H - i n CAimiAUES AM ) IIARNCSS. B SuiiietlilHK About UiRlklmr < 'arrI fiC B mid Hitritcss Ttlaiiuiactiirlii ; ; Compn- HL This company was organized and com- roonced buniness in 1874 , mid during tlio H , fifteen ycnra of its operation it hiin ex- > tended its ImmiIcbs and cntalilislicd nu ' cnvial > lo ropntntion tliroii' 'lioiifc flio country. The wtperior qitulity of tho H • goodsvvliicli it ninnufncttueK. us wclLas I its business'methods nro two of tho H' causes of its extended pntronnso and H grenfc success. Tho carriages , buggies H . and other vohiclcs manufactured and ' N sold by this company are made from the Hf very best material and by tho best mo- ' • chanics , Tho hard woods of northern f ludiana are celebrated as tho best in b tho world for buggies , carriages and m wagons , and these , after being perfectly H' Mentioned , are used in all tho vehicles H' made and sold by this company. The B , iron , steel , leather , cloth and other ma- Hi terinl used is the very best , and all put H , together in tho best , strongest and most H * durable style. Now , as to their manner H | of doing lmnincss. Their Bj'stem dis- H. penses with tho profits of middlemen , H | for they deal directly with tho con- H | sumer. All goods ordered aro boxed HI nnd delivered free on board of cars at H * Elkhart , Ind. Thoy have but one prico H . for nn article , and that as low as such * tjoods can bo sold , and much lower than H | iu cases whero tho middle-man must Hp have a profit. An illustrated and do- B scriptivo cataloguo may bo obtained by addressing G , B. Pratt , Secretary , Elk- • liarfc , Indiana. _ HfSoUtlu'rn J xciirlaii at Half Pare. H On Jnnunry 15th , 29th , February 12tli. k nnd 2Gtli , 1880 , the Motion Route will soil L M Land Excurnion tickets at one fare for the M round trip to drnignatcd points in Ala- HF bamn , "Florida , Georgia. Louisana , Missis * H' flippl and TcnnesHcc. Limit of tickits GO H dajs from ditto of stamp. Stop-overs can H be nraanged. Tor full particulars , nddress H L. E. Sessions , T. F. A. , bo : fiSl Minnenp- H olis , Minn. , or J2. 0. McCormick , G. F. A. , H Adams Express building , Chicago. _ _ _ ( mmmAr Frof. Sell , of telephone fame , has a H school for deaf mutes in Washington. H Wlifn lis by venn kUV. we pave lier Castorla , H IVben slip nn8 Child. * fiecried for Custorla , H Wlirn she lipc/una JIIkk. slip olmip to Cnstorla. H When she hml Children , slip pave them Castorla. bbv • m ' - The Russian Budget for 1880 shows a , surplus of 2,000,000 rubies. K Gustav Dore left some 200 illustrations 1 to Shakespeare which will shortly be re- I produced in a splendid edition. } A wild gooso never laid a tame egg , but M' its egg will grow tame it kept long enough. II ' JPor JVeiiralgia- I NEW. PERMANENT CURES. WV For Tears. Palsstlas , Ohio , June ST. nil. H t Bnfftrod constantly ( or sertral yssrs wits sea- ralgU ; aU rBtdlu foiled ; tried Bt. Jaeoti 0U ; x tu cared. Ho return is t xnenUu. f a. 8. Tzxexaois , r. m. ft\ NoTor Again. Bt Olborr. IU. , Kit IS , KH. Hi Kj vue > u troubled with oesr-Jett. and after H"r ob * oottl * of Bt. Jacob ! OUvainerer < troubled acala. BXHST BE0ZZUXTSS. PL After All. KsUand , m. . May 31,1SSI. S Ear * known euti et neuralgia flrea up by ae dot tore to be cured by 8trjaeobi OIL Hlf J. M. EHAYT , Drujslrt. Hjlp AT SRT7QOIRTS AND BEXLEES. ' THE CHARLES A. V0GELER CO. . Oaltlmcro , Wi m - Diamond Vera-Oura H JTOl * iiYS f * hZ PS1A. B 1KD ILL 8T0HA11I TilOUBLKS SfCII AS : H indtcest on. feour-Slomach. lleartnurn. Nausea. G' .i. F dlncRs , Constipation , Fullness after eating. Food : Rising In the Mouth and Uissrrceable taste alter B eat Inc. Ncrvonsnen and Low-Spirits. Hf' At Druggist * and Dealers or sent by matt on receipt f- . ttfVRcts. 'ift boxen 11.00) in ttamps. Sample sent on t | receipt of Svent Stamp. B - " THE CHAKLES A. VOGELEB COM Baltimore , Md. I SICKHEADACHE ft PADTCDO these Little PUN. I IiA1IiLIAb3 They duo relieve Cls- [ f JJ 1 " * ' * tress from DyspepsiaIn. _ snei | digestionandTooHcartv VITTLaa EaUng. A perfect reuj- j llfpn edyforDizziness.Nauses I V tK Drowsiness , Bad Taste V H nill A ln tho Mouth. Coated f.r flLELS. Tongue.PaininthoSide. " " { " M pjp TOKPID LIVElt. They V"g Hi pjeie V regulate tho Bowels. TW-v Ii HHKB Purely Vegetable. ; v < . Price 25 Cents ; & CASTES 1CEDI0INB CO. , HEW YOAE. k\ " Small Pill. Small Dose. Small Price , ' MWBtWMwWwwwa gwwwiaeMiMe W : - m GAESESTS A C D C C J | ' flUA | rESFECT < k , , V H wtu. t fHsHl return mail , 'S k B i H * n * > * BJJSWEA tM descrlpUve % p : r i ) l • • ua circulars oi SMi _ | HjMjJ MOODY'S REV .HHf dHKK'V TAILOR STSTEH HHflHHH OFODESSCaniKS. V. Hia R ia BVJB Bci Anyladyof ordl- tf [ 3 l 'lVlvlvfli LiWlVa SeeTS 9l narylntelllcerico JI BSm can easily acd ? Ja SKQ quietly learn tq HaP SMfi cut and xsa e lt % BH BH ' Sf nny garment , > iVlVlvlvlvlvlvl LSi HB I &n r style to any 5 > . ls BHf for lady ; § r5 measuro a i i i i i i | p4 H R H R RwS or child. Address ' .h , ' HwHhBB SIi Cincinnati , 9. t > , T 3r VE0CKUKi ! Prettiest Illustrated m . jeWHLylWWKjhj'l ' SEED-CATALOGUE kfe - - 1 LvBB mF e " Cheap as dirt by oz. < & lb , mL- IBB oWkSc lOOOOipktsnewextrasfrec vi lt BTSTSHTOrWAT. Kockford IU. ' -c. H Piso'a Remedy for Catarrh Is the H | BBJ Best , Easiest to Use , and Cheapest. s A Hbb IBbv A H a99 H fJBt H a BBBj S J m Sold by dracgista or sent by mail. H H. 500" E-T-Ha eWne , Warren , Pa. V CrlYfl TjTeethoTQeeadnuketnoraBoneT'worklBsformithia I UUUri > t earthing tU in the rrnrld Klthrr erx. CmUt ocifit I rr" Temiruks. JkUnu , Tccik CoADuuUuiu. | : ? _ Hadn't Oiiltslit 011 Xet. li- , . . Old lady ( to grocer's boy ) I see - l you're selliu' off some of your goods be- 3 ' * * low COtt. f ' * Bov Yes'm. C * - Old lady Well , liow enn yon make ? • money on { roods tlint you sell less'n cost ? L . * . " Boy I'dun know , mrtrmrve ; only Ik r . bin in the grocery business it week. The ! & " • - ? - boss is in the back room ; pVops he can * Ik tell you. Harper's Bazar. Mf A rnan who" has practiced medicine for 40 ' : • ' years , oujht ; to Know salt Irom sugar ; Wi ' fZ * read what Be says : ' * < J ' Toledo , O. , Jan. 10. 18S7. If Messrs. F. J. Cheney fc Co Gentlemen : H1 I hare been in the general practice of medi- Hi cine for most 40 years , and would say that Hf n in all my practice and experieure , have 11JL aerer seen a preparation that I could pre- B | scribe with as much confidence of success H as I can Hall's Catarrh Cure , manuliic- H % i * = * v < "SJ turecUbyjou. Have.prescribed itu great Hpf 5" > nyJtimeranajf * rfecfcisnon 'dfrfdlnndA Bi' would say in conclusion tlfzttl have yet'to Hi' find a case of Catarrh thut I would not , Ha ; cure , if they would tako it according to di- Hi ' rections. Yours Truly. L. L. GOllSUCH , XL D. , HM' ' Office. 215 Summit St. < Ha , We "will give $10O for any r e of Catarrh Hit - that cannnot lie cured with Hall's Catarrh Hflr Cure. Taken internally. HVf F. J. CHEKEY-t CO. , Props. , Toledo , O. . HHU , 9sy Sold by Druggists , 75c. i - , * - > t rtr Clemehzy Jane Fowler Glrcs According to Her Blessings. There was a missionary woman visiting at Miss Rogersee , and she said if tho women folks would get together she'd talk to them about how the heathens lived. Well , I haint never hankered extry much after tho heathens. To be sure , 1'vo felt it my duty to do as welljby them as possible , so have paid my yearly dues for tho support of the Gospel among the homo and foreign heathens without a murmur. But I never set any very great store by the heathens themselves , didn't care much about them , nor returned mis sionaries either , seeing as how you may prepare for a collection every time one puis in an appearance. I didn't intend going to hear the ono visiting at Miss Eogerses , but Sister Rogers sent over a special in vitation , and not liking to appear unfriendty I thought I'd go and set a spell just to show I had nothing ngen the cause of foreign heathens. You know some folks prefer to do their duty by the home samples only , nnd leave the foreigners to shift for themselves. Of course I knew there'd be a col lection took. I've never gone to a foreign heathen meeting yet when there wan 't ; and I've attended con siderable many in my day " because my conscience is always nagging mo on into the belief that it is my duty. I debated a while in my mind about how much I should give ; and that Scripture text , "according as the Lord hath blessed you , " kept run ning in my head in spite of me. I couldn't < deny having been signally blessed this year. We had had plenty of rain , and the beauty of it was it had generally rained nights and Sun days so there wasn't any time lost. It certainly was as fine growing weather as ever you see. The crops had all been good , fruit middlin , and the pigs and poultry extry. The calves i , too , couldn't be complained of and that old rhyme , "What shall I render to my God For all His gifts to me ? " that I learned away back in my child hood , when children were expected to say hims and Bible verses every Sun day ' at Sunday school , began to ring in my head , kind of keeping company and going linked arms , as it were , with the text ' 'According as the Lord hath blessed thee. " It's curious how things we learn when we're little j do run in our heads all our lives long , whether we want them or not. That's why I J stand by the old-fashiohed plan of having children learn bible verses and other sensible mottoes to kind of brace them up in an hour of need , which is more than likely to come afterwards. ; With the generality these hours of need come frequently , a Bight frequenter than we enjoy having them. Wanting to put a quietus on that text and verse which had been run ning in my head , I just said to my self , firm and liberal like , "Clemenzy , in view of past mercies in the way of growingweather ' , and good crops , and pijrs , and poultry , etc. , you ought to do the generous thing. . Just double your thank offering and' give i 50 cents this time. " But when I came to consider it mathematically ( for I never was any hand to spend money rashly ) and reflected that 50 cents ( meant four dozen of eggs at a shilling ' a dozen , and four dozen of eggs were 48 in number , which , if I had set would very likely have hatched ; out 35 chickens , these at 25 .cents a head ( after they were raised ) would bring me most § 9 it did seem like a terrible heap to give to a mis- sionary , woman thatl'dnever laid eyes on before. I could only hope she was truly the Lord's servant. Any how , I gave her the benefit of the doubt < and carried the 50 cents with me ; but I took good care to have it in two quarter pieces so's if the mis- sionary woman shouldn't seem like a worthy object I could give just the half of it. I think we ought to sea son our charity with discretion. The hired girl wanted to go to singing school that night so I helped her up with the supper dishes and the milking , and against I got to Miss Rogerses it was a trifle late. The missionary woman was already to begin , so I just laid off my things quietly and took a back seat out in the setting-room , though I could see real well through the folding doors into the parlor where the lady sat. She was real pleasant looking. I made up my mind she was worthy the minute I laid eyes on her , and was glad I had decided in favor of the 50 cents. She began by saying she wan't a missionary herself ( which was quite a blow to me , as I had hoped to see a real live sample ) but she had spent a year in Japan and had greatly- terested in our missionaries there and the noble work they were doing. She thought it might be pleasant for us to hear about them and the peo ple they had to deal with. She hadn't talked more than five minutes until I came to the conclusion it was worth fully 50 cents not to have been born a Jap. It would have been just my luck to have been a woman , and women in that country- are not account at all. I don't mind being a woman here. Indeed , I'd rather than not , because women folks do certainly have some advan tages the sterner sect don't. Butin Japan the tables are turned. Wom en folks don't amount to a row of pins hardly one pin , let alone a row. A woman has always to walk a fqw-stejpsTbehirfd 'hecsbusbacid to * advertKBe'the facfi'that she is Ins in ferior. May be you think you'd do without a miBband , then , and be an old maid. But old maids don't appear to have any showing at all there. They seem to be abolished by law , or something of the kind , ' 'I don't just understand what , A woman can't eat at tho same table with her husband , or oven at the same time. She has to wait until ho'e through and take her vittalscold. Her husband is always dreadfully ashamed of her and never mentions he if ho can help it. Ifhoeverhafi to introduce her anywhere ho apolo- fizes real polito liko and says : " 1 opo you'll excuse mo for introducing j ) my fool of a wife" and "fool" in Japanese means a heap worse than * it does in English. Though its enough of an affliction in English , goodness knows ! If Susan B. Antho ny and her clique of woman's right- ers could only hear how those heath ens treat their women folks they'd certainly look upon Japan as fresh fields. I had the greatest notion to write Susan about it , urging of her to sail over and settle matters there now that she'd got things pretty well straightened out in this country. For with women voting out West , and settin' on juries , and being law yers and what notI , think this country could spare her a spell , and welcome. It was surely worth fully 50 cents not to be a Japanese woman , and I was right glad I had done the square thing and concluded to give accord ing to my blessings. , < f < But when I heard how their houses were furnished I was taken all abnek. ' They aint furnished at all. You have to sit on the floor , and sleep on the i floor , and use a wooden pillow , which would be dreadful hardonmyroomy- tiz. Specially in winter weather it would be apt to lay me up entirely. It did seem it was worth a good deal more than 50 cents to escape the roomytiz , and I'd be willing to give a dollar any day to have some furni ture in the house , and not have to alwaj-s sit on the floor. Meantime the little verse kept pestering me with " What shall I render to my God For all His gifts to me ? " I tried hard not to think about it , because I plainly see if that woman kept on talking and Iliad to tally Tip my blessings on a hard cash basis , I'd bo a financial wreck an hour from hence. Then there was thatcommand to give according as the Lord had blessed kept rising up in my mind in spite of me. So for peace sake I agreed with myself to give § 1.50. Fifty cents for not being born a Jap , and a dollar for being blessed with furniture and not having to sit on the floor. It was worth it , I felt I had got off cheap at that. She continued on to relate about their vittals. They don't use meat , owing to their belief in the transmi gration ofyoursoul. They believe when a man dies his soul , instead of going to heaven or elsewhere , locates in a cow , or horse or other beast. You see how that doctrine operates. If you should kill your cow for beet you couldn'teat a morsel , not even the tenderest bit of steak in the whole carcass , not knowing but what that cow was the residence of your grandfather , or uncle , or some other near relative. I didn't mind the meat doctrine so much because I could manage to get along without it after a fashion , provided the butter was good. But my hopes were blasted by theinforma- tionthat they didn't use either but ter or meat or cheese. I knew that would have broken me clear up. I never could have stood it if I had been born a Jap. I couldn 't rate the blessing of good yellow but ter , and rich thick cream for coffee and oatmeal in tho morning at less than 75 cents. It seemed rather small at such a price , but the way that blessing bill was running up was more than 1 could stand , though it was nothing but fair that I should try to pay it. You see I'd never thought before about it being the Christian religion which gave us com forts and enabled us women folks to stand side by side with our brothers as companions and helpers , instead of sitting at their feet as servants. To be sure , I heard in experience meetings time out of mind , and even said it myself in a sort of general way , that all our blessings came from the Lord. But law me ! Christian people , do say a sight of good sounding things and never stop to think what they mean. If we'd just put brains and heart into our words we'd bo somewhat ' different I'm thinking. Then there was the climate. It is so < ' damp where the Japs live that yon , daresn't leave a book outside the book-case over night , cause in the morning it would all be covered with moisture and in case of a nice binding would be liable to be ruined. If you stood an umbrella in the corner of the hall over night next morning you'd be apt to find it covered with a fine mold. You have to keep all your clothes packed in tin-lined boxes.t The missionaries cover these boxes with cusliions and make lounges of them. Sometimes their friends send the missionaries presents of kid gloves. They have to put them in glass cans and screw the tops on tight to keep them from the atmos phere that's in the air , else they would mold and be ruined in a short time. This i dea of canning kid gl o ves was certainly the beateree. Sez I to myself : "Clemenzy , you will have to own up that a decent climate along with other modern conveniences is considerable of a blessing. It's worth 60 cents'a day. If you're going to do the square thing and give accor'd j ing to your blessings you darsentj j I leave out the climate. ) Conscience is generally pretty thor- i ough in all its undertakings , and it > kept nagging me steadily about those missionaries. If it was worth 50 cents not to be a Jap , it was worth twice that much not to be born a missionary. If you'd been born a Jap you'd very likely be used to it by this time. But the mission aries aint. All the time that text hammering away at me about giving according as I had been blessed , and I was just deciding I ought to give a dollar because I wasn't a missionary when the lady said : "Don't you think , friends , these nnissionariesever-get'homesick ? No matter how busy'tbey may Be they1 • will never be so busy , they cannot find time to think of. j home , over here - in God's country. > When the twilight gathers don't you suppose they know howitis at home , then the neighbors dropjring in for a friendly chat and tFe deaf familiar • l ' faces gathered round tho" evening tamp ? " Sez I to myself : To bo a mission ary , and live among heathens , and do without butter , and have to can your kid gloves ia bad enough , but homesickness is u good sight worse. I'd rather have the lumbago any day than to be home sick , while you're taking an invoice of your blessings , Clemenzy , you can't leave out your not being home sick. It is certainly worth 05 cents. " Even at that rate it seems like pay ing for it with rather small potatoes , but when you have a conscience ofu mathematical turn you have to gc rather cautious. Nellie Moore , it American Rural Home. l - . . . . _ _ The Son of Mrs * President Madisoi i Wide Awake. j I ' Mrs. Madison's property , valued ai $20,000 , was finally divided betweei Anna and Payne Todd to the lat ter the money was welcome. Hehac dissipated his own fortune , hit mother's private property , anc Montpellier "he literally drank uj. the place and the negroes" remarkc one who knew him well , speaking o. 'Montpellier. President Madison had labored in vain to reform his habiU of idleness and extravagance and al so hod paid many of his debts. Some of his means he had sunk in the erection of a strange structure , on on eccentric plan , upon his own estate. Todds-birth , intending that his mother should there make hei home. The house originally upon the place had been burned and he had built a great tower with a hall room and state dining room , group ing around it several small buildings , some old , others new ; in one of these cottages his mother was to live , en tering the dinging room through a window. When he built this house which for lack of money he was un able to complete he was interested , liko many people at that time , in the subject of silk culture and intended to turn the place into a silk farm ; and , characteristically , before he had planted his mulberry trees , or hatch ed his silk worms , he imported a number of Frenchmen to make the silk. Toddsbirth is still standing not far from Montpellier. Mrs. Madison's last breath brought forth the words , "My poor boy ! " nnd it is impossible for any one to think of her son without a sigh. Step by step he grew disagreeable and dis sipated. A cousin , recalling him to day , writes : "As for my cousin , Payne Todd , my childish memories of him do not bear repeating. His manners were perfectly Grandisonian , but I was a little afraid of him. Do not ask me why. " He became a gourmand and whol ly lost his beauty and elegance. He cultivated a taste for foreign cook- 9ry , and a friend , of -boyhood says that he was continually sending to the Old World for favorite articles of Food ; so that at last he was enor mously stout , quite the figure that a man must be who drinks liquors as constantly and catsasself-indulgent- ! y as did he. One who remembers liim in his later years , after his inher ited beauty was obliterated , says that he looked very much like every other common man who becomes dissipated bloated and puffed and jrizzty and slouchy. Payne Todd accomplished nothing In his life that was worth a man's tvhile. During the first years of the Monroe administration he was Pres ident Monroe's private secretary , but for some reason did not remain. He ran for congress and was defeated. Be never took his place among coun try gentlemen as the master of his estate. He never married. He for- peited the esteem of every friend whom his mother and President Madison secured for him. At 42 , he died of a long and fearful fever in Washington , two years after Mrs. Madison , at a hotel on Fifteenth street , surrounded by some of his mother's old slaves but with no white person near him. During his conscious moments he had been full of grief and remorse. In jhe snow and cold , on Washington's Dirthdayhe was laid to rest in the Con gressional cemetery , followed there oy a carriage containing one friend and another with his servants. Oth- jrs of the family buried there were ifterwards removed , but no one had jufficient interest in Payne Todd to lare where he rested. His only part n the world now is an example of a wasted life. Snakes in Mexico. They have an active little snake 3own in the state of Vera Cruz , which , vhen he attacks you , rolls itself up ike a hoop , and wheels along with , jreatspeed.and when close toy ou.un- joils and begins to whip you soundly J ibout the legs with its strong and ricious little tail. He does not bite , but only lashes his enemy. Butthere s another snake , called the "coralito" which is slender and small and red , and which inflicts a bad dangerous bite. A friend of mine staying on a plantation , found two coiled up in a aigh top shoe one morning. In the hot country cautious people examine the beds at night to see thatno snake or scorpion is there , and taking this prudent precaution , they sleep soundly enough , for it is often chilly at night in the hot country. Cor. Boston Herald An Old Stage-Driver , • Harvey Ward , who drives the stages between East Eddington and Bangor , is the oldest stage-driver in the whole eastern country. His route is only a dozen miles long , but it takes Mm into a country where the railroad and telegraph are not yet known , and where the graceful deer and lumbering bear cross the road everyday wherein fact , a person might easily imagine himself a thou sand miles fromany city. Harvey always eats his thanksgiving dinner in Bangor , and at the same hotel , and on last thanksgiving day he drove up to the Windsor for his for tieth consecutive annual feast in the identical red coach which he drew up at the same door on thanksgiviag day , 1848. New York Sun. . i i The native-born Elephant bids fair to rival the great imported Jumbo in size and weight ; but it is pretty generally known that nothing rivals the great remedy , Dr. Bull's Cough 8yrup. "WhatBhall I do , " the maiden cried. ' 'Ho will bo here to-night and my hands are chapped , and he will , hold them. " "Calm yourxelf , dear , " her mamma replied , "we've a bottle of Salvation Oil. " Miss Amelia B. Edwnrds is finishing a tour of twenty lectures in Northern Eng land and Scotlnud. A Fortune for Flick. Indlanapolli ( Ind. ) Sentinel. Jan. 13. Hnpniness roigns in tho family of Pe ter Flick , living at 250 E. Morris street. A.reporfor hearing that Mr. Fliok had Btrnck it rich in tho Louisiana Stato Lotter3 % called upon flim nnd found tho report to bo true. "How much was the amount of your prize ? " tho reporter asked. "It was $5,000 , " Mr. Flick replied. "I have been buying lottery tickets for a year past , but did not have much luck until I struck it A couple of weeks ago , I purchased a fortieth part of ticket No. 08,744 , which drew tho sec ond prize , S200.000. This , of course , gavo mo § 5,000. " "Have j'ou received your money , Mr. Flick ? " "Yes , indeed , " Mr. Flick replied. "As soon as I read tho list of prizes , I sent in my ticket and I received a check for the amount within a week. Yes , I have tho monoy in my own name now , nnd am going to tako a trip to my old home in Switzerland in tho spring. " Mr. Flick is a wood-carver in tho em ploy of Sander < fe Becker , on E. Wash ington street , and has been living in this country for eight j'ears. Canadian wooden manufacturers say trade is almost dead. The Tiihoat. "Brown'B Bronchial Troches" act directly on the organs of the voice. They have an extraordinary effect in all disorders of tho throat. ' A new volcano is reported from Tobasco , Mexico. , Itching or Bleeding , relieved and PILES cured by Cole' * Cnrboll- salve. Get the Genuine. 25 and 50 cents at drugRists or by mail. J. W. COLE & CO. , Proprietors , Black Blver Falls , Wis. The United States has 700 railroads. They employ 500,000 perbons. Truly but Ono Medicine. Allen's Lung Balsam , a name familiar and dear to thousands who have been cured of their Coughs and Colds by its heal ing and restorative virtues lias in our house beon a standard curative for Coughs and colds during the past ten years and with uniform success. The safety of every family would be consulted by keeping a bottle of Allen's Lung Balsam in the house for immediate use , when Coughs , Colds , or Croup make their unwelcome intrusion. ( Geo. W. Rice , Ed. American Christian Re view , Cin. , O. ) A Hindoo god has just been sold for § 12.000. Cancer Cured. Dr. F. L. Pond is having wonderful suc cess in the treatment and cure of cancer at the cancer hospital at Aurora , 111. There are numbers of cures recently made by him which are truly wonderful. Those afflicted phould not hesitate , but should go there for treatment at once. 4For information , address Dr. F. L. Pond , Aurora , 111. A manual training school for colored boys is being agitated at Baltimore. WHY YOU SHOULD USE SCOTT'S ' EMULSION or COD LIVER OIIi HYPOPHOSPHITES. It is used and endorsed by Thy- sicians because it is the best. It is Palatable as Milk. It is three times as efEcacious as plain Cod Liver Oil. It is far superior to all other so- called Emulsions. It is & perfect Emulsion , does not separate or change. It is wonderful as a flesh producer. It is the best remedy for Consump tion Scrofula , Bronchitis , Wast ing Diseases , Chronic Ccugh and Colds. Sold by all Druggists. SCOTT & . BOWNE. Chemists. N. Y. , The mother of a mcmbcr.of our firm has been cured of cancerous oreoi herfajc of twentr years • tan Hnp by takluir S. S. S. I'jcatiletox ; Yeaky & Hikit Drii3cl s. Farmem-llle. Tex. Swlr 'dSiiroinccurel our bibe of an anery erup tion called Eczema after the doctor's prescription had failed , and she If now hal nnd hrartr. H.T.bHO.JE. Klrh Hill , Mo. Cy Send for our books on Rloo 1 and Slcln Diseases ml Advice -uferers mailed frre. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. , Drawer 3. Atlanta , Ga. " PIPGAT | ARRH pim Cold n Head Lg 'TTy's Cream Ba m I BKjL LjL * JELY BROa. 56 Warren St . ST. T. ICUREFliS ! I do not mean merely to stop them i or a time and then haie them return. I mean a radical cure. I have made FITS. EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS a lire-long1 study. I warrant my remedy to cure the worst cases. Because others have failed ia no reason for notnow receiving- cure. Send at once for treatise ndl < TeeBottleofmyinfaIilbleremedy. Give Eipres • ndP.O. H.G.KOOT.M.C. 183PearlL'fe , N.I' | Ik I ft TJSB 'I'M I. ! BEST. AI VStationerskeep'bem. Standard quality la 111 Vail styles. Sample doz.lu cents by maU. PB ESTERBROOK. Grand Ercnmlon to Colored * * On February UUth a grand excursion for land BPekera to Aatnonn ! in the sunny 8itn Luis Valley will be run on any regular train over nil ronds leaving Minsouri Hiver points. Faro ( or round trip $30. Tickota good to return in twenty days. Special round trip rate ot $1 will bo mnde by the Denver nnd Ilio Grando llnilroad from Alamosa to Del Norte , Monto Vista. La Jara , Antonito nnd Fort Garland. Tickets will rend through Denver , Colorado Springs oe Pueblo. Tho San Luis Valley is tho great agricultural ompire ot Colorado , and offers unequuled inducements to tho farmer and stock grower. For details in quire of nearest tickot agent. S. K. Hooper , General Pa-isengcr Agent Denrer& Rio Grande Railroad , Denvor. John Connorfcon , ot Louisville , Ky. , has a xnulo which chows tobacco. Consumption Stirelr Cured. To tho Editor : Pleaso inform your read ers that I have a positive romedy for con sumption. By its timely use thousand : s ! hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I shall bo glad to send two bottles of my remody frek to any of your read ers who have consumption if they will send mo their express and P. 0. address. Re spectfully , T. A. SL.0CUM , M. C. , 181 Pearl street , New York. Thirteen cotton mills in an'l around Au gusta , Ga. , employ 4,1500 persons. "Mike" Kelly , the base ball star , is to receive $1,000 for two weeks' work as an actor. IN OLD AGE " I am now sixty-nine yearsjoldand have tried several remedies , but none had any effect un til I used Paine's Celery Compound. I feel en tirely different for the § short time I have used it. I can walk nearly straight , sleep sound and well , and feel as though there was new life and energy coming into my whole system. " II. My- Lius , Cleveland , Tenn. , Paine's Celery Compound Strengthens and builds up the old , and cures their infirmities. Rheumatism , indi gestion and nervousness yield quickly to the curative power of Paine's Celery Com pound. $ i per bottle. Six for $ $ . At druggists. Wells , Richardson & Co. , BnrlingtonVt. ence onnif 1 directions for using Diamond rntC aUUn jjAsk your druggist for it. LACTATED F00DZffii2& .T $ ADVANCEJN _ PK.CE. TEIiI. YOUIt FRIENDS weLadies' ' Home Journal ts to be made BETTER , and liARGER. It can be had now for onlv CO Cents per year j another year it will coat 31.00. We shall double the price Lecause we cannot aflord to furnish so good a rapcr as the Journal is to be for less than one Dollar , but w e shall double Its value , and cive you more of it for your money. AGENTS can make hundred * of dollars securing subscriptions at Half Price up to July 1st. 1889. We offer them good pay for every subscriber se cured , and an a K-T > # > tothe person who extra Prlxeof $ OvV shall tend us the largest number ; S400 for the tecond largest list , and so on. Sample copies and posters w ill be furnished , so that a great demand can be created in any neighborhood. CURTIS PUBLISHING CO. PHILADELPHIA , PA. VASELINE PREPARATIONS. On receipt of poslasc stamp * we will scud free by mail the followlnu splendid nrtlclcs : Ono Uox of l'ure Vaseline. - - 10 eta. One Box of Vaseline O mpliorlce , 1.1 < * M. One iloiof Vuhcline Colli Crritin. Ifi ots. No Vaseline Is genuine ante * ] our namr li on tlm la baL Chjcsebcouqu 11'r"a Co..Si State StXetr York. THE SEED MAN I * . AV. GAllDNEn , Frccport , 111. , ( SucceJ-nr to Gardner Bros.i will send von hli beautiful Seed Catalogue for 1889 FREE. The Cheapest SEED HOUSE in America. Bore seeds ' < > r the money tnan yn fan buy • liewhcre. PACKETS 3 Ccnu. TRY US. , ° 7Cf3iEi5 ; 0MiitdHowerKfed30 i \ C&frL kinds , Guide , and 10c. Certificate for 53fi = V ill Seeds , vow choice , all for 2 stamps (4 ( centfJ T S/fc Every flower lover delighti rt. Tell all youi BSaMhCjfriesds. O. W. PAKE. FJLHNETTSBUBQ , fa. EfBe prompt. ThM offer will appear but tv/lcc. Pig I li I Bl "r fl. . hj umpl. V H | bfir. Ka ti3 to the wb.le.ilt .ud re- 0 H L L u I f IL nlxi \ , Lvr s ; t-ceot tump. Wage t S3 PsrDay. r rmtnratp ntoB. N o tm ! < a iwere < t Money adrinctd for mil. dr.rll > liic. etc. Centennial Manufacturing Co. , Cincinnati , Ohi * . CCUn VAIID 111IIC If tou want a Fr * Hmm , dtinil IUUlf nHrnCZmpojnt ! tanr Book .r ri per , to save ll lf joarmeaej on any • eTal article , 109 pa ? * Cataloguealso new map of theCreit Republic ofXorta America , reachnf ! fmm the Hortfc r l to the Kq Ur with DESCRIPTION 4 IU.C8TRAIIOMS . ( .l ! • COCXTRlt -U.4l.tke V. 8. Pull i f.rm ll.a * t ll S en. f - eTTU * . . I.trw .e Toeirtre , ealjlOceiu. AUmt TUB WKSTJCISX TTOBLD. CHICAGO , 1IX > ff k SECRETS FOR LOVERS 2kJe J * Prlrato advice for the nnmarried. Tills Whu&K L atl VOU want to knma. Sera rely icaled. 10 BuStl&sSaV cents. Address , Box 2S2 , Chicago , IU. krm Xr.kl i-nA forourfrg" wllinjf book * and Agents Wanted bil.le . nistincenohlnlrance. Uiff fronts. Empyreal I"uh. Hou-e. St. Paul. JImn. 1ATUII fiCAX BE CURED. Atrialbot- n I H Mil n tleent free to any one afflicted. HVl flI iaHDR.TAFTBRO , Rochester , X.Y ' W. N. U. . Omaha , - 452 7. ! aB Sirictfj PURE. It contains NO OPIUM In anym \ „ Ml Among the belt remrdlea Alrn'aI < mtfRataan . | g | | stand * pre-eminent. Tho druggists sneak of It In. MM highest terms , as siring entire satisfaction wherarer- + § It Is used. 3 , Mt Prico25ct . ,50ot . , and $ lpor Bottle ft jj rfhoSS-CBNT BOTTLES are put up for the accom if al modatlon of all who de lre simnly a IX jHl COUiillorCKOUl'UISMKMY. | | | l Those desirmq a remedy for CONS UMPTI02K 1 II or any LtrXG DISEASE should secure 3 II the Large SI Mottles. jf Jfl Mothers. Read ! | j * i | oaki.ani > 8ta.Kv. , April ii.iva. w ; aenttemen.-Tho demand for ALl.c.N'H LUNO BXU- S • > I bam Is lncreatlng constantly. The ladles think tber * m * U Is no medicine equal to 11 for croup nnd Whooplnp it Cough. C.H.MAUTINDruggbU 1 I SOLD BY ALL 2JEDICIXE DEALERS. 1 'I _ R A D WlY'0' ' . PILLS 0 The Great Liycr and Stomach Remcdr ! I For the cure of all disorders of the- I I STOMACH , LIVER , BOWELS , KID I I NEYS , BLADDER , NERVOUS DrS f * J EASES. LOSS of APPETITE , HEAD- jf I ACHE , CONSTIPATION , COSTIVE- Jf I NESS , INDIGESTION , BILIOUS- I NESS , FEVER , INFLAMMATION of : I the BOWELS , PILES and all derange- I merits of the Internal Viscera , Purely- I Vegetable , containing no mercury , . I minerals , or DELETERIOUS DRUGS- I PERFECT DIGESTION will be ac- I complished by taking RADWAY'S 1 PILLS. By so doing I Dyspepsia , I SICK HEADACHE , FOUL STOM" I ACH , BILIOUSNESS , ETC. , will be I avoided , and the food contribute its. nourishing properties to the body. Price 25c. a box. SOLD BY DRUG- I GISTS. If Storekeeper is out of them I remit to RADWAY&CO..NEW YORK _ I DL W. DUNHAM'S : I OAKLAWN FARM. I fj3,000 PERCHERON I wlttm FRENCH COACH H0RSESr. I WvJp&FVK Iill'OKTKD. SIrHCTHsJv STOCK O.S' HAND : I E 'Wvfl ' cV 300STALLlONSor3 rrl3 - MfgasgEOreaVga able age : 150 COE.T.S IUa Raw WSKkMHtchoc ! ° pedlgreri. yiiperior Ind- H mW * KHvIcluaIs ; 200 IIIIPOllTBI- a BROODMAnKS601nroa { : | n D ? Brilliant , the must famous living sire ) . Mr Best Quality. Prices Reasonable * . H tf Terms Easy. Don't Buy without lntr ft- H W lac this Greatest ana Most MucrMifat H I Breeding EiitnlillNliini-st of America. H I i Tstradlsr purr hurra , addr-it. far 2S0'S g * cau'ojo- . Mm j , M. W. DUNHAM , WAYKE , fLLl OiS. I a5 ll . . . . ' . . * ritCkl ( a aC.A.V.n.U'jli > t.TBRi Juas.ASie ! < - B l ffTOSSOADflY ! I ffl'ilW ! > * lii ! > * * 1 tr K 'iHr w tn. sSsfoty iti'ln H 4ffiffl&f&H H'A'n GIVEN AWAY t Intr.- * lk7/m > imt& dttw them. fc\ery liurte • imiprnuyi ) iPbItWiM lrum 1 u > 6. Linenererunderhor 't aS i IsTrtsavyU feethend 2j cents In stamps to piy- MM h'M ' iWKk posiatro and packing lor Nl'kl M kfilV Wv I'Uteil Sample that sells tor * MM ISMal BrewsterMf g Co. , HollyMich. , . bbK bbW m T prescribe and fully rr L\ kuuf'9 mT mmdorse \ HIk li as the only- MM FCtmlt WcJ specificorthccertaincur MmmWl TO 6 DATS. 'Vd of thin dliease. MjSm t " 8trtctart. - Amsterdam. H. V. Ef urdealybytba Wc have sold Ills G for- H aguiu w- * * ? * givm the best of sat' .s- Mm mwClnolnna3 , * Faction. _ ctuo. m D. R. DYCTIF. & CO. . Trsit l iB JUrllSl.00. Sold by Druse ' iitil H ISSUItRTX H THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY The Largest , Cheaprsi sad ilest In the Wort t- M CASH ASSKTS Sl O.OOO.OOO. SIMOK GOETZ. Tfii. P. ALLHK. H Special Aesal. Oeneral Agent. MM OSZAJKA , - - XT3S3B. H The oldest medicine in the world Is probably sassy H C Dr. Isaac Thompson's | f' H ELEBRATED EVE WATeIII This article Is a carefully prepared l'hyMcian' * pr-- H scnption.and has been Inconstantly nearly a century MM CAUTIO.V. The only genuine Thompson * * Eye MM "Water has upon the white wrapper of each bottle aa H ea rared portrait of the inTentor.DR.l3AACTnoMr < v > 'r. MM with a facsimile of his signature ; a ] o a note of haul- H sineilJi > hn L. Thompson. Aroid all others. Thea- MM uine Eye Water can be obtained from al' Unic .su. MM JOHN L.TH0MPS0N.S0NS&C0. , TROY , N.Y. KIDDER'S PASTILLES. Kg- BBBBB BBSBSBSB B > BVBBBBSSBSBSBSBCharIpttOwn.Mav > H l/U A DT CARRIAGE & HARNESS MANUFACTURING CO. I El Wh B a WTM M Every Baser sold by agents has several jsjhw > o. 12 M § ssTslHm HaBB II dollani added to the man of xctorer's price. gi V _ _ , . _ , . , _ MU „ , _ _ We are manufacturers , and hare No AjrJL k > v Fb" IcKCl IliniMS- M\\ go. X. Farm Harness. A eBt . For IA yrn. hsre dealt 6 * 1 Vv S14 DO W\ _ . > gr6 > w cos en with the consumar. We ship anywberefV Zl-iiiwS s8" ! HHy2 awV with vrittltyofexaminmi tetort * ui/ing.p f > nj" * * StllK Mmjt W4m/1fe satisfactory. 11 in i mil I n I I 11 lllli | I in jf I „ f JL ImiRbV rxj" ? saTT' * L 2 yearn. Anyon * that can wnte csncr.jfc , / te JCI1IB LaQ > > 9 r H > der Harness from well - - ' ' vli \ fck a Banr or us as well'f a / SsW 11 3s3MMMr J I la > pst 810 tuSM to soma middle man to order i ypaWsTsT * * rJ feC a bsbb ! , a jlL / Bt .fcgEl 7iB& IT fanaaa some sold atSIlU. OnrsatSlOd ' " " " 1 ! 6UBBIES V MMt " J har jTBrTf "P sTr nrnnn llf ITir I'liiirTnnn . "T1 * " cinn I assi * < - . mlFl * ZaC + xm * rj - ' . . . . . iht HoadCarts , S17. ryT ; tQ- .i ! Platform Waron eifj Z 'e box and delirer on cars in ElkharteocAorj . J L * " bbbb bbbb ! rm , „ „ .m , win - imiibj iiLomrrQc ? * * i&t Sr fMM/KMfl MMffB2&Mtfo S & yMMgVmmS9B t a tSB E BfSa P V v S' ' SBBB | HuCflftV Ka Di vaeTersMoaradTerusemeat Ufon T TTell If not , althoatb wt da oar btniseti en toe qnlrt. we w ald llle to say to yon rf tit here , befors yoa order J H MmmrYTM'timwYMWZmm oor depuit caulogne. that we own by all odds one of the Urfest sad twit eqalppod Seed Stores ia Amerlea. wltb orer two seres Boor rooia , wlta Pouio cellirs H IbUVUbvUIsbbI of ofer 60,000 bosbels eapacltT and ererytblns flHod from tie cellar u the crret with lire Xorthem Grown Seeds I that we operate , oeatrel and own I H BBBfaBTaniBBKMP6 ! BBl orer 3 00 acres derated exclaitrely to prodoelnc solely Sslzer Seedt : thu we are located on tie Ulnlulppl Blrer , ia a thrirlo elty.wltb is U.S. msd. daily. \ MM BBTaBVBJBsr BBvVW with orer TO dally freight tralas , with M dally expreu ears nuhlnc ln every direction : with eipreis efflen ln oar owa bnildlacs to bellltatt qolck thipiuent. MM MMMWSwMB WMMJmm so we are la shape to fill all yoar orders f\m\1 C : lUUITC DnHIN71 I wl.000 IN PKIZES ! GraadeuOau erersowa. this MU W KIiHWH promptly , yes. inside of twenty-roar bocrs ! UA I O Hill I C DUnWlltJl I Is stronr yoa say bat el" It one trial and you'll r not H H . 'VV wWb.VbbI HALF8TE0.ia ESOCGH. It's a White OsU stronr straw. ra t proor , ztremely Ksrly , wonderfully proUfle teitiasoa aDaxoU fajm.200 bn h. per ; ! MM MmYJ S a kmmVwM tae. > "o praise Is too itronr. and If all the turners of Amerlea wosld sow thii seed , they would double , yea , often treble their presentyields. To Induce a. : H BSBBBr JCS 99W trial everywhere , we offer for larrett yields la ISO , sl,00O In Sixteen Prizes ! Seethe Cataloraa abont It 1 Look at the yields oar 1S88 customers tad : H VHaBk T * Ci' kV JscStoll. Fort Wayne. Ind. . . . 95 bo. per A. Cha > . Prettier. Lemont. 111. 103 ba. per A. Grant R. Baxter. Homer. Mich 163 ba. „ - . , . . „ , , _ i H BTaVJaVa A V S Francis rerrr. Andarer. Dax. . . 9S CsrlNow. Lee. I1L 109 " Tbeo. Elednel. Wheatlaod , Ia..lCT tC.JVi " i ifiTt5 BBBsi awlawStSfc * JM Fred. Blum , ftoseilUe. Mich. . . . 88 " D.H. Slatey.Csrwn City.MIe .IW • • Aur. Bratthaner. Dennlson. Ia..ITi fcMOD HAM 11.1. > H BlsS B PMm H. a Allen , Tartar Centre , Wy. 90 " C. Strsftm. WIIUsm borf ; . Kan.141 " John Veil. Sleepy Eye. Hlnn..J06 ( JhU a. o laclndes J M m ttMmmmWWtXmS.MMM J. A. Mauea. Jllnden. Ia 9S If. W. Bou. Sank Centre , Minn..II3 " Herman Daerre. Jr. , JopUa , Ko.211 Wheat , Barley , and H V9MBnyH J. W. Tonnjc. Blae Mound. I1L..10O M. Chlmann- It5 B. Hsrrinrton , lilcdcra. 213 Cera ) . H mWniXwS&vflxkW AT/VbT el'AKGERT8TOCk n AMEUIcX'cnstoiners win find Dakotaf sl ! & DAT / e-l'AKGERT ln cnstoiners my Dakota- Ui ; * - i > Sl bbbbb KKbb&1EIbb9HI WtXJ I A I UCO crown nock InrariaMr abend of nny other. Wonderful yleldrra , l iS s I = • T. ; -M MjWMMfflMXWljrgMM Tlroroosaad flae. Oar seeds rliethe firmer on SPUIXG WHEAT In Illinois. Iowa. WlKonsln. Xebraska , tm mmlkmgjSSmMm S f & I w | T iP iItI 8AT'ZE * lt'y KXTKA OKAJSS Mia&DRE.SCttocs. Sow redt Ttelds * .CB 1 * 7CPC ? QpFfl9 Sa a ffl S bbbbb