The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 01, 1889, Image 2

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IS . A Legislative Estimate.
H The report of the auditor of publio ao-
| S counta gives tho following list of depart-
m 'M ments and their demands on tho legisla-
| il tare for appropriations for the ensuing
biennial poriod :
mm nK L tda1ature.w $ 180,000
1fjsg V 27"// • • • • • • • • • • 18,800
I SI AdJutaut-gcMral 63,200
III Commissioner of labor. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,200
iS Secretary of Btnto , „ 10,100
tudltor of public account * 31,100
'reasurer. . 12,600
Hj Superintendent of public Instruction. . . . . 18,325
lira Attorney general . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.00
MM Commissioner of public lands and bolld-
16 Inf-s. . . . . . . . 30,050
II Board of public lands and buildings 65,840
III Board of education lands and funds 8,326
! Board of purchase and supplies 800
m'fM Supremo court. . . . . . . . . . 46,010
Ira State library lR.OOO
Ijjfl Normal school. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 05,100
IfS District court. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162.319
| | B Penitentiary , . „ 127,728
Vm Hospital for Insane , at Lincoln 323,900
LH noxpltal for in Bnne , at Norfolk . ' ; 170.961
Asylum for insane , at Hastings ltf.'O
\m \ rndnstrial school. . . 215,398
wm . Institute for blind 43.600
ill Institute for deaf and dumb 73,150
[ < Home for the friendless 50,500
LB Industrial homo , 53,449
! Soldiers' and sailors' borne 189,500
! Institute for the feeble minded 146,882
US Lire stock sanitary communion 85,700
M State board of transportation 19,450
IK I'lsh rommissloa 16,000
BJ State.board of pharmacy. 704
J State university 225,000
MM MlscellauoouH Items :
| H Insurance. . . 35,000
, 'H IteTcnue books and blanks 20,000
; Abstract of lands from United States
B land Office- 3,500
km Enforcing criminal laws 35.000
County treasurers' fees and expenses 125,000
Froset-utlng unauthorized insurance
K companies 1,000
I * Advertising for bids for printing. . . 500
Laws , Journals and other printing 25,000
MM Btalo board of agriculture 4,000
Stato horticultural society 2,000
J Stato historical society 1,000
f Reports of historical society 1,500
J State taxes erroneously paid 1.000
State taxes illegally levied 5,000
M The appropriations of tho last legisla-
M tore aggregated $2,729,155.
B Bepre ' sentativo McBride has intro-
H duced a bill providing that the governor
H may appoint a brigadier general and
H chief of staff with the understanding
H that the position , if the bill passes , will
be tendered to Hon. W. ICody , "Buf-
falo Bill. "
George . Parkis , a farmer living four
miles west of Norfolk , was arrested last
m . week. Mrs. Barkis' confession to the
officer revealed a startling state of af-
> 1 fairs in that family. She Btated that
1 Farkis has been criminally intimate
jl with his fourteen-year-old stepdaughter ,
il Sarah Baxter , for several months. Sa
il rah's sister , aged ten , said that Farkis
jl liad attempted intercourse with her.
< i Both girls said that he had used a whip
jl to intimidate them.
: I The Nebraska press association re-
a cenOy in session at Lincoln elected of-
M ficers for the ensuing year as follows :
M President , H. M. " Bushnell ; first vice
m * - president , T , J. Fiokett , jr. ; second vice
president F. H. Kimmel ; third vice
resident , Jndson Graves ; seoretary ,
§ ' . G. Biamons ; treasurer , W. W. Ha -
I ktUa
* A generously inclined Beatrice lady
I for several weeks furbished an indigent
[ I. family with the skim milk of several
[ I oowb presuming that they used it as
I food for themselves. She discovered
e recently that the milk was being fed to
I four litters of puppies. The charity has
i been discontinued.
I TheBcporter says Madison needs
more and better railroad facilities , and
Tjelieves that the time is at hand for do
ling something in the direction of getting
1 Tb * auditor's report shows that six
ty assurance companies were admitted
K , to do business in the stato during the
: last biennial period , and ha wants an-
I' other deputy to take special charge of
JS the insurance business of the depart-
I mont. There are now 169 companies in
I the state.
S " * " •
By some mistake two acts were
passed by the last legislature to prohibit
: ' . non-resident aliens from acquiring title
to real estate in Nebraska. House roll
No. 3 , which passed recently , repeals
one of these laws. While both remained
on the statute books they neutralized
each other.
" . Jacob Savely , who some time ago
absconded from Crete after mortgaging
/ a team , wagon and harness belonging
to his brother , and perpetrating other
frauds , was arrested at Warsaw , Lid. ,
and held there till an officer with the
proper papers arrived to escort him back
to Crete.
A special sent from Madison stating
that charges had been preferred against
the sheriff was somewhat premature ,
although the special was sent on the
. - - authority of one of the supervisors that
it is contemplsted. No charges have
p \ been filed as yet
\ - The Economic Fence Machine com-
A' - pany and tho South Omaha Electric
, - . Light , Heat and Power company signi-
; _ . fied their intention of transacting busi-
i ' ness nnder the corporation laws of the
; ' : . , state , by filing articles of incorporation
? % . in the office of the secretary of Btate.
l'll - • . Both companies designate Omaha to
% : - ! [ be their principal place of business.
' ' % ' j Last week Paul Colbine , a beef
? . ; dresser at Swift & Co. 's packing house
f in South Omaha , received a painful and
' - serious cut with a knife in the hands of
' ; a fellow wefkman. Patrick Shea and
y - Mr. Oolbine were cutting the hind quar-
- ' l' ter of a beef , when a knife in the hand
of Mr. Shea slipped as Mr. Colbine bent
' ' / down and struck Mr. Colbina"on tho
; : ' . - ' . left side of the nose , cutting a long ,
fj , _ deep and nsly cash.
i | ; : Fifteen Omaha Methodist parsons
$ ' ; , , held a meeting last week and passed
| Ke ; * resolutions in opposition to dancing ,
mpk particularly in connection with inaug-
§ - ' / , nration of a president of the TJnitea
g " States.
& - The Union Pacific is equipping all
• . its switch engines with the Eames vacu-
\ run brake
H § ' The Journal places Chadron'sim-
| &rprovementa for tho past year at $255,000.
Ipf' " ; Waterworks bonds were c arried r
- Valentine in the vote on the 12th.
Pvy The legislature holds for sixty days ,
iij twenty days longer than former sessions.
Wp' . A Schuyler dispatch says : The
lit ; ' - - sheriff kept a guard stationed about the
| | | I' , jail all Jast night and patrol on the street
IPf ; : to guard against any demonstration to
" ' : y lynoh JSagerman , . the " incendiary and
? " . • horse thief , whose preliminary hearing
> , was liad yesterday and who was bound
* byerin tho sum of $2,500 for the burn-
H ing of John Craig's barn and 180 head
I or stock Jaauarj 8. A mob was organ
ized and skirmished slightly about the
court house. Two shots wero fired , and
the attempt was abandoned for the time.
; y The . sheriff will remove his prisoner to
some distant point , as the only tray to
avoid trouble , l
' '
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President Cleveland has approved
of tho Omaha government building bill.
The appropriation is $400,000 for a site.
The county sent election in Scotts
Bluffs county resulted : Gering 268 ,
Mitchell 173 * Mills 109. A socond elec
tion will bo required to settle the ques
At Beatrice W. V. A. Dodds , an at
torney , saw a man enter the house of
his neighbor , L. E. Spencer. Knowing
Mr. Spencer was not at home Dodds
followed and found the fellow rummag
ing among the silver plate in the dining
room. Tho fellow said ho was looking
for something to eat He was taken to
Sneak thioves are so thick at Wood
Biver that merchants dare not place
samples of their wares in front of their
A United Workman lodge will be
organized shortly at Ohiowa.
i'iro at Omaha last week destroyed
$50,000 worth of property.
An effort is to be made to organize
a Grand Army post in South Qmaha.
Cyrus Glurry , a Beatrice house
breaker , has been bound over to the
district court. It is quite likely he will
do a'term atjtho statg institution. J # :
The frisky daughter of an Omaha
brewer last week eloped with her
father's driver , forsaking a lover to
whom she was engaged.
In a railroad wreck near Omaha the
other day , J. G. Connors , a brakeman ,
was killed ,
An opium joint in Omaha was
broken up last week by the arrest of
four Chinamen.
The color line agitated by the col
ored citizens of Nebraska City , in le-
gard to school affairs has been taken
into court.
It is reported that William Spiker
and J. Y. Alexander , middleweights of
Grand Island , will indulge in a fight to
a finish in the near future.
The legislature holds for sixty days ,
members receiving $5 per day.
The Nebraska woman suffragists
have not given up tho fight. They have
applied to the supreme court for an
opinion on the constitutionality of mu-
nicipnl _ suffrage and lmvo introduced
new bills in both houses to confer on
women this privilege.
The Bed Cloud National bank of
Bed Cloud , which has been in the hands
of Bank Examiner Griffiths for tho past
three weeks , opened its doors on the
23d , under the new management , with
L. P. Albright cashier. Judge Bich , of
Chicago , and Bichard Gentry , of Kan
sas City are among the new stockhold
ers and directors.
Lyon post , at Grand Island , will
submit a proposition to the Kearney
encampment to have a rennionofthe
old soldiers located at Grand Island per
An Omaha woman who went mas
querading in men's clothes was detected
by a copper and jailed. The judge let
her off with a fine of $12.50 end costs.
The bank of Elm Creek will soon
merge into a national bank with a circu
lating medium of $50,000.
The citizens of Hubbeli have de
cided to renew their efforts to determine
whether or not coal exists in that vicin
A board of pension examiners has
established headquarters at Orleans.
The property parceled out to Mrs.
Cleveland , in Omaha , as her share of
the Folsom estate , is appraised at $120 , -
The citizens of Pender want their
town to be the seat of government of a
new county and have sent a delegation
to Lincoln to urge the passage of a bill
creating a county lo be called Blackbird.
Mr. Birnie , the live stock agent ,
has received several petitions from dif
ferent counties asking the members of
the legislature to continue the present
law relating to the live stock interests
of the state and to make a ' n adequate
appropriation for tho maintenance of
the live Btock commission.
Fire at Long Pine burned the cloth
ing store of T. P. Benshaw. Most of
the goods were got out
A farmer living five miles from
Bloomington offers to give $100 toward
establishing a cheese factory in that
The Grand Army post of Ainsworth
have taken steps toward starting a war
library. Several volumes have already
been collected. I
The bill to enable Fismont to vote 1
bonds to aid in the construction of the
court house has passed the senate. It
will also pass the house without any
Tessie , the two-3'ear-old daughter
of J. S. Grable , of Beatrice , got the fin
gers of one of her hands caught in the
cog wheels of a clothes wringer , pro
ducing a painful , though fortunately not
serious injury.
At the meeting of the Turnverein
association of Nebraska held at Flatts-
mouth it was decided to hold the first
annual turnfest at Fremont in August.
The spacious dwelling of W. H.
McNeill , two miles from Utica , was the
scene of a gathering of 250 people last
week , the occasion being the 42d birth
day of his wife. It was one of the
greatest events that has happened in
that section for a long time.
The Beatrice Express says there is
an annoying dearth of domestics in that
city. An intelligence office could do a
cood business , making a specialty of
domestic help.
Compulsory Education In Illinois.
At a meeting of the Chicago board of
education , the Board of Trade , the Un
ion League , the Women's Alliance and
other bodies , it was decided to submit to
the state legislature a bill for a more
stringent compulsory education act.
Tho bill provides for the attendance at
school of all children between the ages
of 7 and 14 years during at least twenty
weeks during each year : that no child
under 12 years of age shall be employed
by any firm or corporation ; that , be
tween that age and 14 years , they shall
not be employed more than eight honrs
per day , and only during school vaca
tions , unless by permission of the school
board : upon proqf thatH pearuings ar4
tfecessarmon aceonnt df Jbverty ; and :
that school books shall lie furnished filer
of charge to children whose parents are
too poor to buy them. Penalties in the
way of fines are provided for the en
forcement of the law , and truant officers
are to be appointed under it to see that
its provisions are carried out
The Will tf Mrs. Jiy 6snl !
The will of Mrs. H. S. Gould , wife of
Jay Gould , was filed in the surrogate's
court on the 21st She bequeathes all
her jewelry , wearing apparel and silver
ware to her two daughters , Helen M.
and Anna Gould. The will sets apart a
fund of $30,000 for each of the children.
All real and personal property is divided
between tho children , share and share
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Pnteedtw of the Upper aud Lower Brmneh
of the lfbralca AMtembly.
In the senate on tho 49th , Senator
Baymond introduced a joint resolution
in reference to the loss to the state of
school lands owing to tho ruling of Com
missioner Sparks that indemnity lands
must bo taken from tho district where
they wero lost , and not in some other
district Bills were introduced as fol
lows : A bill for an act to amend section
23 , of chapter 26 , compiled statutes of
the state of Nebraska of 1887 , entitled
"Elections , " and to repeal section 23 as
heretofore consisting. A bill for an act
to amend section 34 , subdivision 14 , of
chapter 79 , of the compiled statutes of
Nebraska entitled "Schools. " Mr.
Howe introduced a bill for tho purpose
of providing a now and improved style
of ballot boxes. Following is tho text
* f this bill : Section 1. That section 23
of chapter 26 of tho compiled statutes of
ho state of Nebraska , 1887 , bo amended
so as to read as follows : The county
board of each county shall provide a
sufficient number of ballot boxes , which
said ballot boxes shall be made of
glass , at tho expense of the coun
ty , for the several precincts or dis
tricts ; each pf saiil ballot boxes sliall be
circular form with a small opening at
the top thereof and enclosed in a square
wooden frame , with a lid to be fastened
with three locks , no two of which can be
opened bv ; the same key ; said ballot
boxes to bo-uniform in their construc
tion and shall be selected for adoption
by tho secretary of stato , auditor of pub
lic accounts aud state treasurer , or any
two of them , and each ballot box , with all
of the keys thereto belonging , at the
close of each eloction , shall bo depos
ited withjsne of the judges of electiona
who shall tnKo charge of tho same and
be responsible for its safe kefeping ; and
he shall convey said ballot box , or cause
it to be conveyed , to the place of hold
ing elections in his precinct , township
or ward at the next general or special
election and deliver , or cause to be de
livered , to one of the judges of said elec
tion. Section .1. Tlmt section 23 , as
heretofore existing , bo and tho same is
hereby repealed.
The senate held a short and unimpor
tant session on tho 21st. The following
bills were introduced : Ceding to tho
government jurisrtiction over Fort Bob-
insou and Fort Niobrara reservations ;
limiting application of the reform school
law to children : ! uder sixteen years in
stead of eighteen ; allowing district
judges to order jurors to appear wlien
needed , instead of having the sheriff
compel them to be present on the first
day of court ; extending to January ,
1900 , the payment of notes given for
payment on school lands on payment of
interest and taxes in full. In the house
a petition from 247 citizens of Cuming
county , asking that an amendment to
thestnte constitution be submitted pro-
vidingthat all fees for liquor licenses be
apportioned among the various school
districts , was presented by Mr. O'Sulli-
van. _ Gilbert's bill to so amend the code
o * , civil procedure relating to replevin
that the defendant may keep possession
of property in dispute by executing a
bond for the costs , was taken up on
third reading and passed. House roll
71 was also passed. It reads as follows :
That section 19 of subdivision 17 of
chapter 79 of the compiled statutes of
1887 , entitled , "Schools , " be so amended
as to read as follows : That all
accounts shall bo audited by the
secretary , approved by a committee to
bejstyled the committee on claims , and
no expenditure greater than two hun
dred dollars shall be voted by the board ,
except in accordance with the provisions
of a written contract , nor shall any
money be appropriated out of the school
fund , except on a recorded affirmative
vote of a majority of all members of the
board , and said accounts and the records
of said board in all metropolitan cities
shall at all times be subject to the in
spection and examination of tho comp
troller of such city , whose 3ntv it shall
be each month to examine said records
anil check said accounts , and from time
to time as may be required by ordinance
or resolution of tlie city council , report
to said council the nature and state of
said accounts , and any facts.
In the senate the Ke ckly bill remov
ing the $5,000 limit of damages for the
life of a man killed through the negli
gence of his employer went over one
day. Bills were introduced : Vesting
the fire and police commission in met
ropolitan cities with the power of is
suing liquor licenses ; also authoriz
ing the mayor and council of such city
to impose a license on pawnbrokers ,
hawers , architects , sellers of bankrupt
stock , etc. Providing the manner of
deciding the votes in elections in cities of
the second class and villages. Empow
ering nine jurors out of twelve to find a
verdict in civil actionsbefore the dis
trict court Bobinson's attorney fee bill
provoked a long discussion. It directs
the court to give the successful plaintiff
an attorney's fee when he is a clerk or
a laborer suing for wages , and also
in actions for the foreclosuro of
mortgages if an agreement has
been made to pay an attorney fee.
The bill was indefinitely postponed. In
the house about twenty bills were in
troduced , among them the following :
Appropriating $31,000 for completion of
the Erring Womans' Befuge at Milford.
To cede the jurisdiction by the United
States over the military reservation
known as JB'ort Sidney. To confer upon
women the right of the elective fran
chise at municipal elections. To legal
ize the State Dairymen's association and
make an annual appropriation for tho
same. Ballard's anti-trust bill was re
commended for passage. The commit
tee on county and township organiza
tion reported in favor of the bill pro
viding that the county board shall pro
cure a copy of the original surveys of
the eounty from the national land office.
The committee on agriculture recom
mended that house roll 35 , Truesdell's
bill requiring all parties owning _ or oc
cupying land to destroy noxious weeds ,
do pass.
Senate file No. 56 , providing for the
submission of an amendment to the con
stitution regarding .the collection and
disposal of liquor license moneys was
indefinitely postponed on the 23d.
Among bills introduced were the follow
ing : A bill for an act to prevent the
practice of deception and fraud by nurs
ery men , tree venders , their agents and
commission men in the sale of nursery
stock and prescribing penalties therefor.
A bill for an act for the assessment and
taxation of railroad property for school
purposes. A bill for an act to amend
section 102a , chapter 78 of the compiled
afatfftes ? qfu.tUevBtato ofiNebra kaieh-
fitled , "Boarls ? and toifep eal said brig-
inarsections 102a and i02b of the same
chapter. Baymond's elective board of
transportation bill was reported , with
the recommendation that it be indefin
itely postponed. Baymond protested ,
and , as a result , tho bill was placed on
general file. • Senate file No. 15 , by'
Keckly , providing for the addition of
threo railway commissioners to the ex
ecutive department of the state , under
went a similar process. There was in
troduced a bill to amend sections
63 , 64 , 65 and 66 , chapieriO. f the crim
inal code of tho compiled statutes of
Nebraska , entitled , ' 'Offenses relating
to domestic animals , " and to re
peal said original sections. Also a
bill for an act to amend section 2 , chap
ter 27. of .the. compiled , statutes of Ne >
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mtun.11 01 1001 , cui'incu , iMnoji , . iu
the house the most interesting business
of tho morning session was tho discus
sion of tho bill creating "Labor Day. "
Tho usual number of bills wero intro
duced , reports of standing committees
wero read , and resolutions introduced.
It was moved tho committee on constitu
tional amendments bo instructed to re
port house roll No. 1. Tho vote yeas
58 , najs 59 indicates in a raeasuro the
relative strength of the submission and
auti-snbmission parties. Among bills
introduced vore the following : A bill
for an act to amend section 4 of chapter
86 of the compiled statutes of Nebraska ,
entitled "Homesteads , " and to repeal
said original section. A bill for an not
for the protection of gamo in the state
of Nebraska. Tho committee on mines
and minerals recommended the passage
of house roll No. 2. Honso rolls 78 and
162 were favorably reported.
In the senate on the 24th the Bay-
mond.bill to submit an amendment for
an elective railroad commission of threo
members passed tho committee of the
whole by a vote of 14 to 3. Lindsay's
bill for submission , senato file 31 , had
been held by tho committee several
days awaiting a favorable opportunity
for its return. It came this morning
and Chairman Lindsay reported the
bill with a recommendation that it pass.
Bausom and Beardsley made a minor
ity report for indefinite postponement ,
and Bansom moved its substitution for
tho majority report. It was lost by a
vote of 9 to 23. After defeating a mo
tion by Wolbach to adjourn , the senate ,
by a vote of 17 to 14 , wont into commit
tee of the whole to consider the bill ,
with Linn in the chair. Lindsay moved
that when the committeo arise it report
the bill to the senate with a recommend
ation that it do pass. Paulsen moved a
postponement of further consideration
until Friday afternoon. Adopted. The
Lindsay bill provides for the submission
at the November election of the follow
ing amendment : "The manufacture ,
sale , and keeping for sale , of intoxicat
ing liquor as a beverage are forever pro
hibited in this state , and tho legislature
shall provide by law for the enforce
ment of this provision. " In the house
the morning session was largely taken
up with reports of committees. The
committee on revenue and taxation re
ported that house roll 30 , Corbin's bill
to punish assessors for undervaluation
of property , be passed as amended.
The committee on constitutional amend
ments reported that house roll 131 , pro
viding for the submissiou of a high li
cense amendment to the constitution ,
be placed on the general file for consid
eration. Dempster movea that the bill
be indefinitely postponed , but finally
withdrew the motion and the recom
mendation of the committee was adopt
ed. Honse roll 54 , Towlo's bill , giving
the party keeping stock for hire a lien
on the animals , was passed. A bill to
prevent the forming of any counties of
less than 576 square miles in extent was
recommended for passage. Bills were
introduced : A bill for an act to estab
lish , locate and maintain a normal
school at or near Superior , Nuckolls
county , Neb. , and making an appropri
ation therefor. A bill for an act to pro
vide for the sale and leasing of the sa
line lands belonging to the state of Ne
In the senate on the 25th senate file
Nos. 4 , 12 , 19 and 48 were read the third
time and passed. The senate then went
into committee of the whole on Keck-
ley's bill , senate file No. 14 , prohibiting
railroad ppols. The matter was not dis
posed of , 'the committee asking to sit
again. At 2:30 the senate took up for
consideration tho bill of Senator Lind
say to submit the prohibition question
to a popular vote as per the resolution
making it a special order for the after
noon. The news that tho submission
question would be under discussion had
become generally known , and long be
fore the time for the senate to come to
order tho gallery was filled with
anxious spectators. There was but lit
tle disposition to waste wind , and the
matter was brought to a focus by Ban-
som's motion to indefinitely postpone.
The vote on this motion was as follows :
Yeas Deru , Ijams , Maher , Paulsen ,
Paxton , Pope , Bansom , Baymond , Wol
bach. Nays Beardsley , Burton , Conner ,
Cornell , Funck , Gallosly : , Hoover ,
Howe , Hnrd , Jewett , Kecklej * , Lindsay ,
Linn Nesbitt * Norval Pick
, Manning , , ,
ett , Bobinson , Boche , Slianner , Suther
land , Taggart , Wotheir.ld. A motion
was made to adopt the majority report
of the committee. On this the yeas and
.naj's were not called for and the motion
was carried viva voce , aud the bill was
ordered engrossed. After a recess of
five minutes the senate again assembled
and the bill was read the third time and
passed by a vote of twenty-one to
eleven. Mr. Burton introduced a bill
To amend section 15 , article 2 , chapter
14 of the compiled statutes of 1887 , re
lating to Cities of second class having
over 5,000 inhabitants , entitled , "Sal
aries , " and to repeal acts inconsistent
In the house bills were introduced :
A bill for an act to empower cities and
villages to acquire real estate by < rift or
device for parks and public grounds and
for the protection of such real estate.
A bill for an act to require insurance
companies organized under the laws of
other states , and doing business in Ne
braska , to paya duty or rate for the
support of fire companies composing the
firo department of any city or village.
A-bill for an act to provide for the con-
vej'ing and relinquishing of titles in
real estate , where either the husband or
wife is insane. House roll Nos. 29 , 16 ,
184 , 134 , 200 , 156 , 122 , 10 , 82 , 91 , 188 and
199 were favorably reported. Nos. 56
and 142 were reported not to pass , ond
on 199 there was a minority report.
Nos. 66 and 117 were recommended to
be indefinitely postponed.
Thk Febbtjabt CEN-runr. Gerorae ,
the French artist best known in Amer
ica , has assisted in the preparation 01
an article on himself which will appeal
in the February Century the "Mid
winter" number. He has supplied tin
author , Mrs Bering , with a little anto
biography which she has translated foi
the magazine. He has also furnished
letters and conversations and permitted
the use of original sketches aud certain
pictures "hitherto little known in tliii
country. A number of American artiste
who have had the benefit of instrnctior
or advice from Gorome have furnished
to the magazine "open letters" on this
master. Those artists are Geonre d
Forest Brush , Keriynn Cox , Wyatt
Eaton , Will H. Low , John H. Niemeyer ,
S. W. Van Schaick , A. H. Thayer , J.
Alden Weir , all of whom wero his pu
pils , and Mr. E. H Blushfield.
/rho "Life of Lincoln" in the Febru-
arjr ! enfatri containsjithvee chapters of
elfeal3ntcrest ® 3& 5 4 * * ±
Where the Lumber Goes.
An Ottawa ( Ont ) special says that
United States Consul Hotchkjss has
prepared an elaborate report , which will
likely set American legislators thinking.
He has made an investigation of the
lumber trade between the two countries
and his report shows the quantity of
pine logs shipped from the United
States to Canada in the last ten years to
be 449,600,000 feet valued , at $4,500,000.
In the same period tho volume of ex
ports of Canadian logs is 19,932,000 feet
valued at $157,000. Tho logs brought
into Canada were felled in Wisconsin
and Minnesota principally of the mills
Df Bazney county , Ontario.
* . . . " .
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General Belief that the lotca Senator Will
be One of Uarrlnon't Advisers ,
Indianapolis dispatch : Senators Alli
son and Cullom arrived at noon to-day ,
aud wero met at tho station by Privato
Secretary Hnlford and taken at onco to
tho general's house , lunching with him.
A prolonged consultation followed , Sen
ator Cullom leaving at 5 o'clock for the
hotel , aud Senator Allison remaining at
the general's. Tho long consultation of
to-day , and Allison's remaining over un
til morning is taken as satisfactory evi
dence that ho is going to go into the
cabinet , and tho remainder of his stay
will be devoted to discussion as to other
members. There is a feeling here that
it is the state , and not tho treasury de
partment , he is to occupy.
Genoral Harrison was as roticent ns
ever when seen this evening , and sim
ply said ho had nothing to give out
Whilo there is no doubt tho cabinet
question was considered atsome length ,
there is reason to believe tho Samoa
matter was tho chief topic of conversa
tion during tho afternoon. Senator
Allison came on special invitation , while
that to Senator Cullom was only gen
eral in its terms. Cullom said to a cor
respondent that the Samonn question
was discussed , and while not at liberty
to say what General Harrison thought
of the matter , he did give his own view.
Ho said : "I am not in favor of permit
ting any country to throw brick-bats at
us. I nm an American all the way
through , and think wo nro a big enough
nation to take caro of ourselves under
all circumstances. However , while tho
Samoa matter looks serious at present ,
I believe tho coming administration will
reach nn adjustment that will be satis
factory to tho country. I think the
solution will bo reached without diffi
culty. "
He said there would bo no yielding
on our side , but a settlement would bo
reached on a dignified basis.
As an intimation how General Ham-
son stands on the Samoa question , tho
following from 'his letter of acceptance
will not bo without interest at this time ,
and may bo regarded as very significant ,
in view of what Cullom said :
"Our relations with foreign powers
should bo characterized by friendliness
and respect The right of our people
and our ships to hospitable treatmeut
should bo insisted on with dignity and
firmness. Our nation is too great , both
in material strength and in moral power
to indulge in bluster or be suspected of
timorousness. Vacillation and incon
sistency aro as incompatible with suc
cessful diplomacy as they are with na
tional dignity. "
When asked about the cabinet Cullom
said : "Allison undoubtedly can be in
the cabinet if he wants to , but I am not
at liberty to say whether he intends to
go in or not Yon can readily under
stand my position. "
Sleeting of tlie Directors Vacancies Billed-
Memorial Addresses
Boston special : President Adams pre
sided at the adjourned meeting of the
Union Pacific directors to-day , held to
fill vacancies in the board caused by
death. The following were elected : J.
P. Spanlding , E. F. Atkins and J. H.
Millard , president of the Omaha Na
tional back , to succeed M. D. Spauld-
ing , E. H. Baker and Elisha Atkins , de
Tho remainder of the session was de
voted to a memorial address by the
president on the deceased members.
Tributes of respect having already been
paid Messrs. Potter and Baker at former
meetings , the remarks were confined
principally to John P. Spaulding and
Elisha Atkins. In reference to the lat
ter , one of the oldest directors , Mr.
Atkins said :
"Tho connection of Mr. Atkins with
the Union Pacific railroad company ,
from the beginning as one of the pro
jectors of tho enterprise and for nearly
' twenty years as one of the directors of
the compairy , places him in more than a
merely business relation to it and to his
associates here. His part in successfully
launching the first transcontinental rail
road and obtaining for it tho financial
support to carry it to completion ,
and his steadfast adherence to its for
tunes in the financial crisis which
the Union Pacific has been called upon
to meet in a larger degree , perhaps , than
almost any other existing railroad cor
poration , are well known. He never
wavered in his support or faltered in his
faith. He had the courage to look dan
ger in the face , the skill and lesource to
surmount it , or to to devise a means of
escape from it And in saying this I
have in mind transactions upon which
tho very financial existence of the Union
Pacific has more than onco . depended
during the years that.1 have been presi
dent of the compau3' . Tho courpo that
the United States has seen fit to pursue
towards it at times shook its credit more
dangerously than those not intimately
familiar with its affairs were ever
aware of. Happily those times are now
far. behind us , nor are they likely again
to recur. But it is only right and proper
for me here now to say that in those
days of emergency and doubt , Mr. At
kins was one of tho small group of di
rectors on whom I saw my way to call
without fear as to what the response
would be. "
By invitation of President Adams all
the directors and resident officials of the
Union Pacific took dinner with him at
his residence on Commonwealth avenue
this evening. It was a very elaborate
affair , and a large number of ladies were
present In consequence tLe conversa
tion ran in other channels than business.
It was near midnignt before the assem
blage broke up.
The House Omnibus Bill.
The senate committee on territories
on the 25th took up the house bill
passed the other day for the amission oi
North and South Dakota , Montana ,
Washington and New Mexico into the
union. After a session of two hours
one of the committeemen said : "We
have spent the entire session in consid
ering the honse omnibus bill. It is
noticeable for contradictory provisions
and inadequacy to get any territory
or part of a territorjinto the union
as a state. As the bill now stands
it is probably the most compli
cated and most difficult to inter- ;
pret aud administer that everpassed 1
either house of congress. If we are tc
paas it , the measure must be corrected
materially , aud it has been referred to a 1
sub committee with instructions to see
if < jts inconsistencies cannot be sq econ-
CjUid that-rweuean recommend its pass- )
age. " • - • * • * - • .
Bepresentative Springer , chairman ol j
the committee on territories , has pre
pared and will introduce in the house
another omnibus bill , providing nn en-
abling act for the admission into the un
ion of the territories of Idaho and
Wyoming. The bill embodies all the
features of the omnibus bill recently
passed by tho house , with a few excep- ,
Michael Carney , the oldest man in <
New Haven , Conn. , died on Wednesday '
at the age of 105. He was born in Cork , ;
Ireland , and had lived in Elmira , N. Y. , j
for a great many years. Three years .
ago he moved to New Haven. i
h - l * . - ' ( • . . iSaeisiii
) s- ; ' " * - uirrS * " - . ft- ' ' ' . - - > " 1 • - '
- I 1 - ' - , r * -
Ills Touched Upon by a Horrtspondent With
JTacts and JTlauret.
Correspondence of tho State Jonrnil.
The recent election furnishes , in the
popular vote , data that , tnken in con
junction with previous elections , with
the United Stntes census of 1880 , , and
with various stato aud territorial enum
erations , enable us to dctormino with
reasonable exactness tho presont popula
tion of almost any given Btate or terri
tory , and among others of thoso which
still hold out to tho intending settler , if
not the inducement of a slice of tho pub
lic domain , at least that of almost equal
ly cheap land , free from irksome obliga
tions and restrictions. These latter ,
thirteen in number , would appear to
have an aggregate population of 9,781 , -
540 , or 4,289,023 in excess of their popu
lation of tho United States consus of
1889. Their natural increase during that
period being bnt 913,274 , according to
the growth of such northern states ns
have been least affected l > 3' movements
of population , either ono way or the
other , it follows that upwards of threo
and one-third million people have , dur
ing the last eight years , crossed tho Mis
sissippi river from east to west with the
object of bettering their condition. Of
this enormous number Dakota appears
to have attracted 517,388 , Texas 400,620 ,
Kansas 474,142 , Minnesota.452,848 , Ne
braska 422,500 , California 891,750 , and so
on down to Oregon and Wyoming , which
stand at tho foot of the list with 61,344
and 60,761 , respectively.
Now , had Nebraska had less to say in
her own behalf than she actually has ,
the fact that for at least eight years past
she has been attracting to her fertile
fields and far extending plains au aver-
ago of 1,000 people a week from oldor
states and still older lands constituting
in the nggrognto a magnificent auxiliary
army over 400,000 strong , which is now
assisting in tho development of her vast
and varied resources such a fact would
bo a matter for congratulation to all
who are in any way interested in her
growth and prosperity. Bnt in view of
the immense advantages over all other
agricultural states , which she derives
from her geographical position , it is
surety not altogether satisfactory that
she occupies only tho fifth place in tho
above list , and that sho succeeds in in
ducing only ono new western settler out
of every eight to locate within her bor
Is it reasonable to suppose that any
thing like the whole of the 517,384 peo
ple who have settled in Dakota during
the period referred to would have pre
ferred that territory to Nebraska , had
they fully realized the extraordinary
disparity existing between the two re
gions in the matter of adaptation to di
versified farming , or been aware of tho
significant fact that the average grow
ing season is forty-seven days longer in
Nebraska than in central Dakota , and
fifty-four days longer than in north Da
kota , including the best portion of tho
Bed river valley , on both sides of the
river ? Is it likely that Kansas would
have gained quite so large an accession
to her population had it been generally
known that there is not an important
crop raised in the west the average 3'ield
of which to tho aero is not higher in
Nebraska than it is in Kansas ? _ Con
sidering the well known partiality of
average American farmers for corn land ,
is it conceivable that out of every hun
dred of his class migrating to the west ,
eighty-seven would deliberatelyignore
the advantages of a state whose corn
crops average a greater yield per aero
than those of any other of tho great corn
producing states , show a larger number
of bushels per capita , either of thoso
employed in raising them or of the en •
tiro population of tho state than those
of any other state or territory , and ,
most of all , have a larger percentage of
a merchantable standard than Jiavo the
crops of even the foremost of its rivals ?
In view of the unquestionable advant
ages enjoj'ed by the Nebraska farmer
over the settlers in any other state or
territory , the state ought by this time to
be fully _ settled up. That it is not so is
duo entirely to the "masterly inactivity"
of onr state legislature , which , with the
exception of the state exhibit at New
Orleans , admirably managed b3 * ex-Gov.
Furnas , and parsimoniously and ungra
ciously sustained by those at home , lias
done absolutely nothing towards com
peting with other states for a share of
that immense tide of immigration which
has so long been flowing westward.
While Dakota has had its department of
immigration ami statistics , with a well
paid commissioner at its head , employed
in the free distribution of an exceed
ingly attractivo and marvellously com
prehensive volume of 498 pages , treat
ing of the resources of the territoi-y ,
both general and local , and Minnesota
has had its state board of immigration
similarly employed , with an appropria
tion of _ $14,321 for two 3ears' work ,
while Kansas has been engaged in a like
campaign through its state board of
agriculture , which had appropriations
amounting to $17,872 for tho last legis
lative term ( all these various appropri
ations appearing to be independent of
printing ) . Nebraska , as a state , has
done absolutely nothing , simpty allow
ing judgment to go against her by de
fault Certainty she has been adver
tised by her railroads , but so have all
her competitors by theirs , so she is still
at an enormous disadvantage. Bail-
road advertising , moreover , may sup
plement , bnt it can never take the
place of official state work , for no matter
how cai-efnlly and conscientiously it is
prepared , its statements are always sub
jected to a more or less liberal discount
The railroad advertising of Nebraska ,
too , is rendered much more difficult and
much less effective than it wouldother
wise be by the half-starved condition of
some of onr state institutions. Tlie
state board of agriculture has to do its j
work on an appropriation little more :
than one-fonrth the size of that granted j
to the Kansas state board and only one- (
lialf of what is considered necessary in ]
Minnesota , independently of the state \
board of immigration. "Our horticul- \
tural friends have $1,000 a year doled 1
sut to them , against an average of $1,700
3ear in Minnesota and $2,380 in Kan- J
3os , according to the last reports. While
; he Minnesota legislature is wisely fos- {
: ering the dairy interests of that state , j
appropriating $8,500 to the use of the |
state dairy commission and for kindred j
mrposes for two years , the Nebraska c
lairy dairymen's association , an imnort-
tnt sooiety doing valuable work for the
itate , is entirety without state recogni-
ion , and is , Iam informed , about to
llead in forma pauperis , for some trifling y
mm to cover the cost of printing its an- *
mal report These institutions should
jfe more liberalty dealt ith , and would
je were oujfUgislafera alivetto the truest4
' • jS- ' * Stf' ? c r
nterests of the state. An ounce of fact J :
s said to be worth a pound of argui i ;
nent and certainly official statistics , r
bowing the increase of live stock , dairy
> rodncts and crops , variations of tem- q
> erature , rainfall , etc. , when collected g
rom such sources and published in such
hape as not to be entirely unworthy
tf credence , will , together with V
he results of horticultural and j-
• ther experimentation- found
ar more convincing to the aver- „
ge reader than any mere piece of word
• aiuting , however skillfully it may bo
Irawn or what eyer its artistic finish , y
Tor that reason I rejoice to learn that a c
• ill has been prepared for the establish-
lent of a bureau of aericultura and live C
' smmmmmWMmmism - -
\-1 \ m--
• " f ps § 3flf pB * / 'y s" fajgaaB
* " * " . * WjB
t ' r -
htock industries in the department of M
stato. Tho passage of such a measure % m
would bo a stop in tho right direction. r -3 | |
and I earnestly trust it will be received M
with favor and passed without being de- : m
prived of a single ono of its many excel- m
lent provisions. I would only venture | i
to suggest that where tho "exact stalls- %
tical knowlcdgo" that is desired cannot f.
bo obtained from "tho heads of other . - * • g
" "tho local . 2
departments of stato , or ,
county , city or township officials , the \M
sccrotary bo empowered to makp an m- -
Jspondent investigation , within pw - | j& aM ;
scribed limits as to expense Tho re- \J 31
ports now made to tho stato auditor m
by the county clerks aro not only la- . - -M
mentably deficient noithor dairy pro,4
ducts , orchard products nor wool clip , - /g
being included in them bnt even tn g ; i
information thoy do contain is in many \-m
cases misleading , and is not unfrequont- .3f7
ly rendered worse than nsoloss by some . !
glaring inconsistency of stitoment / > r . | • •
tho clumsy "fixing up" of otherwise in- , % j
complete data. , - • - : ?
In tho report of tho United States f
commissioner of agricnlturo for 1881 , ti
Mr. Dodge , tho statistician , nfter refer- ' . . . !
ring to tho many important results that 1\ \
have attended tho publication of faiin tj
statistics , deplores tho foot that their t
collection is usually tho work of the as- f
sessor , who precedes tho tax gatherer
and decides tho oxtent of his lovy upoa /
the results of rural industry. In hi * w - C ;
annual report of tho niuuborifttnd values $ o I
of farm animals , nuderdatc of February < iui\
13 , 1888 , tho statistician returns to tho 1
subject , devoting'ovor threo pages of hia i
report to its discussion. Ho regards it , I
ho sa3' , as very unfortunate , in this era j
of progress in statistics and of depend- 1
enco upon tho results of statistical in- J
quiry in legislation and business , that j
the pretense of nn annual state [ agiU jl
cultural ] census is not a mora j
thorough and corapleto cnumora- 1
tion. Its unsatisfactory diameter 1
ho refers to threo causes : (1. ( ) An 1
indifference on tho part of legislators a 1
failure to appreciate tho importance of 1
full and accurate returns and a conso- I
quent neglect to enforce tho laws which 1
provide for them. (2. ( ) Tho unrelia- I
bility of enumeration by assessors ; and Jl
(3) ( a lack of general popular apprecia- I
tion of tho uses of t-tatictics and tho 1
necessity for statistical collection. I 1
refrain from pointing out how peculiarly 1
open we aro in Nebraska to theaq and 1
similar criticisms , onty from a desiro to I
avoid an invidious task. Ai > 3' ono who •
will devote a little timo to an examiua- I
tion of our stato agricultural statistics ,1
will find abundant evidenco of their in- i
completeness and general unreliability , M
Even this much E should not have said , ' 1
but for tho opportunity now afforded il
tho state legislature of remedying , to a m
largo extent tho evil. John Hyde. il
- 1
The Crops of 1888 the largest Ever Fro- 9
ditcrd In Anvrvtcii. iH
Washington special : Tlie annual crop- '
report of the department of agriculture •
shows that there is a larger aggregate- '
product of cereals than has ever been 'M '
before recorded. It will amount to- ]
about 3,200,000,000 bushels , or fully fifty I
bushels per head. This is about three jl
times tho average supply per capita of '
Europe from home production , nnd the 'I
receipts from other continents amounts > m
to only about one bushel per head. )
The nggrecato potato production is im
200,000,000 bushels. '
The sweet potato crop is about 40,000- 'jl '
000 bushels. f J jl
The production of cano sugar is
small. M
The sorghum crop is rAedium. '
Owing to the abundance of moisture {
and moderate temperature the spring- \M \
hay crop was very large. M
The cotton crop is a medium yield V
with an increased acreage. | fl
Frnits have been fairly abundant , al- \m \
though variable fn production. Apples > fl
are plenty for domestic use , while their \M \
cheapness has favored exportation. 'M
The wool clip of 1888 wns slightly re- jfl
duced in consequence of the reduction 'I '
of flocks in Texas and elsewhere. The I
estimated production is 269,000,000 '
pounds. | fl
Tho meats supply has been very jfl
abundant . ] M
The area of maize as estimated for tho vJH
crop of 1888 makes an increase of 3,280 , - t r M
043 acres over the crop of 1887 and 13 , - >
304,259 acres over tho census crop of I
1879 , indicating a gain of 21 per cent in I
nine years. The estimates of tho wheat 9
area makes a reduction of 305.645 acres 'jH
from tho breadth of 1887. 'Ihe aggre- JM
gate is 37,336,138 , an increase of only ( M
1,905,805 over the area of 1879 , or a lit- >
tie more than 5 per cent ;
Exports will probably be at least 100 , - 9
000,000 bushels. The quantity is more ; fl
than ample for the annual supply and H
increase of population since 1880. > fl
There appears to be a further increase < fl
of areas , amounting to 1,077,376 acres , B
and about 41,000,000 bushels increaso fl
on the quantity produced. Tho yield
per acre is twenty-six bushels , against rm\
twenty-five bushels in 1887. flj
Nebraska Indian Lands for Sale. ( fl
Washington special : Tho surveys ,9
have been received at the office of the jH
secretary of the interior on the Indian iH
reservation lands near Bulo , Neb. This , fl
indicates that tho lauds will shortly be 'H
ldvertised for sale , bnt owing to tho 'ikA
2arly _ demise of the present administra- H
tion it is probable that the sales will not | H
begin until after the 4th of March. < H
'IH '
Quotations from Arte York , Chicago , Omaha * < 'mwm
and JCltcicftere.
IV'iKAT No. 2 - 78 & 78" ( H
? ohn No. 2 mixed - 19 (3) 19 } H
) t4 . " * * • . * > . . y > ( rh it * * 9H \
AiO .lU. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1U OO j M
• . * X * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jv \ f t3 B I H
3utteu Creninerj 24 ( # 26 < m\
3utteu Choice country. . . 20 @ 22 \ m\ \
ZaoB Fresh - 15 @ 16 ' H
Jhickens dressed . 6 @ 8 ItWW
Cdhkets 7 @ 8 H
vEiio.VB Choice. 'perbox. . . 3 75 @ 4 50- H
hM-raKS Per box . . . _ 3 25 ( a 4 00 H
) nions Perbu 40 < 3) ) 50- , A
'OTATOES 40 @ 4S mM
fDRSips Per bu 20 % 2S M
LPPLEs Per bbl 2 50 @ 3 00 ' M
Jeans Navies 2 25 @ 2 40- H
Tool Fine , per lb 13 @ 20 . M
Toney 17 @ 18 ' M
hopped Feei > Perton..l2 00 @ 13 00 9M
Iay fiailed 4 00 @ 6 00 "mWM
'lax Seed Perbu. . . . 1 15 @ 120 \ m\
Iocs Mixed packing 4 75 @ 4 80- " M
Iocs Heavy weights. . . . . . 4 75 @ 4 80 * |
Iekves Choice ateera 3 75 ( a ) 4 30 IMW
heep Choice Western. . . 3 50 © 4 25 i H
flip. , r No. 2 red . . . _ 97 fa 97 1 < m\ \
onr ; No. 2 _ 44 < $ 44J > 'mwM '
AT8 Mixed western. . . . . 28 # @ 33 H
oitic. . . . . . . . . . . . .14 00 @ 14 25 < H
aud • 7 30 ( < 7 50 \ _ w M
onrr Per bt ) He& 1& * 34 f # " 84V' # * '
ats Per buslie ! . . . . . , . 24 ( ft ± > 24 § * - ' ' !
oar * . 12 30 (612 ( 50 \ iJmfM
inn . 6 87J @ 6 97& * < H
oas Packing shipping. 4 85 @ 5 05 i H
attlk 8tockera. . . . . . 2 20 @ 3 60 mWM
heep Natives. . . . . . . ST75 @ 5 30 i H
ST. LOUIS. " 'H '
rHEAT No. 2 red cash.93 ® 93 ' ' |
3UN PerbiiHliel 29 @ 30 mfM
ats Per bushel. . . . . . . . 24 # ® 27 /a ImvM
oas Mixed packing. . . . . . 4 85 @ 5 00 I ' k\W \
lttle Feedera 2 00 © 310 t > j H
'heat Per bushel . . 95 @ 9cTi tf'l mf
jrn Per bushel . . . 24 @ 26 Mmm
ats Per bushel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 © 2214 . mU
lttle Stockers ( bleeders. 2 00 © 8 80 mfM
oas Good to choice . m , 4 35 Q 4 85 H
rww 4 s LWWW