V "I • * | ! P ' ' ? - , . - 5 1 Enormous Fortunes. - . } Notwithstanding tlto enormous for- i * tunes accumulated through tli < ueo of ; - printer's ink , largo sutus of money aro nimunlly wasted ineffectual mul unre- xnunorntivo advertising. 1 , f-j. Tlio merits pf a really vnlnnblocom- * V * nioility properly portrayed in tho eol- i ! nrans of na influential and widely renil r newspaper , like this , will speedily be- • • - I como generally known and appreciated , f I r"5 while tho returns reaped by tho ndvor- I \t \ tiser will bo liko thoso of tho wise bus- ( I , bandman who "planted his seed in t " | tfood ground , wherein it l > oro fruit and * I brought forth , somo mi hundredfold , L 1 sorao sixty , some thirty. " [ - . I JTho wording of an advertisement is ! J an nil-important matter. - ' J t Clearness , attractiveness , brevity and - sincerity must characterize any nn- | I nouncemoht intended to catch tho pub- j I lie eye and appeal to public confidence. - I An.advortisement inserted in a London journal a few days ago brougbt instant - > \ and multitudinous replies accompanied k | bj' an almost unlimited supply of bank * notes , simply because it touched the % , chord of nuturo which makes all man- . ; kind akin. Its simplo pathos and sclf- I | evident tntthfulness appealed to every I lienrt. ' Tho advertiser sought for a lost rela- j- i tive , and , giving his namo , said : "lam * f ill and friendless. My last half crown * j , is oxpended in paying for this advertiso- f | incut Write me at"giving tho ad- P j. dress ) . As already stated , nearly every j % * ono who read tho announcement liasten- i s j ed to relievo tho necessities of tho suf- • * L. ' ferer ureal sufferer in this caso.though i - I many swindles aro perpetrated iu tho . ' C divine , namo of charity. : | Thnfc it is with a really meritorious ( commodity or preparation ; if its virtues r- ' ' ; bo properly and truthfully set forth in f * tho public press , its success is prompt , 1 f and certain. ' * On tho other hand , tho public is quick { I and unerring to detect deception ond t * I charlatanry ; andaccordingly , , no amount 1 * of "iiiff ry" will force a vile nostrum [ I r into public'esteem ond patronage. Un- i | [ \ told suniH have been sunk in vain efforts R * , to advertise into popularity so-called 11' ' $ ' medical preparations which did not pos- jT k sess the virtues or properties claimed 'I ' I for them. [ I/ j Valuable medicines , however , like \ \ \ "Warner's Safe Cure and Warner's Log • i. - 1 . Cabin Sarsnparilla , carry their own best , k * - * " tf commendation iu their power to cure . • I • ' the particular diseases for which they ; * J f are a Kpecific. \i \ They require no labored panegyric to | t convince the pooplo of their power and ' J eflieacy , for thoy liavo been tried and \u \ \ found perfect. Nature's remedies , by their own in- ; J triusic merits havo conferred a lasting 'I ' I boon upon mankind , and the } ' have : | J secured an enviable reputation and lm- y limited sale throughout the civilized I , I world. ' \ \ Tannins by electricity is one o [ the now- > eat applications in the industries. Iff ELys CATARRH t , CREAM BALM. WtZCi - > tM l ' I suffered from ca-Wfcfl CURreCOWfl tarth 12 year * . TheHfeiV / HFAn dropping * into my w' Vwr @ fc3 AuJ | | throat were nauseatWHftrFfcVt | \ ju G M ing. My nose bledl ' * j' " H almost daily. Slow Wg' / S& B tlie first day's use ol L / eit& H Ely's Cream Balm IWSWKr . > < . a < J B havo had no blre ilnpr , InQflS S xi c * soreness is entirely bH \ 0 jjVjr.1 ( Kone. D. Q. -idwiuSv.CFVFD withlJoBton nudRet.HM > SJTB irJ5iK A particle is applied Into each uojirh nnd Is n ee- ablc. Prlci' . * i'cen ' ai5tDru > : cI < tsbyinnll.retrlstcred. CO SICKHEADACHE cU. ELY JiOTHKiS. so Warr n St. , N. Y. 1 * o itively cured to y I * A DXC D 0 Mce w ie puis. IM lI , E. IU T110 * aiB0 relieve Dis- % " • • tress from ; L Dygpcpsia.In- npi • digestion mxlTooHearty Kr 111 LEi Eating. A perfect rem- 3 If JC 131 e < ly f ° rIizziness.yanse3 E9 I VE.K Drowsiness , Bad Taste ' / B nM in tho Mouth , Coated l H 11 LLO. Tougiie.Pain in tbo Side. J 1 Hi TOltPID XIVElt. Thej - / BaBVC l regulate the Bowels. I ( HBBBtfe Purely Vegetable. R 1 ' Price 25 Cents ; V j Vj j CAaT22lEDICIN3C0.fNE Y0ilK. | i' ' Small Pill. Small Dgse. Small Price ! 1 f 5HS WC2LD OUDS BS CO SSoVS. f The world ought to Ri know what S. S. S. has P done for me in the cure IfffS of a malignant Cancer , whichu ° 3SB0badnstoBHHbc considered incurs , ! ble by the physicians P in Chicago , where I k \ went to bo treated. Oner11 of my neighbors sent K ' } me a cony of an adverm tiscment in regard to ) . Swift's fcpeclfic and 1BBB began taking it. I got I relief from the first few F # Tdosea ; the poison was s gradually forced cut of L"J my system , and I was " / soon cured sound and well. It is now ten B months since Iqnit tak- ing 8. S. S. and I have luid no sign of return of the dreadful disease. f Mns. Ask Bothwell. An Sable , Mich. , Dec. 203S. . | Send for books on Blood Diseases and Cancer ? , j mailed free. The Swirr Srrcino Co. j * Drawer 3 , Atlanta , Ga WEIL DRILLS , FOR ALL PURPOSES. EtoTomadoSftaminuto with the J AUSTIN * ' | | . * TRIUMPH. 3Dl. Bend 20c. for Tnailing _ HH Catalogrue. I F. C. Austi nMfg. Co. I a COR. CARPENTER ST. AND CARROLL AVE. 1 CHICAGO , ILLINOIS. ASTHMA CURED ! CERMAN ASTHMA CURE LateaUfrelieros the mort violent tttxek. and icsorefeom&ctable sleep. XOW1ITISQ UrRE- I HGLTSJBamjr osed brinhaUtka. its action Una- mediata. direct and certain , and a'cure is the resolt mall cnrahJocases. Aoinid trUleon-B vinoes the mart skeetieal. Pries iOc. and CLOO of aar oruerist. orby tnsll. Sample Free to W ON SOnDAYS TRIAL. I ) M i _ _ THIS NEW I I w EUSTIC TRUSS t inijBgGnflHu | a Pad different from all f frntntniiniM " " ' " ' ' is cup shapewith Self * L. , zr Wt HV adjoMlnpBalllncenter.adapti , M JuselftoallpcKitionsortfcebodjr. 'while L JT theball'nthecnp orosse * back * i ii * the intestinoR Just as a per * on does with the finger , with itgfft. pre ur the Hernia is lielj secojcly < lay and r.lcht , and nradtod tnre certitln. It If oixr.ilnrnlilo and cheap. Sent by mall. Circulars tree. KWXST03 TUCSS MT6. CO. , CUeice , IB H ISSmiRIK THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY H . The Larceit , Cbeapci : and llest In the World. x CASH ASSETS • 1SO.OOO.OOO. H , \ SI'JOIfOOETZ. 1TM.P.ALLEN- . Ki * \ Special Aceat. General Agent. j \ SBROJiTjXELZ fc CO. , Hj j V\ Manufacturers and dealers in ft ri Engines , Boilers and Pumping Machinery L { { Of all Descriptions. A IV Iron and Wood Working Machlncrr. Saw 3III1 Ma- B 1 1 eliinerrsjid.KuppIlo. Kailroad and Contractors' Snp- H if plies. State Agents Dodge's Wood Split l'ullerand V i Dodge's latent System of Power Tnuiitnisilon by Ma > i , yf nilla JlnpAcenU Trenton Iron CV < Wire Itope , Ki\JM l'e + Vs Patent Doable Gate ValTes.&c. yl 13i3Leaven worth St. OMAHA. > EE. 1 Go to ( he-WDMAVS EXCHANGE" m r It Foia Hoi Dinner of Home Cooked Food neatly ami quietly icpred and at half the price of ordinary hotels. All kinds of choice \ art and needle worfc always on sale , and orders taken lor the tame. 1615-1017 Farnam SCt Omwlm , Neb. B -I. \ W. N. U. , Omaha , " 461 1G. ly J I An Intelljeeni I ojc. , ' Tim posfiession of im intelligent dopr iu the family may bo n very HHcful moans out of nmcrfrencies. Not lonj ; ago 8omo inembors of a family return ing from an evening entertainment woro unable to gainin entrance iuto their Jiouso. Tho koy luul been forgotten and tho sorvunttt were evidently afiloop. Hinging the door bell produced no re sponse. Tho only sound in-doors was .that of tho dog's tail gently thumping against tho riur , but nftor a tirao that ceased. Tho dog had recognized his .friends and refused to baylc. When all efforts to enter seemed fruitless tho door was oponed by a Bleepy servant accom panied by n very wide awako dog. It Roomed that tho friend of tho family had made his way to tho servant'room ! , and had gently awakened hoc to a realization of tho situation. As lie had never been permitted to enter the room before it is evident that his sense of the needs of tho occasion had shown hint that ho should not wait for a ceremoni ous invitation. Chicago Mail. Abraham Lincoln' * Clock. Private Secretary Halford has in his room the clock which is dearest to the hearts of the old employes of tho white house. It is of black marble and gilt , and originally had a gloss caso over it , but that was brokon long apro. What appeals to the sentiment in this time piece is that it is the only article in the white house which stands exactly as it did-when Abraham Lincoln was presi dent. Lincoln's ofllco room was the one now occupied by Jtfr. Halford , and the clock then stood on the mantel just as it does now. Mr. Arthur fruieiod the clock because of ifs associations and had it taken to his own room. Mr. Henley , chief clerk of the executive of fice under Mi * . Clovoland , asked to have it brought buck , and about two j-ears ago it was done. lie Wan Ouo ol' TIipiii. • fiTou would hardby think , " said the 3'ellow haired. man _ who sat-on the fence and whittled a stick , "that there was a lot. of gosh denied idiots in this neigh borhood fourteen years ajro that could have sold their lands for S50 an acre and didn't do it. They wanted § 100. They thought the railroad was comin' through here sure. Some of us had a little senne , though , and sold out. Tho land ain't worth $1.50 an acre now. You can see it's nothin' but sand. " "Yes , I see. " said the tourist. "I sup pose you're backhere on a visit. " "Er no. I live here , " replied the man on the fence , as ho took a fresh chew of tobacco and looked drearily in tho direction of the setting sun. "Stranger , I was one of the gosh derned idiots. " Chicago Tribune. lillo Everluniliig : . Dr. 'Hammond and Dr. Campbell an nounce that man need never die , except by accident , or his own disobedience of hygienic rules. There is some little reason in some of the arguments , but the doctors fail to tell us that life is de pendent upon a vital principle govern ing the whole process of assimilation and repair. Unfortunately , the pro cesses of repair do not control the vital principle ; if so , we might live for ever. ever.Warner's Warner's Log Cabin Eemedies old- fashioned , simple compounds , used in the days of our hardy forefathers , are "old timers" but "old reliable. " They comprise a Warner's Log Cabin Sarsaparilla , "Hops and Buchu Eemedy , " "Conjrh and Consumption Kemedy , " "Hair Tonic , " "Extract , " for External and In ternal Use , "Plasters , " "Eose Cream , " for Catarrh , and "Liver Pills. " They are put up by H. H. Warner & Co. , pro prietors of Warner's Safe Eemedies. and promise to equal the standard value of those great preparations. All druggists keep them. them.A A Bit tor Coitftolntloif. Emperor Francis Joseph received among his many letters of condolence on the death of liis son one letter signed "The Mother of Oberdank. " In 1882 Oherdank was arrested for having a shell in his possession when the em peror visited Trieste. Ho was tried and condemned to death. His mother sent an appeal to the emperor for his pardon. So did Victor Hupo. His majesty refused the pardon and Ober dank was executed. "Unhapp3' father , " says tho mother in her letters to the emperor. "I regret that on account of the trajrie death of your only son you are compelled to feel the same pangs that I , poor abandoned mother , felt on the morning of the 20th of December , 1882. " When l' .abv wns sick , we pare her Cnstorla. When she wiu n Child , she cried lor Cnstoria , When she liprania Miss , she clunjr to Castoria , When shp liml Children , she jr.ive them Custori.i. The police department of Bostou costs the city $1,250,000 per year. Sheriff's Sale Smoke the Sheriff Sale Sejiar. A straight 10 cents Havana Cigar for 5 cents. There is no unsolved myatery for the fish that has been landed. Consumption Surely Cured. To the Editor : Please inform your read ers that I have a positive remedy for con sumption. By its timely use thousands of hopeless "cases have been permanently cured. I shall be zhid to send two bottles of my remedy free to any of your read ers who have consumption if they will send me their express and P. O. address , ite- spectfully , T. A. SL.OCOM . , M. C , 181 Pearl street , KewYork. Another crank is to attempt to go through the Niagrara Rapids May 23. Fond for Consumptive * . Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil , with Hypophosphites , is a most marvelous food and medicine. It heals the irritation of the throat and longs , and gives flesh and strength quicker than any other rem edy known. It is very palatable , having none of the disagreeable taste of the crude oil. Murat Halstead will write a magazine article on the rejection of his nomination. _ M . I prescribe and f ally en M dorse Big G as the only . VTilFPJ' J B specific for the certain cure Kl TO * ? AT8 : of this disease. KSSSSL 1 G.H.I2fGRAHAH.M.J > . , g5f Amsterdam , N. Y. B9 | vrdoaljbyti * Vv'e have sold Big G for ISIlTiniQislMlfa.tnany years , and it has lflf # TT MW m Kiven the best of satia- - A CTncirm a , B faction. Ofcio. VI D.K.DYCHE&CO. . - F V Chicago. 111. Tr d rjUrl 31.00. Sold by Druggists. ] a ditfWA flndthat Wio's " euro fnPI IUP for Consumption not I | U II I 1\\ only PKEVENTS , but 11IIH > V * CUKES Hoarec- KIDDER'S PASTILLES. ? ? HH HHI I HHI Charlcstown. Maep _ a T Wi E ? STUDT.JJoot-tceplnp.Penmansliip , - 2 % Jf IWl d Arithmetic , Shorthand , eta. tlior- 'ichlr tnnchtbymiiil. Irfiwrates. Circulars free. _ a YANT'S C0L.LEGK.43l.Maln St..Buffalo. N. V. * A # k"i * Ul'AVf C.CT BE.CtRED. XtrlaQ&t- J6V 'I H M Atlffientrn-n-nriiny one-offlirte . HO I flfItl > a-TAFTlKOnoelu i.K.V / * jj. , . find Piso's Care for g4t T { - r < bJyConsumption ME - -J fVf4rfrr 'BE8T remedy for * va ) # I N Vj Vjk\ft/hoarsenesw and to f * = 4'cleorthethroat. . • oiw "Aiioh "oo JepioH u ! l At0esf | | i fUi ssni. ens TJ-o etdiursXep J. d SS O } jy | w " PROMINENT CHARACTERS. 4 R. T. HXCOLN. Eobert Todd Lincoln gets the most important of tho European appoint ments that of Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States to England. Mr. Lincoln is a native of Illinois. Ho was born , August 1,1843 , at Springfield. His ed ucation was begun at tho University of Illinois , continued at Exeter , Now Hampslure , and completed at Harvard. As oon ase was graduated * he re ceived a commission in "the army as Captain and was placed on the staff of General Grant. When the war ended ho studied law and was admitted to the bar in Chicago in 18G7. A year later he was married to Miss Harlan , daughter of Senator Harlin , of Iowa. In 187(5 Mr. Lincoln was elected Supervisor of the South Town of Chicago , and this was tho only public office he ever held until ho was appointed Secretary of "War in the Cabinet of President Garfield. He continued in this office throughout the administration of Presieent * Arthur. Upon his retirement from the "War De partment in 1885 Mi * . Lincoln resumed the practice of his profession in Chi cago. THOMAS ItYAS. Thomas Ryan was born at OxfordN Y. Nov. 25,1837. He resided in Bradford county , Penn. , from his infancy until in 1865. From that time to the present date be has been a resident of Topeka , Kansas. In 18C2 he entered the army as a volunteer. He reached the rank of Captain and served until 18(54 ( , when he was mustered out on account of wounds received in the Battle of the "Wilderness. Mr. Byan's life at TopeKa has been an exceedingly busy one. He is a lawyer with a good prartice. Eight years he served as County Attorney , and four years as Assistant United States Attor ney. He was elected to the Forty- sixth and has been elected to every sub sequent Congress. He now goes to Mex ico as Envoy Extraordinary and Min ister Plenipotentiary from the United States. C. E. MTTCHEIiIi. Charles E. Mitchell who is chosen commissioner of patents , is a native of Bristol , Connecticut , but is at present a resident of New Britain. He has a wide reputation and is the best known patent attorney in New England. He is now about fifty years of age. Mr. Mitchell was educated at BroAvn Univer sity , and has lived in New Britain about twenty-five j-ears. He has represented New Britain in the Legislature , was City Attorney for several years , and is one of the most prominent Republicans in the State. The new Commissioner of Patents , is a successful political speaker. He is a public spirited and liberal man. JAMES TAXNEB. James Tanner was born at Cobble- skill , Schoharie county , New York , in 1843. His educational advantageswere but meagre , for when a boy he worked on his father's farm and attended the public schools of the district during his leisure times on the farm. However , he made good use of those spare moments , and at seventeen he was elected as the ; villago school teacher. At eighteen years of age he entered the army , en- \ listed as a private and went to the front. He participated with McClel- ' lan's Army of ihe Potomac on the Pen- : insula , and was made corporal. In the ' summer of 1862 , "while engaged in cov- ' eiing PopB/s ; retSSbati * _ Augustfc$0 , afr the ] : secontl battle of Bull Run7 % shell "burst- \ ing over him lacerated , both his legs , • which were amputated. "When Abra- * hem Lincoln was dying Tanner , who was then a clerk intl e "War Department ' at Washington , was summoned to the ' lick room of tli eProxident to "take down ] / , ' * i in short hand certain testimony In ref erence to the assassination. He was admitted io the bar In 18C9 , and was appointed tho same year to tho Custom House clerkship. Mr. Tanner was a Deputy Collector under General Arthur. He was four times appointed Collector of Taxes of Brooklyn. Tanner was can didate for Register in 1876 , but was de feated. Six years ago ho led his party ticket in a race for Sheriff , but failed of election. Ho Is a post commander of tlio Department of Now York , G. A. It. , and lias been an active member of the National Committeo on Pension of the Grand Army , and is now onr new Com missioner of Pensions. JOHN BBIGnT. John Bright , whoso death occurred at 8:30 o'clock on tho morning of March 27th , and is lamented throughout tho civilized world , was born at Greenbank , Lancashire , in 1811. He was educated in Yorkshire school belonging to tho Society of Friends. At tho age of fifteen ho was put to business by his father , who was a cotton spinner. When , in 1838 , the Anti-Corn League was formed in Manchester , Mr. Bright attached himself to it , and in a few years was prominently associated with Richard Cobden in tho agitation con ducted by that body. Its operations soon covered England with zealous sup porters and resulted in tho re peal of tho Corn Laws , in the year 1840 , a measure duo in great part to Mr. Bright's effective oratory. In 1843 he entered Parliament as representa tive of the city of Durham. Four j-ears afterwards ho took his seat in the House of Commons as a member for Manches ter , which he continued during four years. In 1857 Birmingham elected him one of its members , and he represented that constituency to his death. Ho was President of the Bpard of Trade , 18G8- 71 , and Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster , 1873-7-4. Upon the advent of Mr.Gladstone to power in 1880Mr. , Bright became Chancellor of the Duchy of Laucaster the second time , but resigned in 1882 , because opposed to tho policy of the Government with regard to Egypt. Mr. Bright's view on the Irish questions , were strongly opposed to those of his Mend Gladstone. His services as a statesman we.xe devoted to tho expansion of popular power. He was a member of the Society of Friends and opposed to war. In 1854 : his elo quent voice was raised in opposition to the war with Russia , made in that year by the allied forces of England , France and Turkey , who were subsequently strengthened by an army from Sardi nia. During the civil war in this conn- try he was an earnest friend of the Fed eral cause. oisJ Dt J. W. MAS OK. John W. Mason the new commission- er of Internal Revenue is a native of Virginia and is about forty-seven years old. His advantages of education were confined to the district schools of his native county. His father was a villago blacksmith , and young Mason was swinging the hammer himself when tho . war broke out. He entered the Union army at the age of eighteen ; was en gaged in nearly all the battles in West Virginia and the Valley of Virginia , and was promoted for bravery. After the war ho attended college and studied law. At the same time he held an office in the Liternal Revenue Service at Grafton. He has won distinction as a lawyer in West Virginia , and beyond. Taking an active interest in politics Mr. Mason has become a local leader of his party. For several years he was a member of the State Executive Com mittee , and also for several years a mem ber of the National Republican Com mittee , serving until 1888. In 1882 he was a candidate for Congress , and was defeated by only ten votes. He was also the Republican candidate forjudge of the Supreme Court at the last eleo- tion. s H. W. IiADD. Herbert W. Ladd has been nominated for Governor of Rhode Island by the Republicans of that State. Mr. Ladd was born in New Bedford , Mass. , in Ocv tober , 1843 , and is a graduate of the high school of that city. He was in the dry goods business for a time , but soon joined tho staff of a newspaper pub lished at New Bedford. He subse quently won distinction as a war cor respondent. Is. 18&1 he returned to the ifiygbodslnisin ss in : Boston. He ? has - lived-in Providence , * * Rhode Island , since 1871 , where ho is tho , head of a large retail business. Mr. Ladd was one of tho organizers of the. Providence Congregational Club , and founder and president of tha Ao 'cuiCnmmer dalCiuV. " " r" * I t ViVMVVSri "y y'n i i ijnuw . inni . y Mi > iWtimiijMiiiij . . .n.j . - . , , „ , „ , in ' . _ jjhiuui m , . I * ' * i All Kv > li 'IVinper'rt rtlnu. • ' "What an uyl . r nian , " . aid Pritlitnin. Mio stranger , iih hIrolled down tlitv villni ) htrvut willi his frieiift. - ' 'l'os , " Htuhis \ fi'iiiinl , "tfiatis VoU > v Gi.iy ; he is very homely , but tlio picas ntitcnt tempered man in the world. You cun'l nmlio liini imid ; no mutter what you do you can't tumm * him. " "Dollars to doughnuts , " Hn 'Mu ' Htrau isr , "Tcandle him all up. " " Ho walked up to Peter and caught hold of Iu k ray heard. "Yon miserable old swindler , " he said. "You surprise me , " wifd 'Potor , with an impatient gesture. When Pottitom recovered consciousness he was lying on tlu drug store counter and they were bathing his fnco. "What was that he said ? " ho murmured iu bro ken tones. "Ho said you surprised him , " repeated his friend. "That's what I thought he > > aidf " mnrmnrod tho stranger. "Send for a bishop and let- us return thanks that I didn't irritate him. " Jlyenn Spearing In India. The hyena , though a most useful scavenger , is not a noble looking ani mal , and his nature is decidedly currish. Ho is not a beast usually selected for the chase , but affords a certain amount of fun when nothing better is to bo had. Many a sportsman , when dis appointed in finding honv , has had a run after a hi'oiia. These beasts do not go at any great pace or charge liko a brave old boar , yet thoy are not easyto spear , by reason of tho quickness with which they turn and twist. In our first illustration the animal has just turned sharp at right angles and thrown out tho man who was about to spear him , letting another cut iu , whilo the horso of a third , putting his foot in a hole , comes down , and then , getting rid of his rider , continues tho chaso on his account , biting and striking at the hyena , which makes no attempt to resent this strange onslaught. We ob serve that Mr. Moray Brown , in his ex cellent book , "Shikar Sketches , " men tions a similar incident. Put doubles and turns cannot always save the hyena ; at last a well directed spear thrust ends his career on earth and finishes the diffi cult pursuit. London News. A Dinner In Slum , Miss Pleeson , of Pittsburg , now mis sionary out in Siam , had tho honor , lately , to dino with tho king and queen of that country , in their new and splen did summer palace. The ceremony be gan with tho washing of all hands in perfumed waters , held in silver bowls , after which a golden chest of betel , the Siam.ese equivalent for tobacco and chewing gum , was passed around but the use of it was not do rigner , and the foreigners were given tea in place of the fiery quid. Tho dinner , which was served in the most exquisite of china , glass and silver , came on in twenty courses , and after it his majesty , who was garbed in pure white , with gold and purple trimmings , had his prize acrobats and jugglers perforin upon a platform below the dining hall , for the amusement of the guests. New York Commercial Advertiser. Tlio wonderful cure by Salvation OH of Mr. M. S. Gulp , 229 George St. , Baltimore , Md. , who was lor many years so pros trated with Rheumatism a8 to be entirely helpless , lias awakened widespread interest in this remedy. It costs only 25 cts. "If the heart of a man is depressed with cares and sufferings , the mist is dispelled when the bottle appears. " Not a bottle of spirits , oh no ! but a smallvial of that invaluable compound known to civilization as Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup , which will cure a cough or cold immpdiately. A curling mutch was played recently at Edinburgh by electric light. A new wrinkle ; the last sorrow. He Won $15,000. Providence ( It. I. ) Telegram , Starch 20. Mr. Fred A. Young , treasurer of the Union Eyelet Company , of this city , purchased for $1 the twentieth part of ticket No. 2,887 in the Louisiana State Lottery. The ticket at the re- [ cent drawing took the $300,000 prize | nnd entitled Mr. Young to one-twen- • tieth of the sum , viz. , $1H,000. The t gentleman was credited by the Tele- | gram with having this stroke of luck ( about two weeks ago , but a denial appeared in one of the papers. This ; morning the Telegram learned that . the money had been collected for Mr. , Young through the Bank of America of this city. At the bank no informa tion could be obtained , the tellers having apparently been instructed to furnish no facts for publication. At the office of the Eyelet Company a Telegram reporter found Mr. Young and learned that the ticket bought by him through the Boston agency had indeed won the money , and that the $15,000 had been collected through the bank named. His object for keep ing the news of his great luck from the masses , he said , was because he thought that it would stimulate so many others less able than himself to indulge in lottery tickets to invest their dollars.Just -why those with less means than himself should not desire $15,000 Mr. Young did not state , but he did say that he objected to the general publicbeingmadeaware of his good fortune. In a minute the lowest sound your oar can catch has been made by 090 vibra tions. "There is the East " , there is India , was Senator Benton's cry as he prophe sied a railway across the continent from sea to sea. But the most daring dreams never approached the actual luxury of the Golden Gate Special on the Union Pacific Eailwa3' the iiuest train in the world , leaving Council Bluffs and Oma ha every Wednesday morning. The lazier a man gets , the more his nose runs. For two two-cent stamps we will send you one of the handsomest almanac- the country. "Homestead , " Omaha , Neb. The late John Bright was a great admirer cf John G. Whittier's poetry. Most men are negatives that the Lord has failed to retouch. The Empress of Japan has abandoned her intention to visit this country. How kind people are to the man who is going to die ! The Duke of Nassau has accepted the regency of the duchy of Luxembourg. The new military poBt near-Denver , Col. , has been named Fort Logan. Ex-EmpresB Eugenie is noon to spend two months in Granada , Spain. There is more catarrh in this section of the country than nil other diseases put to gether , and until tho lastfewyearswassup- posed to be incurable. For v great many years doctors pronounced it a local dis ease , and prescribed local remedies , and by constantly failing to cure with local treat ment , pronounced it incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional diseace , and thrrefore requires constitu tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Oire , manufactured by F. J. Cheney < fe Co. , To ledo , OhiOf | s-tbe anly'constitutiona ] iCnre on the market. If ia taken internally iri dopes from 10 drops to a teaspoonful.lt acts directly upon the blood and mucous sur face of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for uny case it'raila to cure. Send Fur circulars nu t testimonials. Address , F. J. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo , O. iffigrSoId by Druccists 75c. , - ' ' " ' " ' ' - " ! , Ik Guy'a ( Loudon ) Hospital lloportn , vol. 1 , page 51S0 , is found the stntemeut : "Simple hypertrnphenlargement ) of tho heart , especially of tho left ventnclo , • h found without valvular incompetency , u this numerous class tho cardiac in secondary ( a sympton ) to tho ronal nf feetion. " This explains why Warner's > afii Cure is effectual iu cases of heart disease. , It removes from tho blood tho kidney acid which causes tho heart dis ease. DiiHt U the dandruff that Mother Earth i't in her hair. In 18j j0 "Baow.N's BnosciUAi. Tnocnps" , were introduced , and their Hticcexs as a euro for Coldn , Coughs , Asthma and Bron chitis has been unparalleled. Hullding air castles should be tho work of the man who is full of wiud. Ilettor Than Oklahoma. 1200 acres of tho choicest land in tho San Luis Valley , iu Southern Colorado , all undur fence , watcr-riahta secured and ditcho. - ready for use. It will bo sold as a whoto or in quantities to suit the purchaser. It Is thu finest land in tho valloy. and it adapted m cither fanning or stock-rawing. For price , terms , etc. , address HENRY A. BULTER. * . Alamosa , Colorado. Secretary Blaine exercises ouo hour every day. day.Hon. Hon. George Itnncroft , the historian , is tlio oldest living Harvard graduate. gdacofis TJSE FORyIl. . PAIN. At DRi'tioi-rr * and Dealers. THE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO. . Baltimore. Md. BRADFIELDS Cures all Diseases Peculiar to Women ! Book to "Woman" MAii.ru Kkkk. BXADFJEI.D KEGULATOU CO. , ATLAKTA , CA. Sols bt xvu Duucgists. I. I.I. ii -i | iTi mi i i iiTh ii i * -i i * - * ! i > i i | _ i i r" " ' ' ' " " . * J • : -.5y' " , * . , , „ i nHwlAi-iiT W W RSi r I MING BALSP Slfldtr FUBF. It contains NO OPIUM In any fm I Amonctbdbtit remedies Alleii'sI.HiifcHiilaani H tnmlft pr * . mlnrnt. The < 1rngglU inoaic of It In H hliitivt tornii , a civlngentireintUtnctlon wherever It l > usetl. Price 2nctn.SOotN.and $ 1 per Hot tic. The 35-CK.NT BOTTMOVnro put up lor the accom- moriiitlcin of nil who ie lre Mmolr % M COU..II orCUOUT KKMKDV. Thou dfnirui'/ rem ltj for UO.YS UMPTION or any HjNU MbJiASE thauld ucurt Vu Lanjt $1 JlottUs. Mothers. Read ! H OAKt.ANI SrA..KV. . April H.1W9. H Oenttrmfru ttn ! dermoid Mr Al.r.r.N'H I.UMJ Haz * H pam 1 * Increatinc cunatnntljr. The l dle think then B l no nieJlcIno equal to It fur croup nnd Whooping M SOLD AY ALL HEDl CI SB DEALEUS. 1 Wnlcli Ihoo colA VOW11 ? tram N wf H iiiuiik 'i rt n'eeU r - * v/AV/Aj rcrk.I ! < • H Tur | % V ic Iruiii o t bttn icHInf your albums fui H lriiiit > lwiiilit. • ! w k > J la u 4 y tin i j H pryflt-kMn , ! • • than 87. On # i ? H iuui 0 > T ( I ha * * mad * m faah * H | ite t of nrrr t 5JO. Jokn K. H lUovilnln , Troy , Xtw Turk. M On Account of a forrvd manu * H factum's tali 13S.OUO Ion M • tollitrl'lintnirritlih At- | H liumoai * to b * l < ilo 111 * p | > I H § for $ taeh. lluuml Iu Koja ! H t'rfniionSllk Vatott I'luak. Cliarin- H liifiljruaroiMtt * lnaUJ a.lla ! da < * iiitfl H albudia lii Iba norii ! I.art > i < alia * H tdraalaat kargalua a r kaown. H Agtnta wanlail. Ubaraltirma. 11 ! | H monay for aftnti. An ; an * ci > H bfcum * a aaccaaaful BK nt. Hrlta H ronrnAiToniSol r' ' ' : ! ' trunrnrhotPtraph. , n * * aiary. iintrewr shown , rry faTaTJ „ „ . wnU to purclias * . Afrnl. tak * liundrsds an < l thousands ofordare vrlih ia4dlly | nf r H bft * known. Uraat ivoAts anall * rjr wotkrr Agm * H ara maklot ; fortunas. I adiaa maka as much aa mn. You , rsaqsr , H candna * osaasany ous. Full Infonnsllon and Ii/nii free , H toIhrwlthr'llcularsan.l t rma for our Famllr Blbl.iHooka t M and rlodcal ! * . llattar ttHi * ua at ooca antl saafor youraalf , H After tou know all , shouM yoa eroeluja to go no fartb.r , H wbynoharmlsdon * . Addrsss.ALLKN it CO. , Aufuata , Ualna. H I CURE FITS ! I I do sot mean merely to stop thcrn loraumo uud < H then havo them return. I mean a rattlcal oure. I havo > B madoi'ITS. EPILE1 SY or FALLING SICKNI'SSa life-Ion ? study. I warrant my remedy to cure the M wont casta. iSccaueo others havo talleii U no rcaMia M lor not now receiving a cure. Send at once lor treatica M andPrecllottleofmylofalllbleremedy. Give Expreks LH ind P. a U. G. ItUOT. 21. C. 18U i'carl St. N. V- | SLICKER r J > i • > i r _ Tho FISn BRAND SLICKEi : la warrantod wafrproor , and vllt krp you dry Jn M M JiTfVw- TaI \ 1 the hardest slnna. Tho new TOMUEI. HUCKKHIa p r rct ridlnr coat , and H 4 J\ll WTj ! V VL. * * coTerathoentlrosaddlf. Beware of imitations. Nona cenutna without Uio-FUh M * > Aal Jjitt * * Brand" tradt-matk. lllnslratrd Cataloruo frt * . A. J.Towtr , Beaton , Maw. \ m OiluiJISoVcUREt I _ J C\Ar/ll P\VV > 4 _ POR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. M H KT O.tc or ttie EE5T TEixscorcn ix toe World. q _ Thk Hkst VovzLT'TJAnnttxrn shot Oct. _ K m | arv nl > Te to rr.afce iliU wonderful offer fur i lie reason that our pood * Mrr wj $ i H | | [ 3jHKrM I Bl S& [ HHHlli of Mitii lurnt thtit , whenapprwn pr ie jes them , in anyIo I.ty\ther ! apSSffjffi | M fn- ' • prrads , and maay ] iet > ple purchase ; a Ur e and profiiahle r ( l tK 3MjJMfcgj | . ' t m H nlnay * results. We cau * u , ply free only one j non in each lucaUty-i vH IK H "lho e ubvumeat oiirr. will &uk ruro of Iheirre ard , \ hi > thop L BIP vf Ji Xuii linc IbH * * yrhtj d Uy ttIII 1 c the rh-tnee. Ee Kiun. < irandT lysyt > y > * . No upacr eWStyt * > y 1 O or IS2 Jlorc * H In * splain further are. rbo who wnreat unc will secure jiromt'tdv- " " * 1" * T-S - H linry. aiaieyourex ci oihceaddrcu. Addreu , II. JIALJ < KTT fc CO. , Jtux. aUfS * IortumI , Maine * M j AN HONEST DOCTOR , \ \ Sliding his patient suffering from that mo. = t common of American maladie ? ; | Bilious Dyspepsia , or , in other words , from Torpid Liver , associated with indi- • \ gestion , advised him to go to the drug store and get Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical * m Discover- world-famed remedy for such ailments. ) Golden Medical Discovery acts powerfulupon ! the Liver , and through that • * ? > great blood-piirifying organ , cleanses the system of all blood-taints and impuri- mF ties , from whatever cause arising. It is equally efficacious in acting upon thii fW Kidney ? , and other excretory organs , cleansing and strengthening them and I healing their diseases. As an appetizing restorative tonic , it promotes digestion f and nutrition , thereby building up both flesh and strength. It is the only medicine of its class , guaranteed to benelit or cure , in all diseases for which . ' it is recommended , or money paid for it will , be promptly refunded. . . i Copyright , 1883 , by AVori 's Dispexsaky Medicai , Association , Proprietors. . . < • . \ / * " " • , tHIJIT \ % O-t'jJUlE&JElTD for an incurable case of pi & - Ir r L Jt. J Catarrh in ths Head by \.L \ ! S&L- T T u th $ proprietors of DrUSAGE'S CATAeRH , REMEDY. • i"Jgj > fl il , 83liTOHS OF-CATiREIl Hcadache , obstrriotion of nose , discharges' I ii Bt ' Blfalling into throat , sometimes profuse , watery , and acrid , at others , thick 1 it m V tenacious , mucous , purulent , bloody and ' - putrid : eyes weak , rin-rinsr in cars J'i i Wv v -S Nearness , diulculty of clearing throat.exncx-toratiou or otTcnsiu matter ' 1 ' ( LA ; / breath offensive ; smell and taste impaired , and freneral debility. Only a | WTv - few of these symptoms likely to be . ' WT\ . v- present at once. Tho'jsands of cas < - s' • result in consumption , and end in the sruve. f By its mild , soothinsr. antiseptic , cleansing , and healing properties , Dr. Saire's Kcnedv * cuna the worst casee. Only 50 cents. Sold by . vusskfe : everywhere. • 5 5i i J