LORD HARRY. Lord Hnrry , lie i at on tlip plilnslcfl ono day Ami Jim JordHhip with joweln wn * lndon. Ami lit lilted IiIm ey < > , at * n\vept Polly cumo by , Tho hoiinlcHt trim flHliermtiiiW. HcpnvolioraHtnre , with life tnrilliwr nlr , And he Bind. "I've determined to mnrry : 1 ye pood and I've land , and herein m v hand , 1 think I'm a catch , " mud Lord Hairy. "Ami what will cive to your lady ? " said she , "To tlio bride whom your lordship may honor ? " "Whr dinners and drcHses and money , " Bald * u ' , D- - _ "A 'd jewels to ppnrkio upon her ! " W you give nothing more , eir , " tho maiden - * > replied , M J.itv , tc , , pirl wnom .vo mnrrv ! " We Wiiljo life lordship looked down at lier rough Usher gown. * "Whntmoro can sho want ? " cried Lord Harry. 'When I have a lover , " sweet Polly replied. And sho blushed with a smilo that was sunny , "Ho must giro mo his heart , ero ho makes me his bride , For 'tis love T ask * br not monev ! " She miide him a curtsy , and oh"went m v lord , ! And invited n duchess to marry. Bhe was ugly andold butshe'd plenty ofpold. f And sho mado a good match for Lord Harry. Templo Bar. EOAD AGENTS EOUTED. T 9 o'clock one Sep- fe tcmber evening in k 1873 Itookthe coach • _ ft mm , / "lk " which loft Custer City > gv or .CustervilInjgefor J the town consisted of 20 or 30 logstructures to go to Sid ney , Neb. Accachlsupposeitshould be called , though on the plains this vehicle , which has the driver's seat ' on the same level as tho passengers' Beats , is called a "hack. " I had gone to the "hills" to engage In mining , but after four months of prospecting had decided to open a general supply store at the new town ( of Deadwood , and was on my way to Omaha to purchase goods for the ' venture. A. tin lamp , fastened to one corner of the "hack" discovered to me two passengers within as I entered and ' took my seat. Ono was an old gen tleman , apparently weak and ill , for , although it was not a cold night , ho was muffled in a coarse , heavy ulster overcoat. Moreover , such of his face * as I could see between a gray beard , which almost covered it , and the rim of a slouch hat was pale and thin , | and the eyes looked sunken and un- 1 natural. At least so they struck me j _ at a cursory glance. The other passenger was a young fellow of 22 or 23 years , I judged , de cidedly dandified in his dress for that region. He wore a stiff hat and a stand-up collar encircled by a neat 1 tie , and had on a dark suit evidently custom made , which was an unusual "get up" for that region , and one which at once aroused my suspicion , for the only persons I had seen about ! the mining towns dressed in anything like that fashion were gamblers , a r class of men I have made it a point II to avoid. rj Just before setting out the driver came to the side of the vehicle , thrust ; in a light "Winchester carbine , and placed it between my knees. "I see you didn't have no gun , " said he , "an' I keep a couple of extra ones fer sech. " That was all. No further explana tion was necessary in those days. f l took charge of the weapon , al- though I was as little expert in its use as I was in handling the Smith & "Wesson in my hip pocket , which , in deed , I had never yet discharged. , I knew enough of life in the mines \ to know that the "bad man with a gun' " is usually the man who gets in- I ' to difficulty rather than the peaceful ' and unarmed citizen , but a stage ride from Custer to Sidney at that time was a trip not altogether likely to be without its adventures , and for once I regretted my unfamiliarity with "shooting irons. " t It occurred to me that if we were I "jumped by road agents , " as the phrase went , the freebooters of the I route would have little to fear from , the ocenpants of the hack , whether , they got much money ornot. There were usually valuables ot some sort I in the iron box under the driver's ' seat. The young man who sat opposite me had a carbine across his lap , but / I fancied ho knew even less of its use i than I did. As we * started he sat , ) without noticing me , twirling his mustache and humming a tune. "A / fresh gamester , if one at all , " I said 1 to myself on a second look at him. J The old man had no arms in sight. , The driver no doubt regarded him as ' _ out of the fight in any event. \ * ' ' As we rolled up into Buffalo Gap I ; had a few words in conversation with ! my companions. I learned that the U elder was an Iowa farmer , , who had come out to see what he could do in the mines , but he had been ill with mountain fever , and afterward at tacked by rheumatism , so that he had been forced to abandon his pro jects and return to the East. He .spoke freely and in the English of the Western men. s The voung fellow said he was from * * V New York. "Neh Yawk , " he pro- v , nounced it. He was , he said , a stu dent of mining engineering , but he did § ? * not mention what his business had * Teenin that region ; but that was not strange , for we could not talk much. A jolting stage bowling over a rough country at eight miles an hour does not give the best oppor tunity for conversation. _ r [ J r I loon became sleepy , nnd , leaning back in my corner , took such mo mentary catnnpH as tho nature of the road permitted. At 11 o'clock xvr made a brief halt at a temporary stage station , where the driver ' s four- in-hand team was exchanged for fresh hon-es. I peeped out nnd got a glimpse of the teams , of two men with lanterns , of a low structure of sod or adobe faintly outlined , and of the black side of a pine covered mountain be yond. The night was quite dark , with floating clouds and no moon. It became somewhat lighter as wo passed out of the gap a little later , as 1 noted through a crack in the "flap" opposite. The road was now smoother , and settled back in my corner as my com panions had done , togeta Iittlesolid sleep if possible. I dozed off for a time but was awakened by the groan ing of the old man beside me. Ho seemed to bein great pain , and writh ed about nervously. I asked him what was the trouble. Ho replied that his rhumatism was netfrly kill ing him. "I wisht tho driver'd let mo a out when we git t' th' nex' crick. He'll water likely , 'n' I'vejestgott' stretch my legs er die. Ye see I'm troubled with crump rheumatism , an'th' ain't no room in hyer to get the cramp out o' my legs. " I told him 1 would speak to the driver when we halted , a few minutes later , at the. bank of a stream- White river , I believe. I thrust my head out of the side and nskqd that the old gentleman might be let out for a moment to stretch his legs. "All right ! " said the driver , as he clambered down from his own seat. "I'm goin' ter let the bosses take a pull at th' drink. " 1 then helped the old man to dis mount , steadying him by the arm as he got down. He seemed to have a good deal of difficulty in alighting , and groaned in a most lugubrious fashion. The flap swunjr to after him , as I had unbuttoned it all around to let him out. The young man oppo site me lay curled up on his seat , but I could see that his eyes were wide open , and that he wase.yeingmewith a sharp , clean glance. My e\res prob ably responded when they Jell upon his , for he straightened up in an alert fashion and leaned toward me. "Sav , " he whispers. "do you think that old chap's all right ? " Strikes me that groaning of his was put on. "What'ye think ? " The question startled me no less than the young fellow's manner , and 1 was about to makesome reply when a gun or pistol shot rang in our ears , followed by .a yell either of pain or surprise , and a lurch of the hack threw me forward against ray companidn's knees. Either the shot or the yell had startled our team , and we went down the bank and into the stream with a lunge. I heard shots one , two , three as we splashed through the water. Then more yells , loud and fierce. My notion of what had happened or what was happening was con fused for a moment , and then I saw my comrade for the light still burned crawling through to the driver's seat as we went careening up the opposite bank. A second later he had gathered the lines , which were tied in front , and while he held them with one hand he grasped a rib of the hack with the other. Then he leaned out and glanced back. Luckily the horses , which were go ing at a gillop th y were animals which needed no urging kept to the road , and the cool-headed young fel low was not pitched out. "There's a lot of'em , " he shouted in at me a moment later , "I can juBt see four or five getting onto their horses. They've killed the driver , I guess , and are after us now. With'that he gathered up the long- lashed whip which lay in the boot and , dropping upon his knees , began yelling and laying the whip upon the team. In a moment we were going at a fearful pace , and. despite the excite ment and fright of the moment , I no ticed that our four horses came to hand and ran with a steady , even gait , which did credit to the young man's driving. "Get ready for 'em now ! " he screamed back at me , "they'll be down on us in a minute. Open the back flap 'n pour it into 'em with your guns , and when they're empty get mine under the seat ! " He was ray captain as well as driv er , and I obeyed instinctively , for I certainly had formed no plan of de fense or action. I managed to unbuttofi and roll up the leather behind , and peering out , on my knees before the back seat , I saw that we were indeed fol lowed. It was light enough to dis tinguish objects dimly at 100 yards , and there were at least five horsemen in our rear , tearing along at the top of their animals' speed. Knowing that they were within rifle shot , I opened fire on them over the seat. I worked the lever of ray gun as rapid ly as I could , but made awkward business of it. Presently I got a shell stuck , and began trying to get it out. In the meantime our pursuers were gaining with every second. They were within 50 yards before I could get out my shell , and I was too excited to think of using another gun. Suddenly the light in the back went out , and a hand upon my shoulder jerked me backward. Then a voice yelled in my ear : "Let me get at them ! Load the guns for me' n * let the team go. We might's well smash as be riddled with bullets. Here here's two boxes of cartridges. " 1 dropped back to the other seat and gave place to him. He threw t t pwrrsg : c s.y , - y v. ' , . " - , , , „ _ , . - . . r. n his carbines over the back of the hind seat and began firing. Crack ! crack ! crack ! It seemed to me that a steady stream of fire poured out of tho back of the stage , and before I had filled the magazine of my gun his was empty. He snatched mine , however , and thrust his own back to me. me.Loading was awkward business at first , as I had to feel for the feeder ; but I managed soon to thrust , them into my gun as fast as he could work the lever of his own. The men , who ever or whatever they were , rodo up to within 25 or 30yards , and , spread ing out , opened fire on us. "Keep close down to the bottom , " shouted my comrade as he kept on firing. The "road agents" did not come nearer , evidently fearing too great exposure to the stream of shots from the hack , and my courage rose to something near the Ievol of my com panion's. I caught glimpses , as I glanced up now and then , of a plung ing horseman with shadowy , out stretched arm , from which dashed blaze after blaze of light. All at once we began descending in to a gully , and the hack bounced from side to side so violently that it was impossible for us to do anything but cling to the sides of the box. "It's all right ! " rang my compan ion's voice in my ear , shortly alter we began the decent. "They ' ve quit. They can't ride along the side of the gulch , and daren't follow straight be hind. There's a stage ranch below , too. I remember the road. " Sure enough , the men had dropped back , and shots had ceased. My cool , brave comrade now clamored over me , and in some way got into the front seat of the jumping coach. A moment later I noticed that we were slowing up and running more steadily. Five minutes more and Ave halted , what was left of us , safe and sound in front of a stage station. Our story 'was soon told , our horses exchanged , and a fresh driver doubly armed , put with us. Such little ac cidents did not stop stages in those parts. There was no danger , they told us , from that same gang. The three men who were left promised to go immediately and look after our other driver. It was only the darkness and the motion of the vehicle and horsestnat had saved us from being hit. AVe found several bullet marks aboufcthe coach next morning. One of them , well aimed , had gone through the back seat at an angle and into the front , and might have passed direct ly between us. My respect for my young comrade was greatly raised by the event of that night , and was further increased by an after acquain tance which discovered his real mod esty and worth. On my return to the "Hills" Ilearn- ed that our driver had been picked up at i he crossing of the creek badly wounded , and also th.at the brave fellow had yelled to the team to go the very second he was hit. He had been carried to Sidney. As to the rheumatic old man. he was , of course , a rascal in league with the band who attacked us. From the Youth's Compaion. mm i i aw She Enjoyed A Conflagration § Pretty Ida Olson , 17 years old , is in jail in San Francisco as an incen _ diary. Eecently several mysterious fires have broken out near Ida's resi dence and the police were mystified. However , one officer became suspi cious of Id a after the first fire. An in vestigation was made and resulted in the discovery of small footprints near the spot where the fire began burning. The footprints were evi dently made by a woman , and Ida beingsuspected , one of her shoes was found to fit the tracks. When the marshal questioned the girl she at first stoutly denied any connection with the fires , but finally weakened and confessed that she had followed an irresistible impulse and had tried repeatedly [ to enjoy the excitement a big blaze would cause in the neighbor hood. A Ham Fat Man , Although at his death Daniel Lam bert weighed more than 700 pounds , and was not quite six feet tall his vast bulk never , however , seeming to incommode him yet when he weighed over 400 he walked long distances with less fatigue than was endured by his companions who weighed com paratively nothing , and until short ly before his death he was active in field exercises. He never spent much time in bed , sleeping less than eight hours in the mod twenty-lour , was a erate eater , and drank only water , and still , in spite of all this , he went on accumulating . adipose in a way that leads one to inquire seriously if eating , and drinking , and indulgence and self-indulgence have really a great deal to do with the laying on of fat. Phrenology. Dr. Starr , of London , adduces ar guments to show that it is impossible to draw from the size or shape of the head any conclusions as to the men tal capacity. He shows the absurd ity of judging of the brain surface by either the size of the head or the ex tent of the superficial irregular sur face which is covered by the skull , without taking into consideration the number of folds or the depth of the creases , and states that a little brain with many deep folds may really , when spread out , have a larger sur face than a large brain with few shal low folds. i i 'I i < i I } m " " ' - . . . . . -i -i - , i , , , , . _ „ . . . _ , _ , , , . „ mmm , , , , , . , „ . , . . , . „ , laii I 'I - The - First - National - Bank. - i CAPITAL AND SURPLUS : HwOI I AUTHORIZED CAPITAL : ji GEORGE IIOCKXELL , President. B. M. FREES , Yice President. W. F. LA.WS0N , Cashier. * j A. CAMPBELL , Director. S. L. GREEN , Director. ( i wsi , si * Thp Rjtijpnq Rank nf MpP.nnk ; i I ilS | M BH Paid Up Capital , $50,000. I BJSiStt : § r 69neraBanking Business. I fem 'HBwMB ffllnPHiBBP WS yk' wQ ML " ' . " " * ' ' ' Collections made on nil accessible points. Drafts ( 'r.ivrn directly . , ' fiBliHS 8 si tickets m * M ' 1 ® * ® mmi I W f ySSfi NEBRASKA * I B S/ 'tfi $ m&sjii I ® ! ! ! ! Sfiii General ISniilciiigr IJusincss Transacted. J H PETER PENNER wishes to announce that his stock of SiiiEir Lai Men aid Itt is complete , and also directs attention to his line of WHITE RUBBER TEIMMED HARNESS , . finest ever brought to "Western Nebraska. "West Dennison St. McCOOK , NEBRASKA. $30,000.00 ! TO LOAN ON Improved Farms In Red Willow County 8 * AT 81 PEE CENT. 8 McCook Loan and Trust Co. IglPOFFiCE in First National Bank. . < 3rGf e Front l lverij Sta $ ! © GRAY & EIKENBERRY , Props. The Best Equipment in the Republican Valley. 1 Fras k EiM Liter Ci. DEALERS 'N = LUMBER ! Sash , Doors , Blinds , Lime , Cement , HARD AND SOFT COAL. : C. H. BOYLE , I LAND - ATTOENEY , 1 Six years' experience in Government M Laud Cases. M Real Estate , Loans and Insurance. I NOTARY PUBLIC. H C Office upstairs in the Scott building , H south of Commercial llotel , McCook , Neb. fl THE - COMMERCIAL HOTEL , I GEO. E. JOHNSON , Prop. H McCOOSC , - NEBRASKA. ' This house has been completely renovated jH and refurnished throughout , and is first-class M in every respect. Hates rcasouabel. M A. J. Uittexuouse , " \V. K. Starr , M McCook. Indianola. M ItlTTEXHOUSE & STAltR , Attorneys-at-Law OFFICES AT M McCOOK and HVI > IA fOI A. . H J. BYRON JENNINGS , x Attorney-at-Law - - "Will practice in the state and United State ! M courts , and before the I" . S. Land offices. M Careful attention given to collections. H OtKce over the Nebraska Loan and Banking H Co. , McCook. H THOS. COLFER , I Attorney-at-Law- - - AND NOTARY PUBLIC. H Real Estate Bousht and Sold and Collec- M tions made. Money Loaued on real estate M and filial prrof. Agent Lincoln Land Co. M Office in Phillips-Meeker block. ' H HUGHV. . COLE , LAWYER. ITIcCOOK , - NEBRASKA. H "Will practice in all courts. Commercial M and Corporation law a specialty. H ITIOrVCY TO LOAN. H Booms 4 and 5 First National Bank Building. H Dr. A. P. WELLES , I HOMEOPATHIC M PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , ITIcCOOK , - NEBRASKA. | H Spcci.il attention piven to diseases of 'Women j H and Children. The latest improved methods of H Electricity used in all cases requiring such treat- f M ment. OiUceoverMcMillen's Drugstore. lies- H idencc , North Muin Street. H B. B. DAVIS , M. D „ I PHYSICIAN and SURGEON I McCOOK - NEBRASKA. M OFFICE HOURS : 9 to 11 a. m. , 2 to 3 p. m. , 7 M to 9 p. m. I have associated with mc in practice , H i > r. c. n. jroES , | who will answer calls promptly in town or H country. Rooms : Over First National Bank. H HUCKLIX'S AltXICA SAT.VE. M The Best Salve iu the world for cuts , bruises , H sores , ulcers , f-alt rheum , fever sores , tetter. H : happcd hands , chilblains , corns , and all .skin H 2ruptions , and positively cures piles , or no pay H required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis- < H faction or tuoney refunded. Price 23 cents per' V H box. For tale by A. Melfillen. M ) M ) H M