The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 25, 1889, Image 2

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I -THE '
I s * F. M. KIJMRIEIA , Publlahor. "
" *
UcCOOIC , : : : neb.
I Township Organization Convention.
Tho convention of supervisors froir
.onntics undor township orffanizatior
rocommoud tho following changes ir
tho laws :
That tho rogulnr Juno meeting of su-
' I porvisors bo hold on tho second Tnesdaj
l s n June , being tho snmo timo that the
> ; | meet as a board of equalization.
I { J3onds of all officers ( except super
\ * visors ) appointed by tho township boarti
i 1 to bo approved by tho chairman anc
. olork of tho county board.
' All expense for Keeping paupers to be
' borno by tho county.
B ' | Raising tho pay o 'f supervisors to $ J
B f j per day and mileago while engaged ir
Br . county business , and leaving it as now
B * at § 3 per day when engaged in townshir
B , ' [ Making tho term of office of super
I1 ! visors two 3'ears , one-half to bo elected
' ' eaoliyear. V
j Authorizing county canvassing board
11 I to canvass voto for township officers and
I . / issue certificates of election for tho same ,
I j AH bridges costing over $100 to be
I built and maintained by tho county , and
I , tho other bridges by tho townships , bnt
giving tho county hoard authority to aid
townships in building bridges costins
I $100 and less under certain conditions.
II Broken Bow figures np § 200,000
| | | worth of improvements in tho past yeai
Uj according to tho Nebraska Statesman.
I General order No. 1 , from the head-
If. , quarters of the Nebraska brigade , TJni-
form Hank K. of P. , hasjust been is
sued , appointing Sir Jlnight Harry S.
Hotchlriss as colonel aud assistant adju
I tant general , and Sir Knight W. O.
-Lane as colonel and chief of staff for
the Nebraska brigade.
A meeting of the striking engineers
fi , and firemen was hold in Plattsmouth
| ; : last week and addresses were delivered
I "j * ° that body by Messrs. Perly and
I Hayes , a committee from tho conven
tion which was hold at Bichmond , Va.
I Evidently the strikers were ordered to
! \ make application , as about seventy of
| , the men asked for reinstatement.
The most elegant reception and
ball of tho season was given by General
and Mrs. Henry A. Morrow at Port Sid-
8 l ey last week. Tho Post theater was a
| I scene of splendor and beauty , being
I " " handsomely decorated with flags and
| bunting , and photographs of heroes of
I „ the rebellion. On the stage tho entire
I t orchestra of tho Twenty-first infantry ,
! under tho direction of Prof. Charles
> J IJamar , discoursed sweet music.
klJ The loss in the fire Friday night ,
" ayB a Pairbnry dispatch , was even more
. heavy than telegraphed. It is about as
j | * follows : G. M. Bice , building , $9,000 ;
j | s insured , $3,000 ; G. A. Pease , stock in
f § , same , $6,000 ; insured , $4,000 ; Bates ,
| * 2 building$7,000 ; insured , $3,000 ; White
§ , ; & Co. , Btock in same , $15,000 ; insured ,
lM 1 $9,000 ; O. P. Steele , building , $10,000 ;
[ jfer ] insured , $5,000 ; Berry Bros. & Co. ,
fjM stock in same , $16,000 ; insured , $10,500 ;
m- ] C. B. Lctton and father , building ,
WJ $6,500 ; insured , $3,500 ; Weil & Coan ,
Ijjjj stock in same , $10,000 ; insured , $2,500.
hi In addition to this all the stocks on the
i _ t south side aro more or less damaged , for
| all except ono were carried out and
I dumped in the square.
| " * Paul Yandervoort of Nebraska , has
I been elected assistant secretary of tho
" ' National republican committee with
headquarters at Washington.
The condition of the wholesale
trade of Lincoln is very good at present
for tho season. Everything indicates
an oxcellent snrinsr trade.
| • Waterworks bonds were c arried n
Valentine in the vote on the 12th.
A very tired and hungry tramp put
in an appearance at Mr. Cleveland's in
Clarks and was fed and furnished lodg
ing. In the morning no tramp was in
sight and the wardroba was minus Mr.
II _ Cleveland's best suit Some razors
" "
I" * were left as a memento.
J , ' Train No. 5 , on the Union Pacific ,
f h which left Omaha one evening last
I week , jsmped the track about 500 feet
f § west of Elkhorn , throwing tho engine
Vf off the track and derailing all the cars
l\ except the chair car , giving the passen-
liJ- - ers a ve y shaking np and throwing
| | | - the fireman , _ _ Robert Holmes , to the
Sjj ground , injuring his head and side bad-
frf fy. Engineer Byers was slightly in-
f | jured. The acoident occurred by the
| j | apreading of the track.
The Omaha Bar association filed its
S constitution and by-laws in the office of
the secretary of state last week. Article
| 2 states that the object of the associa-
| tion is to maintain the honor and dig-
| niiy of the profession of the law ; to pro-
| mote fraternal feeliugs among the mem-
1 bers of the bar , and to aid in the due
I and expeditions dispatch of the husi-
| ness of the oourts of public in Douglas
1 county.
| Secretary Mason and Chief Clerk
§ Waring aro busy preparing a compara-
1 tiva table of freight rates now in force
in Iowa , Illinois , Minnesota and Ne-
i braska , in response to Mr. Baymond'a
: resolution in the senate.
Witli $300 worth of dead sheep on
his hands , Mark Butler , of Geneva , of
fers 25 cents for dog scalps.
t There are nineteen Young Men's
; - . Christian associations in Nebraska.
Eugene Malroy was arrested in
< 5rand Island on the charge of horse
. ' stealing. He had stolen a gray mare
l from his brother-in-law , T. P. New-
( bauer , at Sargent , Custer county , Ne-
v ? braska , riding the animal to Grand
V Island and selling it to C. W. Stidger
1. for $35 cash. Newbauer followed the
& . thief to that city and had him taken in
-r charge by the sheriff.
g The Wood Biver Gazette says that
| 1 Gnml Island , Lincoln , Hastings , Fre-
g- , , ' mont and other Nebraska towns are
| 7r -contemplating organizing a state base
ball league. The rivalry among these
r . cities would extend to the games and in-
% _ sure a lively interest. Grand Island is
fj- - just itching for such a contest as this
tV would bring about.
gf : Charles Harvey was arrested In !
g& . Omaha last week for selling Louisiana
W&lottery tickets. Ho will probably do a :
| | fe term in the state pen.
w s Secretary Mason and Clerk Waring ,
* ; sajTs a Lincoln dispatch , will complete '
p. . . the comparative freight rate schedule ,
W . showing the difference of rates in Uli-
J nois , Iowa , Minnesota and Nebraska , in i
Mr' a day or two. Mr. Mason says that the (
| | j > i * ' showing will startle some of the mem-
. - . " bers. and that if they have any soul '
Bl t they will act in tho interests of the peo- ;
Ip - * - pic. The comparative rate table is be- ;
| r- ' J , ing prepared in accordance with the res.i
3 - oliition recently introduced in the sen- '
| f ' " ate by Mr. Baymond.
' - Silas W. Bent died at the Lincoln
K ' insano asj'lum last week at tho ago of i
• 1 : . seventy.
A report 1s m circulation to the et
feet that President Charles Francis Ad
Bins of tho Union Pacific'intends re
signing his position to accept tho presi
doncy of the nowly formed intorstat <
commercial railway association. Mr
Holco/nbOj vico president of tho Unioi
Pacific , said he had not heard of an ]
such transaction on the part of Mr. Ad
ams , but at the same timo tho ramo :
may be true.
Goorgo Hagerman , charged witl
sotting firo to John Craig's barn in Col
fax county , January 4 , on which occa
sion a large amount of bloodod stoqli
and other property of the value of $15 ,
000 was destroyed , was safely landed ii
tho Schuyler jail last week. Hagormai
was captured at a farm house near Elk
horn after a week's chase , in which lit
was sovoral times overtaken and shot at
but each time managed to elude his pur
suers. Ho claims that for several day
ho had been hiding in tho woods anc
subsisting on raw corn , but driyon bj
hunger , cold and suffering ho appliec
for food at tho farm house where he wai
Tho Salvation army has been pro
hibited from missionary work in the vi
cinity of tho county jail at Beatrice.
Tho next Nebraska state fair wil
commence September 9th.
Tho state horticultural society , ii
session in Lincoln last week , elected of
ficers for the ensuing year as follows
President , P. W. Taylor , of Omaha
first vico president , W. B. Harris , o
Tecumseh ; second vice president , H. H
Blodgett , of Lincoln ; treasurer , Petei
Younger , jr. , of Geneva ; secretary , G.
J. Carpenter , of Pairbnry ; directors , S ,
B. Stewart , Omaha ; D. C. Mosher , Lin
coin ; J. M. Bussell , Wymore.
Three persons in tho Gage county
jail John Powers , John Collins ant
Noah Quishenberry , escaped on the
lGth. They Bawed the grating from s
side door and crawled out. Powers and
Collins were held for stealing valise *
from tho Grand Central hotel , and
Quishenberry for complicity in stealing
Senator Paddock's harness a few daj'i
ago. Pour persons in the jail remained ,
evidently preferring good winter quar
ters to tho chances outside.
Tho bad boys of York are having a
hard time of it. Ono has just been sent
to jail for breaking glass in vacant
houses , and three others who are in con
finement for stealing , are made to work ,
leveling tho court house ym-d.
Jim McCormick , of O'Neill , a one-
legged prodigal to whom the citizens oi
that city contributed $75 with which to
purchase an artificial limb , went to
Omaha and squandered the money on
women of easv virtue.
Firo at Omaha last week destroyed
$50,000 worth of property.
The city of York has recently in
creased her water facilities by the put
ting in of several miles of new mains.
The Crete board of trade seems to
be a thing of the past , and the Vidette
would like to see the corpse resurrected.
The following dispatch was received
from Senator Manderson by Senator
Conner in answer to the telegram sent
by the ohairman of the senatorial cau
cus : "To Hon. A. H. Conner , Chairman
Republican , Caucus , Lincoln , Neb. :
Telegram announcing my unanimous
lommation to United States senate re
served lam profoundly gracified , and
tppreciate beyond expression the great
sompliment paid mo by fellow republi-
lons. Extend to all my heartfelt thanks ,
vhioh I hope shortly to give person-
ily. "
Ono of the brotherhood men says
lone of tho strikers have been given
> laces on the B. & M. since tho strike
vas declared off but that many have
jut in applications which they are con-
ident will receive favorable considera-
ion soon. It is thought that all of the
ild and well known reliable engineers
rill soon find places on the road.
A meeting of the directors of the
Jnion Pacific road was held on the lGth
ii Boston and three directors were
hosen to fill the vacancy caused by the
leath of M. D. Spauldiug , Ezra H. Ba-
: erandElisha Atkins. J. P. Spanki
ng , E. F. Atkins aud J. H. Millard
rere chosen. The latter is an Omaha
lan and is president of the Omaha Na-
ional bank.
The Schuyler Herald hears of sev-
iral parties in that section who contem-
lato moving to Indian territory.
The legislature holds for sixty days ,
aembers receiving $5 per day.
An effort will be made to have the
nternational Bricklayer ) ' convention
eld in Omaha.
Mrs. Gould Laid to Rest.
livery effort was made to-day , says a ,
Tew York dispatch , by the sorrowing
lembers of the Gould family to have
lie funeral services of Mrs. Gould con
noted as privately aud quietly as possi-
le. The body was laid in the front
arlor. It wos encased in a plain black
loth-covered casket with unique silver
andles. Flowers wero scattered over
le lid of the casket and at its head and
iot w ere floral emblems. On the silver
late was inscribed "Helen Day Gould. "
he attendance at the service was not
rge. Mr. Jay Gould did not appear
nong his friends , but remained with
is family in one of the recesses of the
airway just above where the services
ere conducted. A quartette sang
Asleep in Jesus , " and Bev. Dr. John
. Paxton read the Episcopal service
> r the dead. Bov. John B. Tury then
Tered , prayer and the Borvices were
mclnded by tho singing of a hymn ,
he family and clergymen only re-
ained after the services.
roceidlnqt of the Upper and Zotcei * Branch
of the Ittbratlta Aseemblu.
In the senate on' the 12th bills were
itroduced : To make railroads , canals ,
iaducts , bridges , ditches and similar
iprovement companies liable for labor
2rformed and material furnished in
to constructing or repairing of rail-
fads , canals , viaducts , bridges , ditches
id similar improvements , and for
) ods , wares and merchandise furnished
r feeding , keeping and taking care of
en and animals employed in or about
ich improvements. A report from 'the
immittee on standing committees was
resented. Messrs. Hoover , Howe ,
onner , Burton and Wolbach were
imed the committee on the soldiers'
> me , and Messrs Funck , Norval , Gal-
gly , Bobinson and Dern the commit *
e on the industrial instituto and home
r feeble minded youths. The report
as adopted. A communication from
ie steward of tho state university in
iswer to the resolution passed on Fri-
ty asking for information os to the re-
> rt of the board of regents , was read.
lie steward stated that the ninth bien-
al report was in tho hands of tho
• inter nnd wonld be ready for distribu-
3n in a fow days. Adjourned until
In the house on the 12th bills were
troduced : To establish a state nor-
mal sohool at Aurora , Neb. , and mak
ing an appropriation therefor. To eub
, mit to tho electors of tho state of Ne
i braska for their approval or rojcctioi
an amendment to tho constitution of thi
state , providing for the investment o
tho permanent educational fund of thi
stato. To provido for tho relief of unioi
soldiers , sailors and marines and tho in
digent wives , widows and minor chil
dren of indigent or deceased union sol
ders , sailors and marines. To providi
for tho lovy and disposition of schoo
taxes paid by railroads , tolegraphani
express companies. Tho committee oi
judiciary reported back house roll No
8 , a bill conferring on women the righl
to voto at village and city elections on <
to hold certain offices , with the recom
mondation that it do not pass , for tin
reason that it is unconstitutional. Thi
further consideration of tho bill was in
definitely postponed. House . rojl No
13 was reported backirom tlio judiciarj
committee with the recommendatioi
that it bo indefinitely postponed , as the
subject matter in the bill is covered bj
house roll 10. Beport adopted.
In the houso on tho 14th , Mr. Dillor
from tho committee on mines and min
ing , reported that thoy had houso bil
No. 2 under consideration and reportei
it back with tho recommendation that i
pass as amended. The house then wen
into committee of the wholo for the con
sideration of house roll 10 Morrissey'
anti-Pinkerton bill. After discussioi
aud amendment it was referred to tin
judiciary committee. Tho committee o
the whole took up houso roll No. 34
Mr. Keipor's bill. Tho intention of thi
bill is to compel count } ' . boards to pai
the expenses of the sheriff in serving
papers in cases of misdemeanors , a mat
ter low left to their discretion. A von
animated discussion followed. St. Bay
ner thought that such a law would bank
rnpt this section of tho country. Tin
bill was defeated. Caldwell introduced
a measure for the regulation and gov
eminent of banks. The bill is a ven
elaborate measure. It provides for "i
graduated paid up capital based on tin
size of tho cities in which tho bank is t (
bo located. An examiner is also to lx
appointed to supervise the banks , anc
other stringent provisions aro mado fo ;
the protection of depositors. The bil
was drafted by a committee and will re
ceive strong support. A resolution in
strncting the committee on public land !
and buildings to prepare a bill extend
ing timo on payments of contracts foi
school lands that fall due in 1889 ant
1890 was passed.
In the senate on the 14th a petition oi
tho Woman's Temperance union oi
Nebraska , asking the legislature tc
grant women municipal suffrage , wai
read and referred to the committee on
municipal suffrage. Following are
among bills introduced : To amend
section 354 of the code of civil proced *
ure compiled statutes of 1887 concern
ing tlm obligations of witnesses to at
tend trials in civil actions , and to re
peal faid original section. A joint reso
lution to amend section 2 , "article 15 , oi
the constitution of the state of Nebras
ka , entitled "Amendment , " and pro
viding for the manner of calling consti
tutional conventions.
In the senate on the 15th after the
transaction of some unimportant busi
ness the senate took a recess until 12
o'clock , when a vote was taken for Uni
ted States senator as follows : For
Charles F. Manderson : Messrs. Beards-
ey , Unrton , uonner , Cornell , Funck ,
Sallogly , Hoover , Howe , Hurd , Jewett ,
[ vcckley , Lindsay , Linn , Manning , Nes-
jitt , Norval , Pickett , Polk , Pope , Ban-
join , Baymond , Bobinson , Boche ,
Shanner , Sutherland , Taggart , Weth-
irald. For John A. McShane : Dern ,
Maher , Paxton , Ijams , Paulsen , Wol-
jach. The lieutenant governor an-
lounced the result as twenty-seven for
Manderson and six for McShane. The
icnato then took a recess until 1 o'clock.
3n reassembling Mr. Bansom'a insur-
mce bill , senate filo No. 3 , was taken
lp for consideration. Sections 1 and 2
vere adopted. Tho committee recom-
nended that the attorney's fee be re-
luced to $50. The bill amended so
ihat a reasonable attorney's fee , in the
liscretion of the court , may bo taxed as
: osts. On motion of Mr. Baymond ,
ienato file No. 3 was reported back for-
nally as amended. Senate filo No. 6 ,
o amend chapter 38 , to provide for the
> rotection of land from high water , was
aken up for consideration. The bill
vas recommitted , on motion of Mr.
In tho house on tho 15th , Bill No. 100 ,
> rovidingfor an appropriation of $ SO,000
o pay incidental expenses of this legia-
ative session was , on motion of Mr.
) lmstead , reported to the house to be
ngrossed for a third reading. Bill No.
01 , to appropriate $100,000 to pay offi-
ers , members and employes of the legis-
iture was treated the same as No. 100.
it 12 o'clock Speaker Watson said that
he clerk of tho house would call the roll
o the end that members of tho honso
ould vote on United States senator.
? he clerk called the roll as directed ,
ritk the ri ult that 77 members voted
or General Manderson , 21 for McShane
nd 1 for J. Sterling Morton. Mr. Col-
ins , of Cuming county , was absent ,
{ ills wero introduced : A bill for an act
o exempt all honorably discharged sol-
iei8 and sailors of the lato war of the
Bbellion from work on tho public road ,
nd to exempt $500 of their property
rom taxation. A bill for an act provid-
lg for the .submission to the electors of
liis stnte of -amendment to tho con-
titutiuu of the > tate of Nebraska. A
ill for an act to provide for the publi-
ation , sale and use of books used in the
ommon wliuols of Nebraska. Hpuse
loll No. 38 was taken up and developed
10 most animated discussion of the sea-
ion so far. This is the bill to make the
rat Monday in September Labor day ,
r an annual holiday , and to have the
imo restrictions against labor as Sun-
ay now bears in law. The bill was re-
Among bills introduced on the 16th
ere : An act to provide for the sale of
niversity , saline , agricultural college
ad common school , or other lands not
ow under valid lease , and not subdi-
ided into lots , and whioh are now held
r may Hereafter be acquired by the
ate of Nebraska for educational pur-
oses , and to amend section 5 and see-
on 81 , of chapter 30 , entitled , "Sohool
ands and Funds , " and to repeal nil
: ts and parts of acts inconsistent with
lis aot. A bill for an act granting the
msent of the stato of Nebraska to the
nrchase or condemnation by tho Uni-
sd States of a block of ground in
malm for the purpose of tho erection
' a postoffice and court house at
malm , and ceding jurisdiction thereof
i tho United States. Senate filo No. 2 ,
ie Church Howo Pinkerton bill was
msidercd by sections. It was favor-
jly reported without amendment. Sen-
; o file No. 21 , Mr. Bansom's labor bill
aking the first Monday in September
legal holiday , was favorably rpcom-
ended. Mr. Manning presented the
emorial of tho stato farmers' alliance ,
iking for lesrislation on transportation ,
.xation , elections and insurance. 'Tho
emorial was referred. The labor bill
as reported back favorably by Mr. J
Tho following bills wero-introduced
and read a first time : Houso roll No ,
104. A bill for an act to correct the use
and abuse of firo insurance companies
compelling equitable dealing by them
with the citizens of tho stato to prevent
fraud by insurer and insured , therebv
decreasing incendiarism and increasing
the security to policy holders and pro
viding penalties. A bill for an act to
regulate banks , bankors and tho busi
ness of bankers of the Aatoof Nobrasko ,
and to provido for tho dissolution
thereof , and to repeal an act entitled
"An act to rcqniro banks and banking
institutions to make an annual report of
their resources and liabilities to tho aud
itor of public accounts. " Approved on
the 17th day of Februarj- . D. 1871.
A bill for an act to oxempt pensioners ,
disabled soldiers and invalids from pay
ing a poll tax or working upon public
highways in this state. At noon tho two
houses met in joint senate to ballot for
United States senator. Tho senate roll
showed that twenty-seven senators had
voted for Manderson and six for Mc-
Shaue. Tho houso journal showed that
seventy-spven members of tho houso
had voted for Manderson , twenty-one
for McShanp , and ono for Morton.
Lieutenant Governor Meiklejohn rose
and said : "Gentlemen of tho joint con
vention : Charles F. Manderson having
received a majority of all tho voles of
both houses of the legislature , I declare
him duly elected as senator of tho
United States for a term of six 3ears
from March 4 , 1889. " This announce
ment was followed by a round of hearty
Mr. Bansom's bill defining tho liabil
ity of fire insurance companies , was
taken up and passed in tho senate on
.tho 17th. Tho committee on printing
tho governor's message reported , and it
was adopted , submitting the printing of
tho following : In English , 4,000 copies
3,000 to tho senate and house and 1,000
to state officers. In German , 3,000 cop
ies 2,509 to tho senate and house and
500 to state officers. In Swedish , 1,500
copies 1,200 to the senate and house
and 300 to state officers. In Danish ,
1,200 copies 1,000 to tho senate and
house and 200 to stato officers. Mr.
Nesbitt offered a resolution that a spe
cial committee of five bo appointed ,
whoso duty it shall be to ascertain how
many clerks , deputies and assistants are
employed in tho executive department
of tho state , and tho sums paid in each
case , and by what authority of law. Ho
said that ho had heard that there were
clerks employed in all the offices , and it
is no moro than right that these officers
should be heard , and that the senate
should know what is tho practice. In
the house Professor Shakespeare , of the
national stock commission , appeared by
invitation and delivered an address on
the diseases to which live stock is sub
ject. The state farmers' alliance pre
sented a petition asking the legislature
to memorialize congress to increase the
circulating medium anci to loan iiie
money direct to tho people without the
intervention of national banks. Satch-
oll , chairman of the committee on rev-
enuo and taxation , reported that house
roll 93 , relating to the payment of taxes ,
be amended aud passed. Also that
house roll 30 , to punish assessors who
list property at less than its cash value ,
do pass. Olmstead , chairman of tho
railroad committee , reported as follows :
That house roll 15 , McBride's bill allow
ing a demurrage on cars of § 3 per day
when noS promptly unloaded , and com
pelling railroads to pay the same rate to
tho shipper when cars are not furnished
in forty-eight hours do not pass. Also
house roll 85 , to compel railroads to
fence their tracks , do not pass. Also
that house roll 72 , to compel all trains
to stop at crossings , be amended and do
pass. Also that house roll 12 , Ballard's
bill to do away with stoves on passenger
trains , be amended and do pass , nouso
roll 22 was reported back for passaso.
This is tho bill appropriating $1,900 ma
triculation fees of the stato university
to the library fund for the purchase of
In the senate on the 18th a bill was
: ead and referred authorizing the state
treasurer to transfer from tho insane
mspital fund $100,000 to the general
fund. Senate file 13 was then taken up
ind unanimously reported to the sen-
ite. It provides for the sending to the
itate industrial school of boys and sirls
aider sixteen years of age guilty of any
jrims except manslaughter. Fnnck's
jill , providing for the consolidation of
street railwaj-s , was read the third time
mil passed unanimously. House bill
LOO , the general appropriation bill , and
iouso bill 101 , to provide for the pay-
nent of the officers , members and em-
) lo3res of the present session of the leg-
slature , wero both recommended to the
euate for passage. The first appropri-
tes $80,000 for the payment of iuci-
lentai expenses of the legislature , iu-
jludiug printing , stationery , postage ,
uel , lights , etc. The second appro
bates $100,000 for the payment of offi-
ers , members and emplo3'es of the leg-
slature. Senate bill No. 5 , ceding to
he United States the jurisdiction of the
tato over the reservation known as
Tort Niobrara and Fort Bobinson , was
ailed aud reported favorabby. Senate
ile 27 was taken up and recommended
o the senate for passage. It makes it
he duty of the citizen subject to tax , to
; o to tho county seat and pay his taxes ,
tut in counties under township organ
isation the collector .shall call once upon
ho person taxed and demand payment
f his taxes. Senate bill 29 was next
onsidered. It provides that on the
ayment of interest and taxes on school
ands the payment of the principal shall
ie-oxtended to January 1 , 1900. The
bject of the bill is to increase the-tem-
orary school fund. There is novr $296 , -
00 in the treasury , which is of no use
o the people. The aot places the inter-
st on that large snin in the temporary
jool fund. ' The bill wa'sreported fa-
orably. In tho house bills were intro-
nced : Establishing a normal school at
ted Cloud ; providing for listing of rail- ,
oad property for taxation ; providing
ir permanent locations of state fair
rouuds ; incorporating cities of the first-
lass and defining their powers ; com-
elling railroads to keep cattle guards
nd fences in repair ; securing to me-
Imnics and laborers the first lien on the
roduct of their labor. Petitions were
resented in favor of submission and for
reduction of insurance rates. The
mimittee on ways and means reported
ack houso roll No. 77 Olmstead's bill
> r a modified "Australian ballot" with
recommendation that it be amended
id do pass. The .committee . on county ' " '
id township organization reported
ick house roll No. 104 providing that
o connty in this state shall be reduced
> less than 376 square miles and re- 1
mimended that it be indefinitely post- .
sued. Adjourned until Tuesday : ' <
, I
Eloped With a Gay Revivalist. . '
J. H. Vogt , a Methodist evangelist , :
ho was conducting a big revival in ]
iawatha , Kan. , eloped while the meet- <
ig was at its height with Miss Ida '
eiser , the daughter of the minister in i
hose church tho revival was being con- <
icted and went to St. Joseph. The s
oping couple represented that they <
imo from Leona , Kan. , obtained a mar-
ago license , and quietly left the citjr . s
In tho meanwhile the revival is going t
i , the other ministers having taken up i
e labors so abruptly abandoned by J i
ev. Vogt. t
A. JIM for an Aet to Declare the Same Mu
and Void ,
Tho following bill has beenintrc
ducod in tho Nebraska legislature b
Kopresentativo Watson :
A bill for an act to declare nnlawfi
combinations in restraint of trad <
production and manufacture , topunis
persons , associations and coporatioc
engaged therein , and to repeal an ac
entitled "An act to prohibit grai
dealers , persons , partnerships con
panies , corporations or association
from combining or entoring into an ,
agreement or contract to pool or fi
the price to be paid for grain , hog *
cattle , or stock of any kind whatovej
and to provido punishment for violo
tion of same. " Approved March 25th
1887. Introduced by John C. Watson
Be it enacted by the legislature of th
state of Nebraska :
Section 1. It shall not be lawful fo
any individual , company or corporatio :
to enter into , or continue to maintaii
in any combination , or to mako or exc
cute or carry out any contract , agree
ment or arrangement of any kind o
description , directly or indirectly , wit ]
any other individual , company or cor
poration , by which tho manufacture o
production of any article of commerce
use or consumption shall bo agreed ti
be prevented , restricted or diminished
or by which the price of any article p ;
commodity intended for sale , use o
consumption shall bo fixed at any stand
ard or figure by which its price to thi
public shall be in any manner con
trolled , regulated or established.
Sec. 2. It shall not be lawful for an ]
individuals , companies or corporation :
to make or enter into or execute or carrj
out any contract , obligation or agree
ment of any kind or description bj
which they shall bind or have bonn (
themselves not to manufacture or pro
duce any article of commerce , use oi
consumption , or not to sell or dispose o :
any article or commodity of trade , use
merchandise or consumption , below i
standard common figure ; or by whicl
thoy shall agree to sell such article oi
commodity at a certain price , or bv
which they shall agree in any manner tc
keep tho price of such article or commo
dity at a fixed or graduated figure ; or b\
which they shall in any manner e.stahlisl
or settle the price of any such article oi
commodity between them , so as to pre
clude a free and unrestricted competi
tion among themselves in the salo of any
such article or commodity , or by which
they shall agree to pool , combiuo , create
a trust , or unite any interests that may
liave in connection with tho Bale of any
moh artiole or commodity , so that iu
price might in any manner be affected
Sec. 8. It shall not be lawful for any
individuals , companies or corporations
to combine , to unite or consolidate
sither directly or through the creation
jf trusts , or through the invention of
trustees , managers or other judiciary
lgents , any interests , franchises or prop-
3rty they may have , or continue or main-
; ain any such combination union , or
jonsolidation for the purpose of effect-
ng or regnlatingthe price of any article
) r commodity whatever , that they may
iellorfor ; the purpose of preventing
sompetition between them in the pro
motion or sale of any such article or
sommodity ; and any contract or agree-
nent between them not to compete with
> r undersell each other shall be unlaw-
Sec. 4. _ Any contract or agreement
n violation of any provision of the pro-
iediug section of this act , shall be abso
utely void and not enforceable either
n law or equity.
Sec. 5. Any purchaser of any article
> r coinmodit3 * from any individual , com-
> any or corporation transacting busi-
less contraiy to an3' provision of the
> receding sections of this act shall not
) e liable for the price or payment of
iuch article or commodity , and may
> lead this act as a defense to any suit
or an3' such price or pa3'ment.
Sec. 6. Any person , or officer , or
gent of any company or corporation
rho shall violate any provision of the
• receding sections of this act , or who
hall directby or indirectly make or enter
nto , or execute or carry out any of the
ontracts or agreements above men-
ioned , or shall be or become a party or
• rivy thereto in any manner , shall bo
wlty of a felon3" , and shall upon con-
lctiou thereof be fined in the sum of
2,000 , or be imprisoned in the peniten-
iary for net less than one or more than
lireo 3-ears.
Sec. 7. Any corporation created or
rganized by or under the laws of this
tate which shall violate any provision
f the preceding sections of this act ,
lioll therein forfeit its corporate rights
nd franchises , and its corporate exist-
nce shall thereupon cease and deter-
line ; and it shall be the duty of the
ttorne > general , of his own motion
nd without leave or order of any court
r judge , to institute an action in be-
alf of the people for the forfeiture of
ich rights and franchises and the dis-
) lntion os such corporate existence.
Sec. 8. That in case any person or
arsons , partnership , company , corpor-
tion or association subject to the pro-
isions of this act shall do , or cause to
a done , or permit to be done any act ,
latter or thing in this act required to
a done , such person or persons , part-
arship , company , corporation or asso-
ation shall be liable to the person or
srsons injured thereby , to the full
nonnt of damajren sustained in consc
ience of ai)3T such violation of the pro-
sions of this act , together with a rea-
mable counsel or attorney's fee to be
ted b3' court in ever3r case of recovery ,
Inch attorne3''s fee shall be taxed and
> llected as a part of the cost in the
ise , and in an3 * such action , brought
r the recovery of damages , the court
jfore whom the same shall be pending ,
ay compel any person or persons , part-
jrship , compan3 , corporation or asso-
ation , subject to the provisions of this
t , or any director , officer , receiver , or
nstee , agent , employer , or clerk , of
em or either of them , defendant in
ch suit to attend , appear and testify
such case and may compel the pro-
lotion of the books and papers of such
Jrson or persons , partnership , corpor-
ion , compauy or association , party to
iy such suit. The claim that any such
btimony or evidence may tend to crim-
ate the person giving such evidence ,
tall not excuse such witness from testi-
insr , bnt such evidence or testimony
lall not be used against such person in
e trial of any criminal proceeding.
Sec. 9. _ It shall be unlawful for anj
• rporation or organization , created oi
jranized-under or. pursuant to the laws
any state or county , which shall have
olated any provision of the preceding
ctions of this act , to transact businesa
to prosecute or maintain suits in this
ite ; and all the acts and contracts in
is state of such corporation so offend- ,
g shall b ® void and with no effect ; and '
y officer or agent of such corporation
ving so violated any provision in the ;
eceding sections of this act , who ,
lowing of such violations , shall act or
insact bnsiness in this stato for or on
half of such corporation , shall be
iiltof a misdemeanor , and upon con- ]
jtion thereof shall be fined in the sum ,
§ 2,000 or bo imprisoned for a period
not exceeding two years , or be both !
fined and imprisoned in the discretion .
the court.
3ec. 10. Nothing therein contained '
nil prevent au3 assembles or associa- '
ns of laboring men from adopting
d passing such regulations as U1C3' J ]
lj think proper in references to wages J '
il the compensation of labor ; and such '
- * * * * , i
" r
assemblies nnd associations shall 18
tain , and there is hereby reserved tc
them oil tho rights and privileges non
accorded to them bylaw , onythinghere
in contained to bo contrary notwith
Sec 11. That an act ontitled "An aol
to prohibit grain dealers , persons , part
nerships , companies , corporations o :
associations from combining or entering
into any agreement or contract to poo '
or fix tho prico to bo paid for grain ,
hoars , onttln or stock of any kind what
ever , and to provi le punishmentfor vi
olation of tho same , " bo and the same ii
hereby repealed.
Sec. 12. Whereas , an omorgenoy ex
ists : therefore , this act shall take effccl
and bo enforced from and after ib
Important ITIcnuurcs That Will Talc
Precedence In Couaiilcriuloii.
Washington special : Tho corainj
j week will see tho conclusion of tho taril
discussion in tho sonato , and probabbj
tho passago of tho bill. There is nc
question in tho mind of an3' one of tin
adoption of tho senato substitute , witl :
such modifications as may bo offered to
Ono of these will bo the reduction oi
tho dut > ' on lumber from $2 to $1.50 ,
There ma3' also bo a slight chango in the
wool schedule.
Tho senato will hold a night session
to consider theso matters and to con
clude the discussion
With tho tariff bill out of tho way the
senate will proceed to consider tho ap
propriation bills. Tho first of theso to
bo taken up will bo tho District of Col
umbia bill , which is still in the hands ol
a committee. It will bo submitted to
tho full committeo early in tho week ,
reported to the senato and probably
passed on Wednesday or Thursda3\
Senator Plumb will probably make an
effort before tho end of tho week to call
up the Des Moines river land bill , and
Senator Fiye will ask to have a da3' set
for tho consideration of the Pacific fund
ing bill.
Senator Piatt's committee on territo
ries w ill likely report before tho end of
tho week a disagreement to tho house
amendments to the bill for tho admis
sion of South Dakota , and the bill will
go into conference. It imiy be dis
cussed at length , however , before it is
acted upon.
In tho house Mnnda3 * is committeo
suspension da3After tho reading of
tho journal , a motion will be mado to
take up tho Oklahoma bill under a sus
pension of tho rules. Tt is understood
that tho fillibustering tactics which have
heretofore prevented the consideration
of this measure will be dropped , in ac-
cordancfe with tho agreement with Mr.
Mr. Anderson , of Kansas , who led tho
fisrht against the report of the committeo
on rules , is not so much opposed to tho
Oklahoma bill as to tho Pacific railroad
funding bill , and it is understood tho
funding bill will not be taken up Mon-
da3' . Even if an effort should be mado
to brine : it up this will doubtless take
place after the Oklahoma bill has been
disposed of. It will require a two-thirds
vote to pass this measure. It-will doubt
less fail. Other matters will then bo
taken us , probably a bill for the erection
of a postoilice in the District of Colum
bia and tho bill granting u pension to
Mrs. Sheridan.
Mr. Crisp hopes to call up tho elec
tion cases of Small vs. Elliott and Sulli
van vs. Felton , Tuesday. If he suc
ceeds tho house will be kept bus3' for
two da3's 1 > 3' these cases. Mr. JJlanch-
ard will antagonize Mr. Crisp with tho
river and harbor bill , which is now uu- i
finished business.
Mr. Randall is awaiting an opportu-
nit3' to call up tho sundry civil appro
priation bill , and if the house gets into
wrangle over the river and harbor bill
and the election cast's , the sundry civil
hill ma3' be slipped in to prevent trou
ble , otherwise it will come up later in
the week.
It is possible the conference report on
the Nicarnumian canal bill will be pre
sented to the house Tuesday. If it is it \
ivill occupy tho attention of tho house
luring the session of that da3' , and post
pone by ono day the programme hero
Ute CUicnyo , St. J'ltitl nnd Minneapolis the
Victim of a Ill-rut Imvs.
St. Paul special : At 3:15 this afternoon
i lire was discovered in the basement of
he fonr-story general ofiico building of
; he Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis &
3niaha railway on the corner of Fourth
md Wakont streets. Before warning
jould be given , even to those on the first
loor , tho flames had entered the single
tairw.ay located in the central portion
f the building and the halls were filled
rith smoke so that tho onfyavenue of
'scape for the occupants of the first floor
ras thiough the windows.
The 100 or more emploj'es on the sec-
md , third and fourth floors were cut
iff from escape 1 > 3' the stairwa3' , and as
here wore no fire escapes attached to
he building , thev were compelled to
wait the arrival of roues and ladders ,
'wo or three engines were on the scene
few minutes after the alarm was turned
u , bnt it was some twenty or twenty-
ive minutes before the ladder trucks
rrived and rescued the inmates of tho
.pper . stories , who were driven out on
he balconies and window sills by the
ames and unoke. All occupants of the
pper stories escaped by means of ropes
nd ladders except two or three who , in
lieir fear and anxiety for safety , jumped
3 the ground before the ladders ar-
Among those injured was Fred Nor- ]
is , ' a messenger boy , who jumped from
ie second htory and was badly bruised , j
Fred Peterson , an operator , jumped (
nd would have been killed had he not
lighted on the shoulders of another >
tan. As it was , his skull-was fractured. ]
William Jones was badl3 bruised by ]
imping from the second story. \
A. C. Eace had a leg broken. ]
C. W. Johnson , chief engineer , at- <
imptcd to slide down a water pipe ]
Inch gave w.13and he fell , receiving ]
ivere bruises. j
J. H. Beck , an operator , and Fred j
laker , a clerk , were more or less c
irned b3' the flames while endeavor-
g to get out some of the records.
The fire originated in the paper room , \
cated in the basement. The damage \
ill reach about $30,000. The insurance
covered b3r a general policy in the
ome Insurance company of New York
r $35,000 , on the property of the entire L
ad. Thefire was confined to the stair-
13 nnd top stoiy. It was 5:30 before \
e flames were out. Tho Omaha will c
e the old general office building of tho C
anitoba road for their offices until the P
irned building is repaired. LU
A Desperado Killed. g
St. Louis dispatch : Advices have just
eu received from the Creek na- . .
) n that Wesley Barrett , a half-breed ( ; ,
• eek Indian desperado , who murdered O
nited States Marshal Phelps and later J'
lied Mose Mcintosh of the Creek po- ( - '
e , and wounded two or three others
iring tho past year , was ambushed and
lied Saturday by Wallace McNao of q
0 Creek Indians. A large reward had q
en offered for Barrett , either dead or c.
ve. _ _ l II
ll , " " ' IL
"f" - - I1
" - IJJ-LfIIJf
" ; . \
< - '
- , ' I'
. 1 : ,
Hut Xtteu Xuat be Careful of lxprtulotl * > I
About the Authorities. \ '
Chicago dispatch : Judge Tuley , or # | : l
tho circuit court , in a decision ronderc& j J
to-day holds that anarchists and social- j 'I '
ists have not forfeited tho constitutional i 'I
right to assemble peaceably and discuss t ; 1
ai)3' question which intero.its them , pro- , * V .11
Tided thoy do not plot t j carry out their | J1
ideas 13 * tho use of forto against the- ll
constituted authority. § 1
This decision was the outgrowth or . 11
an application mndo in Decembor last 1B
by the Arboiter bund fqr an injunction j |
to restrain tho police from interfering' 111
with their meotings , tho progress of | l
which caso has been reported from time- WM
to timo in press dispatches. Judge Tu- 9
ley's decision , which is moro than sir. iM
thousand words in length , begins bj-re- < M
citing tho history of the caso , stating- !
that the particular meeting which was- -m
made tho test case , win ) called for the- 9
purpose of hearing tho report of tho Ar- fl
heitor bund committee on tho constitu- : B
tion and llaus l , and of completing its. | S
organization ; that tho onby objects of ]
tho society , according to tho allegations- ( JS
of its constitution , wero to secure its- . *
mombers "mutual benefit , social inter- | S
course , and political education ; " that 'fl
the police woro invited to bo present , pH
and did nctunlhy , by a show of force. -S
prevent tho holding of tho proposed ffl
meeting. I
On behalf of tho city authorities thisv > ,
intm-fereuco is justified on tho ground IS
that tho name ' 'Arbeiter bund" is a mere- | H
cloak ; that the real purpose of its memffl
hers is to plot to overthrow tho constitu- j J
Lion and laws of tho United States ami j J
this state ; that as police officers it is- \ M
within their jurisdiction to forbid such f |
meetings in order to prevent tho com- \ M
mission of crime. Tho chancellor saysr l M
"I find no reason to differ from the- M
master in chancery in his conclusion M
that tho evidence adduced fails to show M
that tho proposed assemblage was for ait M
unlawful purpose. It was argued that M
the constitution shows on its face an un- M
lawful becauso of the condition ) M
Df membership , that 'only persons of re- M
putahlc character who dcclaro for tho- | |
lbolition of the inhuman wago system. . M
Jan become members. ' Tho solicitor is M
in error in tho supposition that the law H
upholds or demands any particular sys- fl
tern for canying on industrial cuter- H
[ H'iscs. Tho master reports that tho re- H
ivas no evidence to show tho meaning of M
; hc declaration that tho society favors 1 1
.ho 'abolition of tho capitalistic systcnt l |
> f exploitation , ' nor of tho purpose 'to < |
ussist in tho fight tvainst exploitation. ' j H
"Tho word 'exploitation' is a French i |
vord for which in English wo • have- , H
10 precise equivalent. I nnder- ( |
lerstand the object intended is opposi- / |
ion to tho present system of capital | |
hat is to say. that capital shall be so- l : H
lsed that labor will receive a greater S1 !
hare of the combined earnings of labor 1 1
Did capital than at present , nnd that. i H
capital shall not be used so as to oppress H
he people by combinations and monop- H
dies. _ I may be mistaken in my inter- i H
> retation , but whatever may bo the- ' |
neauing , ns the object is to bo accom'j 'j H
dished by the 'enlightment and educa- H
tatiou of the masses , 1 find no law H
rhich prohibits the formation of socio- H
ies for such .1 purpose. Tho members. H
if tho society may seek to dessiminnte- < H
iews and principles wkich , in the opin- ' H
on of _ a great majority of our citizens , . j H
re inimical to the rights of property , H
nd public welfare. But thoy have a H
ight to publicly meet and discuss them ; H
11 a quiet aud peaceable manner , aud i H
lake converts to their views if they aro- H
ble to do so. The question of the re- 4 H
itious of capital and lain r in its vari- l H
us phases aud many others , like the- i H
ucstion of the right of exclusive own- 1 1
rship of land , or tho single tax theory , V H
re tho burning question : ] of the hour i H
at have como to stay and must be l H
Beferringto the claim of tho authritics H
lat the purposes of the .society are tho- , H
une as those of Spies et al , Judge Tuley ] H
ivs ho is of the opinion that there is- i H
lis vital difference that the interna- Ij l
onals declare for foroe , for organiza- j |
on , for the purpose of rebellion , ondi i l
> r "inexorable revolution" and ' 'assas- f |
nation , " while in the constitution of f l
lis sociefv' there is nothing to indicate ! | H
lat their objects and purposes arc to- \ M
a accomplished by such measures iu J
ly contingency. If it appeared that J l
lis society was such a one as the supreme- j l
> urt describes the internationals to be , . ' |
could have no standing in court. ij l
Men cannot appeal to tho law for pro- J l
ction in overthrowing the law. The- H
iprcme court denounced the principles- J l
: anarclrand socialism , but it did not l l
} cide that cither the anarchists or so- ) |
alists were criminals. The court held |
at anarchists who plot crime are crim- i' l
als. but pronounced no judgment of * |
ltlawragainst anarchists as a body. I l
In conclusion the chancellor says that , ' |
asmuch as the city authorities have- ! |
idertaken to respect tho law as laid i l
> wn 1)3' him in this case , ho would not |
me the injunction prayed for because t l l
was not needed. aP I
It is hard to tell which is the mor& l l
norant , the man who never reads the- j l
twapapers at all or tho man who be- |
ives everything that he sees in them. ll
lolatitms from Xeto Xorlt , Chicago , Omaha , |
mxl J-Uifictiere. { H
iiiat No. - 77 ( < $ 77JJ H
m. j No. 2 iniAed 19 @ 19 % l l
IMT.EU Creamery 2G . ( # 2S ' j H
JTTEit Clioico conntry. . . IS fc ) 20 H
; gh Frenli 25 ( a ) IG- H
iickens dressed G fa ) 8- | H
HIKEYS 10 ( a > 11 H
: .mo.vh Choice , per box. . . 3 75 ( cti 4 50 . H
iangks Per box 3 25 ( & 4 00 * i H
iions Perbu 40 ( ) 50 > H
itatoes 40 @ 50 > H
irmps Per bu 25 ft $ 30- H Per bbl 2 50 < a > 3 00 H
: ANb Navies 2 25 m 2 40- H
01. Fine , per tt > 13 @ 20 j H
> xev 16 @ IT M
opped Feed Per ton 12 0.0 @ 13 00- M
ly Hailed 5 00 @ COO j M
xx Seed Per bu . . . . 1 15 ( a ) 1 20 H
> < ; s Jlixed pnekinjj. . . . . . . . 4 75 § 4 85- 1 Hj
• cs Heavy weights. . . . . . 4 85 @ 4 07 j H
eves Choice steers. . . . . . . 3 00 ( < 9 3 7J > H
eep Choice Western 3 50 @ 4 25 J M
ieat No. 2 red 97 @ 97 H
ieat Ungraded red . 90 @ 00 % j H
t.v No. 2 44J { @ 44'i . H
rs Mixed np tern 25 @ 26 ] |
"K 14 00 @ 14 23 H
no 8 00 ( S 8 50- H
kat Pfrbnaliel . 05a ) 9G > ' H
t.v Per bunliel 33j @ 31 i H
rs Per bushel 24 @ ' 24& j j H
? ? . . . . . , . . 12 12 * H
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • jo @ 7
' " " • " • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • * • • • • • • . . • • t 0j uU 1 10 1 |
as Packing tfcHhippins. 4 80 @ 5 10 i H
ti.e Stockers 2 30 @ 3 30 1 S H
: ii' Xativc-8 2 75 @ 5 00 . H
r.KT No.2 red cash 94 @ 94 ' H
: .v Perbushel 29 @ 30 H
s > Per bushel , 24 jrt 26U |
; s Mixed pacUir-s 5 00 @ 5 10 * H
" -E Feedera 2 00 © 3 00 H
KANSAS crrv. f H
kit Per bushel 91 @ 92 H
N Perbudhel 25 @ 2iv 1 H
s Per bushel 20 @ 22" ' H
rLE Stockera bleeders. 2 00 @ 3 30 1 H
is Good to choice. _ _ 4 60 @ 4 90 f i 1