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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1889)
) * 1 . 1 . V ' ) r I I • - | \ ' H M' ) - * H K fV * MoCook Cook ani > STATipNinty Co. fy Y if / ifliKMt l Ii J ( f j McCook Book and StAtiokkuv Co Kt" Lahoest Stock.--Lowisi'Puioes. : : j x b J/ IW' T fi Zy S\y sy - Sgr N5ji * < * § $ k 'av I > < $ V n 5 As -Mgir " 'J < ' " S ' < $ Q . Cbmstjias , , , . • • -o | M fHK' * E < JW MM WWl llll MIIIWIHWMCIWH-WWIIIWIilWI < im lilMlC Z j f 1M' ' lj W " ' * " H _ _ _ " " " " " " - ' - H re ; • ; r"r" ; "T-r r- * B- * . VOLUME I. NUMBERS. DAILY REUNiON EDITION FRIDAY , OCT. 11,1889. I K - * F A STOCK OF l § v- J • CLOTHING , I. rUHNIdhinb bUUbd , I , ' HATS & CAPS W That is Unapproachable. It is w i npjTfjp Oiiiqp our ll"npo f flUfiniofo 1 . Ldijjuli rlllul dill MUlu uuMfliJ f than any other House in McCook , 1 , - < , i Can show you ! * - I "OUR PRICES" f Marked in "Plain Figures , " are f below any competition. We. guar- ' | ; v 9 antee all goods as represented. I * ' Zs 5z Z CISPIE Z 3J EJZ I JONAS ENGEL , Manager. I ; OCTOBER Sth , 1889. | . dT BRE ER f. AND DEALER IN LIVE STOGK. jj S Meafc Marlcet on Main Avenue. I CITY dWG STORE , I" GEORGE M. CHENERY , Proprietor. f. | ? r e © nigs and Medlclt t @ § I FINE CIGARS A SPECIALTY. A choice list of city and farm property for sale. Office over ( - * - * ' " " the Farmers & Merchants . Bank. . . . ' < j . , , , , , . iii.i' " iinrr TTni i n i i 11 n i n n 11 n 1 1 inn 111 11 - - T-Tr.1. - „ | hhli ihf "Tr.nuaa ' ? r "HEADQUARTERS FOR t ' Mason & Hamlin and Western r Cottage Organs. ( f ; C. P. R1NKER , Manager. : t BATON OOMFAWT7 i ! Circle Front Livery Bara. 1 r , EAST RAILBOAD STREET. ] 1. Best Equipped barn in the City. j | • HALLCOOTrSn TO s ] ' * DEALERS IS . ' ] f , Hardware , Implements , Bte0 \ ? A COilPLETE STOCK OF . g (7ZZ ( tierjr , = : = Sio ves , = - Tin ware , - ; = Barb = . - = Wipe , g- Windmills , = : = Oils , = : = Etc. . . . J. WEST DENNISON STREET , ilcCOOK. NEBRASKA. " * ' V U17QQ \ CONTRACTOR & BUILDER , I X • XJ c X X X-/VJVJ Estimates CHEERFULL Y Furnished.l r ARLINGTON HOUSE , o 0 M. "W. DTJEFEY , Proprietor. o [ o : YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED J " - • K. L , HULBURD , ] REAL I ESTATE i BROKER. . ! Clioice City and Farm Property. p TmGRlliwFTRADEr Tho parado , wliicli "was postpon ed fi'om last night , occurred this afternoon , and was the most im posing pngeant of the reunion. Parade formed at tho en nip and marched into the city , v/here it was reviewed in front of tho Commer cial House by Governor Thayer , in the following order : FIRST DIVISION. Commanded by Adj.Gen. A. Y.Cole. Danbury Band. Nebraska National Guard. Old Soldiers. Sous of Veterans. Murdock's Battery. SECOND DIVISION. Commanded by Col. J. D. Gage. ' McCook Band. Knights of Pythias. Ind. Order of Odd fellows. Traveling Men. Eire Department. LASTUIGHT'S CAMP FIRE Was a rouser , with a big R. A large and enthusiastic croAvd gath ered around the fire and listened to the speeches , singing and music by tho band. The addresses of the evening wero made by Comrades Burton of Hastings , Majors of Nemaha , Bixlor of North Platte , Cole of Juniata , Gage of Franklin ; General McCook also spoke a few words. The speech of Comrade Burton was a very eloquent , patri otic effort , and was received with every mark of enthusiastic appro bation. The court martial was highly * amusing , and the stories , anecdotes , and general small talk absorbingly interesting. It was in fact one of the features of the re union. "LU0RE7IA 30RG/A" "Will be repeated at the Menard , this evening , by request. A large audience should see this splendid performance of Stuttz and his tal ented company of artists. Horse Races. The horse races have all been : declared off until to-morrow. • The largest stock of watches in western Nebraska , at Carrutk & Son's. ! P. L. Brown can furnish you < wiih a Parm Loan as low as the ' lowest. i Dr. A. J. Thomas extracts teeth without pain , by the use of Laugh ing Gas. ( "Senora Cubanna , " finest 10 j cent goods in the city. Sold only by Joseph Beizenstein. Dr. Thomas will crown your de cayed teeth. Call on him. Office opposite Commercial Hotel. "Concha , " the only five cent < cigar "with a Sumatra wrapper in the city. Sold by Joseph Beizen stein. Toys , Toys , Toys , Dolls and Doll Carriages and Hobbv Horses , Wagons. Etc. , at the Post Office , Lobby. Last evening , during the camp fire , a lady in the grand stand overcome by fatigue , ' fainted , causing- little excitement for the time being. One of the features of the reun ion , of which all citizens can feel proud , is the music by the band. Few cities of any size , can boast as : fine an organization. ' The Stratton Lodge , X. of P. , ivas down last night , to engage in the parade , which had been post poned until this evening by reason 3f tho non-arrival of the governor. Western Nebraska's sunny , Itala ian skies have never smiled down apon as brilliant a scene as that k presented in McCook to-day. A \ happier , handsomer , more patriotic md numerous assemblage hasnev- gathered within the limits of a Western Nebraska city. Last evening , a boy about six ears of age had his leg broken " below the knee.N The boy was playing behind a wagon when the 'earn suddenly backed up , knock- ing the boy over , producing the lbove accident , the only one thus ! ar during the encampment. Last night's attendance at the Opera House was largely increased ' jver that of the previous evening. ; 'Under Two Plags" was played in the usual artistic and satisfactory manner. The Stuttz's have demon- , straled their ability as first class I actors in a maimer decidedly ac ' septable to the public. Hence their increasing audiences. The Most Successful Gathering : of Veterans Ever Held in Western Nebraska. IHIHENSE ATTENDANCE Everything Propitious and a Royal , Good Time Enjoyed. ttcUOGK DOES THE GilAI10 PROUDLY 'Tomorrow ' ni'toiiinoii will witness the clioim : . uiiie ! > of tinjimsL succ'\ssfui rc-uninn < < f f-uldicrs ; iml .suilom over hold in Western ISimiskit. . All times suritisil elements o ! ' Mieivss have iicen present. The nnvi.iiaiiu : has been Acc'iimioihni'/iis . Tins large ' ' / ample. location of the cam nail tiiat heart , emild desire. Fine and auspicious weather. The associations peculiarly agreeable , memories revived , heart stirring. The entertainmentprovidedhas been ex tensive and interesting. With aham battles , parades , competitive and exhi bition drills , receptions , camp fires , speeches , music , social intercourse , the old veterans and their families , from home and abroad , have enjoyed a season of pleasure , not often duplicated or ex ceeded. The general and the rank and file have met on a common level , swapped stories , drank out of the same canteen , as it were , and have had a royal good time together. The re-union has been graced throughout by a brill Hant galaxy of notablcsin , both military and civic circles , who have had consul erable to do with the outcome of the af fair. All in all , the occasion has been one which will long be remembered by the multitudes present with the hap piest of emotions. ' IS PROUD OF THE CITY. General McCook expresses himself as proud of the enterprising , handsome little city that bears his name so grace fully and proudly , and has signified his intention of making the municipality a present of an appropriate character. The Tribune hopes in the near future to be able to state just what that gift shall be. Eest assured , however , that it will bn worthy the generous donor , and a credit to the most promising little city in the state of Nebraska. The Hastings people , in boring for a sas ; , have discovered the existence of pure rock salt , in large quantities , at a depth of about 800 feet. They have al ready bored through forty feet of the article , and a company has been organ ized to develope the same. The Y. AI. C. A. will meet in the sity hall , next Tuesday evening , at 8 ! ) 'clock , central time. District Reunion Association. At the business meeting held ai headquarters , this morning , ai which A. V. Cole was chosen Pre sident and H. H. Berry , Secretary , it was moved , seconded , and car- vied that a district reunion associa tion should bo formed , comprising the 11th judicial district , two east ern counties in Colorado , two in northwestern Kansas , arid other counties contingent to the district who may apply. The object of the association is to perpetuate ( be holding of a district reunion o ory year , in the city or town offering the best inducements. A delegate from each county ' was appointed to meet in a general meeting be fore tho reunion clow , to re ort on the L , ' : Jlowing in tlu * committee : Rtichc-ock , M. iVJ. House : Frontier , B. A. Alh'ii : Red Willow , Dr. G. W. Curfnmii ; Hayes J. KPardon ; Furnas , I. M. Mey ers ; Cbase , liobcrt Ladamen ; Dun dy , E. G. Neighbor ; Gosper , I. M. Halloway. Tho J. K Barnes Post of our city , has been presented with a large and elegant photograph of himself , by General McCook. Tho post will place it upon tho walls of their hall with pleasure. The General is a worthy member of a noble family. Comrade Cole still keeps up his warfare on tho "gambling dens" and "hell holes " the , on encamp ment grounds. But meanwhile the light-fingered gentry continuo to rope in the unsophisticated. Taylor reports the failure of the "knights of the grip" to be in tho procession to lack of time to pre pare , after being notified of change of programme. Correct .time furnished daily by Carruth & Son's Electric clock , connected directly with Chicago. Watches set and regulated free of charge. G. A. B. cards at' The Thibune office. Every old soldier should provide himself at once , before the supply is exhausted. Before contracting for a Farm Loan , see F. L. Brown at The Teibune building. Carruth & Son , reliable jewelers , one door south of Menard's store. Machine Oils at C. M. Smith & Son's. Call and inspect Carruth & Son 's stock of v/atches , clocks , jewelry and silverware. A. F. DIVER Prop. ONLY BRICK HOTEL IN THE CITY. Headquarters for Commercial Travelers. W. 0. BTJLLAKB & CO. . ' to ? | ° ° L. " " " " LIME , j HARD WINDOWS , ! bW ! iQ Izsf \ % Q j SOFT I BLINDS. j COAL , j o o tot RED CEDAR AND OAK POSTS. . . . . . , . . . . . . . . , . . . . , . . . . . . . . l .i. < Lnr am.n : : - - 'iu-ri. " * ' : -.i. ---'i.j-j ! - > -.r-nT- - ' > -i. : * .i'ht"w - i "f < uy.vv. -3xi.atiag GRAND . .OPENING ' THE HUDBLESTON LUMBER CO. NOW HAVE TEE Latest FalL # Winter Styles Of I/UMBEE , SASH , DOOES , BLINDS , HARD and SOFT COAL. Every body invited to call on us. Real Estate and Loans. Gail and Examine my List of Farm and Gity Property. lJUibhSn w tfepllLil BLACKSMITHS • All work"performed in a Avorkmanlike manner at satisfactory prices. Shop south of Smith's livery barn. 1 , ) - - , - T s ® oii eriaf % House , I GEO. E. JOHNSTON , Prop. GEO. L. 'ETTER , Clerk. Heated by Steam , Electric Lights , Free Bus , I HOT A > U ) COLD WATEIt BATHS- H Hamiltoii9s Cheap Store ! I The Only Genuine Bargain Store in McCook ! H B Wo v/ill save vou from 25 to 40 per cent , on all purchases M in MILLINERY , DRY " GOODS and NOTIONS. One price to H all. The only strictly cash store in the cityThe little store south | of the Post Oifice. H 1889 r r Z 1889. & 1 ° TT H 11Ulilll 1 a r I iii i ii rip JLXU h-p ah HuD Km m For your ClothingHats , Caps , and I Gents' FuruisljhsgGoods , Trunks H .and Yalises. H E Morlan Block. C. W. KNIGHTS. 1 \ A. MeMILLENT 1 | "W WALL PAPER NEW STYLES CHEAP. - _ | J fc : PAINTS AND OILS , ' P"LAMPS AND STATIONERY. A. McMILLEK McCOOK NEBRASKA. UTTPVTTTTDL ? - AND . UNDERTAKING. Prices to match the lowest in tin * state. • FAIXSEiidM. i&89. _ Call and inspect the fall stock of L. BERNHEEMER. They are the most stylish goods ever seen in this vi cinity. You will find an endless line of fine Trouser ings , Scotch Suitings , Cheviots , Wide Wales , ect , etc. , which I will make up at the lowest possible fiigures. o SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. o L BBENTTFITMER Main Avenue , liuildinfformerly < l " ' . occupfe * TivsvjV . ? ? - - * - T'oSli t -First National K nk. f 'i. 'Ci i llcl ll L A < t-IIUl MeCQOK TANK LINE , Coal Oil and Gasoline. Wholesale and Retail.