TTiiMwSiiitfiliiVi T " ' I IN OLD AGE ? | 5 ? . tOJ " * am now sxl > ' 'nine" • V ' JJ ! Zf years old , and have tried ' { " i j several remedies , but f /\n none had any effect un- Y I fWl til I used Paine's Celery if * ( ' 'il3'FV Compound. I feel en- T / A'VVw " din"cnt for tc ! fi / lo Vt | h ° rt time I have used it. , ' | | \ | Ok/ ] / * can wa"c "early < \ \ I w/j / straight , sleep sound and " , [ Ty . I H well , and feel as though 11 / / V II there was new life and / \J I V ll cncr y coming into my i . | Vy 7 T whole system. " II. My- - * UUS , Cleveland , Tenn. 1 Paine's Celery Compound I ' ' Strengthens and builds up the old , and cures their infirmities. Rheumatism , indi- ! gestion and nervousness yield quickly to the curative power of Paine's Celery Com pound. $ l per bottle. Six for 5. At druggists. Wells , Richardson & Co. , Burlington.Vt. * roec nnnv of directions for using Diamond 1 I rfttC til/UK pyq , Atkyourdntggtrtforit. i\ if 1 MnTMTcn ennn the but food to use urUh I I LAUTAltU rUUUpartitaiiurtlng. s sites SCOTfS 1 EMULSION | i OF PURE GOD LIVER OIL WL HYPOPHOSPHITES 'I ' ' 1 } Almost as Palatable as Milk Bit So dlsgnUrd that It can be taken , K ) | J digested , and assimilated by the moat Hjl . iemltlve stomachwhen the plain oil HE cannot be tolerated ; and by the com- Mb btnatlon or the oil with the byjio- mFi pbo pblto Is mnch more efficacious. HI Remarkable as a flesh producer. jj Persons gala rapidly while taking It. Bjj SCOTT'S EMULSION is acknowledged \ > y Hw | Physicians to be tlio Finest and Dent prepar- HmI tion in tho world for the relief and cure of Eff CONSUMPTION , SCROFULA , til . . . GENERAL DEBILITY , WASTING Hf f * DISEASES , EMACIATION , h COLDSand CHRONIC COUGHS. Ku { > The great remedy for Consumption , and Htfj Wasting in Children. Sold by all Druggists. Mj A -Jf.l , : r ' /iiL2'CZ,3S. / RU > L _ For two years I hod firMl wawfl SY rheumatism so bad that ill Kkmr ff it disabled me for work H wi .a j awawaflwiV 1 * h a,1 ( * conCnH' nl ° to my Uli 'SjA , " ) ! j could not even niisa my Bi ) t ES&r A ftrro hands to my head , ana Ul JHjT 'Jft.for 3 monthn could not BJ ltdSv rnorcmy clfinbcd.\raB awr / VV Hl > m B raflwawawBv reduced In flesh from J' WJPDRftl92to601bs. \ . Wnstrcat- Hl l " only to grow worse. HN Finally I took Swift's Specific , and noon began to Hl improve. A ft or a while was at my work , and for the Bl past five months have been as well as I ever was all f from the effects of Swift's Specific. 1 John Rat , HI Jan. 8.1689. Ft. Wayne , Ind. Bl Books on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. B j SwirT Specitic Co. , Atlanta , Ga. 1 20 PRIZE STALLIONS Hf ] Percherons and French Coachers , HH ) RESERVED FOR SPRING TRADE , UB TO BE PLACED B On Sale MarcJi 25 , 1889. I Hk These Stallions were Prize Winners at the three Bl ? great Horse Shows of France , 1868. BI I have found each year that a number of my Hl i customers could not conveniently buy until late fm I , In the season , and it was to accommodate these .1II that I last Kail made a reserve of Twenty of mj jwl I Jlest StallionsOld enough for Service , which jlll "will be placed on sale March 5 , It being my H | * | determination to so control hit importations that W | I can offer purchasers a first-class Horse any day Hfil In the year. Hlf JL Satisfactory Breeding Guarantee l Stven irltb ach JLnlmal Sold. jfj M. W. DUNHAM , Wayne , Illinois. I IB' Thlrty-flve Miles West of Chicago on tha B Chlcaso & North-Western Railroad. H. Ely's Cream Balm , W' ' ' 'JI Rf WILL CUKE K$5TARPVol ; | cATfiRRHrKi JI Hrw ! j Hrlc SO iVutJTf BC W iAOT Hu Ajipb' Balm into rneh nostril. R JC i H | • ) ELY BKOS. . K Warren St. , X. T. HES < LJ2 ] ' WEirDEIIIS i , H ? , a FOR ALL PURPOSES , vl EaTemadcSft-aminutewiththe * " Bf ItBH&JBbSmbmW cnd 20c * for maUin Hf it F. C. Austin Mfg. Co. HI 11 COR. CARPENTER ST. AND CARROLL AVE. n | CHICAGO. ILLINOIS. CARRIAGES ! HjS ttii&K We make a specialty of manufac- l ( fcTl7 "y turinc Baby Carriages to sell tll- j ] • , 32 ? * rect to private parties. Yon H' RHtW can , therefore , do better with us t < i InlSSfc .than with a dealer. We send Car- B A l HfK@IlPriace8 to all points within TOOmiles H j rjWjKS of Chlcaco freoofebarce. Send B MEJito < ik 0r catalogue. HI rnExm' ' GHAS. RAISER , Mfr. , B j ] VUiy eljy' 62-64 01 jbonrn Ave , Chicago , IIL Br ) j KSk > . This BELT or Regenerator H y * < KOTiVCS5-5 . 's ' Inn < Je cipressly for the B "ftn Ty/.T fr\ > r\Ox cure of derangements of the H i 'f WsfIK/CMFFVI-Hy - 1 ! generative organs. The H WACVCLe . Vj\i ySi . \ continuous stream of Elec- H VS&CA nlCvBELT\M tnclty permeating through H k/ / / i.iiHT > 'be parts must restore them B sfckL FORIL.j3ay to healthy action. Do not H , vSk7" * * " "SP * * / confound this > fith Electric K 1 , v'r sfc f r 11 Belu -ertised to cure all i IlkiKVRM ffV Ills from head to toe. It is H ME hiUPfitflI ° - hc OXE specWC pn" p Bi IIILll mSr UHLI For circulars giving full H information , address Cheever Electric Belt Co.K 103 ( Washington Street , Chicago. 111. H BB31 < Kfif0SIOADAYJ K DHn { k k % agents wanted : l BmIKJW r 1000 Brewster's Safety Rein 1 KaK V Holders GIVEN AWAY to intro- 1 IsliHHuM duce them , Kvery horse owner buys i II DBkH from 1 to 6. IJnes never under norse's H RVBHSh f et. Send 25 cents in stamps to pay ' i MMBPUB postage and packing for Kickla H HillKi rlated Sample that sells for 6o 1 . li B iflBI centsAddress , p * HWibH BrewsterMf gCo. , HollyMicli. HI jbrovjxj jT& c oT 3 . Manutacturers and dealers in 1 Cosines , Boilers and Pumping Machinery H j Or all Descriptions. H [ Iron and Wood Working Machinery. Saw Mill Ma- m i ehlnerrand Suppllc ? . Itailroail and Contractors' Siip- piles. State Agents Dodge's Wood Split Pullcvs and . Podge's Patent System of Power Transmission by 11a- ' nilla RopAgents Trenton Iron Co. 'i Wire Kop , H Peet's Patent Double Gate Valves. Ac. H 1213 Leavenworth St. OMAHA. XEE. . B . "vC . k. at r Prescribe and fully en - , H A * . k k k * d ° r e Big < } as tbe only' H .a r Ceresln _ H specificforthecertalncura H Wl 10 t DATS. of this disease. L L H KFZSfSZlgZS' * G.H.IXGKAHA34- ) . , H K oaawBtriaars. Amsterdam , N. Y. HpL Ba Vrdesly fey ths "U'e have sold Big G for H'S 11- • * - many years , and it has B B B a 1MUT1S3 C B I i - given the best of saUa- F J . ClnrinnstiJ Mal faction. B OiliO. VQ D.Jl.TyCHE&CO. ) . K T M Chicago , 111. B B B H Traat BBa Urkl 81.00. Sold by Drngeists. B THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY BS OX * JMJUW YOKK. H The Lsrcett. Cheapest and ilest in the World. H CASH ASSETS * i20.eoo , © e. H SIAIONGOETZ. WICRALLKN. ' H Special Ac st. _ A erl Agent bI nnnriTwn.FreeMasonary. Signs , Grips and nnnriTwn. b b b bb bb bbV nPI'Uk'iml Morgan's , fate by wall onrccelpt "l. B nMlllillu ' St. loplc PablUhlBr-C * - M bb bb X U B JJBUIMJ3 Jaaf ; MJhb. - - [ H * ' . trWbot- iBECUKEB. ' * > af , A VUftf 1'CAX BB BB H 'lVTIllllUMe 'R < IOU'e ' bI ? . * " " " b b b v s BB BB BB I > . v BBVavavavavaS C * w i iniriBMa BSBa iTaiiiirniiiiiMBBMBBBre- ' 1 " " Senator Evarts' Log Cabin. Sonntof Evarts lias erected an old fashioned Lo Cabin on an elevated point at laud which he lately purchased on the Potomac , just below Washing- ton. ton.It It is mnch nioro elegant in its finish and appointments than were the homes of our ancestors in the Log Cabin days long ago , but probably not more con ducive to comfort. Outside , it presents the appearance of tho typical old fashioned house of the pioneers , being built of logs hewn in the adjacent forest and raised and chinked in tho olden style. The in terior will be finished in native woods , J I from the place , but , unlike the primi tive orignal , it will be finished in oil. This is luxury to which the dwellers in the rudo Cabins of early days dared not aspire , it being pure luxury , and not adding to tho comfort of the domi cile. cile.Senator Senator Evarts began the Log Cabin last summer with tho determination that , if Gen. Harrison were elected , he would reverse tho popular campaign axiom of half a century ago , "From the Jjos Cabin to tho White House , " to a social axiom nf the new administration , "Prom tho White House to the Log Cabin. " Harrison was successful ; Senator Ev arts' new , old fashioned Log Cabin will doubtless also prove a great sneess. Many a happy d.iy's surcease from the toils and cares of hifi great station , our great Log Cabin president will no doubt enjoy beneath its hospitable roof as tho jruest of the genial , senior Senator from New York Great as the success may be that at tends the introduction of this old-time log cabin to fashionable life , it cannot bo greater than tho success which has attended the introduction of Warner's Log Cabin Sarsaparilla , ono of the old- time , effectivo remedies , tho use of which , in primitive timos. 'gave our grand parents health and rugged old age. age.Senator Evarts' log cabin is but an other evidence of the tendency in fash ionable life , at' present so marked , to ward things primitive and antiquated. The new fashion is for things old fash ioned , and a return to tho old fashioned roots and herbs remedies of log cabin days is noted with pleasure , as their common itso does not permanently in jure tho system , as the use of tho min eral drugs of modern medical practice docs. Lend not your stock into temptation by poor fences. A Hundred Tons of Money. It hardly seems possible that the money paid in one month for a ten-cent article , could , if pennies were used in payment , weigh ono hundred tons. Yet one of our bright school boys lias ligured that this is true of Diamond Dyc $ . To judge from the btocks of our dealers in dye stuffs , Diamond Dyes own the field of package dyes , and are a complete success. Of course they have imitators. ' Nothing is a success until imi tated. " But no one wants to risk a counter feit when the genuine can be obtained at the same price. Three new colors have lately been added to the list of Diamond Dyes : Fast Stocking Black , Turkey Ked for Cot ton , and Brown for Cotton. The manufac turers , Wells , Richardson & Co. , Burling ton , "Vt. , will send colored samples of these new dyes , with book of directions , to any address , free of charge. These additions seem to have made the line so complete that any shade can be matched with some color of Diamond Dyes. The beautiful sample book of shaded colors , " lately seat to all deal ers in dyes , will delight the eye of any lady. "It's easy to dye with Diamond Dyes , " is so absoluteiy'true that home dyeing is no longer a difficult and disagreeable task. Almanacs , with their hintsas to.proper times fordif- ferent work , tell us that now is the time for Spring dyeing. This , together with the thought of that hundred tons of money , leads us to ask what school boy can figure how many thousands of ladies are now say ing that this is the time to use Diamond Dyes. Sixteen young ladies in Lowell have formed a vrhisfc club. The average human life is only thir ty-one years , and many there be who have reached three score , and yet never have seen the glories and the wonders of California. Try it this summer , and take the famous Golden Gale Special over tho Union Pacific , through in sixty hours from Council Bluffs aud Omaha to San Francisco. Graduates of the Lincoln Business Col lege readily obtain profitable employment. Business men Belect them for their fitness. Catalogue and specimen free. Address - Lillibridge & Itoosc , Lincoln , Neb. Three-fifths ot the cotton crop is now produced by white labor. SOFFKUBUS FROM COUGUS , SOKE TlIKOaT , etc. , should try "Brown's Bronchial Troches , " a tmple butsure remedy. Sold only in boxes. Price 25 ctB. A critic speaks of the novels of Edgar Saltus as "sugar coated arsenic wafers. " For two two-cent stamps we will send you one or the handsomest almanac * in the country. "HomeHtead , " Omaha , Neb. .a return mail , lull descriptive circulars of ay : an easily and ulckly learn tq : nt and mate iny garment , 1 ? neasuroforlady iny style to any" ir child. Address Cincinnati , ( • SICKHEADACHE T - 5Posltirely ] cured by , -"ADTrDQ theHe Little Fills. j ( j A fl I rKA They also relieve Dis- * * " * * 1V tre8airomDyapepsiain- H ! | BnBB | bb digestionandXooHearty VP lTTLLV Eating. A perfect rem- EI | | f p M cdy forDizzines3Nau8ea B I VlK Drowsiness. Bad Taste H BiliA i ° the Month. Coated E9 fiLLo. Tongue.Pain in the Side. 1 B TOKPIDIJVER. They HbbbbbbbbbbbH regulate the Dowels. MHHHbH Purely Vegetable. 1 Price 25 Cents ; CASTSB HEDICIME CO. , NEW TOiK. Small Pill. Small Dose. Small Price. I CURE FITS ! I do not mean merely to stop them loracmo and then have them retnrn. I mean a radical cure. I have made FITS , KPILEPSY. or PALLING SICKNESS a -lif e-long study. I warranr my remedy to euro the worst cases. Because others have f sfletl Is 116 reasafi t lor notnow receiving a cure. Send at once for treatis * tad Free Bottle of my infaliible remedy. Give Exprejs nndP. U H. G.BOOT.M.C. 183 Pearl St. N-X- BUSINESS CO. , PHILADELPHIA . Philadelphia. Pu. Full Information furnished regarding Philadelphia and adjointosrc ties. Addresses endeavored to be ascertained. * L Collections made of bills , claims , etc and promptly remitted. Certified copies of wills , records of.births , tnarriagp * and deaths ob tained. 'Special attention pild to the settlement o * wills arid estatr , XO QUESTION'S JVNSWEKEO FORLESSTHANU . Acts as agents for compa nies andindlvUuaisi /ra _ _ find Piso's Cure for V * 9 m J ft pVX * . ConsumpUon TH E - y I TV. j I a. f \ \ BEST remedy .for • * m Ji # 1 N 'V * * - ,4jRhoarseness and to K f m * dear the throat. yCUl AND'JgJIE PLANTS. MM pi'JW e't pdOheapestA.iiiugtrated Cata- loagajE O ? rlcctt .riorat Nursery. Dubuque , la. TfjjLmm mm mmmmmma ? 'a sure ICTUHa • KIMErS ASTIUES. .bjrmall. BbbHbbbbb bbHbbbbbbbbbbbbTbbI Charitatowu. SUa * " * W. N. U. , Oraalfa , . • 46015. . * A ih - - * - . . . . ' . * - - r- " ' ' . ' ' " ' ' mri L . . i . - - - r j . . . i ' ' " % \ mmkmmik ammmmmmmmm Ks kwmmkwkwmmmmmkmmawsmmkWH mm FOB THE LADIES. | Two Very Pretty Jackets Illustrated and Described' A Mmart Itllnd I > ear.9Iate Girl-Ken. tucky'a Girl Preacher , JKtc. Etc. IVoruan'H Work ! Darning Httle stockings for restless little feet , Wasbui } ; little faces to keep them clean and I jiwcet , Ilcitriug Bible lessons , teaching catechism , Praying for salvation from heresy and eiilsin Woman's * Work I Letting fall her own tears where only God can f-ee , Wiping off another's with tender sympathy ; Learning by experience , teaching by ex ample , Striving for tho gateway , golden , pearly , ample- Woman's Work ! Lastly cometh silence , a day of deep repose Her locks are smoothly braided , upon her brea t a rose , Lashes resting gently upon a marble cheek , A look of blosed peace upon the forehead meek. A fresh grave in the valley , tears , bitter sobs , regret ; One more solemn lesson , that life may not forget ; The face forever hidden , the race forever run , Dust to dust a voice > aitli , * And woman's work is done. A "SmoUIns" Jacke : Oar cut is a "smoking" jacket. The fashionable world owes the creation of this most coquettish conceit to Princess Tr. , the leader of the Russian colony in Paris , and , because of its prettiness and its optional privileges.all the women of London and Paris have adopted it as a very becoming help to the negligee. The jacket is of "Minerore"blue velvet with lining , collar , cuffs , etc. , of gayly striped satin. A very ' "distingue" com bination is white silk 'brocade with surali silk lining , etc. , and another quite as effective , though not quite so chaste , is of cinnamon-brown brocade with linings , 'etc. A large variety of cheviots , a ma terial specially adapted to the present graceful style of draping , is found among the newest importedfabrics. The soft "challies" " " and India "mousselafnes" have large floral designs or oriental palms on delicate tinted ground. Broad stripes formed by a cluster of narrower stripes are both stylish and striking. The new ' • mogul" crepe is in great de mand , its durability and soft finish pre venting a mussy appearance though subjected to much wear , thus making it preferable to all other crepe. Three new shades , "nettle and bay" tints of green and "cherry ripe , " which , as its name indicates , is a soft bloomy red. A very striking dress in this color has the "devant" of red cashmere , which falls in large pleats from neck to hem ; broad black bands of moire form the sides , from which a fan-like pelisse of red cash mere forms the back and demi-train. A similar , but reversed fan arrangement forms the front of the waist , the other parts of which are of black moire , puff- sleeves of the same material and large butter-fly bows perched on shoulders. A falling ruffle of red cashmere finishes the round neck. The new sateens and ginghams are , in design and finish , , as choice and durable as the more expen sive silks and foulards and are in crreat demand. A very pretty little costume can be madefrom this material at a cost of thirty-five to fifty cents per yard and will vie in appearance with any of a costlier fabric. The most desirable de signs are the large pompadour bouquets , fine hair stripes and shot effects. England's Slavinjr Women. "One woman at work in a shop behind a clean and tidy cottage had been mak ing nails for thirty years. She got 7 d for making ljOOO nails , and by working long hours she could make 8d a day net. " One little shop from ten to twelve feet square was in full swing , where were four young women "hard at work , " ind if they could keep it up for six days at fifteen hours a day their gross earn ings would amount to the surprising sum of 6s 3d each. "But the clear earn ings of these young women skillful , Dersistent , unwearying workers ; their irms thin , but hardened by unceasing : toil ; their chests flat , their faces pallid , and . their palms and fingers case-hardened by bellows , hammer , Oliver , and rod- will run to 5s 5d per week when in full work. " The "oliver , " ' , itjshould be explained , is a spring-tilt hammer operated by the foot of the worker and discharging the duty of a mechanical striker ; its weight vanes from ten pounds to thirty pounds. It is a very striking sight to see a clever girl at her work making "cone" or • 'countersunk" nails , or "pipe" nails , "spoon-heads. " and "gutter spikes. " Her left hand holds the rod , which is red hot at one end , out of which the nail is fash ioned ; with her right hand she wields her forming hammer , and with her left leg she works the Oliver ; while her eager face is all the time bowed to the anvil , except when straightening herself up she turns from the anvil to the bellows to blow the fire. But when these gir s are aged or about t to become mothersthe sightis still more * striking , and makes one wisli that he had never seen it or Jieard of it , it is so piti ful and sad , not to say unkind nd un natural. It would seem to be next to impossible in the present state ot things to do anything in the way of regulating the hours of labor , for the nail-maker's shop is his house and his house is his cas tle. But for the fact that the nail-mak er's sanitary surroundings should be so shocking there is no excuse. London Saturday Eeview. A Smart Blind Deaf-Mnte Girl. A Boston paper recently published the following interesting facts concerning the little phenomenal aeaf , dumb and blind Alabama girl : Helen Kellar , the nine-year-old deaf , dumb and blind-Southern girl , who has been in attendance for the oast , year at the , Perkins Institute for the Blind in * * III I II I UI I * I i " ' . ' hi ' IT ' 'I ' ' " " , , . / \ . . . • ' -j. ' " "I" " ' ! > j this city , has made such a mprvdoas { progress as to attract thu attention of men of science the world over. She carries on conversation Ly means of the mysterious finger alphabet , telegraph ing herihoutfhls and desires with won derful facility and clearness. Her de sire for knowledge is intense , and she never seems to grow weary of asking questions and receiving replies that might increase her stock of knowledge She has learned very quickly 'o do bead work , to knit stockings , and to model in clay , and though eighteen months ago she knew absolutely no form of language except the natural and savage one of signs , now through the instruction of Miss Sullivan , she can correctly use and spell 2,500 words by actual record. Her letters , written in the square hand peculiar to the blind are marvels of neatness and correct or- thograpivy. "Perhaps one rof the strongest proof3 of Helen's intelligence and com mand of language , " said Mrs. Hall , "lies in the fact that when talking with her one forgets to make choice of easy words. Tiiere is not the slightest need , of limiting the numher of one's syllables lest she . should not understand one's dis course. She is always anxious to know the height of any person who is men tioned in the conversation , and at rising from her seat holds out her hand that any one may take it and place it at the proper distance from the ground. She did not know what an 'inch' was , and took great delight in having her teacher inform her by means of a bit of paper the length of that measure , and the fact that twelve of them make a 'foot , ' an assertion that for a time she con founded for a time with the length of her own flesh and bone foot. The child has a surprisingly powerful memory , learning , for instance , the names and spelling of the different States of the Union at a sitting , and acquiring even a knowledge of a number of words in the Greek , French , and German languages. No serious attempt has been made to teach Helen any foreign languages ; but that she has the linguistic talent strong ly developed is clearly shown by her phenomenally rapid acquisition of the English tongue. " Kentucky' ; < ; irl Preacher. Mary Semons , ten years of age , has delivered four sermons in Falmouth , Ky. , and is becoming quito popular as a preacher. She has a good voice and splendid • delivery for one so young. is the of well-to- Mary daughter a fairly - - do farmer , wlio lives about four miles from this place. From infancy she dis- plaj'ed unusual brightness. About eight months ago she joined the Baptist church here and said that the Lord had called upon her to preach. She first addressed a small congregation at her father's house , and succeeded so well that she spoke next in a church near by. The little girl soon had a reputation through out this and neighboring counties. After several months iu the country she preached here , and her success was greater than it was in the rural districts. Under her ministry several persons joined the church. Many allege that her sermons cannot be surpassed by any grown man or woman. Mary is rather small for her years , has sharp features , black eyes and hair and is very intelli gent. She will continue her services here for several weeks and then she will go to the larger Kentucky towns. Pittsburg Dispatch. Smiles for JLadcs. A Southern hotel advertises among its attractions a "parlor for ladies thir ty-five feet wide. " When occupied that parlor must look like a dime mu seum , only more so. Pittsburg Chron icle. icle.An An empty-headed and vain young man at a Washington's Birthday dinner began a speech : "I know no North , no South , no East , no West. " "No , nor anything else , " added his wife , sitting by , and he sat down amid thunders of applause. Fashion Notes. The long veil grows in favor. "White is the wear alike for youth and age. age.Flower garnitures are again in high favor for low-necked evening gowns. The favorite wrap of the season is the long cloak with long , loose sleeves over another pair that fit the arm. Parisians now wear the hair in bunches of curls loon the back of the hertci , but only for the theatre or opera. Violet and rosy heliotrope colors are in vogue , newly imported shades in these colors being very delicate and pretty. London not only allows , but approves of gowns of the brightest green , com bined with pink or fine faint yellow. A very fashionable red for street dresses is called Bordeaux. It is like poupre and garance , and is a very deep shade. Roses and poppies entirely without leaves are the favorite flowers for trim ming tulle , of gauze or lisse evening dresses. Black is used as a garniture upon cos tumes of all the rich , dark winter col ors , braiding passementerie jet , velvet applique gimps , fur , watered silk ami fringes all being utilized. Ripe cherry is the latest addition to the list of red shades. It is bright , yet soft , and combines very effectively with cream tints. As yet it can be procured only in the . choicest of silks. A Pretty Tea Jacket. .w- 111' ' ' > . .wr The tea-jacket is now the thing for all women to possess ; if well made , it is a charming accessory to a woman's toilet , but , if not , is simply a nightmare , giv ing an inelegant half-dressed appear ance. This garment can be worn at any time during day or night for in one's home , and with any skirt. The cut rep resents a very pretty tea jacket made of mouse-colored plush , trimmed in bands of oxidized silver galloon. The front is made with a full vest of palest pink crepe , the fullness gathered into a point ed band at the wrist , while tne jacket fronts fly loose. A full cuff of the crepe finishes the sleeve. Rich silk and bro cades are greatly usedand are elaborate ly trimmed with gold , colored silver and steel braidings. White plush embroid ered in gold , lined with yellow , was a very pretty combination used in a tea- gown for a young bride. This was one of Pingat's fancies. ' r BBPJEBBBMWMBHBE55 jwiHw , . ' " > 1"'m * " " " " * * - - " " flVBJI-l l l I J I II * , , , _ _ tJBfcMBBMBBB Bl < a a * " * 1 * * " * * ' WW"PM" ' * " * * IA 10-Year-OIal Telegraph Oprrmtnr. Litllo Johnny , Hummel , ngeil 10 years , is one of tho most romiirltahlo prodigies iu tho United States iu tele graph work. Heccntlj" tho boy entered tho largo railroad office at tho Rendinir railroad station und was introduced to tho chief operator and his inon. Johnny is tho son of Charles Hvtmmel , an ex pert telegraph operator nt Peskjoinen junction. Tho past few j'enrs ho 1ms neon quietly perfecting the little fellow in tho art nud to-day ho brought tho hoy to Heading to show what he could do. do.Tho Tho boy is so small thnfc nn operator's chair wns too low for him , so ho stopd nt one of tho tables containing tlio in strument of ono of tho heaviest wires of the lino. Johnny very coolj' received b } ' sound threu long messages from Philadelphia without a single break and made ns legible a copy as nny man in tho oflico could do. His performance was voted as simply wonderful. "Beats anything I over paw , " .said a veteran operator. "I think ho is tlio most rcmnrkablo telegraphic genius I ever heard of. Ho was not excited in tho least and behaved under a constaut stream of words like a veteran. " New York Sun. Jay Gould's wonderful new yacht was , it is snid , most completely and elegantly furninhed. Among other unefiil and indis- penBihlo thingH ordered for it was a box of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup , the famous old remedy for the cure ot coughs and colds. Tlio healing and purifying qualities of Salvation Oil render it the best iirticle for the speedy and safe cure of ulcerated sores , Price only 25 cents. Grout l\'Z\z- \ The dinornis , of New Zealand , and the cp3'ornis , of Madagascar , wero among tho existing birds until m > recent a period that it hns sometimes been doubted whether they are yet extinct. Joly states that the height of the latter was about sixteen feet , while its eggs were equal in capacity to six ostrich eggs , to 148 hens' eggs , or to 50,000 humming birds' eggs. One of the eggs measured at Toulouse was twentjinches long and nine inches wide , witii a shell from ono to two lines thick ; and it could contain nearly two gallons of water. A still larger specimen has been described by Saint Hillaire. An egg of the dinornis measuring ten and seven • inches is recorded. The Brompton hospital for consump tives , London , England , published a statement that 52 percont of tlio pa tients in that institution had unsus pected kidney disease. Every drop of blood in the system passes thousands of times through the lungs in each twenty- four hours. The same blood passes through tho kidneys for purification. If the kidneys are not in a healthy con dition or able to expel the poisonous or waste matter the acids return to the delicate tissues of tho lungs and pro duce irritation , which results in tlio symptoms of what is known as con sumption. 'This explains why 52 per cent of tho consumptive patients have unsuspected kidne } ' disorder. AVarner's Safe Cure puts the kidneys in a healthy condition taking the acids from the blood which vitiate the lungs and cause consumption. A New Spy. It is an interesting fact , which might become important in case of war , that the telephone furnishes a simple and ready means of intercepting secret tele- giaphic dispatches without the knowl edge of the operators. All that is ne cessary is to run a wire parallel with the telegraph line for a short distance , when the currents induced in this wire as the message is sent reproduce the signals in the telephone. The plan is attended by one difficulty , which is that the signals wonld become a confused medley of sounds if dispatches were transmitted simultaneously from both ends of the line. This matter hns at tracted the attention of the Austrian government. HE ( JOT $10,000. W. H. Nii-iIe ot StoKton XVan Fortunate In HIm lEecrnt Investment * . IloHon ( Musb ) Ileconl , Fcl ) . 11. Ac the January drawing of the Lou isiana State Lottery Co. it was found that the ticket numbered 40,789 had drawn $100,000. One-tenth of this ticket was held by a Boston gentle man , AV. H. Nagle , of Farrell , Nagle & JPower , wholesale dealers in wool , Hathaway building , 620 Atlantic ave. Mr. Nagle lives in a large brown wooden dwelling on the corner of Main and Ellery streets , Cambridge. A Record reporter called en him last evening to learn if the report as to his good luck had a good foundation , and was assured that it had. Mr. Nagle sent $1 about two months ago to M. A. Dauphin , New Orleans , La. , and a short time ago he received by express a check from that gentleman for $10 , - 000 , on which he got the money. Mr. Nagle had not decided what dis position he should make of his sud denly gained good fortune. He said that he has so many calls for money that he can use it all readily. He might put it all in stocks , bonds , real estate , or in the bank. The most forward March is the march toward improvement. Wlien Bnb.T T nns mpV. we pive tier Csmrona. 1Iipu Fhp • n Child. Mierie < l for Cnxtoria , Whpn Fhp hocninB Hiss. shf > chine to Casioria. When Flip hml Chllilrpn. ahp sr.ive them Castoria Put ealt in water to prevent black cali coes from fuding when they are washed. If i ffltcted with Sore Eve. u e Dr. Isaac Thomp- son'i" Eye Water. Druggists sell it. 25c A now enlarged dictionary is soon to bo issued in New York. Jay Gould never lets his left hand know all the secret "corners" of tlfti right. Texas has forty-nine county seats desti tute of gospel preaching. * , , " , . * " . f j * 7 ; r r" Japanese Minister Kuki owns the most „ gorgeous equipage in Washington. Deafness Can't Be Cnrrd Bj local application , as they can not reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure Deafness , and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condi tion of the mucus lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets inflamed you hare a rumbling sound or imperfect hear ing , and when it is entirely closed Deafness U the result , and unless the inflammation can be. taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition , hearing will be (1 = stroyed forever ; nine capes out of ten ar. caused by catarrh , which is nothing but nn inflamed condition of the mucus sur faces. faces.We We will give OneHnndred Dollaraforanr case of Deafness ( caused by Catarrh ) tint i we can not cure by taking Hall's Catarru Cure. Send for circular * , free. F. G. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo , 0. rSold by druggists , 75c i iifiiiili 7 WiMiiM j aill " * ' ' ' \ - ' - . \ ' ' u- AVsr. Itonr.irrs , M. D. , physician to tho Manchester , Eng „ infirmary and luimtio hospital , profe K0r of medicine in Owen's college , says : "Grndifnl fnil- uro of strength , increased pallor or snl- jowness , and disinclination for exorcise in ono of tho prominent symptoms of kidney disease. " Wnrnor'a Safe Cure is tho only remedy that is guaranteed to cure kidney disenso. Il Tliuiight or III * lUothar at Ifomo. A Sunday school teacher tells this amusing story : I was teaching a class of little boys iu Sunday school. Tho losson happened to bo about the prophet Elijah and tlio widow Znrcpath , who you will of course remember told Elijah , when ho nslced her to tnko him to board , that she "had not a cake , but a handful of meal in a barrel aud a littlo oil in a cruse. " When asked as to the supply of food the poor widow had , ono littlo fel low quickly replied : "Slio had just meal oiionirh to make a cake and oil enough to start tho iire. " - - Boston Transcript. < 'oii inii | > tl < > ii Surely Cured. To tho EditorI'Iphm * inform % our read- ern thntldiave a positive remedy for con sumption. IJy its.timely tine thousands of hopelesx en hex have been periiianuiitly ciued. I shall be ylnd to neiid two bottle * of my remedy ntii : to any of your read * ers who have coiiKumptiun if they willmMid me their exnress and * 1' . 0. nt'drexfte xpectfully , ' 1A. . i.OCU.M , M. C , 1M I'earl Htreet , XctvYork. TouristB on the river Nile a re now taxed. TjiaCOBSOlJ , FOR. IJCTISXTIl LlaGI t. Neuralgia and Paraljsls-Nov. , 1880-Curcd. Springfield , Ttna. My wlfs infftrcd IS months with cenralflft and Saralyils. I had to move htr in ted. and could nd no relief. By the time the had need two-thlrdi ef a bottle of St. Jicoti Oil the could walk. J00. P. KUBPHT. from Same 6 Years Lalcr-Permanent Cure. Springfleld , Tenn. . Oct. 17,1888. Xy vita w&j paralyzed and could not walk a rtep. Before I uicd a. bottle St. Jacobs 011 she was about the house. She It now entirely well : does all the home work and milking too. JOB. P. HUKPQY. Sold by Druggist * and Dealers Erenjichere. 'XIio Charles A. Vogelor Co. , ltalto. , Mil. fJRAOFf ELL'S Cures all Diseases Peculiar to Women ! Book to "Woman" Mailed Fuek. kegui.atok co. , ati.a.nta , ga. SOIJ 111' AU DUL'CGISTd. GAN YOU BEAT EGGS ? - Ityon Jiave not used the SURPRISE EGG REATER You can't. Samplemnllcd on receiptor tivu2c tamps. CRAG1H MANUFACTURING . . CHICAGO , ILLINOIS. ifawa > w ( , , .mi it , i ' " ' - tttrT awawaejsiewewsawBa BBB B fatg > 'i M i 'y ry "Ti s ' ' " ' g j , V" ' „ gs3 * % * c ' . eawawawawl < - " _ < * 1S , ii'SSs F > - • * - * j"rT * • awawawawa awdwl TK * D W y O TRY * M Lung balsa I Slrlctl ; PURE. It contains NO OPIUM In any fori , , H Amons the bolt remedies A lIcH'al.iuiiiUnUni * * . | stand * preeminent. The clriuil l spouk of It In M ulciiext terms , a clvliii : < ? iiUrt sniUrnctl < in whoraru H Is H I'riuo"rict8.oOcfM.nmIl pcrllottlo. H TheiVCKNT IIOTTLKS are put up for tho nccotu- H miHliitlon of nil who iln lr Mmnly a H COU.tllort'UOUritCMKIlY' . M Thou deslniu/ rtm-dy for CUA'S UMrTION * M or any Li'A'G DISEASE should tecurt H Vu Large $1 Mollies. H Mothers. Read ! H < STA. . Kr. . April 21.1838. H Gentlemm. Ttiv itomnnc ! for AM.KS'H 1UI > H AM I * Increaitnc conntantly. Tlio lailloa llilnk tti rc B I * no medicine equal to It for croup nnd Wliooplntf M Couuli. C.S MARTIN. Druifk'IM. H SOLD BY ALL VSDJ C1X8 D VALE Hit M lpS43jr Pain REMEDY H ! r PAIN , and has B done more _ H good than any known remedy. H For Sprains , Bruises , Backache , . H Pain in the Chest or Sides , Headache , H Toothache , or any other External Pain , H a few applications rubbed on by the H hand act like magic , causing the pain H to instantly stop. | H For Congestions , Inflammations , H I Sore Throat , Bronchitis , Cold in the H Chest , Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Lum- H bngo. Sciatica , Pains in the Small of H the Back , etc. more extended , longer H continued and repeated applications H arc necessary to eltcct a cure. H RADWAY'S READY RELIEF. Instantly relieves and quickly .cures H all INTERNAL PAINS , Cramps , H Spasms , Sour Stomach , Nausea , Vom- H iting , Heartburn , Nervousness , Sleep- H lessness , Sick Headache , Diarrhoea , H Colic , Flatulency , Fainting , Spells * j H Sold By Druggists. 50 Cents a Bottle H Tl.u nun iNliuiuj inve.steUlroui three 11 We oiltr llif man who wault service H to live dollar * in a Kubber Coat , and afm ( not style ) a carment Hut will Uei > H at his first half hour's experience in m m bhbj him dry In the hardest storm. It li H a itorm finds to Ids sorrow that it Is lAf [ T called TOWKU'3 FISH HUAM > H hardly a better protection than a mosff Jm L | "SUCKKIC , * a name familiar to evtry m quito netting , not only feels chagrined _ Cow-hoy all over tho land. Wlththtm H at being so badly taken in , but also WB fM the only perfect Wind and Waterproof- H leels if he docs not look exactly like Bejel sj W M Coat Is "Tower * * Fl'h Itrand .Slicker. " M Ask tor the" FISH ltl AND"Sl.tcKKE 1 llill and lake no other. If > our storekeeper H docs not have the hmi brand , send for descriptive catalogue. A.J.Townt.atSlmtnons.St. , Ilo toii.Jai ! > . J B K Osk or Tnit Best TiLrsrorcs t-r the World. fThe Eett DocELE-ItACttUED Shot Oct. n M M y" f \ \ ff % VVVaT j * r la ord r to Ititrodurrourcoude.wc will until fur- * | arc&hie to mnLebis wundcrful ofTrr for the reason that our rw Unri- fB ffijH rf H S HHJA V H tf ruch rttf nt that , when a peruin jM * tf m * them , in any h < ala > .thrir ejg3r XPU < jgg | rr . . ' i aM BBp awawawf fame spreads , and rcany people purchase ; a lare ; * and profitable trad. aVvSSaBfcgBMBllB ! - ' - - = = | 5J | olnaja reult * . We can supply free only one person in each Incilttr i v HHP a roecli- n lllllll Thoso who wnteat oncr.wiit make rtire of thT reward , * hifthn ! - . w w y f Jl I.ojkHiis- ] who delay will lose th chance , llfstt.un. Orand Tel ? wop . o paeS aW'gly * * lOor IS I or * ? . I H toexplatn furtbcrhere.Tho owhowntnaroncewillaecunMiroinj.tde- * " " * bTery.aiaieyourexprcss-otEccaildw. Address.II. UAI.I.l' .TTfkCO. , fio : : tO . 1'ortluutl. Maiue- H \TlVli A aT CARRIAGE & HARNESS MANUFACTURING CO. H M _ n HI att I Every Bcjxy sold by agents ban wiveral & > * . a'o. . 1- H K * dollars added to tl a manufacturer's price jf f V r.n ri.ta n owawawl n . , , „ We a manufacturers , and have Nol7jt Ttv "IlSIekcI HanirM M ssTawal SO. 1. * arm Harness. Agentn. For 15 yrs. have dealt t&Th XS14 DD t Lwai liw 5 v S24 5Q with the consumer. We ehjpanywhere VyP .iia iii ir * I H y2 sowV with vririUtpe or examining bttwre bumnfr K ? tsawawal V i JJj " T3Lt p fl iX We pay frtxqht charges both uav $ it not l M jwi * * ' \ | A pS H \ir3PsL $ C _ * - Batisfactory. Warrnnt every thing : torfc * * * JL Jft'SkV awawawl jA ya ; & _ : - 45J | 2yenrs. Anyone that can write can orSi . J > n Ol j H Ci tnk NJK iv--3/ \ Ife. dcra Bngjtyor IIarnek from ns us well * " r & jft ? * 'W ? > 2d- ssawawal 7ii i&P& ! * * jl I un pay $10 toiO to some middle man to order fG&S3 * SKSS wvS. - " sawawfl _ r S.T ® JK vi I JJMJI toe them. Wo gi78 no credit , and have J S ' htT JWI | M OME PRCE , only. " 'A XS J 4r r m ff % ) l 1 1 if W f fir B fe ' Platform. Comblnntinn , and V § a fe5 ? * ffii i } "lA gji" H • % v HP M BBtTofil 3-Spring Wagons. SOO t namec l Bgr , . A' W ii /ii i rvtifrnTrsgH H I P gBtgffS" others ; oll at ? ! B. TopKuggieH.SSOttfiWgwiJJL'J t'lJ ' ' ' ' ' BJHM stWm W & * H y'J ± Vgrf - * ± W' hneasfiomewIdatSllO. Oursat SlO- * 1 \ 8UBUIES It lawawai W feffigyf Ss i gWj-are tine as soil for 3Ita. t'bactonxS125 ; SIOO I I awawawl " rtli * 1 ! ' " ' ' jf ' same as solil at aioo. Road Carfil , S17. fhCIO I I awawawl Platform Wajon ' SGO t m b ° X * nd del'T6ron cara ta Elkhart.yr o/c/iarpe. L i LrH a awaH fiaFl ZJlSm TTematas BJ ] Us ff % aB g 4g > < g > - j ) J Sk r-S T H HjHKAHLfalltmsof nA lfawiUO 9 w a x H CUPID'S HARNESS. \ \ Most women naturally look forward to matrimony as their proper- A' sphere in life , but they should constantly bear in mind that a fair , rosy U face , briglit eyes , and a healthyvelldeveloped form , are the best pass- 5 ports to a happy marriage. All those "wasting disorders , weaknesses , and , * functional irregularities peculiar to theirs , destroy beauty and attract- U iveness and make life miserable. V .ifailing specitic for these mal adies is to be found in Dr. Pierct . - > Favorite Prescription. It is the - , only medicine for women , sold by druggists , under a positive guarantee 4 from the manufacturers , that it will give satisfaction in every case , or / money will be refunded. This guarantee has been printed on the * bottle-wrappers , and faithfully carried out for many years. $1.00 per Bottle , or Sbc Bottles for 65.00. „ f Copyright , 1S33. by Wontr/s Dispexsahy Msdicai. Association , Proprietors. * | twIWaawaBsasssaassslw isassaBSgaasssassssepssassssaiaaissi BSSBBaKaBaDsssasaaasarsressssaBaiiai naaa iassaBBSssssssjjasiaaiiBiiaassaassswasasgseayr , > m CjLr" _ t3ss:23 osi.xc3-3:3xr a1.Xa , | Bi * tSSS LITTLE LIVER PILLS. ! jj OT Sl Vl 10 Purely Vegetable and Perfectly Harmless. | j \ > 21 © \\X * Unoqtisilcrt at n. Liver CIIl. Smallest , cheapest , easiest. \ \ to take. Ono titty , Sngar-coated Pellet a Oofic. Cures Sick Hcadaclie. t \ Ilillono Hcadacbe , < : oiit.tipatloij , JitdlnriHon , Rillous Attacts , asd all J derangements of the stomach una bowels. > cents , by arngirists. ' 1 51 ' , J ? ' .iwawl