The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 24, 1889, Image 4

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    T Ml UN i i ' 1 . - - - > - - - -
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_ T * _ P"
I ! WnnnnAB , Tho 30th day of May in each year
I j has boon mado n National IJollday by act or
I 1 congress. II Is fitting on this centennial an-
I j ulvcrsary of tho cstabllslnnont of constltu-
I j tional government by tho inauguration of the
I hnmortnl Washington , that attention bo call-
I cd to tho patriotic Bcrvico of tho men through
I * whom that grand work was created a gov-
eminent of liberty regulated by law was
I preserved , tho ritthleBS hand of treason was
I not permitted to accomplish its overthrow.
I . . Tho patriotio army of tho revolution under
I tho leadership of tho immortal Washington ,
I founded this glorious republic. Tbo patriotio
I union army under tho leadership of tho im-
I mortal Lincoln , preserved it. This day is set
I apart by tho Grand Army of tho Republic for
I tho porformanoo of tho sacred duty of hon-
oring tho memory of thoso who fell in battle
I r died from tho effects of exposure and suf-
I l' * • fering in defenco of our country. In tho
I I performance of this solemn duty , let ovory
I patriotic citizon assist in hollowing tho mem-
I ' ory of our loyal dead.
I ; Tqeuefohe , It is requested by mo that all
I places of business in tho City ofMcCookbc
I - S. and remain closed botween tho hours of 1 and
I- 5 P. M. , May 30. 18SU , and that tho citizens nb-
I : ' stain from all secular labor during that tlmo
I- . . and nssomblo at tbo place designated for tho
I duo observance ) of tbo day.
I. S. L. GKEEN , Mayor.
I r J J-E. KELLEY , Clo rk.
I * , . The pension list is a long one , but
few people probably are aware that
I : - there are 31,302 pensioners who draw
I. only $2 a month.
The C. B. & Q. 's statement for
the month of March shows an increase
fc in business of nearly a million dollars
I 1 . over March of last year.
t f
* p j i
I- Montana's resent constitutional con-
vention has settled the matter in regard
1 ' _ to which party is to hold the reins. Oh !
No. Too many republicans for you.
Eigiit states of the union includ
ing Missouri have adopted the Aus
tralian ballot system , and Illinois is de
bating the question of joining the pro
Editor Halstead is recovering and
\ expects to go to Europe in a few weeks.
K He will let the springs of Germany
f minister to him , instead of going him-
g self as Minister to Germany.
% = = = = = =
* | - New York city has lately borrowed
Z'r \ $9,000,000 at 2j per cent , interest ,
t.p- - " ' the lowest rate on record for like secur-
l J ities in this country. The loan runs
_ j forty years , and is exempt from taxa-
' . I toon.
f j Chief Justice Fuller , of the Unit-
4 ed States supreme court , recommends
I that an appellate court be established
I J between the supreme court and the Fed-
| | s- ' ' * . eral circuit and district courts. The
. I nation's highest tribunal is now three
• years behind with its business and gain
ing but little on the docket.
Party affiliation cuts no figure in
Ife the call for the convention to be held
H at Lincoln , June 5th , 1889. C. N.
B Robins , I. M. Stewart and G , A. Atkin-
Hf son , well known in Nebraska's capital ,
L I / tall upon the voters to overthrow the
| - - / - * ' saloons. Phelps county temperance
M men please take notice.
I J "
I # The movement to discontinue Sun-
day trains of the country seems to be
growing general. The New York Cen
tral , the Deleware and Hudson , the
Canada Pacific , and now the Chicago
& Northwestern are about to , or have
issued orders for such discontinuance.
I It is a movement in the right direction
and will give railroad men much need
ed rest.
, The Attorney General has received
an explanation from U. S. Marsha ]
H Jones , who went to Oklahoma with five
RV - * - - „ or six hundred deputies , a large num-
ber of which took advantage of their
being in the country to stake clai ms
H The report is not at all satisfactory and
H the chances are that Jones will be dis- j
1 , , missed. The deputies who staked :
B * claims will also find it pretty difficult to ,
I hold them :
g | TnE per cent , of increase in the pop- ]
ulation of the United States has not :
been less than 30 per cent , in any ten
years except in the war decade between
IS60 to 1870 , when it was 2S. 65 per
cent. The per cent , between 1870 and
I 18S0 was 30.08. If the increase dur
ing this decade has been 30 per cent ,
and there is every reason to believe that j
, it has been fully that great , the next <
- * * census will show a population of over (
| 64,000,000 people. <
4 Mr. John Clarkson of Marcus , _ > . , (
u has a copy of that rare volume , the i
1 "Breeches Bible" that was printed in \
" " ' Geneva in the Sixteenth century. Itis J
I , the edition of the scriptures in which it t
5" . is represented that Adam and Eve after *
IA the fall "made breeches for themselves" c
I and is the true translation in the opinion |
I of the women's rights people. It shows c
JLr that Eve wore'em also , and that there \
W' r is no human law against them for we- jj
m -t- * men that any devout Christian can owe a
* | allegiance to. \
1 * The auditor has completed his state5
ment of the moneys appropriated by _
the last legislature. The total amount
appropriated was $2,380,328,88. Of i
this amount $316,240 went for new
s" buildings , improvements and repairs.
' Bui a small portion of this was for new \
buildings. Two years ago the appro- * j
priations for new construction amounted s <
- to S822.791.65. The salaries of memt ,
HH hannd employes of the house of repsi
fconposrlves last winter amounted to 0 ;
fc tl > cThe senate bill for the b
BfcL | 7vCr3. ne miscellaneous 8i
6,125.90. A few other
H sefocl tided the hi
H pnVhich foots up to
ft xn > riations for the
H H Txpenses the
K VS19.70. The ti <
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . '
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r
* jg s . 3 „ " . . . . _ ' 7. . . . ' ' ' " " ' " " " '
" . * i i • MMnirtlWiW niinjKinnili'Wi'ikriiHiiMiutiWivjaucu swin
A 4-robtn house north o Catholic church.
Iuqulro of W. Ii. Davis.
Two good olllco rooms. Inquire of Frees
&Uocknell Lumber Co.
Ordinance No. 35.
An ordlnanco providing for tho making and
entering into a contract for tho purposo of
lighting by olcctrluity , tho strouts and alleys
of tho City of MeCoolc , and authorizing tho
Mayor to cxecuto tho siune.
Do it ordained by tho Mayor and Council of
tho City of McCook :
See. 1. That tho Mayor of tho City of Mc
Cook , by and with tho con6ont and upproval
of tho council , is hereby authorized , empow
ered and directed to oxecuto a contract on the
part of tho City of McCook , with It. It. Woods ,
asHignco of Thompson & Co. , for tho purposo
of lighting by electricity , tho streets and al
loys of tho City of McCook , in neenrdunco with
tho provisions of ordinance No. 31 , of tho City
of McCook. adopted April 3d , 1889.
Sec. 2. That said contract so executed on
tho part of tho Mayor shall not be binding up
on tho city until tho sanio has been ratified ,
endorsed and approved by tho Council at a
regular meeting.
Sec. 3. That whon tho Council shall by the
yeas and navs , ratify , endorse and approve
said contract , that shall by resolution causo
tho same tojjo ontorcd in full upon tho Jour
nal record , and direct tho Mayor to sign and
deliver tho samo , nnd tho City Clerk to attest
tho sarao with his signature and tho Beal of
tho City.
Sec. 4. That this ordinance shall take effect
and bo in forco from and after its passage , ap
proval nnd publication according to law.
Passed May 2J , 1889.
Approved this 22nd day of Mav , 1889.
S. L. GREEN , Mayor.
Attest ; J. E. KELLEY , City Clerk.
Dissolution of Partnership.
McCook , Neb. , May 1st. 18S9.
Notice Is hereby given that tho co-partner-
shin heretofore existing us LaTourctto & Co. ,
is this day dissolved , James LaTourctto retir
ing. Tho business will bo continued by W. C.
LaTourctto. who will pay all liabilities and
collect all indebtedness of tho Arm.
49 3ts. Jajius LATonucTTE ,
W. C. L/.TruitETTE.
Land Office at McCook , Neh. , I
May 23rd. 1889. f
Notico is hereby giveu that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will bo mado beforo tho
Register or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Mon
day , July 15,1889. viz :
H. E. No. 889 for the S. E. } 4 Sec. 23 , Town. 5 , N.
Raugo 29 , W. Cth P. M. He names tho follow
ing witnesses to prove his continuous resi
dence upon , nnd cultivation of , said land , viz :
William Wojgint. Isaac H. Atkinson , Jnmes
Uaight.P.B. Alexander , all of Box Elder , Neb.
Any person wno desires to protest agftrast m
allowance of such proof , or who knows of any
substantial reason , under tho law and tho reg
ulations of tho Interior Department , why such
proof should not Be allowed , will be given an
opportunity at tho above montioned time and
place to cross-examine the witnesses of said
clnitnant , and to offer evidence In rebuttal of
mat submitted by claimant.
S. P. HART , Register.
April 24th , 18S9. (
Notice is hereby given that tho following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of bis claim ,
and that said proof will lie made beforo Reg
ister or ficceiver at McCook , Neb. , on Wednes
day , June 19th , 1889 , viz :
H. E. No. 793 , for the S. W. J4 Sec. 35 , Town. 5.
N. of Range 29 , W. of Cth P. M. He names the
following witnesses to prove his continuous
residence upon , nnd cultivation of , said land ,
viz : Matthew Stewart , William D. Trinque.
Nelson J. Chrysler and William Weygint , all
of Box Elder , Neb.
Any person who desires to pr6test against tno
allowance of Buch proof , or who knows of any
substantial reason , under the law and the reg
ulations of the Intejior Department , why such
proof should not bo allowed , will be given an
opportunity at the above mentioned time and
placo to cross-examine the witnesses of said
claimant , and to offer evidence in rebuttal of
that submitted by claimant.
S. P. HART , Resistor.
MayI7th,18S9. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
aamed settler has filed notice of her intention
: o make final proof in support of her claim ,
ind that said proof will be made before Regis-
: er or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday ,
June 2Sth , 18S9 , viz :
vho made H. Er No. 32S for tho E. V S. W. M
section 11 and E. y. N. W. H section 14 , Town 3
tf. of Range 30 W. Cth P. M. Sho names the
' oliowing witnesses to prove her continuous
esidence upon , and cultivation of , said land ,
riz : Millard F. Horrell. Samuel J. Shaffer.
Jmerson E. Colemau , and Walter J. Hills , all
> f McCook , Neb.
Any person who desires to protest against the
illownnce or such proof , or who knows of any
lubstantlal reason , under the law and tho reg-
llations or the Interior Department , why cuch
) roofshoula not be allowed , will be given an
ipportunity at the above mentioned time and
ilace to cross-examine the witnesses of said
: laimant , and to offer evidence in rebuttal of
hat submitted by claimant.
S. P. HART. Blister.
By virtue of an order of sale directed to me
roin tho District Court of .Red Willow county ,
Nebraska , on a judgment obtained in the Dis-
rict Court of the 11th judicial district , in and
or Red Willow county , Nebraska , on tho 11th
lay of March , 1S89. in favor of S. J. Mattocks
s Plaintiff , and against Nettie E. Parks and
Villiam H. Anderson , as Defendants , for the
urn of two-hundred and twenty-six dollars
ind costs taxed at 19.33 , and accruing costs , >
have levied upon tho following real estate
aken as the property of said Defendant , Net- ,
: e E. Parks to satisfy said order of sale to-wit :
V yz S. E. ii Sec. 20 , Town. 2 , Range 30 , West ,
th P. M. in Nebraska. And will offer the same
Or sale to the highest bidder , for cash in hand ,
n the 3d day of June , A. D. 1SS9 , in front or
, ourt House , at Indianola , Red Willow county ,
febraska , that being tho building wherein the
isttermof Court was held , at the hour of
o'clock , P. M. of said day , when and where
ue attendance will be given by tho under
Dated , April 25th , 1RS9.
W. O. RUSSELL , Sheriff.
y RiTTENnooSE & Stakr , her attorneys.
febraska Loan and Banking Co.
Notice is Hereby Given , That tho Nebras-
a Loan and Banking Co. of McCook , Neb.nas
een incorporated under the laws of the state
f Nebraska. Thatthe
Name The name and style of this corpora-
Ion shall be tbo Nebraska Loan and Banking -
Place of business The principal place of
usintoS of this corporation is tho city of Mc-
ook , Red Willow county , Nebraska.
The purpose and business of this cor-
ORATiON Tho receiving nionnv on deposit
ad loan in the same ; discounting commer-
ial paper : selling and buying foreign and do-
lestie exenange ; tho negotiation of loans on
aproved real estate security , on which loans
le company may or may not make its guaran-
r of collection.
The investment of money in real estate or
iher securities ; the purchase and sale of
ich real estate and personal property , as
lall bo considered desirable for its own use
r profit or necessary for the collection or se-
iring of any claims or debts , owing to , or in
hich this company may have an interest ,
lie making of abstracts of title to real estate
id for tho transaction of such other business
i is ordinarily done by negotiators of real es-
, te loaus ; tho purchase and sale of muniei-
il bond and securities.
CapitaiTho capital stock of this corpora-
on shall be the sum of ( $100,000One ) Hundred
lousand Dollars with power to increase the
, mo to tho sum of ( S500.000. ) Five Hundred
lousand Dollars , as tho share holders may
ect. Said stock shall be divided Into shares
' One Hundred Dollars each , not less than
fty per cent , of said stock to bo paid in , at
hich time said corporation may commence
Duration and time of commencing busis
: ss This corporation shall commenee busi-
iS3 on the 8th day of April , 1889 , and continue
ncty-Nine years , unless tho stockholders
all conclude to surrender its charter or dis-
lve tho same. n ,
Liabilities The liabilities of thiscomoratri
in shall not exceed Two-Thirds of the capital
jckof said corporation , subject to the prot < !
sions of section 12S of the Incorporation laws tJ
tho state of Nebraska , applicable to tho
siness done by this corporation. . _
Jfficers Tho officers of this corporation „ , '
all consist of a president , vico president , ft ,
: asurer and cashier , with a board of direc- „
rs of six members chosen from tho stockr
lders to bo elected on the .first Tuesday in p ,
iril of each year after tho year 1889 , nnd said Y „
rporation shall have power to make and
opt such by-laws , rules nnd regulations , as th
nnjorlty of tho stockholders may deem nee- „ , ,
iary for the general welfare of tho corpora-
n Charles E. Shaw , President. 5 ? '
Clarence A. Thompson. Vice Pres. „ n
Charles A. VanPelt , Treasurer. 2S
Jay Olnky , Cashier. 5
Evan. D. VanPelt , „ #
Benbtcwait , oi
\ I
_ -
Said Uncle Sam : "I will be wise , The grease and dirt no more remain ;
And thus the Indian civilize : 'Twill change their nature day by day ,
Instead of guns that kill a mile , And wash their darkest blots away.
Tobacco , lead and liquor vile , They'll turn their bows to fishing-rods ,
Instead of serving out a meal , And bury hatchets under sods ,
Or sending Agents out to steal , In wisdom and in worth increase ,
I'll give , domestic arts to teach , And ever smoke the pipe of peace ;
A cake of ' Ivory Soap ' to each. For ignorance can never cope
Before it flies the guilty stain , With such a foe as ' Ivory Soap. ' "
There are many white soaps , each represented to be " just as good as the' Ivory' ; "
they ARE NOT , but like all counterfeits , lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities
of the genuine , Ask for "Ivory" Soap and insist upon getting it.
Copyright 1SS5 , by Proctor & Gamble.
• @ FORs = © -
- * - * STATIONERY ,
Land and Legal Blanks.
As my whole stocfc of goods con
sisting of
Dry Goods ,
Groceries ,
Clothing ,
Boots , Shoes ,
Hats & Caps ,
must be closed out regardles of
cost , yon can buy anything we
have at
until everything * is sold. Call at
once and get what you want and
thereby save nioney for this will
only last 30 days. Benieniher , al
so , that these goods are not dam
aged hy fire or water , hut you
can huy them for about the same
LaiiD Office at McCook , Neb. , I
May 6th , 1SS9. f
Notice Is hereby piven that the. followine-
amed settler has filed notico of his intention
' make final proof in support of his claim ,
id that said proof will bo made beforo RepiB-
r or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday ,
me 15th , 1SS ! > , viz :
bo mado IT. E. No. CM for tho northwest
tarter of Section 33 , in Township 1 , north of
\nge29west. Ho names the following wit-
( sses to prove his continuous residence up-
i. and cultivation of , said land , viz : Joshua
J . rre ( alvin C. Smith. Herman Bcrndr , and
lin D. Gerver. all of Cedar Bluffs. Kansas ,
iny person who desires to protest against
I J2I10 ? ? ? E 8"ch Droof'or wno knows of
y substantial reason , undor the law and tho.
? ulations of the Interior Department , why
ch proof should not bo allowed , will be siren
opportunity at the above montioned time
d place to cross-examine the witnesses of
Id claimant , and to offer evidenco i rebuttal
* BUbcaJjted by claimant.
Land Office at McCook , Neb. , l
* T . , . , May 7th , 1889. f
Notice is hereby given that tho following-
named settler has filed notico of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
nnd that said proof will be made before Regis
ter or Receiver at McCook , Nob. , on Tuesday ,
Juno 18th , 18S9. viz :
samuel d. mcclatn ,
who made H. E. No. 783 for tho south oast
quarter section 21 , township 4 , N. of range 80
west. Ho names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and <
cultivation of , said land , viz : Frank Stok- '
lasn , Jr. , Charles M. Collins , John Cain , Wil- ,
liam Pate , nil of McCook. Neb.
allowance of sueu proof , or who knows of any J
substantial reason , under tho law and the lob
ulations of the Iatorior Department , why such
proof Bhould not be nllowed , will bo given an
opportunity at tbo above mentioned tfme and
place to cross-examine tHo witnesses of said j
claimant , andataffer evidence in rebuttal of
i i ' i SZSSSZZZi i i i i i i i i i ii . iT , m n m i i iwff M W
= THE | |
Famous Clothing Co. Jt-
- - . - " . . . ! - V 1
Our immense stock
of Spring Suits not
moving" as rapidly as
we wishwe announce
a Special Discount of
our Plainly Marked
figures , which are al
ready lower than the
same class of goods
can be bought any
where in Southwest
ern Nebraska. This
includes our FINE
well as the lowest
grade suits.
O - - " I
Our stock in every | |
department of Men , 1
Youths , Boys and j |
Children , is full and
complete , and we in
vite every one to ex
amine the same. We
take pleasure in show >
ing our goods.Our
stock and variety be- -
ing the largest and v
our prices at all times
the lowest. The lat
est novelties in Eur-
Goods Hats ' - -
nishing , -
and Clothing to be
found at our store.
JOHAB SNGBL , Manager. / •
McCook , Nebraska , May 10th , 1889. . L
' -
v. s-4
We will offer at Public Auction at our dairy farm , two
miles south of McCook , on I
' x
At 10 o'clock , A. M. , sharp , the following stock , to-wit : 1
Consisting of I
Work Horses , Saddle Horses , Brood Mares and Colts , ' I
Consisting of y * M
Cows , 1 and 2-year-old Steers , Stock Cattle , Etc. t- |
Consisting of
Stock Hogs , Brood Sows , Pigs , Etc. , Etc l 1
_ _ * H
' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H
Six months' time will be given on all sums over § 10. $10 'sut M
Md under cash. Ten vev cent , off for cash. Ten per cent , inter- _ | _ H
3st and bankable paper will be required. Property not to be re- r M
noved until all conditions of sale are complied with. Free Lunch. , ' gSI
! 0 SP0TTS , Auctioneer. EAT0W Sr GOM ?
* _ , _ _ _ !
ft 1H
> JH
d" ) llHI
J $ * j _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ !
_ . . . _ _ _ . . _ , . . ' " . w * -
iiitefiB iL , , , ! fj m s jfy mt .L.--- - „ - _ • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ !
_ _ _ . / - . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ - - : * _ _ * t _ ijij3fc _ t , 4- . - _ _ . * jjJl - . & .iJ.-c NV \ i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ !