The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 18, 1889, Image 8

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    Hi = - r • - < - - -
. . . - >
K. ' * . wfr T1" liimTTnTiTJiMJLMi
I * MeCook , Nebraska.
Ii m . , . , _ _ _ _ •
| On all goods purchased of ns in the next 30 days in order to
B | - - , make room for our • • -
H of New Season Goods. We offer to our customers 'in this swcep-
Bj ing sacrifice sale , an unprecedented opportunity to become pos-
m. sesed of superlative bargains , and we expect that the auuounce-
nient of this sale will
| j \ X/L We are not after money now , bub room. Gall and
111 CY < % learn our piicos on DI1Y GOODS , CLOTHING ,
llYi * BvLy while the boom lasts of
H j HI * Xhc Pioneer Merchant.
B * 320 acres good farm land , 200 acres
H . broke , 100 in pasture , ( fenced ) , good
IB house , water and outbuildings. Also
II 75 head of cattle , mostly cows , 8 fteacT-
III horses , 16 head hogs , 1,500 shocks of
II cane , and 115 acres of corn , partly
IEshocked. . Will either sell or trade
R | -1 for nierchandise.
1/ : . GEO. LELAND , . '
If ]
III MeCook , Nebraska.
I Great Reduction in Base Burners !
It We have only a few base burners left and in order to
mL close them out entirely , we wilL make the following un-
B * \ equalled low prices until they are closed out :
I $30.00 Base Burner for $25.00. J
I $32.00 Base Burner for § 27.00.
Of $36.00 Base Burner for $30.00. :
$4:0.00 Base Burner for $32.00 :
I These are the celebrated "Gold Coin" and "Palace Alad-
I din" stoves , guaranteed to be first-class heaters. We also •
I have a complete assoitmeut of Soft Coal and Wood Heaters ;
I at very low prices. If you want a base burner , call early , for
B 'they are bound to go quick at above prices. '
H Eespectfnlly ,
I Grroceries , Boots and 8hoes ,
I . * Country Produce taken mJ0ffjf HiShest Mark t . Vjllu
Commissioners' Proo3edings.
TiidIiuiolii.Neb.Jati 2 , 1889 , J
Bonnl of County cotnnitoMonarg mot pursu-
Hnt to ndjourmnent. Prrnont Htophoti HoIIcb
and Henry < 'rabti-POCotnmI ( * Ioncr9' and < Jco
W. itoper Clork. Minutes of jirevious meet-
lnir read and approved.
Comtnlcfllonorp Stephen Holies and Honrr
fralitreo mndo their report that they had on
theSnddavor .Innuary. 1883. Hppralsed cer
tain Echool lands on tho application of J. D.
Mos'ppIv follnwB to wit. Tho B yt of 8eo
3 . To 4. U 31. W. at $ S nt ) per ucro and tho W.
'A or Soo 30. Tp. 4. It. 30. W. at $7.50 per noro.
Examination and pottletnent with J. H.
Goodrich. Jr. County Tro 'surer , commenced
and continued durlnirtlio day.
on motion board adjottrnod to meet January
3rd. 1880.
Tndinnnla. Neb. , .Inn 3.1889. f
Oonrd of County Commissioners met nurxu.
tint to adjournment. Present. Stephen Hnen. | |
t'liHlrmnu. Henrv Crabtreo and roluinhtiR T.
Hlitckiniin , cninmi-filoners and Oeo. W. Itoper.
elerlc. Minutes of previoufi meolinir read ami
On motion tho following bonds wore ap
proved , to wit :
It M navclv. enmity attorney.
Win nifrsi'knrn. overseerdist. No 24.
.litm > " > Ciriiihnn. ovorseerdt t. "Ci ! V ) .
A , V Oli | | t > : ld fiv r4 firitar | N ) , 14.
A. Utter , overseer dUt. No. 1.
W. H SNIer , overseer disr No 17
\ * * 'P. Colemun. Constable Willow Grove
II \ \ . U'adon , assessor Danhun * .
Examination and settlement with County
Tr > usurer continued durlnir the ditv.
On motion board adjourned to meet Jan
uary 4 , 1889.
County Clerk's OFFfCE , i
Tndianola. Neb. . Jan. 4.1889. f
Board of County Commissioners met pursu
ant to adjourn nont. Present , Stephen Holies ,
chairman , and Henry Crahtree. commissioner ,
and Geo. W. Roper , clerk. Minutes of pre
vious meeting read and approved.
On motion the following bond was approved ,
viz : It. P Oleott , assessor for Perry precinct
Annual settlement of Richard Johnston ,
overseer for Dlst. No. 21. for 1888 read and
considered. On motion. Clork directed to
draw certificate for $ ? 8G8. balance duo him
for y > nr ending : first Monday to Jan 1 > ? 8D.
Kxiun'niiflon ' and settlement with County
Trotisurer continued during the day
On motion board adjourned to meet Jan. 5 ,
County Or.EttK's Hi-tick , ( ,
Tiidlnnolu Neb. .Inn T 1889. I
Rnnrd of Comity Coiiiiiilo-innMs met piu il-
n t tothljoiirnmi'iit Pre i it. Sleidiun ltlle .
c'm ' riiuiti. and lli'iio Cruii'rei' u > uiiiiwslouer
iid Geo W. Itoper. ol. rk. Minutes of pie
vioiir mi'ctiny and approved
Do motion Geo II Topper was appointed
n e < ; oi' of Tvinno preeiiwt to till vneancy
caused hv resignation of I F Itmiker , the duly
Hooted olliclii ! for tlu t pret inct.
Recapitulation , showing llic amount on
since made , warrant5 : redeemed , and
of the 31st day of December , 1S8S
and iiL'couutn oF J. II. Goodiich , 1
Nehr.iska , together with the total as
• = r ? =
8l.uo Genetal 1407 so
" KlUKillg " • ! t > 3
" School G25 I ! ' . )
" Tnnerhity 197 t-3
Oipiiol 2 6 71
Reform > eliool 0" i7 ;
" I st. F < 3i-ilo ! Minded . . . . : r is
Live Sto-k Iiid < miiity . * 07 7t >
I'ntr. adiooi Lands 302 t.o
" lot. " " sold 890 n ;
" Leesc " " .117 12
Inine 2t3 11
County 144 5t
( ommisMon
" I'rulge 14 C2
" Road 77 19
Roud Intercs-t 17 54
" -liool. . . " . n 45
District S-hool I und 4C 9 w
• Rond " ll J v * 6
• Roal " 6Jt 73'
" Iteeeip s
dcinption Tux Ssih- 2 41
l'ree. iSiind East Yilie > ( S
" Ni > rth V.illi y 4 07
" Willow Oro\e
" Ind anola 47 s. >
il. Cook 2t24 * " Oj
JJattli y ' " ll - r > o
County Tresis. F os-
12 21 11411 Hi
Loss .Vmt Overor.iwn u ai
TotaKs 11381 lit
\ \ tt GoiliL * lt. • • • . . . • - . . . • . . . . . . . • • • . • • - " • •
1 ( , . . • • • • • . . . . . . . * . . . . - . • .
IHoi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - "
lhJ-8 * • 3102(2 (
ij-87 Bridge - " _ 2S,5
l.ssr.Road 2 o
lu87 * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • * ; [ .
1 o"i • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . * . . . . . • . . " . ! * > '
„ n , 11. O it * i *
On mntioii board aljotirticd to in et Jan. 8 ,
1839. [
Indianolii. Neh. Jan 8. l.-W ) f
It ard ol t fiiiiij Cemmipsionei- pnrsu- ,
ant to niljoniniiient. PieMMit Stephen Holies.
Henrtinlitne. . and O. T HlncUimin. com j
mi-sioneis. and Geo W. Itoper.letk Min
utes of pievmiis meetiiisr read and appio\ed. ,
On unit Ion the lolii.umg niiiniiiilA weie .
iniiud due oveiseets lor the jear 18fcS , .
ind ulerrf directed toiliuu cernflvates as lot- ]
lout. : *
iiVfltSKKIt. UIST \ < ) , AMUUN'T > ;
D. It HariifS. 2- S-9 4
tins Tolling. 3 25 I
v\m N .stuck , 23 , -ijl I
A. O. I loupe. \ -L i -
.eo W. Kimpton. 34 2i IS , ,
Notice imr been guen that the hoard |
voiild receive benied bid for puiili-hiiiir com \
'iiiM.oiier ' 'piiiceedtiijjb.nid legal nut lees * lor _ ,
lie.vearl- . ' the lollowing bids wcie opened ;
ii picM-iice ol lull hoaril :
MeCook V. ' eekl * Uiuutlc and Iiidi.inohi ,
: ourier. Coiuiuix iiiuert > ' proceedings at one- ,
hud the nite lor notices. Legal notices |
ind tux I t at rnfes piuvided bylaw. Publi (
Mfion to be made in t.oth papeis. \
MeCook TniiiUSK and McCook Dctnocpit. \
'oininis-ionetV proceedings and le al notices (
' or niilhinir. Puttlieiition in luith papeis. >
iiovideil I hey are designated a" tinimpeis in ]
ili'eli to putilisli tax list for year 18S9.
Itartlev Inter Ocean. connnNsI'UU'rs pro (
• eudiuiis free , legal notices at two ihlids of r
etral lutes. . , \
Red Willow County Times. Comms mners |
' line. Legal notices
iroeeeding- \ 2 cent per
it one halt leaal rates. I
on motion ilu * bid or the MeCook Tnnii'Nfc c
nit t MeC'iok Demoeiat was accepted and defiv-
uiti-das tile papers in winch to puhlish the .j
letiiKiueiit tax list for ihe year 1S89 V
On nmtlnii Ind ol G. S. Bishop , lor furnish \
n > r printed sou ionerv for tliu year 18ST wn * /
ieeepied tor the articles utnii i in h.d. ail j
riierMatioiierv for the jearl889 to bo pnr-
hi-ed livcounty nlliei.ils at rheir discretion , v
bi moiloii board adjourned to meet Jan. 9 ,
8s9. I
C < uinty Ci.r.itK's Office , I v
Tndinnolii. Neb. . Jan 9 1889. f
n ntd f CountvCnmiiiisSluiieis met pur-ui- t1
nt to iiitjoiirutnei t. Pi.wnt Stephen Holies.
leiirvCr.iluieeand O. T Itlaekman. coinint'- • '
loneis , and Geo W. Rot er , Ciei ! c. Minnies ol
revmis meeting tead und Hnnroveil.
( in motion aniiiial repoit of Geo W Riul
i n j aeeepted and eleik directed to draw cer '
ifleateim follows :
Ge W Unit , overseer dist. No. 11. vc-nr
lS-tS * 25 1 v
Kvniiiiii'iiiou and settlement with county
Ink continued dm Ing the d-iv.
On motion board adjourned to meet Jau. 10.
SS9. • '
County Ci.Knt : ' * Office , \
Tndianola. Neh . Jan. 10. 1S8 < 1 g
Ronrd or Coimtv Comuii-siouers met niirsitjj
nl toadjoiirntneiir. Present.Stephen Rillei- | j
letiry Crahtree and I'T Itlid'kiniiu. Comm s , | (
ioeerand Geo W. Roper , clerk j ,
The ln ' ird having check' d up the reenrd * | |
ml eompleied tlieexamliiation of feesreceivjj
d bvCo'intv Clerk Geo W Roper , m idn et- j
lenient wlili liim for the yeareudlng .lanuary | |
t. 1881. us per itemized account of sumo as | , ,
iilluws : v\
First qunrter. . . . . ? 847.85
, Secoifi quarter. MMIU ) u
Thlid quarter. 774 01 < ;
Fourth quarter. 793 9. f
- f
Total Receipts SG.31301
Suhirvoounty clerk ? 1.500.00 .
Siilarv ileputv and assistant. . I 2iO HO ,
Balance paid Co. treasurer , . . tll3nl ys
Total Dlshursemonts. . . $3:113 01 r ,
On motion the annual reports or over een
irtheiour 1888 , were accepted und clerk din
- • - * i
, P . I )
Mnw.iVMJtmil inTrTafi < 8 ha ia wMwM iiinn ijr , ' m 'h
• f "
, . .
J J. .
- '
* *
* „ v
" ' . f * T.
* r
On motion tho following precinct officers'
! ondi wuiit approved , viz :
Oeo 11. Tuppor , aasesiiir for Tytotio pre
A Wngg. a" si'BKor for flerver precinct.
W. M Knzell.assessor for C ileumii precinct.
J. S. Klkendall , nsausflor for North Valley
Isaiuli Bennett , assessor for Lebanon pro
Wm. McCool , assessor , for Indlanola pre
Frank Albrecbt.usscssor for Grant precinct.
W. 3Rollins , adiiessor for Red Willow pre
W.G.Gillespie , assessor for Valley Grange
B. A. Lincoln , assessor for Driftwood pre
I W. Spauldlug , assessor for Box Elder pro
James Jones , assessor Mo Ridge precinct.
II ( teaman , overseer dist. No 1.
CIihs. v oiling , overseer dist. No 3.
G W Wynuk. overseer dist. No 4.
T. J. It ig loj. overseer dist. No 5.
T Plukerton. ovemeer dist. No. 7
Win. II. H. Foust. overseer dlat. No. 13.
John Glreim , overseer dist. No. 13.
Nelson Dowiih , ovurseordist. No. 15.
L. F. Nichols , overseer dist. No. 18
Robt Moore , oveiseer ( list. No 19.
Eugene Dutchur , Overseer dist. No 20.
Itluiiard .loiiiiBiou. overseer dist. No. 21.
R. P. Gin ley , overseer dist. No. 2.J
S. M Scraiuon. oveijieerdlot. No 25.
W A DeniMoveiseerdlst. . No 30
Wm BruiKin in. overs-or dist No. 3 .
M Possen. overseer dist. No 3.1.
C. S. Blair , overseer itist. No. 34
J. W. McCiisliu. ( iver.seer No. 35.
O. P. Kllioit. overseer dist. No 37.
John MuCotter , Justice of the peaco , Cole-
nniii precinct.
T J. Muiphy. Justice of tho peace. Perry
C. B. Gray , Constable Tor Willow Grove pre
On motion the lollowing amount was found
duo overseer for year 18S8 on annual settle
ment und Clerk diiected to draw certificate as
follows to-wlt : John W. McCusliu , overseer
road. dist. No. 35 , 27.00.
Evuminatlon and settlement with County
Treasui er continued during the day.
On motiou board adjourned to meet Jan. 7 ,
Countv Ci-kuk'r Office , I
InHJanoiii. Neb. . Jan. 7.1889. f
Board of County Commissioners met pursu
nut to adjournment. Present. Stephen Bollea.
chairman. Henr > Crahtree and U. T. Black-
man , commissioneis. and Geo.W. Roper.elerk
Minutes of previous uieotlng read and ap
On examination tho following amount was
found due overseer of road dist. No. 3 lor
the year 188. mi annual settlement aid on
motion clerk directed to draw certillcate us
Iullo v :
• hHrles Colling , ovorseor dist. No 3. 25''ls.
The Ii.mill having in ide ae.irel'ul exaiui.tx
tion of the accounts of .1. II Goodrich. Jr. .
countv treasurer. Hud that the lollowiii-
statement is u just and correct adjustment of
his accounttroin July 1. ISaS , to Doc. 31 , lSSrf.
both inclusive :
's Report.
hand June 30 , 1S88 , the collections
amount remaining on hand at the close
; in each and all of the several funds
r. , Treasmer of lied Willow County ,
loiinis of the several itetn stated :
2.3 . g 23 § = 3 S *
= 3i = 5 5.
I * 3 ' ? P-S ' S
2147 ai S554 G2 2224 82 132U 1-0
53 < 1 12C 21 12 4fi 113 79
* U 73 937 12 t9 71 KJ7 41
16i OH 3 > S 11 37 3tf 320 73
317 47 324 IS 325t < 19' 05
53 nf 119 31 12 4 ( 100 S3
51 08K -fi 12 4fi 7ii 40
101 5S 172 : 101 1) G4 21
112 3J l" lf > S3 1.U1 : il
lul7 til. I3U 77 iOtrt 77
9lU 09 118(1 ( 21 177 44 1302 77
2l' 3li 478 41 49 44 42 * 97 _
5095 la 52J9 C7 20fil 15 2922 02 T.IX0S 1887
2. > fi " > D
1203 40 1188 78 79 00 1109 78 l"4s.4S tax
511 81 5h9 no 211 33 : 7 G7 " ' ls8" and
2-S40 2-0 8fi 28' ) KP provioii
84 211 97 01 . 97 'i vents 01.30
5119 ! ! ' ' 9729 27 r,0H 90 27P4 til t iof 1 SH
531 .14 1718 51'v l'9t 48 ,55 Ill's tOG "ttsixof
742 bO 1J77 . i8 > 6 1142 Jl 2J3 27I hW * ) 94
737 11 7.47 11 737 11 t-'X of 1833
59 a Gl 77 Gl 77
3 15 4 35 1 3G
13 9 IS < > . > 18 Ht
5 9 5 91 5 99
2 8 5 > 7.1 52 50 1 77
4G > I' ' 4f-8 2a 323 si ICt 4
472 9 472 92 2S5 00 187 92
12i s 112 3 ! 132 3 i
113 3 15135 153 3"
2 > 'Ji M 15..74 77 lt.7t J 27 1GJ 13 27 i
1 77
22293 4 33 574 77 107(3 27 169Jl 0
rx hams tEJisrEiiD. : usi' iototal. .
6 or r no
42 10 42 G )
40 'J5 Gl 95
2GGG 95 5719 57
2i5 00
2731 GO 5501 07
7 (51 l.i 21
150 0 i GtH fil
358 20 731 90
G i0 5 U7 12799 9 5
• ected to draw certiiicates in follows :
Wm Kilirore , ll ) $ 191
) . w. Millers. 16 3.-6
iVm Uerlintis. 22 22 On
iVm Itytleld , 5 lioilmii :
lohn GlieiKS. 13 24 71
L. P Nichols , 18 21 37
3eo Iteed 30 3 0t
las II EverSbt , 17 29 34
lohn 26 27 37
Ins I.ifton. 2 9 59
las It.irber , 28 22 9 > >
• - J ltii hoiig , 16 25 2T. ;
rltn tin Itiui'k , 6 2676 ,
J Houlihan , 8 25 83 ,
• R. linger. 4 20 17 (
I. Wmans. 31 3lWI
t S Hilemnn. 9 26 10
i. V. oiuihteud , 14 nothing
v.iJtter. I 22 54
lice Howe. 32 23 on
Vm Hicrsekorn , 24 711
L It Copper. 20 29 15 ,
lel-ou Downs , 15 23 49 ,
un motiou the fnllovvhu cl lims were ainlit-
d an' * , allmvcd and clerk dueeted todraiv war |
auton county bridge tuud levy 188 , lib toi-
nxvb :
'a-s & Underwood , bridge iron -S 855
V. U. l.nTouretie &Uo , limine material. 22 50 ]
'ieer& Hocknell. nridue material 310"
! i oiire Younger , wmk on bridges lti. .O i
leiiheu ItoMes. work on Inidires 26b0 ,
. .I. .Miller , iriadintr apinoach to luid e. 15 00
On motion the fulli-wing claims ne audite
d and allowed and clerk on ected to drav warj j
nits on iiiunir ircnenil ruud levj : (
f S.Hhillips.elerU ipes state vs l.n&tilcy 2 48
I \V Keye .jud re Tees State vs. biiblllev , 53l
I ( ; ra' > tr'e.siieriirtees1si.ilevs. I.a-hiev. 513(1
[ .W Ke .ve .judae feci state vs I abhley. 235 , ,
. U. ( • iii.ui. hpecial deputy. Stale vs. t
Liistilev. claim # 30.51) iejected.
.11 Y.uuer.jii tice lees stain vs Mever. 2 45 „
' . ( ) . Itusiell.i-heritf rees.stutHVS Mever , 4 M
' .s.I'hillips.ctei • * lees.Stale Vb. D.u left. I 93
.Dewev.ooiistahlefee .state vs Darrett. 2 10
t ; . O'lt'inneii. polici ; Judge fees , state -
vs. Darrett 5 70
' . S. Phillips , clerk ites.btatevs. throe
S Shirey , justice lees , state vs sttiroe
der. 7 15
'm McCool , deputy sheulf fees , staio
vs. Shroedcr , 85
.Crahtree.deputyt-hciilT lees , st-ite vs.
Hirnedcr. 135
, W Wplhmii. sheriff fees , statex
Shrocdei\ * . . . . . 4 85
irih Smoeder. witness.t > tate v& clinic- 4
d"r. 301
lias Hole , wituestate vShroeder. . 3 00 m
.M.l'enninuton.wiiuess state vi Slime
rs. V. Al 1'enninntou , nituegi. state
vs.ssiinu'rter 56J
tti Ppi nington.witues staievs. .sliroe-
der , 560
rs. Win I'enniiigioii , vvituites f-tnte vs.
Shrocder. v 5 60
rank Untiedt , witucsb. state vs. .shroe-
der. 100
pn. W. Hoper. pnstaire and expre-s 1 * 4 71
. M. SnavelV. "iihiry Co. attcnnfiv 1K2i 0
iiildleston Imnlier Co. . coal lor jail , . . . b : > 0
e Mai luiek jailer fee * 24 W )
ilia A Fov. boanl pauper " kow" 1200
owaril Ijiiuiher Co . c il for jail 835
. W. * . postiureO months 56H
M .short , dravaue 3141
Crahtree , IialHlf reeb district court. . . ll U )
e Stai luiv'k. hailiirreesdi-trict court. . 10 < " )
.0 HiiNsell feemr'tindered horse 5 60
idwiek & Trowbridge , collln. pauper
"lliv " . . . " " . . . . 19 25
. O UjH-ell.iiiiiHif dis tiVcV"court. . . . . . 10 00
, S Itishop.s atiouerv 4n0
• eStarhiiek. board H Kend-ill 4.10
. H' .Curlman , Coin iniMiiIty II Kend- • .
all SCI '
S Phillips. Com. insanity H. Kend-
II Iterire. Coin inmiiuty FI ICendnll 3 ml
nahn lt > putillean. supplies Co. judge. 12 75
.S. Phillips.clerk hire 200
T lllHckmiin service Co. Com. . . - 20 00
Ornlitreu. klllliurifhindered leirse , . . . 1H 4
Holies , serv le" CO. ci'mm's-ioner. . . . . . 2 'ti i
Crahtree. servioe < 'o. commissioner , . 38 75 J
I ! ' " * '
> '
• i _ _ _ • : '
> -V- - ; • % * ' • * ' * - * - - ft
i . - ; * . -7 .
* < * - * - * • * - j ? , . . _ , * • , , 'HIS
. . '
- - * -
" * ' /'J&
Preparatory to Our f
Which Occurs About I
We will sell all our stock of
Dry Goods , Clothing ,
is about 20 per cent , cheaper than
any other merchant in Mc
Oook can buy goods. ;
Come in and look at our Bargains.
L. LO WM AN ' & SON ,
. . . . . . . . . . . . ' .
z > mi. i .iiiim. m-rrnri Hi"v < " < " - - ' " - ' " ' .jww.htwmhi jih i i i " " " " "j" ii .un yimu iiiiiniiimnTmTni TBW am '
On uiotion the lollo < vin precinct oiheers
bond uuic appioveit. viz :
ri. II. colvin , ju&tiLe peace , Willow Giove
lni Coi con-table . , Va'leyG angepiec net.
John Hull , .i a < binr , Itoiiilv nlu precinct.
C J. Kjan. a&sobsor. Willow ( Jr.ive piecuict.
J. A. U iltl.itnsoii. ov iMfcrdistiiut N > S.
11 A. Uaiicuou , oveineerd bluet .N" 28.
Win. la.\lor ovcioeer disirici .No 31.
.loan Heal , ovfi.-eerdipli ict Sn 26
On minion M.iiiui ituick was apiioioted over-
beer ot Uibinci liumlicr 0 lor the jcai J i9 to
till vacancy.
On mouoii the fidlovvmg bond vvasnppiovid :
AluriUi Kmck. ovcim ei Kibl No 0.
Petition ot Ji ho lltutleld O I , . ( aldwell. ot.
al. , and c iisiiien it u. .ippeanng lo ttio that ml the iiii'iiieiuenisi.t law having
beeiiciimp'iid Oil On million .une is utiii-
d , e-.i.iiii tiiug a pni'lu : i aii iih loil.iws :
• ouuneiiciiig ai Noiibwaf Lorner aoe 30.
tlllllllllg tllCIICL- \ enl oil M-CI..III line lO Mlllill
w bt c < ( iner M-e 28.and l < riuiiiit'iuir Iheii at ,
all in Town 3 H.u e29 west and elei k dueet
ed to draw waiiaiiion oountj load iuinl levy ,
ibr-S , nb liilhxvs :
jP.ikl-T Prnucit. comniibSioner mad. No.
2o7 $3T0
I'eliiion ot X J. Lhr.vsler , 1 C Kuiinall and
( illleib lend and loiisi'Ieied. ll appeal uiii to the
liii.iid llial all i. gum iiients ot law having
heen fllll.i complied with On llioiioo smile Is
i allied cbtatili-hing a public road as follows :
gOoiiuileiiellltf ill lliu N Ii wiiiiit i'fN. IV >
Sec 3 Town 4. Uiuiv29. . v" . thence boinh2li
limes to ihe ceutiuul see lo. Ihence b" > nti | .
easleiiy 17" loil > lo mjc Inn. on aotllll bide of
Sec. 15 and leiuunnuiig i.t n poim 54 lotls W.
nt S. K Ji eiuiier ot . - ' • • • 15. .i.l in iowii 4 ,
Hniiife 29 W and eh i-k dmlnl lonriiw vvar-
tant on eonnt.v torn ! luuit lev. \ . ls8abtolluwb :
Pii"eT &ji > iuei load. .No
208 * 3U0
On consider.ittoe ot Ihe estimate ol the nec-
L . niy expenses ot the coliiny Juilng tliecu- .
! > uiug.vear
On million the estimate of the .same Tor the |
iear 1689 web Mm d upon as | . . | | owb : | Mind ? IS.0Ot 00
l. 'omitv bridire Innd JojoijO
'ounty mad innd 7iwui
'ouniy ies.ine tuud - . 150000
"ounty i d Iutere.'t 150aiA )
[ iidi.uiola precinct tiond fund SUjuO
ortlt V.dlev piecinct tiond lund 5 'U00
ICast Vailev piecinct tjniid tuud IimOO
tVillow Gmve pieclnct I.O'i.l lund. . . 5unu0i
On in .lion J H Goodrich. Jr . County Tieas
ner. was direc ed to ti.luster ail the money
'emainiiig in the tnlloiviig tutids ot 1-5S7 :
Countv general fund 1S > 7 , to couniy general
und 18J-8
Countv bridge fund 18S7. to county biidge
und I88S.
Countv road fund 1S87. lo county road fund
si8On consider.ltion of the application of Geo.
V Hoper lor deputy and assistants tor the
ear 1889
On motion the number oT deputies and as
istaufs torGeo vV Hoper.CountyO'fi'i. were
Ived and ihe salary they uniy receive is lib
ollows *
One depuf v at a salarv nf 700 p < % r annum
One asp'stmit m a s.iimy ot * G00 per annum
On motion It • < .Ciiolei wnsaiipninieil justice
f the pence for Reaver precinct , mid on mo-
ioii his IiiiimI th refor was approved
tin motion lioaid auj"in ned to meet nbi'U
ry 15th 1889. STEPHEN' HOI I.Es.
atti-st : ' ch titniaii-
GEO. W. HOP EH. Clerk
mmanmlm AmvntmsanwMimmmiatMmmmimjm aMtmwnKmwmwmtamMmmmMtmma mm\
• JlSWf P. O address. McCook.
lTUhHr HMk. 0bniska. Kange.south
tdn Kl .r .MeCook.
Pjf Cuttle branded on left
H Bplliip. Also. 10 , 5. A nun
j Bt11 linindsoii left hip.
" * * * WTti /n Horses branded same
S m SeBR j on let t shoulder.
( Successors to E. D. Webster. )
Horses branded on left hip or left shoulder
a u , P. O. address. Estelte.
TPfg ' Haje8 county.and Heat
U BMBKl rice , Xeb. Han e. tink
i ing Water and French
llfiman creeks. Chase Co. .
M Nebraska.
1 Brand as cut on side or
Jt JII 8nmeuttiinnls.onhlpnnii .
I H nAl sides of somn. or
" * where on tho animal.
\ - . .
. _ . „ • _ . i- * > ,
I , / . A V > A. Z. A. t. t . V JU V . t V . . . . , . . . . . x v . . .
lei Goods i Lowest Prices
5 - ftIX THE CITY. H- t
Have just received a heavy stock of new \
\ CLOTHINGwhich makes our stock com- h
i plete , cousislin : of Dress Suits , Business ;
] Suits , Work Suits , School Suits , JKtc , Etc. ;
> '
\ GHOOhHIES , FLOOR , flLS ! , ETO. :
\ We received this week , from Chicago , the
\ largest stock of Jress Goods , Flannels , I
Waterproofs , Rlankuts , Underwear , Shirts , ;
; Hosiery , Notions , Gloves , Mittens , Hats , '
Caps , Etc. , we have ever carried.
: \
: A § 3,000 STOCK OF t
i Boots and Shoes , Bobbers , Etc. \
. ' We have 815,000 in Merchandise to sell
; for CASH or PRODUCE at as low a price :
1 as any house can sell. Don 't pay more for ;
• goods i han we pretend to ask , thinking
! you are saving " 25 cents on a dollar , " as •
; some of our competitors advertise. t
< . , •
< V' < 1\fTTl' ' lJJll ' .V < < V\V' ' VVVVtfTVTT V\VfVVtVVV't ' T1T >
. . . *
m" n wiii.a-igjiUL * Bii * Jt4 i-v-CAHMiii'i.u.ii iffy iiiwa naMPP BMa a MaMDiiwim
Paid up Capital , - - $50,000.00. 'I
= = DOES a I
General Banking Business , I
Collections matle on all accessible points. Drafts drawn directly on the principal
cities of Kurojie. Taxes paid for Non-IJesitli'nLs. Money to loan on farming B
laiidb , tillage and personal property. Fire insurance a specialty. 9
rickets For Sale to and from Europe , 1
CORRESPONDENTS. V. Fbanklijt.President.
iral National Hank. Lincoln. Nebraska. j > Joan B. Clakk. Vlco-Preildant fl
Tbr CbeiuicHl National Hank. New York „ , i A. C Ebzbt , CuMaz. 9
' 'mm