The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 01, 1889, Image 7

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[ 1 * * ' ?
. : Rheumatism
] % J ' " I havs been a victim of Q S * a3
| rheumatism for the past six \ I ( if
i fk years , and 1 have tried vanJSklf II
I " " > > ( ous remedies , but none gave S _ V If
' * relief until I used Paine's JKl//
Vk , ; ' - Celery Compound. The / / } * /
J | * effect was wonderful ; in v/fAftt'S.
i. | two days I was relieved iVoftSAic I
I V of all pain , and when I | " ° " _ _ „
/ ; bad used one bottle I felt
* . . I OWNER.
I .i t t i r
' '
; J better than 1 had for a • 'm H n
< f lonK time / / ) \ \
, D.H.GlU-BcltonMo. fj \ \
* B
* j '
; Paine's
! . Celery Compound
| has undoubtedly cured more cases of rheuma.
' \ tism , which had resisted other treatment ,
V I than all" other rheumatic remedies combined.
t' , ' If troubled with rheumatism or neuralgia , ust
J ) Paine's Celery Compound at once a few
1 I doses will prove its uncqualcd value.
3 uj . Jil.oo. Six for 5.00. At druggists.
ill > AVells , RICHARDSON & Co. , Burlington , Vt ,
| l J DIAMOND DYES l ffiSSSX * "
ln\ rr _ U'ol lively cured nj
I : * ' > / ADTCDO these Mttle PUN.
It isAKlFKtJ Thcyclso relieve Dls-
_ L * * l II bllV tress from Dyspepsla.In-
h | H | . _ _ . _ _ rtlgestlonandTooHeartj
K _ V1TTL > E Eating. A perfect rcm-
_ _ K _ 111 # _ > % edyforDlzzlness.lfauBea
_ _ ' B I V E. K Drowsiness. Bad Taste
H SLbib 1 % the Mouth. Coated
_ _ I ! PILLS Tongue.PalninlheSlde.
? „ . H TOKFID LIVER. The }
m ' _ bbbbbbbbbbH regulate the Bowels.
_ _ _ _ H Purely Vcpctable.
W - - = I Prlca 25 Cents.
\j Small Pill. Small Dose. Small Price ,
I ' " WtatScotfsEnmlsionHasDone
I , pvor 25 Pounds Cain In 10 Weeks
m' * Experience ofa prominent Citizen
f Tee California Socncn rcu mt )
K" SoprnK BioN of Vice. J
| | 1 , San Feancisco , July 7th , 188G. J
| i I I took a severe eold unon
II II myehesfcand lungs and did.
I SI not give it proper atten.
I * | | ; tionjitdevelopedintobron-
I I chitis , and in the fall of the
1 , w same year I was threat-
[ f I , ened with consumption ,
I ] i Physieians ordered me to
If B , a more congenial climate ,
| | ) i and I came to San Franeis *
Jki M eo. Soon after my arrival
I Ieommeneed taking Scott's
I SB Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil
| ll with Hypophosphites reg-
I ) II ularly three times a day.
| [ i II In ten weeks my avoirdu-
r In pols went from 1S5 to 180
www pounds and over ; the cough
US. meantime ceased.
f 1ji C.R. BENNETT.
_ _
mWi 1 Kj B Soft's Specific has cures me of n mallc-
UmI < R Hnant brooking out on my lee. which caused
mKl I 1 I Elntolcriible pain. It was called Eczema by
1 | the doctors four of whom treated mo with
VH < W Mm no relief. I candidly confess that I oire my
UH | \w m present good health to S. S. S „ which in mr
H VI I L M iostimaUon is inralnable ns a blood remedy.
mk m
I ' K 2237 S. 10th St. , St. Louis. Mo.
MM W w Our baby Trhen two months old was attack-
B W Jr. crt - ith Scrofula , which for a Ions time do >
Bj > ffr I II wtioyed her eyesight entirely , and caused us
H | * It k , \ # /to despair of her life. The do'clor failed to
mm W HHrclleTO her , and we pare Swift's Specific ,
mMH | Kwhlch soon cured her entirely , and she Is
H I ) 1 T iiow halo and hearty. K. V. Ielk ,
B li WMm\Y Will's I'olnt. Texas.
mm I i * f I BcrofulndcTelopedonmydauL'bter swell-
mm I m A\Jlng and lumps on her neck. We care her
mm KBwlft'a SpecUlc and the result was wonder-
H Kful and the cure prompt.
. ] \ tf mM S. A. DEARilOND. Cleveland , Tenn.
M > mSmW t3T Send fur book glTine history of blood
1 / B KDlseascaaiMladTlcetosufrerers.mailed free.
m'K mmmwj Drawer : ) , Atlanta , G a.
H j . .
mr A j , P5F wl ! Ely's Cream Balm
m ' Gsj i isi'M ' Gives relief at onro for
Ml § mm > M00LD IN HEAD.
C S B rJol"a Liquid or Snuff.
BEtC l * Applv Bnlm into rnch nostril.
yy S * * UXLl ELY BROS. . M Warren St. . N. Y.
MHKlDv orcmrniiARs free.
mmm Sm r lOOUBrewstpr'sSafctyReln
WltMm\Wm Holders GIVEN AWAY to Intro-
Wlm mwmTm duce them , ltrery horse owner buys
hh i HhBSVcH from 1 to fi. Lines neverunderhorse's
I BHFfflull feet. Send 25 cents In stamps to pay
T HVi&tSHI postage and packing for Nlckla
IJ0' ' BMIsSlLl P'&tca Sample that sells for &
US iiHBI Brewster Mf g Go. , HollyMich.
H a M i I prescribe and fully en *
mwM i .AmmmW mM dorse Big O as tho only
K MmmWrOvitlK mM specificforthecertaincuro
MmW Ammwl TO 6 DATS/V of this disease.
H > Mbuuutwl oi itl G. H.INORAHAMM. D. ,
E BM • awjjtristtrt. " AmBterdam , N. Y.
Hbtfr 13 vraoniTbTtiajv > have sold Big G for
I111VI Cfv . . . , and It hat
.rv MlR < i many _ years
lP - _ iven tho best of saU -
Bbl lim. ClnirtmiatlJiMWi faction.
Lml I _ OtdO. 'JW D. R. DYCHE CO. ,
B ; TrJ fcBi 5"kl31.00. Sold by Druggists *
Kl ' Pi i@8c Prettiest Illustrated
iiiKi * ' aSUvffiw J Cl SEKIiCATALOGUE
iiiflu R3SpSr0tljc t SEEDS gro vn.
HS | . ftatTHB fW f C' Cheap as dirt by oz. < t lb ,
Utl i kmV SjmMkW' 10J pkts new extras free.
Jfo | f It. HTSHinirWAY. Uockford 111.
B I do not mean merely to stop them loraumo and
Mr then have them return. I mean a radical cure. I have
n : Hf 9-longr • • dy. I warrant my remedy to cure the
W 'wentcasec Because others hare failed is no reason
P lor not now receiving a cure. Send at once for treatise
and JTee Bottle of my infallible remedy. Give Express
M i aadP. O. H. O. BOOT. M. C. 183 Pearl Ct. N. V
LW r rssunt : tk
* H-I' ' The Largest. Cheapo.j : mad Best iu tho WorM.
Hyi CASH ASSETS S130.000.000.
H j Speclai Agai > General Ageat.
1 i. IX.V. . GABDA'ER , Froeport , 111. ,
1 f ISuccf'or to Gardner Bros.t win send tou bl
W r feS ttC11 * teed < % t gv& for l$89 FREE.
M • Toe Cheapest SEED HOUSE m America.
I fiore seeds for tor money toan yon ran buy
M Uewhere. PACK.ETS 3 Cents. TBI TJS.
B l V. Jl I M ! IM ' • skU'wlwltUl * ssTrV
; anLCuniiLn rs
i r i nttump.WaeetS3PerDay. rtns atp.dtlaa. N
i f * Bi rrtJ Utnrr adiiic l for va'ci.urcrtiilRt.ctc.
K ( Centennial Manufactunne Co. , Cincinnati , Ohio.
I [ \i SEND YOUR HUE ' cl t'rT.
mmJW } ht , tosavellairyMrsaaayoriany Mr lArtMl ,100pag
Vlr CatalogaealrotMwinapof thefirrtt tUp.blle .rH.rtk
mr I ' ' . A ri ijeK-hlngfromtHoX rtkr tototbol i.t.rwltai.
V lS\i < I fii , MidfflPfUjiaAST"laXS.f ) tV& WSIKS 4J M >
W frmT - ? Ml.a r.Ul Iw . l • ' • • f rmBl irt T * n S
r | - j f t'Jtio - M. mim ramrBsczu weus , ctucAaoriu. '
H ' i * # _ _ find Pico's Cure for
m f -a W y < T / r- > CConsumption THE
I [ \ | ( * fiS BEST remedy for
f ixm J'N vj i - \J * ) boaivene 8 and to
= = > c-
. 7 • - - * cclear the throat.
* }
Vfl n HI \ Stttionerskeepiiea. Standafd quality
Kf ) B k ? & to I tnptf UUKi
L * l 5SSHSF ! SSHrUeror ? asthha
K r KIlDErS FWILUS. sgjgg&raP- ?
* H t ! BVBVBVHBBF'V' CharIestoKn.lfa
* * * * * * * * * * *
Shb' lt jTTTKTTrT3f i 1TT3fiTTi tTT Jfrr !
Hf W. H7U. . Omaha , 460-6.
m\wml . '
LmK var' -
Bj rWr M # " fe ? :
M r - ' g i - -
• • Tnko tlie bull hy the liorn " b ah old
( Mingo , but you tiihe Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup
hy tho teunpoonful , A tew tlrova for a
child. One bottle will 8ttvo the lived of a
family. Por courIki , coIJb , bronchitis , etc. ,
it Is excellent unci uaft . 25 cents.
In the treuttnent of rheumatlRtn , nournl-
gin , ( iciatirn , tic doulourouz. Bem'cranin ,
etc. , the valuo of Siilvation OH ennnot Le
over-oititnnted. It kills pain. Price
twonty.flvo cents a bottle.
Look not it gilt horse in the mouth , but
keop your cyeii on his hind hoot.
No SAFr.u Rk.midy canjae had forcouphs
and coIiIh , or any trouble of the throat ,
than "Brown's Bronchial Troches. " Price
25 cts. Sold only in boxes.
Pear grafts on a quince stock produce
the most abundant and luscious fruit.
A Trriuendoita Mentation
would have been created cue hundred years
ngo by the sight of one of our modern ex
press trains whizzing along at tho rate of
sixty miles an hour. Just think how our
grandfathers would have stared at such a
spectacle ! It takes a good deal to astonish
people now-a-dnys , butsomeof the marvel
ous cures of consumption , wrought by Dr.
Pierce'B Golden Medical Discovery , have
created wide-spread ainnzement. Con
sumption is at last acknowledged curable.
Tho "Golden Medical Discovery" is tho
only known romedy for it. If tnken at tho
richt lime which , bear in mind , is not
when the lungs ore nearly g.ine it will go
rijht to the seat of the disease and accom
plish its work as nothing else in the world
Never cry over spilt milk when beer is
only a nickel .a glass.
"Hud Boon Worried Eighteen ears. "
It should have read "married" but tho
proof-reader observed thatit amounted to
about the same thing , and so did not draw
his blue pencil through the error. Unfor-
tnnately there wns considerable truth in
his observation. Thousands of husbands
nro constantly worried alnostto despair
by the ill health that afflicts their wives ,
and often robs life of comfort j.nd happi
ness. Therein but one safe and sure way
to change all this for the better. The ladies
should use Dr. Piarco's Favorite prescrip
There never was a man so ornery that
he could not get married.
"Kivo Him ? 2 mid Let Zaltti Giiom. "
Wo once heard a man complain of feeling
badly , and wondered what ailed him. A
humorous friend said , "Give a doctor $2
and let him guess. " It was a cutting satire
on some doctors , who don't always guess
right. You need not guess what ails you
when your food don't digest , when your
bowels and stomach are inactive , and when
vour head aches every day , and vou are
languid and eiiRily fatigued. You are
bilious , and Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purga
tive Pellets will bring 3ou out all right.
Small , sugar-coated , easy to take. Of
He has tho least to answer for who lives
the shortest life.
Coimiimpllou Surely Cured.
To tho Editor : Please inform your read
ers that I have a. positive remedy for con
sumption. By its timely use thousands of
hopeless cases have been permanently
cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles
of my remedy fkee to any of your read
ers who have consumption it they will send
me their express and P. 0. address. Be-
spectrully , T. A. SL,0CUM , , M. C , 181 Pearl
street , Now York.
Tho great oak of Sain tea in Trance , is
about 2,000 years old.
The new catalogue of the Iowa Seed Co. ,
of Des Moines , is tho handsomest of the
kind ever insued in the West. Its cover is
lithographed in six colors , and the book
contains many fine illustrations. This
firm was established in 1871 , and their
business is ' now the largest of the kind in
Iowa. Their seeds are produced on farms
nc4r Des Moines , and great care is taken
that they shall be pure and true to name.
They are introducing many new varieties
of great merit. See their advertisement ,
and send for catalogue.
The hardest man to convince in an argu
ment is the man who says the least.
Southern Excursioiu at Ilnlf Fare.
On January 15th , 29th , February 12th.
and 26th , 1889 , the Monon Route will sell
Land Excursion tickets at one fare for tho
round trip to designated points in Ala
bama , Florida , Georgia. Louisana , Missis
sippi and Tennessee. Limit of tickits GO
days from date of stamp. Stop-overs can
be araanged. For full particulHrs. address
L. E. Sessions , T. P. A. , box 5SL Minneap
olis , Minn. , or E. 0. McCormick , G. P. A. ,
AdamB Express building , Chicago.
Hopes are like empty buckets that you
pick up , thinking they are full.
When Bnb.v wns Mel : , we rave h r C.istoria.
When she iu > n Child , she cried for Cnstoria.
When she liernnu MUr. she cltiiis to Cnstoria ,
When shehml Children , she gnre them Cnsroria
Twigs of myrtle laid under a bed will
keep off fleas and moths.
MANCE , Galls , Scratches , Cracked Heel.
Thrush , and all diseases of the feet and irrita
tions of the skin of horses and cattle quickly
and permanently cuied by the use of Veteri
nary Carbollsalvc.SOc. and Slat Druggists.
Papyrus was made from the birch and
lime trees.
Sfa Q v 300 STALLIONS of serriet-
VK able ae ; 150 COLTS with
r HI &chotco pedlcrers. superior lndl-
i KTiduals ; 200 I2TIPOKTED
> _ mm BROOD WARES (60 In foal
B by Brilliant , themost famous linns sire ) .
V' Best Quality , Prices Beaaonable.
m Terms Easy. . Don't Buy without lnspeet-
W las this Greatest and Boat Snccessfnl
I Breeding EstabllabBaent or America.
laleailafaortkawn , cdJnu , f.rSSO-Mt * aataUta * ,
15 altos w tCM if aCa .ff.R'/lwt.Ta a rJaa .aB la.
mi | | am Omaha property and lnr.d
rail ! E rSluP forstocSsof merchandise-
• • • Lands liousht and ex
changed. D. I. Thornton. 121 If. 15th &U , Omaha. Neb.
IJUlllTCill An enerRetlc salesman and
WW MM 1 .11. one sales ady In ronr county
* " . a" * * * in sell ourpood ! by Sample.
Address TTESTERK AGENCY CO. . Omaha , Nob.
_ _ _ _ M/ - . „ J forourfos' wiling books and
AffeiltS Wanted bibles. Dls.tinc.eno hindrance.
We 1'rolUs. Empyi-eal rub. HouSt Jfaul , Jllnn.
RAta UTtbo .andxna1.morsmonc-7Wttkiarorfta
tiVMsil t nTlhlnr Hf in lh. world Either m. CwtWontfit
rui. T.nuri.SE. Addrt.1. TkuxIi Co Xugattmlimine.
r > i1TPT Tl Trraitij and cBr < l w u > < ot tav xnusv
I Am , V\ \ { Book on trtatment sent frM. A
l/al1VijUj- / .L.P0HD.lLD. . aurora. Kan.Oo..BL
Nine tailors make a man and one tailor
can make nine dudes.
There are no hopes in last year's calen-
dnr * . - . * , <
itarra .U le0rt4 %
WitlTliO AL APP'tlCA-TION , as they can *
not reach the Bent of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease , and
in order to cure it you have to take inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken
internally , and acts directly on the blood
and mucus surface. Hall's Catarrh Care
is no qaack medicine. It was ( prescribed
by one of the best physicians in the coun
try for years , and is artgularprescription.
It is composed of the best , tonics known ,
combined with the beat blood purifiers ,
acting directly on the mucus surface. The
perfect combination of the two ingredients
is what produces such wonderful results in
curing catarrh. Send for testimonials free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO. , Prop. , Toledo , 0.
Sold by druggists , price 75c
* i _ . - . $ - - * - "V " & * - .j s&ik
* .
- - " ' - " " ' *
* -n r if i jai "J. i i n tj | 'tTTT" , * v
* * * gl" r-ri rn i" ri/r > , . * . , n 7i" - tJT , JT , j..Tf.
B. Talk to Boys A Dog Goes On a
The Old-Fnsliloncd Girl Honont Ice *
Jandcm Ir.Iturdette'M Advice.
A Tallc to Boyw.
Mr. Georgo R. Scotfc , one of the editors
of tho New York "Weekly Witness , has
an excellent article in that paper for De
cember 17th , which ho calls , "A Talk to
Boys. " • Wo would like to give the j
whole article if space permitted. After
very kindly and somewhat humorously l
speaking of many little innocent fail-
ings of which most boys are sometimes
guilty , especially those that come
through carelessness , he continues :
But there is also another side to the
boys. They are good in spots ; and it is
to these soft , tender spots in their char
acters that I now propose to appeal.
Boys , you have a "thinker , " and I
want you to use it to think over what I
am writing to you.
Don't grow weary of loving father
and mother. Never call the former ,
"The Old Man , " or the latter , "The Old
Lady. " A boy who will so speak of his
parents ought to be taken to Delaware
where they publicly appty the lash. I i
Father and mother to you ought to be t
the most cherished beings on earth.
When you cease to love them a cload
will come over your life that will grow
blacker and blacker as the years roll by.
Don't know too much. A boy that
cannot be taught anything is in a.sorry
plight. His future path in life will be
a hard one to travel , as he will have to
live on what his hands can earn without
the aid of his brain.
Cultivate a lovo of home. In the
history of almost every boy a fit comes
over him to leave home and take a look
around the world. • * * Boys , if
you are determined to leave home ,
please don't do so without telling father
and mother. They have all the trouble
in this world they can well carry with
out wondering night and day where is
their wandering boy ? Mother's heart is
very tender ; it beats so hard when her
boy is wayward.
One of the saddest sights on earth is a
broken-hearted parent , and God pity the
boy who has been the instrument of
that break-up.
Some of my dear boy readers have no
mothers. How my heart aches for
them. I live in a neighborhood where
boy after boy has been left motherless.
To such a boy all I can say is , think of
ten of her whose last thoughts were :
"What will become of my darling ? "
* * * A dear , good , dead mother
ought to be an inspiration to every boy
to do what is right.
Good boys generally make good men ;
bad boys almost always turn out bad
men.What does a boy want to make him a
success in life ? My answer is , a charac
ter. How can he obtain it ? By giving
his heart to Jesus and becoming a prac
tical Christian , When should he adopt
this method of living ? As soon as he can
read the Bible or a newspaper , or under
stand the difference between right and
* * * Sometimes I cross the pathway
of men who are walking wrecks. Fre
quently I see even the wreck of a wo
man. Most of my efforts to reform
them have been unavailing. "To late"
is the practical reply I receive from
Brace up , bsys ; meet the difficulties
of life with courage. You will only
pass through this world once ; there
fore , let that once , be a success.
He Disliked Washlns.
The washing operation wbich so many
children dislike is equally abhorrent to
some dogs. A lady tells a very good
story about a little Skye terrier whose
opposition was obstinate , but forced at
last to give way. The dog's aversion to
a bath was so great that none of the
servants would undertake to administer
it for fear of being bitten ; the little ras
cal would become perfectly ferocious.
The lady herself , although the dog was
devotedly attached to her , was afraid
to attempt it , and after trying threats ,
beating and starvation in vain , she hit
upon a new device. She left him per
fectly free in every way , but let him
know by taking no notice of him that
he had offended her. She refused to let
him go with her in her walks and when
she returned paid no attention to his de
monstrative welcome.
He had a way which you have seen
in some dogs , of coming to her side and
laying his head in her lap for a few gen
tle pats of the hand. When he did this
now , the lady deliberately turned away
her head and continued her sewing or
reading. This state of tilings lasted for
a week or ten days , and the poor little
fellow looked absolutely wretched and
forlorn. Of course his mistress felt very
sorry for her pet , but she was determin
ed to conquer him and persevered in her
discipline. At last one morning the
Skye crept quietly up to her and gave
her a look which said , "I give .up ; I can
stand it no longer. " And then he sub
mitted like a lamb to one of the rough
est baths you ever saw , for he needed it
badly by this time. After it was over
he ran about barking in high glee , as if
to say , "It's all right now ! "
When the lady went walking that day
the little fellow very confidently took
his place at her side , and his mistress
resumed her kind recognition of him
both then and afterwards. When the
time for the next washing came around
he was rebellious atfirst , but a single
look at his mistress' averted face was
enough lie submitted without anoth
er sign of opposition.
Doesn't that show , by the way , that
there was something like reason in that
little dog's head ?
The Old Fashioned. Girl.
She was a little girl until she was fif
teen years old , and-then she helped her
mother in her household duties. She
had her hours to play , and enjoyed her
self to the fullest extent. She never
said to her mother , "I don't want to , "
for obedience was to her a cherished
virtue. She arose in the morning when
she was called , and we do not suppose
she had her hair done up in curling pa
pers and crimping pins , or banged over
the forehead. She did not grow into a
a young lady and talk about her beau
before she was in her teens , and she did
not read dime novels , nor was she fancy
ing a hero in every boy she met The
old-fashioned girl was modest in her de
meanor , nor she never talked slang nor
used bywords. She did not laugh at
old people nor make " fun of cripples.
She liad respect for "lier elders and was
nota'oove taking counsel from those
older than herself. She did not know
as much as her mother , nor did she
think that her judgment was as good as
that of her grandmothers. She did not
go to parties by the time she was ten
vyearsold and stay .till aftermidnight. ;
yanclSgArtth cnce young > n i who. H
liappened to be TJresent. tShe went t < R s
bed in season , and doubtless she said
her prayers , and slept the sleep of inno-
cense , rose in the morning happy and
capable of giving happiness. And now
if there is an old-fashioned girl in the
world to-day , may heaven bless her and
keep her and raise up others like her.
Bishop Cosgrove.
Icelandic Henenty
To the average reader Iceland is as
little known as the _ interior of Africa.
Yet Iceland is a famous country , - fam
ous forihe achievements of its heroes ,
for the poetry and crose it has eiven to
, *
j > • -
- - - v
1 : the world , and above all for the educa
tion that pervades all classes.
The love of learning is almost amania
In Iceland , and it is the rarest thing in
tho world to meet a native who cannot
read and write.
Another admirable trait is the remark
able honesty which prevails in Iceland.
Crime is almost unknown ; the people
never lock their doors , and but two
cases of thieving are known to have
taken place within many ye rs.
One was an Icelander who liad broken
his arm , and whoso family iu the winter
were suffering for food. He stole sev
eral sheep and was finally detected. He
was at once put under medical care for
his injury , provisions were furnished for
his family , and in time he was given
work. This was his punishment.
The other was a German who stole
seventeen sheep. He was in comfort
able circumstances , and the theft was
malicious. His punishment was to sell
all his property , restore the valuo of his
thefts , and leave the-country or be ex
ecuted. He left at once.
Doll-Hakinsr In Tliurlncla.
At a table before a window the fair-
haired 3Toung German girl sat , mini
ature brushes , combs and pins before
lier. With a steel spring she fastened
dolly ( who was dressed out in white ) to
the table and then , with rapidly mov
ing fingers , the flaxen hair , which liter-
ately stood on end , was combed out and
rolled into a coronet , a tulle veil some
inches square was quickly pinned on
with diamonds , rubies and emeralds ,
and dolly was a bride ready for the mar
ket. But the young bride had yet to
through other hands before she met
Cass fate. When the Fraulein had pinned
on the veil dolly was handed over to a
boy who sat at auother table and whoso
duty it was to prepare her for her voj'-
age. He wrapped her carefully in a
coarse piece of muslin neatly and quick
ly and then laid her in a packing case
amid bundles of paper shavings. Even
this work , trifling as it appears , was
done with a quickness and precision
which showed great experience. No
part of one doll was allowed to touch
another and all were so carefully fitted
in that no room was lost. For all this
work of making the doll , all but the
head , which had come from Munich , the
work of dressing and packing , the
material being furnished them , the
family received 30 pfennigs , or 3d for
each doll.
1 liove Her All the ( Same.
It's true she writes a scrawly hand ,
Puts in two "t's" where one would do ,
And spells dog with an extra "g ; ' '
But not a girl in this wide land
Is half so dear , and very few
One-tenth so sweet as she to me.
Dear thing she sometimes says "I seen , "
"They was , " "Is not , " or "So be vou ; "
"Them's yours , " "They's good"
harsh to my ears.
But she is still my lovely queen ,
Whose heart-beats to mine most true ,
And will be yet for many years.
Some say that love-is blind , and I
Would add that love is deaf also.
Tho' grammarless and spelling bad.
My love is handsome , sweet and shy.
The secret of our love you'd know ?
She's only five and I'm her dad.
Burdette's Advice.
Mr. Vanderbilt pays his coo k $10,000
a year , my boy. which is a great deal
more tiian you and I earn or at least
more than we get because he is a
cook. That is all. Presumably be
cause he can cook better than any other
man in America. That is all. If
Monsieur Sauceangravi conld cook
tolerably well , and shoot a little and
speak three languages tolerably well ,
and keep books fairly , and sing some ,
and could preach a fair sortof a sermon ,
and knew .something about horses , and
could telegraph a little , and could do
light porter's work , and could read
proof tolerably , could do plain house
and sign painting , and cou-Id help on a
threshing machine , and knew enough
about law to practice in the justices'
courts of Kickapoo Township , and had
once run for the Legislature , and knew
how to weigh hay , he wouldn't get
? 10,000 a year for it. He gets that just
because he knows how to cook , and it
wouldn't make a cent's difference in his
salary if he thought the world was flat
and that it went around its orbit on
wheels. There's nothing like knowing
your business clear through , my boy ,
whether you know anything else or
A "V'onns Emu.
Mr. Knox tells us , in his last book of
travels , something about the Emu that
large bird which is sometimes called the
Australian Ostrich ; Fred and I started 1
/ifter him , but we might as well have
tried to run down a railway train ; he 1
left us out of sight in ten minutes , al
though we were on fairly good horses.
Mr. Watson said the speed and endur
ance ef these birds were really wonder
ful. He had often tried to run them
flown , but had succeeded in only a single
instance , and that by a sudden spurt
when the bird was frightened. The
funny thing abont it is that the Emu
struggles along as though just ready to
drop dead with exhaustion , keeping
aboat ten rods in front of the horse , and j
regulating his speed according to that
of Ills pursuer. Doctor Bronson said he I
was like the jack-rabbit of our Western ,
plains , that will keep about the same
distance ahead of a dog , no matter how
fast the latter may run.
The bones of the Emu contain an oil
which is used by the natives for curing
sprained sinews and swollen joints. It
has remarkable qualities , as it is said to 1
sweet through the side of a glass bottle.
The Mtamp Craze.
The craze for collecting postage stamps
rages with more or less intensity. , all
over the world. There are places "where
they are bought and sold in many of
the 'larger cities. On a corner in the
Champs Elysees of Paris , near the Cir
cus building , you can see a crowd of
men and boys assembled every Sunday
afternoon , with little books in their
hands which they are carefully studying
and comparing * They are stamp collec
tors , and they meet to hold a stamp ex
change. Old stamps are exchanged ,
bought and sold , and the rivalry to pos
sess something very rare in tliat line
will sometimes run 'it up to a high fig
ure. There is more of the stamp craze
in this country than many know. A
spell ago a letter carrier in New York
who had it bad , was arrested for remov
ing stampsjfrom foreign letters received
at the New York post-office. On being
searched his pockets were found to be
full of them. It was a veritable mania
with him.
Tamins aZBIan.
A girl in Washington married a very
particular and exacting young man six
month togo. Her girl , frjends predicted ,
jtt the timejlAt shjg < vfouia-fajitiQ s # 'ti- ?
" 4y him , and that 'consequently they '
. .would not live together six months.
That period having elapsed and there be-
Jing no evident signs of any separation
between the happy pair , the girl friends
• • felt called upon to visit the young wife
and ask her now she managed to please
the man who had never been Known to
• be pleased before. Mustering all their
impudence they called upon her in a
body and asked her for her secret.
"What is the receipt ? " they asked. "We
-may need it. " "Well , I'll tell you , "
ishe replied ; "if you'll never tell feed
xhe brute. "
_ - f / * _ - * *
. , v . _ _ . . - • , . , " " *
ITOSHlatleti * en Danish Railways *
Every ono who ban traveled in Don-
mark has noticed tho enormous numbei
of guard houses along tho railrondx , rum
tho fact that women usually Bigiinl the
trains. As a measure of economy man
and wifo are employed by tho state , the
former as track walker and tho latter as
trimid. The rules specify tho relation
ship to oxist between these two cIossoh
of employes , and rales are imido to be
obeyed. When it happens that oitlier
dies tho survivor has just six weeks iu
which to find another partner. Nojr-
lcot to do so is disobedience , punished
with dismissal. Tho employment of
brother , sister or servant to fill the va
cancy is not nllowed. Tho guard or
track walker must marry in six weeks or
leave. A case of tho kind occurred re *
cently near tho old town of Bibe , on
the German frontier. Tho stricken
widower petitioned tho government to
allow him an extra week or two , alleging
that his work of walking all day along
the railroad track did not cive him a
chance to look for a yif \ hut Ins re
quest was refused as in itself an infrac
tion of discipline. The hapless widow-
or had only six daj's of grace left , bnt
he did not want to lose his job and went
skirmishing with so much energy that
bofcre the end of the fifth he hud a new
wife flagging the trains. Behoboth
Sunday Herald.
Nlfro-Glvrerliifl In tlm Oil Keiflon.
With the of oil
discovery nitro-glycer-
ino was put to a now use.It waB found
that when the drill had penetrated the
oil secretin ; * sand 1,000 or more feet bo-
neath the surface of the earth in a local
ity where the presenco of oil was as
sured , the oil would not flow forth read
ily. Tho Bhrewd oil producer , looking
abont for a means of shaking up tho
sand and loosening the rock , used nitro
glycerine Avith such success that its use
was and is continued. In the early days
three quarts were considered a large
shot , but now 300 quarts are often used.
The glycerine is poured into two large
tin shells shaped like a cigar. These are
lowered into the well by menus of a line ;
the well is "tamped , " i. e. , filled with oil
or water , and the glycerine exploded by
dropping a weight which strikes a cap
upon the top of the shell , or by drop
ping a "squib" containing a lighted fuse.
This "squib" explodes and the concus
sion sets off tho shell. The explosion
loosens the sand rock and the oil gushes
forth. In time the hides of a well get so
gummed with pnraffiue that the flow of
oil is seriously arrested. Nitro-glycerine
is again used to clear the well of the
The Stone-Cutter from Connecticut.
Tames _ G. Batterson , tho insurance
millionaire of Hartford , is a typical Yan
kee. He is a big-bearded man , vtith n
• slight stoop , reflective eyes and a deep
voice. Having two hands , * two legs , two
eyes , two ears , and all tho usual duplica
tion of this kind , he also has two busi
nesses thesecoudbeing that of a dealer
in choice marbles. He is said to know
more about marbles in all ages of the
world's history than any other man nlive.
He supplied all the costty stones used iu
the new Equitable building. But ,
throughout , he is a plain and unassum
ing person who , while out among the
Pyramids in Egj'pt some time ago , en
countered party of titled Englishmen ,
and surprised them by talking aboul
what contract he would make to dupli
cate the great , piles of masonry. Lntei
still , one of the English tourists , a lord ,
misquoted a Greek line , and Mr. Batter-
son corrected him , giving the line as il
was written. "For heaven's sake , whal
are you ? " the lord * asked. "A stone
cutter from Connecticut , " said Batter-
son. New York Sun.
Kir. Dana ' s Itluvliroomt.
State Etomologisfc Linter snapped the
red cord which bound a mail package
this morning , and then taking off a 111a
nilla wrapper found a baking-powdei
box. Tlra cover removed , a pungent
odor of spirits escaped. Then the pro
lessor carefully unwound several small
wads of saturated paper. These held
within some unappetizing specimens ol
mushrooms of the champignon species.
They were of a brownish cast , and ap
peared to have dried up. "These came
from the grounds of Charles A. Dana , ' -
said the etomologist. "who saj-js that his
crop has become badly marked with
black spots. Tho cause has been a mys
tery for a long time , and was at first
thought to have been caused by rub
bing. Tho reason , however , is that the
plants are covered by a very minute
fomi of eel worms , known scientifically
as anguillidoe. It is of this family , and
can be seen by mocroscopic inspection.
The pest is new in this country , and
Mr. Dana must send to Europe to gel
works on it Pall Mall Gazette.
To Protect ItltiMlciniis ' Fingers.
A simple and inexpensive device foi
the protection of the fingers of musi
cians while playing on stringed instru-
menis , such as the guitar and harp , has
been patented. It consists of a curved
strip of metal adapted to receive the end
of the finger or thumb , and provided
with a covering of leather or analogous
material. To the outer surface of this
covering is applied a mixture of Venice
turpentine and pine pitch , preferably
mixed in about the proportions of three
parts of turpentine and one of pitch ,
the design being to thus lender the
playing more comfortable and insure n
a more positive action of the finger upon
the string. New York Home Journal.
Railway * vs. . Cnnnlw.
French railwa3s are _ reported to be
suffering from competition with canals.
So acute has the situation become that
the railways are demanding the reimpo-
sition of the tolls taken off the canal
traffic in 1880. In that year the French
government abolished ail taxation upon
canal and river transport , withthe result
that the total . carriage increased-from
1,875" ,000,000 tons earned a kilometer in
1880 to 3,073,000,000 tons earned a simi
lar distance in 1887. In thesame period
transport by the main lines of the
French railway system fell off from 10 , -
004,000,000 tons carried a kilometer in
1880 to 8,067,000,000 tons in 1887. Pub
lic Opinion.
IVjnde a Hnnl.
Dubuque ( Iowa ) Herald , Jan. 3.
It was rumored on the streets yester
day that one of the capital prizes of The
Louisiana State Lottery had been drawn
by parties in this city and a reporter for
the Herald was detailed to run down the
rumor. We found the report to be gen
uine. The lucky ticket was held by
Mr. Thomas Allen , of Kopsa & Allen ,
the. mcrcltant tailors of 1330 Clay street ,
and a brother of the junjor member of
the firm. The ticket was numbered No.
43,085 and was a twentieth of a whole
ticket , the whole ticket winning the
third capital prize , $100,000 , in the De
cember drawing , making the young
men richer to the extent of S5,000 or , if
divided , § 2,500 each. The money was
collected through the GermanTrnstand
Savinga banka of-jthis fdt-raiui'waS're-
ceivedjliexevin dfi' season , affrving-aiy
welcome New YeaT'iTgilt to two desert
When our reporter dropped in at
Kopsa & Allen's store yesterday Mr.
Allen was averse to divulging any of
the particulars of his remarkable luck ,
bnt after a little persuasion he readily
gave us the above , as stated , which can
be verified by the hank named.
In two places at once : when a woman
leads the style , she also follows it
He is truly a noodle who is alwayB in the
imwPvmS&jjmmWmmmm 3mW3mwmWM
MJWmg ! W4 .iJPIl tlillliS
v. ' * " " J *
i'i iV"
f > OR KINDR.ED ILLS P | | | .
+ jyj larfently.
and Pstn\anBn/y. \ (
Diamond Vera-Cura
indigent on , Sour-Stomach. Heartburn , Nauiea G' . !
dlneis , Constipation. Fullness after eatluc. Food
l : : lnK in the Mouth and DM-igreeable taste alter
eating. Nervousnest and Low bplr.ts.
At DruggUtt and Iiealtrt or tent by mall on receipt
QfZicU. ift boxes tlOO ) in tlampt. bample sent on
receipt of 2-cent Stamp. '
uccess maflr
is certain. If you want the best 5HW !
garden you ever hxd , try our ' * . . . ,
CHOICE ICWA. SEEDS this yoar. Beautiful
lltusltared Caixiogue free , or with a sample nacket
of our Now CotMter King Onion , tho larcest
variety grown , for Jsreen staraov To neiocuttnm-
ers wo will send for trial 13 PncUeU Choice
Vegetable Seeds , iaeludlni : some iioreillva , or Lt
backets Cholre Kiower S cds for 25 cents or
IOWA SGKD COMPANY , Des Jlolnes , Xsu
( SC * W Prlrate adrice forth * unmarried. Telia
ML/Tyri all irau want to know. HtrureUr scaled. 10
EuKdlcents. Aadre sBox2SS.Chicago. 11L
* BBBsi
7118 most cer-- ffgj
tain and saf wL\ \
In tha worlri. -VlSI
- *
that Instantly ? - ; | |
JsIhmMU k excruciating • - Ilsf
Kkl3Q2sf Istruly ; t\m
rialiql thegreatCON-- | | §
| PAIN , and hasi 1&
II done more lj _
good than any known remedy , . * ) ' mm
other EXTERNAL PAIN , a few appll-
cations act like magic , causing th 5
TIS , COLD in the CHEST , RHEUMA * j
SCIATICA , PAINS in the Small of the |
Back , etc. , more extended , longer con- jj
tinued and repeated applications Uro j
necessary to effect a euro. |
All INTERNAL PAINS , ( in the Bow- f
els or Stomach ) , CRAMPS. SPASMS , 1 ;
SPELLS , are relieved instantly and JfeJ
QUICKLY CURED by taking inter'S
nally as directed. Sold by Druggists- " ' * | * 5
Price 60c \ ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i
Sweet potatoes s&u
w be sprouted on sharvs. No experience required.
Directions for sprouting KKKK. Address
X. J. SKI.N.NKK , Coliimbu * , Kansas.
THURDSAY , MARCH 21st , 1889.
One shty-ncre Improved Farm in Saline county , Nebraska $ Ii.000 00
Forty Acres Land in Ptilnski county. Missouri 100 00
Lot 20 in Block 2 , Tnhipnosn , Florida J100 00
Lot 11 in lilock 5 , Talnpoosn , Florida 300 00
One 32-in. J. I. Case Threshing Machine , with 12-horso bteam Traction en
gine complete with nil attachments 1t 00 00
Ono No. 1 Aultman it Taylor Threshing Machine , with 10-horso power
complete < 58. 00
One Deering All Steel Harvester and Binder 175 00
One Van Brunt Top Buggy 150 00
One Mitchell I'g Combination Sprine Wagon complete 140 0f >
One A. J. Simpson Business Buggy 125 00-
One W. T. Seaman 4 Passenger Spring Wagon 120 00
One Flato Hay Press 100 On-
One Ideal Corn Harvester or Cutter 100 00
One Pitts Black Hawk Road Grader 05 0O
One No. 5 Phaeton Cart 03 00
Two Aspinwall Potato Planters , complete , ? 88 each 176 00
One 3J-inch Mitchell Farm Wagon 8 ( 00
One Columbus Buggy Company's Buggy 75 00
One W. T. Seaman Farm Wagon . " 00
One Mil's ' Garland Range 75 00
One0-foot Halliday Wind Mill 75 00-
One 12-foot EnterpriHe Pumping Wind Mill 75 00
Two 12-foot Winger Royal Wind Mills , each $75 150 00
Two 10-root Winger Royal Wind MilN , each $ G5 130 00
Four 10-root Perkins Wind Mills , each 570 280 00
One 10-root Solid Wheel Leach Wind Mill G5 00
One No. 1 Empire Disc Harrow and Seeder 05 00
Three Combined Listers , front wheel attachment , each § 70 210 00
Five Bul < * rd Sulky Listers and Drills , each $00 300 09
Fire Durham Feed Mill * and Horse-power , each $05 325 00
One .T.iy Eye See Sulky Pl w 05 00
Five Solid Comfort. Full Steel Riding PIowh , each $58 2' 00
One Weir 3-wherl Tongticless Sulky Plow 53 00
Two Single New Model wheeled Walking Plows , each $ r 0 ! ' ' > 0
One Little Giant Single Walking , Wheeled Plow 15 00
One Double Farm Harness 5U 00
Two Combined Riding and Walking ; Cultivators , each $45 00 00
One W. T. Seaman BreaRt Collar Single Harness 40 00- .
One Stock M.ichereSddl 35 00 /
Two Walking Iron Beam Cultivators , each $33.50 07 00 y
FiveJ ease Farm Fanning Mills , each $32 160 00
Trro Young Giant No. 7 Fanning MilN , each $30 00 00
Two 1-1-inch Steel Mould Prairie Breaker * , each $30 00 00-
One Porter Champion Hay Carrier and Field Derrick 30 00
Six Centennial Fanning Mills , each $30 180 00
Eight Strowbridge Broadcast Seeders , each $25 200 00
Two 14incli Steel Beam Clipper Plows , each $25 50 0i >
One Climax Rioing Cultivator 20 00
Five No. G4 "A" Plows , each $22.25 • 111 25-
Two 14 inch Wood Beam Clipper Plows , each $22 44 00
Six Winger Imperial Feed Mill * , each $20 12 < 00
One Enterprise Walking Cultivator 20 0O
One Dean Ear Corn Slicer , 18 Ot )
Four 14-inch Rod Breakers , each $15 00 00
Two Porter Reversible Hay Carriers , each $10 . 20 00-
Two Handy Carts , with box and barrel grippers , each $10 20 0O
Six Ideal Garden Hoes , each S3.50 21 00
One Style 2 , Upright Weber Piano 650 00
One Style 200 Western Cottage Organ 140 0O
One Style 100 Western Cottage Organ , . 135 00
One Style 17 Ester Organ 135 00
One Style 50 Western Cottage Organ 125 00
One Style 15 Western Cottage Organ 110 00
One Style 90 Western Cottuge Ornn 100 00'
Two Cabinet Autophones. each $50 100 00
One Concert Style Autophone , with stand 16" 00
Thirteen Concert Style Autophones , w 'thout Htand , each $12 156 0O
One 5-year old Holstein Bull , registered 500 00
One Hereford Bull , registered 350 00
One 2-year old Jersey Bull , Btihject to register 175 00
One Jersey Bull Calf , registered ] . " > 0 00
Fifty Silver Hunting Case Watches , Elgin , Waltham , or Springfield Move- K
111LII L Clll.ll VMUMiiix.MiMiitaioiaiM . . . . .
| • ( • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ( • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • t.M * J ( .aJvl V\/ m
Fifty Doubled B-irreHed Shot Guns , each $25 1,250 00
Fifty Dozen Roger's best Silver Plated Tea Spoonn , each $5 250 00 |
Fifty Sets Roger's best Silver Table Spoons , each $5 250 00 :
Five Thousand Sets heavy German Silver Tea Spoons , each $1.25 6,250 00
Five Thousand good Pocket Knives , each $1 , 5,000 00
An Elegant Parlor Set 125 00
Forty Wheeler & . Wilson 4 Drawer Sewing Machines , each $65 2,600 00
Five Wheeler & Wilson Drop Cabinet Sewing Machines , something new , and
the best Machine ever made , each $90 450 00- j
Forty good Wool Blankets , each $3 120 Op- -
Ono Hard Coal Base Burner 30 00 1
One Kitchen Range 50 00- '
Four Thousand useful Articles for the Household , wearing apparel , etc. , . ,
worth not less than $1 each 4,000 00 •
20 sets Dickens' Works , complete , each $13 300 00
20 sets Scott's Works , complete , each $15 300 00
10 sets Thackar-iy's work , complete , each $15 150 00
100 Copies d Rand. McNallr & Co. 's AtlaB of the World , each $3.75 375 00
3000 Ele-ant Albums , each $1.50 4.500 00-
5000 volumes Standard works of Fiction , each $1 5,000 00- * ,
2000 volumes English and American Poems , eacn $1.50 3,000 00
5000 volumes Standard American and English Novels , each $1 5,000 00
Making a Grand Total of. $54,012 25 1
- _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ '
Subscription Price of the Weekly Bee with Premium. $2 Per Year.
dddfesa all Order * to
THE BEE PUB. CO. , Omaha. Neb. \
rStrnSS&S Orrr 100.feo ) ciutoeiof I S giadlr testify aLttbe SCKKASwSlJ/Tiajy
lUaBsfTSslI Yes , often DOUBLED them by sowing8AlVfe _ 'g UORTUEJ * ! * OROW5 SEEDS. Be-
UBJVAllinJB casse do other seed Is so full of life. - * - sad rltaUty so proUle and early as Salxera.
_ P 7 _ 10f ThisIi the most onderful Oat wo hare rrer seen or heard of and we hare tested EVERT
AMPg\\\vV sort offered by E . " "SKY serdsnaan la America , but nose com ? half way op to it In 1IKLP ,
ir rfmllMTlPor.beitT'r-d < Jualit3rScares of IBS easternrrtar : SMITHs CrMilIT-MrtKT PMTCH.
_ ff 5 < | _ P _ | { I Yielded 5 to4 times as much , as eommoa oats : Itsenorm"2JSmi mmmmmmK .
_ * ) * /yWJN LA mocs yield is due to its great stoollng' properties , lose _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
WmfS.XmjO mi _ _ _ ears and plump kernels. Early , Sne. wonderful. vS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
V-fls5V&3 | _ _ | ? 6e la prize . * for T-ar _ tTleId . In 1889. See Cat5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ # SjQ _ w _ Mn-loSue about It. First Vrixo $400. Who wins It ! Tho farm8H _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ f