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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1889)
\i " * , - - / I BOOTS AND SHOES. 1 I - REMOVAL SALE. -tFROM THIS DATE UNTIL FURTHER t * NOTICE WE WILL GIVE II ' | ' FIFTEEN Per Cent. OFF | . ON ALL CASH PURCHASES. ! BOWEN § LAYCOC6C. I . BOSTON SHOE STORE , ; OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. ii t • VyctSH 1 clIKSI 1:1l. l.I' \ • I' I Below we give only a few or the many I bargains we offer : fe tfl&i mmmm W 1 20 pounds new Prunes , for $1.00 . * 20 pounds new Dried Apples , for : 1.00 P * * All package Coffee , per pound , 25 Rv - , . Canvassed Sugar Cured Hams , per poiind , , 13 ! > . , , JJew Evaporated Blackberries , per pound , 08 p y ; t ' Muscatel Kaisins , per pound , > . . 10 e -t ' . Our "brag" GO cent Japan Tea , per pound , 50 f Best brands of Corn , Tomatoes and Blackberries , per can , 10 Full Cream Cheese , 15 per pound J. T. Plug Tobacco , per pound , 35 Revenue Plug Tobacco , per pound , 25 . Best Kerosene Oil , per gallon , . . 20 Salt , per barrel , . " 1.35 New Japan tea , natural leaf , 25 3 pounds table peaches , 15 * : Challie Cloth , 8 cents per yard. Lawrence L.L. Muslin , 6 cents per yard. Cheviot Shirting , per yard , 08 I Boots - : - andSkesCost. : : . - Special bargains in CLOTHING , HATS , CAPS , NOTIONS , Etc. Prices of all goods as LOW , and many lower than any . other house in McCook. Get our prices before purchasing. WILCOX & FOWLER , West Demrison Street , McCook , Nebraska. . C. LaTOURETTE , Prop. The BriekStore on Lower Main Ave. DEALERS in = Sash , Doors , Blinds , Lime , Cement , AED AND80ET COAL , PATE BROS. . . . SUCCESSORS TO B. F. OLCOTT. Lvery , Feed and Sale Stable , Most conveniently located barn in the v. Finest turn-outs. Reasonable prices. TT0RNEY-AT-LAW , REAL ESTATE AGENT , > r the Famous Clothing House. 1 OMTQIII BLUE FRONT J.olllfl , LIVERY BARN. HEAR OP THE McENTEE HOUSE. GOUPE BROS. & M. MEAT MARKET. MAIM AVENUE. sriculturl Implements ; WAGONS AND BUGGIES. j E30- I "WBZLXjILj , AL njsjs ess / . V/ATCH FOR THE NEXT. 0 r 0 = A SSniESOF PICTURES representing coffee CULTURE. S 2 rA - . - - > fATiVE--G0'FFEE PICKERS. Tr gS- 2EZX yS2 CHASE & SANBORN. DESK CCFFEHS HAVE A RATIONAL REPUTATION REPRESENTING THE FSNEST GROWN. S ALBSRjSJmjGOFF fSS Jt in riclineoa and delicacy of ilr.vor. Justly called The Aristocratic CcfTss of America. Always pacJrcd wliolo roasted ( unground ) in 2 lb. air-tight tin cans. /7TK2J'SYe < * B , WW ? "ESTr ? " "S TIFfa A okilful blending of strong1 , fla- QjffiJ > kJ&lUJEd ! iLsJ rlXJ 1U ? vory end aromatic high grade coffeerj. Warranted not to contain a single Eio bean , and guaranteed to cuit your tasto n.3 no other coifec will , at a moderate price. Always paclsod wholo roasted ( unground ) , in 1 lb. air-tight parchment packages. FirW'VfSiFfra 'fCS * "K * " ? We are exclusively an importing house , selling * JL .S'cSi ? JL is J&&j&ij ! A only to dealers. But to give consumers an opuortunity of testing our famous coifoo before buying , we will , upon receipt of 6 cents in stamps to cover the cost of can and postage , send frco by .nail a 1-1 pound of Seal Brand Coffee , Address CHASE & SANEORN , 87 BROAO ST. , 'BOSTON , MASS. -21 SOLD ONLY BY&- O. M. NOBLE , -THE LEADER INk- MAIN AVENUE. POTTER & EASTERDAY , ' Commission Merchants. Our leading brands : 84 , Shogo , Ked Lion , KoLhanna , Five Marks , Gold Medal , Boiler Loaf , Legal Tender , Pride o McCook , Etc. , Etc. Highest market price paid for grain. DAILY PROGRAMME. Saturday , Oct. 12. Sunrise , Morning Gun. 9 A. jtf. , Guard Mount. 10 A. M. , Competitive Drill of Sons of Veterans for officer's sword. Presentation. 2 P. M. , Breaking Camp and Farewell. LAID TO REST. This morning , the mortal remains of Sam Fisk were consigned to their last resting place in the "city of the dead" Longview. The obsequies occurred from the Lutheran church , being in charge of the Knights of Pythias of this city , of which lodge he was a faithful and enthusiastic member. The services were conducted by llev. J. W. Kim- inel. The deceased fonneily resided in Mc Cook , being employed by the Burlington in the capacity of locomotive fireman. With a number of others , after the strike , he moved to Trinidad , Colo. , where lie secured work on the Ft. Worth road. It was while in the discharge of his duty as fireman on this road that he met his sad and tragic death in a col lision. There are many hearts in McCook that will ache upon learning of his untimely demise. All true hearts go out to his be reaved wife in her deep sorrow. Peace to his ashes. E. M. Farnsworth , War Claim Attorney , arrived from Decorah , Iowa , on train Ifo. 1 , October 0th , to attend the reunion , and will remain here about ten days. . . . . | l.i miPMrMMn w-Mwiiwi m ! iiiiiiin-m.fii.nwiii.nmai "Concha. " "Senora Cubanna. " Corn Hnskers Soap at C. M. Smith & Son's. Go to Dr. Thomas for first-class dental operations. Einest line of candies in the city at the Post Office Lobby. The largest line of albums in the city at C. M. Smith & Son's. Luinan N. Howe is in the city , to-day , from Trinidad , Col. "We are selling wall paper at cost. C. M. Smith & Son. C. M. Smith & Son have the largest stock of drugs in the Re publican valley. Governor Thayer , Secretary Laws , and Treasurer Hill , arrived in camp , this morning. "Senora Cubanna , " finest 10 cent goods in the city. Sold only by Joseph Eeizenstein. Eor bargains , examine E. L. Brown's list of city and farm prop erty before investing. Editor "Warner of the Stockville Faber , DeWald of the Trenton Register , and Barnes of the Indi- anola Times , are among our visit ors , to-day. As to the size of our pension roll , in comparison with those of other countries , it is explained br the fact that Ho nation in Europe ever had so many men in the field luring a four year's war as we had , and every nation in Europe claims that it owns its subjects body and soul , while we recognize the fact Ehat the people of this country own the government are in fact , the government , and the people who ire well and uninjured , claim the right to vote money to their fel lows who did the fighting for their common heritage. . . . . . ' ' - . . - \ - m i.r. i g&l&M - ' - \ Under a recent legislative enact ment trusts are illegal in Missouri. The law declares it to be a conspiracy pun ishable by fine and imprisonment to enter into any trust and combination to regulate or fix the price or quantity of any article of merchandise to be manu factured , and it prohibits corporations from owning or issuing trust certificates and declares any contracts made'with that object in view to be in violation of law. Operating under this law the secretary of state , whose duty it is to see that the enactment is enforced , has addressed circulars to officers of corpor ations doing business in the state , re quiring them to inform him under oath whether they have , since the enactment , complied with its provisions. It will be interesting to note what the officers will have to say , for there is no doubt that in many cases they have violated the law. It will certainly have the ef fect in any event of making monopoly assume a definite shape in that state. The selection of Norval for the asso- , ciatc judgeship of the supreme court , was in the nature of a land slide. Reese was completely buried under the vote of 545 to 209 The Union Labor candidate for Com missioner is Eobert Moore , of Coleman , and not E. E. Moore of Box Elder. "Dick' ' takes his politics straight-out Republican. Dr. Hall's office is over Bernheimer's tailor shop. Gall and Inspect Carrutli & Son's stock of watches , clocks , Jewelry and silverware. J. C. ALLEN W CO. GASH BARGAIN HOUSE. grocery ; department. Saves You From 15 to 25 Per Cent Sells goods direct from the manu facturer to the consumer , thus saving the retail dealers profit. Examine their prices : J. T. Plug Tobacco , per pound . . . 35. "No Prophet" , per pound 30. Roasted coffee , per pound 20. Arbuckles coffee , per pound 25. 1 Bbl. salt $1.40. 3 cans , 21bs , Beatrice corn 25. 1 can Monarch Baking Powder 25. 1 lb new evaporated apricots 15. 1 Bbl. salt 5 > 1,40 7 cans table peaches $1.00. First class olives , per gallon 95. Tea , a tip-top article for 35. Salmon , peij can 15. 1 Bbl. salt $1.40. 3 lb. can tomatoes 10. 2 lb can string beans 10. 2 lb can lima beans 10. 1 lb can peas 10. 1 Bbl. salt $1.40. New evaporated unpeeled peaches. New evaporated peeled peaches. New evaporated apricots. New California raisin prunes. New London layer raisins. New Ondura raisins. New lot Monarch , Mocha and Java coffee. Vermont maple syrup. Sweet pickles. Lincoln Pateut "Flour and Sea Foam Flour. Our prices are the lowest in the city. It is to your interest to trade with us. We sell for cash , strictly. It is only by paying cash , we arc enabled to offer these attractive prices. Special prices to Merchants , Hotels , aud Ranchers. / J. C. ALLEN & CO , . Wholesale and Retail. Origiuutors of Low Prices iu McCook. [ Li , JuU VV Milli Oo OUli. i : : SIBllll At Your Own Price , [ j -m l . - ' r Come m and tell us what yon ' U jj . ' . S S1 g , ? 1 ! "will give for a suit of clothes , I j ] t - ' ' i OB U flwW" " C3r J . IF ? @ &TXJa S ' \l \ " ' Hat Cords , G. A. It. Wreaths , \ i • : " - M/ > Buttons and Flag's. f ] • ' : ; - bs sip . finest and Clieapest ; - MBai ? ' INTHE : COTY. j . , _ " * ! " " " - ! OF McCOOK , NEBRASKA. J ipsi'sl . \ SapUal a/w-b § > w&phu > , | 40.000. i - , ' Money to loan on Chattels. Notes Discounted. Farm * B 'lil'/ ! | § | ylll'IB ' ' - ' * Loans madewithout the usual vexatious delays. S ifeJll 'II ' Si ® I IraH < Foreign Drafts and Steam ship tickets sold. v < j rr" " , J | correspondents : R B Wm f FIEST NATIONAL BANK , OMAHA. " SgjMSB f S P5 ' CHEvLTCAL : national dank , new yoek. WfesMB B 8 Sjlf * I F. H. SPEARMAN , President , H ] y ' , H. D. SPEARMAN , Vice-President , S / * JOS. A. COBDEAL , Cashier. ! . , . . . . . . _ _ . . . . . . . _ , _ . . . . . . F " - - ' - ! - -L ' - ' - - J. ' ' H J 'L'J1 ' - _ v „ f ! I -V I " 'J \ f " ' p- J' 'lll * ' * I ' 1 1 p i 'J ' i j L j - ly. JJ > J JUL-1 * B.9 lf ? Jt 'J * * * ! " - - - VJ ! ' 111 JJ iy 1 i ll llff | | „ ( % } # ? ' ; r r. * * : ' : • - ? ' - ; - ; " , . QF mcCOOK NEBRASKA. ' ' 0' : ' 0 c r § ik General banking business transacted. * ' Wfflli S § iy wM % ? PromPt money ov "j"Mako ItMli pAy ' m and city bxns at lowest current - ; ff/p | p y X M 1 | ; - ' \ 1-ates , and pay money when the " title j lilHl Si S/ / iscompiet ° - ) " ff S SfC. E. SHAW , Pres. , C. A. VanPELT , Treas. , - ' p5 O. A. THOMPSON , V-Pres. , JAY OLNEY , Cash. uq + ttrst * J\attoitaJ fdaim , i ' ' ' I CAPITAL AND SURPLUS : S S' 1 AUTHORIZED CAPITAL : = = = = MM WWa'Wr = IP Wr ' I C ( ? C IIOGKUELL , President. 8. M. FREES , Vice-President. W. F. LAWSON , Cashier. M A : CAMPBELL , Director. S. L. GREEN , Director. W-V : % " - : ' - " • - , ' r.:52T02i3Z2 TOS22 SIAT3 LiTTC. 9 4HPlWi-yff IriHGENERAL BAMK ! G business. I r" ? V M WW : - = r T" : : ' ' Collections made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn direct- ' . M ? ? . VSS SS@ ai5i e5 / hl Q5 ? ? - ly oa Principal . cities of Europe. Taxes paid for uon- | H WiM % < & &W0m \ $ * M % ® Mm- residents. Money tuloiiiiion farming . lands , • • . , . ItWWf : f Mfe - dff - - . city and personal property. ; MmrMwM Mm MfWrntickets for saleto and from Europe : llMj fJ H HfjrrL OFFICERS : J § Q rgS SiliJ < JIS ' ; - - V. FKAXKIJNPresident. . JOHN 11. CLAUK. Vice-Pres. S - . . - . t a " ' _ ' . _ ; X . vfy A. C. EBEUT , Cashier. Tuos. I. Gf.ASSCO'lT , Ass"t Casb. H Zj & 'T"j CORRESPONDENTS : } | 'T"- . . _ _ . . , - -tf ggrj a SsS rr : jgj ft Cf.T. * l fc % s The First National Hank , Lincoln. Nebraska. H The Clitmlca ! National Bank , New York City. f M OF If Cf A F CI DM 0 PITY TflfiftTQ M Sole Agents for WILLOW GROVE and STERN'S Additions jfl to McCook. "OPEN-HOUSE" during reunion. Call and see us. iS " " " , , . . vfrni If ? A HT complete line " of fl "Concha , " the only hve centMS ; fi | | | | fl | j _ -fl cigar Avith a Sumatra ivrapper in j \ rf j | e | | | | | j | j PBfiPEIDfC - fl SIE P M 111 H D E / fl the city. Sold by Joseph Reizen-jyjllflilIl5y lOLIlIL 5 yllLLsTOSiMilL ( ( stem- < Meets all competition. Opposite the McEntee. , | flm