I r "WE DO AS WE ADVERTISE. " 3R. . ' . * • , . , > * . < r ! : c I- ' - ; : = " _ ' _ _ "B ' : : : , . iv - - v > * t i , ; hmmL | LOWMAN & SONCL0THm6- ] Great Reduction. Out. . Selling . - NEW STYLES. LATEST STYLES V NEW WEAVES. IN HATS AND , NEW COLORS. NECKWEAR. ; * * , • INDIA SILR-S. PARASOLS , BEAD WRAPS HATS , SPRING SUITS SummerUnde'r 422 [ cts. 20 per cent off. - $1.98. 10c to $1.50. $5 to $12. 50c. to $2 suit. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Q : : ' - ] L "WE DO AS WE ADVERTISE , " ' 1 • TO GET A TAILOS-MADE SUIT AT SOST. : $5,000 WORTH of goods MUST BE CLOSED OUT AT COST IN 60 DAYS. I "will make up goods or sell suits and pants patterns AT COST. Take advantage of this [ • • Great Closing Out Sale ! as you may never again have the same oppportunity. s Satisfaction in Ever } Respect Positively Guaranteed. L BERNHE1MER , Merchant Tailor. I Attention , Farmers. li „ We are closing out our en- t tire stock of Farm Imple- l ments at cost. Right now is the time to secure rare har- \ gains. Call and be amazed k at our prices. They must be I sold at once. HALL , GOGHRAN & 30. DIAMANTA. 1 - aETCONrMEHDEDBY-PFiTJnCDDaflL \ SIGHTISPRISELESS , j CaU on H. P. SUTTON and be ; fittedwith a pair of the celebrated t Diamanta Spectacles orEyeglasses. He carries them in all styles of gold , silver , alumnium , steel and < rubber. A good fit guaranteed. l - A trial set for fitting eyes in a sci- ; > entific manner. ) : , . , . . * * ' w nt ! > ; - ir * IW. .A * ii ii i tommt&t7l \ - + - - - * Positions ABE ] Securedi < For all graduates of McCOOK ( BUSINESS COLLEGE. The 5 demand for competent "workers exj ceeds the supply. "Why work for a dollar a day , when a thoroughly skilled Book Keeper , Typewriting Operator or Stenographer com mands § 55 to § 75 per month ? Don't think this offer is a sham.Jl Come and try us. F Yours in earnest , s C. M. LOPEB & CO. | b jgUPMBlank books , scale books , copy ing books , school books , etc. , at The T bune office. QrlPWe have just received a new i line of fine writing papers in boxes : . < , 1 Estray Notice. ( 1 Taken up by the undersigned May 4tli , 1890 , , at her farm 3J miles northeast of McCook , . one red cow , long horns , white spots under J " body , ripht ear cropped , is old and poor. I Owner can secure same by paying1 expenses , i Alns. Julia A. Fox. i ii U Boat andchoapest Veterinary Remedies. &j I Stewart's HealingPowder | 1 20 years in ubo for aU open sorea , B m on man and beast , barbed wire a t B cntsgall3burnschaflnfjotc. 16 , K cannot be equaled. Only 15c abs. R I Stewart's Stock Remedy I H Is not made of bran , ashes and B B Bawdnt , to show ljirge box for B m little money ; but is a Tonic and E I B Ulood Pnrifler , for all live stock. S | E It is the best condition powder in. ra 1 the World. = * 25 0 ' 1 23 cents a box. I STEWART'S IilNHttENT I | Is the best remedy for Ehenm53 * R atism , Lameness , Swelllng.Back- a sche , Sprains , etc , in use for K man and beast. AtrialorderwiH H | prove it. Large bottle , 23 cents * 1 J STEWART'S HOOF OIL 1 a Nothing like it for Dry , Cracied , if H Brittlo or Contracted Hoofs uj m makes them soft and tough. Keep S H them in good condition with this w u oil. It pays to use it. Remember S B .No foot no horse. Large bottla | 25 cents. Unsold Everywhere. 1 I Stewart Chemical Co. ; St. Louis I B Sac'ratoStownrtHoallngPowderCo. a MELBOURNE. 1" Is a handsome , ' dark bay , half Clyde * md half Morgan , seventeen hands high fi md weighs 1,600 pounds. Will make m he season of 1890 , at my farm ten T niles southwest of McCook Mon- , on Monjg [ ays , Tuesdays , Wednesdays and Chursdays ; at Eaton & Co. 's barn in i i JcCook , on Fridays and Saturdays. zl Teems : $10.00 to insure standing olt. I Is a fine , dark gray thorough bred . . , lck , three years old and weighs 900 Vi ounds. Will make the season at the ime places , times and terms as Melg | ourne. LEWIS F. FAUSS. I ' 38 * 1 * " * " ' ' ' " * ' " ' " " ' " " ' lffr" ' ' ' ' ' * * " " * * * " * " " " ffP fv ' ; , * ? * ' . ( Sm COMMUNICATIONS. EB Undcr this heading wo will bo pleased to include Items of intciest lrom nil soctloiia of the county. Tim Puiir.isunit. Bartley Boomings. II. F. Sibbltt was in AlcCooIr , Wednesday. Itov. O. T. rooro preached u memorial her- liioii in chapul hall , last Sunday. H. V. Sibbltt has a new windmill at the brick yard , put up by C. W. Hodpkin ii Son. 'l'ho tanners aro all rejoicing o\crtlio boun tiful rain , though there is home damage re ported 11 out the hail. Mr. .Miinyiis has built u nice fence around his icsidtMicc , whieli adds very niateiially to tlie beauty and comfort ol his homr . Mrs. A. Wiley lias jrono to Olintonville , Jlo , in response to a dispatch fetatiiif , ' that her father was very ill at his home in that pface. The many friends or Mibs Josephine Ulack- burn were pleased to see her at the Teacher's Association meeting heie , labt Saturday. There aio quite a number of eases of scarlet fever utnonjr the youthlul members or our community though none have proved fatal as yet. yet.J. J. IL Stephens , the insurance man. came up from Arapahoe , last Saturday , and spent Sun day at home with his tnmily , returning to his work on Monday. Ii. F. Sibbett Hied the brick kiln , last Friday. The kiln contained about 120,000 biiek and as soon as it is bin at woik will commence on the college walls. There were about 11 rty teachers at the Asso ciation meeting , last Satuiday. Such a ag gregation of youth , beauty and talent makes us wisii we were youiur again and could go to scnool. Max. South' Side Sauce. Will Cratty is home again on a short visit. Bob King is down from Denver , making a visit to his many friends. John Whittaker was down to Indianoia , last Saturday , on Alliance business. Everybody , of course , will be in McCook , next Friday , to help decorate thograves of our honored dead. We had the pleasure , last Thursday night , to listen to the best temperance lecture it has ever been our pleasure to hear. Wo would suggest to the prohibition people.if they wish to carry the state , they send Itev. Kelsey into every precinct in the state. W. T. Stone came very near having a run away , last week. He had his team hitched at one of the neighbors when a sudden gust of windblewpaperundcrtliehorses' feet. Itesult one broken whiflle-tree and the buggy tongue decidedly out of the straight and narrow path. UNO. Banksville Budget. Win. Itelph works the Banksville viaVailton mail route and he gets tluoiighalwaysingood time. We arc listening for news concerning the 30urt house decision lor calling the county- seat election. B. F. Jenkens , our Cedar BlulTs , Kansas , uiller. is going to leave us lor St. Francis , [ vnnsas , where he will move his grist mill. It is getting very dry. Indications look ' avorable for rain but we don't get it. The vheat and oats look sorry for the want of rain May 'Oth , 1800. Oijscuvek. EUPEPSY. This is what you ought to have , in fact , you nust have it , to fully enjoy life. Thousands ire sealching for it daily , and mourning be ause they And it not. Thousands upoii housands of dollars aie spent annually by ur people in tho hope that they may attain his boon. And yet it may be had by all. We uarantee that Electric Bitters , if used accord- ag to directions and the .use persisted in , will ring you Good Digestion and oust the demou ) yspepsia and install instead Eupepsy. We ecommend Electric Bitters for Djspppsia nd all diseases of Liver , Stomach and Kid- eys. Sold at 50c. and $1.00 per Bottle by - i. McMillan , Drugcrist. Croupy suffocations , night coughs and all lie common affections of the throat and mgs quickly relieved by Dr. J. PI. McLean's ar Wine Lung Balm. 48 G JOMMISSION 3IERCHANTS . AND DEALERS IN Tree , Field and Garden . Seeds. ! J FLOUK , FEED , BALED HAY AND GRAIN. Our seeds are from the best growers the country and we are offering them prices to suit the times. j. re allow no one to undersell us on Flour , quality of goods considered. v All kinds of grain bought and sold , p MAIN AVENUE , Y McCOOK , : : NEBRASKA. y yB = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = B Private Bfledicaf AI3 CCIP.P ST.I.OUISMO. Special attention rnuu gyen | to all diseases or troubles In male female , married or single , brought about by ( * poBore , abases , excesses or improprieties. BE OLD DOCTOR , expedience may ' bo "V nsulteU by mall , or at tue office , free of charge. " 'Reliable , Skillful Treatment Guaranteed. "V Board and apartments furnished to those irtio Ire personal care. Send P. O. stamp for circaS 3 , etc Address letters , I , Ward Office , 116 If. 7th Street , St. LouIj , 3 o * TFIB OLD DOCTOR'S V LADIES' FAVORITE. Llways Sellable and perfectly Safe. " Tha oeu used bv thousands of women all over tha ited States , In the Old Doctor's private mall ictlce , for 33 years , and not a single bad result. INDISPEHSAIZLE TO LADIES.I loney returned If not as represented. Send * its ( stamps ) for sealed particulars , and recelTa i only nerer known to fail remedy by mall. I DB. WARD & CO. , fv | { 116 North Seventh 8U. SU Louis.M * Pleasant Ridge. Wo need rain on snmll Kf in. Sahbnth school lins been ormmlzcil nt Itvuvor Slope. May jipacc and prosporitj'ablilo ! | iok > . Thequnrteilv nt tho Foivlcr school houso was larjioly attended , and Krcat Interest innnl fested. The Elder's text was , "What think yo of Christ. " James Fowler , teacher In district No. 4" , on his way to school , ilondny morning , nimo In contact with a skuiil : . James stopped to teach Mr. Skunk a lesson to keep outof his way and succeeded in killing it. Whether Mr. Fowler became any Foul-cr your correspondent say- eth not. ltKi'ottTKit. Dry Creek Chronicles. Samuel Ellis was a trnnsient visitor in theso parts. Monday last. The dance nt St. Germain's was well attend ed and a jood time repoited. Mrs. Sutton hasjoined horhusband and they aie now living on their timber claim. Mr. and Mrs. Stone have returned fioni Kansas. Mr. Stone evidently ilnds the prohi bition stato too dry for him. Itii > oitTiit. Disease lies in ambusli for tho weak ; a feeble constitution is ill udaptcd to encounter a malarious atmosphere and sudden changes of temperature , and the least robust are usu ally the easiest victims. Dr. J. II.McLean's Sarsaparilia will give tone , vitality and strength to the entire body. 48-0 Folter & Easterday shipped several car loads of wheat , Tuesday , to tho Chicago mar ket. They will ship several more cats , tho * lirst of next week. Distress after eating , heartburn , sick head ache , and indigestion are cured by Dr. J. II. McLean's Liver and Kidney Pellets ( little pills. ) 48 G Tiios. McMahon drove down from the county seat of Hayes , Tuesday , accompanying Miss Leta Harlockcr from her visit there. The most popular liniment is the old leli- able Dr. J. H. McLean's Volcanic Oil Lini ment. 48 0 George Farrnr , a former clerk of the Com mercial , en route from Denver to Illinois , stopped over Tuesday in the city. Mrs. Cynthia A. Potter is expected to arrive in the city from New York state , ncxtweeK , on a short visit to her son Ilert. Banker A. L. King and Tom Wray of Cul- bertson were circulating in the city , Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. ii. B. Gray entertained Miss Hoag of Indianoia , Sundny. ESPWe carry the most complete line land and legal blanks west of Hastings. c5Pf"0ffice supplies of ail kinds at The Tribune office. eOiaSUMPTIOH I COUGH or gold BROraCHmslThroat Affection SCROFULA i Wasting of Hesh i Or any Disoftao iclicre the Tltrcoi czv.&T.hwjs nrc Inflnmril , Zacli of Strength or Kerne I'ower , ymt can he relieved ami Cured by OF PURE © OO LIVER OEL With Hypophosphites. , PALATABLE AS ftilLEC. i AsJcfor Scott's Emulsion , and let no ex- 2 > lanation or solicitation induce you to accept it substitute. Sold by all Druggists. * SCOTT & BOY HEfChoml8tsv W.Ya CREAMf J Its superior excellence proven in millions ? of homes lor more than a quarter of n century. Hi ? used by the United btutes Government. f Endowed by the heads or tho Great Universi- , tics as the Strongest , Purest ami. most Health- * lul. Dr. Price's Cream linking Powder does ' " ' not contain Ammonia. Lime , or Alum. Sold only in cans. ' IMtlCR BAKING POV/DEIt CO. \ New York. Chicago. St. Louis. K. Al. SNAVELY , * * ATTORNEY--AT - : - LAW , INDIANOLA. NEUItASICA. Will practico In all the State and United- States Courts. Also before tho Land OHIce at 11 Mccook and the department at Washington. L I PIIYSrCIAN AND SURGEON | MCCOOK - - NEMUASKA. f Rooms over Frees & Hocknell's lumber offlc , I L. J. SPICKELMIER , M. D. , PIIYSTCTAN AND SURGEON J Special Attoatla CWea to Fcsiilo Mseaxe : . fl Ullice hours , from 9 toll A. M. , and 2 to 4 P. ] N M. . mountain time. Ollice over Farmers & t J Mercliauts bank. : 'J A. J. WILLEY , M. I ) . , 1 B. & M. SURGRON , - f J McCook , Neh. , , j Oirers his professional services to the people I 1 of McCook. Will not go in the country ex- { I cept in consultation with other physicians. t ' l lTSTUTZMAN , 31. L\ " I ECLECTIC- PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON- I OCULIST AND AUUIST. ! , ' McCOOIC NEBUASKA. * H SS OIIIce over old First National bank. * S JEKSOX & STARK , f Sign , Carriage & Wagon Painters , Paper Hanging and Decorating. _ j i > hop in old land ollice building- / / ' } . W. II. UOLI'J. I'AINTKlt. j PAINTING in all its BRANCHES" j ] Graining and Decorating spec- • • i alties. Leave orders with E. A. \ j Jole , the tailor. Iff HMHMRBniEnSSOIiaBaMOnjHnMBHiaMHnnilBHHHH J I Go and see Liulwick's inanimotli slock of I-j econtl hand goods. Furniture , cook stoves , 1' ] icaters and gasoline stoves , bought and sold , > tf Vill also rent goods by the week or month , H L pawn broker's business in connection , | j iecond door west of the McEntee Hotel. & ] If you feel unable to do your work , and have J2 bat tired fcelintr , take Dr. J. II. McLean's arsnparilla ; it will make jou bright , active ( ] J nd vigorous. 48 (5 ( 4 fl - - _ _ _ . ? INTO ii Wiiex & Foivler's . | . . „ _ . . | AND PRICE THEIR NEW FRESH LINE OF l : Jry tills Mils , fflijMSf Etc , \ Just received fi-oni New York. You can buy and save money. | Original packages of Embroidery direct front factory. "We i sell cheaper than any firm in town. New stock of < J Jats , Caps , Shirts , Gents' Furnishing Goods ; I , . „ , „ _ _ „ ' In Groceries we Lead ai ! Competitors. | ew Grapes , per lb 05 Best Java and Mocha Iioasted % ranulated Sugar , 12 lbs. for. . . 1 00 Coffee , per lb.35c. or 31bs. . 1 00 * | hite Extra C Sugar , 13 lbs. for 1 00 Joker Plug Tobacco , per lb 25 * ellow C Sugar. 14 lbs. for. 1 00 J. T. Plug Tobacco , per lb 35 * ork Com , per can SJClimas , Horse Shoe. Spear Head .J est Kerosene , per gallon , 20 or Star Plug Tobacco , per lb. ' .45 * iverythingat Bed-Rock Prices ! j We do not claini to "save you 25 per * l | ent. , " but Trill sell as Iott as any house 'm rest of Hastings. Trade with us and we j jl rill treat you right. jT | 'HOLY : - : MOSES ! " ti Be. STRAIGHT. Manufactured by . - -11 J. H. DWYER , 1 McCOOK - NEBRASKA. , ] J 'lm \ m