" 11 J ; < 11 Fl Jftcfnfc PM& I FltlDAY EVENING. APRIL 10 , 1885) ) . I J A. MoMILLEN I [ Has now open a line I assortment of NEW I ' DESIGNS in II [ \ Wall Paper , I DECORATIONS. AND 1 i ALSO Hy I' H. & M. Tinted Leads B' ' I for house painting. I [ | n Please call and exam- nj | I amine my selection be ll ! I fore purchasing. Bl 1 A. McMILLEN , 3 DRUGGIST , _ , MoNEELY BLOCK. McCOOK. Bf IF YOU WANT ! H' H'H H < t A Farm Loan , to get Insured , or have > \ any Real Estate to Sell or Exchange H i for Merchandise or other Personal Prop- I f erty , go to j F. L. BROWN. ! ' Tribune Building. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = | | CASH ! CASH ! H [ i I / This is to notify our customers that m I I , . " we will adopt a strictly CASH system m , of business , May 1st , 1889 , also that B ; we will sell all goods at greatly rer M l , duced prices. We do this believing it H \ I will benefit our patrons as well as our- H [ 4 , \ [ selves. Our entire stock of Boots and mfi \ ! x Shoes at cost. WILCOX & FOWLER. I I Hamilton's Cheap Store. H | Have just received a new lot of No- Bf j tions and Millinery. We are not the H ! I only store in town and don't need courts Hf or juries to decide qualities or prices as Hi I our goods will show for themselves. Hl j Just continue to follow the crowd to BL • Hamilton's Cheap Store. Hj j Pony For Sale. Hl ill A handsome , "single-footer" pony. Hj | * | Will be sold cheap. Call at this office , H | | ! at once. M * City Drug Store. H Noble for superb hanging lamps. Bi ' A fine line of new Curtains at E ' Pade & Son's. Hi Ik : r B j ( New goods received daily at H j. . A. Oppenheimer's. For Baby Carriages go to m ' Pade & Son's. K . j | "Fresh sausage at the B. & . M. B ( ' Meat Market. Hr Large consignment of attractive Fur- H § i niture at Shahan's. H | . A full line of gent's furnishing ' goods H ! , ' cheap at A. Oppenhedier's. B Fresh and smoked meats of all kinds B11 at the B. & JUL. Meat Market. ' lV * Bk i Rfi Everything fresh and clean in the B \vay of groceries at Noble's store. K Buy your hat for spring wear and B : get it cheap at A. Oppenhedier's. B v > * Cash paid for live stock , poultry and Bi , hides at the B. & M. Meat Market B There is no other way. Buy your B groceries , queensware , etc. , of Noble. H A splendid line of patterns in French B - Satteens at A. Oppenhedier's. BJ Croquet , Hammocks and Sporting B- -Goods at B McCook Book & Stationery Co. 's. H Xudwick's Pawn Shop. Opposite B 1. McEntee Hotel. Plenty of cash on H hand. B" For home sugar-cured meats hams , B breakfast bacon , etc. , go to the B. & B Meat Market. B Let us furnish estimates if you wish B Wall Paper or Shades. We can save B you money. B McCook Book & Stationery Co. B g In thel ine of plain and fancy B groceries , 0. M. Noble will fill your B. every want satisfactorily. B Second Hand Cook and Heating B , Stores wanted opposite the McEntee. Bi 3. H. Ludwick. Bl Every roll of Wall Paper in our stock B < is first from the factory. B " " v McCook Book & Stationery Co. B We have the largest stock of seeds B for farm , field or garden in the city. 1 Tree seeds a specialty. | Bj C. GPotter & Co. Bl If you want nice'tender beefsteak B'l • .give the B. & M. Meat Market a call. B \ , 'They butcher none but the choicest of B& * i Ibeeves. K& SJ XJiave a large stock of Hose , Lawn B N \ t , Sprinklers , Hose Keels , and Hose Fix- B B \ * turesconstantly on hand , of the best B j . grades. F. D. Burgess. PljCAKTS , ) y WAGONS , BV f YELOCEPEDES , BT/7 m ; at McCook Book & Stationery Co. 's. B t B T A If you want something handsome in B jjthe way of a hanging lamp , call on C. M. B //I "Noble. He is just in receipt of the B . / / \ largest and finest stock of hanging BfJ \ Oamps ever brought to southwestern Hma B i r ) u FOB CASH. The following prices for meats will be offered our customers on and after April 15th , 3889 : Loin and Porter House Steak , . . . . 10c. Round and Shoulders , 7c. Boasts , 7c. Boiling Meat , , 3c. Pork Steak and Boast , 8c. Pork Sausage , So. Mutton Chops , lOe. Mutton Boast , 8c. Mutton Stew , 3c. Veal Cutlets 10c. Veal Roasts , 7c. Veal Stew , - 3c. Dry Salt Pork , 10c. Front Quarters Beef , 3c. All other meats in proportion. Brewer & Wilcox. Pay Your Taxes. .1 will bo in McCook , at store of Charles Rogers , to receive taxes on Thursday and Friday , April 25th and 2Gth , 1889. J. H. Goodrich , Jr. , County Treasurer. IF YOU CANWOlH" Read the lines below , your eyesight is failing. "George M. Chencry at the City Drup Storo sells ituro drugs and medicines. " S100.000 to Loan on Real Estate. Insurance written in reliable com- panys , city property for sale and rent. Office up stairs in Morlan block. C. J. Ryan. How Do You Stack Up For Hay ? Eaton & Co. have quantities of nice bright hay for sale at lowest mar ket prices. Call at the Circi/k Front Livery Barn. WAGONS ! WAGONS ! ! WAGOHSU ! Hall , Cochran & Co. have just received a large shipment of the celebrated Mil- burn Tubler-Axe Wagons , which they are ready to sell at fair prices. FOR SALE CHEAP. A second-hand Wind Mill and Tow er , in excellent condition. Inquire of F. E. Stock at B. & M. Meat Market. J For Safe or Trade. I have a Norman stallion for sale , or will trade for land or cattle. F. S. Wilcox. A GIRL WANTED. . A good girl to do general lioustt- work. Call at once. C. F. BABCOCK. WANTED. A good girl. Inquire at the Commer cial House at once. For Sale Cheap. An M. K. Lewis Well Augur and Horse Power. Inquire at the First National Bank. FOR SALE. 100 cords of well-seasoned , 4-foot wood. By Mrs. P. J. Taylor , 44-8ts. Red Willow , Neb. ROOM FOR RENT. A furnished room to rent. Desirably located. Inquire at The Tribune of- fice at once. MONEY AT 8 PER CENT. \ On first-class farm . 1 - applications. Ap1 ply to Wm. Coleman , at Commercial Hotel , McCook , Neb. ( Remember Noble for groceries. • New Rugs at Pade & Son's. ' Go to Noble for your family groceries. ] ' < Go to Shahan's for Furniture and Baby Carriages. i ; ' 831F For Refrigerators see Pade & Son. ] A line of trimming silks and plushes ' at A. Oppeniieimer's. j Ladiesvisit , Shahan's Furniture Store ' and inspect his newly arrived goods. Rattan and Oak Rockers , justrcceiv- 1 ed , at Pade & Son's. ! Hose , Lawn Sprinklers , Hose Reels j and Fixtures , for sale by F. D. Burgess , j League Base Ball supplies at McCook Book & Stationery Co' , s. J A great assortmentin ladies' , gent's - and children's hose at A. Oppenheimer's. < We make and hang all window shades bought of us. McCook Book & Stationery Co. ] Plumbiug in all its branches prompt- ( ly and skillfully performed by F. D. : Burgess. ; Prescriptions accurately com- [ pounded , day or night , at the City ' Drug Store Noble , the leading grocer , carries the < most complete line of queensware in the city. Inspect it. Frank D. Burgess carries a full stock of Hose , Lawn Sprinklers , Hose Reels , ] etc. , : Go to the Huddleston Lumber Co. ; for the latest winter styles in Hard : Soft Coal. : and • - * * l-iP'The price of'liberty is eternal ' vigilance , but Noble's prices on groceries ; are sure to cateh you. If you have any Second Hand Goods for sale , postal card notice will receive prompt attention. J. H. * Ludwick. J. H. Ludwick will buy and sell or trade for all kinds of Second Hand Goods. Opposite McEntee Hotel. Try us on flour , feed , or seeds , and we will guarantee satisfaction , in both • price and quality. Seed sweet potatoes a specialty. C. G. Potter & Co. We are receiving all the time new de- ' . signs in Wall Paper Decorations and Window Shades at u McCook Book & Stationery Co. 's. It Is sprint ? . And bulidinp ; operations are in full blast Easter services in ConKK'Katlonal church , Sunday evening , by Sunday school. A large bam is being built on ills Madison Avenue property , this week , by A. C. Clyde. IIoksi : Bills Tins TiunuNK lias splendid facilities for piinting liorso bilR Call and see our cuts and get figures. Changes of advcrtUements by Messrs. L. Lownmu & Son and J. C. Allen & Co. , this week. Head them carefully. ' Tlio Lord's Supper will be held at the Lutheran church , next Sunday , at 10 : $ ) . Special Easter Services at 7:3C. All are In vited. This week , UBefniieiiper , the tailor , makes an announcement of interest to ali our lead ers who need anything in the merchant tall- oting line. A recent Issue of the Bloonn'ngtoa (111. ( ) Pantagraph continued twentyfivecolumns of lax sales. And McLain is one of Illinois' finest counties School books , blank books , scale books , letter copying books , legal and land blanks , pens , inks , pencils , tablets , etc. , at Tiie TmiiuNE office. Dr. L. W. Critser , physician and surgeon , offers his professional services to the people of McCook and vicinity. Office opposite the Ailington House. Work is progressing on Larry McEntee's brick residence on Mucfarland htiei-c , north of Joe McManigsil's property. It will be a cicdit to tho owner and city. A more recent slang word is "crab. " To "crab" or do the "crab" act , is to go back on one's friends , etc. ; and like ail slang words or expressions it is veiy expressive , at least. The retail merchants of Beatrice have formed an association for mutual protection against the omnipresent "dead-beat. " A similar organization might be beneficial to McCook merchants. The Society of Christian Endeavor hold a pop corn social in the Congregational church , next Thursday evening , the 26th inst. , to which all are respectfully invited. The ad mission fee is 10 cents. Are you seeking an investment ? Aie you thinkiug of building ? See F. L. Brown's ad vertisement in this issue conceiing the TJ. S. Loan and Investment Co. ot Omaha , Neb. , of which lie is local agent. The greatest vaiiety of tablets in tills sec- tion of Nebraska may bo found at The Tkit BU2E Stationery Department. The line has just been largely increased. Call and see the assortment and get prices. The list of patents in this issue of the Courier , printed in Indianola , this county , are taken from Tiie Tkibune sans credit. As the Courier is very particular in this rei spect , it is perhaps an oversight. We have for sale in our Stationery Depart- ment one hundred pounds of fine paper cut into various sizes for figuring pads. Every business man should lay in a supply , Only 13 cents a pound. Don't forget us if you want any figuring pads. The blacksmith shop of Predmore Bros , was the scene of a robbery , Wednesday night , quite a number of tools , drills and the like , being taken. No clue. The boys rej port their loss quite considerable , some of their best tools being missing. .Elsewhere appears the advertisement of Directors Ebenezer Addlefaddle , Epaphordi- tes Ilutton and Ichabod Pecksniff , of district No. 17 , for a pedagogue. The spring session opens , in the Menard on the evening of May 2d. Tou should attend one and all. An irrigating ditch over a mile long is be- ing j excavated from the river to his land by | Andrew Carson , one of our most ener getic i "up river" farmers. It is to be arrang- ' ed so that a considerable portion of his land J may be irrigated , for "gaiden truck" and hay land purposes. Lent is coming to a close and the forty days , or to be exact , forty-six , of thought on relig- ious matters , and , peihaps , of self-denial , i will not come again for another j'ear , There j ismoreover , sweet memory about these fasts < and feasts , whether one believes in their util- < ity or not , but it does seem as if there was a dignity in the church crying "halt" to the "fashionables" ' once a year. But really it is a simple matter to keep Lent and physically < it is a pleasure. This week , The Huddleston Lumber Co. purchased lot 19 , block 2S , from Banker Clark of Jlolyoke , Colo. , and leased lots 20 , 21 , 22 , 1 in same block , thus giving them control of : the entire west half , of block 2S. Their pres ent offices , or new quarters , will be in due c time be located facing Marshall street and on i the Dennison street lot , which will place i them in much better position to improve the s shining business hours as they pass. t Early in the week , S. W. Huddleston ex hibited tho soundness of his 'judgment and . the quality of his confidence in McCook's fu ture by purchasing three lots on Upper Main , Avenue fioin H. W. Cole , Esq. , who held , contract from theLincoln Land Co. for same. . Mr. Huddleston has one ot tiie choicest loca- . tions in the city and in the course of events r hopes to have erected thereon a comfortable , ; commodious and convenient home , in which { the ornate will not be lacking. The detestible dog poisoner is putting in ] his odd time , just now , and as is usually the i case , a number of valuable and highly prized 1 canines have climed the golden staiis by that 3 route , among the number being those of Tony 1 Probst and W. M. Lewis , the former's dog 1 dying in the owner's stable on West Denni- son street , Lewis' large animal being found dead in front of Tire Tiubuxe office , early t yesterday morning. Unfortunately the crop of worthless curs is still by far too great. j The improvements now progressing on 1 Register Hart's farm east of the city are of a t most substantial character. The dwelling is ( being increased in height to full two stories , 1 besides a large addition is being built to the 1 same ; all of which will make it a model 1 fdrm house , commodious and convenient. A ( new well of ample flow of the costal liquid 1 has been sunk ; trees and vines planted in j prbfusiou ; fences , eta , provided as the needs i of the case required. Mr. and Mi's. Hai t exj pect to occupy this new , suburban home the 1 first of the coming month. 1 While F. O. Newman was driving Regis ter Hart's blooded colt. Sunday afternoon , ' the high-spirited animal , in some inexplicaj j ble manner , got one les over one of the shafts , and became unmanageable. Newman was thrown out of thecartauddniggedsome 1 distance , when he fortunately extricated s himself from a perilous position. In the < runaway following , the animal was badly in1 1 jured , one of the thills penetrating through a i front leg , making a large , ugly wound , i which may result seriously. The aniinal is 1 a very valuable one , the Register has refnsed < § 400 for her , and it is to be hoped that i the injury may not be permanent. F. O. had ] a narrow escape , upon which iio congratu- i lates himself , as the outlook for him for a : while was not particularly loseate. I * The New Form of Proof Notice. DiSl'AUTMENT OP TUB iNTEKIOIt , ) Genkual Land Okftci : , > Washington , D. C , Marcli 30 , ' & ) . J Register and Reckivkh , McCook , Nebraska. Gentlemen : I transmit herewith 200 now forms of "notice for publication" (4-347) ( ) with tho following clause attached : "Any person who desires to protest against the al lowance of such proof , or who knows of any substantial reason under tho law and the icg- ulations of the Interior Department , why such proof should not be allowed , will be given an opportunity at the above mentioned time and place to cross-examine the witnesses of said claimant , and to olfer evidence m re buttal of that submitted by claimant. " You will immediately on receipt of these blanks acknowledge the receipt thereof , and return all of the old form "notice for pub lication" in your office , and hereafter use only the new forms furnished. Very Respectfully , S. M. Stockslagek , Com. CSsTWe havo a supply of the new forms in stock at this office. Nebraska Sunday School Association. State Seciietaky's Office , I Fremont , Neb. . April 15. J The twenty-second annual convention of tills association is hereby called to meet in the city of Tecumseh , Tuesday afternoon , June 11 , to continue in session until Thurs day evening , June 13,18S9. William Reynolds , Esq. , of Peoria , 111. , president of the international Sunday school convention , will be present to aid by wise counsel gleaned by his wide experience. Tho usual railway courtesies may be expected by the delegates. Tho people of Tecumseh ex tend cordial welcome to tho Master's work men , and hospitality is most heartily proffer ed to pastors , superintendents and delegates. In behalf of the executive committee. I. P. GAGE , State Sec. Ready for Active Business. The secretary of state , Friday , filed for re cord articles incorporating the Nebraska Loan and Banking. Company , which desig nates McCook , Red Willow county , as the principal place of business and'asserts an authorized capital of S100,000. Ninety-nine years , dating from April 8 , is , the indicated duration of the enterprise. Banking in its broadest sense , is tho purpose of the com pany , the solvency of which is attested by the following named gentlemen , who are tho incorporators of the institution : Charles E. ; Shaw , C. A. YanPelt , Jay Olney , Evan D. VanPelt , Henry O. Wait aud Clarence A. Thompson. t School Census Reports. It is of vital importance that school census reports : be sent into the state superintendent by ] May 1st , at the very latest. Those having charge , of this matter in this county's various districts i , should see to it , without fail , that reports ] are transmitted to the proper author ity ] , not later than the 1st May. There are at ; this writing more than a score of districts delinquent ' in this respect. District School Teacher Wanted. The Board of Directors of School district No. 17 are authorized to hire a teacher for the i Spring session which commences May 2d , 18S9 , atMenards Opera Hall. He must be a single man , sound in body and intellect , not afraid j to use the rod. Wages , S10 per month , aud j "board around. " ( Ebenezek Addlefaddll. Directorsr-j Epaphrodites Hutton. ( Ichauod Pecksniff. SEALED BIDST City Clerk's Office. \ . McCook , Neb. , April 17,1SS9. j Sealed bids will be received by the City Council for team , wagon and driver to work for the city by the month. On sprinkler when required. Bids may bo filed with the undersigned at any time before 5 , P. M. , April 24,1SS9. J. E. Kelley , City Clerk. PERMANENT REDUCTION. We are requested by C. T. Watson , local manager of the Western Union , to announce that there lias been a permanent reduction in telegraphic rates , the most important re ductions , however , being in rates to points east , the Nebraska rate being the same. FOR RENT. Two good office rooms. Inquire of Frees & Hocknell Lumber Co. FOR RENT. A 4-room house north of Catholic church. Inquire of W. H. Davis. A man who kicks his wife out of bed on a cold wmtpr morning when the thermometer is twenty degrees below zero to build a fire , is a mean man. A church member worth 5100,000 and pays only one dollar per year to the church , is a very mean cus with whom the angels will never care to associate , a. man who will live two \ \ eeks on a soup made from two horn buttons , is a mean , niggardly creature on whom the devil would never care to feast. The man who will beat hi child for poking its finger into a pail of water and then inquiring what become of the hole when it took its finger out , is a terribly mean man. The man who loafs on street coiners for the sole purpose of making remarks about the ladies who chance to pass by , is one who ought to be stretched up by the heels till the part where his brains ought to be is filled with blood. But J. D. Sexson , of Spring field , Neb. , who took the Pioneer for overlO years without paying for it and then put it back in the postoffice , marked "Refused , " is aboutthe meanest man the Lord ever let live. We have the names of a few more men about as mean that we will publish in the near fu ture. Arapahoe Pioneer. We notice by our exchanges in this sena torial district that it is pretty generally ex- pected and desired that Senator Lindsay of [ this city , will soon receive the appointment , of Register of the McCook land office. It is not unlikely that he may receive the appoint ment Certain it is that no better appoint ment could , be made. Mr. Lindsay is well ' qualified to discharge the duties of the office. It would bother anyone to state a good rea- ' son why he should not have the appointment ' if lie wants it We judge that he would feel ; at liberty to accept the position should , it be tendered him. While we should very much regret to lose Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay from Beaver City , we are the last to impose any objection , should he regard the tender of the place in a favorable light Beaver City ' Times. 1 As the lawns about the city are showing themselves in their delicate green tiie thought arises that this color is the leas : tiring to the eye of all the colors , due to the fact that the number of pulsations on the retina of the eye in receiving this color is very uiuch less than ' is the case with other colors. Some will say that this is a special arrangement of nature , while others will say that the eye has become accustomed to the universal green , and if the prevailing color had been red the same re sult would have been brought about by the same experience and association. Yoii' are free to choose. vr f + , • ± a , PERSONALS. MlMTIifa Humes Is spending "this week at her In iiil" In ladlunola. C.T. UrowcrwasonthoSouthOmnhnmarker , Momlur , with another shipment ofcnttk * . Dr U.J ) . Davis was called down to Aiiipa- hoo , this morning' , on a "consultation cuac. " T uaourer Moreo of Dundy county n-us down from llunkolman , yeslcrOuv , 011 business bent. Judge Israel and Frcomrii Scott or Rcukil- man aro down from tho ucst , to-dny , on mat ters of business. C.T. ltrowor Is confined to bed with an un conscionable case of "big head , " technically known as mumps. Miss Tbcodosla Laws departed , Wednesday morning , for her Lincoln home , after a few duy's visit to friends In tho city and vicinity. Joo McColougb , a finished tonsorial artist , arrived from Lincoln , Tuesday morningand has taken 11 chair in Simpson's shop. His wife accompanied him. Poto Miller , Andy Hatch and "Nttsby" Yates , three of Hayes Centro's clever and onterpris- ing business men , were In tho citj , Monday , on land business. Chas. W. Knights , wife and daughter Mattlo , of McCook , were tho guests of friends and rel atives here , the fore part of tho woek. Cam bridge Kaloidoscopo. C W. Beck was up from Hartley , yesterday , securing advertisements for the premium list of the county fair to be held in Indianolu , this fall. He was quite successful. • O. E. McPherson succeeded in getting homo safely Saturday ovoning , with his commission for county dork in his pocket. Wo congratu late him. Phillips County ( Colo. ) News. Col. K. M. Snavely , state's attorney , exhibit ed his stalwurt proportions and ample bum- sides on the streots of tho metropolis , yester day. Legal business was his mission galore. Pat Walsh will move his family to McCook , about tho middle of the month , where he goes to look after his business. Tills will make a vacancy in the city council. Holyoko Herald. Hilen Trowbridge left on Sunday evening's passenger to report for duty at Omaha. His run will be on the Alliance branch of the B. & M. , betweon tho capital and Box Butto's prin cipal town. Dr. A. R. Mitchell , ono of Lincoln's leading physicians , was up to see Mrs-Louis Lowman , Monday. Mrs. Lowman is Improving slowly , but the condition of her eyes still requires them to be bandaged. C. F. Babcock started , Sunday , to drive his fine team of thoroughbreds to Denver , where ho hopes to dispose of them at a fancy price to some enthusiastic fino stock lover of tho "Queen City of the Plains. " He will be absent until the first proximo. Rev. S. P. Dillon of Litchfield , Sherman Co. , has been in tho city , tho past week , the guest of friends. He filled the M.E. pulpit , last Sun day , in a very satisfactory manner. Be v. Dil lon was chaplain of the lower house during tho last session of thelegislature. Ho is a cous in of Mrs. M. A. Northrup. Pat. Walsh has returned from nolyoke and will conduct tho West Dennison streot saloon of Walsh & Boyd in the future. Mr. Boyd will bo in charge of the saloon shortly to bo opened in the old McCracken building , opposite tho now First National bank. The building is now undergoing extensive lepairs and improve ments to that end. JliEvCE TABIiB. GOING EAST CENTRA ! . TIME LEAVES. No. 2 , through passenger , 5J5 , A. M. No. 4. local passenger , 0:05. : P.M. No. 128. way freight 5:15 , A.M. S3EWay freight No. 130 arrives from west at 4:30 : , P. M. , mountain time. GOING WEST MOUNTAIN TIME LEAVES. No.3 , local passenger , 7:35. A.M. No. 1 , through passenger , 9:30 , P.M. No. 129 , way freight 5:45 , A.M. "Wny freight No.127 arrives from the east at 7:20. P. M. , central time. A. Campbell , Supt. A. J. Welch , Agent. Engineers' and firemen's time books lor sale at The McCook Tiubune oifice. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Goodwin departed , Mon day evening , for Curtis , where Mr. Goodwin is located for tho present. Mrs. NT L. Cronkhite of Hastings spent Sun day and Monday in the city , the guest of her daughter , Mrs. J. H. Burns. Mrs. J. J. Bcid , mention of whoso serious illness was made , last week , has been given up and her death is expected at any time. Engineer Frank Uhler of the "Sunllower" branch , who has been at headquarters a few days , returned to Oxford , last evening , to re- sumehisrun. * Sunday was a day of mixed pleasure and pain to the boys. It was pay day. It was also the day when an order for further retrench ment went into effect , and quite a number of the company's employes "walked the clank. " By a card received at these headquarters from Deeorah , Iowa , we learn that Miss Lucie 1 Thomson , formerly of Bed Cloud , was recent- ly united in marriage to Mr. E. McCullow , and ' has again returned to Nebraska to live. Her home will hereafter be at Curtis. Bed Cloud 1 Chief. Contractors Lewis & Searls are putting ud a ' dwelling for Conductor Ed. Kane. It is locat- ' ed on the sightly slope in tho northwestern [ part of the city , and upon completion will be ' one of our prettiest homes. The house is planned after the Oyster residence on Upper Main Avenue. A head-end collision between a light engine and freighttrulu No. 27 , was narrowly averted , Wednesday evening , this side of the "Nar- : rows. " We understand that the engineer of ( the light locomotive pulled out without orders j and met No. 27 , this side of the "Narrows , " ! as above stated , fortunately seeing the train 1 in time to avert a collision , however. EMPLOTES ON THE ANXIOUS SEAT. j The Burlington officials , Messrs. Holdrege , . Stone , , Peasley , Calvert , all of the division superintendents and assistant superintend- . cnts , were here Monday in consultation as to the advisability of cutting down the force of . the road's employes , in all departments , at ' least 20 per cent. This move creates a good deal of excitement among the employes of the ' road , and many of them are consequently on the anxious seat. The action of the confer- : ence cannot yet bo ascertained , but Ihe feel- ' mg is strong that there will be a general lopp- ; ing off of the company's help. Bee. ] 1 The recent long distance runs of Iocoxno- . tives and crews on eastern and western : railroads foreshadow an early radical change ] in the present system of train running. For : sevoral months past new and improved loco motives havo been in operation on the Penn- ] sylvauia road , making the trip from New York < to Pittsburg without change , and also on the j New York Central between New York and Buffalo. These tests have proved entirely sat- , isfactory , and demonstrated the capacity of J first-class engines for distance as well as speed. The annoynnces of frequent crews are ' obviated and a considerable saving in time and money effected. Several 6uch tests have been made on the western roads , notably on ttm Union Pacific and Chicago & Northwestern It is confidently inserted that In a few years four and flvt * hundred mile inns will become ' IhesiveniKuof. psssomjer eruns. The time is not distant when trains will regularly run five hundred miles in from twelve to ten hours , 11 hi ' > niHii ii TiiiiiiiiWi ' | ' 'uVy p J L BERNHEIMER I , "MERCHANT TAILOR " , PUS COT M CHI I In order to reduce my largo stock of Spring M Goods , will sell them at the following H UNPBEGEDENTED PRICES : I Business Suits from $22.00 up. H Business Pants from $ 5.00 up. H All other suits in proportion. All orders receive prompt 1 attention. If required , will make you a suit in 2d hoars. . M L. BEENHEIMER I , MERCHANT TAILOR , H Main Avenue , building formerly oc-1 T\IY . tf 'niYlr7 ! * "ivi ia ' ! rT ! H 111 . cupied by First National Bunlc. f L.V > UUJV , JA OUXtlSJVcl. H The U. S. Loan andjnvestment Go , of Omaha , Neb. Will furnish tho means to build a home , pay off a mortgage cancel u debt , or educate your H children , and take had ; the amount in small monthly puyments , on a less rate than ordiuury B rentals , and n lesser interest than is charged tiy other money loaning institutions. H Or it will receive small deposits of fixed amounts from thoso who desire to invest their sav- H ings and not becomo borrower and iimko oach deposit earn from ten to thirty per cent , a year H ns though they wero a part of a htrgo investment , us per examples given below , showing tho H estininted cost and protlt derived by both the borrowor and non-borrower , on u ccrtlllcato of H one share in llvo years , or one-half of tho full maturity period. M THE NON-BORROWER THE BORROWER M Of a Certiflsata cf Oas Chito 1 ; Fho Tears. Earleg , tecsr a Honfctr Six lljatfc : aal BcnsTtag 5500.00 | H Pays a membership fee of $10.00 Has paid a membership Too of $ 10.00 | Sixty monthly installments of $ : t 00 Pays during the 5 yenrs to monthly In- 1 each lbO.OO statlmontsof ? . ' 100cnch , 180.00 M Twenty quarterly installments of 2.50 Twonty quarterly Installments of S.fiO. . . 50.00 H each . ' 0 00 Also his interest of $3.S3i5 per month H A cancellation fee of 10.00 lor fr ! months 180.00 H Making a total of all expenses for tho Also pays tho principal $3.S1M per mouth , l aro years of S M.OO ror&t months 180.00 M He is then Entitled to $500,00.c' ' "u"'SSV = ; r' S Tho non-borrower has had the adrantngc of As his shares havo arrlrcd at their ilflh year 1 our peculiar system of accumulation , wherematurity period , his certificate aud Ioawill H by every installment paid in draws interest be cancelled. Thus the borrower has hiuV.tho H immediately and is compounded monthly : he usoof his money in adranco of accumulating H has participated in the lapse prollts , and the his savings mid pay theroforo but $110 , or nov H accumulation from flues , dues aud penalties , quite llvo per cent , per annum , for ho com- H has had an absolutely secure investment , unbines his loan with an Investmonr , mid whllo , H disturbed by fluctuating values , aud has realrepay Injr the loun , is realizing upon tho invest- H ized a clear prollt of ono hundred per cent , in 5 ment. Ho also knows in advance Just what | H years , whilo accumulating the capital paid in. he will pay and how long ho will pay it. H For further particulars of tho plan , call on "J ? T TJlJOWTV A ° * 01lt \ 1 County Commissioners' Proceedings. Countv Cleiik's Office. I Indianola , Neb. . April lUth. 1&9. f Board of County Commissioners met pursu ant to adjournment. Present , Stephen Bollcs , Henry Crabtree and C. T. Blackmail , commis sioners , and Geo.W. Koper , clerk. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. In the matter of the Bartley Village Bonds , Board proceeded to ascertain tho result of tho canvas of votes cast at tho special election hold in the village of Bartley , April 8th , life ! ) , upon the proposition to issue bonds of said village in the amount of § 2,000.00 to aid the Bartley Canal Co. to complete their canal and construct a dam across the Bepublican Hirer. Tho Board And that more than two-thirds of tho votes cast at said election were in favor of said proposition and it is hereby ordered that the notice of adoption of said proposition bo published in the Bartley Inter-Ocean of Bart- lev. Bed Willow Co , Neb. , for two successive weeks as by law required. On motion the appointment of Will Gillen , constable of Indianola precinct , was revoked for tho reason that said appointment was ille gal and void , for at tho time of said appoint ment there was no vacancy in said office. In the matter of tho petition of Milton Van- Doren et al. , asking for license to sell malt , spirituous and vinous liquors in the Village of Danbury , on motion same was rejected and license not granted. On motion the following claims were allowed on county bridge fund levy 18S8 , as follows : John Sheppard , work on bridge at Mc Cook , S10.00 LaTourette A : Co. , nails for bridges $22 Frees & Hocknell Lumber Co. , bridge material 21.77 On motion the following claim was allowed on county road fund levy 188S , as follows : Western Wheel Scraper Co. , one rever sible wheel scraper. $225.00 Road No. 212. Petition of C. F. Buhler et al. , for consent road , read , considered and granted ' , establishing a public road as follows : Commencing at a point 80 rods east of S. W. corner Sec. 2 , Town. 4 , Range 26 , thence north one mile to county line and terminating thereat. < Vacating Road. Petition of George Wil- helm : et al. , for vacation of public road , read , considered 1 and granted , vacating public road as follows , to-wit : Commencing atN.W. cor ner Sec. 2 , Town. 4 , Ranse 2C , thence south on section line to S. W. corner of said section , thence east on said section line 80 rods , and terminating thereat. Road No. 213. Petition of Samuel Teeters et i al. , for consent road , read , considered and granted , establishing a public road as follows , to-wit ; : Commencing at N. E. corner Sec. 2-1 , Town. 4 , Range 27 , thence west one mile to N. W. corner of said section 24 , and terminating thereat. Road No. 214. Petition of Frank Moore et al. , for consent road , read , considered and granted , establishing a public road as follows : Commencing at S. E. corner Sec. 2 , Town. 3 , Range 28 , thence west on section line to S. W. corner section 3 , same town , and range , and terminating thereat. On motion the following claims were allow ed 1 on county general fund levy 1838 , as fol lows : State vs. Shaffekt. W. S. Phillips , clerk , ? 3.43 : H. W. Kcyes , judge , 5:35 : ; Lee Starbuck , deputy sheritf , 19.10 ; Adam Grass , interpreter. 5.00. m \ State vs. Russell. James Hetheringtoa- \ clerk , 3.63 ; John Welborn , sheriff , 30.50. JaBR ! ? State vs. Walsh.W.S. . Phillips , cler&j wl. j E. C. O'Donnell , police judge , 3.45 ; Lee StaP ? , buck , attending court , 1.00 ; A.Dewey , police , 2.10. State vs.Dibble. W.S.Phillipsclerk,9.35 ; H. W. Keyes , judge , 11.75 ; Lee Starbuck , dep uty sherifl , 20.50 ; H. Crabtree , deputy sheriff , I 3.20. j Witness Fees. J. W. Hupp , 14.00 , allowed j at9.00 ; W.T.Evans , 11.00 , allowed at 9.00 ; L. I F. Nichols , 9.40 , allowed at 9.00 : B. A. Johnson. ' 19.00 , allowed at 9.00 ; C.A.Johnson , Jr.,9.00 ; C. T. Blackman , 9.00 ; L. W. Robinson , 9.C0 ; F. M. Pennington , 9.00 : J. W.McClung , 2.0) , al lowed at 1.00 ; J. H. Goodrich , Jr.,2 00 , ' alio ' wed ' at 1.00 ; C. F. Woehner , 2.00 , allowed at 1.00 : J. J. Lamborn , 2.00. allowed at 1.00 ; J. W. Dolan , 1 2.00. allowed at 1.00 ; T. P. Crumbaugh. 2.00. al- ! lowed at l. 0 ; 1.31. Beardslee. 2.00 , allowed at' 1.00 ; C. S. Quick. 2.00 , allowed at 1.00. j State vs. Dc > 2 \ W. S.Phillips , clerk , 18 3S ; j ' L. L. Hulburd , justice. 4.70 ; W. O. Russell , sheriff , 22.10 : Lee Starbuck , deputy sheriff , 1.25 ; J. H. Knowles. sheriff Furnas Co. , 2.G0. Witnesses. H. II. Pickerel ! , 9.00 ; Mrs. H.H. Pickerell,9.00 : C.B.Gray. 5.50 ; William Gay , 8.00 ; John P. Eksardt , 5 50 ; G. W. Starr. 5 50 : J. M. Farrington. 8.00 ; Lee Starbuck , 2.10 ; H. Crabtree , 210 : W. O. Russell , 2.10- State vs. Sheiieey & Rowe. E. C. O'Don nell , police judge , 10.50 ; J. H. Bennett , city marshal , 8.00 ; John C. Laus , witness. 2.00 ; J. P. Burton , witues2.00 ; Mike Dillon , witness , 2.00. 2.00.Fees Fees Mauch Teum District Coukt. W. O. Russell , sheriff , 2.75 ; W. S.Phillips , clerk , 4.00 : Leo Starbuck , deputy sheriff , 3.75 ; n.Crabtree , bailiff , 12.00 : W. O. Russell and deputy , 28.00. H Special Election , Bahtley , Aimul 8,1889. H S. Grlssoll , judge , 2.00 ; F. A. Leap , judge , H 2.00 ; Z.T.McCoIlum , Judge , 2.00 ; C. W. Beck H clerk , 2.00 ; G. W. Bartlett , clerlr , 2.00 ; S. W * . H Gossard , canvassing returns , 2.00 ; C. D. Cra- H mer , canvassing returns , 2.00. H Geo. A. Hobson. boarding Jurors , $0.25 H J. Byron Jennings , attorney , defend- H Ing Thos. Dunn , 50.00 H S. R.Smith , attorney , defending J. W. H Lashley , 25.00 H R. M. Snavely , attorney for county , Co. H vs. C.B.&Q. I J. R..S35.00. allowed at 25.00 M It. M. Snavely , county attorney , salary H flrstquarter 200.00 H Julia A. Fov , boarding pauper , 12.00 H Wilcox & Fowler , mdse , for pauper , Mrs. H E.E.Waite , 2087 M J. E. Kelley , list of lands proved upon. . 2.70 H C. E. Frederick , blank claims 0.00 M S. W. Gossard , repairing Jail wall 1.00 H T. B. Stutzman , mod. attendance pauper H Mr8.M. Doyle 11.85 H Joseph Menard , good3 furnished "Coun- H tv Hahv' " " • ' " * l 1 Huddleston Lumber Co. , coal for jail , . . . 3.75 H Omaha Republican Co. , blanks for clerk H or court , 1.50 | Omaha Republican Co. . blanks for cleric H Ofcourt.r „ 17.50 H State Journal Co. , supplies for C. II 25.10 fl Stephen Bollcs. services Co. Com 4.50 H Henry Crscbtrce , 3.00 M C. T. Blackman , 8.43 M On motion board adjourned to meet May H 4U..1BS9. STEPHEN BOLLES , H Attest : Chairman. M GEO. W. ROPElt , Clerk. H SCHOOL ITEMS. o M Ilattie Bunnell from Indianola has enroll- M ed in the third irradc. | irisses Edna Meserve and Theo. Laws vis- H ited the High School room , last Friday. H The amount deposited in the saving's bank , S this week , was ST.09 ; Miss Murpliy/s depart- H ment having $4.20. H Several of the pupisin ! the pi iinary grades , | who have been effected with mumps , return- H ed to bchool , this week. H The sixth and seventh grades have been H having some written examinations in arith- H metic , this week. The average of the seventh H being 90 per cent , and of the sixth grade H SG per cent. H It is requested that the attention of the H parents be called to the fact that pupils who H are absent four half days in four consecutive H weeks , without satisfactory excuses , are lia- H ble to suspension. The following named pupils spelled their respective schools down , last Friday : High H School room , Ben Homer. Grammar De- H partmenl , Selma Xoren , and 3Iiss Condit's Department , Maggie Cullen. The present enrollment in the High School 9 room is 31 , Grammar Department 50 , Miss I Murphy's Department CSMiss Hart's Depart- ment 09 , Miss McXamara's Department G7 , I Mi&s Condit's Department 55 , and Miss Kee's Department SO. Making a total of 420. w FOR SALE. I | | ? | yJC S OF LAND 1,200 I KirsJ Quarter Circle "C" Stock and Gra 5rCorey.3iniles - east of Fa1fGiw i pSg tlie market , and will be sold ' body-er ft Mlei-s to suit the * ' purchaoer , fotl oi ilfc gj location ! and soil in the coWy. CI Jfcij iujiiiial- 5- " „ 4. i lyonllay. 400 acp Wfe.i % fe0O ? M \ acres plow and pastui . ' gjjgggjgj f | | ) crop. 2acres heavy ash t.ml /50j wfllc < v * . k ? of river front. Wind mill and tan s-isi K * ' " * - * * j § | | 1 7-room frame house and stabling for S0lw& fk"IgK f of stock. 10 miles of wire fence. Xo Iieavy T f „ I B. mortgages to pay. United States patent ! and * lj& 1 warranty deeds for title. Don't miss this lpH ! chance , as 1 am bound to sell and will make "lIcBt i lower prices and better terms than any live R 5 > man in the Valley. Iieason for telling , want Ufc to ' go back to mv old love , the Pacific Coast , 5H * md the photograph business. Address , A.V. . * ! Corey , McCook , Nebraska , Lock Box 400 , or 'v&sm. call at farm. \ C fl * Pay Your Water Tax. ; ip * { Pay your Lawn Tare before nsing water on $ & * * * lawn , trees or garden , as water will be turn- V ed off from all service without notice , where * water is being used for any purpose not paid | ' for. C. II. Meekek , Supt. Ij | j A Pop Cam Social. \ The members of tho Society of Christian I Endeavor will take pleasure in entertaining 1 their friends at the Congregational church , I Thursday evening , April 25th. Admission , I two nlckles , I Ii i , 1 A