollices :
One .Representative , Goth District ,
One Commissioner , 1st District ,
One commissioner , 3d District
One County Attorney ,
and for the transaction of such other busi
ness as may properly come before the con
vention. The basis o representation being
three from eacli precinct. The following
are the committeemen for each precinct , and
they are requested to see that primaries are
held in the several precincts , on Wednesday ,
July 0th , 1S9.0 at such time and places as
they may deem best , to select delegates to
said convention :
Box Elder , A. C. Teas.
Indianola A. M. Barton.
North Valley , w. H. Ault.
East Valley , J. K. Young.
Coleman , Elias Devine.
Valley Grange , F. M. Kennedy.
Driftwood , L. F. Fauss.
Danbury , S. S. Graham.
Red Willow , A. C. Black.
Gerver , 11. A. Green.
Bondville , X. Dutcher.
Lebanon , E. M. Pearson.
Tyrone , Fred Wilcox.
Missouri Ridge I.Robinson.
Beaver , C. Underwood.
Grant , . • . . . . • . . . . • • • • • • • . . .Jas. Hill.
Perry , A. C. Modi.
Willow Grove , L. D. Gockley.
Estimate of Expenses.
Council Chamber , McCook , Neb. , i
July 2,1890. f
The following estimate of expenses and the
probable amount of money necessary lor all
purposes not provided for by the revenue de
rived from the occupation tax to be raised by
general taxation is hereby stated , as follows :
For rent of city hall and jai ! $ 500 00
Salaries of city officers ( except police
and street commissioner ) 950 00
For expense of lighting the streets by
electricity 2,225 00
For printing and stationery 100 00
Total amount to be provided for by
general fund 3,800 00
For 20 Are hydrants at SU0 per annum 1,200 00
For supplies and repairs 200 00
Total amount to be provided for by
waterfund 1.400 00
Amount received from county treas
urer and other sources § 5,650 17
Expended for Are depart , supplies S 973 33
Expended for salaries city officers. . 95S 00
Expended for printing and stationery 113 30
Expended for rent of city hall and jail 393 23
Expended for furnishing city hall & jail 74 55
Expended for judges and clerks of elec
tion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . j uu
Expended for electric lighting and
supplies to April 15,1890 1.472 39
Expended for redemption of village
warrantNo.57 154 51
Expended for miscellaneous items 420 SI
Total expenditures general fund $4,5S5 17
Total expenditures water fund 1,075 W
By Order of the Council , § 5,050 17
Attest : W. C. Bullaud.
J. E. Kelley. Clerk. Mayor.
If you are all run down have no strength-
no energy , and feel very tired all the time-
take Dr. J. H. McLean's Sarsaparilla. It will
impart strength and vitality to your system.
2-6t8. C. M. Smith & Son.
Don't irritate your lungs with a stubborn
cough when a pleasant and etfectlvo remedy
may be found in Dr. J. H. McLean's Tar Wine
Lung Balm ! C. M. Smith & Son.
Land Office at McCook , Neb. , i I
June 9th. 1890. f J
Notice is hereby given that the following- 1
named settler has Hied notice of her intentioit ' |
to make final pre-emption cash proof in sup
port of her claim , and that said proot will be *
made before Register or Receiver at McCook ,
Neb. , on Monday. July 21,1890 , viz : \
D. S. No. 6781 , for the southeast quarter sec- (
tion 34. township 1. north of range 31 , west \
Cth P. M. She names the following witnesses )
to prove her continuous residence upon. C
and cultivation of , said land , viz : Edward (
Frame , Jacob R. Ely and Clayton S. Richard- \
son of Ilerndon. Kansas. Edward Ackerman (
of Bauksville. Nebraska. S. P. HART , J
K Register. J
Land Office at McCook. Neb. , \
June 9th , 1890. f , \
Notice is hereby given that the following- < '
named settler has tiled notice of his intention
to make final homestead proof in support of • '
his claim , and that said proof will be made- \
before Register or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , K
on Saturday , July 2Gth. 1890 , viz :
H. E. No. 3329 for the N. E. quarter section 22 , . ;
town. 5 , north of range 29. west 6th P. M ,
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon , and cultiva
tion of , said land , viz : Isaac H. Atkinson ot {
McCook , Neb. . Hans J. Hansen. * George S , i
Lashley and William E. Ketch of Box Elder , J
Neb. 3 S. P. HART. Register. j
Land Office at McCook , Neb. , i j
June 9th , 1890. }
Notice Ib hereby given that the following-
named settler has tiled notice of bis intention
to make final pre-emption cash proof in sup- '
port of his claim , and that said proof will be * '
made before Register or Receiver at McCook ,
Neb. , on Monday , July 21,1890. viz :
D. S. No. 6711. for the southeast quarter of
section 28 , town. 1. north of range 31. west 6th-
P. M. He names the following witnesses to-
prove his continuous residence upon. and.
cultivation of , said land , viz : Jacob R. Ely ,
James Conley , Frank Schmidt. John Conley ,
all of Herndon , Kansas. S. P. HART.
• 3 Register.
Land Office at McCook , Neb. , i
June 7th. 1890. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final five year proof in support ot
his claim , and that said proof Will be made
before Register or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , .
Saturday. July 19,1890 , viz :
H. E. No. 74. for lots 5 , 6 and 7 of section 29 , in
town. 3 , north of range 30 , west 6th P. M. He-
names the following witnesses to prove his r
continuous residence upon , and cultivation
of , said land , viz : Mathew H. Johnston. Clar
ence A. Nettleton. George J. Fredericks ,
Arthur E. Lytle , all of McCook. Neb.
" 3 S. P. HART , Register.
Land Office at McCook , Neb. , i
June ISth. 1890. f
Notice is hereby given that the foiiowing-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final five year proof in support of his
claim , and that said proof will be made before \
Register or Receiver , at McCook , Nebraska ,
on Thursday , July 31st. 1890. viz : , .
H. E. . No. 3178 , for the sw 4 sec. 24 , tp. 3. N , ,
of range 30 , west of 6th P. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove |
his continuous residence upon , aud cultiva "
tion of , said land , viz : Truman F. West. i *
James Doyle. David Bryan and Charles
Bergster , all of McCook. Nebraska.
* 4 S. P. HART , Register. „
Land Office at McCook , Neb. , # i
June 23d. 1890. f )
Notice is hereby given that the following- 1
named settler has filed notice of his intention 1
to make final 5 year proof in support of his j
claim , and that said proof will be made before 1
Register or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on /
Saturday , August 2,1690 , viz : 1
H. E. No. 3490. for the E. H S. E. U N. W.i }
S. E. ht of section 8 , and N. E. N. E. h. of
section 17 , in town. 5 , north of range 29. west
6th P. M. He name3 the following witnesses
to prove his continuous residence upon , and
cultivation of , said land , viz : Colbein P.
Vlland and Enoch E. Osvog oC Quick , Neb. „
James 'T. Foley and Andrew P. Larson of Mc
Cook , Neb. o S. P. HART , Register. j