The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 18, 1889, Image 7

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    T - . * " • . . - * / * ' "ftr VX * * 1
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ll Jf theoevastationand-crueltiesof-w *
11 Hflu Jttthtri and Children Bahl Like Itogs an
IB'i ' llendered Xnlo Lard Females Sacrlflct
If1 ft ! ' " 'Vo0&00
) | S- PortauPrinco ( Hayti ; special ; 'Hi
] fl' ' . • fdtuation looks very bad for Logitimi
I ' fli " Hypolito has won thrco battles in to
\ ' flj days and his victorious army aro or
J W tronchod within twenty miles of her
• ] fl" f awaiting tho arrival of arras and mun
I k 1 'tions from Now York. Thoir foragin
\ ' s flj f -operations cover tho torritory whonc
I flj : most of Logitimo's supplios havo hit !
flj -erto come. Tho majority of tho pec
9 ° 'l0re ' oxpoot t ° seo Hypolito in fa
C | s flj * 'control'soon. Legitime is anxiousan :
* ' % B , -suspicions. Ho has thrown scores c
I11 8 , prominent citizons into prison for sin
I f flI pocted sympathy with Hypolitc. Ho i
I fl grossing into tho military sorvico over
| . flfl laborer and farmor he can seize
| i I B | Tlio country is in a stato of anarchy
fj- > B ' Voodooisni is rampant among tho half
ill flcivilized inhabitants of tho interioi
[ j JH. Horriblo tales of the sucrifico of youn ;
I , I1L , nnd rapine flourish in tho absence o
fj 19 an > Agricultural processes aro aban
h ffl cloned. Mob rule prevails in tho , capi
ill' *
i • IS ' 'tf Logitimo's army was disastrously de
' ! , JTeatcd at Hineha about ten days ago
i ' t JFlo 'fti" on December 22 , while on tho ro
1 a * ll . © 'treat , and again a fow miles from tlv
WT- > Jrcapital. . Tho romnant fled to tho city
log * ] v d Tho leaders took refuge in tho Froncl
sM § ! ( " * 'consulate , fearing mob violence. Twi
-ffli -of Legitimo's leading generate deserted
# w One was caught and shot by Hypolite
Jflj Tlio other escaped.
! vfl The French minister is very unpopu
-IB ar on account of his open allianco wit !
| 9 Legitime Tho French war ships cap
rfl ttured the schooner Aurora in Domin
| B 3can waters , and by rifling her mail has
il9 found evidence of treachery on tho par
9 ° f about thirty of his supposed sup
- fafli porters in Fort ou Prince , whom h
J H thereupon imprisoned. The seizure wa
1 flfln violation of tho international law
' J H ' ne Haytien Bopublio is still anchoret
9 under the Galena's guns waiting fordis
IjuH infection.
SIS Tho indemnity has not yet been paid
fntflfl i It is said that Legitime has put all tin
li : H -money-in tjio treasury in his pocket aiu
FBS' will fleo'as sooti'aB ' his fall is. assured
' 'w81 ' . He has issued an address , deploring tin
IjflH ' 11S0 of i > ower by the great American re
' B public to oppress the feeble. He says
* ' H however , that the fault lies not with th <
[ ( 9 American people or government , bu
\ 'WSBr viWMinister \ Thompson , who has le <
\ .SHBr "them to a wrong action. Tho Haytiei
. K Republic not only ran the blockade , bu
.vff ! supplied the enemy with provisions am
| 8H | arms. By nil tho rules of iuternationa
S HI law she was a legal prize.
l991 Despito tho fact that Fort au Princi
I H declared for'Legitime unanimously
9HHI and that the inhabitants of the placi
W cheered theniHolves hoarso when Leg
; K9 | itime was proclaimed president , then
, ; 9B nre mnn3r wealthy and influential rer.i
SSJ -dents of the city , merchants and others
iBK- , , w'l ' ° nr0 disaffected toward Legitime'i
Alffi ; , government , and keep up a secret cor
| Hiy Tcspondenco with tho northern leaders
| 9b Their number and influence during the
M&ll iXS * ow weeks have been increased
I Rf , greatly , so much so that Legitime un
Hy doubtedly begins to fear that a countoi
| Hy - revolution might be started against hin
n yj in his own city. He held a council witl
| 9H his ministers , and they all agreed thai
K9 ] [ prompt action was necessary. "War
KM ! "rants were secretly issued for the arresl
9jS * * * some two dozen residents of Fort ar
| K Prince who were suspected , and some
U . . of these were entrusted to General He
Bi rard , governor of tho department of th (
W m south , and General Elhelier , clue :
H ; -of tho police , who , accompanied bj
H [ ' a great many other generals , lieuten
Hr ants , governors and one or two sold'
E Jers , sallied out on a tour of seizure on
B' December 27th. Among tho most prom-
H f inent people they arrested were M.
H | Lavand , editor of the Loeil Tangnstc
9 9 Advocate ; E. F. Gentel , merchant ; J.
BJi , Legos aud Alexander Ferraud , ndvo-
ijj' - oates , and MoCountois , editor of the
li ; i Plaidoyer National. Some of the others
I r ] " " * • > - arrested were clerks in the custom house
I JI and other departments of the govern-
l fli ment A good many of the Haytiens
ll' ' under ban heard of what wasgoinsron
l i nd fled to tho foreign consulates for
9 ' protection.
9 ne Public life of the natives is being
H honeycombed with corruption and their
9f private life is a mass of awful immorali-
f ; ty. He says : "The lower order of
f blacks havo. 'little ideas of the relations
B of fathprj * mpther , sister or brother.
B The slaughtrof young children by their
R , $ > > ' ijg N mothers , that their bodies may be sold
HI as pork.or as fried down into lard is a
9 ] common practioe among the natives , and
y every now and then foreign residents of
9) ) Port-au-Prince find served up to them
91 on their tables portions of the bodies of
K- children which have been purchased in
91 the domestio butcher shops. It is very
H dangerous to buy cooking lard in Hayti
HD > for the reasons above stated , even when
D. the lard is ostensibly of foreign manu-
T facture , for the Haytiens get hold of the
9f ' eans ttn < i fiW them with lard of their own
( H S make. Two weelts ago a woman was ar-
L l rested in the market place in Fort au
Hf Prince for. selling as pork the arms and
9i logs of a child. Of course this killing
HQ of children is recognized as murder by
Hff the 'HayJionlaw and pnnishedtassuch ,
HI but it is certain that the cases which are
HfA discovered are but small in proportion
Hn > , to those which happen.
V Hypolite , having been elected and de-
"H clared the 'provisional president by the
B l Central and 'Northern departments , on
H his capture of the capital will demand a
K \ congress of deputies from alLthe depart-
n h ments and the.oleotion of a permanent.
Bl president , declaring Legitime'a election
9 | unconstitutional-and void. He will pro-
H bably then bo the only candidate in the
j field.
The BUI of Senator Sherman Proposing
S Numeron * Changes.
Washington special : A bill wasin-
H t , troducgd' .hy'Senator Sherman to-day
H ' proposing numerous changes in 'the laws
B ' regulating the election of congressmen.
9 \ It provides that after May 1,1890 , the
9 f election for representatives in congress
9 j shall be conducted according to the pro-
9 } visions of the bill and the legislatures
j . of the states may direot the election of
B' presidential electors in the same man-
9 , lier ° expense of the election in such
9 ? . . -eases to be paidoutof the federal treas-
] ' ury.
If' . The bill authorizes the president to
I appoint with the approval of the senate
I five qualified voters in eachstate to. be
B I known as a board of state canvassers.
B , dand three voters in each congressional
B j * " district to servo os au electoral boardjs
B t the ' appointees to hold office during
B j good behavior. The electoral board of
B ' , -each congressional district shall appoint
B r K a register and threo * judges , not all or
wi the samo political party , for each eleo-
BK tion district or precinct , to hold office
BJ ! for sir years , subject , however , tore-
9fi " SttO alfof inisoouduct.
Bj' 44 Tho electoral board is given power to
Bjl ° increase the number of election pre-
Kj | cincts whenever necessary to secure a
Ki * free and fair ballot. The judge , or
at precinct appoint by-
9 * jndges , any may
Hp standers in the place of any judge , or
9" judges , who do not report for ditty witli-
9 . in one hour after the opening of the
9 polls , and in case none of the three
II jndges report the election may be con-
H ' dnoted by any three voters of the dis-
9 1 tricfc who are willing to act.
. ' - - , The electoral board is also directed to
l-i " ° - !
. * ' * \ S'T&a % " . ?
. - , / X . t • - . :
" '
* _ • • ' " : : > * 's \
appointjthreocommission rs of oleotic
for each county , or corresponding polii
cal division , whoso duty it shall bo i
moot threo days after tlio cloction ai
asoortain from tho returns the mtmbi
of votes cast for each person nt tho old
Tho samo provision is modo for flllin
tho vacancies in tho list of comnussioi
era as is made in tho case of tho electio
of judges. Tho provision is made for
completo nnd correct registration of tli
voters and tho judges of tho election i
couutintho votes nro authorized to r <
ject any decided to have been fraud 1
lently voted. Tho board of commi
sioners is given power to correot irresri
laritics in tlio returns of the judges <
electionsand heavy penalties aro prj
scribed for offonces against thoolectio
It Sweeps Over n Populous 1'eiuisylcaul
City irtlh Disastrous Hesnlts.
A terrific storm of wind and hail , th
worst known for years , swept over Pitb
burg , Pa. , shortly after noon on theOtl ;
carrying with it death and destructior
Tho storm , says a dispatch from tin
city , was formed with a suddenness thn
was overwhelming , and as tho wind nc
companied by hail and torrents of rait
jwept along tho streets , pedestrian
were hurled before it and barely ei
coped being crushed under the vehicle
passing along the thoroughfare. Sud
denly , in tho center of the city
there was a terrible crash , and it wa
found that the cyclono had caugh
a now building on Diamond street , nea
Weed , owned by 0. L. Wiley , am
hurled it to the earth , covering up tw
score of mangled human bodies. Th
building was in course of erection. ]
was 40 by 80 feet in dimensions , an
was seven stories high. Tho front o
the building had not yet been put in
and the wind seemed to enter the higl
shell from the open end. The higl
walls of brick and undried mortar wer
parted , one falling each way , parti ;
wrecking nearly a dozen of the sur
rounding buildings. The crushed build
ing was thrown against Weldin & Co. '
store , on Wood Btreet , and the barbe
Bhop qf Fred Schumaker , at No. 41.Dia
mond street. The rear end of Weldin'
Btore was crushed in and the front o
tho buildiug was forced out into 'Woo <
street. The barber shop was completely
demolished. A leather store next to th"
Wiley building , occupied by W. H
Thomas , was also totally wrecked. Tin
rear end of Watt & Co. 's book store wa
Brushed in , while sorao of the fallin ;
structure struck Joseph Eichbaum'i
buildings fronting on Fifth avenue
breaking tho windows and injuring- 1
number of employes.
Within five minutes after the collapsi
of the building the streets were fillet
with an excited crowd , notwithstanding
the fact that the rain and hail was pour
ing down in a perfect deluge. With tin
irrival of the firemen the work of rescui
was < begun. Ladders were run up to tin
second story of tho Weldin building ,
md the first one taken out was a younj
lady employed as a type writer , who for
; unately had escape 'd serious injury. A' '
; he time of the disaster about twenty
Sve men wore at work on the buildin <
ind not one escaped injury. In the bar
jer shop next door , seven men were im
prisoned , while half a dozen more wer <
3Ui-ied beneath the debris of the Weldir
The _ hospitals were notified and $
ihort time utter tho clang.of ambulance
jells and patrol wagons was heard. The
jontrnctors had twenty-five wagons anc
sarts on the scene inside of an hour , anc
nivate expressmen" were ondiandwitt
heir wagons and lent aid in helping tc
rescue the victims.
In the meantime the crowd continued
o increase until finally it was fouuc
lecessary to call out the police and havt
ho streets cleared for a square botl
eays. The streets were roped in anc
10 one was allowed about the ruins ex-
iept those assisting in the rescue. Worl
ras continued all the afternoon , and a1
0 o'clock to-night a number of persom
rero known to be still underneath the
lebris. Up to that hour forty mangled
nd bruised bodies had been taken from
he ruins. Some were dead , others dy-
ng , and many were fatally injured. H
3 believed that the list of dead will bo
greatly increased before morning , of
ight killed , only two have been identi-
iedso far. One was a little girl named
IcGlone , who was walking along the
treet with her brother when the build-
agjell , and tho two were buried in the
rreok. The little girl was killed in-
tantly and her brother ' fatally hurt.
? he body of George Kirsch. the barber ,
ras found in the cellar of the barber
The velocity of the wind was fifty
liles an hour , the highest record for
ears. It is still blowing hard to-night ,
ut is growing colder and the weather
i claariug.
The list of dead identified up to 11
'clock was as following :
Samuel Stringer , aged sixteen years ,
Thomas Jones , bricklayer.
Charles Fritch , ajred sixteen years.
George Mason , carpenter.
A colored boy named Terge , boot
Georjre Kirsh , barber , aged eighteen.
The inspector of police stated to-night
bat. he was of the opinion that from
ifteen to.twenty persons are yet-in the
ains , and he would not be surprised if
tie death list increased to fifteen or
The storm at Reading was more disas- "Pittsburg. The walls of a
ilk factory at the former city collapsed ,
me hundred and seventy-five girls were
mried in the ruins. The nnmber of
ead are estimated at more than eighty.
To list of the dead at Beading is yet
ttainable. - Many of tho unfortunates
re buried below the fallen floors and
he brick of thewalls. All may not be
ead. Many of'those who escaped from
lie second and third floors were shielded
y the heavy machinery. Others deeper
own may be as fortunate , thongh all
mst be injured.
The President's State Dinner.
Washington dispatch : The president
ave a state dinner of forty-six covers to
le members of tho cabinet to-nigi\t , it
eing the second of the winter's series
f official entertainments. The white
onse was handsomly decorated for the
ccasion. A miniature lake , with its
anks lined with evergreen and red and
hite roses , was the principal floral
ecoratiqn , and was flanked , by large
ots of lovely flowers. " " TheMarine
and rendered choice selections during
le evening. Miss Bayard had the place
f honor on the pr dent'a right , and
[ rs. Fairchild occupied a pIace * 6n 'Hi8
> ft. Secretary Bayard sat on the right
t Mrs. Cleveland and Secretary Fair-
tuld. pn ljer left The other members
t the cabinet were next. 'Among the
ther guests present were senators , rep-
jsentatives , jndges of the supreme
Durt and other prominent persons.
An Eighty-Eight Round Draw.
The light weights , George Mnlhol-
rad , champion of Australia , and Billy
Qihan , champion of the. Pacific coast ,
tet nt the Golden Gate Athletic club at
an Francisco. At the end of the
ighty-eighth round the fight was de-
lared a draw.
J' , ' ' - -
' " ' * i '
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• r.
A Majority of the Indiana Sign an Jgre ,
inent to Tills Effect ,
Winnebago Agenoy ( Nob. ) special : .
majority of tho WinnobagoLndians ha\
finally signod tho agreement to sell
portiou of their reservation adjoinin
Emerson on tho south. The whole ma
tor was loft entirely totholndians , thoi
being no outsido influence whntov <
bronght to bear on them , either for c
against tho measure. Tho most intell
gent and enterprising Indians signed th
agreement without any hesitation , bt
this was only about one-third of th
necessary signers. . Then-began tho con
test , and a terrific war of words , and fc
a while it looked as if the "kickGrs
were going to carry tho day , by defen !
ing tho proposition. It was only by th
powerful efforts of Gray Wolf and othe
leading men that the victory was woi
TJioy stood up before tho oxcited "kick
ers" and ponred forth flnming speeches
which , if rightly interpreted , would no
make a bad showing in the halls of con
gress. And tho leaders of those kicker
too , were not far behind in thoir stirrinj
speeches of resistance , nnd when the ;
saw the tide was against them and tha
they must submit to tho inevitable , the ;
became frantic. Their utterances wer
fraught with the most vehement word
known to their language.
Early in the day Gray Wolf led o
with the following speech : "Men of tli
Wiuuobago tribe I am going to talk
fow minutes to you. I am in favor c
selling this land. I have given my rcr
sons in former speeches to you. W
have more land than wo can use. Whs
do our opponents wish to do with thi
land if we do not sell it. I will tell yo
whnt they want to do with it. The
want it to lie there in idleness for th
raging prairio fires and the cold bias !
of winter to sweep unmolested over il
instead of having a beautiful city an
pleasant homes reared thereon. We ar
now American citizens. Wo stand be
fore the world as freemen citizens 0
the grandest country that ever existec
Our Great Father , Grover Cleveland
hag declared that we are now a part c
thin treat and powerful nation.
"Then why should we a mere hano
ful of beings stand in tho way of th
mighty wheels of progress ? Thnr
awav your old customs and habits of th
beast and be men not Bavages. "
At the conclusion of Gray Wolf'/ /
speech n number. , or Iudians went for
ward and signed , and it soon becnm <
apparent that the required numbe :
would sign , which greatly exasperate !
the kickers. One of their leaders begai
as follows :
"The white men are dirty dogs. Thei
are cheating us out of outlands. . Tlui
it has always been from tho day whei
Columbus first put his polluted foo
upon our beloved hunting ground
They drove us from the ocean shore
and we plunged into tho great wes
hoping to see them no more. Soon w
heard the woodman's ax and the souni
of the hammer. Again wo fled befori
their mighty army of emigrants am
again they crowded upon us until to
day we have but a handful of land lef
and they aro swarmi ng around us on dl
sides. I don't want to be a citizen ' .
don't want to be a white man. I wan
to be an Indian as our fathers before n
were , and when die I want to chasi
the buffalo along that happy huntinj
ground. I say it again , the white mei
are dirty dogs ; Columbus was a tyrant
the pilgrim fathers were villains ; Wil
Ham Penn was two-faced and a hypo
crite. Here are the graves of our fa
thers , here and there on every hill to ]
they-rest inpeace. . They were brav <
men , they fought the ways of the whiti
men to the last. Hear their voices call
ing you to be firm. Some of you ar <
cowards the white men have stoppec
your ears and blinded j'our eyes , anc
the spirit of your fathers will haunt yot
to the end. " _ This speech created t
great commotion and tliiugs were warm'
ing up ia good shape when one of th <
advocates of the measure stepped for
ward and shook hands with their agent ,
Col. Jesse F. Warner and his clerk , W.
A. McKewen , nnd then began a scorch
ing answer to tho speech of the "Sick-
sr. " He began thus :
"My friend who has just been talking
s very foolish. His heart is not right.
We must teaah him better. Teach him
vhat a vast thing civilization has done
" or America. Columbus was a ge ' nins
ind the brave men ' who followedhim
vere heroes. William Penn Was the
iruest friend the Indians ever had , and
lis teachings and mode of dealing with
he Indians will live to the end of time.
L brave and good man was he. The
vhite race has always been a friend to
he Indians. At times the whites and
" ndians both have been to blame for the
vrongs existing. There is a right side
ind a wrong side to everything. Lotus
ry at all times to choose the right side ,
.ud then our hearts will be good. Let
is sell this wild land that we have no use
or. It is not right for ns to keep great
racts of land just to look at. The time
las come when we must work and live
ike the whites nnd abide by their laws ,
t is a grand thing to be a citizen , and
0 know and feel'-that wheresoever , we
aay go upon this wide world the Great
i'ather at Washington _ will always pro-
ect us against all injustices from for-
ign _ nations. Our country is rapidly
rifting on to prosperity. Everywhere
i life and Activity. Why then should
re a mere drop in the bucket retard
_ single step in the march ofciviliza-
ion ? Let us sell this surplus land. We
ave no nse for it. We need the money
o open np.our farms. We must learn
0 work or starve. "
When the speaker set down silence
revailed for a few moments. Presently
le lender of the kickers , who made the
peech above referred to came forward
nd with a stoical look signed the docu-
lent. This completed the victory for
10 measure , and .the land will be sold.
% 0 Work Being Dona JFrom Day to Day in
Both Branch * * of Congrem.
Senate. In the senate on the 5th ,
Jdmunds offered two resolutions , which
rere agreed to , calling on the president
or information as to the-Venezuelan
wards , and as to what steps , if-any , has
ieen taken by the United States govern-
aent to collect monthly quotas of ens-
oms receipts. Sherman called up the
oint resolution reported by him yester
day from the committee on foreign rela-
tons , declaring the sense of congress in connection of European
; overnmentff u w tlu any interrqeeauie
anal , arid asking ; that it b passed im- '
aediately. A brief but very interesting
iscussion ensuedThe resolution went
ver. The tariff bill was then consid-
red till adjournment.
Housb. In the home on the 5th tin ,
ommittee on Indian affairs reported >
ifll to divide the Sioux Indian reserva-
[ on into separate reservations. Beed ,
f Maine , then called up a resolution to
bolish for the remainder of the session
be call of states for the introduction oi
ills on tho first and third Mondays of
ach month. On ordering tho previous
nestion tho vote stood yeas 98 , nays 20.
To quorum , and a call of the house was
rdered. Quiet and indolence reigned
ntil 1:50 , when an adjournment wts
. . * .
* • f1 L *
SEtfATE.--ln the senato on tho7tl
"tlfo"cb"ramittoo ttnimblia lands report *
a bill to establish tho Lincoln land di
trictin tho territory of New Mexic <
Passed. Chandler reported a rcsol
tion which was referred to tho commi
toe on contingent expenses , instrnctin
tho committco on the Mississippi riv <
to continue its investigations itito tl
existing and proposed methods of worl
including the whole-subject of tho Mi
sissippi river. The resolution reportc
from tho committco on foreign reli
tious in roforenco to tho Panama cam
was then taken np and on motion <
Edmunds tho senato wont into seen
session in consideration of that subjee
On motion of Allison the existing ordt
as to tho vote on the tariff bill waB e :
tended for one day , in consequence <
this day's session having been ocoupie
with the Panama canal resolution.
House. In the nouse on the 7th in
mediately after the reading of tho jou
nal tho contest over tho proposed chang
in rules , abolishing the call of states o
suspension Mondays was resumed , Boe
of Maine calling up the resolution froi
the committee on rules. Tho leadiu
question being on ordering the provion
question tho clerk proceeded to call th
roll. Tho vote resulted in twonty-nin
less than a majority , and a call of th
house was ordered. The call develops
tho presenco of 220 members , and fui
ther proceedings under the call bein ,
dispensod with , a voto was again take :
on ordering : tho previous question upo :
the resolution. Again tho quorum fade
away , tho vote standing yeas 130 , nay
15 twelve votes being still lacking t
enablo the house to proceed tobusmpi'
Senate. In the senate on the 8th
Sherman introduced a bill to make am
alter the regulations as to time , place am
manner for holding eleotions for repre
sentatives in congress , whioh was re
ferred to the committee on privilege
and eleotions. He said the bill had beei
prepared by a gentleman who was fa
miliar with the subject , but did not can
to havo his name published. The bil
was un partisan in its character , and wa
calculated to insure absolutely fair eleo
tions in every part of tue United States
It was confined to the elections of mem
hers of congress. The senate then con
sitlered the tariff bill till the hour o
House. In the house on the 10th
Weaver of Iowa raised no objection t <
the reading of the journal , but tho clerl
having concluded that task , Weave
brought forward his dilatory motion t <
adjourn , and when the house adjourn i
be to meet Saturday. Ballots and rol
calls were then the order until 1:40 , whei
the house , recognizing its helplessness ,
Senate. In the senate on tho lOtl
among the bills reported from commit
tees and placed on the calendar was 1
senate bill to authorize the constructioi
of a bridge across tho Missouri river a
Leavenworth. The senate then consid
ered the tariff bill. Tho clerk proceeded
to read the free list , beginning at para
graph 441. Mr. Vance objected to thi
paragraph as to braids , laces , etc. , suit
able for ornamenting hats and bonnets
and moved to tax them 20 per cent ac
valorem. Bejected. Mr. Plumb movec
to make paragraph 557 read "fresh fish , 1
striking out the other words. No quo
rum voting , the bill was laid aside , abou
twelve pages having been disposed of
and tho senate adjourned.
Senate. In the senate on tho lOtl
the day was given up to the considera
tion of the tariff bill.
House. In the house on the 10th Mr ,
Dibble presented the conference report
ju the bill for the erection of a public
auilding at Omaha , Neb. As agreed
lpon the bill appropriates $600,000
$400,000 $ for the purchase of a site , and
5200,000 to commence tho building.
VIr. Dibble also presented tho confer-
snee report upon the senate bill for the
srection of a public building at Mil-
vaukee , Wis. , which , notwithstanding
iVeaver's protest , the speaker ruled of
ligher privilege even than a motion to
idjourn. As agreed to in the confer-
mce , the bill provides for the erection
if a building at the ultimate cost of
11,200,000 , and the report having been
ead , and the previous question de-
nanded by Dibble , Weaver moved to
.djourn. . The speaker decided that as
he rules gave a conference report pre-
ledence over a motion to adjourn , a
nbsequent motion to-adjourn cduld uot
[ eprivo it of precedence. The confer-
nce report was agreed to yeas 170 *
iays 51.
A Murderer Confesses.
Harrisburg dispatch : Gov. Beavez
ixed March 27 , 1889 , for the execution
f Sarah Jane Whiteling , convicted in
'liiladelphia for the murder of her
onng daughter by poisoning. Mrs.
Vhiteling confessed the crime and also
dmitted having poisoned her husband
nd another child.
A Btrong vein of natural gas has been
truck in Steuben county , New York ,
'he gas was struck at a depth of 700
jet , and in the first rush the drills and
asing were blown out.
The secretary of the interior has af-
rmed the decision of the commissioner
f the Innd office of Hiram M. Jackson
olding for cancellation his pre-emption
ash entry for a section of land in Ober-
n district , Kansas.
The handsome residence of Boberi
IcWado , city editor of the Philadel-
hia Publio Ledger , and J. H. Tighe ,
n Lancaster avenue , at Wayne station ,
ere entirely destroyed by fire. Tha
3tal loss is about $20,000.
A dispatch from the chief of police at
) enver , Henry C. Brady , was received
t Boston announcing the capture ol
fenry C. Stickney , confidential clerk
f C. L. Davenport , of that city , who
ecently defrauded his employer to the
xtent of some $5,006 by raising a check.
Mrs. Hattie Biggs , wife of a rick
inner residing near Bloomington , HI. ,
fow days ago suddenly disappeared
: om her home simultaneously with the
ired man , Frank Allen , after having
isposed of a quantity of articles foi
500. She has since written from Chi-
igo to Biggs , sa3'ing she was having
le happiest time of her life , and. sign-
lg herself Hattie Allen.
A fight to a finish took place oa the
ntskiyts oftToledo between MiLci Co-
nruj 'of England , an&Jimniy Kinnard ,
E Toledo , both clever light-woights.
wp-oun ce , gloves were nsed. Both ,
ten were "in good" ' ' condition and
eighed about the same. Nineteen
ard rounds were fought , when Coburn ,
ho had the best of it from the start ,
icceeded in'puttihg his antagonist to
Tho biennial message of Governor
dams , of Colorado , delivered to the
eueral assembly shows the state to be
1 an excellent financial condition. He
xommends an appropriation for the
se of the committee engaged in pro
ofing the enterprise of a deep water
irbor on the coast of Texas ; also lib-
• al Bums for the improvement of the
ate penitentiary insane . , asylum and -
other state institutions. Ho also rccoi
muuds tho passage of a high licenso la
A special dispatch gives an account
tho finding of another valuable coal < 1
posit in Dakota , and tho hay fuel wi
which farmers havo had to bo conto
will probably soon bo n thing of tl
past. This find is threo miles north
Conterville , and it was struck by a pnr
drilling a well. One vein eight fe
thick was first bored into nt a depth
128 feet , nnd after going through san
stone aud slate another vein was struc
in which the drill is now working.
At Sholbyville , Indiana , in a barroo
light , William Burleoia was shot and ii
stnutly killed by Thomas Poole. Bu
leois was a gamblor and Poolo is a ba
tender in tho saloon in which tho killiti
occurred. Peele , at somo provioi
time , hnd applied an offensive cpitlict 1
Burleois , nnd when this was proven I
calling in a man named Baxter , Bu
leois struck Peele a heavy blow. Whe
ho recovered himself ho drow n rovolvi
and fired , the ball passing through h
enemy's breast.
As Set forth in the Message of the Go
ernor to the Legislature.
Bismarck ( Dak. ) special : Go
Church's annual messngo was present
to tho joint session of tho logislnturo t
day. The govornor called attention i
the reckless extravnganco with which tl
appropriations for publio mstitutioi
are expended , and was severe in his crit
cism of tho management of territori
Tlio total bonded indebtedness e :
ponded in building nnd furnishing tl :
publio institutions of tho territory
Begnrding tho financial condition <
tho territory , he said tho total receipl
for the year ending November 30 , 188 !
were $1,888,388.30 and tho disbnrs <
ments for the samo period $1,793,498.3 !
Tho total value of property in tho terr
tory , as shown by tho assessment roll
for 1883 , is $161,420,974.30. As 4.3C
miles of railroad and other propert } ' be
longing to tho railroads , with a valut
tion of over $4,000,000 , is not nssessei
and forms no part of tho above valut
tion , the railroads being taxed upo
their gross earnings , and ns property i
usually assessed at from one-half to twe
thirds of its actual valno , it is a model
ate and safe estimate to place the actus :
property value or wealth of the territor
at $320,000,000.
The governor predicts that when Dn
kota becomes a state her 3 per cen
bonds will sell moro readily thau her 4
per cent territorial bonds did , and h
calls especial attention to the fact tlm
this is the first time in tho history 0
tho United States when a territo
rial bond sold nt less than 5 per cent
recommends no appropriations.
The recommendation is made that ni
ippropriations be passed for buildin ;
sr improving the territorial institutions
tho information being volunteered tha
30 far as buildings aud like convenience
ire concerned , tho territory is in goo <
shape , and will need nothing moro ii
ihnt line for several years.
The trouble with tho Yankton asylun
irustees is.alluded to nt length , and thi
iction of the executive in removing tin
> ld board and appointing a .new ono i
jxplained. The report of tho publi
ixaminer into the affairs of the institu
ion is also submitted. It is shown tha
; ho trustees of the Jamestown asylun
jxceeded their appropriation for tin
; wo years ending March 30 , 1887 , bi *
j29,377 , and for 1888 by the amount o
? 8,923. This , he says , is chargeable t <
ijL'laxity of management that amount
; o a disregard of care 'in tho manage
nent of f nnd3 appropriated for its main
; enanoe. "
The manner of managing publio insti
; utious is characterized as extravagant
tnd recommendation is made for a la
hat will enable the governor , audito :
> r some othor official , to restrain extrav
ignnce and curtail tho expenses of thi
rarious boards.
The cost to the territory during tin
last two years of the boards of trustee
> f the various institutions is shown tc
mve been $29,777.32 , certainly a verj
xorbitant amount , considering the na
ure of the duties performed.
The cost of conveying insane patient
o the hospitals and prisoners to th <
• enitentiary is shown to have footed uj
0 an enormous sum , which the terri
ory has to pay. In his detailed state
aent the governor shows that the cos
if carrying thejnsandibi two years' -wai
; 29 ,084.33 ; for the transportation of con
lets , $7,530.98 , and this , added to tin
xpenses of the boards as above stated
aakes a grand total of $74,113.24. It i
uggested that these trausportntioi
harges should , by right , be paid by the
ounties from which the patients anc
irisoners come , and in that case the
ounty commissioners can see that nc
xcessive bills aro paid. As it is , the
Brritorial nnditor is powerless to pre-
ent overcharges , having no power tc
xnmine into the justness thereof.
Speaking of taxation , the governoi
aid : "A system of taxation that would
ventually lead to the exemption of real
state from territorial or stato taxation
'ould be very desirable , and could
irgely , if not entirely , be accomplished
y the territorial tax being collected
rom a class of property corporate and
ersonal in its nature. " He recom-
lends the levying of taxes on all per
ms and classes in proportion to their
bility to pay , and especially would he
ix judiciousby incomes , inheritances ,
• ansportation companies , banks , loan
ad trust companies and other corpora-
Tho remainder of the message , which
very long , is given up to the detailed
atement of territorial affairs.
General Harrison Gels Another Case.
Indinnnpolis dispatch : General Barri-
> n was to-day the recipient of another
irved'eane , more unique , if anything ,
mn it3 predecessors. It comes from
oseph Bolt , a blacksmith at Schuylkill
Taven , Pa. Itis of hard spruce. In the
liddle is carved a log cabin , from which
boy carrying his school books has
merged and is climbing upward. The
ext frame shows the boy grown to man-
ood and riding his charger with drawn
vord in battle. Near the top stands
nele Sam , holding a laurel wreath in
ne hand for the soldier nnd the other
Dieting upward to the temple of fame ,
hien .surmounts them. The handle is
1 eagle resting upon the temple. The
hole is carved from a single piece.
he _ ferrule is a horse's foot with a-
liniatnre. steel shoe.
Mrs ? ; Harrison had a goodly number
t callers to-day. The total abstinence
dies are importuning her to discon-
niie the use of wines at the'white
Cutting the Salaries.
St Louis dispatch : It is announced
iat a circular will be issued to-morrow
om the headquarters of the Missouri
acific railway , stating that the salaries
E all employes of that' system , whose
iv is $100 per month and over , will be
iduced 10 per cent. This applies to
Bads of departmens , as well as others ,
at does not affect conductors , engi-
sers , or those connected with the me
lanical departments. The object is to
iduce the operating expenses.
" " " ' - *
* - 7 '
J- '
. - - -
. . / , _ !
Trlghtful Instruction of Life and rroper
bv the JCastern Cyclone.
Beading dispatch : This was tho sa
dest night in tho history of Boadin ]
A hundred households aro in mournir
ns tho result of one of tho greatest 0
lamitios in tho history of Ponnsylvani
A oyclono swept ovor the northorn sc
tion of tho city this aftornoon and lai
wasto everything in its rcaoh , with to
riblo loss of lifo. The lives that hai
been sacrificed and the number of po
sons injured can at this writing only I
ostimated. Tho most roliablo computi
tion at 11 o'clock to-night is that n <
less than eighty persons havo boon killo
outright , and over a hundred injured.
Tho track of this destructive olomon
was not moro than 200 feet wido , and
is lucky that it only touched tho sul
urbs of tho city. It camo from th
west , but pnasod along tho northor
boundary of Beading. First it struc
the Mount Penn stovo works. On on
sido of tho track of tho Beading railroa
were situatod tho paint shops of tli
company. It wns a ono-story buildin
about 00x150 in size. Hero about II
men woro employod in painting passoi
ger cars. There wore eight or nino <
these cars in tho building , costing $0,0C
each. Tho building was struck squarol
in tho middlo and the bricks scattoro
about as if thoy woro playthings. Tli
cars woro turned topsy-turvoy , whil
the men wero buried under tho dobrii
Somo twenty of the men had a chanc
to crawl out of tho debris , but four c
their companions woro enveloped in th
embrnco of tho flames. Their eric
wero heard for a moment by tho torri
fied workmen , and then their voice
wero hushed forovor. Thoy were quici )
Jy roasted to death. Tho fire from nin
passenger cars lit np tho heavon fo
miles around. It was a beautiful sigh !
and could havo been enjoyed but fo
tho awful calamity which accompanies
In the meantime the firo dopartmon
was called out , but its Bervicos wero un
availing. The building and cars wer
consumed in fifteen minutes and notb
ing loft but blaokenod , smoking ruins
under which lay four human beings
burned ton crisp.
While this was all going on tho stora
was travoling forward with fearful rai :
idity. It must have traveled at the rat
of 100 miles an hour. It struck som
moro private houses and unroofed
dozen private residences. Hugo sheet
of tin wero carried half a squaro awa .
and deposited in n lot. Then the stoni
proceeded in its full fury.
Directly in its path , at the corner 0
Twelfth and Marion streets , stood th
Beading silk mill. Hero about 175 girl
wero working. Tho building was
huge structure , most substantially built
four stories in height , and had a base
ment besides. It occupied an entir
block of gronnd. Tho building itsel
was nearly 300 feet in length and abou
150 feet wido. It was surmounted by
massive tower fully 100 feet from th
ground. The funnel-shaped storm-clou
struck tho building directly iu tho cen
ter on its broadest side , which face
west. It fell to pieces as if compose !
of so mnny building blocks. Nearly 20
human beings went down with tho awfu
wreck. Tho walls gave away and th
floors fell one on top of the other am
carried their great mass of humai
beings to the bottom. The brioks wen
piled np in the greatest confusion , whil
amidst the hurrying , rushing , roar
ing wind , terrible cries for sneco :
were sent up to heaven. It was i
moment that tried men's sonle
and almost simultaneous with thi
fall of the building came awful eric
for relief. Girls with blackened faces
bruised and broken limbs , their olothinj
torn , dragged themselves from the ruins
Probably seventy-five or a hundred es
caped or wero dragged out by thei :
friends. These , of course , worked 01
the upper floors , and were thrown nea
the top of tho debris. At some place
the bricks were piled twenty feet deep
and underneath them are lying to-nigh
human bodies by the score.
About 250 girls and young women ar
usually employed in the mill , but at
o'clock eighty were relieved from dat ;
for the day. They returned to thei
homes before the storm came.
The most reliable estimate to-nigh
places tho number in the building whei
it went down in the neighborhood of 175
and , as before stated , 100 of these wen
rescued by friends or dragged themselve
out immediately after the accident. Ai
alarm for relief was immediately sen
out and in a short time thousands of cit
izens arrived to help outline dead am
dyfng. " 'The scene was a harrowing one
and beggars description. The mill i
situated near tho foot of Mt. Penn , 1
high mountain overlooking the city
When tho people arrived everything wai
enveloped in darkness. Then hugebon
fires were built , which cast a disma
glare on tho surrounding scene.
Tho fire companies left the burninj
paint shop and assisted in the rescue oi
the dead and dying. The entire police
force was called out , the ambulance anc
relief corps , and thonsands of peoph
were in among the debris , carrying oui
bricks , pnlling away timbers , and assist
ing wherever they could , all at the same
time , but their work was slow compared
with the demand for rescue of the _ vic
tims of the disaster. An Associated
press representative entered what was
oncethe basement of the building , and ,
gropinjr his way through tho debris ,
aoticed the bodies of fivo young trirls
lying close together. He tried to pull
them out , but they were pinned down ,
ind it was impossible to get them out.
rhey were dead and beyond all human
lid.Up to 10:30 : to-night probably tho bod
ies of a dozen dead have been taken out ,
s-hile the greater portion of there-
nainder were still under the ruins.
The work of rescue will be pushed all
light , but it may be far into the mor-
• ow before all the bodies are taken out.
die rescuers still have the greatest
lopes that those inside are still living ,
md there is every hope for saving them.
Ul is chaos and confusion around the
nill. The managers are missing , and
he correct nnmber is merely guess
vork. It may not be over forty , aud
hen again there is a likelihood that it
rill reach sixty or eighty. Clerk Auten-
) ach stated at midnight that fully eighty
jodieB were in the ruins under the three
loors. His list of the employes is lost ,
md owing to tho confusion in taking
> nt the injured he was unable to furnish
I list of the killed. Bnt eighty is a con-
ervative list cf thosa who lost their
IjAter. ± 'rom tne statement or some
f those who escaped from the building
k appears to have gone down in an in
fant. There was a loud crash of break-
ag timbers , and the persons in the mill
II rushed toward the main doors. A
bod many of them succeeded in gett
ing out , while four girls saved them-
slves by jumping from the third story
rindows. The first rumbling noise
ras followed instantly by the falling of
lie building , the upper stories going
rst with their loads of human beings ,
fad it not been for the fnct that but few
f. the hands were on the third and
mirth floors at the time , scarcely a lifo
rould have been saved.
The list of deaths ns sent to thejjfcso-
iateyi press to-night is believ ke
lie first thoroughly correct OQJflS B
eeu published. It is not "PS |
ras at first feared , but still fSpPIM
* "
" '
• - ' -
1 - .
* * * "
O - *
. ' i
? - t
. . "
1 g "j
ovor thirty cieatf and a nnrabar are still i
missing , aud there is bnt one belief , and
that is that probably a dozen or more of . . , .
tho missing arontilf / boneath the debris. *
Tho coroner has summoned a jury , and ff |
to-morrow will begin an inquest on tha : . "A
bodies. -4
Fivo men woro roastod to death in th r'M
Boodins railroad carpenter shop. Thsy | |
will hold no inquest on tho silk mill un * - n
til thoy aro satisfied that all are taksn V | |
out. < rj |
Mr. Grimshaw , tho Iessoo of the mill , - - 'm
estimates tho number .dead at from thir- . ; , ; J |
ty-flvo to forty. A number are so sari- J ; ' | |
ously injured that thoy will dio. 'AM
Tho loss to tho railroad company by la '
burning of tho pnint shops and passen- ' n |
ger cars is probably $05,000. Tho loss &
to tho silk mill ami machinery is about m
An associated press reporter was at -/M
tho silk mill all night and witnossed \4
somo most heartrending scones. Bola * 'J4
Uvea and friends wero running about in Ta
thoir frenzy and griof seeking for lost B
ones as though deranged. . 4
Tho incoming trains this morning con * j
tinned pouriug into this city their 1 *
crowds of strangers , and nt noon it was ;
estimated that 10,000 porsons surrounded * j
tho sccno of tho Bilk mill disaster. 4
Theso greatly interfered with tho work *
of , removing tho dobris and taking out !
tho dead and finnlly tho Beading artille
ry , tho city's only military organization , |
woro called out and ordered to tho ruins ' •
to keep back tho crowds. This morning - -3
eight moro bodies wero takon from tho
ruins. Tho confusion is groat , and a full
list of tho dead and injured is not ob- -i
tainablo. Considerable monoy hifti been ;
contributed for tho reliof of tho sufferers
and benefits havo also been arrangod.
Tho latest estimate of tho killed has
been reduced to fifty , but this is uncer
tain , as no ono knows how many human
boings still lio beneath tho mountain of
brick , mortar and timber.
Tho oyolone loft tho ontiro city in
darkness , which was only relieved by
tho electric lights nnd imgo bonfires ,
which shod thoir lurid glaro on tha
scene of death. All night long bravo
and willing hands assisted in tho work
of rescuing the victima of the mill acci
dent. The list of fatal cases will roach
100 , and may bo moro. Tho hospitals j
and undertaking establishments are I
filled with victims. Physioians aro all j
busy , and many private housos have j
been opened for tiro accommodation of I
the injured. I
Tho work of rescuo was greatly ro- I
tnrded by the singulnr manuor in which I
tho mill collapsed. It did not fall , but I
was bodily crushed down , falling in I
upon itself. Not a vestigo of tho walls I
aro remaining standing abovo tho stono 1
foundation , tho raftora and timbers of I
the flooring projecting in all directions. I
As tho building was steam heated , tho I
ruins did not tako firo , otherwiso not I
one of tho unfortunates could possibly 1
have escaped death in its most appalling I
form. I
Tho only eye-witnes3 to tho disaster , 1
so far as is known , was Mrs. Gennill , ro- I
siding on Mulberry streot. "At about 1
twenty minutes of six o'clock , " said sho 1
to ji reporter , "I heard an awful crash , I
and thinking it was tho now house which I
is beiujr put up along sido of us , I ran to I
the front door. A great cloud of dust
hung over tho silk mill , and I could hear I
the crashing of timbers and tho roar of
the falling Avails. Tho next moment I I
saw the mill a great heap of ruins , from I
the midst of which came such awful I
groaning nnd moaning and terriblo cries I
as I never want to hear again. Not a
soul did J seo como out of tho mill , and I
it seemed many minutes to mo beforo
anybody camo to tho spot. I stood
thero in the door , liko ono struck dumb ,
until my husband came running from
his work. "
Teams of every description , omni-
buses , funeral coaches , firo wagons , I
hospital vans , and private vehicles were I
pressed into service , and were running I
rapidly to and from the scene of disasfl
ter all night long , bearing the bodies of '
the wounded , dying and dead to their ' fl
homes or tho various hospitals. H
Georjie Grimshaw , one of tho proprijfl
etors of tho mill who was in tho office at fl
the time and barely escaped with his H
lifo , having received several severe ' "fl
wounds on his head , stated thero were , fl
to the best of his knowledge , about two • H
hundred nnd seventy-five persons , prinfl
cipally girls nnd boys , in the establishH
ment at the time of tho occurrence. H
Suggestions Set Forth In the Annual Slate- H
menf of Mr. Oberly. M
Commissioner of Indian Affairs Ober- H
ly , in his annual report , discusses the ' 'H '
act of Juue 29 , 1888 , by which the H
authorities and duties of the superinfl _ _
" "
tendent of Indian schools wero ex- |
tended , and reaches the conclusion that |
the most natural , economical , nnd offec- H
tive administration of the Indian school |
will be secured by enlarging the prerog- |
atives of tho superintendent first , by 4 |
placing under his immediate charge all H
matters connected with all branches of H
Tndian education , instead of restricting x |
liim to two lines of work in connection |
with but one class of schools ; and , seo- M
and , by providing that he-shall perform H
the otlicial functions necessary in the |
lischarjje of such enlarged duties |
through the bureau of Indian affairs , fl
inder which arrangement the commis- |
sioner of Indian affairs may place at tho fl
lisposal of the superintendent the on- fl
; iro official machinerv of the bureau , by fl
; he use of which nearly all business in fl
relation to the Indian school is and M
nnst be transacted. fl
The commissioner recommends some M
mportant changes in the methods of M
nnking purchases of Indian supplies. A |
nuch more satisfactory method , h * | H
hinks , would bo the founding of a H
mreau to submit to bidders a standard | H
ample of each article instead of submitfl
in ? a large varietiy of samples of each |
.rticle. Thus tho question of price H
rould have alone been considered in fl
warding contracts , and nothing more | H
could bo required of the commissioner fl
han the making of the award to the H
owest bidder. | H
The commissioner favors the exten- | H
ion of the provisions of the civil service | H
aw to the Indian service , and says that ' | H
le would advise that this extension be * M
oade immediately if he were not fearful |
hat if made now it would be robbed of | H
auch of its effectiveness by 'being attri- * M
tuted to partisan motives. He , how- M
ver , recommends that special applicants , |
or positions be required to establish ] |
heir fitness by ftirnishingsuch evidence M
s the commissioners may require , not . fl
nly from the applicants but from three |
eputable _ _ citizens personnally ac- fl
uainted with him. In conclusion the fl
ommission says :
"The Indian is commencing to appre- H
iate the fact that he must .become civlfl
ized must , as he expresses it , 'learn lifl
he white man's ways' or perish from f 1
iie face of the earth. He should be . f |
wight how to work , and all schools f H
! iat are open for his children should be , |
mools in which they will be instructed M
1 the use of agricultural and medianfl
1 implements. Tho Indian should be H
night hot only how fo-work ; lint also H
iiat it is his duty to work. The reser- H
ation system gives to the individual no |
icentive to labor , but puts a premium fl
n idleness and makes it fashionable. " H
President Dwight of Yale college does H
lis writing on an old fashioned secretary fl
hat is said to have been in the family M
100 years , and the puritanic , straight * |
jacked chair in which he sits looks as if M
fchad been in tha family at least a oen- H
m J