HHHHK hYhY9 HYhYATH * TWO LITTLE OLD LADIES. " - r hyhyht H > Tm > little old ladies , ono grave , one pay , K In tho sclf-samo cottage lived day by day , i ' ° qo > " ] & uot bo happy , "because , " she Hv said , K * 'So many "children , wore hungry for Hfr . ndshereallyliadnottho heart to smile , H | < When tho world was so wicked all tho i while. Hi * Tho other old lady smiled all day lone , H { 8ho knitted , or sowed or crooned a song. K fho had not timo to be sad she said , II when hungry children woro crying for r thread. Hh So . sho.baked and knitted and gave away , And declared'the world grew hotter each H day. B9 'Two littlo old ladies , one grave , ono gay : . HHj .JSow which do you think chose the wiser 1 way ! E St. Nicholas. 1 oufTrobin. . HI ] * CHAPTER III ( Continued ) i * "What an awful woman ! " exclaims Hj > "Robin. "I hope , for all our sakes , it Wkf is not tho formidable Aliee that wo Heo Hp ponder. " If ; * 4Nb , " I respond , with a vague shako H | ' of my head. Then , as tho figure slow- Wm i ' h" moves round the pond in tho ilirec- K | t-ion of the distant house , a chill runs Up over mo. "It muBt bo sdrae stranger HI staying in the village who has gained Hj .dmission to tho grounds , ] ? I add.ttry- m ing to reassure myself ; for , surely , W& never was stranger so like in form to li > ' Tiucy ! If ; "Most probable , " assents Robin , l& "vvhilo her bright eyes follow tho re- Wi treating form. "Shall we resume our H | TvayP" she pursues , with an evident HO wish to dismiss the subject. "I see Hf- the most lovely tuft of primroses on B | ahead ! " "I wonder whether John saw her ? " I muse , turning reluctantly from the I contemplation of tho distant figure. "You must askhim , " remarks Robin. | * Ask him ! " I repeat after her , in in- | tlignant astonishment "Well , really , I Robin , I should have credited you with | | nnoro tact ! Why , aunt Louisa and I l | always avoid all mention of tho I tiovors1 Walk , for fear of awakening Bui .painful memories. " HI " "I beg pardon , I am sure , " says B "Robin , a little satirically ; "but , you HI -see ; I did not know that this was a B -land of mysteries. " 9j "Not mysteries , bufe tender recollec- WM tions , " I answer , slipping my arm 9 | within hers as wo resume our way. Uj "How prettily you put it ! " Can it B * "oo that I detect a faint laugh from H Robin ? If so , she smothers it before I Hj -can turn my head , and continues seri- H -ously and with a frankness which R sounds . almost barbarous "Do you H | know , I think , Blanche , that you have B -a somewhat over-strained sense of deli- Hj ' • cacy. It seems to me that you and B Sliss Crick have done your best to 9 nurse and keep alive your brother's flj .romantic attachment you have not Hj -allowed him to iorgefc. His trouble Hj 3ias been wrapped up in cotton wool 9j land carefully kejt and tended. If you 9j Jiad aired it a little sometimes , instead 9j of making a betc-noirc of-it ; ho would Hj | never have moped as he is doing. " mR "John never mopes , " is my rather 1 * indignant answer ; "but of course , " III' "with. atkind of pity "you can't quite | jM "fathom his great melancholy all at * onco. He will never forget he will ' .never be happy again. " "Dear , dear ! What a frightfully "romantic set of people I find you quite too too utterly romantic ! " says Robin , falling into an attitude with"up - raised palms , and eyes fixed raptly on the .tree-tops , il My irritation suddenly gives way , - and I burst out laughing. vAndyou , " I rejoin , letting fly my ' last shaft of wrath , "are too too uti ' .terly prosaic ! " f. j \ CHAPTER IY. i Et was' about the middle of May "when Robin .first put in her appearance 2 * * amongst usf by .thejirstof June she • seems to have installed herself at PodI more. The old house has in great 1 measure lost its gloom. Even the -iark oak staircase seems brighter , * "now that her buoyant , light-robed * figure is forever flitting up and down * Hts shallow steps. Windows , long c * shut , stand open to the merry sun shine , bunches of bright-hued flowers c meet one face to face in outoftheI way " corners. Ripples of joyous laught > ter echo through the formerly silent 1 rTooms , and the somewhat stiff piano I 'keys aro beguiled into rattling dance1 " jnusic and stirring marches. 2 Robin flits in and out , here , there , * "and everywhere restless , cheery , im3 -pertinent , like her very name-sake. ; She wins aunt Louis's hea/t by a r ready sympathy in all household mat- ' ters and an evident appreciation of the I * many dainty dishes which she knows sso well how to prepare , and which c "have hitherto been uncared for and untouched by her unsatisfactory niece 3 and nephew. By dint of her untiring s energy andperseverahceRobin draws . „ . -John occasionally into almost spirited J arguments. He never grows really * -angry with her , and but seldom even * ; bring8 the shaft of his satire into play r against her ready wit. He treats her s -condescendingly , and smiles at her , a overflowing animal spirits in a superi- * x > v kind of way , as he. would smile at the petulance or saucihess of a child , I As for myself , I seem to have lost Cmy identity. Instead of creeping , . e -about the house , languid and low- spirited , I spend naif my time in the -open air. Robin * ' ruthlessly insists r upon changing the style of my hair , t and , after overhauling my wardrobe I informs me , with curling lip , that : s there is not a dress in my collection n juvenile enough for a woman of .forty. "So she has her way ; and a week after my friend's arrival sees me arrayed 6 3n dresses more becoming my age. c As I survey myself robed in a mornv ing gown of spotless wnite , I remark : t -"You know Robin , I never did care e much about dress , so I have always a left the matter entirely in the hands of t the dressmaker. " "Who loaded you with flounces and I "fringes to her heart's desire , " laughs 3lobin. "Of course it is very highi. . * . ; minded and superior not to care how s ; ; .you look , but at the same time don't s ' ' " . - • .you think it is a trifle hard on your p & i' - ' .friends ? " p § * * 'I 6hpuld hope my friends are above t . . * caring what dresoes I wear ! " is.my t p. • rather scornful reply. . r is/ . - "You vain creature ! " cries Robin , * % . ' : looking quite shocked. "Of course a JtJ- -we know a diamond is a diamond , c jjf : ; -.whether set in gold or brassand a I | i ? . f beauty a beauty , whether she dresses g isin sackcloth or muslin only ordinary c t : * * • - HHB H S P f ! II Hi TifrfJrsrrmwrtf'fr : ' • " < • < " " ' • " immwmi commonplace people like tho gold and tho muslin best. " "How can there be vanity in not caring for dress ? " I protested. "It is tho very height of vanity it shows that you think yourself abovo dress. There , now , don't scold don't scold ! I am sure you ought not , for you look scrumptious in white posi tively scrumptious ! I should not wonder in the least if Harry kissed you ton minutes without stopping. " "How can you , Robin ? Harry nev " er "Well , never what ? " asks Robin , looking at mo with mischievous eyes. "Never what ? now , speak tho truth. " "Never never looks atmy dress , " I blunder out , laughing. "Admirably turned , mademoiselle , " answers Robin , with a meaning nod ; "and allow mo to tell you that it is no wonder ho never looks at your dress ; really it was enough to make one shud der. " Harry , however , does not appear un til evening , and certainly Robin would have had some reason to triumph had sho not seen his greating. He has come to dinner , and is standing alone in one of tho long bow windows in tho drawing-room when I enter. My white morning dress is replaced by tho palest primrose-colored muslin , down tho front of which meanders a row'of most-innocent little "bows. "Why , Bee Bee , what have you done to yourself , " he cries , advancing and holding me at arm's length , at the same timo scanning me with a look of the most profound wonder. "What have you done to yourself ? I never saw you look half so jolly before. I declare I didn't know you when you came into the room ; I thought you were some swell or other come on a visit. " "Yes , I am a swell , " I admit rather ruefully , "but it is not my fault. Rob in insisted on changing the style of my hair and dress ; she said I was alto gether out of date. " "I begin to think she must have been right , " he remarks , with decision , "and I shall propose a vote of thanks to her. " "What for changing my gowns ? " a little scornfully. "For freshening the whole atmo sphere of Podmore , " he answers , laughing. "Why , even John seems less melancholy than of yore she has a wonderful power of diffusing bright ness around her. " I heave a little , sigli of envy. "I wonder you did not choose a live ly person , " I say , with a pout , "since you seem to admire sprightliness so much. " "A grand idea ! " answers Harry , who is in one of his teasing moods. "I'll think it-over. Let me see , I must fall in love with Miss Wolstencroft I dare say , it would not be difficult and pro pose to her ; of course she would accept me. Then you will bring an action for breach of promise , and come out with damages ten thousand pounds. Ah , no ! Bee. Bee , it wouldn't pay ' were it.not foi * the 'damages' , it might do. " "Pray don't trouble yourself about the damages , " I say loftily ; "you are perfectly free. " "Which is more than you can say for ; yourself , Misslmpertinenco , " cries Harry ; and , before I know what he is about i , fie seizes me round the waist , and i andRobin Robin suddenly opens the door , then shuts : it again with a laugh , which she makes no pretence of hiding. "Robin Robin ! " I , cry , disengaging myself , and running to open the door. She enters , with a smile lingering round the corners of her mouth , and greets Harry in her usual cordial man ner. ner."Blanche "Blanche and I were going to have a bit of a " waltz , " explains Harry with more ready wit than truth. "Then I am just in time to play for you , " answers Robin demurely. Thereupon she. takes her seat at the piano , and rattles off a somewhat live ly trots lemps. Jack , entering the drawing room a few moments later , pauses on the threshold , aghast at the sight of two figures spinning in and out amidst the crowded furniture. "Don't look so horrified we are only having a carpet dance ! " says Harry , laughing , . as he leaves me breathless and crimson besido the piano. "Rather warm for dancing , I should have thought , with the thermometer at eighty-five degrees in the shade but everybody to his taste , " answers John superciliously " . "I'told you so , " says Rohin , with a mosr provoking and knowing nod ; "though I came down later on pur pose , you see I was still too early ! " "Nonsense ! " I say , • somewhat iras cibly. "Of course it is .nonsense , " rejoins Robin coolly ; "but one never expects sense from an engaged couple. " The next morning- the fourth of June. I am aroused from my heavy morning sleep by abunch of dew-laden thyme , " which is drawn slowly across my closed eyelids. I open my eyes to see Robin , ready dressed , and holding littleTmsket in her hand , standing by my bed. "Oh , Robin can't you let me rest ? " cry , half angry , half laughing. "Go " out , if you must , yourself , and gather Bvery flower in the garden if you like , but do leave me . in peace. " "Indeed I won't ! " answers Robin , resolutely. "You have no idea what the morning is like. I never in my Lifeheard birds singing as they are singing ontside at this present mo- • ment , " "Fiddle-de-dee ! " "No , they are not singing fiddle- ' de-dee , " affirms Robin , with a shake ' Df her head ; "they are indulging the world in a mad chorus of gladness ; ; the sun is glittering like diamonds on ; Bvery blade of grass : and the pinks' ' are smelling like an old woman's spice i box. " ' "Well , do go out and enjoy it all , " suggest hospitably. "Yes , I am going ; I only just came In , out of pure charity , to wako you , " < 3ays Robiu then she continues , con sulting her watch with cold blooded precision "It is piow exactly half- past seven if you don't meet me at 1 the sundial at eight sharp I shall , have ( the. pleasure of reminding you. of your ' remissness. " . , . . % , . , " • * K" ' ' "I don't belive there ls suchf a'word ! as remissness in the dictionary , . " I cavil , as Robin with a flourish of her basket , leaves the room. A laugh echoes back up the stair- 1 case , and that is all the answer Robin : t1 . * * " ' - " " " ' * ' . ' * - V4. < ' - * . . ' \ * - .j'-i • . " ' ' • - - . ' ' " ' ' ' " ' ' ' , ' • V. * - - * ; ; - < ' • 'V , - * - ' : > . : . ' - . ; r * ' ' .v- > < - v. - „ • , • " " ' - * - . ! • * - i- " . . . - i j- f M ' 9 f rMM3 fg ; | S a g ' " ' " r' * ' ' ' ' " ! ' ' U < - * -Jsn j.S.'Lv - , < ' . t' X'j'VT tt 4 * ftfoSQ < ' ' * ' ' ' ' ' ' " * 3NA R.- , * * < • 5i r/i 1'ify. ! - 'T V7- ; 3Ni * - . - • . . . * . , * • , - * • * , deigns to give me. I know my friend too well to doubt her word , and , feel ing pretty strongly convinced that all chance of slumber is gone for this ono morning at least I comply with , her demands , and join her in the flower-garden a few minutes before the timp specified. I find her sitting hat- less in the full blaze of the morning sun , her eyes closed in rapt attention as sho drinks in the song of tho birds , and her basket and lap over flowing with dew-laden blossoms. . I feel strongly tempted to wreak some sudden revenge on the disturber of my morning slumbors ; but Robin's eyelids are raised as I approach her with stealthy step. "Come and bask it is delicious , " she remarks slowly and lazily. I have to own a little reluctantly that Nature clothed in her spangled morning veil is a sight worth seeing. "And yet you lie in bed morning after morning until the freshness of the day is lost , " observes Rohin won- doringly. I cannot gainsay her , since she speaks the truth. "Don't you think you had bettor put on your hat ? " I ask practically. "The sun is very fierce. " "No , " replies Robin , with a laugh ing shake of horhead ; "my ono object in life at present is to get sunburnt. Besides , my hat is at present other wise engaged. " I turn my head in tho direction to which she points , and faintly discern the straw brim of her inverted hat peeping forth from beneath a heavy load of blossoms. "I'll ask aunt Louise to hunt you up an old market basket , " I say , with a touch of. satire. "You never seem able to find anything big enough to hold your flowers. " Robin only laughs softly. "Aren't ? " cries they just lovely she , burying her little white nose for a moment amidst the fragrant heap on her lap. "But I must set about put ting them in water , poor dears.or they will begin to droop. " So saying , she rises from her seat , gathering up her apron in one hand , her hat and basket with the other. "It won't take me ten minutes and then I will come out again , " she says , looking at me doubtfully , to see whether I have any intention of mov ing ; but I shako my head , laughing. "No , no , my Robin , " I remark , as I produce the second volume of a novel , dreamy enongh to suit even my con stitution. "I came out of doors to please you , and I am going to stop to please myself come back when you have finished the flowers. " So Robin trips off towards tho house , and settling myself comfortably on the low stone seat , I plunge into my ficti tious fairyland. For some timej read in peace , then I am interrupted by a tickling sensation on one of my hands ; glancing up I become aware that a precocious earwig is taking his morn ing constitutional on my second finger. To fling the insect from me , vigorously rise and shako my skirts , lest any of his kindred should be lurking thereon , is the work of a few moments. Then I . pick up my book , dropped in the skirmish , heave a rather impatient sigh , and make my way to the house. Robin is not in the hall , where I ex pected to find her. The big marble table , is strewn with leaves , stems and twigs , a big pair of scissors , and two water-jugs , but my friend is nowhere visible. "Robin , Robin ! " I cry-sending my voice first in the direction of the din ing room and then up-stairs. "Where are you ? " The response came from a totally unexpected quarter. "Here ! " answered Robin , in her low clear tones. Can it be that the sound emanates from John's study ? Surely not ! And yet the voice certainly comes from be- hind me. I turn and move toward the door ; it stands ajar. I can distinguish the flutter qf a white robe amidst the darkness beyond. For a moment I stand aghast. John must have for- gotten to lock his sanctum , I suppose , . yet the audacity of Robin takes away ] my breath. } I push open the door and enter , just as my friend noisily sends up the lower half of tho heavy windpw-sash. < "Musty , fusty , and no mistake ! " j she says , greeting with a sniff of relish the rush of fresh outer air. "Oh , Robin , shut it down again ! " I E cry in a hushed whisper , and vainly 1 putting all my strength into a struggle | with the stiff framework. "Help me j to close it at once , and take away these E flowers" nodding in the direction of ] the table "and come away. " "And why , pray ? Give me a roac son , demands Robin , glancing round t the dusty room with an air of dispar agement. : "Oh , John never allows any one • i not even me" with emphasis "to y come < in here ! The room , is always cleaned ' out once a month ; but we give him warning , so that he may lock up all ; his precious things. " "Dear me ! I don't see anything very ] precious ; , " observes Robin , still gazing i around i ; "nor is there a mystery so far i as : I can make out" lifting the table ' cover i and peering underneath. 1 "Of course there is no mystery ! " I i answer i impatiently. "But as a rule t men clever _ men particularly hate ' to have their pet books and things i handled. " "Oh , and is your brother supposed ( to be clever ? " asks Robin , with a slight elevation of her eyebrows ; and 1 she begins prying into the titles of the ' volumes scattered about on the table , j "Supposed to be ? " I echo a little j scornfully. "He is clever awfully , clever. ' - ' , "I have no wish to argue the point , " . returns Robin indifferently. "Now I \ am not clever , not in the least ; but I . do know this much , that fresh air is ( good for everybody , and I shall make , a point of telling him so. " j "He will never forgive you if he hears that you have been in his room. " "How very " alarmingfor I shall certainly tell him ! " She has actually seated herself in 1 his round-backed writing chair , and with profane fingexs is turning over the , yellow leaves of a book which lies { open before her. I still stand by the ] window , half amused , half angered , ; and wonder how iii thewide world ! - am to inSuce her to move. 1 } ! ( to be continued. ) ; Jet "trimmings are more popular ( than ever , and are worn * in every va- riety of new and elaborate patterns. i . • * • - - - - - • < • • - * ' * - ' , * - - - " - - ' - rmMM I I liHTirri | ; " Current ITIt. Love is blind , * they say. Before marriage he certainly is , and after marriage he needs , to be. Somerville Journal. Joseph Chamberlain says that the home rule question is losing its inr portance. Perhaps he will not think so after he has been murried longer. When it is a man who is about to be told a secret he shuts the door. When it is a woman she opens it to make sure there is no one listening outside. "Tho only color , " says a scientific note , "that can be determined by the sense of touch is blue. " True enough. A man alwavs knows when lie feels " "blue. " # Judge "Miss , how old are 3'ou ? Witness "Well , I am thirty. " "Thirty what ? " Well , between thirty and forty. " "I'll put j-our age down at thirty-nine ; I guess you won't loose anything by that. " There was company at dinner and Bobby's mother was somewhat sur prised when Bobby refused pie. " Why , Cobby , " remarked one of the guests , "aren't you fond of pie ? " "Yes , marm , I'm as fond of it as any little boy , but my sister made that pie. " The Littlo Judge "On what grounds do you wish me to hold this man ? " Officer Lammen "Well there was a murther committed , sor ; and , although Oi have me doubts about this man bein' the criminal , it wouldn't do to let him go until we eatch another felly. " Puck. Helen , six years old , had a copy of "jEsop's Fables" given to her. She looked at tho title page attentively for a few moments , noticing probably the diphthong M , in capitals , for the first time. "That A is in a hurry , isn't it , Auntie ? " she said. "Why so ? " said her aunt. "Because it's crowding the E. " Boston Times. A mother was correcting her little boy the other day , and appealing to him , asked how he would feel if he had a son who didn't do this and didn't do that , and so on. When she had reached the end of the in quiry he answered : "Well , mamma , if I had a little boy eight years old , I don't think I'd expect the earth of him. " Society Reporter "I'd like a vaca tion of a month , sir. " City Editor "Why , what do you mean ? We can't spare you now , right in the midst of the season. What's the matter ? " Society Reporter "Ohnothingmuch ; only in writing up the Blowout wed ding I said : "The happypair enterlife under auspicious circumstances , " and it appeared ia the paper suspi cious. 1 guess I'd bettergo south for the rest of the winter. " Toledo Blade. Joshua , said a farmer who lived a few miles from a Western town , in conversation with his son , where do you think we had better plant our potatoes next Spring. I don't know , father , I hadn't thought ofit. How would the land down by the creek do ? • Down by the creek ? repeated the old man , scornfully. We'll plant • them at the corner of OneHnndred and Eighteenth and Gay street , lot 6 , block 317 , Jenkin's addition to the city of Swamp Hollow. Yon Bulow was walking one day in Berlin , when he met a man with whom he had formerly been on some- what intimate terms , but whose ac- . quaintance ( he was desirious of drop- ping. The quondam friend at once ac- costed j him. "How do you do , Von Bulow : ? delighted to see you ! Now I'll bet that you don't remember my name ! " You've won that bet , " re- plied Von Bulow , and turning on his heel he walked off in the opposite di- rection. A teacher in the infant department of an Eighth Ward Sunday-School recentlyobserved a five-year-old girl in . the class making desperate efforts to suppress the exhibition of something which seemed to please her wonderful. ly. Thinking that relieveing her mind might quiet the child , the teach- er inquired the cause of her merri- ment. "Why , " exclaimed the child , "my dramma's dead , and papa's goin' to let me sing at ze funeral zis afernoon. " An English rector in a Sussex par- ish once visited a poor old widow who had nine or ten children. All of them except the daughter had gone out into the world and left her. At last the daughter married and left the mother alone. "Dame , " said the rector , "you must feel lonely now , after having had so large a family. " "Yes , sir , " she answered , "I do feel it lonesome. I have brought up a large family , and here I am now living alone. And I misses'em and I wants 'em ; but I misses'em more than I wants'em. " Philadelphia man ( in Dakota : ) "What did that man do , steal a horse ? " Leader lynching mob. " " "Kill ? " " "Worse. somebody "Worse 'ner that , stranger. We don't lynch fellers fer hoss-stealin' and killin' no more. We ' re a law-abidin' people ; wen we an't pushed to hard. But , vou see , there an't no law to reach ' . " "There ' " : that feller's case. isn't ? "No Sir. He's one o' these ere eastern coyotes wot comes around suggestin' jawbreakin' Injun names for north and south Dakota. " . i About Character. ; Nothing can be more certain than < that the character can be sustained . and strengthened only by its own \ energetic action. The will , which is i the central force of character , mustbetrained to habits of decision ; ] otherwise it willbeable neither * to. - resi8ts r evil nor to follow good ? ' Decision gives the power of standing j firmly , when to yieldhowever slightly , j might be only the first step in a J down hill course to ruin. Once a } Week. ] } * . . . * ' . . * " ' , • > - • -1 ; - - • - - • • . ' ' ' . ' . ' ' . - ' * " . " " t ' . ! - ' ( - ' - * * • : - - • . - . . ' v . ' . , - - - , , - - ' ' ' • - ' . - ' < - • • . " • * - * - • • * * * . -.Ml 1-Ui "i ' ' i'imi j i iu " .v-m- M < m iiifliittHMliHHiiii - , * < * , • - V * > , ! • - iT-JKrSf * . ' . ' M ' " ' " - \ - ' , f "THE SLAUCfftpR. " , Dr. Talmage'a Sermon at St , Louts. Tlie Infiuoncoa of Society and , the Habit of Contracting Debts lucidly Portrayed. St. Louis , April 7. The Rev. T. De Witt TaImagcD. D. , ot Brooklyn , preached hero this evening to a vast audience. His sub ject was "Tho Slaughter , " and his text , Proverbs , vii. 21 : "As an ox to tho slaugh ter. " Tho eloquent preacher said : Thcro is nothing in tho voico or the man ner of the butcher to indicate to the ox that there is death ahead. Tho ox thinks ho is going on to a rich pasture field of clover , where all day long ho will revel in tho her baceous luxurinnco : but after a while tho men and tho boys close in upon him with sticks and stones and shouting , and drive him through bars aud into a doorway , where ho is Xastcnod , and with a well aimed stroke tho ax fells iiim ; and so tho anticiDation of the redolent pasture field is completely disappointed. So many a young man has been driven on by temptation to what ho thought woujd be paradisiacal en ioyment ; but after a while influences with darker hue andswartuicr arm close in upon him , and ho finds that instead of making an excursion into a garden he has been driven "as an ox to tho slaughter ! " 1. We arc apt to blamo young men for being destroyed when wo ought to blamo the influences that destroy them. Society slaughters a great many young men by the behest , "You must keep up appearances ; whatever be your salary , you must dress as well as others , you must wino and brandy as many friends , you must smoke as costly cigars , youmustgivo as expensive ' entertainments , and you must live in as fashionable a boarding house. If you haven't the money , borrow. If you can't borrow mako a f also entry , or subtract here and there a bill from a bundle of bank bills ; you will only have to mako the deception a littlo while ; in a few months , or in a year or two , you can make all right. Nobody will be hurt by it : nobody will be tho wiser. You yourself will not be damaged. " By that awful process a hundred thousand men have * been slaughtered fdv time and slaughtered for eternity. Suppose you borrow. There is nothing wrong about borrowing money. There is hardly a man in this house bat has some times borrowed money. Vastestates have been built on a borrowed dollar. But there aro two kinds of borrowed money. Money borrowed for the purpose of starting or keeping up legitimate enterprise and ex pense , and money borrowed to get that which you can do without. Tho first is right , tho other is wrong. If you have money enough of your own to buy a coat , however plain , and then you borrow money for a dandy's outfit , you have taken the first revolution of the wheel down ' grade. Bor row for the luxuries ; that tips yourpros- snects over in the wrong direction. The Bible distinctly says the borrower is servant of the ' lender. It is a bad state of things when you have to go down some other street to escape meeting some one whom you owe. If young men knew what is tho despotism qf being in debt more of tlicm would keep out of it. What did debt do for Lord Bacon , with a mind towering above the centuries i It induced him to take bribes and convict himself as a criminal be fore all ages. What did debt do for Walter Scott ? Broken hearted at Abbotsfofd. Jvept him writing until his hand gave out in paralysis to keep the sheriff away from his pictures and statuary. Better for him if he had minded the maixm which he had chise led over the fireplace at Abbotsford , ' • Waste not , want not. " The trouble is , my friends , the people do not understand the ethics of going in debt , and that if you pur-chase goods with no ex pectation of paying for them , or go into debts which you cannot meet , you steal just so much money. If I go into a grocer's store , and I buy sugars and coffees and meats , with no capacity to pay for them and no in tention of paying for them , I am more dis honest than if I go into the store , and when the grocer's face is turned the other way I fill my pockets with the articles of merchan dise ; and carry off a ham. In the ono case I take the merchant's time , and I take the time of his messenger to transfer the goods to my house , while in the other case I take none of the time of tho merchant , and I wait upon myself , and I transfer the goods with- ! out any trouble to him. In other words , a sneak thief is not so uad as a man who con tracts for debts he never expects to pay. Yet in all our cities there are families that move every May day to get into proximity to other grocers and meat shops and apothe caries. They owe everybody within half a mile of where they now live , and next May they will move into a distant part of the city , finding a new lot of victims. Mean- while you , the honest family in the new house , are bothered day by day by the knocking : at the door of d isappointed bakers , and butchers , and dry goods dealers , and newspaper carriers , and you are asked where ; your predeccsssor is. You do not know. It was arranged you should not know. Meanwhile your predecessor has gone to some distant part of the city , and ! the people who have anything to sell have sent their wagons and stopped their to solicit ! the "valuable" custom of the new neighbor ' , and he , the new neighbor , with great ! complacency and with an air of affluence , orders the finest steaks and the J highest 1 priced sugars , and the best of the 1 canned { fruits , and perhaps , all the newspa- ] pcrs. And the debts will keep on accumu la- ; ting until he gets his goods on the 30th of i next April in the furniture cart. ] Now , let me say , if there are any such in ! the house , if you have any regard for your own convenience , you had better remove to 1 some , greatly distant part of the city. It is i too bad that , having had all the trouble of 1 consuming [ tho goods , you should also have 1 the 1 trouble of being dunned ! And let me 1 say that if you find that this pictures your 1 photograph \ , instead of being in church you ; ought to be in the penitentiary ! No wonder 3 that so many of our merchants fail in busi1 1 ncss. \ They are swindled into bankruptcy 1 by i these wandering Arabs , these nomads of 1 city life. They cheat the grocer out of the . ' green I apples which makes them sick , the ' physician who attends their distress , and ' tho : undertaker who fits them out for depar1 1 tare from the neighborhood where they pay 1 the debt of nature , the only debt they ever < do ' pay ! • < Now our young men are coming up in this ' • depraved i state of commercial ethics , and l i am i solicitous about them. I want to warn < them against being slaughtered on the sharp edges • of debt. You want many things you ' have not , my young friends. You shall have 1 them if you have patience and honesty and ] industry. Certain lines of conduct always 1 lead out to certain successes. 1 There is a law which controls even tho3e 1 things that seem haphazard. I have been j told by those who have observed that it is i possible to calculate just how many letters i will be sent to the Dead Letter office every i year through misdirection ; that it is possi2 2 ble to calculate just how many letters will < be detained for lack of postage stamps i through the forgetfulness of the senders , 1 and that it is possible to tell just how many i ; people will fail in the streets by slipping on 1 an orange peel. In other words , there are 1 no ! accidents. The most insignificant event J you ever heard of is the link between two < ' eternities ' the eternity of the past and the 1 eternity i of the future. Head the right way , * young ; man , and you will come out at the rightgoaL J Bring me a younsr man and tell me what i his physical health "is. and what his mental i caliber ! , and what his habits , and I will tell you what will be his destiny for this world , i and the destiny for the world to come , and < I will make five inaccurate prophesies out : of the five hundred. All this makes me c solicitous \ in regard to young men , and I t want to make then nervous in regard to t the construction of unpayable debts. I give t you a paraffraph of my own experience. i My first settlcment as pastor was in a . village. My salary was S300 and a parsoni age. The amount seemed enormous to me. 1 I said to myself. "What ! all this for one s year J" I was afraid of getting worldly una dcr so much prosperity ! I resolved to in- t vite the congregation to my house in groups of twenty-five each. We began , and as they were the best congregation in all the world , i and we felt that noting was too good for t them , we piled all the luxurisc on the table , t I never completed the undertaking. At the 1 end of six months I was in financial despair , i 1 found what every young man learns in ( time to save himself , or too late , that you s must measure the size of a man's body bei Sate you .begin totcut tha cloth ' for his coat 1 ' "When a young man ' willfully 'and of _ i clibice , having the comforts of life , goes ini to the contraction of unpayable debts he knows not into what he goes. The creditors 3 get after the debtor , tho paclr of hounds in i "full cry. and alas ! for the reindeer. They 1 jingle his doorbell before he gets up in the 1 morning , they jingle his doorbell after he t has gone to bed at night. They meet him as 1 . * • * / * • % i- " ; ; v • - - ; * - - " • ; # \ • * ho comes off his front steps. They send him a postal card , or a letter , In cur teat stylo , tolling him" to pay up. Thoy attach his goods. Thoy want cash , or a ncto at thirty days , or a note on domand. Thoy call hint a knave. Thoy Bay ho Hoa. Thoy wunt him disciplined at tho church. Thoy want him turned out of tho bank. Thoy como to him from this sido , and from that side , and from behind , and from abovo , and from be neath , and ho la insulted and gibbeted , and sued , and dunned , and sworn ut , until ho gets tho nervous dyspepsia , gets neuralgia , gets liver complaint , gets heart disease , gets convulsive disorder , gets consumption. Now ho is dead , and you say : "Of courso thoy will lot him alone. " Oh , no ! Now they aro watchful to see whether thoro aro any unnecessary oxpensos at tho obsequies , to see whether there is any useless handle on the casket , to sco whether thcro is any surplus plait on tho shroud , to sco whether tho hearse is costly or cheap , to bco whether the flowers sent to tho casket have been bought by tho family or donated , to seo in whoso name tho deed to tho grave is mado out * Then thoy ransack tho bereft house hold , tho books , tho pictures , tho carpets , tho chairs , tho sofa , tho piano , the mattress es , tho pillow on which ho dies. Cursed bo debt ! For the sako of your own happiness , for tho sako of your good morals , for tho sako of your immortal soul , lor God's sake , young mau , as far as possible keep out of it. II. But I think more young men aro slaughtered through irroligion. Tako away a young man's religion and you mako him tho proy of evil. We all know that tho Biblo is tho only porfect system of morals. Now if you want to destroy tho young man's morals tako his Biblo away. How will you do that ? Well , you will caricature his rev erence for tho Scriptures , you will tako all thoso incidents of tho Biblo which can bo made mirth of Jonah's whale. Samson's foxes , Adam's rib then you will caricature eccentric Christians.or inconsistent Chris tians , then you will pass off as your own all those hackneyed arguments against Chris tianity which are as old as Tom Paiuo , as old Voltaire , old as sin. Now you have cap tured his Bible , aud you have taken his strongest fortress : tho way is compara tively clear , and all the gates of his soul aro sot open in invitation to tho sins of earth and tho sorrow of death , that thoy may como in and drive tho stako for their en campment. A steamer fifteen hundred miles from shore with a broken rudder and lo3t com pass , and hulk leaking fifty gallons an hour , is better off than a 5'oung man when you havo robbed him of his Bible. Have you ever noticed how despicably mean it is to tako awaythe world's Biblo without propos ing a substitute ? It is meaner than to como to a sick man and steal his medicine , mean er than to come to a cripple and steal his crutch , meaner than to come to ii pauper and steal his crust , meaner than to come to a poor man and burn his house down. It is the worst of all larcenies to steal the Biblo , which has been the crutch and medicine and food to so many ! What a generous and magnanimous business infidelty ha3 gone into ! This splitting up of life boats and taking away of fire escapes and extinguish ing of light houses. I come out and say to such people , "What are you doing all this for ? " "Oh , " they say , "just for fun. " It is such fun to see Christians try to hold on to their Bibles ! Many of them have lost loved ones , and have been told thut their is a resurrection , and it is such fun to tell them there will be no resurrection ! Many of them have believed that Christ came to carry the burdens and to heal tho wounds of the world , and it is such fun to tell them they will have to be their own saviour ! Think of the meanest thing you ever heard of ; then go down a thousand feet underneath it , and you will find yourself at the top of a stairs a hundred miles long : go to the bottom of the stairs , and you will find a ladder a thousand miles lonjr ; then go to the foot of the ladder and look off a preci pice half as far as from here to China , and you will find the headquarters of the mean ness that would rob this world of its only comfort in life , its only peace in death and its only hope for immortality. Slaughter a young man's faith in God , and there is not much more left to slaughter. Now , what has become of the slaughter ed ? Well , some of them arc in their fath er's or mother's house broken down in health , waiting to die ; others are in the hos pital ; others are in Greenwood , or , rather , their bodies are , for their souls have gone on to retribution. Not much prospect for : a young man who started life with good health , and good education , and a Christain example ' set him , and opportunities of use fulness , who gathered all his treasures and jiut : them in one box , and then dropped it into the sea. . Now , how is this wholesale slaughter to be . stopped ( There is not a person in the : house but is interested in that question. Young man , arm yourself. The object of my sermon is to put a weapon in each of your ; hands for your own defense. Wait not for Young Men's Christian associations to protect you , or churches to protect you. Appealing to God for help , take care of yourself. : First , have a room somewhere that you can ' call your own. Whether it be the back parlor ] of a fashionable boardinpr house , or a \ room in the fourth story of a cheap lodging , I : care not Only have that one room your fortress. Let not the dissipator or unclean step over the threshold. If they come up the ; 1 long flight of stairs and knock at the door \ , meet them face to face and kindly yet firmly refuse them admittance. Have a few family { , portraits on the wall , if you brought them ! with you from your country home. Have J a Bible on the stand. If you can afford \ it and you can play on one , have an instrument of music harp or flute , or cornet i , or melodeon , or violin , or piano. Every morning before you leave that room , pray. Every night after you come home in that room , pray. Make that room your Gibraltar , your Sebastopol. your Mount Zion. Let no bad book or newspaper come into that room , any more than you would allow a cobra to coil on your table. Take care of yourself. Nobody else will take care of you. Your help will not come up two or three orfour flights of stairs ; your ] help will come through the roof , down from ( heaven , from that God who is in the six thousand years of the world's history never betrayed a youngman who tried to be good and a Christian. Let me say in regard to 1 your adverse worldly circumstances , in passing , 'that you are on a level now with I those who are finally to succeed. Mark my { words , young man , and think of it thirty years from now. You will find that those who thirty years from now are the million aires of this country * who are the orators of the country , who are the poets of the coun try , who are the strong merchants of the . country , who aro tho great philanthropists of the country mightiest in church and 1 state are this morning on a level with you , . not an inch above , and you in straightened circumstances now. 1 Herschel earned his living "by playing a violin at parties , and in the interstics of the play he would go out and look up at the < midnight heavens , the fields of his immor1 tal conquests. George Stephenson rose : from being the foreman in a colliery to be ' the most renowned of the world's engineers. ' No outfit no capital to start with ! Young ( man , go down to the Mercantile library and . get some books and read of what wonderful mechanism God gave you in your hand , in your foot , in your eye , in your ear , and then < asked some doctor to take you into the disi i secting room and illustrate to you what you ] have read about and never again commit the blasphemy of saying ynu have no capi- . tal to start with. Equipped ! Why , the ' poorest young man in this houseis equipped ( as only the God of the whole universe could t afford to equip him. Then his body a very poor affair compared with his wonderful . soul oh , that is what makes me solicitous. 1 I am not so much anxious about you , young 1 man , because you have so little to do with , ( as I am anxous about you because you have . , much to risk and lose or gain. There is no class of persons that so stir my sympathies as young men in great cities. Not quite enough salary to live on , and all the temptations that come from tha * . deficit Invited on all hands to drink , ana j their exhausted nervous system seeming to demand stimulus. Their religion carical tured by the most of the clerks in the store 1 and most of the operatives in the factory , t The rapids of temptation and death rush- ing against that young man forty miles an 5 hour , and he in a frail boat headed up r steam , with nothing but a broken ore to t work with. Unless Almighty God help them they will go under. r Ah ! when I told you to take care of youra self yon misunderstood me if you thought I " nioant you are to depend upon human reso- * tion , which may be dissolved in the foam of the wine cup , or may he blown out with the < 3 first gust of temptation. Here is the hel met , the sword of the Lord God Almighty , a Clothe yourself n that panoply and you f shall not be put ti > ' ; confusion. Sin pays well neither in this world nor the next , but right thinking and rigat believing and. , right act ing will take-ybu in safety through this life " * a and in transport through the next t I never shall forget a prayer T heard a j young man mako soine fifteen years ago. It was a very short prayer , but it was a tre mendous prayer : "Oh Lord , help us. We . find it so very easy to do wrong and so hard , to do right Lord , help us. " That prayer , t I'll warrant you , reached the ear of God , I J • • • y7ZT\ ' - " . - " " -f " - " tT . . • • • * r . * * • * * > - " - • * * " " " ' ' * ' " - g * ' r T- imittrentimMng • A " ' " " " ' < ' • ' ' c \ - 1 , * . . , • ; . * > " ' . -rH \ f : 4l IIS and reached His fomrt. And there " ar 1 lit rkf Jf 3 this houso a hundred men , who hava found ? Jlf } out-a thousand yc ' urif ? raea. ittrbar * ; wno f . - U ! havo found out that very thlnp. It ia * o . , jaiu very easy to dowrong , ond so hnrd to uo jMm f got a lottcr , only ono paragraph.of . which ? jgj I shall read : "Having moved around somejsk whut I huve run across raauy younjr men or : $ & intelligence , ardent strivors after that will- * w o'-tho-wlsp , fortune , and of one of thoso X ire * would speak. Ho was a young Englishman yr of twonty-threo or four years , who camo to f > . New York , where ho had acquaintances , m with barely sufllciont to keep him a couple Jf of wcokB. Ho had boon tenderly reared ; * g i\ \ I > crhaps I should say too tondorly , and was * ? \ not used to earning his living ; and found It . v j. extremely difficult to got any position that ? , . \ ho was capable of filling. Af tor many vain 1 efforts in this direction ho found himself on 1 Sunday evening in Brooklyn , noar your j church , with about thrco dollars loft of nla .j | small capital. .Providence seemed to lead yi hlmtoyourdpor , and ho dotermiuert to go , * | in and near you. . . il "He told mo his going to hear you that ( IP night was undoubtly tho turning point in J | his life , for when ho wont into church ho 3 Fj felt despcrato , but whileHstcnitisrto your ii discourse his hotter nature got thomastory. f j I truly bolievofrom whatthU young man W told mo that your sounding tho depths of. - M his heart that night alono brought him back m to his God whom ho was so near leaving. " hi TAKKTIIKltlOUTJlOAn AND KKUP TO IT. ] SJ The echo , that is , of multitudes in the W house. I am not preaching an abstraction , ji but a great reality. Oh ! friendless young Kl man , Oh ! prodigal young man. Oh ! " brokon Ji hearted young man , 1 commend you to Hi Christ this day , tho best friend a man ever wj * had. Ho meets you this morning. You .4 havo como hero for this blessing ; Dosplso - ft not"that emotion rising In. your rouU it is ' ; - . * divinely lifted. Look into tho fuceof Christ. Lift ono prayor to your father's God , to - . . 11 your mother's God , and get tho pardoning V blessing. Now , while I speak , you are at J" tho forks of tho road , and this is tho right J road , and that is tho wrohg road , and 1 sea * ! you start on the right road. . Ono Sabbath morning , at tho close of my 4 f , service , J saw a gold watch of tho world re- ygf nowucd and deeply lamented violinist Ola i. 1 Bull. You remember ho died in his Island . ' 1 home off tho coast of Norway. That gold I watch ho had wound up day after day .il through his illness , and then ho said to his , 1 companion. "Now ! want to wind this watch : , I as long as I can , and then when I am gone I \m \ want to you keep it wound up until it gets f J tojmy friend Dr. Dorcmus , in Now York , ' J and then he will keep it wound up until his life s done , and then I want tho watch to , ' goto his young son , my especial favorite. " j Tho great musician , who moro thau any other artist had made tho violin speak and s sing and weep and faugh and triumph for it seemed whon ho drew tho bow across tho strings as if all earth and heaven trembled in delighted sympathy the great musician , ' in a room looking off upon the &ou , and sur- . | ll rounded by nN favorite instruments * , ; of music , closed his eyes in ( death. While all tho world was mourning ' 1 at his departure , sixteen crowded steamers V fell into line of funeral procession to carry H his body to tho main land. There were fifty M thousand of his countrymen gathered in an amphitheatre of the hills waiting to hear tho , culogium , and it was said when the great \M orator of the day with stentorian voice be- ' gan to speak , the fifty thousand people on tho hillsides burst into tears. , } m Oh ! that was the close of a life that had < aouo so much to mako the world > happy. II But I have to toll you , young maut if you * 'M livo right and die right , that wan a tamo ffl sceno compared with that which will greet you when from the galldvics of heaven the ono hundred and forty ar.d four thousand , shall accord with Christ in crying * "Well done , thou good and faithful servant. " And the influences that on earth you put iU ) in motion will go down fro n generation to SJ generation , tho influences ye'i wonud up . fl handed to your children , and their influences , wound up and handed to their children until watch and clock arc no more needed to mark the progress , because time itself shall yM be no logner. ' J , H . o . . V She ICever Saw a Play L'efoir. Among the throng which packed the | 9 old Academy of Music from parquet to J m dome to witness the performance of ' M "The Old Homestead" ' was a lady of m venerable appearance who occupied a { H seat in the front vow of the dresr cir- ( H cle and manifested the deepest interest J in the play. She-wait Mrs. Hinckinan , | fl living near Morristown. and is prob- M ably the oldest debutante of tho sea- H son : , being 8ti years of age. I-Jevcr un- H til then had she been within the walls of ' a. theater , or "play house , " as she fl styles : it. During the performance she was so S engrossed 1 with the scene that she nev- < B er took her eyes off the sfcige. She fl responded with laughter and tears to fl the varying emotional demands of the ' situations , , but had littilc to say until - , M the play was done , and she rested for I a i few moments before journeying to ifjfl her ] homeShe said it had been a > revelation to her. H ' • Why , I hadirt an Idea that a play | S could ' be acted so that everythingfl [ > would seem real , " she exclaimed. "I II saw some acting once of 'Moses in the H Bulrushes' at a school exhibition , but 9 it i was nothing at all like ihis. and , fl the \ dear old lady fairly twinkled all % 'fl / over ( with happy excitement.This is nfl really 1 a great deal better than RuiTalo | | l Bill's Wild West , she continued. "I ' / went to sec that last year. I was de- * X lighted with it. too. And now I won- h der wnat I shall be going to next ? " JH queried ' this sprightly debutante , who ' ( evidently felt that the matinee had jjjfl marked a new era in her life and re'A ' garded it as the commencement , of a ) IS long round of theater going. New f/j9 / York World. M > 1 m < iwm Marriages of African Explorers. fa Dr. Wolfe has advised white men j fl who , expect to make Africa , their home ' ; S to marry native women and not expose 9 the women of temperate climates to jl the hardships and dangers of life in tho " ) torrid zone. A few Europeans have , A ] done so. When Sfanley was here two J H j-ears ago he said that the union be- J 9 tween Mr. Grenfeli and the Cameroons * 9 negress whom he married was appar- jH ently a very happy one. Two peculi- ) S arities about these mixed unions are jH noticeable. As a general thing it is I H observed that no births occur in such { fl families until after the white , man has J ' 9 lived some years in the country and be- [ ' V come quite thoroughly acclimated. It is also noticed that the half-breed ( | 9 children are very proud , as they grow 9 up , of the white blood in their veins. fl think themselves a great deal ftigher 1,9 in the social scale than their mothers B relatives and are more apt in their con- * 9 duct to illustrate the vices than the 9 virtues of both parents. „ 9 Business View. 9 A Sunday-school teacher tells this , 9 amusing story : I was teaching a crass t 9 of little boys in Sunday-school. The ' 9 lesson happened to be about the } 9 Prophet Elijah and the widow of r 9 Zarephath , who , you will of course re- 9 member , told Elijahwhen he asked her 9 to take him to board , that she "had 9 not a cake , but si handful of meal in 9 barrel and a little oil in a cruse. " yj 9 When asked as to the supply of food 9 the poor widow had one little fellow 9 quickly replied : vj "She had just meal enough to make * J9 cake and oil enough to start the ifll fire ! " < 9 m 1 HJ There is considerable human nature about | newspaper. IJor instance , * a * new. sorrsai. * , " * tion quickens its ' circulation. Terre Haute * ; 9 Express. HJ Depositor "Is the cashier in ! " Tntjani- 9 tor "Heisma'amfortenyears. Perhaps , 9 th' assishtant cashier ' 11 do , ma'am ! " 19 Tudze. flj 1 HI 9 HHJ . SW gnu . ! • Zi Jl . . ' - • < ' - mij mj g * wv fi * wi" .jii ! iLj. 'y | tVZ4fes5SVWtf&Mm nHHI ' - * . * jC f&jSiS tfipSK. ; , HHHl _ _ hVhVJhVhVhVhVhVJ