l r iwwii wiMwiJfcMwiiiMWWMMiirtBBiiJIMiMiiiiiiBlllll1 ! ! ! "I'll ' * ' ' " TZZmtn t , ' ' ' 77 twi iPn T nr i i ' n.r - - - - ' - - - . . . . . . . . - - , . , , , , , . „ . . . ' . ' ' ' " ' " " ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' "J" " * " " " • ; • ' * * " * : * • " " ' ' " - - ' • • ' " > • j ' • " ' " ' - ' ' ' " • . . .i r- j h . . „ _ , . . . , . . . . . . tvft. . ; ( fclp . I I r r * M * . - JF I i I llr .1 1 I | wm . ' ( IlP v I 1 111 I II ' 1 , " ' ' " , " " ' , . ' ' ' " Si • v • - • ' . . ' . ' * . „ ' • * ' i H ' ' " - • ' • = ' . _ A - . i. > ' , . ' . i - ' - - Hi' - • * - .zrr- - ' .1 jl- - tLf i rfM * / * > % . " . • - ' * I ; - • - ' " VOLUME VII. McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING , FEBRUARY 8 , 1889. .NUMBER , - I r te * . • . - . ' • • • I i | * U- • - l- -S = * . , -l . - , , - : , , i l ; ; --vv : . . ; . _ . ; . ' - | fiYOUR : : CHOICE FACTUAL COST 1 . ; • for THIRTY DAYS ONLY at ( 1 ; v 1 TIE PIONEER HARDWARE , I j f ' LaTOURETTE & CO. , ' , . Jj lEgT * Brick Store , Main Avenue , 4 doors south of J. C. Allen & Co. B " I A. OPPENHEIMER 1 IBf 18 NOW OPENED UP AND I READY M BUSINESS ! U * I 0A11RY AN IMMENSE LINE OF I • CLOTfflNG , Etc. u | | " * * " * * * * " * * * * . . . . * . . . * * " H * ' THIS WEEK I WILL QUOTE A FEW L SPECIAL LOW PRICES I Hr0 rONELOT OF SUITS-AT $5.00. H f ' ; - ONE LOT OF CHILDREN'S SUITS AT $2.50. BT ONE LOT OF YOUTHS' SCOTCH SUITS AT $3.50. IkST * . - : - SIX FINE ALL-WOOL MEN'S SUITS AT $12.50. H ) { : v , / : ONE DOZ. MEN'S BLUE BEAVERS AT $12.50. BR. ONE'LOT WORSTED SUITS AT $8.00. Hf UEANS PANTS AT 90 Cents TO $1.50. Hr Jt BOYS' JEANS PANTS AT 75 CENTS. . ; : ' ' " H . & " , . ' , BIG CUT IN ODD VESTS. v H. ODD PANTS BELOW COST. B - -V' " : ONE LOT OF COTTONADE PANTS AT $1.50. Wr * * * ; Big Bargains in Dress Goods , Ginghams , Etc. > B' AT PRICES THAT DEFY COMPETITION. KJ -r ' _ "Ji * " ' ' ' ' * • ' ' * * -t * * * * * ' * . . . fc . A. OPPENHEIMER , ; J ; B * o 113ABCOCK BRICK , - „ McCOOK , NEBRASKA. . BiB - BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 7. DrROK JEHNIKGS. JOHII WILEY. JENNINGS & WILEY , ATTORNEYS : - AT - : LAW. Will proctico in the State and United State Courts , and before tho TJ ' ' . Land Offices. Careful attention Kh'Oii to Colloitions. Office over Citizens Dank , JlcCooU , No'j. THOS. COLFER , ATTORNEY - : - AT - : - LAW , AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Heal Estate Bought and Sold and Colleciong Made. Money loaned on real estate and llnal proof. Ajjcnt Lincoln Land Co. Offico , over Farmers & Merchants Bank. R. M. SNAVELY , ATTORNEY ' - : - AT - : - LAW , INDIANOLA , NEBRASKA. Will practice in all tho State and United States Courts. Also , bofore the Land Offico at McCookand the department at Washington. HUGH W. COLE , LAWYER , " MCCOOK. NEBRASKA. Will practice in all tho Courts. Commercial and corporation law a specialty. MONEY TO LOAN. Rooms 4 and 5. First Nafl Bank Building1 . a. j. niTrj-.xnoDSE : , "iv. n. staiiu , McCook. Indiauola. Rittenhouse & Starr , Attorneys k &t k Law. OFFICES AT McCOOK AND INDIANOLA. T. M. HEM , - C. TV. DAVIS. Lita Eogistcr U. 3. Lasi Lito of Cos. Liti 05o , OiBes.SlnTia , Sis. 'Wahi5 t02 , D. 0. HELM & DAVIS , Attorneys , Land § Loan Agents. McCOOK NEBRASKA. If you have a difficult contest case to prose- cuto or defend and want to win consult us. Office , north of U. S. Land Office. . Front base ment of the Citizens Bank. H. G. DIXON , Real Estate and Lean Broker , ilcCOOK , NEBRASKA. Special attention given tc the sale of city property. Houses rented and collection. made. Offico : Rear of Citizens Bank. T. B. STUTZMAN , M. D. , Eclectic Physician and Surgeon OCULIST AMD ATJKIST. McCOOK NEBRASKA 0"Offlce in McNeely Building , Main St. B. B. DAVIS , M. D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , McCOOK NEBRASKA. E Office atChejiory's drug store. L. J. SPICKELMIER , M. D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Special Atisatlw Given to renils DUcwss. Office hour ? , from 9 to 11 A. M. . and 2 to 1 P. M. , mountain time. OfficeOver Farmers & Merchants bank. Dr. Z. L. KAY , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON McCOOK. - - XKHUASKA. 53 ? Rooms : Over new First National Bank. A. J. THOMAS , DENTIST. Administers Gas if desired. "Office over Scott's brick. ( J. W. MINKLER , FORMERLY COUNTY - : - SURVEYOR , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. Will do all kinds of Surveying , Grading and Civil Engineering. Residence north of school house. THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL , Geo. E. Johnston , Prop. McCOOK , TiEBRASKA. This house has been completely renovated and refurnished throughout , and is lirst-class in every respect. Rates reasonable. W. M. SANDERSON , DECORATIVE - : - ARTIST , SCENIC PAINTER , Calclmining , Graining. Paper Hanging , etc. with neatness and dispatch. JOHN a. W. E. FLEEMING , House and Carriage Painting , QRAIXINa , CALCIMININQ , MARBLING , McCOOK. NEBRASKA. Leave all orders at tho drug store of Albert McMillen. First-elass work guaranteed. J. H. BENNETT , .GONTRAGTOR OF BRICK AND STONE , McCOOK , - NEBRASKA. F. D. BURGESS , PLUMBING , Steam and Hot Water Heating , North Main Ave. , McCook , Neb. - By All work receives prompt attention. . BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The Best Salve in tho world for cuts , bruis es , sores , ulcers , salt rheUm. fever sores , tel- .ter , chapped hands , cbirwfdns , corns , and all Bkin eruptions , and positively cures piles , or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give per fect satisfaction , or money refunded. Price | .wnt8pejrboK. For ealebr A. McMillen. . . . . . . , . . - _ wMiiamiiiw i ll t | i B ni r i. i. - - TjA- ( | \ -J : The Prohibition and License Bill. Tho following is the full text of Senator Lindsay's senate tile No. 31 , with the house amendment , over the adoption of which so much excitement lias been witnessed in the state legislature for tiio last few weeks. As may bo seen by reading the bill tho election for deciding the matter will not occur for nearly two years yet , but the interest in the struggle which is pending lias already made the subject a leading topic of conversation in every walk of life. 1'he business and pro fessional men of the city , tiie ladies , the old and young , all have something to say about the probable results of the great temperance campaign : THE SENATE KILE. A bill for an act to submit to the electors of the state , for rejection or approval , an amend ment to tho constitution of the state to pro hibit tho manufacture , sale and keeping for sale , of intoxicating liquors as a beverago , aud providing for the manner of voting on such proposed amendment. Introduced by J. P. Lindsay. Bo it enacted by the legislature of tho state of Nebraska : Section 1. That at tho general election to be held on the-Tuesday succeeding the llrst Mon day of November , A. IV1690 , thore shall bo submitted to the electors of this stato for ap proval or rejection-an amendment to tho con stitution of thi3 state in wotds as follows : "Th'j ' manufacture , sate , aud keeping for sale , of intoxicating liquors as a beverage , are for ever prohibited in this state , and the legisla ture shall provide by law for the enforcement of this provision. " Sec. 2. At such election , on tho ballot of each elector voting for the proposed amend ment to the constitution , shall Uo written or printed the words : .For proposed umendinent to the constitution , prohibiting the manufact ure , sale , and keeping for sale , of intoxicating liquors as a beverage , " and "Against said pro posed amendment to the constitution .prohibit- Ing the manufacture , sale and keeping for sale of intoxicating liquors as a beverage. " Sec. 3. If the said proposed amendment shall be approved by a majority of the electors vot ing at the said election , then it shall constitute section t of article one of the constitution of this state. nOUSE AMENDMENTS. Amend section 1 , after line 5 , by adding tho following : "And there shall also at such elec tion be separately submitted to tho electors of this state for their approval or rejection an amendment to tho constitution of tho state in words as follows : "The manufacture , sale and keeping for sale of intoxicating liquors as a bevurnge , shall be licensed and regulated by law. " Amend section 2 to make it read as follows : Sec. 2. At such election , on the ballot of each elector voting for the proposed amendments to the constitution , shall be written or printed the words : "for proposed amendment to the constitu tion , prohibiting the manufacture , sale and keeping for sale of intoxicating liquors as a beverage , " or , "Againstsaid proposed amend ment to the constitution prohibiting the man ufacture , sale and keepjug for sale of intoxi cating liquors as a beverage. " There shall al so be written or printed on the ballot of each elector voting for the proposed amendment to the constitution , the words : * \For proposed amendment to the constitu tion that the manufacture , sale and keeping for sale of intoxicating liquors as a beverage in this state , shall be licensed and regulated by law , " or "Against said proposed amendment to the constitution that the manufacture , sale and keeping for sale of intoxicating liquors as a beverage shall bo licensed and regulated by law. " Sec. 3. If either of tho said proposed amend ments shall be approved by a majority of the electors voting at tho said election then it shall constitute section 27 of article 1 of tho constitution of this state. .Efforts are being made to discover the cause of the low price of cattle to the grower. Indefinite charges are made continually that the dressed beef men are to blame for it. There may bo some truthin this , butit cannot wholly account for the apparent cheapness of cattle. The market for hogs has been re markably stiff for a number of months. The hog grower cannot complain of low prices. If the pork and beef packing monopolies hold the power to depress the price of live stock at will , why do they not lower the price of hogs as they have of cattle ? The truth is , the low price of cattle is rue to tho fact that the sup ply outruns the demand. A glance at the table of the number of cattle returned for taxation would prove this. For the year JSS1 the re port shows that six millions of cattle were returned from the nine western states and territories devoted to cattle raising. In 1887 the number returned was nearly fourteen millions. If the figures for 1SSS were prepared they would no doubt run into tne twenty mil lions. WhTetber these returns be correct or not is immaterial. They are undoubtedly un derestimated. Nevertheless these estimates prove that there has been an enormous in crease in the number of cattle since tho palmy days when live stock fetched high prices. For that reason , it is to the interest of the cattle growers of the west to extend their market and encourage the beef-packing industries. They must find avenues to dispose of tempor ary overproduction. But this can never be accomplished by a short-sighted policy to re strict the free movement of cattle from one state to another by the passage of local inspec tion laws , nor by unwarranted hostility to the beef-packing industries , through whose ener gies the west is able to supply not only Amer ica but Europe with cheap beef. Bee. Dundy Democrat : Benkelman base ball en thusiasts are going to organize a ball team for the season of 'SO that will be a terror to all competitors in the Repub'ican Valley. It will be a Dundy county club , Ough and Parks will contribute their best players to the associa tion. Benkelman will have a home club to be proud of this year. Spurious coin has been circulated to some extent iu the northern por tion of the county during the past year. x.ast week while Dave Butes was searching for some lost article in a dilapidated cabin form erly the house of a supposed honest home steader , ho unearthed a full set of dies , the kind used in the manufacture of the "queer. " This discovery may reflect some light upon the mystery. In many respects Judge Coch ran is a model magistrate. lie lacks one im portant characteristic , , however , that of com mand. Ho does not imbue his attorneys with a sense of his authority , and permits entirely too much wrangling and side talk. He is aff able aud courteous to a fault. A cultivation of tho art of discipline will , with his other ex cellent qualiflcations , make Cochran one of the best and most popular of tho Nebraskn judges It is doubtful if a session of dis trict court in western Nebraska ever called together a better array of legal talent than that before the court on this occasion. In ad dition to the splendid Dundy county bar were such able legal lights as Colonel B. F. Mont gomery , of Denver ; Hon. Thos. Golfer , of Mc Cook ; MorJan. of Arapahoe ; Stuil , of Auburn ; McElroy , of Oberliu and Hon. George Lambert son , of Lincoln. The insurance bill introduced iu the state senate should receive very.careful considera tion , so that its provisions shall be made so ex plicit that there will be no possibility of evad ing them. The proper regulation of insurance companies is a matter that has given the legis latures of the older states a good deal of trou- ble , and in some of them a reform miusurance j laws is now demanded. The exposure of J fraudulent insurance companies in New York within the past two years made a rather start ling showing of how a hr.v supposed to be very nearly perfect could bo evaded and the people defrauded by swindling schemers pretending to bo mutual insurauce companies. Nebras ka should profit by such experiences , Hall , Cochran & Co. , DKALKKS IK Implements , Etc. A complete stock of' CUTLERY , STOVES , TINWARE , • BARB WIRE , WINDMILLS , OILS , ETC Lowest LiTing' Prices. "WEST DENNISON STREET , McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. Fins WnnlBnsl jg. .illy sa \JLit M.t3 r You will find a splendid Imp of Cloths , Cassiraeres , Wor steds , London Suitings , and Trouserings , and a complete assortment of Spring and Fall Overcoatings. Also Esqui mau Beavers in all shades at DB-YS DALE'S Fine Custom Tailor Shops , opposite the new postofEce. Good fits guaranteed. Thir ty-five years' experience in Now York City. MAIN AVENUE , McCOOK , NEB. ALLEN'S TRANSFER , Bus , Baggage Bray Line. F. P. ALLEN , Prop. , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. S7 Best Eciuipped in tho Citv. Leave orders at Commercial Hotel. Good well water fur nished . , . on short notice. . , , ir ' - r- t - r " ' " ' Herian & DesLarzes , Proprietors of the McCook Transfer % City Bus Line. Eus to and from all trains. Coal IiauHnjr and general delivery. Three drays. All work promptly attended to. Leave orders at Frees & Hocknell Lumber Yard. Blue Front Livery Stable D. D. S3IITH , Proprietor. Liverjfeed and sale stables. Finest turn nuts in the city furnished. Uarii , rear 31c- Enti'e Hotel. Hotel.R. R. H. COLE , "The Leading" mtihntkttl I u3gui op McCOOK , roa First-Class Tailoring * . * TTaving a large stock of Fine Suitings and Trouserings , I will furnish them • heap for the next GO days. t. e. Mccracken , Tibs IposiF giiM RrH ( lid llsdfilaiiiro Mi | ! McCOOK , NEBRASKA , Writes Indemnity against Firs , Light- t ' nn , Tornado and Hail Siorm. • M. G. MAXWELL , BREEDER OF Uml sOihE * 4iitiIil03 ; • Stock on hand at ? ! ! , .liruqs : ' Farm : , one uiile so.uth or McCook , Neb. The "Mascotte. " 1 * a , * t * * * * * * * * < I sSP Improved Heel-Plate I mf : MACHINEI I flltl * ' "l'Veliave the only I i i SL J Machine in town. I % | h1 | % Plates attached to I % & & & $ $ & Kubbers of all kinds I R il ' at our STORE. M - aHf BIJY youk ; I THE "IWASCOTTE. " JA. W U U A-J IX. VJ Witli our IMPROVED HEEL PLATE I on and sliow tkeni to your Mentis. .1 Tliey will make your rubbers I No where in this country can be found W/KJjj/m I a better assortment of rubber goods. See Hf I - - - - . . . . . . . _ . . - . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . ' H --i -iri i .i .i i.i.i i i.i i. ii i i ll n.rTiiui.ni .rii- 1 i-i. 11 ii i - - --irxjTjTuruni-i | i- i-i i-i i ru-irii-i i-ij-i i-i n ri i-irLiu-iii.i I -iri i - - - ii-i i-inr jt -iri i .ni-i. .i-i.ru-r-ui i. . ' i i-i.-i . - . , - . rini iirun. . n i un . _ . .it. _ _ _ . H In Rubber Shoes , all made of fine Jersey cloth , I are the most stylish , best fitting goods in the I market. These goods are especially adapted to I fine city trade. We sell "first quality" goods at I the same prices other dealers ask for second and , jfl third grade brands. I . * * & & # . & % * * • * • , We ( Hr@ Headquarters I For Wool Boots and Leather Boots and Shoes of I every description. NOVELTIES in. Ladies' and I Gents' Slippers. We save you money on every I purchase you make at our store. I dfWEil # LAY 01 _ I "BOSTON BARGAIN SHOE STORE. " | | Oi'iKA HOUSE IiLOCK , - McCOOK , XEKKASKA. I ? I 1 CITY BAKERY. I FRESH BREAD I \ DELIVERED EVERY DAY FREE OF CHARGF. \ : l ° : i | PIES-CAKES-CANDIES-NUTS- \ lf , -OYSTfiRS-CIDER-CJGARS- \ \ TOBACCO-ETC-ET ( ; . - \ \ LUNCH ROOMIN CONNECTION. I ; i I Cakes Made to Order. St. Paul Patent Flaur. \ \ A. PROBST , PROP. ! I i i 1 The Candy Kitchen Is now located in its new quarters In the VSGOTT BRIGK. ' - ; A fine assortment of . Candies of OUR OWN MAKE. I Constantly on hand. OYSTERS SERVED IN EVERY STYLE. r • r * * A