* 1 jr / = &ssY ' - r nj'jf'1 A Festive Tough Called Down. WB * / Holyoko ( Colo. ) special : A shooting flfl/ * OTnpoocenrrecHjero Inst night , in Sulli { , T voa Bros. ' saloon , Jeff Piorshall being : ' > ' * t 9 victim and Bartender Dan Sullivan ' 'doing tho shooting. Several weeks ago sm r -Pierslmll ontorcd tho saloon , in a „ -drunken Bprce , and shot a few holes in | tho floor , and ohascd Sullivan tip stairs , | > r which ho wm arrested and fined. ! & Last night ho attempted to repeat the * " . jaot , when Sullivan shot him. The ball . 'penetrated tho loft breast , directly above 5 -V jue iit'nrt. It struck a rib , and as yol , lias not been found. Piorshall in living , | I bS recovery is doubtful. . SENATE AND.H0U8E OFREf RESENTATIVE8 j | . \ * Synopsis of Proceedings In the Senate and I House of ttepresenlatlves. " ' ' Horj8E.--Ford of Michigan , from tho | tJommittoo on immigration , roported a ' : , VHl to rognlato immigration. Tho honso Aen went into coramitteo of tho wholo i • for the consideration of tho fortification j i x. appropriation bill. After discussion tho [ \ It. bill passed. Public business was thon If suspended and tho house proceeded to * 1 tho consideration of tho resolution ox- \Y \ preasivo of tho sorrow of tho houso at 1 the death of T. W. Robertson of Lonis- i iana , who died when a member-elect to * . "tho fiftieth congress. Eulogistic ad- | -dresses were delivered aud resolutions \ s adopted , and tho houso as a mark of re- > i I speetto the memory of tho deceased , t tf adjourned , t p Senate. In tho senato on tho 19th , • & ? & * ' " j " T "Wjo credentials of Hoar for his newsena- [ I ' jiczsiir torial torin , commencing March 4 , wore j | M presented and placed on file. The cer- t • tificato of tho presiding officers of tho fl Delaware legislature to the election of H > Anthony Higgins as senator from that Btate was presented and referred to tho Witt committee on privileges and elections. I • The senate resumed consideration of tho ' ; * tariff bill and took up tho sugar schedule. I No amendment was offered. Tho para- 4 I graph as to pen knives and razors was ' } 1 then taken up , tho motion being on the tg C amendment reported on tho lGthinst. t I The amendment was agreed to. A mes- I sago was received from the house an nouncing the passago of tho bill for tho admission of South Dakota , with amend- ' < monts , and on motion of Piatt the bill and amendments were referred to the 1 r committee on territories. Senate. Tho senato continued con- eidorntion of tho tariff bill on the 21st , out did not come to a vote. Senator Allison asked to have tho debate limited i I Under iho ten minute rnle after this . ' \ day's proceedings , but Senator Vanco y. . objected on tho ground that there was too little timo left for tho consideration of the bill , and that ho should object to nny agreement that did not contemplate if extension of tho timo for debate on tho l' ' , bill. Ho asked that the timo for voting 1 , B - on tho bill be extended twenty-four j , K hours. An evening session was held , ' < , ' ' C adjournment taking place at nearly mid- = > m night \ K House. In the houso on hto 21st i fj ' under suspension of tho rules , the bill passed authorizing tho five civilized na- * In tions of Indians to lease lands within iWI their boundaries for mining purposes , [ f fl subject to tho approval of the secretary I In of tho interior ; also the bill to increase I. JI ( he maximum of international money fi | | f orders from § 30 to S100. Shortly after I * | | tho introduction of bills was begun , Mr. K II Payson , of Illinois and Mr. Andersou , BlU of Iowa , began filibustering by offering Byl long bills and asking their reading in Rt ] -extenso. Tho friends of the Oklahoma III bill having assured Mr. Paj'son that | | | , 'Certain amendments should be offered. If If < smd tho friends of the Pacific funding ru bill having assured both Mr. Pa3'son I and Mr. Anderson that their bill would 1 not bo called , these gentlemen desisted I from further filibustering , and the call I of states was continued without further I I interruption. At the conclusion of tho . -I call of states Mr. Warner , of Missouri , 7 withdrew his pending motion to suspend Wpi the rules and pass the Oklahoma bill , " W\ and in lieu thereof moved to suspend 14 the rules and adopt a resolution provid er ! ingfor a final Toto on that bill at 4 fgfi o'clock Thursday next , with permission l to Mr. Payson , of Hlinois , to offer an ' m amendment to the section relating to jfl town sites. 'Mr Senate. Tlie senate on the 22d re- mjt snmed consideration of the tariff bill , iH- < > the pending question being the amend- m xnent offered by Beagan to the woolsec- ' tion. It was rejected. Numerous oth- B er amendments Avere offered , some of I'M which were adopted and others rejected. Km A vote wasthen taken resulting yeas 32 , | fl nays 80 , as follows : Yeas Aldrich , 19 Blair , Bowen , Cameron , Chase , Chand- \mk \ ler , Cullom , Davis , Dawes , Dolph , Ed- \m \ munds , Evarts , Parwell , Frye , Hawley , UK HiscQck , Hosr Ingalls , Jones CNev. ) , B Manderson , Mitchell , Morrill , Paddock ; fm Palmer , Piatt , Plumb , Quay , Sherman , [ At "Spooner , Stockbridge , Teller , Wilson ( la. ) 32. Nays Bate , Berry , Black- H , burn. Brown , Butler , Call , Cockrell , mm Coke , Colquitt , Daniel , Eubtis , Panlk- ner , George , Gibson , Gorman , Gray , Harri" , Jones ( Ark. ) , Morgan , Pasco , ? Payne , Push , Uansom , Beagan , Turpie , ' Tance , Vest , Voorhee * , Walthall , Wil- WE ) con ( Md. ) 30. The senate at 8 p. m. WM adjourned. B\ House. In the honse on tho 22d Mr. " of endeavored to have k > "Crisps , Georgia , H.j ! the Smalls-Elliott election case consid- Wl -sred , while Mr. Bandall thought that if r the river and harbor bill should have K& 'precedence. The house refused to con- mf/ " -aider the election case. After a delay B - of half an hour , caused by filibustering B - tactics on the part of Mr. Cheadle , of B Indiana , the house went into committee B -of the whole on the river and harbor Bpj appropriation bill. After considerable Bt * fillibustering Mr. McAdoo , of New Jer- B - ey , moved to strike out the appropria- B tion for the improvement of Annapee Br harbor , Wisconsin. After a lengthy B -discussion by the advooates of the other B .appropriations the motion was lost.and B the hoTe soon adjourned. Wj fir Senate. In the senate on the 23d the Brnfj ' -census committee reported back with H < sundry amendments the house bill to Hv provide for the taking of the eleventh IE anil subsequent censuses , and Hale gave 1 notice he would at an early day ask the BY senate to proceed to its consideration. BIj Sherman , from committee on foreign Ipn relations , reported two amendments to I I the diplomatic and consular appropri- 1 ntion bill to protect the interest of the B J ITnited States in the Samoan islands. B t The concuiTent resolution for cetmting MM * tho electoral vote was taken up and B | l passed. It provides that the two houses If I of congress hall assemble in the hall of B ? r ' " * -the house of representatives the after- II , noon of WednersdayrEehniary 15 , 1889 ; lif * , " tS recBiv 'dthe vote of the electoral col- KI * lege. Chlindlor gave notice that he Wi would .soon ask the senate to take action M > , r * * on his resolution proposing an lnvesti- I" : nation of the election in Louisiana last I • April. The District of Columbia appro- 1' -"priation bill was taken up , but not dis- II posed of. Bg p. House. In the honse on the 22d the eg * sundry civil appropriation bill was con- lif sidered in committee of the whole , but 10 _ - .no definite action was taken. Lawler , IM of Illinois , offered an amendment ap- Wm .propriating $50,000 for the repairs and HHi y • preservation of the custom house build- llfL\ . 'ingat Chicago. Agreed to. Landers , Bit i. -of Hlinois , moved to strike out the . _ . . , WKkSsjF t < i. 1 til • - - * - - mf ks WmmW' - ' - ' ' BftJ' clause on tno niu proviamg xor toe use of stoam presses in ihe bureau of en graving and printing. A royalty shall bopaid' not - exceedingono oonfc per thousand impressions. Ponding a voto on this and other amendments tho houso adiouruod. Senate. In the senato on the 25th tho pension appropropriotion bill was taken up and passed with one amend ment appropriating $18,000 for rate of ponsion agencies. The military acad emy appropriation bill was taken up , amended and passed , Allison explaining that tho increase of tho bill over last year was due to the ercotion of two new buildings at tho academy. On motion of Paddook/tlio sonata bilLcstablisbiug two additional land districts in tho stato of Nebraska , passed. The Distriot of Columbia appropriation bill was taken up , omonded and passed. Tho senato thon proceeded to tho consideration of tho bill reported from tho finance com mittee to declare unlawful trusts and combinations in restraint of trade and production. Tho bill was amended and ordered printed. The senate then pro ceeded to tho consideration of private pension bills on tho calendar. Among tho thirty bills passed was one ( senate bill ) increasing the pension of tho widow of General Rossou to $100 per month. House. In tho honso on the 25th , Townsend , of Hlinois , from the commit tee on military affairs , reported the army appropriation bill , and it was placed upon tho calendar ; also tho bill to estab lish a national military and naval museum in Washington. Committee of the whole. The house thon went into committee of tho wholo on the suudry civil appropriation bills. Bandall , from the committee on appropriations , re ported a joint resolution making an ap propriation of $500,000 for a payment to the legal representatives of J. B. Eads. Committeo of tho whole. The house took a recess , the evening session to be for tho consideration of private pension bills. NEBRASKA MATTERS AT THE CAPITAL Mr. Paddock's Sill for the Establishment of Additional Zand Districts Inter-8 late law Amendments * PADDOCK'S IiAND DISTRICT BIUj. Washington dispatch : In the senate this afternoon Mr. Paddock .ailed up and had passed , his bill , introduced on the 14th iust. , establishing two addi tional laud districts in Nebraska. Tho measures are to bo known as tho Broken Bow and Alliance laud districts. Sena tor Paddock has secured a favorable re port on tho bill by the house committee on public lands , and saya it will proba bly be adopted by the houso within a few days. Ho has pushed tho subject with vigor , impressing all who have had to deal with it , with the * necessity for additional land office facilities in tho territory named. Nebraska's electoraii vote arrives. George H. Hastings , of Crete , the messenger bearing Nebraska's eleotoral vote for General Harrison , delivered his returns to President Pro Tern. Ingalls in the senate this morning. Nebraska's contribution to republican success was deposited in a safe with the others of a similar character , all of which are under guard , to be counted by congress on Wednesday , the 13th of February. Mr. Hastings is accompanied by Charles F. Iddings , of North Platte. THE INTER-STATE IiAW AMENDMENTS. There was another long meeting at Senator Cullom's committeo room this afternoon of the conferees on the amendments to the imter-state com merce law. The points of contention between the two houses have been given heretofore. The meeting did not result in an ultimate agreement , although a report is to be made by the conferees on the part of the house , and further in structions requested. The Standard Oil amendment , requiring railroad com panies to give the same rates for the transportation of oil in barrels as that earned in tanks , will probably be stricken out , the conferees on the part of the house indicating this afternoon that they were willing to recede. Tho house recedes from the uniform classi fication cause , the principal pointat issue , and really the only question which the conferees will have to refer Jo the house for instructions , is that giving state courts jurisdiction. This is an original house clause , and is the * main feature. It will be remembered in Bea gan's original inter-state commerce bill. The house lus contended ever since the interstate commerce law was proposed that the state courts should4"be given jurisdiction , while the senate has taken the position that only federal courts should have jurisdiction , because the question is a national one and the law authorized by the federal constitution. A NEBRASKA IiAND CASE DECIDED. The secretary of the interior has re versed the decision of the commissioner of the general land office in tho case of A. E. White vs. James Meahen , from the McCook land district. Meahen ap pealed from the decision of the commis sioner , which held for cancellation the final certificate for a tract of land in the district named , and has won. OF INTEREST TO SOLDD2BS. Private Dalzell , of Ohio , has pub lished as a fact that soldiers prisoners of war were entitled , on application to the accounting officers here , to 28 cents a day for the time they were in prison. He has also asserted that soldiers are entitled to 5 cents per mile on account of transportation and that they were en titled to commutation of rations for the time tlfey were on furlough. General McFeely , chief of commissary and sub sistence , war department , states in a communication to-day to Senator Man derson , that as a rule soldiers were paid their commutation of rations while on furlough by the proper commissary in the field , on their return ; that soldiers furloughed to go home to vote were npt entitled to a commutation at all , and that if not paid in any given case they can apply and the claim will be adjust ed , provided they forward their original furlough , the latter being a prerequisite in these cases , as the officers invariably when liquidating these claims , indorsed payment on the furlough , and that sec ondary evidence of the existence mere ly of the furlough will uot entitle the claimant to pay. He also says that sol diers are not entitled to 5 cents per mile on account of transportation , as stated by Dalzell. Senators are deluged with letters from veterans concerning this matter , and it is giving them and the soldiers also a great deal of unnecessary annovance. a The River andHarbor Bill. The members of the committee on. rivers and harbors are becoming dis heartened by the ill-success attending their efforts to secure the passage of their appropriation bill , resulting from the obstructive tactics in tho house. Having arrived at a conclusion that ex traordinary effort is necessary to save the bill , a paper is being circulated among the members and very generally signed , requesting the speaker to enter tain tho motion the next suspension day , to pass the measure under a suspension of the rules. The firm ol .Kinney * Herngan , sa loon keepers , were arrested at Exeter and fined $ & and costs for selling in- toxicatiae drinks to minors. idmt mmmmt L HHMaMwSSLHHiHiaaiHSBSiJB J BBBMMMHBSMMMMMSJSSMSSBSSSSMSlf THE DIPLOMATIC DISPUTE WITH GERMANY Dispatches From Ucrltn and tendon Topics " * of General Discussion lit n'OMhlnyton , Washington dispatch : Tho dispatches from Berlin and London in regard to tho attitudo of Germany on the Samoan question wero the subject of general dis cission to-day. A representative of tho Associated press was accorded a brief interview with Secretary Bayard this evening. Ho said ho had read tho dis patches in question , but it would not be proper for him to discuss their subject matters at this timo. In regard to the statement that Germany would violate no treaty in acquiring ascendancy in Samoa , Bayard called attention to the declaration concerning tho boundaries of tho Gorman and English dominions in tho West Pacific ocean , signed at Ber lin , April 6 , 1880 , and said ho thought this agreement precluded German ac quisition in Samoa , and that she was boimd to respect tho rights of that island. Assistant Secretary Bives intimated that thoro wero important differences in tho statements mado by tho North Ger man Gazette and tho president's mes sage to congress of tho 16th inst. , in re gard to tho treaty rights of Germany , Great Britain and tho United States in the Samoan matter. Ho declined to point out tho discrepancies , but it is un derstood that he reforred particularly to that passage in tho message where tho president says : "Acting within tho restraints which our constitution and laws have placed upon the executive power , I have insisted that tho auton omy and independence of Samoa should be scrupulously preserved according to tho treaties made with Samoa by tho powers named ( Germany , Great Britain and the United States ) and their agree ments and understanding with each other. I have protested against every act apparently tending in an opposite direction , and during the existence of internal disturbance one or more vessels of war have been kept in Samoan waters to protect American citizens and prop erty. " Secretary Whitney said that the policy of tho government was fixed , and any thing which might be said in regard to it must come from the stato department. Senator Edmunds , when made ac quainted with tho tenor of tho utter ances of tho Berlin Gazette , said : "I suppose that tho expression of such opin ion will not sorve to deter the American people from carrying out any policy they may adopt as desirable or necessary. Tho Samoan islands are of great import ance with relation to tho development of trade via the projected canals across the Isthmus of Panama aud Nicaragua. " Such members of the house committeo on foreign affairs as could be seen to night wero averse to discussing freely the present state of our Samoan rela tions , in view of the fact that the sub- jeot is now before the committeo and they are expected to communicate their views formally to the house in the shape of a report. Representative Eussell of Massachusetts , when told of the position taken by the Gazette , remarked : "If matters should reach an extreme point I don't believe wo are going to be eaten up by any European power. " Hyatt , a leading republican member of the committee , was inclined to take a peaceful view of the situation. "The fact is , "said Hyatt , "wo are suffering from a lack of information. The presi dent , to use his term , 'belated' the en tire subject to congress , but unfortu nately failed to copy theeorrespondence between 'the representatives of tho Uni- # ted States. England and Germany. Just what that agreement is or how it binds the Unitocl States nobody in con gress knows , but it must be a very bad agreement under which the present state of affairs in Samoa has resulted. So long as the country knows that the wise men of both political parties-in the senate have been fully advised and taken into the president's confidence , the peo ple rest in ease. Touching on tho pos sibility of serious trouble resulting from the Samoan affairs , ho had confidence in the strong sense of the leaders on both sides of the sea. After all , a mat ter of such slight importance could not reasonably be expected to bring about war between the United States and a nation which has for us the kindest and warmest feelings. But it was possible , " said Hyatt , "that he was dealing with a weak and moribund administration , and he might readily fall back upon his old and well known policy in order to grat ify the passion of the German people for colonial'possession. " Senator Morgan , of Alabama , said that the administration had been active in asserting our rights in Samoa , and cqngress hasshown , a strong determina tion to , , support the-administration in any action looking to fiie preservation of the independence of the islands and the protection of American interests there. "I think , " he said , "that the steps already taken will prove adequate to the emergency , and I am perfectly satisfied that whatever rights we may have will be faithfully protected. We have material interests in these islands , and shall tolerate no act on the partof another power which will interfere with our free commerce with them. " Senator Frye said : "I think oui treaty rights are such in Samoa that we cannot permit the independence of Sa moa to be taken away from her. II Germany can put a governor who is nothing but a tool of her own into power in Samoa , wo can compel them at once to give notice to the United States to terminate all our treaties , and after the notice they would be terminated in a year. " "Do you regard the situation as threatening ? " "I think the idea of war is absurd. " Senator Dolph said : "I think that tlie treaty between tho United States and the Samoan government , which was rati fied before the treaties between thatgov- ernment and any other civilized govern ment , confers upon us rights and creates to us obligations which are inconsistent with the destruction of the independ ence.and autonomy of the Samoan gov ernment. In the interest of our present and great prospective oommerce in the Pacific , the independence of the Sand wich and Samoan islands should be pre served. " Berlin dispatch : The North German Gazette ( Bismarck's organ ) denies the existence of any treaty precluding any European power from acquiring or seeking to acquire the ascendency in Samoa. Tho Gazette also denies that England and the United States are agreed that the proceedings of the Ger man agent in Samoa are contraryto the stipulations of the treaties concerning Sa moa , and are opposed to etiquette and that those powers have officially notified the German government accordingly. The treaties between Samoa and Ger- jSaany , England apd the United States the Gazette further says , provide that Samoa shall concede to each treaty- power equal rights with any other power , but no treaty regarding the neutrality or independence of Samoa exists between Germany and the United States. The article has caused some what of a commotion in official circles here. By some persons it is regarded as a deliberate defiance to the Washing- ton government. ! Prsmplly Tails * A resolution offered in the Indiana kouse by Representative Brown that the committee on temperance be instructed to prepare a bill for a local optioa liquor law was promptly tabled , LIKELY TO IE A LIVELY WEEK. Moil. Dome and Senate 'Ceaded With Meas ures Jtssll of Juice for Politicians. ' Washington special : Tho senate , re lieved of tho incubus of the tariff bill , has succeeded in clearing its calendar ol all necessary miscellaneous legislation and is ready now to tako up half a dozen measures on tho calendar of importance Becond only to tho tariff bill , but whose necossity was not so imminent. During tho coming week tho senate will endeavor to disposo of tho consulai and diplomatic'appropriation bill , the Sherman anti-trust bill , the Pacific rail road bill and tho Chandler resolntion for tho investigation of theLouisiano election. Senator Chandler's motion to strike from the record tho speech interpolated by Senator Gibson after the proceedings of Wednesday will como up for consid eration to-morrow morning if Senator Gibson is in the chamber. It may cause a discussion , but this is hardly likely : It is expected that Senator Sherman will call up his anti-trust bill to-inorrow in thu morning hour and try to have it disposed of before 2 o'clock. If it should be taken up Senator Sherman has given notico that he will endeavor' ' to have a vote taken on it without fur ther delay and he may persuade Senator Frye to give way at 2 o'clock , when the Pacifio railroad funding bill will como up as unfinished business. Tho special committeo having charge of legislation rotating to the Pacific railroads will hold a meeting to-morrow and doubtless report to the senate dur ing tho morning hour on tho amend ment to the fuuding bill offered by Sen ator Mitchell. It would bring under the conditions of the bill now ponding in the senate tho Central Pacific rail road. It is probable that if any report is made on the amendment it will not be favorable and this will arouso tho an tagonism of Senator Mitchell. Senator Plumb is known to be op posed to the bill , and it is likely to pro voke a protracted dobate before it is finally disposed of. It is the intention of Mr. Frye to push it to a vote. Senator Hale has given notice that he will call up the consular and diplomatic appropriation bill , the only appropria tion bill now on the calendar , at an early day this week. Senator Sherman says that it will be called up to-morrow. This will post pone the consideration of tho funding bill. As the appropriation bill contains the two amendments relating to Samoa it will bring tho Samoan question be fore tho senate for discussion for the first timo since the trouble began , and the debate on th'eso two amendments as it is likely to tako the direction of a criticism and defense of the course of tho secretary of stato may consume fully two days. It will afford , per haps , the last opportunity of republi can senators to revive , before tho inauguration of President-elect Harri son , tho memories of the campaign , and to give the present administration a part ing blow. This business will doubtless occupy the attention of the senate dur ing all of the coming week. It is possible that the appropriations committee will report the legislative ap propriations bill which is now under consideration in tho committee , but it will not be called up for consideration until next week. If other subjects should fail the senate Senator Chandler will call up his Louisiana election reso lution. The house is all at sea. Monday is Distriot of Columbia day and Mr. Hemphill , chairman of the district com mittee , says he has bills on the calendar tho consideration of which will occupy the entire da } ' . Ho may be ( and very likely will be ) antagonisticto the sundry civil appropriation bill. In that case the district committeo is likely to come out second best. It will take two or three days to finish the sundry civil bill. If tho opportunity occurs Mr. Clardy will present the conference report on tho Nicaragua canal bill which is expected to give rise to an animated debate. Mr. Blauchard , who has the river and harbor bill under control'is anxious to have it disposed of and he will watch his opportunity to push it. Unless he can get it up this week he will move on the following Monday to take it up and pass it under a suspension of the rules. THE SUBMISSIONISTS SCORE A VICTORY. Their Measure Passed in the Senate After a Warm Contest. Lincoln special of the 25th : The ac tion of the senate in fixing 2:30 this afternoon for the consideration of Sen ate Pile 31 resulted in packing the gal leries and.floor of the senate chamber. The ladies especially were out in force , and standing room was at a premium. Mr. Paulson , of Douglas , offered an amendment proyiding that all property damaged should be paid for by the state. The amendment was lost by a vote of 10 to 11. Mr. Nesbit took the floor after the vote was announced , and made a very strong speech. He dwelt upon the past history of temperanco legislation , and paid a high compliment to the good work accomplished by the Slocura law. As he proceeded step by step , weighing one argument and then another , ho was followed closely by the large audience. Up to this time he had not expressed himself upon the question. But when he concluded by placing "the dollar on one side and the soul upon the other , " and announced that he would vote for submission , in obedience to the demands of his constituents , the spectators and submission senators applauded to the echo. This was regarded as a test vote , and the bill was ordered engrossed for a third reading. The anti-submissionists will evidently have misunderstood the temper of the senate upon this question. There are nineteen pronounced submis- Bionists , with three doubtful. The amendment"requires twenty votes in the senate to secure its passage. After the vote was announced a recess was taken to enable the spectators to setire from the senate chamber. Inthe pre liminary skirmish the submissionists have won a decided victory. Mr. Paulsen followed with a written address , in which he dwelt at length upon the evils which he claimed had followed submission in Iowa. At the conclusion a standing vote was taken , and the bill was favorably recommended by a standing vote of 21 to 10. The senate resumed its session , and Mr. Bansom moved that the bill be in- indefimtely postponed. It was lost by the following vote : Yeas Dern , Ijams , Maher , Paulsen , Paxton , Polk , Pope , Bansom , Raymond , Wolbach 10. Nays Beaftlsley , Burton , . Conner , Cornell , Funck , Golloglyf' Hoover , Howe , Hurd , Jewett , Keckley , Lindsay , Linn , Manning. Nesbitt , Norval , Pick ett , Robinson , Roche , Shanner , Suther land , Taggart , Wetherald 23. After recess the committee on en rolled bills reported the submission amendment , senate file No. 31 , and it passed by the following vote : Yeas Burton , Conner , Cornell , Funck , Gallogly , Hoover , Howe , Hurd , Jewett , Keckley , Lindsay , Linn , Man ning , Nesbitt , Pickett , Robinson , Roche , Shanner , Sutherland , Taggart , j Wetherald 21. j Nays Beardsley , Dern , Ijams , Maher , Norval , * Paulsen , Paxton , Pope , Ransom , Raymond , Wolbach It. ' L ' - ' - * THE CHICAGO BACKER'S. WIFE IN COURT. She a Ives * History of Iter XIfe aud Tells About Her Cmsrtshlp and Mtsrrtage. As the end of the trial of Mrs. Raw- son , who attempted to kill ono of her husband's lawyers , approaches , says a Chicago dispatch , the interest increases , and to-day the conrt room was crowded. Tho sensational featurot of this case how Mrs. ltawson married a very rich old banker here , how their married life was very unhappy , and how her son , by a former marriage , shot Rawson as he was coming out of church are all well known. Ralph Lee , the son , who is now in jail , was in tho court room to day , and on the table in front of him was a large bunch of flowers. As soon as the court was called to order Mrs. Rawson herself stopped briskly from her seat to tho witness stand and was sworn. She was plainly dressed in black , an j > although she was pale , thero was no evidence of nervousness about her. her.Mrs. Mrs. Rawson said she was born in New Orleans and was thirty-seven years old. She was married there , and lived there until 1878 , when she went to Washington to accept a position in the patent office. Sho remained there until 1882 , when sho was honorably discharged from "Uncle Sam's" service and went to New York , where she opened a board ing house on Fifth avenue. Mrs. Rawson told in detail about her courtship and marriage , occasionally taking a sip of water from the glass which a bailiff had placed bofore her. When she related something that made everybody laugh she laughed too , but when sho told of her husband's indigni ties there was a frown on her handsome face She never knew , she said , that Mr. Rawson was a wid'ower until four mouths after she became acquainted with him , and then discovered it by accident. "Mr. Rawson's attentions to you be came marked , did they not ? " asked Mr. Crews. "Yes. After our business transactions he began to pay mo occasional social visits. He alwaj's seemed to admire me very much. Ho could not understand why I had never married , but I had thought Iliad enough of marrying. I did not think it was his business , any how , and I did not explain why. Mr. Rawson was very cautious aud wary , so much so that he amused me. I never had to fish for anybody and alwa3rs had enough attention from men. He told me constantly of the many women who wanted to marry him , of tho women in tho Third Presbj'tcrian church who were angling for him. He seemed to want to impress me with his importance , al though hon as a very illiterate man. Mr. Rawson proposed marriage in tho early part of 1885 , but he did it in such a con descending , patronizing way that I treated the proposition with indignation. In New York he invited us to tako din ner with him at the Fifth Avenue hotel. In the evening his son Fred and my son went to the theater. I was standing at a window in the hotel parlor when Mr. Rawson came up and renewed his pro posal of marriage. He said he loved and admired me , and that I was just the kind of a wife he wanted. He said he wanted a woman that would paralyze the west- siders. It did paralyze them , too. " The witness laughed a rippling , mu sical lauirh , took a sip of water and went on. Mrs. Rawson related how tho banker persisted in his attentions and how she at last consented. She then continued : "During the Christmas holidays I went to New York to buy wedding clothes , and Mr. Raw son , who seemed to be afraid I would change my mind , followed me there. He went with me from one store to another , carried bun dles and waited for change. During those times ho called me 'old woman , ' as a sort of pet name. One evening , after he had taken me to my hotel , he said to me : 'Old woman , when wo were in Thnrber's store to-day the tears came into my e3'es when I looked around and thought of j-ou working for your own living. It made me think of Flora Temple hitched to a milk cart. ' " The witness then related at great length her expeneuco as Mr. Rawson's wife. She said he wanted her to drop all her former friends , because they were not good enough to associate with her in her new position. She said one thing that induced her to marry tho banker was the fact that he had no mother ; he was too old for that. In her two former marriages she had been much troubled with mothers-in-law , but in her third venture she found she had the friends of both of Mr. Rawson's former wives to harass her. She said that Mr. Rawson's housekeeper , Bridget Quidley , an old maid who had presided over his household for five years , treated her with contempt , and she discharged her. "One day Mr. Rawson said tome : 'I guess I have made a mistake in mar rying you. You are not competent to fill the position you hold. Bridget can preside over my house better than yon can. ' This made me indignant beyond words to think that an ignoramus should talk to mo like that and humili ate me before his servants. " Mrs. Rawson said that for a week be fore the shooting she felt that she was going madThe night previous to it she did not sleep a wink , and some thing seemed to say all night "Kill him , kill him. " When she started for the court room with the revolver in _ her pocket she was in a dazed condition. Her cross-examination was postponed until to-morrow. A Useless Waste of Paper. Washington special : The Nebraska and Iowa delegations in congress are being flooded every day by applications for office from their constituents. These letters aro almost invariably answered by the senators and representatives ad dressed , with the statement that until the next administration is settled , the cabinet announced and the policy of President Harrison and his assistants is understood , no information cau be given to those who aspire to federal positions of any claBS. If the applicants for office could understand that their correspond ence with representatives in congress at this time is almost immediately thrown into pigeon-holes or waste baskets they would save themselves considerable epistolary labor. Those who make ap plication now will labor under ihe dou ble disadvantage of having their letters placed where they will not again te re ferred to , and of having bothered the men on whom they will lean for their influence in Washington. Men and wo men who want appointments would do well to wait until after inauguration , meanwhile getting their local endorse ments and influence in proper shape. Till the machinery of tho government gets into motion , senators and represen tatives are in the dark and can and will do nothing. , y * H A The Samoan Relief F/eeL / It is said at the navy department that it will take six weeks at least for the war ships Trenton and Vandalia to make the run from this continent to Samoa. Thus the Nipsic will be the only vessel representing this government at those islands from this time until after the 4th of next March. The Trenton sailed from Panama about a week ago , but the Vandalia , which sailed from Mare Island , San Francisco , on the 21st , is ft faster vessel and will take a more direct route than the Trenton , and will proba bly reach Samoa about as soon as the latter skip. TACT AND GOOD JUDGMENT NEEDEI. Tlie Sort of Men to Whom Ought to be Oteen Xannyrmnxt of the Indians. Washington special : The last meet' ing of tho board of Indian commission - \ era in this city has probably been the most valuablo to tho people of the west in advancing tho prospects for tho set tlement of tho Indian question of any ever held hero. Thcso meetings are usually attended by a largo number of eastern philanthropists , who take a groat interest in tho Indian question and who havo for years had a greater influonco in shaping Indian legislation than any class of people They have generally been called sentimentalists by western people and their "advanced" viows upon this subject havo proven tho greatest obstacle in tho way of settlement of tho vexed question. Tho theories have been kept in practico for a great many years , and tho Indian has mado littlo or no progress. Thoy aro coming to sco their mistake , and in tho addresses delivered at tho last meeting of the board a great advance was shown in the feelings of these people , and from this on their in fluence will bo thrown in the direction of a speedy and stalwart method of civilization. They have found tho vagabond instinct doveloped in tho In dian to bo strong , and have given up hopes that his own pride will lead him to push himself forward in the race for civilization. Tho eastern philan thropists have accepted * tho theory at least that whatever is done to further tho Indian in this must bo dono with out waiting for his consent and any fair just legislation which congress may take for tho Indian will bo sanctioned by these eastern influences. This ques tion settled , the methods already pro vided by congress will receivo tho at tention of these people. Tho allotmont act , the defects of which havo already been pointed out , will receivo attention first and it is not unlikely that amend ments may bo mado to the Indian ap propriation bill to cover certain of the discrepancies of the laws so that moro rapid progress can bo mado with allot ments next year should congress fur nish tho money. An important feature of the last conference of tho friends of tho Indians here was tho consideration of the question raised by Oberly , in his annual report respecting tho improve ment of the Indian service , which has suffered through tho present disposition of the officers. It is found that moro than ability to read and writo is neces sary in a good Indian agent. An agency is necessarily a despotism , and an agent without tact and good judgment wiil do a great deal in a year to disgust the In dians with tho white , man and his civili zation. Many of the Indian leadeis are men of some education and ability , and desire to bo treated with dignity and re spect. It depends largely upon the agent whether theso people can be made powers for advancement and civilization among their fellows. McLaughlin , of Standing Rock agency , and Cramsio , at Devil's Lake agency , are spoken of as probably the two best agents in the ser vice. They are not men of extraordi nary ability , but they have tact and good judgment , and the Indians at both agen cies have great faith in them. It is not unlikely that a congress will so raiso tho qualifications demanded of agents as to secure good men to the service , regard less of politics. Tlie first thing to be done , however , is to raise the salaries of all agents to something like a living figure. _ _ _ * SOME NOTES FROM THE OLD WORLD. Mr. Charles Phelps , son of tho Amer ican minister , will return to America with his father on January 31. A man was arrested in Madrid having in his possession four 6 per cent interest bonds with forged titles to the value of 400,000 francs. Lieutenant Chadwick , naval attache of the American legation , will shortly return home and be succeeded by Lieu tenant Buckingham , United States navy. Tho Glasgow liberals have called a hurried meeting to protest against tho arrest in that city of Mr David Slicehy , member of parliament for tho south di vision of Ralway , on a warrant issued in Ireland. Tho czar of Russia has presented gold tokens of remembrance to all of the persons who were present on the oc casion of tho disaster to the imperial train at Borki. They consist of minia tures of a sacred picture which hung in the dining room of the czar's carnage , and which was found after the catas trophe to have been uninjured. The Pall Mall Gazette , referring to tho case of Professor Geffcken , asserts that Prince Bismarck and his son , Count Herbert , are now regarded as the rulers of Germany. They have been unable to keep Geffcken in prison as a traitor , tho court having decided that there was no evidence to sustain the charge , and they are now endeavoring to have him shut up as a lunatic. There is general regret among the ad vocates of Irish home rule that Mr. Gladstone has decided not to go to Rome. Cardinal Manning and other- eminent Catholics and home rulers pleaded with the ex-premier and urged that his presence in Rome and the cir- enmstance of bis being received by the pope wonld have an excellent effect in favor of the Irish cause , but Mr. Glad stone was obdurate to their entreaties. The proposal on the part of the United States to strengthen their immigration laws by domestic enactments has stirred up a good deal of feeling on the subject in London , involving criticism by no means gentle or fair. Not only is the matter watched with keen interest in England , but the question is exciting a similar degree of concern on the Conti nent. Not , perhaps , as a measure of re taliation , but as a means of purifying the moral atmosphere. It is suggested that the colonies , Canada in particular , have recourse to similar legislation , and thus close the gates against the only classes who are likely to ieave the United Statee and who do leave that country both for the country's good and in order to keep out of jail. Senator Frye on the Samoan Question. Senator Frye of Maine , in an inter view regarding the Samoa qnestion , said : "When we made out the treaty with the Samoans we distinctly asserted that in the event of trouble between them and foreign powers we would exert our good offices in their behalf. Yet , when their hour of trouble came we al lowed them to be despoiled of their jands and shot down like beasts of the field without raising a hand to prevent it. If I had my way , congress should instruct President Cleveland to restore the former status at once. If Germany refused , then we should compel her. I think that firm , decisive action is all that is necessary. I do not believe that war would follow. There is no nation that cares to go to war with us so long as they can accomplish their purposes and de fraud us of our rights through the me dium of diplomacy. They do not need to , but under no circumstances should we avoid war by a weak and pusillani mous policy. " * ; c . WMm wWR CALLERS ON THE PRf f IIENT-ELCCT. | K Who Among Prominent Visiters M9 * CM * * > j 4 Harrison. frnWel General Harrison h d the usual Usgi WM\ \ number of early callers to-day , s 7 < jp | | • n Indianapolis dispatch , and was oeod * Mpj pied pretty much all day in receiving K J visitors , snatching a fow minutes now 71 aud then to dictate a roply to some let * BU tor. His mail continues to be loaded H down with applications and petitions lot B' small offices , which ho finds no time to B oxamo now. ] ' Among tho prominent out-of-town B visitors was Hon. T. H. Carter , delegate * B olect to congress from Montana , and B Hon. G. A. Matthews , delegate-elect B from Dakota. Thoy stopped over to wu > havo a talk on territorial matters. j E L. Bradford Princo , ox-assooiato jus * WMm tico of New Mexico , and Georgo Christ , flwl of Nogales , Ariz. , also called. Judge 'K-l Princo is a warm friend of Warner Mil * H ,1 ler. His visit , how over , hod no referB I enco to politics , but to territorial affiwrs. B l Judge Prince says that tho republicans B I of New Mexico aro unanimously for the B I early removal of General Laud Survey- B I or Julian , aud that ho acquainted GenB I oral Harrison of this fact. An uncon- B 1 firmed report credits Judgo Prince with B I seeking the Rtirvoyorship for himself. B I Mr. Christ's friends aro urging him B I as a candidate for governor of Arizona. BI Senator Allison , J. S. Clarksou , Senator Rl Teller and all tho prominent ropubli- 11 cans of Arizona havo endorsed him for Ic'l tho placo , and ho looks liko a winner. fl I Ho is n native of Iowa , aud was former111 ly a special treasury agent. Ho says ho ! g I merely called to pay his respects and if I not to press his candidacy. III C. K. Michael , of Brooklyn , a mom- | l I ber of tho executive committeo of the | | I International Typographical union , | | I called to talk about tho recognition that | | I organized labor desired to secure in jr | I several departments of tho government. . | I Ho expresses himself as satisfied with 81 I tho interview. J m In connection with tho cabinet gossip ' ' * * I floating about , an interesting bit of his- I tory has been divulged. This is that • I when President Garfield was making his H cabinet he offered Genoral Harrison his ' H choice of cabinet seats excepting tho stato and treasury portfolios. General I Harrison did not caro to loavo tho sen- I ate , und suggested to General Garfield . that Governor Porter , who had just been elected , would mako an excellent I cabinet officer , whoso appointment , H would please Indiana. Garfield immdi- ately tendered Governor Porter a seat I in his cabinet , but Porter likowiso do- " H dined on tho ground that he felt it his I duty to fill out his term as governor. H In addition to the gossip about Porter now it may bo sufo to say that ho docs H not care to enter Harrison's cabinet , bnt fl it is stated that his desires will lio do- B cidedly in tho direction of a foreign fl mission. As General Wallaco has un- H equivocally removed his name from tho • fl discussion , virtually leaves Chairman fl Huston as tho only prominent cabinet fl aspirant in Indiana. " fl AN ILL-MATED PAIR SEPARATED. . fl f 27(0 Last Act in One of Clileajo's Social Sen- H saltans. , M Chicago special : Tho fact has just 1 H leaked out this evening that a divorce 1 fl was granted Wilson Ames , the wealthy | H treasurer of tho Phoenix distillery , from " H his wife , in Judgo Collins court , in this ' H city , last Friday. It will bo remem- H bercd that Mr. Ames created a great H stir last summer iu the fashionable so- H ciety in which ho and his wifo , Mrs. H Abigail Ames , moved , by suing for a H divorce. Ho charged that for thrco H rears prior to Christmas , 1887 , hi3 wife H had deceived him by carrying on a clanfl destine correspondence and intimacy H with James J. Cummings , an Omaha H real estate man. Ho detailed iiow Mrs. H Ames' restless and dissatisfied nature fl had caused him enormous expense to H keep her in style befitting her desires , jfl and that finally , after settling tho house * | H and $2o,000 worth of securities on her 'fl prior to a quiet separation sho had coolly H confessed to him that shrf loved Cum- H mings and that she proposed not to hold H the $29,000 in trust for their son , as H Ames desired , but would set Cummings H up iu business with it. Mrs. Ames , by fl counsel , entered a vigorous denial of the H charges preferred and the case dropped H out of sight , nlthough it was understood H that Mrs. Ames had gone to Omaha. H Now it appears that early on Friday last H Ames appeared with his counsel in fl Judge Collins' court aud recited once H more his tale. Edwin Frost , manager H of a hotel on Clark street , also told about H Cummings and Mrs. Ames occupying a fl room together at his house on DecernH ber 27,1887 , three days after Mrs. Ames' 9 alleged confession to her husband. The H evidence satisfied Judge Collins , and he H granted a decreo of divorce. H Thurston Will Accent a Cabinet Place. Tho Chicago Herald prints an interH view with John M. Thurston of Nefl braska , who was in tho city en route for fl Washington. Mr. Thurston stated he fl was going east on business for the Union fl Pacing road aud that his visit hod no fl political significance. fl "Aro j-ou a candidate for a cabinet H portfolio ? " "My friends are making me a candi- date , lint so faros rum concerned I have fl not made any move iu that direction. In fl fact , I have refused to do many things fl my odvisore wish me to do. " H "But 3ou would accept the secretaryfl ship of the interior if it were tendered fl yon , would you not ? " H "Well , sir , I will be frank with you ; H an offer of a position in Mr. Harrison's fl cabinet would put me in rather an emfl barrassiug predicament. I have now a fl position wherein I am thoronghly confl tent content with my duties and con- fl tent with my salary. I am a poor man H and yon know there is a wide difference fl between a cabinet officer's salary and the fl expense of keeping up a cabinet officer's H establishment in Washington. fl "For all this I must tell yon plainly , fl if Mr. Harrison should offer me a seat fl in his cabinet I could not well afford to I refuse. That is the fix I should be in. 9 It is giving up a $12,000 position for an I $8,000 one , giving up comfort for dis- I comfort. But I would in all probability accept if I were offered the chance. " All Have No ! Yet Reported. I The electoral messengers , from nine states have not as yet arrived at Wash- ington and delivered the vote of the I electoral colleges of their states to Pres- I ident pro tern Ingals. The law requires that the messengers shall deliver an en- velope containing the results of the vot- M ing of the electors in their respective states not later than the last Monday in ' -m January. This will be next Monday , > f the 28th inst. Returns have been re- * ceived. from all tho states by mail , but this does not comply with tho provisipns of the law which imperatively requires I that the messengers shall present their communication to the president of tho senate by the date above named. Tho I envelope must bear on its face tho I names of the electors and its contents subscribed in accordance with section I 139 revised statntea The states whose messengers will be delinquent unless they arrive by next Monday are : Coli- fornia , Colorado. Florida , Oregon , Ken- tuoky , Maine , Nebraska , Nevada and Texas. I / J