The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 22, 1889, Image 4

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    I IHl y ' - -C a ' * , ' * > . * . • - * v <
BBBBBBWf ' • ' ' - * i : J. " ? v l\ * f
H fie Jlcftmifc pkp.
B Official City and County Paper.
BB B Bf *
H That day has an unusually frigid us *
H poet when McBrido of tho lower house
g fails to introduce a bill.
H Of GOO bills on tho calendar bub two
B were disposed of , last week. The Nebj
H raska legislature is a rather expensive
R museum , raeseems.
j "It is not known" , " says Walt. Mason ,
R ( ( what kind of soup Mr. Cleveland will
j be dumped into in March , but when he
K ib fairly in it will doubtless be vegetable
BBH BOUp. " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
B "Tn Omaha Herald discloses a dis-
B graceful condition of affairs among the
B boy and girl pages at Lincoln. "Where
H ! is Morrisscy and his investigating com-
H > mittee ?
BBBBe i n
m The democratic mis-managers of the
B interior department continue to suspend
Hj proofs upon the smallest provocation.
B But consolation may be drawn from the
B briefness of tenure of office.
B John Majors , of McCook , a promin-
Hj cnt aspirant for the United States land
Hj office at that place , is in Lincoln. If
Hj credentials can do the work John ought
B to get there. Thursday's Bee.
h It is now definitely settled that Neb-
H raska will not officially be represented
H at the New York celebration over the
H centennial of Washington's inaugura-
H tion to the tune of twenty thousand dol-
H ' There is this one distinct difference
H between the temperance advocate and
H the liquor man : For former has for
H his motto : "For God and Home and
K Native Land. " The latter for his :
H "Selfishness. "
H Hon. James Laird's health is im-
H proving so rapidly that he has decided
H to return to Washington with Senator
B Mandcrson , to-day. This will be good
H news to his many friends both in Neb-
H raska and in the east.
B The terrible disaster of the boiler ex-
H plosion , accompanied by great loss of
B life , in a prominent hotel at Hartford ,
B is a significant warning of the dangers
B from unsafe boilers and incompetent or
B careless engineers.
B As the spring time comes the towns
B of Nebraska are aronsing for the boom
B which is as certain as the day of. judg-
B ment. Prom many towns throughout
B the state comes the news of an awaken-
B ing almost unprecedented.
B As a hair curling roaster Mr. ex-
B Commissioner Edgerton must be pro-
B nounced a glittering success , If Mr.
H Cleveland has any appreciation of a
H | hard hit he must feel pretty well used
H | up after reading the colonel's literary
B effusion.
H * To-DAT is Washington's birthday ,
HE [ and it is one of the better signs of the
HI times that the observance of the day is
M becoming more general. It is well that
m the American people have a reverence
H | for the memory of the men whose lives
m and actions did so much to insure the
H greatness of the republic. The birth-
H days of Washington , Lincoln and Grant
H should be observed in every American
M community where patriotism is counted
H one of the cardinal virtues.
flf Senator Coke has been talking four
II days in an attempt to prove that eleci
I tions in the south are as fairly conduct-
I ed as in the north. Just now the south-
I em shotguns are silent , because polls
II are closed , but if an election were in
II progress * the reports of these guns
II would completely drown the most fiery
II period of eloquence of which Senator f
U Coke is capable. So long as the southl
H em negro wantsto vote and is not al-
H lowed to vote , Coke can talk till black-
H er in the face than his oppressed brethJ J
B ren , and he will convince no one.
H ' h
H PnOii the earliest old testament times the t
H men and women have danced sometimes for t
B fun and of times in devotion. The merry maid s
H" in Solomon's tripped tho ligbt fantastic toe in &
B : tho presence of his magniflcent court , assemi'
H- - bled in honor of the visiting Queen of Sheba. f
H * King David danced before the ark , and the °
H ladies of Palestine arc pictured on canvas ,
Br' ' many a time , and oft doing the double shuffle 0
B' ' ' or posing in graceful terpsichorean attitude. d
B The men and women of the earth dance just
H ' as much to-day as ever , and the men and _
H women of New York , not content with private t
| ; exercises of this nature spend enormous sums j
| - ' of money , and And delightjn exhibiting thorn- =
B selves in public places. Some do it for charity ,
| some , hereby celebrate anniversaries , but the t
B' great multitude go in for fun. t
B : " fl
- * General Solicitor Blythe of the Burlingd
H ton system announces that be has been noti-
Ht , fled by theIllinoisrailroad commissioners that t
| ; they will not suffer the Iowa local rates to be ,
B' ' lower than their own and he says that the in-
- ti
I , . evitable result will be the adoption of the Iowa
I" ' schedule in all other western states. This he
m ? says will bankrupt all the roads. The Burlingt
| ; ; ton according to his statement must bend to
Mf the storm and strip itself of all necessary sails.
Ify * . Its first move will bo for the abolition of all
I- " * ' local passenger trains which have been run
for the accommodation of the people at a loss.
L. . ; Probably this reform in the interests of econ-
& ' - omy will begin in Towo. . ,
migr •
| The movement in the Minnesota legislature G
mf to appropriate § 100,000 for the purchase of t ]
If ? seed wheat for farmers this spring gives a "
| . " ' glimpse of suffering In that state. There is "
* | / reason to believe that the situation Is much "
| ; - worse in some parts of Dakota. The inquiries
* ' ; made by relieving committees have brought
out the fact that ttie wheat harvest on many
farms was a complete failure , and tho reports
fromwarehousesshowthataconsiderablepart •
of what was harvested was good for so little as
to have been scarcely worth the trouble of
cutting and sending to market. "
Mb. Cleveland's friends have always claim
ed that a wonderful amount of backbono was
one of bis chief qualifications. Dut it seems
that tho delay in action on the direct tax bill
I is duo to his cowardice. He dare not sign tho w
bill because bis southern advisers have came
down with an emphatic "No , " and yet bo hard
ly bos courage to veto so just a measure.
out of the dilemma be
Hence as the best way q
has urged his friends to lillbuster against tho 2
Passage of the bill until it can die iu bis bands
k ' - without a direct veto. Grover's backbond
fyberobaBitgone ? i
' '
' "
• • ' "f
• ,
' . , y- ? ' :
smmtmmtjutm i hi wmmw a
List of Patents.
Jollowing wo givo n list of patents , recently
received nt tho McCook U. S. Land Olllco , - ,
They may be secured by tho proper parties up
on surrender of receiver's receipt , duly enI
dorscd ;
2701 Albrecht , August SJCrj Knodol , Christian
2481 Androws , J. 11. ' 308'J Knyser , Kato A. It
2120 Alllngton Wtn. H. 3110 Keller , William
ai32 | Armstrong , D. A. 2073 Latham. Wtn. H.
2712 Ilrannnn , Jos. A. 2015 Lutz.Lizzio
2Ti.rB | Bracken. Chas. M. 2587 Larington , Emma
2f)34 Brehmer.l' .wlilow 2T,77 Lfndqufst , A. P.
2.52H Burton,41onryL. 2550 Lord , Andrew
2oOT Bagloy , John A. 2391 Lolbbraudt , Jacob
2495 • Ballard. Mitchel 2391 Laymon , J. M.
2154 Brown , Nancy E. 2781 Lamnrr , Wm. V.
2391 j ; Brown. Charles H. 2800 Lafferty , William
2373 I Brcwor , CharlesT. 2091 Linn. Lora
2309 Bryan. Samuel 3003 Long , SamuelD.
2337 Bell , William S. 2055 McKec. Hugh J.
2308 Darnes , Silas It. 2572 McLaln. Frank H.
2135 Butler , Alico 2523 McKolvoy. J. M.
2738 ! Boston , GcorgoH. 2183 Miller , Henry L.
2701 Burtch. George N. 2157 Moore. Thad. J.
2818 ; Booth , IMchard H. 2113 Mercier , Thomas
2858 : Boyd , Charles S. 2039 Mclntyro. William
2992 Briggs. James A. 2730 Mussey , Emmet
3002 ; Brunnich. William 2785 Moulton , H. C.
3091 Barnhart , Joseph 2793 McKinnoy , W.
3093 Barnhart , Henry 2824 McKelvey , Robert
3094 Burnhnrt , Jesse 2832 Moss , Wm.H.
3120 Baruckman , K. 2875 McCroskey , Solon
2C04 Clark , Harold 2879 Mlnton , Jerry E.
2081 Clark , David M. 2893 McCoy , John
2035 Cottrell , Ellas 2914 Montandon , A.
2021 Cowdon. John F. 3008 Miller , John P.
2017 Craw , Corydon C. 3005 Moffat , James
2014 CoIIIpan , Michael 3002 McAulcy , MuryC.
2000 Co.v , David 3107 Malkentin , Julius
2552 Clara , Craig 3149 Myers , Herman
2393 Cox. Eberu 2002 Nelson. Andrew
2173 Curran , Thomas 2938 Neill. ltobert H.
1970 Chamberlain , J. L. 3144 Niles , Gardner
2722 Chessman. F. F. 2080 Overman , J. M.
2892 Coltraln , S. B. 2499 Ormann. Phillip
2904 Clark , George W. 2179 Orcutt. Henry
2978 Cuddeback. A. W. 2709 O'Donnell. J. M.
3032 Clark. Hugh 2871 Osborne , Myrtu
2019 Dollard. M. J. 2050 Parker , Chas. N.
2580 DollofT. Janet S. 2033 Piper. Ella M.
2305 Davidson. John It. 5553 Plumb. Geo.T.
2329 Dyer. Dennis 2518 Pudjsett. Hobt.D.S.
2305 Dutcher. Eugene 2435 Poyser , Chns. T.
2123 Darner. Andrew J. 2401 Patterson , Mark
2050 Dee , Mary 2223 Patterson , M.
2731 Dunn , Wallace B. 2130 Petikan.John
2881 Dungan , Ellas 2795 Pulnrnr. A. J.
29M Duncan. Itobt. B. 2854 Porter. Chas. A.
2934 Dayton. Gnrris. S. 2917 Patterson , Ellen
3000 Duck. John B. 3051 Powers , Robt. W.
3075 Danber. Lawrence 3090 Powers , Mary J.
3115 Doing , Joseph C. 2593 Quadnor , F.
2079 Ellias , Bradford UG3G llldnour , S.P.
2208 Easterdas * . H. H. 2583 Radcllir , Thomas
3108 Everton , Geo. E. 2495 Rankin , Robt. H.
3140 Elvernd , Edwood 2225 Bobbins , Geo. W.
2290 Fetlers , Casper F. 2753 Roberts , George
3099 Fenton , Georgo A. 2772 Robinson. James
3155 Fuel , Francis 31. 2S7C Rosecrans. P. J.
2C.03 Glass , David M. 2918 Rowland , Thomas
2f51 Gillan. Robert li. 2998 Ran , Jakob F.
2503 Gue , Delia M * . 3007 Rose , Francis M.
2410 Gill , William 3024 Rittenhouso , S. B.
2100 Gurtloy. Henry 3033 Reffey , Henry P.
2742 Green , George H. 3070 Rogers. Silas M.
2810 Goncher , Stephen 2020 Stein , Henry
2800 George , James I. 2008 Secrcst , John Q.
2942 Gregrey , Sarah M. 2409 Sibbitt , Carlos C.
2971 Gardner , Robert 2419 Stabler. Geo. W.
3U53 Geragbty , Edwin 2412 Spain. William B.
3133 Gorin. John C. 2348 Segrist. John F.
2GS9 Hellman. Charles 2170 Scarborough , J.W.
2703 Hoard. Lucian E. 2749 Sullivan , Josiah
2045 Hurt , Samuel 2803 Signs , Charles E.
2G05 Hicks. Robert M. 2924 Stoniger , Com. P.
2573 Harmon , W. H. 2930 Starbuck.Alpheus
2570 Hemping. Darnel 3005 Smith. David W.
2532 Huestis. Henry M. 3052 Smith , John W.
2522 Hodgkin , F. A. 3123 Scott , James
2510 Hickman. C. wid. 3130 Sanderson. Carrie
2380 I Harsch , Henry 3140 Steele , Albert H.
2204 Hulzer , George 2713 Selby , Vernon D.
2174 : Hovey , L.D. 2022 Thomas.Benjamin
2128 Hein , Adam 2525 Taylor , William
2059 Hamm , Rebecca 2207 Thomas , Hudson
1970 Hall. Fred. L. 1973 Thurbcr , E. J.
2714 Hopkins. Stephen 1949 Tomlinson , L.
2700 Heradon. Andrew 2732 Tilgner , Henry
2787 Hamilton , Edgar 2811 Thomas.Adelia H.
2802 Haines , Jos. D. 2920 Thomas , Ora F.
2943 Hammond , C. H. 3122 Tate. Samuel
2G8 : ) Havlik , Rudolf 3139 Teal , Wilber F.
29S4 Hnstings , Geo. T. 2973 Wiswall , John M.
3097 ; Halstead.Florence 280S Walker. John S.
2033 Ibbitson , Martha 2765 Whisman , C. O.
3000 Jones , James 2155 Wilcox , Jos. E.
2999 i Jones , Robert 2270 Wallace , David H.
2937 Jones , Hiram H. 2378 Wacker , Paul
2584 Jones. JohnM. 2390 Walker , Wm. H.
2090 Jennings. Melyina 2409 Williams , H. L
2702 Kramer , Hermann 2509 Wilson , Allen W.
2701 Kroeger , J. heirs 2571 Waltz , Orvis ,
2400 : Kav , ZacheusL. ' 2700 Walker , John W.
2400 Kennedy , F. M. 12020 Wonder , Lorey M.
2728 Kelly. Gcerge J. [ 2708 Zimmerman. J. W.
Jamestown dress goods at
Rain the 11th inst. Nebraska redeeming
herself. _ . - .
Nelson Johnson , wasaoaller at Banksville ,
to-day. i
Charles White and D. B. Barnes are putting
in i wheat , to-day , the 13th inst.
What is the matter of Red Willow county ,
Neb.Vith ] such fine weather , where isthe
room for complaint ?
Question ? Does a nation have to accept a
man in congress , when the other man is killed
to < make room for said man ?
The Oatiksvillc farmers are on the lookout
for j seed wheat. The area sowed , this spring , r
will far exceed any former acerage of wheat t
here. i
Friday night , of tho loth , the spelling school * i
at. Banksville terminated well , in instructing
the young idea how to spell. Miss J. Lou |
Gates , teacher. 2
There was a lively gathering at James Hill's , v
tho evening of the 11th. A surprise gathering V
of his neighbors , who had a very sociable en-
tertainment. a
Banksville's P. M. bad a lively horseback j
ride recently , to scan the features of the inr.
dividual who was loading his corn and fodder , Jj
on his tree claim ? i of a mile from his homea
stead. He tells Observer that he was using o
his wind mill tower for a lookout , to keep
track of his stock in the stalk field , and ob
served the individual loading , and "Nasby'
hustled for his horse and made tho race for
identity. ' Be careful and not borrow corn and t
fodder from a man that has a wind mill , withn
out arranging with the owner.
Banksville and surrounding people were w
over at Pleasant Prairie school house , Satur6
day night , 10th , to learn if woman suffrage *
ought to be adopted , and learned from the elo- u
quent backers of that side and tho decision of M
tho ] judges that we ought to have such suffrage J .
in , Nebraska. Observer.
Tite western packers of canned goods at JJ
their | recent convention were urged to form a 0
trust ; in order to regulate their output and to p
Qx prices. The convention , however , wisely ? J
decided to leave the question of over-produc
tion to the judgmentof each individual pack-
er. These manufacturers were sufficiently
Icvel-hcadcd to see that free competition , al
though it lowers prices. Increases the conn
of their . Whereas
sumption goods. regulating j
the output arbitrarily through a trust raises w
the ] price , but cannot prevent a glut in the M
market. For as the price of canned goods w
goes up the consumption decreases , and overol
production would nevertheless stare the packT
ers in the face.
C : (
Judge Edgerton , recently removed from J |
the office of civil service commissioner , raised
Groverius' scalp in his farewell , open letter to ol
tho president , in a very clever , effectvqBtylo ; rt
leaving tho presidents''civil ' service record Bt
utterly bald-headed. " ti
- tc ;
Jamestown dress goods at " '
J. C. ALLEN &C0/S.
Those who prefer to have their cloth
ing "made to order , " and want them at ni
reasonable prices call and inspect our o
line of samples just received. A fit lo
guaranteed. THE FAMOUS. ° > '
.For Safe or Trade. <
I have a Norman stallion for sale , or j
evIII trade for land or cattle. lb
17. S. Wilcox. jjj
Hats of every description , color and
quality. THE FAMOUS. sh
Jamestown dress goods at an o
t-1J y | Mufc-fca ijit , " . ' • • ; ; y - - - -
. . , , , r iri , . .
II H.lVl ] ' - ' ' ' ' ' ' " "
1I I | 'I | l I ! Ill n
i. inn , nd. fiS.ilti ii ii fc.ii' ii rfc ym. ' .i .wir A . w . _ j * . . *
: Mr % % - . c . . . . ? %
" " Wewiirdpeh this week , tho largest
fantib4sfia&sptfipvn1of white goods
ever I shown in McCook.
- J. 07ALLEN & CO.
A good girl. Inquire of Geo. . E.
Johnston i at the
Farmers I
Avoid the spring rush and get your
plow ] repaired in time at Predmore Bros.
A Farm or City Loan , go to
F. L. Brown.
We hang all window shades free of
McCook Book & Stationery Co.
Notice ' of the Incorporation of the
Huddleston Lumber Company.
Notice is hereby given that tho Huddleston
Lumber Company has been Incorporated un
der , the laws of tho State of Nebraska. That
the name of tho corporation is tho Huddleston
Lumber Company. That tho principal place
of ; doing business is McCook , Red Willow Coun
ty , Nebraska. Tho general nature of the busi
ness of said corporation is the general lumber
business , nnd such other business as is usually
connected therewith. Tho authorized capi
tal 6tockof said corporation shall bo Forty
Thousand Dollars in shares of One Hundred
Dollars each , with tho privilege of increasing
said" capital upon a two-thirds vote of all the
stockholders , giving one vote to each share of
stock owned by said stockholder. Tho capital
of tho corporation shall be paid In upon the
call of the president of tho corporation. The
commencement of this corporation shall bo
the 1st day of January , A. D.,1889. and contin
ue during the period of ten years from said
date. The highest amount of indebtedness to
which said corporation shall at any time sub
ject itself , shall not exceed the sum of Fifteen
Thousand i Dollars. The business of said cor
poration shall bo conducted by a board of
directors , not to exceed five in number , to be
elected by tho stockholders. The officers of
this corporation , shall consist of a President ,
Vice-President , Secretary , and Treasurer.
Dated this 0th day of Feb. , 1889.
Chattel Mortgage Sale.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a
chattel , mortgage , dated February 0th , 1888 ,
executed , by Eugene Dunham to H. T. Ander
son , , deceased , to secure tho payment of a
certain , promissory note , dated February Cth ,
1888 , for the sum of § 80.00 , with interest at the
rate of 10 per cent , per annum from maturity ,
duo , and payable on August Hth , 1888 , and up
on , which uoto there is now due the sum of
S70.00 ; , with interest from maturity at tho rate
of , 10 percent , per annum ; and default having
been made in the payment thereof , and no
proceedings at law having been instituted to
recover ; said monoy , 1 will sell at public auc
tion , the following described goods , chattels ,
and , property , to-wit :
1 Spotted cow , white and red , 8 years old.
1 Red cow , white belly. 9 years old.
1 Red and white cow , 4 years old.
1 Red cow. * in forehead , 4 years old.
2 Roan heifers. 1 year old.
1 Morrison stirring plow.
1 Grand DeTure cultivator.
1 Morris breaker.
Said sale to take place on Main street , in the
city , of McCook , Red Willow county , Nebras
ka ] , on Saturday , March 2d , 1889. at 1 o'clock ,
P. M. W. O. Russell. Sheriff
(37) ( Of Red Willow County. Nebraska.
Road Notice to Land Owners.
The commissioner appointed to examine a
road commencing at a poiut21 chains. 75 links ,
west of S. E. corner Sec. 28 , Town. 4. Range 29 ,
in Box Elder precinct. Red Willow County.
Nebraska , running thence South 3 degrees , SO
minutes. West 12 chains.thence West 13 chains ,
thence South 14 chains.thence South 8 degrees.
J East 10 chains , thence South 3 decrees. East
20 chains.thence South 2degrees , east20chains ,
thence South 53 degrees , East 25 chains to Sec
tion line , thence West to S. W. corner Section
4 , Town. 3 , Range 29 , and terminating thereat ,
! has reported in favor of the location thereof ,
and all objections thereto or claims for dam
ages must be filed in the Counts' Clerk's office'
on or before noon of the 19th day of April , A.
D.18S9. \ or said road will be established without
reference thereto.
39-4ts. GEO. W. EOPER , County Clerk.
Dissolution Notice.
Notico is hereby given that tho co-partner
ship heretofore existing between John R. Cole
man , E. E. Coleman and George Coleman , un
der style of Coleman Bros. , has this day been
diesolved by mutual consent. George Coleman
retiring. Tho business will be continued by
John R. Coleman and E. E. Coleman , who
will pay all debts and collect all accounts of
the firm. JonN R. Coleman ,
E. E. Coleman ,
George Coleman.
McCook , Neb. , Jan. 1,1889.
Land Office at McCook , Neb. , I
February 10th , 1889. (
Notico is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Regis
ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Thursday ,
April 11th , 1SS9 , viz :
who made H. E. No. 189 for the S. } < S. W. J of
Sec. 13 , and the N. MN.W.M of Sec. 13. Town.
2Range30 , W. Cth P. M. He names the follow
ing witnesses to prove his continuous residence
upon , and cultivation of. said land , viz : John
Whittaker , Mrs. Sarah M. Nettleton , William
O. Russell , Georgo J. Frederick , all of McCook ,
Neb. Any person who desires to protest
against the allowance of such proof , or who
knows of any substantial reason , under the
law , and the regulations of the Interior De
partment , why such proof should not be al
lowed , will be given an opportunity at the
above mentioned time and place to cross-ex
amine the witnesses of said claimant , and to
offer evidence in rebuttal of that sudmitted
by claimant. S. P. HART , Register.
Land Office at McCook , Neb. , 1
Junuary 22nd , 1889. f
Notico is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of her intention
to make final proof in support of her claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Regis
ter and Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Satur
day , March 9th. 1889. viz :
widow of Elias H. Conrad , deceased , H. E. No.
S.049 for the N. V2 N. W. M Sec. 25 , Town. 4 , N. of
Range ' 30 W. 0 P. M. She names the following
witnesses to prove her continuous residence
upon and cultivation of. said land , viz : Robert
Moore , Charles M. Collins. Nettie C. Collins ,
James R. Barner , all ol McCook , Nebraska.
Any person who desires to protest against the B
allowance of such proof , or who knows of any -
substantial reason , under the law and the reg
ulations of the Interior Department , why such
proof should not be allowed , will be given an
apportunity at the above-mentioned time and
place to cross-examine tho witnesses of said
jlaimant. and to offer evidence in rebuttal of
if that submitted by claimant.
33 S. P. HART. Register.
Land Office at McCook , Neb. , I
January 22nd , 18S9. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
lamed > settler has filed notice of his intention m
o make final pre-emption commutation proof
n support of hs ! claim , and that said proof
vill be made before Register or Receiver at
McCook , Neb. , on Monday.March 11th , 1889 , viz ;
vho made P. E. D. S. No. 5,093 for the W. Yi
N. W. U and W. y2 of S. W. J Section 32 , _
Down. 3 , North of Range 30 , W. of 0th P. M. 1
He names tho following witnesses to prove his I
ontinuous residence upon , and cultivation I
f , said land , vizi William Baldwin , A. T. RowI
ey , Arden Harlan , all of Culbertson , Neb. , and I
Seorgo Leser , of McCook , Neb. Any person *
vho desires to protest airainst the allowance
such proof , or who knows of any substantial
eason , under tho law and tho regulations of
he Interior Department , whj such proof
should allowed , will be given an oppor-
unity at the above-mentioned time and place
cross-examine tho witnesses of said claim
ing and to offer evidence in rebuttal of that
lubmitted by claimant. S. P. HART ,
35 Rcgistor. 0
Land Office at McCook , Neb. , I
February 0th , 1889. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
lamed settler has filed notico of bis intention |
make final proof in support of his claim ,
md that said proof will be made before Har-
ow W. Keye3. countyjudgeatlndianola. Neb. ,
n Wednesday , April 3d , 1889. viz-
I.D.No.3S3fortheN. W. X of Section 33.
township 2 , North of Range 28 , West 0th P. M.
le names tho following witnesses to prove
ds continuous residence upon , and cultiva-
ion of. said land , viz : Jacob C. Foutz. Fran-
W. Weaver. John W. Tolman , and Willlnm
tllller , all of Danbury , Neb. Any person who I
lesires to protest against the nllowance of I
uch proof , or who knows of nny substantial
eason , under the law and tho regulations of
ho Interior Department , why such proof
hould not bo allowed , will bo given an oppor-
unity at the above mentioned time ana placo
cross-examine tho witnesses of said claim-
nt , ana to offer evidence in rebuttal of that
ubmitted by claimant , 8. P. HART ,
07 EeglBter ,
. , " , . . , , . . . . ,
' ' ' ' ' " ' " ' " ' * " " i '
&SfW' ! „ V' ; ; "y ' " y'j ' ' ; "j " ' ' ' ; ' n / m hi i
. ? /'tt. - . • - • • , , ? - . • > > * . ; - ' • - - . - • ' sv r yT- - ' ' " - \ . - ' - • - - ' • ,
' - • - . , " " ? . - . ' ' ' * ' - •
• ' . ' " _ • . . : - < . • . - : > • , - *
A Sultan sat by Danube's tide But in disgrace must move about ,
And sore distressed aloud he cried ; By scornful fingers pointed out. "
While like the waters to the sea "Not so , " the noble stranger cried ;
His tears ran down both fast and free. "I have a piece and will divide ; "
A passing stranger said : " My friend , And from his coat-tail pocket drew
Why do those tears so fast descend ? " A cake and broke it fair in two.
"Alas ! " he sobbed , "I've lost all hope ; Then rose in joy the Sultan gray ,
I've lost my cake of Ivory Soap. And made that man a Turkish Bey ,
No more in pride through town I'll go , With servants kind and Viziers sage ,
With garments clean.and..while as snow ; And fifty wives to cheer his age.
There are many white soaps , each represented to be " just as good as the ' Ivory' i"
they ARE NOT , but like rill counterfeits ; lack the peculiar and re/narkable qualities of
tho genuine. Ask for " Ivory" Soap and Insist upon getting it.
Copyright 1SSG , by Procter 5 : ( ; ; : : : iblc.
S. W. Nebraska , and at lowest living prices.
Fine Chitlery a . .Specialty.
Finest Residence Prop
erty in the city. A few
Choice CORNERS left.
Call and get prices.
j3 Office in the New Babcock Building , rooms 1 and 2. o
The Old First National Bank Building.
I have to say to my customers that
Mf Collection of Fi Fairies
For gentlemen's wear , is now complete , and it will
ive me pleasure to have you see my stock.
0/dFirst flatidnal Bant Building , McCook. MERCHANT TAILOR.
TIip Mifiiiilf I ill TfmI Pn
II IbuH hill ill HUM bll. i
Makes First Mortgage Loans on Farm Property
A. CAMPBELL , President. B. M. FREES , 1st Vice President.
GEO. HOCKNELL , Secretary. S. L. GREEN , 2d Vice President. r
F. L. BROWN , Treasurer.
* / j _ _ _ , „ _ _ . , ) . ; ,
1 . < / j I 1
SPRING , i88q , tS
_ _ _ _ _ _ . r
-in . ni . _ i . . ut. iiih.ii , i - -i - i-Li-u-i-i-i. i i- - ni i-j in - . i . . . - - - . - _ r . i - .ri.r r i. i. - r. r - i. . - - - - ' ' ' ' " ' " " '
* *
Our NEW STOCK is " J
coming in rapidly and J
is more complete in ev- j I
ery way than we have ' , I
ever shown before. J
The only lionse Ii 1
= = = = = = = = = = = = = iit S. W. Neb- = = = = = = = = I
STRICTLY ssSSsKss One Price. * |
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ line in 1
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = every = = = = = = =
* ' " ' i " i H
• a I
In Styles , Qualities and I
Quantities , no house I
in Southwestern Neb- I
raska can show one- I
half as many. I
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * fl
r _ l
JONAS ENGEL , Manag'er. I
McCOOK , NEK , FEB. 22nd. I
r fl
* _ fl
'bbbbI '
'bbbbI '
Owing- tlie extreme mildness of the f H
season , I have on hand an extraordinari- ) H
ly large stock of winter goods , and as I ' M
am ahont to receive large consignments ( M
of NEW SPUING GOODS , more space is H
absolutely reqnii'ed. I have therefore H
determined to sell at the lowest possible * * * ' M
rate ever known in the annals of the boot H
and shoe trade , BEGINNING JAN. 26th. ' M
' "
The Old Reliable , McCook , Nebraska , J l
/ -B bbI
* * - " _