F - * 7 > T-vr * + - " * t ) f - . ' 4 w pf ? r p-- T * - -rr r' " ' ' - " . ' - ' - - - - . rrr - v - r i E \ 1 H fp . . . ' ® hcJ JJflc : 00k- . @ttbtme * : . : - . J f * 1 li7 ' . ' VOLUME VII. * McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAYEVENING , M.l'IBHiII ' 1 * ,1889. NUMBER 4f ? M \ rj | : . - - . • . . ' _ ' , H S I THE 'JEWEL' 1jGasoline : Stove J r ' "Is the Finest in the Land. " IIIt J * l ( . . .lWl. 1 1 1 1 1 . . 1 . . , . . . . , . E 5 . • US , AND If ) I } OF * SO Rf - . ALL ' I" , YOU m\ \ ) WE ; > " \ - " ALL * ' SAY WILL I , SO ' 1 SAY | 1' y When yon liave used one. tt at I IK " It is a Marvel of Simplicity , Quickness , Force Ki I . and Economy. j j , , We Kiss It Good-Bye When We Sell It , As 'if j * \ EL'Jt wm Not Return. In IH • i > i 1 r - . • r < # ; V P. S. It makes Gasoline bill 26 per cent. . Hi smaller and costs no more than other stoves. H 1 * " " " ' ' ' ' " ' ' " " > r" ' ' " * ' " " • "i" t Vi tt 'i 1 Tl PIONEEB MOT ABE , j LaTOURETTE & CO. , Props. H I rick Store . , Lower Main . Avenue , 4 doors S. of J. C. Allen & } MnPn , , vrn > uw a ir a . . McCOOK NEBRAbKA. V Co. , and 3 doors N. of The Frees &Hockuel Lumber Co. f V W. 0. BULLARD & CO. * " " " M ' LIME , . . HAED , . . CEMENT B * m & mb BcMfe. a Mn DOORS , I IIIVlRFIt j WINDOWS , • . l-W . .lflDIiSOFT B | BLINDS. COAL. H | * RED CEDAR AND OAK POSTS. 1 ' THE CITY BAICERY , W A. PROBST , Proprietor. Hl "rBB Sr" " H | - FRESH BREAD DELIVERED EVERY DAY FREE OF CHARGE. H PIES CAKES-C4NBlES-NUTg-0YSTERS-CIDER H CIGAfiS-ToBACCO-ETC-ETO . - - - ; B LUNCH ROOMS INCONNECTION. . - : - - : - - : - I LYTLE BEOS. & CO. H KEEP THE LARGEST ASSORT.AIENTOP I „ SHELF AND HEAVY t HAEDWAEE ! M STOVES AND. TINWARE Wjp . _ _ iQ S. "W * . Neb. , and at lowest living prices. P Fine Cutlery a Specialty. Hr ANY WORK IN THE-LINE OF TIN , SHEET IRON OR COPPER H' PROMPTL Y AND NEATL Y EXECUTED. LYTLE BROS. & CO , " - "x > j Tr.i , _ , , . 1 , t , > 1 .1. 1 ' , ,1 , mm. , . . BUSINESS DIRECTORY. J. BYRON JENNINGS , * ATTORNEY - : - AT - : - LAW. Wilt practice in tlio Slate and United Stato Courts , und beforo tbo TT. f. Land 0nic j8. Careful attention given to Collections. OlBce over Citizens Bank , McCook , Nob. THOS. COLFER , ATTORNEY - : - AT - : - LAW , AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Real Estate Bought and Sold and Colleoions Made. Honey loaned on real estate and final proof. Ajfent Lincoln Land Co. Office , over Farmers & Merchants Bank. R. M. SNAVELY , ATTORNEY - : - AT - : - LAW , INDIANOLA , NEBRASKA. Will praotico In all the State and Unltod States Courts. Also , beforo tho Land Office nt McCook and tho department nt Washington. HUGH W. COLE , LAWYER , McCOOK NEBRASKA. • Will practice in all tho Courts. Commercial and corporation law a specialty. MONEY TO LOAN. Rooms i and 5 , First Nat'l Bank Building. A. J. KITTENHOUSB , TT. K. STARH , McCook. Indianolo. . Rittenhouse & Starr , Attorneys k at k Law. OFMCES AT McCOOK AND INDIANOLA. C. W. DAVIS , Attorney , Land § Loan Agent , McCOOK , • • NEBKASKA. Four year's experience in the General Land Office at Washington , D. C , as Examiner of Contest Cases. Difficult contest cases a spec ialty. Remember , I advise correctly upon all pertaining to the public land laws , Suestions Basement of Citizens Bank. H. G. DIXON , Real Estate and Loan Broker , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. Special attention given tc the sale of city property. Houses rented and collections mado. Office : Rear of Citizens Bank. T. B. STUTZMAN , M. D. , Eclectic Physician and Surgeon , OCULIST AND AXJRIST. MoCOOK , NEBRASKA "Office in McNeely Building , Main St. B. B. DAVIS , M. L\ , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , McCOOK T NEBRASKA. P ? Office atChenory's drug store. L. J. SPICKELMIER , M. D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Sptcial AUestba Q1t to Tenth 2leaei. Office hours , from 9 to 11 A. M. , and 2 to 4 P. M. , mountain time. Office : Over Farmers & Merchants bank. Dr. Z. L. KAY , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON McCOOK. - - XEHRASrc\ TRoosis : Over new First National Tank. A. J. THOJIAS , DENTIST. Administers Gas if desired. "Office over Scott's brick. G. W. MINKLER , FORJIEULY COUNTY - : - SURYEYOR , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. Will do all kinds of Surveying , Grading and Civil Engineering. Residence north of school house. THE .COMMERCIAL HOTEL , Geo. E. Johnston , Prop. McCOOK , "NEBRASKA. Tliis house has been completely renovated and refurnished throughout , and is nrst-slass in every respect. Rates reasonable. W. M. SANDERSON , DECORATIVE - : - ARTIST , SCENIC PAINTER , Calcimining , Graining. Paper Hanging , etc with neatness and dispatch. JOHN G. W. F. FLEEMING , House , and Carriage Painting , CHAINING , CAfcCIMININd , MARBLIKO , MCCOOK , NEBRASKA. Leave all orders at the drug store of Albert McMillcn. First-class work guaranteed. Dr. A. P. WELLES HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. Special attention given to Diseases of Wo men and Children. The latest improved methods of Electricity used in all cases re- such treatment. Office over old First Suiring bank. Residence , Commercial Hotel. M. C. MAXWELL BREEDER OF Short Horn Cattle , Stock on hand at all times. Farm : one mile south of McCook , Neb. F. D , BURGESS , PLUMBING , Steam and Hot Water Heating , North Main Avenue , McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. S A stoek of "test grades of Hose Xawn Sprinklers , Hose Reels and Hose Fixtures , constantly on band. All work receives prompt attention. , ' -HACKMETACK. " a lasting and fragrant perfume. Price 25 and DO cent * . Oklahoma is dropping out of the telegrams and away from publio notice save as General Merritt and the Kansas City papers , which started the boom , are busy denying reports of lawlessness and murder. Certainly not as much as was expected has been reported , but it is equally as certain that much has oc curred that has never found it way into print. • A Canadian parliamentary orator is so incensed at the claim of the Unit ed States to the fisheries of Behnng's sea that he threatened in a speech the other day to put a little gun boat off the Aleutian island to settle the contro- ' versy for good. He told his audience that after the appearance of a Canadian gunboat in those seas we should hear no more of the fisheries claim. Strange as it < may seem Now Hamp shire is credited with having the largest divorce rate of any state , not excepting Illinois. During the year 1887 there was one divorce to every ten marriages. The number of marriages for that per iod was three thousand four hundred and ninety. With such a record the Granite State occupies a position in the country unique as it is undesirable. Dakota is setting her cap to attract a large immigration this year. The promise of statehood and the prospects of the early opening of the Sioux reser vation are powerful influences in direct ing the attention of home-seekers. The railroads , moreover , still have large areas of desirable lands to dispose of , and this combination of circumstances can not fail to be to the advantage of Dakota. European cities have a way of bring ing strikes to a close that may well be adopted when the occasion warrants. The recent street car strike at Vienna was terminated by the municipal au thorities deciding that the street rail way company should forfeit its twenty- five thousand dollar security and pay five thousand dollars penalty daily un til travel was resumed. As might have been expected the company restored the strikers to their old positions , and the lines began running immediately. Fur ther comment is unnecessary. . Vanderbilt's roads are joining the Canadian lines in withdrawing freight trains on Sunday. The intention is to stop the freight business almost entire ly on the Sabbath so as to give the em ployes one day's rest out of seven. It is a good thing and ought to be made the universal rule on the railroads of the country. The wear and tear of nerves that the railroad employe suffers from being obliged to work seven days in the week doubtless results in acci dents enough to counterbalance the profit that accrues from the Sunday business. It has been discovered that the dis astrous railroad accident at Hamilton , Ontario , which resulted in the destruc tion of seventeen lives , was due to a defective axle in the locomotive. In other words , the terrible causalty might have been averted by the exercise of proper care in the inspection of the roll ing stock of the train. It is one of the dangerous features of American railroad travel that the defects in the equip ment of the great carrying thorough fares are mostly discovered after it is too late to render the knowledge of any service in the way of protecting the public. The loss of human life in this country on the common lines of transit is simply appalling , and is alarmingly out of proportion to that which occurs inthc old world. Democratic papers complain that President Harrison is laying his wires for a second term in the White house , because of his careful and conservative course in making official appointments , Well , what ot it ? A second term de pends , outside of the president's no , on a successful administration. A suc cessful add judicious administration is what the people want and what Presi dent Harrison was elected to give the people , and if his odmiuistrationis is a success the second term follows almost as surely as the day the night. No one would want President Harrison to give the country a poor administration simp ly to shut the mouths of these chronic kickers. The president is hardly fool ish enough to repeat Grover Cleveland's mistake of "working" the politicians for a second term. Cleveland had the politicians all right , but the people re pudiated bcth. There seems to be considerable mif- uuderstanding among people regarding the admission of the new states , as they • are called , North and South Dakota , Montana and Washington. The act pro viding for the admission of these terri tories was approved February 22 last , and many persons take it for granted that they are already states. Some thing remains to be done , however. In each of the four territories a constitu tion is to be submitted to the people at an election to be held on the first Tues day in next October. If the constitu tion is approved by a majority of the voters , and the provisions of the act of admission complied with , the president will issue a proclamation announcing the result' , and the territory will be in' ' the union , on an eqnai footing with tlu > j other states. It is probable , therefor'- , ' that the proposed four j-tates will he in | soon after the first Tuesday of net October. j i . . . j . . . , . i i . i hi i r " " Hall , Cochran & Co. , DEALERS in HARDWIRE , Implements , Etc. A complete stock of CUTLERY , STOVES , TINWARE , BARB WIRE , WINDMILLS , OILS , ETC ? Lowest Living" Prices. WEST DENNISON STREET , McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. litup WouIpmI riliu Wllllluiia ! You will find a splendid line of Cloths , Cassimeres , Wor steds , London Suitings , and Trouserings , and a complete assortment of Spring and Fall Overcoatings. Also Esqui mau Beavers in all shades at DRYSDALE'S Fine Custom Tailor Shops , opposite the new postoffice. Good fits guaranteed. Thir ty-five years' experience in New York City. MAIN AVENUE , McCOOK , NEB. ALLEN'S TRANSFER , Bus , Baggage Dray Line. F. P. ALLEN , Prop. , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. "Best Equipped in the Citr. Leave order • at Commercial Hotel. Good well water fin nished on short notice. Herian & DesLarzes , Proprietors of the McCook Transfer % Gity Bus Line. Bus to and from all trains. Coal hauling and general delivery. Tiiree drays. All work nrompily attended to. Leave orders at Frees & Hocknell Lumber Yard. Blue Front Livery Stable D. D. SMITH , Proprietor. Livery , feed and sale stables. Finest tun- ints in the city furnished. Barn , rearMc- KnN'ti Hotel. JS I do a STRICTLY CASH business J. S. McBRAYER , House Plover % Drayman , McCOOK , NEB , 3F"House and Safe Moving a Spec ialty. Orders for Draying left at the Huddlcston Lumber Yard will receive prompt attention. KILPATRICK BROTHERS. ( Successors to E. D. Webster. ) Horses branded on left hip or left shoulder x P. O. address , Estelie BeP _ _ Hayes county , and Beat L kBMttnk rice , Neb. Bangp , Stink WH HEZffefing Water and French D&flTjinan creeks , Chaso Co. . KBfl BK&i Nebraska. 0j | Brand as cut on side of jJ mts _ Ju \ Borne animals , on hip am' H B HlL tides of some , or any Wotfrtf OH ore animeO. ' -p Do I TrrlP ! sn L. H McCOOK , NEBRASKA. H CAPITAL PAID IN , - - $50,000.00. I General banking business transacted , prompt Money H FOR EVERYBODY. WE MAKE FARM AND CITY LOANS AT LOWEST H CURRENT RATES AND pay phoney when the title is COMPLETE. M I o OFFICERS : o C. E. SHAW , Pres. C. A. THOMPSON , Vice Pres. C1IAS. A. VaxPELT , Treas. H JAY OLNEY , Cashier. M . . . &T Office in old U. S. Land Office rooms. H MCCOOK , NEBRASKA. v U MRdPi Mte is I GEO. HOCKNELL. President . . . 3. M. FREES. Vice President. I A. CAMPBLLL. - : • W F. LAV/SON. Cashier - : - S. L. GREEN. : M Tlios. Yarbrongh , I AGFN'T FOR THE I Singer Sewing Machines > . ' V ALSO KEEPS ON HAND A FULL LINE OF - | j I 1 Repairs and Supplies.v i Office , 2 doors west of First National Bank , - - McCook , Nebraska *