K. VOLUME VII. McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING , FEBRUARY 1 , 1889 NUMBER 36. • w _ _ _ _ _ _ = = = = = = _ _ _ = = = _ _ I YOUR CHOICE R of omt 1IEATERS at I FACTUAL COSTN- If : for THIRTY DAYS ONLY at I THE PIONEER HARDWARE , H' - LaTOURETTE & CO. , pf. * ' EST" Brick Store , Main Avenue , 4 doors south oF J. C. Allen & Co. II 1888. Fall Season.1889. . - : - . - : - . B * The fact that my efforts in the past to produce K- none but of the highest standaid of excellence k' have been appreciated by friends and customers , KL" as shown by my large and rapidly increasing busi- Bp ; ness , has encouaragpd me to still greater exertions K * for the Fall and Winter season. I Mf Collection of Fine Fabrics p For gentlemen wear , is now complete , and it will BT give me pleasure to have you see my stock , wliich Sf\ is as large and handsome an assortment of new W ; goods as can beshown by any of the best houses M $ in larger cities. 1 am better prepared now to exe- mr < cute all orders promptly , and give the trade styl- KT isli and perfect fitting garments. m " _ _ BERNHEIMER , K McCook , Nebraska. MKUCUAXT TAILOR r IE Frees & Hoteil Lnrnlcr Co. Br. ' _ _ " : DEALERS IN = = = I LUMBER ! aP Sash , Doors , Blinds , Lime , Cement , HARD AND SOFT COAL. 1 * * ' Authorized Capital. $100,000. - Paid up Capital , $50,000. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS : O.HOCKNELL , President B'M. frees , Vice-president . . A. CAMPBELL. F. L. J. BPOWN C. ALLEN. , CASHIER S. L. GREEN. * ' W3ti ga * ' ' f p - p q K „ u cmBs fobfcfhe TRIBUNE , " . * _ _ - _ _ _ _ ; _ _ S& _ : " " " " ' BBAt * > - 'i * BUSINESS DIRECTORY. J. MtKON JKNM.snS. JOIII1 WILKT. JENNINGS & WILKr , ATTORNEYS * AT - : - LAW. Will pracHcP In the Sime nnrl United Shun Courts , nnd boToro the * " Land Otltecs. direful aiionilnii trivpn • > Colin Minis. Olllce over Citizens Hunk , McOw 1,0 • . TWOS. COL PER , ATTORNEY - : - AT - : - LAW. AND NOTAIIY PUHLTC. Rcnl Estatenoujrlit nnd Sold nnd Onllecinn ? Mnilc. Mnnoy loaned 011 rent esmie ntnl tlun proof. Ajrent Lincoln f.uiid Co. OUlcu. ovoi Km-tiicra & Merchants Itnnk. R. M. SNA Via Y , ATTORNEY - : - AT - : - LAW INDIANOIiA. NHHHABKA. Will practice in all the State mid tTiutt- States Courts. Also , lieforo 1 ho I.ami Ollico 111 McCook and the dcimrtment nt Washington. HUGH W. CUIiH ! , LAWYER , MCCOOK NKHUAPKA. Will practice in nil the Courts. Conimeroiu and corporation law a specialty. MONEY TO LOAN. Rooms 4 and 5. First Nut' ) Hank Utiildlng. A. J. ItlTTKMIOUHB , W. H. STlltll JlcCook. Imlianola Rittenhouse & Starr , Attorneys \ at $ Law. OFFICES AT McCOOIC AND IND1ANOLA. T. M. nKI.M. C. W. HAVI < ! . Lit * Begistor V. S. taai Lite of Cos. Lisi OSe. 0ffi : , EirwinEi3. Washington , 3 C. HBLM & DAVIS , Attorneys , Land H Loan Agents McCOOK KKKKASKV. If you hnve a ditliciilt contest cai-o to pro < > cuto or de'eud and want to win cmi-ull u > . Otlico. north of U. S. Land Ollico. Front huso mem of the Citi/.ctiB Hank. H. G. DIXON , Real Estate and Loan Broker JtcCOOK. NEURASKA. Special attention plven tc tho snip of cit property. Houses rented nnd collection mado. Ollico : Hear of Citizen * Hank T. B. STUTZ31AN , M. D. , Eclectic Physician and Surgeon OCULIST AND AURIST. McCOOK NKHKASK ' pr"Ollico in MoXecly Buildinjr. Main St. B. B. DAVIS , M. D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , McCOOK NEBRASKA SyOffieo at Chenory'8 drnsr store. L. J. SPK1KKL.MIB11 , M. D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special Attest ! Qies to ? esile Dlsaits : . Olllce hours , from 9 to II A. M . and 2 to 4 V M. . mountain time. OfficeOver Fanners & .Merchants bank. Dr. Z. L. KAY , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON McCOOK. - - NEURASKA. JS Room : Over new Firt National R nk A. J. THOMAS , DENTIST. Adminlpter = Gas if desired. tSTOflico over coli' brick. G. W. .MTNKLKll , KOItWKUMT COUNTY - : - SURVEYOR , Mo'OOK , NRHRASKA. Will do all kinds or Surveying. Grading nnd Civil HnKitnjurintr. Hesideueo uon h of school hoube. 1 THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL , \ Geo. E. Johnston , Prop. , ' McCOOK. NEIUSASKA. This house has been completely renovated 4 andreliiniinlied throinrliout. and is tir&t cla88 in every resuoot. Ratos reasonable. ' 1 W. M. SANDEHSON , DECORATIVE - : • ARTIST , \ SCENIC PAINTER , 1 Calcimininpr. Graitiiiifr. Taper Hanjrinsr. etc. ' with iieatno-ss and dispatch. ' _ 1 JOHN G. W. F. FLEK.MINQ , House and Carriage Painting , ORAININn. CVfiTtMISINO. \lllt.lNU. . MCCOOK. NKHRASKA. ( Leave alt orders at the drujr store of Albert 1 McMil'-n. First-elass work ruamnteed. jTh. BENNET1\ ' GONTRAGTOR [ or j BRICK AND STONE , \ ' McCOOK. - NEURASKA. T. D. EURGESS , PLUMBING , 1 Steam and Hot Water Heating , North Main Are. , McCook , Nob. HBT AH work receives prompt attention. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. Tho FIRST aAr.VK in the world for cms. brill- e .M rm. 11 leers , salt rheini. fevrsores , te .ter , ohapped bands , eltitblains , eorni. and : • 8km eruitiiium. and positively cures piles. < no pay required. It is guaranteed totrivppe feot satlsfactinn , or money refunded 1'ric 0\K < if the courta in Cleveland has granted a iirtn which was ho.tcnitcd by the iinlnii of bricklayers damages to the e.xtont of 3 71)0. ) which has In en t > Bct > scd against the ollicers and ineinlieis or the olft i.dlngbody , 'ihlh is a newdepatttiie. FltKB hi. ky. it would apiear. | is terribly do struetive ti > the mental as well as the moral and physical votidtlion ot a nation. It is to ported from Norway ilmt since the letnoval of the tax on whisky insanity has increaseil CO per cent , and idiocy 150 percent. Wai.t MAbUN ot the Journal • 'Tuples" opined that "if 1 he observant newspaper man ueie to tell all ho kno-is there would be a in eat proccHriiou streaking' in the direction of the wooda. " Yi'B , and the observant uewppaper man would likely be In the van of the pieces- Tins coutuo need never auve any great fear of llayti.so loujr as ruin sells there tor 2. ) cents a yallon. 'JhcKnnnerH , inueommuiii t > u here a plain drunk can he hail lnr to III tie uioue > , will hine tioub.e in hiuitix even the oieau. nay iiothintr of putliuur a eaiiuou ball into a uarshtp. U.sTiii recently ilui es Centre look excusable pride in an ( ffueiive I tentry society , butalat and alack it is now in the hands of the under- laker. The question. "Ones a chimera ruiniu- ttliiiK in vacuum devour second i. 'iteiiiioiihjr" was lately dunaied in the society. It was too much loritb super t > eiibiiive soul. Gkneual. Lbw tVALL.aib in quoted as saying- , in i recent eouveisaiiou : "I can toil you hat 1 would do it I weru i'rebideut luiuiediaiely at ter 110 uiaii ur.itiou 1 would call m > eatunet tngclher ami buy : tjeuiieineu. 1 deMiuui ui- Keuil. ) request that each of juu repoit to mo in Unity d.i > 8 Itom date that iuu have ills- charged every Ifeinoerai in iour rtspec'tve depaitmeuts and tilled hisplaee with a Uepub- llCtt'l. " „ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TlIK bright Wi.iimn n 'liliiuue ot thesta'eol Heairiee % i\ > : > * the gonilcr mx the loiluvvn ceilitlcale ol eliaraeter : "Wmiian lives luiii , - er than man. goes insane Usa uuineioiieo. cnmiiiits stnelilu onu-Uiml us olleu , lii.iht oue-teutli thu demand on the puidie | > in.e lor fiiippurt 111 jails and alms houbts and nr every legaiil mauiteais poieiuialilj lorgooii eiiizeiiship ph > seally : , mentally and muraii } . " And the luuis bUbataiillalu ilii-staieuiciit. A O.vtuoi.ic colonization society u ith a cajii tal block ot tUo.UUU , iiivid.u into 4 too sliuicp. has just been oigali-zcii 111 i'lllstiuig. tlieoli- jeeiul which is 10 ebiatnibh > ailiul.c eolonicb in the ouuth. and loeng.ige in mai.ul.ici 111 m > ; , muling , luuil.clinjj aiiil blt.ei. tuibiiifT. Liuge iractbol biutaulu lai.ti ui.l uv oicupicU l < i ihe colony 111 .Nortiiuin Georgia and .viiiuamn , anu if the uudei takingmeets the Lxpeetatioiib 01 those who have been active 111 imiiiaiiKuniUon , the capital siock will bu iucieascd lu one mil ium iK'iuus. A HAN who does nul lake a newspaper came ' into liasuugs one day last week , lie vvipeu his utise on an awning ; tiled lu blow out ihe electric lishi at the liuiel , lulled and tried t < HghLhidcig.il- 11 ; paiu tvveulnve cenis lor 1111 aliiiaiuic ; vvab mud liecause tie couiu nut get a ui ink m me post ollico ; put a 11.cm 1 ill tile slot at tile post olllce and raised a iciiv ble low becaubo liib until didn 't appeal ; vvuiii- ed to lick ihe easiuer ol a bank because 1 e wuuldu't bell hiiu a piiblage stampanil iiiii.- ed the town cIuck lour Uuurs vvauiugfui 11 lo strike. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CtiNTitARY toeApeeiation in uiaiiiquarteit oitturdio 's election 1111'ur.b ithUiteu magieal vicloii lot Gen. Houiaiigci , he lLceiving om r o'JOju ' tnajoiiiy 'JbehfcUi v > asaUotl > coiiub • id one. uiuiiey bemtrobed v/ithuut limn , aiid llieiesullbliovvs ihe 'eai pouuiaiiii in wick ed Pans of Houlaiig-er , or tliue.iiibo he is sup posed lo iciuibiui. lie lb ihe laney ol tin hour with the futisiaus and the next houi will ptuliably llud llieui extetdiiiflj bouj. liou.- .iiiger ' b Olulf and gauuy shmv have ultiaclti. and laselnaied Ihe Igiioianl clabses and heiue ll.S popubiinytie has also piolnit-cd < - ! cliunge 111 the ex.bling oiuei ot things , biiouio lie atquiie the lucv-bsar.v povvtr , and .h.iiire • it mo kind is most a iLCaUle lo 1-1 eucUiiifi . Uut lUe eicelioii ofaiuiua > has given 1. ivoudei'lul piesuge lo auaiigeluub chaiaetti 111 launch politics. Of Interest to Publishers. Section 125 ot chapter 77 piovidia that tin pruiteis' tec tor publishing ledeiiipuun iiiuict oiiall be $1 UU. 1 hi be uwliets ate lo be punti n tiuee times and the notice will average uhout two sqinties ol bp < ue. Th.s is an ouitage. as there is 110 paper 111 i\etmis.a. : but chaiges us tegularadveitibeis thp-e tunes that amuuiu lor bucii space. Tins paisimouious piovisc 11 is not in the liilcitDl of Hie ] > eopie , bill ot lite money shaiks. who bpeeul.au on the po r man 's necessities , aen.ntir 1'iekelt has iutn- duccd a iiill aiueudiutr thib section eo thai ilu. pi niters ' tee lor pubbbliiog these uutices shall tie the regular leg.tl rales. 1 sen 1'iekelt sinuid.1.1 moiuing-introduced an- - other 111 ihe interest ol the pubhbheis < lid the people yeueially , li isa ticlion ot ihe law that ignorance ol the law excuses no man. jei tin-state , as a rule , lakes verv little pains 10 infoiin its citizens of the tti'itory enact ments , 'the senator's bill piuvides tor He publication ol the entire bodv 01 the ses-ioli laws enacted at ill S cebIou 111 every newspa per of ibis S'ate tliui shall ekct lo accept the couditioiib. pacingtheielora tee ot > 1 DO and $2 00 00 eveiy 10J circulation. senator 1'oik iiuiodiieed on Mondiy a tii' .i deliiiing the number ol publications n quiiLd uiaweekl > newspaper. Section 1 dtllnes ten dajs 10 uicitn two pub heat Kins within ten dnys. Section i deilues ihuiv dajp to mean five pubtlcat.ous within mat period je lion 3 provides that tlietlerl ; of the di . m'et cotm , county eh'rk.bln nlf. .ich-'uht. and registerfdtedbbhall tlesifjnaie the news paper * 111 which thu imtiits pertaining to their . • evi-ral tdhces Mini I be published , and the O'unty board the papers in wliieh ail other countv uoticis hliall be pablibh. 'd. In cim ti'R exie < dlii > 10 0CO iidiahiiaiitb.iud not more thaii .000. two papers niiil in countiesexeettl i-g-t'OOUO inhabitants tiuee papers shall be de-hrnated. S-'ctiou 1 pro\ides that these designations shall be made in January of each jear. and providcf that whore tvvo or three papers are selected , the cost shall not exceed one rate. A Scrap of Paper Saves Her Life. It n Just an ordinary scrap of wmppinjr paper , hut It saved her life. Sho was in the last Stages or consumption , told by physicians that she was incurable and could live only a short time : iho weighed has than seventy pounds. On a piece of wrapping paper she road of Dr. King's New Discovery , and irot a sample bottle ; It helped her. she bought a Intro bottle , it helped her more , bought an other nnd grew better fast , continued its use and is now strong , healthy , rwy. plump , weigh ing 1W pounds. For fuller particulars send Stamp to W. H. Cole , Drug-gist. Fort Smllh. Trial tail ties of this wonderful discovery Tree • tr A. MaUUta' * drug Hare. /x j j a mfJ2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ nt KBC-g3CMi-aaagKBEBi u i rrr 3Bt > BtKy , a px orwwgui _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ MM l WOOD YARD.- STOVE WOOW KINDLING WOOD ! 1-l'OOT WC0D ! 2-FOOT WOOD ! 3-F00T WOOD ! 4-F0OT WOOD ! DHY WOOD ! GltEKN WOOD ! 500 Cords of Wood Now 011 liatnl nt A. W. Corey ' s Woutl Vtinl. Only Wood Yard in the Cily. 5SF * " Otders jnotiiptly filled by II01 inn & De > fiirzes : , Dra\nieii. < Hall , Cochran & Co. , DEAI.KKS I.V ' Implements , Etc. A iroIliutC | ) Sillick til' rilTLKlir ( , S'lOVES , T1NWARK , • BAKU WIRK , WIND.MILL ? , 01 l. . c , LT . Lowest LivingPrh es. AVKST DKNMSON STRIIKT. Met OOK. - - NEBilASK" . T | ' TTT ] f - Y"nn will find a splendid lin' of * Cloths , Ciis itneres , Vnr - Ftds. . Liuidnn Suitings , nnd TiotHerinox , and a cmnpli'te n < 3siirtui ( > ut of Sirin | < r nnd Fall A Overt'iuiinjiq. AI E o > qui- utau lieuvers in all fahudes at DRYSD&LE'S Fine Cusdim Tailor Shops , opposite the new p > > stolliee. n Good fits friiaiiinteed Tliir- ' ty-five years ' experience in New York City. MAIN AVENUE , McCOOK. NED Hcrian & DesLarzes , I Proprietors of tlie ilcCook Transfer % City Bus Lino Hits to and from all trains. Coal liautim ml general deliveiy. Three ilra . v * . A' ' vork proniptly atleniled to [ .e.iveo.Ici-al /leehit Iloekllell Lumli-l V i.i nriw " iiriM-i _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t--a- _ _ _ , Bluo \ Front Livery Stable l ) . D. S3IITH , Proprietor Li 'ery. feed • ul saletallies. . Fiuc-ttiu i's i.i thuit fiiioi'livjd. ljaui , iwrllf i' i ilolel. R. H. COi-E , "I'lie Lcadln ? " -lereiiant Tailor OF .McCOUK , FOR v 'irst-Class Tailoring. Having a larco stork oF Fttie Suitings s • n ! Troiteriii , I will fiirnisli them • • • ap for the next ( it ) da\s. t.e. Mccracken , I.ilu Illdill tsllUu I'tg ! McCOOK , NEBRASKA. Writes Infcnniiy agiinsf FJro , Light \ 13 , Tornado and fiail Slc.m. / " " ' The "Mascotte. Improved Heel-Plate i / _ MACHINE. We have the only III IMiicliiiie in town. | | I . Plates attached to if I Jill Kubbera of all kinds 111 I S | | at our STORE. pi diwliil > * r BIJY your ; ' I r 2 : " MASCOTTE. " IV V J U D JLIV vj ; I With our IxMPROVED HEEL PLATE I on and show them to your friends , I They will make your rubbers I No where in this country can be found _ Miflw i I a better assortment of rubber goods. See SRflK B our line of HRRh * & I . i In Rubber Sh < ies , nil made of fine Jersey cloth , I " are the most stylish , best fitting goods in the I market. These goods are especially adapted to fine cit j trade. We sell ' 'first quality" goods at I the same prices other dealers ask for second and I third grade brands. , fl _ l W@ ( sire Headquariers I For Wool Boots and Leather Boots and Shoes of I every description. NOVKLTIKS in Ladies' and I Gents' clippers for the Holiday Trade. We save I you money on every purchase you make at our I store. I "BOSTON BARGAIN SHOE STORE. " I JI'EIIA HOUSE BLOCK , - ilcCOOK , XEBUASKA. I 1 1 B * - " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ m * * B _ _ _ _ _ . Wi _ - _ _ * fc _ - _ * V * _ * ' _ * _ ' • _ U > * XXX _ 'a' _ ' , fc _ rfc _ | ! CITY BAKERY. 1 j FRESH BREAD j I > DELIVERED EY1-RY . I DAY FREE OF CHARGE. I \ _ i i' I -o- ' \ PIES-CAKES-CAXDIES-XUTS | I . -OYSTERS-CIDER-CIGARS- I - - - - | TOBACCO-ETC-ETO- 1 I | - - - 5 _ _ * * o * - - - - - - 3 _ H ! LUNCH ROOM IN CONNECTION. I _ ! ; Cakes Mads to Order. St. Paul Patent Flour. | > 1 ! A. PROBST , PROP. | ' I I I i The Candy Kitchen Is now located in its new quarters in the I 6GOTT BRICK. I A fine assortment of Candies of I OUR OWN MAKE I Constantly on hand. OYSTERS SERVED IN EVERY STYLE. I _ _ _ . , . . . . . . _ . _ _ . . . . . j gil aJ- t. - , - r - > - --.iV < - - - - > * > > - - _ _ _ _ MBBBMbmi _ _ _ _ _ _ - „ _ - _ _ - _ _ _ - - - * < * ; ' - _ JBBi