The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 15, 1889, Image 2

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F. IK. KITtWKLL , FtiblhDer.
McCOOK , : : : : KEB
Tho following bill , known as senat
'file 71 , has passed the senate : Scctioi
1. That in all actions boforo justices c
the peace , and county judges , fonndei
on an account , when a sworn bill of pni
ticulars alleging that tho account is tru
and correct and duo and unpaid , shnl
be filed in tho case , where tho defend
out has been actually served with snm
* mons therein , if tho defendant make
v default or fails controvert or den-
1 tho same by duly verified pleading , tli
< account , or so much thereof as is no
controverted or denied , shall bo takei
as true and admitted.
I Tho Hampton committee , consist
a ing of Messrs. Hampton , Hanna , John
I son , Birnoy and Cushing , who were ap
1 pointed to investigate tho * question o
| super-serviceable help in the legislator
| made their final report lost week. The ;
I filed a lengthy and detailed statemeii
I of abuses that have crept into tho legu
| lative service.
I Peter Anderson , an Elkhorn brake
* man , had a hand badly crushed botweor
I two drawbars , while making a coupling
? in tho Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri
| Valley freight yard at David City.
| Anderson's wife was in the caboose oi
| the train at the time and the plucky fel-
low went to tho doctor's office with the
conductor , leaving her in ignorance oi
the accident , hoping to spare her feel
I ings , but remained under the influence
of chloroform so long as to cause alarm ,
and she had to be notified.
| Charles Boydston , of Richland pre-
I cinct , says the Wahoo Democrat , re-
| centry sustained a great loss because of
§ tho deprecations of a mad dog. About
? a month ago a strange dog entered his
a stock pens and bit some of his hogs and
I cattle. Tho dog showed symptoms of
| hydrophobia and was shot. A few days
f ago the stock that had been bitten went
mad and had to be shot. Mr. Boydston
I lost about forty head of hogs and a cou
ple of cattle.
4 M. E. Sharp , who lives eight miles
| west of Milford , has preserved in alco-
jj hoi the body of a double pig that was
born a couple of weeks ago. It has two
bodies , four ears , eight legs , and two
tails , but has only one snout and two
f eyes , the fore part being part of one
] complete pig and the back half being
I part of two ,
j It is stated that the organization je
' , cently offeoted in Omaha that assume ?
j the high-Bounding title of "General
j Freight Agents" has sunk into "innoon-
1 ous desuetude. " Last week a meeting
was to have been held for the purpose to
' discuss tho question of live stock trains ,
but , for Itmo unaccountable reason
; only two of tho agents were premt
Cass county has thirty lawyers lo
cated within her borders. Plattsmouth
claims nineteen , "Weeping Water five.
Greenwood four and .Louisville one.
Three new school districts have
been organized in New York county ,
making a total of ninety-eight with 11C
The IFairbnry militia company ex
pects to attend the Washington centen
nial at New York city , the citizens oi
the town bearing the expenses of the
Basil Morris had a hearing at Ne-
Nebraska City and was bound over to
the district court for forgery in the sum
of $400.
In David City an excited runaway
horse went crashing through a plate
class window of the nostoffice.
Grand Island will have a new city
t hall , three stories high , GGx6G feet in
size , costing $25,000.
Judge Crawford , of West Point ,
distributed 830,000 in annuities among
the Omaha Indians last week.
Charley Woods , a night watchman ,
lost his life by being run over by the
oars at South Omaha last week.
The Sonth Omaha tailors are on a
strike for the union scale of wage * .
t ' % h citizens of South Sioux City
ha vfiled a com plaint against the St.
Pfifcl & Omaha because the name of the
stridor near there is called Covington in
stead of South Sioux City. The charge
wju rcade , so it is said , for public con-
voaieace prevent a confusion of
names and misunderstandings that may
lead to serious consequences.
In the district court of Lancaster
county the case of Trester against the
Missouri Pacific was decided by a jury
in Trestera favor. This case was one
where Mr. Trester , who was the owner
of some land that was taken by the com
pany , was not satisfied with the award of
the appraisers and sued for what he
thought the land was worth. The origi
nal verdict of the appraisers was for
$2,500 , and this the " company offered to
pay. The verdict of the jury was for
$3 100 , which is really not more than the
appraisement , if the expenses of the
trial be taken into consideration.
A cigar box manufacturing estab-
v lishment has been started in Madison.
* " There are five candidates for the
Table Bock postoffice.
Tnt uuumI agricultural fair and
race meeting of the Omaha Fair and
Exposition association will be held in
Omaha September 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , and 6,1889.
Two men drove to the farm of J > 3f ,
X Balmat , in Vieregg precinct , MerricX
county , and stole a load of oats and rye.
Mr. Balmat traced the team to the farm
I of Albert Meiers , in the bluffs , about
twelve miles northwest of Grand Island ,
where he found in sacks in the house , a
* part of the grain and some implements
taken at the same time. The thieves
were caught , but allowed compromise
by paying for the oats.
? Mrs. Stevens , of Fort Calhoun ,
while attending church at Omaha last
J Sunday , fell from her pew and was dead
' in a short time. She was about 70 years
• of age , and her death is attributed to
' near * trouble.
| 2r ' Forty-eight 5100 shares of the
g Bloomington creamery stock havo beep
& . . sold. But a short time now until all tha
t > \ stock will be taken.
V 'llie citizens of Uresiiam will vote
P on the question of building a § 2,000
E > school house.
y Last week the Burlington put in a
% grain tariff to apply between Omaha and
points in Nebraska and Duluth. Tho
tariff is tho same as that on Chicago
shipments. Heretofore , the Bnrhnjrton
had no tariff applying on Duluth ship
ments , and tho rate which now covers
Dnlnth was made only to St Paul and
Minneapolis. The rates on gram under
to Duluth will be from
the new system
Omaha 50T cents. Lincoln 22 cents , and
and points in the . western grain-
the rate to
1 belt 5 cents , the same being
Chicago from the given points.
The enrollment in the Wood Eiver
- the
two-hundred ,
school is about
whole under the care of Piofessor j
J-tC * ? j * • * > ' * * -If . . " * t \ ; % - * - <
* * * > . i"
* *
One hundred new volumes havi
been ordered for the public library m
Crete ? *
Under workings of Sonth Omaha'
now charter saloon men will have to pu
up a $1,000 license.
Burglars entered the residence o
W. O. Besteover at Falls City , bnt thei
qnly booty was a silver watch of no grea
The school directors of Bout
Omaha have objected tothe use c
school houses for holding politics
On the Gth of March tho Beatric
Express reports : Already some of th
live and wide awake farmers have com
menccd operations. Yesterdoy a ma
southwest of the city on tho Harbin
road was seen planting potatoes , that it
his wife dropped them while ho plowe
them under. "Such is Nebraska. "
In the district oourt of Gage count ;
John Powers was found guilty of bin
glarizing tho cloak room of the Gram
Central hotel last fall and was sentence !
to two years in the penitential . Join
• Collins , his confederate , plead guilty t
the same offense and received an eight
een months' sentence.
Tho city council of Fremont ha
passed an ordinance submitting a propc
sition to vote § 15,000 bonds for the pui
pose of erecting a now city hall. Th
election will be held April 2 , the day o
the general city election. On the sami
day the $10,000 court house propositio ]
and tho $35,000 high school and wan
school proposition will also bo submitted
making a total of $00,000 for these thre <
public improvements.
It was reported in this city yester
day , says a Lincoln dispatch , that Mi-
Patrick Egan , who has for some day ;
been absent in Washington , is about t <
receive the appointment of minister t (
Mexico. It has for some time been sus
pected that Mr. Egan would receivi
somo recognition for his services during
tho campaign , and the suspicion is no * *
The Lincoln Call says it wonld like
to see Nebraska advertised and asks the
legislature to do something to this end
It believes that with the right sort o :
work fifty thousand farmers , men witl
means and the best possible citizens
could be led to Nebraska the coming
Extensive improvements are shortly
to be inaugurated in the Union Pacific
yards at Beatrice. Measurements anc
surveys have recently been taken witl :
that end in view.
The Farmers' and Merchants' banli
of Carlton has been placed in the hands
of a receiver. An effort is being made
to reorganize the bank , with good pros
pects for success. The liabilities are
about $24,000 , and the assets about the
same amount.
The bill introduced by Senator Tag-
gart providing that when warrants are
presented and there is no money in the
county treasury , the samo shall be paid
out of the sinking fund , was adopted in
tho senate without opposition.
Death is announced of Hon. C. W.
Hayes , a member of the lower house ol
the legislature from York county.
The Oath of Office Administered and Their
Commission * Signed.
Washington dispatch : The president
signed the commissions of all the mem
bers of his cabinet this morning and
thewere formally inducted into office.
Secretary Tracy was the first to qualify.
Ho took the oath of office at the n vy
department at 11:45 in the presence of
ex-Secretary Whitney and the principal
officers of the department. The suc
ceeding hour was devoted to the recep
tion of officers and employes and friends
Ivho called to extend their congratula
Secretary Proctor arrived at the war
department at 1 o'clock. Ex-Secretary
Endicott and all the chiefs of bureaus
were in waiting in the secretary's office.
General Sherman also called upon the
retiring secretary during tho morning
and remained during the ceremonies in
cident to the change in the administra
tion in the war office. After Secretary
Proctor had been duly installed , he re
ceived all the officers and employes of
the department General Schofield and
all the principal officers of the depart
ment were # separately introduced by ex-
Secretary Endicott.
Attorney-General Miller was sworn in
about 1:30 o " * clock to-day in the presence
of Solicitor-General Jenks and other
officials of the department. Ex-Attor-
iiey-General Garland was not able to be
present because of business he had in
the supreme court at that time.
Secretary Windom was the last mem
ber of the new cabinet to receive his
commission. He called at the white
liouse about 2:30 : this afternoon and re-
zeived his commission from the hands
jf the president himself. The secretary
then proeeeded to the treasury depart-
nent , where the oath of office was ad-
ninistered to him. After a few minutes
jonversation between the new and old
secretaries , ex-Secretary Fairchild pre-
lented to Secretary Windom the heads
> f divisions and other officials of the de
At 2:30 : Blaine took the oath of office
n the presence of Secretary Bayard ,
Assistant Secretaries Moore and Adee ,
Yalker Blaine and others. There was
n exchange of compliments between
he justice and the new secretary , who ,
s he took a seat in the office , remarked
o Bayard that as long as he occupied
he chair he would be pleased to do
whatever he could at his request.
At 10 minutes before 3 Wanamaker ,
scorted by the first assistant postmas-
er general Stevenson and a few friends ,
rrived at the postoffice department.
Hie party was conducted to the rooms
mtil General Dick-
occupied to-day by -
eson , where the prescribed oath was
administered by Judge Lawrenson , one
f the oldest employes of the govern-
aent , who has sworn into office twenty-
ive postmaster generals. The officials
f the department were then introduced
o Wanamaker. At about the same time
' udge Noble reached the intetior de-
artment , where he was soon joined by
ustice Miller , of the United States su-
ireme court. The assistant secretaries ,
hiefs of the several bureaus of the de-
artment , and other officials were intro-
nced by General Vilas. Justice Miller
lien administered the oath , after which
liose present offered their congratula-
The newly qualified cabinet officers
ad little opportunity to attend to offi-
ial business this afternoon , as they
ere engaged in receiving a continuous
ue of callers.
Assistant Secretaries Thomson and
Taynard had a special interview with
ecretary Windom this afternoon , and
laced their resignations at his disposal ,
liey informed him of .their willingness
> assist him in the performance of his
fficial duties nntilhp completes.tho or-
anization of ib'ejde partmentinTaccord-
tico with his own wishes , and therefore "
icy would continue at their desks until
le successors were selected. Windom
jplied that ho appreciated theirkind-
ess and would not act upon their resig-
ntions until he had conferred with the
resident on the subject ' :
. -f * * * ' " i * ,
jgjj Jd t. i , i.l' ' ) .i | . . . . An. . I'll. . II " " " * ' | M *
* ? , !
lw 4t f > / iht Upper n < * Zopur Mrmnei
• f th * STekrtuka , j tmbiti.
In the senate"on tho 2nd tho followinj
( b'lls were passed : Senate Files , Nob
71,140,1C5,178 , 179 , and 188. Senat. .
File No. 71 , by Mr. Dern , provides tha
la all actions for libel , slander , maliciou
prosecution , assault , assault and bat
tery , false imprisonment , criminal con
versation , seduction , action for nui
sance , or against a justice of tho peac <
for misconduct in office , if the damage
assessed bo under $5.00 , tho plaintif
shall not recover costs. Senate Fill
No. 140 makes it lawful to bring actioi
for loss upon any policy of insurance a
anytime within five years. Mr. No
wall's bill. No. 179 , makes it tho duty o
tho auditor to detach coupons fron
school bonds printed for registratioi
which shall become due before tho firs
taxes are levied to meet the same. Thi
object is to provide for the payment o
tho first coupons on the class of bondi
and will enhance their value on the mar
ket. In the house on motion of Mi
Sweet the McBride committee on em
ployes was discharged. Mr. Collin
moved to discharge the Hariiptom com
Tnittee also. The lost motion wai
tabled. The house then went into com
mittee of tho whole on tho Olmstead
election law. After discussion the bil
was recommitted. Mr. Brink's bill fo :
tho relief of union soldiers , sailors , anc
marines , and tho indigent wives , widowi
and minor children , of indigent .or do
ceased union soldie rs , sailors , and ma
rines was recommended for passage ,
The house then adjourned until Mon
In the senate on the 5th tho slate wa
cleaned by passing all the bills recom
mended by the committee of tho wholi
except tho bill to suppress bucket shops
which was lost by a vote of 14 eyes t <
18 nays. The most important measure !
passed were Baymond's banking bill am
the Neligh normal school bill. The res
olution for a constitutional amendmen
increasing tho supreme court to five
members was recommendediorpassage
Lindsay's amendment to the revenue
law was approved. It directs the state
board of equalization to examine anc
compare the various count3T assessment !
and then make a just and equitable ap
portionment of the aggregate amount o :
state tax to be raised by each county ,
The bill is intended to correct the irreg
ularities of the present per centage sys
tern , under which the counties with alow
assessed valuation escape paying a fail
share of the state taxes. In the house
the report of the committee of the whole ,
recommending the passage of the bill
providing for the assessment of railroad
lands in Valley , Greeley , Howard , Web
ster and other counties , was agreed to ,
and the bill recommended for passage.
The following items for the expenses
of .the executive were , allowed : Foi
postage , $400 ; books , blanks and print
ing , $800 ; stationary , $500 : telegraph ,
telephone and express , $400 ; furniture
and repairs , $500 ; house rent , $2,000 ;
contingent fund , $5,500. Delanev
moved to strike out the item for house
rent , but it was lost The appropriation
for the support of the adjutant general's
office was taken up. Cameron moved
to strike out the item for $40,000 for
support of the state miliatia. Bortis
moved to make the amount $20,000 , and
Caldwell $35,000. Both amendments
were lost , and the motion to strike out
carried by a vote of 44 to 40. A small
claim of Pawnee county for costs in col
lecting state taxes was allowed. Stout's
claim for $47,000 for extras in putting
up tho capitol building was discussed at
length and reported book with • favora-
nip reoumtnmdation.
In the senate on the Gth , the South
Omaha charter , as amended by Kansom ,
passed without opposition. The senate
passed nine of the bills recommended
for passage in committee of the whole.
The most important was Jewett's bill re
lative to tho ownership of Nebraska
lands bynon-resident aliens and foreign
corporations , tho constitutional amend
ment increasing the supreme court , and
Lindsay's bill equalizing the apportion
ment of tho state taxes among the coun
ties. The committee of the whole ap
proved Beardsley's bill increasing the
term of register of deeds to four j'ears ,
and Bansom's bill making nine hours a
legal day's labor. In the house the
Omaha charter bill was put on its
final passage and received ninety-three
votes. The following bills passed :
authorizing any religious sect , fire com
pany , literary , scientific or benevolent
association to elect three trustees to
transact its business. Senate file 2 , the
Howe bill , prohibiting non-residents
from exercising police powers. The
Weber bill , requiring the listing by
railroad companies of all their property
for taxation , was taken up and passed
ayes 79 , _ nays 4. Baker's registration
bill requiring all voters in towns and
cities of 1,000 inhabitants and over to
register previous to each general elec
tion was passed. A bill providing that
the county board of each county shall
levy a tax of not to exceed three-tenths
of a mill , for the relief and burial ex
penses of indigent soldiers and sailors
also passed.
Li the senate on the 7th Nos. 49 and
50 and senate file Nos. 2 2 and 205 were
recommended for passage. The South
Dmaha charter bill was reconsidered ,
imeuded with recommendation for pas
sage. The news of the death of C. W.
[ lays , one of the members of the house
: rom York county , having been receiv-
; d , the senate then took a short recess
mt of respect to his memory. The sen-
ite in the afternoon passed senate file
Sos. 22 , 151 , 191 and house roll Nos. 49
tnd 50. No. 191 provides for assistance
n the office of ro ister of deeds , fixing
he salaries tliat may be retained for
leputies and clerks at $1,200 per year
tnd $60 per month for copyist in cities
mving more than 60,000 inhabitants ,
vhilo in those under 00,000 the deputy
; an receive bnt $1,000. The salary of
he register is placed at $2,500 per year
n cities having more than 60,000 at $2 , -
• 00 in cities having from 25,000 to 60,000
uhabitants ond $1,500 in communities
laving less than 25,000 population. All
ees received in excess of salary and nec-
issary deputy and clerk hire must be re
timed into the treasury. In the house
Jr. Olmstead waived the consideration
if house roll No. 449 , his meat inspector
> il ] , _ on account of the resolutions re-
: arding the death of Eepresentative
lavs , brought it up again and moved
hat it be placed on general file. The
notion carried. House roll No. 206 ,
ompelling railroad companies to build
nd maintain fences , wns reported with
tie amendments submitted by the com-
littee , without recommendation. It
ros placed on the general file. House
oil No. 425 was reported with the rec-
mmendation that it be not passed. No.
42 by Bohacek , was reported adverse-
r , bnt on motion of the introducer it
• as placed on general file. It regnlates
lie charges for Pullman and drawing
Dom car service. No. 456 was recom-
lended to pass as amended. This bill
rovides for the incorporation of trades
nions and similar associations. No. 848
as placed on general file , as wns also
\o. \ 246. It fixes the commissions of
jal estate agents at 5 per centffof tho
mount of the sale. ' Under it no agent
in sell to himself. If he brings tho
arties together ho is entitled to his
ammision. If an agent brings a ens-
imer who offers the price asked by
io seller , he may receive the commis-
on. ,
IWfKuiTTrWrfci < ji iirfci < fim rii M * * * * ' "lT fi l imM"i * fn&n w " ,
agH5S itBWispa % ? r tes stf6sSi c ;
* i 7 I „ '
ft *
President Harrison Mends HU First Xestag
io th * Henate. '
President Harrison on the 5th sent t <
the senate the following nomination !
and they were confirmed :
Secretary of State James G. Blaine
of Maine.
Secretary of the TreasuryWillian
Windom , of Minnesota.
Secretary of War Bedfield Proctor
of Vermont
Secretary of the Navy Benjamin F
Tracy , of New York.
Secretary of the Interior John W
Noble , of Missouri.
Postmaster General John Wana
.maker , of Pennsylvania.
Attorney General W. H. H. Miller
of Indiana.
Secretary of Agriculture Jeremial
Busk , of Wisconsin.
Long before noon every seat anc
standing place in the' galleries of the
senate chamber was filled and the stain
and corridors were packed with people.
After the reading of the journal Mr ,
Edmunds reported that the committee
which was appointed yesterday to wail
on the president of the United State :
and inform him of the meeting of the
senate in extraordinary session had per
formed that duty and had been informed
by the president that he would , earlv
tp-day , commuuicate with tho senate in
Mr. ' Cockrell offered fl resolution
( wliiclrwas laid over ) for the appoint
ment of a committee of five senators on
methods of business in the executive
departments and causes of delay in the
transaction of business.
Mr. Stewart offered a resolution de
claring it to bo the sense of the senate
that the business interests of the coun
try require the purchase by the secre
tary of the treasury of $3,000,000 worth
of silver bullion per month for coinage.
Laid over.
Mr. Blair presented the credentials ol
Mr. Marston , appointed by the governor
of New Hampshire to fill the vacancy
caused by the termination of Chandler's
term and the failure of the legislature
to elect a senator. The credentials were
read and "Marston took the oath.
In tho meantime Mr. Prudent , one of
the president's secretaries , had handed
in a message ( the cabinet appoint
ments ) , and on motion of Mr. Hale the
senate proceeded to consider them with
closed doors. The senate promptly con
firmed them all , and adjourned at
12:45 p. m.
The proceedings in the executive ses
sion of the sonate were of the most for
mal character. According to an almost
unbroken line of precedents the nomi
nations of members or ex-members of
the senate are confirmed without being
referred to committees. Blaine and
Windom being of this class. Vice Presi
dent Morton's question to them : "Will
the senate advise and consent to this ap
pointment ? " was answered affirmatively
by unanimous vote , and so as to all the
rest. There was no objection raised to
any of the names by any one.
The nomination of , members of the
cabinet was received with evident satis
faction by the great bulk of republicans
at the capital. Senator Allison was
asked what he thought of it , and re
sponded : "It is first rate. Tho closer
it is examined and the more the men
are studied the clearer it will appear
that President Harrison has done the
best thing possible. "
"What about Tracy ? "
"He's all right ; an excellent man.
I've known him twenty jears , and his
appointment will be entirely satisfactory
to the people of New York and of the
country at largo when they come to
know him. "
Senator Spooner , speaking r"y
Wisconsin member of the cabinet , said :
"Governor Busk's appointment will be
hailed with delight in the northwest , at
least. He wns reared upon a farm , and
is familiar with all the details of the pur
suit of the farmer. He has always been
connected with the agricultural societies
of his state and connt3r , and always man
ifested , both in public and private life ,
an active and intelligent interest in agri
culture. "
Business at a Standstill in Order to Givs
Tltem Welcome.
Washington dispatch : The white
house was the center of attraction to
day , and nearly all the visitors made it
a visit. Business was practically at a
standstill in all the departments pending
the change of official heads. Sightseers
streamed through the corridors and kept
tho clerks busy answering questions.
The day at the white house began
about 9 o'clock. The president and fam
ily did not finish their breakfast and
morning duties until that hour. A large
crowd was gathered about the gates and
it vas with difficulty that thej' were re
strained from forcing their way by the
guards. . The president came down about
10:15 and took his stand in the east room
to receive the stream of visitors. The
reception continued for several hours
with but few interruptions.
Colonel Yonng , executive clerk of the
senate , went to the white house about 2
p. m. , and delivered to President Harri
son in person the official notice of the
confirmation of tho cabinet by the sen
ate. It is expected that they will qual
ify to enter upon the discharge of their
duties to-morrow morning. Blaine ,
Windom and .Proctor had brief inter
views with the president this morning.
Chelate republican committee of no-
tiGcation called upon the president by
special appointment at 11:30 : a. m. , and
lfterwards on Vice President Morton.
General Harrison's old regiment , the
Seventieth Indiana , was accorded a pri
vate reception at 2 o'clock this after
noon. General Beaver and staff were
received shortly after.
The president continued his reception
ip to 3:30 : o'clock and shook hands with
thousands of persons , including mem-
jers of the many military and civic or
ganizations. Secretary Blaine came in
rith the rest of the crowd and stopped
' or a short chat with the president.
Ie was recognized by the wait-
ng throng and as he left the house was
jiven quite an ovation. Another con-
ipicuous visitor was Eepresentative Ban-
iall , who called with the Pennsylvania
organization. General Barnum , of New
tTork , and staff and Governor Hoard and
taff were also among the visitors. At
1:30 o'clock the gronnds were still
hronged. The reception closed for the
lay ami those in waiting were informed
hat as it was impossible for the presi-
[ enfc to shake hands with them all , he
ronld come on the porch and review
hem as they passed along. This an-
touncement was well received , and the
rowd formed in line and marched
cross the portico while the president
food in the doorway bowing his ac-
: nowled ements of their salutations ,
leveral organizations were in the line
bus reviewed.
Inauguration Celobrntor Killed.
Cairo HI. ) dispatch : _ Charles Wiel ;
: as instantly killed and-Georgo.Schock , . '
ros dangerousl } ' wouhded"yesterday at
hilconda , a small river town near here. :
! hese men , with several others , were ;
ring a cannon in honor of President ]
farrison's inauguration , when the can3 3
on was discharged premrtnrely with ,
xtal result J i
• • / "
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A Great Tttrong to IfltnesM and to TaH <
fart in tlf Ctrettfttiesm
"With simple and uolemn ceremony , ii
the presence of all the wisdom am
authority embodied in tho co-ordinat
branches of the government , and sui
rounded by representatives of all tin
great nations on the globe , Benjamii
Harrison was on the 4th inducted int <
the highest office within the gift of tin
American people.
Nevor was such a crowd in Washing
ton before. It is estimated that half i
million strangers camped in the citj
Sunday night , filling every inch of tin
hotel and boarding house nccommoda
tions and drawing to tho full limit oi
private hospitality.
President-elect Harrison , accompanied
by the inauguration committee , wai
taken in closed carriages drawn by foil
grey horses to the white house aboul
half-past 10 o'clock. Tho rain , whicl
was pouring down in torrents , drove
many off the street and made sorry worl
of the decorations. Arrived at the
white honse , Mr. Harrison was received
by Mr. Cleveland , and the cabinet ii
tho blue parlor , rfhere they were joinet
by Mr. MortojAt 11 o'clock , Cleve
land , Harrison and Morton took carri
ages for the capitol. Hero seats were
reserved on the floor for Cleveland ,
Harrison , Morton , ex-President Hayes
ex-Vice President Hamlin , state-gov
emors , diplomato corps , the supreim
court , etc.
At one minute to 12 f/aptain Basset
announced the preside// the United
States aud a great IrasV. fell upon the
President Cleveland entered arm-in
arm with Senator Cockrell followed bj
tho members of his cabinet taking seaU
near the clerk's desk , the assemblage
standing until they were seated.
General Harrison , on the arm of Sen'
ator Hoar , walked with his companion
to a seat provided at President Clove-
land's right , tho audience again arising
to its feet The same ceremony was re
peated with Vice President-elect Mor
ton. Before taking his seat he was
pworn in by Speaker Ingalls , who walked
arm-in-arm with Senator Cullom.
At 11:39 : the president pro tern , Mr.
Ingalls , rose and closed the Fiftieth con
Immediately upon the relinqnishment
of the chair by Senator Ingalls , Vice
President Morton ascended the forum
and c * ted the senate of the Fifty-first
congiv a to order in special session.
Mr. Morton spoke as follows :
"Senators : I shall enter on the dis
charge of tho delicate and important
duties of the position to which I have
been called by the people of the United
States without experience as a presiding
officer , nnd.therefore bespeak in advance
the indulgent consideration which you
have been alwa3's ready to extend to the
occupant of the chair. As the presiding
officer of the senate it will be my en
deavor to administer the rules of proce-
dure with entire fairness and to treat
every senator with tho courtesy and
consideration duo at all times to the
representatives of the great states.
I hope our official and per
sonal relations will prove mu
tually agreeable , and that our duties
win" be discharged in a manner to main
tain the dignity of the senate and to add
to the prosperity and happiness of this
# reat nation. "
After the swearing in of new mem
bers Vice President Morton announced
that the senate would proceed to the
platform at the east ond of the capitol
to witness and participate in the cer
emonies of the inauguration of the pre&
ident-elect of tho United States.
When the cheering had partially sub
sided , Chief Justice Fuller arose and
bared his white locks to the rain. He
had a bible in his right hand , ready to
administer tho oath of office. General
Harrison and Sergeant-at-Arms Canady
also removed their hats. It was a most
impressive scence. Standing with un
covered heads in the midst of a pelting
rain storm , the chief justice and
president-elect , surrounded by high
officers of state , and in the presence oi
an immense multitude of citizens , faced
each other with bowed heads , while the
former read the oath of office in alow
tone of voice. At the conclusion of the
reading the president , with his right
hand clasping the bible , bowed his head
in assent. Silenced marked this pro
ceeding , and when it ended there was
another tremendous burst of applause.
The cheering which followed the cer
emony having at length subsided some
what , President Harrison drew from his
pocket a roll of manuscript , and aftei
adjusting his spectacles , began readinf
his inaugural address.
Vice President Morton and Mrs
Morton were present during a part c-
the ceremony , but the latter fainted in
the throng and was removed to the vice
president's room in the senate , where
she quickly revived and was taken
The delivery of the speech was fre
quently marked by loud applause and
snouts of approval. At the close of the
address there was a great outburst of
applause , during which the president
turned around and kissed his wife and
Forty thousand men were in line in
the procession. Forty-eight years ago
William Henry Harrison , on his white
horse , headed a procession of 4,000 pat
riots on the same route. At that day
Admiral Porter ( then a lieutenant ) said
it was the finest pageant in the world.
At night the great conrt of the pen
sion building was ablaze with light and
color , and to the seductive music oi
great orchestras thousands glided
through the movements of the dance o-
strolled in the corridors and prome
nades , admiring and contributing to th #
marvellous beauty of the 66eute. Pres
ident and Mrs. Harrison arrived in the
ball room about 10 o'clock and 'made r
tour of the hall amid great enthusiasm.
Windom Assumes Charge.
Washington dispatch : Secretary Win-
lom assumed active charge of the treas-
iry department to-day. Ho was busy
rith callers most of the day and found
[ ifficulty in the transaction of theneces-
ary routine business of the department ,
le informed an associated press report-
r that the purchase of bonds would be
ontinned for the present , at least , and
dded that he had not time to give the
ubject proper consideration.
The FIrtmhean club of Minneapolis ,
ccompanied by a number of prominent
linnesota men. were received by Sec-
stary Windom this afternoon. Com-
limentary speeches were made bj * Sen-
tor Washburn , Eepresentative Lind ,
ad others. Secretary Windom , in a
; w appropriate words , acknowledged
le houor conferred npon him , and the
sception ended amid mnch enthusiasm.
Catherine Taylor , of Troy , N. Y. , a :
idow about 50 j'ears of age , was bru-
dly murdered in her bed at her home i
ith an ax. The assassin is unknown ,
" er son William , aged 25 , is under poi i
ce surveillance . * v _
A young lad } ' of Orlando , 'Fla. , is tho
roud owner of a large Thomas cat which \
an expert bird catcher. His style of
anting is peculiar and decidedly origij j
ii. Ho has learned to imitate the notes j
' birds , and in that wa } ' entices them s
ifchin his reach. ' ]
* i"
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Trxl of the tiill Likely to Jtecomn a Law if
Lincoln ( Nob. ) dispatch : 'Tho es
sonco of tho bill to introduce tho Aus
tralian system of voting as approved bj
tho lower Nebraska house , is as follows
Section 1. All. ballots as hcreinaf
ter provided shall be presented and dis
tribnted at public expense. In munioi
pal elections tho city pays tho expense
in all others the county.
Section 2 provides for nominations bj
political parties recognizing nny partj
that polled 1 per cent of tho vote at the
last election.
Sections 8 , 4 and 5 provide for th <
certifying of tho candidates to tlu
proper officers ; state officers to tho sec
retary of state , aud all others to the
county clerk.
Section 6 prohibits any person fron :
joiuiug in tho nomination of more thai
one candidate for tho samo office.
Section 7 reqnires tho secretary pi
stato and county clerk to preserve all
certificates of nomination.
Section 8 requires tho certificates tc
bo filed in the office of secretary of state
not less than twonty nor moro than
forty days , and with tho county clerl
not less than fifteen nor more than thirtv
days before election.
Section 10 requires tho county clerli
to publish the names of all tho candi
dates in two newspapers of opposite poli
tical faith at least soven days before the
Section 11 provides for the posting of
lists of the candidates at least one week
before election.
I Sections 1G to 18 provide for tho print
ing and distribution of tho ballots by
the county clerk.
Section 10 provides that errors and
omissions may bo corrected.
Section 20 provides that tho law shall
only apply to cities of tho first and me
tropolitan classes.
Section 21 provides that the officers on
whom is imposed the duty of designat
ing polling places ? shall provide a suffi
cient number of booths or compart
ments not less than one to each fifty
voters wherein each elector shall pre
pare his ballot while screened from ob
servation , and a guard rail shall bo so
placed that only one person can ap
proach to within five feet of tho ballot-
box at a time ; also that each political
party may have one challenger within
the railing.
Section 23 provides that tho judges
of olection shall designate one judge
and one clerk who shall deliver ballots
to qualified electors after writing their
names or initials on the back of each.
Section 24 requires tho voter , on re
ceiving his ballots , to retire into ono of
the booths or compartments and mark
his ballot , placing an X or cross oppo
site the names of the candidates for
whom ho desires to vote.
Section 25 provides that not more
than one person shall occupy a booth at
the same time , and allows each voter
not to exceed ten minutes in which to
prepare his ballot.
Section 2G provides that when any
elector declares that he is unable to pre
pare his ballot for lack of ability to
read the English language , ho may
bring with him ono person of his own
selection to assist him in preparing his
ballot It also prohibits anv person
from divulging to anyone within tho
polling place the name of tho candidate
for whom he proposes to vote.
Section 27 prohibits a judge from de
positing mi } ' ballot on which the names
or initials of the ballot clerks do not ap
Section 28 requires tho county and
city clerks to print and post notices in
large letters for the instruction of elec
tors in preparing their ballots.
Section 29 declares all ballots not
properly filled out , or that do not con
tain the indorsement of the ballot clerks ,
void , and shall not be counted.
Section 30 prohibits any person from
defacing or destro3'ing any certificate of
nomination or forgo or falsely make any
official indorsement on any ballot
Section 31 provides that no person ,
during the progress of an election , shall
deface or destroy any of the conveniences
furnished the voter to aid him in pre
paring his ballot.
Sections 32 and 33 provide that any
public officer on whom any duty is im
posed by this act , who shall fail to per
form his duty shall be guilty of a mis
demeanor , and on conviction thereof
shall forfeit his office , and fixes the fur
ther penalty of imprisonment in the
penitentiary or county jail not less than
six months nor more than three years.
Section 35 prohibits officers from do
ing any electioneering on election day ,
and reqnires all persons to remain at
least 100 feet away from the polling
It further provides that no elector
Bhall show his ballot to anjperson , or
remove any ballot from the polling
place before the closing of the polls , or
receive a ballot from any one but the
ballot clerks , and he is required to re
turn all ballots that are not used.
A Complication With Colombia.
Boston Dispatch : A complication has
irisen between the United States of
America and the United States of Col-
jmbia. The schooner Mattie A. Frank-
in left Boston January 8 for Aspinwall ,
vith a cargo of ice. She arrived there
Tanuary 25 , and after discharging thirty
: ons was prohibited from landing the
• est by the Colombian government , and
vas put under police surveilance until
eaving the port The Colombian govern-
nent had advertised for bids for the ex-
ilnsiyo right to sell ice in Columbia , and
he right was awarded to a home com-
ianj' . At Aspinwall and Freeport the
iction of the Colombian government is
leemed a violation of the treaty with
; he United States. The monopoly
secured bj' the Colombian firm began
February 1 , and on that tlajthe doors
> f the Boston ice company , which has
inrried on business there and at Panama
or more thau twenty-five 3ears , were
ilosed aud guarded bthe police. The
tore liouse of the company contained
everal hundred tons of ice.
Secretary Bayard has notified the
Jolombioiv government that the action
3 deemed by the United States a viola-
ion of the rights guaranteed by treaty ,
'he United States steamers Ossippee
nd Atlanta were dispatched to Aspin-
rall , but at the latest advices had done
othing to affect a settlement. The
Jnited States consul at Aspinwall has
een notified b3' Secretary Bayard that ;
srce.fs not authorized against the Col-
mbian government The action of the ;
lolombian authorities has been pecu1 1
arty harsh throughout. The Colom-
iaus are ver3' defiant and say the Uni- ,
; d States has not the ability to coerce .
lem. :
Danger of an Indian Uprising j
Helena ( Mont. ) special : The Eort- ]
ai Indian assaulted by Clifford and [
unningham at Flathead Lake , has died ,
id there is intense excitement among
io tribes and danger of an uprising and
atbreak. Serious results will ensue S
nless they are speedily arrested. _ Tho I '
ither of the dead boancT ihe chief of'
le tribe have announced their intention
kill Clifford at all hazards. Major I
onan , the agent at Arlee , is endeavor- ' \
ig to prevent the Indians from carry-1 C
lg out their threat under a promise of j C
Testiujr Clifford and Cunningham and ! 3
ttiug the law take its course. "
. - - -
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A fartff of French TaurUtB Murdered b\r tJ & * \
Indians In tha YeUowKene tarte and Zeft & I
to WeUtt. ' - * f I
Choyenno ( Wyo. ) special : A half- 'rgj
breed hunter and trapper who arrived 3 |
hero from tho cxtromo northwestern I
quarter of tho territory , brings tidings
of tho atrocious mossacro of a party of * j
fivo French tonrists in Yollowstono na- , t
tional park. Tho bearer of tho new * j
heard tho story at Cation City , a new v't
mining town near tho park , when Hank \J is
Ferry , tho guido and sole survivor , re- %
ported tho slaughter. Ferry says his /
charges included E. Lcclairo and wife , ,
and Paul Gorot , father of Mine. Vincent
Ho entered tho service of tho sight-seors-
at Virginia City , Mont , contracting to
show them through tho park , iu viola- ;
tion of tho United States. Tho strang
ers were veri' wealthy and said they had
journe3'ed overland from San Francisco
for tho express purpose of taking in tho *
park during tho absence of tho horde of
summer excursionists. Tho party en- \
jo3'ed themselves hugely in the park , . •
affiliating with the poachers who {
woro slaughtering gamo for hides. i
Their camp was always headnuar- ,
tors for professional hunters whom „ * j
thoy supplied with luxuries. ' Jj
'run stoky ok the nunDEit. v
Tho guide's stor3' of tho murder , which \
he says was committed by Indians , is a. • )
most-graphic recital. Just before dawn > • ? * r • i
on the day of the murder blood-curdling" * f |
j'olls and a fusilade of shots were hoard * ' /
and aroused Ferry. He realized tho t
situation , and crawling through tho Ii
brush took refugo in tho mouthof a ' \
sleeping go3ser. _ Ho heard tho piteous r- *
groans and begging of the foreigners , 5
mingled with tho j'elling of tho redskins. i
Tho latter proceeded with the murders , i
and killed old Gerot just us the sun was * !
rising. Tho slaughter was most brutal. ,
Wound after wound was inflicted beforo j
the death shot was given. No body con- .
taiucd less than ten bullets , and tho re- \ \
mains of Vincent , who mado a desperate
struggle for life , were riddled. The sav
ages passed the morning iu further mnti-
latinir the bodies aud pillaging their ont-
fit. The women wero neatty scalped
aud their long tresses , matted with i
blood , dangled from tho belts of tho ,
chief of the Indians. The heads of tho (
men wore hacked and their bodies
frightfully disfigured.
inn liquok was snonr. j
The Indians found a store of liquor-
carried 1 > 3 * tho Frenchmen , but tho
quantity was not sufficient to intoxicate
them all , else the3' would doubtless havo i
fought among themselves. Tho clothes
of tho victims wero donned by tho
fiends , who , as they ran from one wagon
to another , would halt a moment to givo I
one of tho bodies a kick or a gash with ( , '
a kilife. Finally the murderers wearied '
of their bloody feast , and packing tho 1
effects of the dead people on their
horses , set fire to the wagons and left.
Ferry , who was nearty ( lead with fright , . j
emerged from his hiding place when . >
the Indians had departed , and at once l
started for Caii3'on City , tho nearest <
settlement He avoided tho hunters in y
the park , and must havo suffered from * .
hunger and exposure , as ho was weak ,
emaciated and seemed slightly dement
ed when relating the terrible story. [ .
The guide was placed in the euro of a { |
physician , but he disappeared tho sec- '
ond night after his arrival and has not *
been seen since. It is presumed he is
craz3 % s he started to the scene of tho \
massacre Officers at Cauj'on City havo 'J
organized a posse to secure the bodies
of the murdered people , and if possible ,
avenge their death. They will proceed ' |
with all possible haste , as the place is
isolated and wolves are liable to destro3
the remains before the park police or
tho hunters stumble on them. Ferry is
a tough character , but his story is be-
lieved , although some of the miners M
think that the hide-hunters who are
mostty outlaws , ma3' have murdered the
tourists for robbery.
Public Building Appropriations. I
Washington dispatch : During the FifT M
tieth congress , just ended , nearly $10 , -
000,000 were appropriated for the con- I
straction and improvement of public I
buildings. Appropriations for like pnr- I
poses bthe congress immediately' pre- 1
ceding the Fiftieth ranged from $0,000 , - 1
000 to 69,000,000. _ Tho public building J
bills introduced in the house alone dur- I
ing the first session of the Fiftieth pro- M
posed appropriations aggregating $42-
041,000 , and the committee on public 9
buildings gave its sanctions to bills car- a
ryiug appropriations ranging from $50 , - M
000 up to several millions , aggregating
$15,714,000. About one-half of these 1
bills passed both houses of congress dur"l
ing the first session , while during the il
second session the aggregate appropria- 11
tion for public buildings was about ( I
$3,000,000. Jl
Thegold excitement in Lower Cali- M
brnia , near Ensenada , is increasing , /
ind many people are flocking from San \ m
Diego to the gold fields. Work on tho W
jii3'amaca , San Diofio & Eastern rail-
oad is stopped , the workmen leaving in ( jfl
i body for the mines. Tho steamers be- ffl
ween San Diego and Ensnada havo M
Ionbled rates , but the rash continues jfl
md stages are now running overland /
! arr\'ing many passengers direct for the jl
nines. jfl
totatinn * from Kete York , Chicago , Omaha * fl
and Klsexcherc. 9
OMAHA. 'jfl '
Vheat No. 2 8G ( ZJ 86 % fl
ton.N No. 2 mixed 19 @ 19J $ H
) atb No 2 99 tr& Q"\ * s\W
ivE 28 @ 28 M
JliTTEn Creamery „ 24 ( § > 26 M
JuTiEn Choice roil 17 @ 19 | IH
faas Fresh 11 @ 12 - jH
JmcKENB dreased 9 @ 11 jfl
. u Uhtii A. A
o • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • \ 7 flH
< emonb Choice , perbox. . . 3 00 @ 4 00 fl
Iiunqes Per box. . . . . . . . . . . . 3 25 @ 4 00 'fl '
I.NioNfl Per bu 50 | 55 jfl
'otatoes 35 @ 40 | fl
"crnips Per bu 20 @ 25 -fl
pples Per bbl 2 50 @ 3 35 ftfl
Ieans Navies 210 @ 2 20 ( jfl
i'ooi. Fine , per tb 16 @ 18 , fl
[ o.n-ev 15 @ 16 Ifl
hopped Feed Per ton..l2 00 @ 13 00 fli
[ ay Bailed 4 00 @ 6 00 jfl
iocs Mixed packing. . . . . . . . 4 40 @ 4 45 Jfl
oas Heavy weights. . . . . . 4 45 @ 4 5f ifl
eeves CTioice steers. . . . . * . 3 00 @ 3 50 jfl
seep Choice Western. . . . . 3 75 @ 4 15 jfl
riiEAT No. 2 red 97 @ 99 9
3UN No. 2 46 @ 46 <
ats Mixed western. . . . . . . . . 30 @ 30JJ .fl
* "D 7 25 @ 7 50 M
liKAT Per bushel 1 04 @ 1 04 < fl
nm Per bushel „ . . 34 @ 34 } ffl
ats Per bushel 25 @ 25& ' |
ikd 6 50 @ 6 75 fll
oqs Packing shipping. 4 50 @ 4 80 fll
tile Stockera 2 20 @ 3 40 BJ
ieep Natives 3 50 @ 5 25 jH
ST. LOUIS. ' 9
heat No. 2 red cash. . . . . . 96 ® 96& 9
nx Perbuahe ! 27 ® 28 - V
its Per bushel . ; „ , 24 @ - . ? 27 v jfll
sus Mixed paekiug . . . . : : ; 4 404 60 fll
ttle Feeders „ 1 75 @ 3 00 fl
fieat Per bushel 93 @ 93& , fl
RK rer bushel 24 @ 25 !
ts Per bushel. . . . . . . . . 21 © 23 , . 'S
nus Stockers &feedsrs. 1 60 3 3 90 ] S
ai Good tc sbolcs i IS ( LiS jM
! |
. . . . < " - - - , - > i [ summmm\\\\\m\\\\\\\\\\ \
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