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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1890)
= = T VOLUME IX McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING , JUNE6 , 1890. NUMBER 2. \ i ' OUR SPECIALTIES i • I , , , . _ I Siberia Refrigerators. | White Mountain Ice Creani'Freezers. I Tlionias Two Knife Lawn Mowers. > ' Jewel Vapor Stoves. Great Western Stoves and Ranges. ! Ohio Wrought Steel Ranges. Glidden Barbed Wire gennine. Screen Wire. Screen Doors. | Building Hardware , and everything' in The Hardware Line. i/ . The Pioneer Hardware , m. ] W. C. LaTOURETTE , Pkop. Four Doors South of J. C. Allen & Co. , McCook , Neb. MY MEN'S DRESS SHOES I have a nice line of $2,50 shoes. I have a fine § 3.00 shoe. I have an elegant § 5.00 shoe. I Mg hhtQ of Bogs' Sftoes is complete , froni $1 to $3. In Ladies' Fine ai Medium Sloes for the season , I have an elegant line , ; and the largest selection ever brought to McCook. Prices from $1.50 to $5. QUALITY and PRICES The quality of my goods I keep up to f s high mark. My prices I keep down to the lowest mark. I deal with all alike : work for trade and appreciate it. Ifc Mail orders have my best and R prompt attention. m : K = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = fh , - * a m Gilt Edge Ladies' Shoe Dressing is the Best. * K Try it and yon will want no other. I c Jg-l- also have the oil dressing for Kanga- _ _ shoes. G iLKT S C HO "W , The Old Reliable Slxoe. Dealer. si. . ( _ - - sk DON'T SAY I TOLD YOU. TlIK LONOKK ( JATECIIISM. Uncle Sain has omitted from his censu' questions a rctf , iiiiiny qiioiiesoii wliiclin formation would ho interesting , if not vnitia hie. hie.We We subjoin a few which might he added t < tiie list , if it is not too late : Do you part your hair in the i. . If not , why .so ? Do you tavor tlie League or the .Brother hood ' . ' How much do your false teeth cost ? Did you pay casli for them , or buy them on the installment plan ? Did you eat fish on Friday ? Did you ever play hookey ? If not , why not ? Are you addicted to the piano habit ? Do you favor a revision of the creed ? If so d you want it made retroactive ? Are you a lawyer or only an attorney ? Are you a newspaper man or only a journal ist ? Did you ever write poetry ? Who do you think wrote "Beautiful Snow ? " Were you over kicked by a mule ? Do you begyour chewing tobacco or buy it ? What is your opinion of the Evolution the ory ? Ilave you read "Robert Elsmere ? " Are you fond of green peas on the half shell ? When can you pay that little bill ? Can you swim ? Are you any relation to Daniel McGinty ? Have you 815 in your inside pocket ? What do you do for corns ? What size collar do you wear ? Where did you get that hat ? Do you speak as you pass pie ? Do you smoke cigarettes ? Do you think the Keely motor will ever mote ? Where is Tascott ? Do you admire Marie Bashkirtseff ? Do you wear a hyphen in your name ? If single , why are you not married ? How many times have you been refused ? Were you ever guilty of running for the Legislature ? Would you rather be hanged for it , or elec trocuted ? Do you take water in yours ? Are you on the speak-easy list ? Were you ever bald-headed ? If so , were you born that way or did you acquire the habit ? , Are you a Prohibitionist ? If so , what will you take ? At what age did your first child cut his ( oi lier ) first tootli ? Are you a useful member of society , or merely ornamental ? Did you ever borrow an umbrella ? Did you return it ? ( .Nr . B. This is an un necessary question , but let it go. ) Are your feet mates ? Do you know beans ? A Scrap of Paper Saves Her Life. It was just an ordinary scrap of wrapping paper , but it saved her life. She was in the last stages of consumption , told by physicians that she was incurable and could live but a short time ; she weighed less than seventy pounds. On a piece of wrapping paper she read of Dr. King's New Discovery , and got a sample bottle ; it helped her , she bought a large bottle. It helped her more , bought an other and grew better fast , continued Its use asd is now strong , healthy , rosy , plump , weigh ing 140 pounds. For fuller particulars send stamp to W. H. Cole , Druggist , Fort Smith. Trial Bottles of this wonderful Discovery Free at A. McMiLiiAN's Drug Store. FROM THE COUNTY SEAT. ( BY CtfS ESQULAS C0B2ZGP0HDEHTS. ) COUNTY COURT. , Clarence A. Adams vs. Clark Green , right i if possession of three horses found to he in I tlaintifTs possession , judgment for one cent , < lamage. W. H. Moore , J. W. Pickle , Andrew Warner j nd Everet S. Moore , action to recover judgr aent for $600 and interest upon two promis- . ' ory notes , continued until June 21th. First National bank , Ainsworth , Neb. , vs. J Idward Price , continued until June 19th. Charles E. Snyder vs. B. B. Duckworth , con- inued until June 1C. State of Nebraska vs. Fred Quadour and li acob Fisher ; assault with intent to kill , c [ enry Kerst , complainant , dismissed. f MARRIAGE LICENSES. 0 Mr. Charles Hnegney , 23 , Curtis. Miss Winnie Kelley. 18 , Fandon. tl Mr. Elijah Beebe , 22 , Box Elder. S Miss Annie May Doyle , 21. Box Elder. Il Mr. James McCotter , 31 , McCook. ® Miss Augusta Volbrecht , 22 , Iudianola. i DISTRICT COURT.P' D ' D. M. Osborne & Co. vs. Ephraim Green , _ ay 29 , transcript judgment , 558.C2 , May 22. H. C. Rider vs. Carl Clark , May 27 , release of dgment , $25.23. January 4. Frees & Hocknell number Co. vs.Carl Clark , C iy27. release of judgment , S110.50 , July 27 , 8. 503. IthomarT. Benjamin vs. John Paxton r d George Paxton , June 3 , appeal 510. , 161. B. B. Duckworth , administrator , Chas- Monroe et al , June 4 , equity , set aside „ . ' ed. V1w w < An A/arming Outlook. wi th Strikes are increasing every day It At very rapid paces ; t Even the lightning , so they say , Has struck at several places. Jev < . \v < Though-time flies , it is the man who goes ] w who keeps up with it. at PERSONALIS. .1.(5. Hamilton hm : ! ) tisitu-.s : in Cuitis Monday. C. T. liivwi-rweiit up to Denver , Tuesday to maikt't a car-load of cattle. Special Ayeiit HulHiiiis and wife wen Mlllaid gucsK Omah. : , ycMciday. Lou ] lh ! < > iiiiiii started for Denver , thisaf teiniHHi. alter another bunch of cattle. \ \ . ,1. McGilk'ii of Impeiial , attended t ( some l > : ! Mnc.s niatlcis in the city , Monday Reporter Cibbs of Arapahoe , cast the long est , faintest shadow in the metropolis , Mon day. Dr. A. 1Welle * is in Chicago on piofcs- sioual business. lie will he at home , Tues day next. M. J. Abbott and M. D. Hatch were down from Hayes Centre , yesterday , on business- pleasure bent. Louis J. A. Vollers , one of Benkelman's leading real estate dealers , was a business visitor , Tuesday. Archibald traded his farm , eight miles southwest of this city , for Chicago prop erty , last week. Courier. Barney Hofer and W. G. Kisseberth , of Hayes Centre , were business visitors in the city , Saturday and Sunday. J. C. MdNaughton , of Hastings , the state bank examiner , was in the city , Mon day , on business of his otlice. Mrs. J. .1. Garrard presented her husband with an "original package" yesterday. Mother and son both doing well. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Majors will occupy the house occupied by Special Agent Hutch- ins and family , upon its vacation. Mrs. II. W. Cole and Mrs. J. F. Walsh de parted , this week , for Geneseo , III. , where they will make quite an extended visit. Mr. C. W. Coventry , of Decatur , 111. , is a Conimeieial guest. The gentleman will re main here some time in quest of health. W. C. Billiard , .1. E. Kelley , James Hat field , C. M. Smith , and W. E. Mullen are off on an excursion to Newcastle , Wyoming. Hon. J. B. Cessna , of Hastings , is billed to address the ppople of Iudianola on the amendment question. Monday evening , June 10th. Frank Switzer , late all-around man at the Commeicial , departed for Denver , Tuesday , to try his fortune in the "Queen City of the Plains" . Miss Ella Hart , one of McCook's popu lar teachers is visiting with her sister , Mrs. D. W. Palmer , during vacation. Hastings Democrat. Mrs. F. L. Brown is with her husband at Holdrege , this week , where F. L. is engaged in taking the mortgaged indebtedness of Phelps county. Capt J. C. O'Brien , of Hayes Centre , spent a few hours in the metropolis , Tues day , conferring with friends , while en route to Lincoln on an important embassy. John Whittaker of the South Side , was a passenger , Sunday , for Ontario , Canada , aeing called there by the announcement of .lie deatli of his father that morning. G. W. S. Eaton came in from Liberty , Juliana , Friday of last week , on a visit to lis numerous relatives in McCook and ricinity. He returned homeward , yesterday. Mr. H. D. Spearman , of Chicago , Vice- 'resident of the Farmers & Merchants Bank f our city , is spending the week in McCook , he guest of his brother Frank. He departs or home to-morrow. Fred H. Wood spent two or three days , lie early days of the week , canvassing the ity in the interest of the Nebraska State lazetteer. He secured a nice list of sub- cribers and advertisers. Mrs. G. L. Laws and daughter Helen took le morning train , Thursday , for Lincoln , hey will remain there until after Miss ertrude's graduation , returning home the .tter part of next week , accompanied by . [ isses Gertrude and Theo. Mr. Kellogg , the engineer in charge of the Ich survey , was called to Denver , last ] ght , by business , and the work will be de- -j yed until Monday. The party is now in imp at Palisade. Mr. Kellogg , we are in- rmed is highly pleased with the prospects : the "high line ditch. " . Supt. Alex. Campbell , of McCook , was in e city .Monday , so was Col. Kuf us Moses lavely , of Indianola. They didn't meet. - is only necessary to say that a red hot unty-seat fight is in progress between the 0 towns. Col. Suavely came up to see idge J. B. Cessna , S. It. , who has been ap- inted as referee in the case. Hastings miocrat. Dry Creek Chronicles. ) r. L. W. Critser erected a windmill , the 3t of the week. It is a Monitor and a dandy , ) . Joe Dodge was the artist. L base ball club has been organized on the iftwood , which bids fair to rival the Mc- I ok club. Address all challenges to John lam , captain. Ir. and Mrs.E.N. Benjamin of Carrico , were itors at the Dr. 's ranch , the first of the * ( t is rumored that the Driftwood Alliance 1 purchase the Driftwood correspondent of i Democrat and start a lye ( lie ) factory , vould be a good investment. Reporter. ? he water-works whistle is again a sub- t of petition. Partial paralysis at least uld be a popular prescription. " Tine deaths are reported from the cyclone 3radsliaw , York county , this week. u - i H * i IN THE PHILLIPS-MEEKER BUILDING. DRY GOODS , J MILLINERY * , . CARPETS , i SPECIAL SALE ° DRESS GQODS. During next week I shall offer unexceptionable bargains in this department. Among the display will be shown : PLAID and STRIPED SUITINGS' . FRENCH BORDERED SERGES. COLORED CASHMERES. BLACK SILK WARP HENRIETTAS. BLACK & COLORED BRILLIANTINES. . FIGURED INDIA SILKS. COLORED PLAID SURAHS. Black FAILLE FRANCAISE SILK. Black SATIN RHADAMAS. Black GROS GRAIN SILKS. I call special attention to this sale as being by far the aost attractive , this season. Particular attention is called o our having a Dress Making Departm't. far Siiii ii Summer Styles in all our lines. By far tlie largest and choicest assortment of DRY GOODS to be seen in Western Nebraska , at " * j LowPrices ! ! Jnnsually - : - - : - . i : arpets , rugs , matting , j I ani showing * the largest and most varied assortment of any house in the . city , at remarkably low prices. Also a t J complete line of FLOOR OIL CLOTHS ! ; . in new and pretty designs. \ \ - * • _ - - Ai