H B ' * i. " " • ' - • - - ; ' " " . V > ' * ' * * " * * " " % * • V * * ' " t ' . - " * " - - • > " " - . ' "LL ' ' " . " " JTmiiwn i -i.u .i i jinn i i m unit ii. hn IWH , . jjc ? * v * * ' " ' • ' J. ' " " " , t- * ' ' . * " ' ' ' . J . JfT * ' • * " 5i Hjf1- IBB . . mm . H , - , - - t , D VOLUME VII. - MeCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING , APRIL 5 , 1889. NUMBER 43. JB j . - - - y. _ 1 _ i _ _ _ . ' _ . . . ' . iimiiiim ' i ' - " - . - , _ • - . . b9i | H WE ARE | DETERMINED H To double our cash trade for 1889 , and in order Hj r . to make it an inducement for every one to trade HL "with us , offer to cash customers the following I LIST OF PRIZES H 1 Side Bar Top Buggy , worth - $140.00 B 1 Road Cart , - " - 40.00 H 6 Sets Rogers'silver plated Knives H and Forks , at $7.50 per set , - 45.00 K 5 Prizes $5.00 worth of Hard- Si ware each , - - " 25.00 50 One year's subscription to the m "Western Plowman , " a first- B class agricultural paper , at $1 , 50.00 K 63 Prizes , worth - $300.00 Mr ' : Each one Buying goods of us for cash to the H * amount of $5.00 will receive a numbered chance H in a raffle for the above list of prizes. Our prices I * * ARE AWFULLY LOW U' . and our stock is complete * . We mean business. W I Great Western Stoves & Manges. If , - , ) "Jewel" Gasoline Stoves. I * * 0e , agents Siberia Refrigerators. m [ Glidden Barbed Wire. w Large stock of northern grown Garden Seeds in If bulk. Don't fail to call on us. Don't forget place. I THE PIONEER HARDWARE , I * LaTOURETTE & CO. , Props. | Brick Store . , Lower Main . Ayenue , 4 doors S. of J. C Allen . & I AlcUJUJi • , JN.bBKA&JiA. - - I - Co. , and 3 doors N. of The Frees &Hockuel Lumber Co. J I W. 0. BULLAKD & CO. I J"I I ! " " • I- LIME , HARD ' • CEMENT , . . . mm npBn AND WSS , LUMBER- _ BLINDS. _ _ _ C0AL- _ RED CEDAR AND OAK POSTS. L Bernlieimer , Merchant Tailor. 18S9. SPRING SEASON. 1889. I have to offer for this season an unusually large stock - of SPRING GOODS , of all descriptions ; the latest styles of wide WALES Satin Finish , WORSTEDS , SCOTCH SUIT- ' . " * INGS , SPRING OVERCOATS , FINE TROUSERINGS , I - Etc. , Etc. Call early and examing the new goods. • ; n. bernheimer , ; - Old First National Bank Building , NcCook. MERCHANT TAIL OR. J. A. YanShoik , • AGFNTFORTHE Ipinger Sewing Maehines . . . ; % . • ALSO KEEPS ON HAND A FULL LINE OP . : ; • Repairs and Supplies. x > ' . . . , . f - < , " - : ; \ . . : . • - • • ' " • ' ' . B3H-Baa O-KKX3BC I _ K _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ W' " ' Office , in McMillen's Drug Store , - - - McCook , Hehraska. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. J. BYRON JENNINGS , ATTORNEY ATLAAV. - : - - : - . Will practice In tho State and United Stato Courts , and before tho U. S. Land Onices. Carorul.attention . given to Collections. Office over Citizens Bank , McCook , Hob. THOS. COLFER , ATTORNEY - : - AT - : - LAW , AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Real Estate Bought and Sold and Collecions Made. Money loaned on real estato nnd iinol proof. Agent Lincoln Land Co. Office , over Farmers & Merchants Bank. R. M , SNAVELY , ATTORNEY - : - AT - : - LAW , INBIANOLA , NEBRASKA. Will practice in all the State and United States Courts. Also , boforo the Land Offico at McCook and the department at Washington. HUGH W. COLE , LAWYER , MCCOOK. NEBRASKA. Will practice in all the Courts. Commercial and corporation law a specialty. MONEY TO LOAN. Rooms i and 5 , First Nat'l Bank Building' . A. J. BITTENHOUSHT. . H. STARR , McCook. Indmuolu. Rittenhouse & Starr , Attorneys $ at $ Law. OFFICES AT McCOOK AND INDIANOLA. C. W. DAVIS , Attorney , Land p Loan Agent , McCOOK , - . NEBRASKA. Four year'B experience in tho General Land Office at Washington , D. C , as Examiner ot Contest Cases. Difficult contest cubcs a spec ialty. Remember , I advise correctly upon all questions pertaining : to the public land laws. Office , front Basement of Citizens Bank. H. G. DIXON , Real Estate and Loan Broker , McCOOK ; NEBRASKA. Special attention ariven tc the salo of city property. Houses rented and collections made. Office : Rear of Citizens Bank. T. B. STUTZMAN , M. D. , Eclectic Physician and Surgeon , OCULIST AND AURIST. McCOOK , NEBRASKA "Office in McNeely Building , Main St. B. B. DAVIS , M. D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , • McCOOK NEBRASKA. "Office atChenery's drug store. L. J. SPICKELMIER , M. D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Special AttmUtt Given to Ftaale Slseasss. Office hours , from 9 to 11 A. M. . and 2 to 4 P. M. , mountain time. Office : Over Farmers & Merchants bank. Pr. Z. L. KAY , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON McCOOK. - - NRBRASKN "Roosts : Over new First National Pank. A. J. THOilAS , DENTIST. Administers Gas if desired. "Office over Scott's brick. G. "W , MINKLER , rOBMEKLY COUNTY - : - SURVEYOR , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. Will do all kinds of Surveying , Gradinjr and Civil Engineering. Residence north of school house. THE COMMERCIAL . HOTEL , Geo. E. Johnston , Prop. McCOOK , 'NEBRASKA. This house has been completely renovated and refurnished throughout , and is llrst-class in every respect. Rates reasonable. W. M. SANDERSON , DECORATIVE - : - ARTIST , SCENIC PAINTEK , Calcimining , Graining. Paper Hanging , etc. with neatness and dispatch. JOHN G. W. F. FLEEMING , House and Carnage Painting , CHAINING , CAT.CIMINING , MAltlJIiINQ , MCCOOK. NEBRASKA. Leave ail orders at the drug store of Albert McMillcn. First-class work guaranteed. J. H. BENNETT , , GONTRAGTOR or BRICK AND STONE , McCOOK , - NEBRASKA. BREEDER OF SSsort Horn Cattle. Stock on baud at all times. iJarus : one mile south of McCook. Neb. F. D. BURGESS , ' PLUMBKG ! , Steam and Hot Water Heating. North Main Avenue , NEBRASKA. McCOOK , - - C5 ? " " A stock of best grades of Hose. Lawn Sprinklers , Hose Reels and Hoeo Fixtures , constantly on hand. AH work receives promtt attention. For lame back , side or chest , uso Shiloh'B Porus Plaster. Price 25 cents , McMillen's , J _ _ * . „ , LFrom Tho Hustings Democrat. ] Superintendent Campbell and Hon. Geo. Hocknoll , of McCook. were in the city Monday evening. It is suspected that Mr. Campbell was negotiating to carry the bnggago for Dr. Cook , upon bis proposed European trip. Both gentlemen went on east. While in McCook tho othor day wo wero shown jroofs that tho machine shops are go ing In. Improvements are going on , on every hand , and the "hope of tho Valloy" Is forging her way onward. Tho best advices from Washington aro to the effect { hat Congressman Laird is gaining ground every day and will soon bo able to at- tend to his duties. Tho Democrat is glad to hear it. Accompanying tho above advices comes the declaration from him that his politi cal friouds ( ? ) in this moral vineyard , who havo been preaching his obituary tho past four months , had better crawl into their holo. Ho proposes to make them dance , and will do tho fiddling himself. Jim can do it , too. The Second congressional district , the Dem ocrat has information , will demand tho ap pointment to office of Hon. Ben. S. Baker , of Fairbury , to be U.S. district attorney ; Sena tor Lindsay , of Beaver City , will be register , and Dr. S. L. Green , of McCook , will bo re ceiver of the U. S. land office at McCook. If President narrison makes these appointments they will be heartily endorsed. From a per sonal acquaintance with tho men , we can say that they are competent men , strong republi cans and gentlemen. Chas. II. Paul and wife returned from Wash ington Inst Wednesday. Mr. Paul reports Mr. Laird as much improved in health. He eats hearty food and properly digests It. During the hist two weeks ho has dictated a large number of letters and is looking after the in terests of his constituency. Mr. Paul says there Is no doubt of Mr. Laird's ultimate re covery. [ From The Benkleman Pioneer. ] On last fourth of July what purported to be a rebel Hug was Hung to tho breeze from the McCook land office , and created considerable excitement for u time. The Pioneer was in formed , on what we considered good authority that the manifestation was instigated by non. S. P. Hart , register of the land office , and we scored Mr. Hart for tho same in a way that was only befitting the occasion and the enor mity of tho offense , had he been guilty as was charged. Wo have since learned to a certain ty that upon the occasion referred to Mr. Hart was not in McCook and knew nothing of the occuranbe until his return .several days there after. It is evident from this fact that the Pioneer did Mr. Hart an injustice. Having unintentionally wronged a fellow being , it would be cowardly to neglect to make repara tion upon becoming convinced of that wrong. It therefore , gives us pleasure to state tho facts in the case , and to add that since becom ing acquainted with the gentleman we are convinced that he would not stoop to commit the folly that was laid at his door. We have found Mr. Hart to bo an affable and kindly gentleman , with whom it is a pleasure to asso ciate , and it is the universal testimony of all who have transacted business in person at the McCook land office , that the gentlemen in charge have treated them with uniform kind ness and courtesy. [ From The Akron Star. ] Mrs. J. A. Cordeal returned to McCook , Thursday , after sev.eral days visit witn the Tribune family at this place. General Manager Holdrege , of the B. & M. , has bought the south half of section 16-2 f sj , at § 6 per acre. This land is located one mile south of Akron and joins his timber claim on the west. Tho gentleman's faith in the dirt of this vicinity is not perceptibly on the wane. [ Bird CityKas. ( ) Democrat. ] M. C. Maxwell , of McCook , Neb. , was here last week looking at some of the Cheyenne couuty real estate. He was well pleased with tho rich soil and the beautiful lay of the land , that , in all probability , he will invest in a quarter section and thus lay the foundation for future wealth and prosperity. ELECTRIC BITTERS. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special mention. All who have used Electric Bitters sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do all that is churned. Electric Bitters will cure ail diseases of the Liver and Kidneys , will remove Pimples , Boils , Salt Rheum and other effections caused by impure blood. Will drive Malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all Malarial fevers. For cure of Headache. Constipation and Indigestion try Electric Bitters Entire satisfaction guaranteed , or money refunded. Price 50 cts. and § 1.00 per bottle , at A. McMil len's drug store. A Few Good Postofffce Rules. If you have a lock box go to the postofflce without the key. After getting your mail inquire if there is ' something more. If you get a Wells , Fargo money order go to the postofflce to get it cashed. If you want a money order or postal note ask the postmaster for a postal order. It you do not get your mail when you expect it , ask the postmaster when she will arrive. When people are waiting for their mail , get in thewindow and chin the postmaster half an hour on how to distribute mail. He will ap preciate it. , If you have half a dozen children send them all to tho postofflce for the mail , as it is a great comfort to the postmaster to look over the mail for them in turn as they arrive. CONSUMPTION CURABLE ? Read the following : Mr. J. H. Morris , New ark , Ark. , s&ys : "Was down wih Abscess of Lungs , and friends and physicians pronounced me an Incurable Consumptive. Began taking Dr. King's 'New Discovery for onsumptinn , am now on my third bottle , and able to over see the work on my farm. It is the finest medicine ever made. " Jesse Middleware , Decatur. Ohio , says : "Had it not been for Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption I would have died of Lung troubles. Was given up by doctors. Am ow in best of health. " Try it. Sample bottles free , at A.McMillen's drug store. This is how the Salvation Army is billing the towns down the road : THEY ARE COMING , the superb BRASS BAND of the HOUSEHOLD TROOPS. Where are they ? Where do they come from ? They drink considerably from the wells of salvation. They fight terribly against the devil and sin of every kind. They get well paid In tho love of God in their hearts. They are after you If you are not saved hurry up. If youare , cannot you serve God better ? A. person is seldom sick , when their bowels ure regular.nm ) never well whon they are ir regular. Bear this in mind and keep your bowels regular by an occasional dose of St Patrick's Pills. Sold by all druggists. ARE YOU MADE miserable by Indigestion , Constipntiou. Dizziness. Loss of Appetiti. Yellow Skin ? Shiloh'B Vitalizer is n positive- ! euro , j Hall , Cochran & Co. , DEALERS IN HARDWARE , Implements , Etc. A complete stock of CUTLERY , STOVES , TINWARE , BARB WIRE , WINDMILLS , OILS , ETC ; ? Lowest Living Prices. WEST DENNISON STREET , McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA You will find a splendid line of Cloths , Cassimeres , Wor steds , London Suitings , and Trouserings , and a complete assortment of Spring and Fall Overcoatings. Also Esqui mau Beavers in all shades at DRYSDALE'S Fine Custom Tailor Shops , opposite the new postofflce. Good fits guaranteed. Thir ty-five years' experience in NewYork'City. MAIN AVENUE , McCOOK , NEB. ALLEN'S TRANSFER , Bus , Baggage Dray Line. F. P. ALLEN , Prop. , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. p ? Best Equipped in the City. Leave order- , at Commercial Hotel. Good well water fur nished on short notice. Herian & DesLarzes , Proprietors of the McCook Transfer % City Bus Line. Bus to and from all trains. Coal han'inc alid general delivery. Three drays. All work promptly attended to. Leave onlws at Frees & Hocknell Lumber Tard. Blue Front Livery Stable . D. SmTK , Proprietor. Livery , feed and sale stables. Finest turn outs in the city furnished. 15arn , rear 2d"c - Entee Hotel. R. H. COLE , "The Leading" op McCOOK , for First-Class Tailoring" . Having a large stock of Fine Suitings and Trouserings , I will furnish them • iifjap for the nest 60 days. KLLPATEICK BROTHERS. ( Successors to B. D. Webster. ) Horses branded on left hip or left shoulder. • Mfr P. O. address , Estelie. gr Hayes county , and Beat- u HH flMferice , Neb. Bange. Stink- SSlin ? Water and French- [ lymaa creeks , Chose Co. , M Nebraska 1 Brand as cnton side of M _ JmBorne animals , on hip and 4 | BB aldea of some , or any irbiro on the anlmaL We've ' Got 'Em ' ! 1 II GOT WHAT ? 1 Hi . _ . - . - . . . . . _ _ _ _ . _ - . . auimrij-M-auuiuuii-iUTi 9I E r - - - - - - \ \ rmrui.iiini.n.r. i rmjmjnir -i i i r i i-n. j i -ui.run rtu.u - -njijL ju utjU-i j > j RRVIGEABLE W CHOOL m HOES. 11 ' " : ' : - for Hi " " * 1 Our "Challenge" and "Lion" School 1 j Slioes are tlie best ever offered in f I i * McCook. Every seam is stitched I i with the hest of silk , and riveted with 3 I an invincible rivet. We have just j I opened 24 dozen pairs for a starter. • I NEXT WEEK \ We will have sonietliing * to say re- , I g'ar&iiig' a line of I Eine Shoes for Gentlemen , which are I luidisputahly the best goods in the I world. Retail price , $8.50 per pair. I Yours for Good Goods. * " . " H "BOSTON BARGAIN SHOE STORE. OPERA HOUSE BLOOK , - McCOOK , NEBRASKA. H - - JPjS si . I M < bC5eb : Wmm * a H Capital and Surplus , $60,000. - Authorized Capital , $100,000. M / OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS : H GEO.HOC * ELL , PRESIDENT. B. M. FREES , VICE-PRESIDENT. H W. F. LAV/SOTi , CASHIER. H A. CAMPBELL. S. L. GREEN. H LYTLE BEOS. & CO. I KEEP THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OP | H SHELF AND HEAVY I STOVES AND TINWARE in S. W. Xeb. , and at lowest living prices. H Fine Cutlery a Specialty. I ANY WORK IN THE LINE OF TIN , SHEET IRON OR COPPER H PROMPTLY AND NEATLY EXECUTED. H ; . ; ; LYTLE BROS. & CO. I