H _ _ . . IJjUiJLl'lLJU ' , IJgJBLXjL 33 | _ 1 By F. M. KIMMELL. m Official City and County Paper _ _ H * 7fy " " " gw'i i i . i i a i mi m F0R 92' _ • The leadern of the democratic pnit ) H are already collecting theHough Ar-li- H ler/'for the bulwark of their p'ntfnrm in H 92 , They have discovered tliuiClevuiaml _ R defeated the party by being limn st , in H his endeavor to curry out the part } H doctrine of free trade and gcnenil op _ position to pensioning the Union Sold _ ier. They have discovered that they H can't honestly advocate the cardinal H tenants of democracy mid win an clec _ tion : Hence there will be an effrt to H frume a ulutform susceptible.of two oi more constructions und place thereon _ _ as a candidate , who . can straddle t ie H whole business. There will be im H united democracy in ' 1)2 ) , ( Ji > tuibing tie _ _ menta are already disceruable. The. old H bourbon of ' 'befo the wall" whofie bisrot H ry jwd cast will nob allow him lo keep H up with the band wazou , niur.t fall out H * by. the wayside , aiui let the new South , H which is preparing to align itself , with H the advance guard , of a new party pans H To checkmate this unmistakable move H incnt is the work , of the old party lead H era. The platform must be a coat ol H many colors. It must ; contain a free H trade plank , a high protective plank , a tariff reform plunk and u reform tariff H plank , u prohibition plunk and a fiee H whiskey plank ; to the victor belongeth H the spoils plank , and u civil service H plank. It must be gotten up with the B view of catching all faction of deinoe- H racy and disgruntled republicans and yet will be positively sure of none , ex H cept the mugwumps. The democrats H lost power by going back on their B pledges to the people. Let the repub- B licans take warning and fortily tliein- B selves by being true to the party and B the people. B "Senator MandersOn s telegram exI B plains itself : _ L Washington , D. C , Jan. 15. Hon. A. H. Connor , Chairman Ilepub- lican Caucus , Lincoln , Neb. Telegram B announcing my unanimous nomination _ L to United States senate received. I am B profoundly gratified and appreciate be- I yond expression the great compliment , B paid me by my fellow republicans. Ea rn tend to all my heartfelt'thanks , which I H hope shortly to give personally. B Cha'iu.ks K Mandkrson. B - The Chicago grand jury has just B | made an excellent recommendation con- B ; eerning the boodlers of that city. It in that the names of the "boodle" com missioners , contractors and squealers be erased from all public institutions of the county and that the word "boodler " ' be cut into the marble in the same kind of letters. New Hampshire and Connecticut . the in the union that „ - - are only states re- > quire a majority of the votes to elect a ; governor. The New Hampshire consti tutional convention , now in sessionwill , probably decide to abandon the system. I ' = = = = = " - - Walter C. Newbury , with the un- derstanding that he would resign on or about March. 6th , was confirmed the 15th inst. by the U. S. Seuate to be pott- master at Chicago. The re-election of W. It. Furnas as ft * secretary of the state board of agricul- " " tural was a worthy recognition. s\ Croap Is a terror to younjr ranther8especl. j * Ujr duringthe winter months as It is then i \ most prevalent. It can always be prevented , - P \ If property treated as soon as the first pymn- J' \ toas appear. Hoarseness is theflrst symptom ; " * J thteiaeoon followed by npeculinr.muphcotigh. I If Cbamberlain's Cough Remedy is freely giv . • en saloon as these symptoms appear , it wiii J Invariably prevent the attack. There Is nc S daDRer In ffivlng the remedy , as it ctintains no 3 Injurious sufcetaaco. Fursalo by all druggists. / Chattel Mortgage Sale. JKJ Notice is hereby jriven that by virtuoora chattel mortgaxe , duted JuueSOtb , 188S. eiecut- ed bi' "W. W. Duubam to the Frees ti HockneJ Lumber Company to Secure the payment o I - ' one certain note dated Juue 30th. lSb8 , for the / sum of one hundred tbirty-seveu dollurs and - - forty cents. ( $137.40) ) with in teres tut the nitcot * " ten per cent , per annum from date , and upon "which there * is now due , one hundred thirt > - scvon dollars and forty centmind interest , and default bavinc been made in the pavment thereof , and uo proceedings at law buvinir been instituted to recover said money , lwib sell at public auction. Two bay mare yearling colts , Two roan horse jearling colte. Said Bale to take place in Trout of the First National Bank in the city of McCook , Neb. , on _ , - SaturdayFebruaryflth.JSSaat2o'clock.P.M. The Fkkes & Hocknkle. Lcmbgk co. THE KANSAS CITT STAR | ' * THE LEADING DAILT OF T1IK WEST. i ? " The Star is the acknowledged leading even l in f paper published in the West. S It contains In a concise form all the news of ' the world up to 5 o'clock P. M. of tin * day pub r lished. giving itspatrons the frehhest nent , from tweh'c to twenty hours in advance ol morning contemporaries. r It publishes the Kansas City Markets , and i tbo full and complete Live Stock and Grab \ Markets Including the closimr reports froiu * " New York , Chicago. St. Louis and Kansas City If _ TbeStarcontmlsand piibllnhea exclusiveh | " tbe full day Associated Press Reports , and v i * . large line of special telegrams. j * * • The Star has the largest averaire dnily circn j- 7 lation of any paper published between St Louis and San Francisco. ir " ; * ' The largo variety and good character of it- ! „ - * miscellaneous reading , its exhaustive tele g- . graph news , its forcible and Independent m I | < % , torances on leading questions makes It one of Xjt tbo most popular and influential papers put- § P- llshod in tbo West. - g * Ask yonr post-master , or write for a gumplc * . & copy. | * - TERMS : \ gOnemonth • „ . . % &s I - Three months , - . * . • 1 ( K 1st * ; , . Oneyear , , 400 Ijij - GIVE THK BTAR A Till A L. K % \ Soraral years ago Chamberlain & Co. , of Dcs Mv-/ Mauset , Iowa , commenced the manufactun M of fteeerk remedy , believing it to bo the mos > wc • proapt and reliable preparation yet produo m , ' ed tor oougfeg. colds , and croup , that the pub Wt * Ho appreciate true merit , and in tima it wae . % ; - " ecrtsiH to become popular ; Their most san- rl < K9AM feopes tiavo been more than realized. Mpl Gwrt&re * ktrndred thousand bottles of Chain- -j t > efMfl'0 Cough Remedy are now sold each t - ' r r. * tid ft is recognized as "the fetwt made. " * , j- - wlnffPr i * if known. It will cure a severe t % , ' enM in leas tine than any otbOT treatment. For g1' wtopyUflruwFfetg. W FOR SALE. * * _ fl&L. ' A choice bunch of feeding barrows , W : . * ? rt * loi of small pigs. &l- * J. F. BLACK , $ * - • t I HBMfigB * swaaM Mpr w Mr * BaM fi BUPEPSY. This Is what you ought to have. In fact , yon niuntlmve It , to ruby enj.iy lire. Tboitsaiid * are ' searching lor It daily , and mourning , be out i bo'they find It not. Thousands upon thou ii sands i of dollars are spent annually by our people i In tho hope that tliny may attain this boon. 1 Audynt Ituuiy boh/idbyall. Wo guar antce that. Electric Hitters. If used according to directions and tho use persisted in , will bring ' you good digestion and oust tbo demon I'yspepsla and Install Instead Rupcpsy. We recommend Electric Hitters for Dyspepsia and j all diseases of Liver , Stoiuttch and Kidneys. Bold i at Wo. and $100 par bottle by A. ilcMlllen , druggist. i Nkw Yiiiik i riY Is tiisikinu mi effort t < re duce , the number of snloous so as ' to mn e one Fal'inu for every 150 men , women , and children. " It Is tbo Democratic method of soberiiii up. A Scrap of Paper Saves Her Life. II was Just an ordinary scrap of wrapplny paper , but It saved her life. Sho was In th- last j staves orconsiunption. told by ph > slclam < that t she was Incurable and could live only a short tl.ne : she welyheil Its * than seventy pounds. 1 On a piece of wrapping paper she read of Dr. King's New Dlncovery. and got a sample bottle ; it helped her. sho bought a j largo bottlo. It helped her more , bought an * other and trrew better fast , continued its use and isiinwstrong.healiljv , rosy , plump , wertth- Ing J 140 pounds. For fuller particulars send Stamp to W. H. Cole , Drusrifist. Fort Smith Trial bottles of this wonderful discovery free at A. McMlllen's drug store. Piinrvcmus HpritiK * il' \ * rs. tempted In ethereal ' mildness are puitlmr forth their buds and making ready to Mnpsoin In the parks of llnltlnore. ' The public is shivering In antlci pinion of the story ubnut the first robin am' j tho ambitious strawberry. Persons troubled with ehroulo diarrhoea or Sill jret to bowel ciiinplnliit in any form , should try Chitmberhiiu's Colic. Clio'era mul Dlur rhoea Itemed v. Many chronic eaFPsthat bad resisted all other t rem men t have been cuied by it. Fur sale by all druggists. - • M. C. MAXWELL. BREEDER OF Short Horn Catlie , Stock on hiinil at all times. Fain : one mile south of .MuCouk , N * b. = . iff * CONSUMPTI0 It has permanently cured thousands of < cases pronounced by doctors hope less. j If you have premonitory 3ympj j toms , such as Cough , Difficulty of ' Breathing j , < fec. , don't delay , but use . ' CURE CONSUMPTION ' PISO'S J for immediately. i By Druggists. 25 cents. ' fTTiTTinnirTTTir- " nmr n 1.n il illnlln inlil - % ifl - , 4 * . - , H-vt vfv , ; f l a smmmsasmmmasmsi i > ii mmstmm CIrcot from tho Front. Knoxville , Tenn. , July 2,1888. The Swift Spec 'lc Co. , Atlanta , Ga. : t'cn' .lemcn I can cheerfully and truth , fully say * hat S. S. b is the , greatest blood Eunficr on earth. In 1884 I contracted lood poison. Physicians treated me with no good results. I took a half dozen drcr- ; ent kind3 of blood medicines , but , without receiving any permanent relief ! I was in duced to try .S. S S. I began the first bottle with the gravest doubts of success. I had been so often deceived. But im provement came , and I continued its use until perfectly well. I have since married , and have a healthy family. No trace of the disease is seen. Swifts Specific did all tliii for mr , and I cm grateful. Yours truly , J. S. Strader. 118 Dale Ave. Kemp , Texas , June 2. , 1888. The Sjvift Specific Co. , Atlanta , Ga. : Gentlemen A sixteen-year-old son r * mine was afflicted with bad blood , and broke out with an eruption on various parts of Iii < body. I put him to taking S. S. S. , and a few bottles cured him entirely. I live at Lone Oak , but my post-office is at Kemp. Yours ttuly , W. S. Romnson. - • • Three books mailed free on application. All druggists cell S. S. S. Thk Swift Specific Co. , Drawer 3 , Atlanta , Ga. New York , 756 Broadway. PREDMORE BROS. , Blacksmithing and Woodwork. IIobse Shoeing a Specialty. Repairs Wagon * and Buggies In a Work manlike Manner. Ml Work Warranted. McCook , Nibraski * 8HOP South or Badger Lumber Yard. Wm. M. ANDERSON , AGKNT Flilt The Mutual Life Inuircc Co. OP NKW YOHK. ALSO A FULL l.nE np FIXl : AM ) l.ICI T ING INS. offick : lludilli'St'iii ' s liiimlinr Yard , McCook. ALLEN'S TRANSFER , Bus , Baggage v0 Dray Line. F. P. ALLEN , Prop. , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. Pfllest Equipped In tho Titr. I.oavp nrde i at Commercial lintel. Good well water Ii nisbed on short uotice. > ' j > • * 4 V - ' f K- • . * f ' ' fi > - v. - ' , * " TJs . . ' , - ' " " • * . * t' > * & ' • * t < 1 ' * % A. OPPENHEIMER , Dealer in ] ry Gocfts , Klotlimff , Crecerles , Etc. , * Babcock Building" , Will Occupy * this Space Next Week.v ( - - ' - < c < 3 * • - v * - * * t < V * * - -4 - > • } . • - - _ • * . • - & < * * K 5 ' - * i \J ' * mmm - ' \ iiHW i I i - T hands result from two causes. Too much al'raii I.i . CHAPPED draws the natural oil from the skin , leaving it Ibirs. . dry , and liable to crack , or the fats , from which the soap is made are not properly combined with the alkali , so , from its greasy mrun- it is impossible to rinse off the soap after washing. Prof. L. eds Ph. D. , Stevens Institution of Technology , says : "The Ivory Soap. while strongly cleansing , leaves the skin soft and pleasant to the touch , iiutead of harsh , uncomfurtabe , and liable to chap. " A WORD OF WA RNING. There are many white soaps , each represented to be "just as good as the cIvory' ; " they ARE NOT , but like all counterfeits , lack tfn-pactriar and remarkable qualities of the genuine. * Ask for "Ivor/ " Soap and insist upon getting it. Copyright 1SSC , by Procter it Gamble. FOfi SALE ! OUli STRING OF Lumber Yards/ / Located in Live Towns. ipifiiils First-CIass. M If , Clean &B ilt Cajllal ipirefl , $125,1. $ * * * ! * , * * -a * * * * * * * If these Yards are not sold as a whole before June 1st , they will be offered separately. Address , GEO. HOOKNELL , McCook , Nebraska. J. A. YanShoik , AG NT FOR THE Singer Sewing Machines ALSO KEEPS OX HAND A FULL LINE OF Repairs and Supplies. ffice. in McMillen's Drug Store , - • * McCook , Nebraska. He MriM Li ifi W Ci . OF McCOOK , NEBRASKA. Wakes First Mortgage Loans on farm Property OFFICE IN FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILOINO. * = . . . . . A CAMPBELL. Phesiocmt. B. M. FREES , 1st Vice PriozHT. . , . . . . . GEO. HOCKNELL StcRrT.nv. s. L. GREEN , 2o VC PlUWPMT. Ii Files CLOTHINGCa l\ * " * . , > * . ue < - 4- 4- + + - + -M- + + + + + + + + + + i. Jgj - r y \ \ ' \ Onrliegnlar Semi-Annual j : - CUU1IE OUT SALE | M A It K E D . r I Is now going * on. I IN ' I PLAIN \ fi F I G U It E S. Y / 1 r - 1 / i 1 ( 1J We are giving" 1 20 Per Cent. Off j On all Winter Goods. 1 ? I ' ' 'I : - ' : - - ; | STRICTLY ' I 0NE We never carry 1 " " ' ' Over Mi if Lor Prices | Will sell them. I II I I | fl TIE FAMOUS CLOTHING QL | JONAS ENGEL , Manager. ijl J. F. CANSCHOW. I ' = it M * * * 1 ' I 1 9 i " I ' & - H 1 j ? imS0 & Jj , | I 3 o I q r ! I g Christmas Gift. p j I # > ; I LA'DIKP , if you wish to make your husband or gen- * | < tlcinnii iripiid a present , think of a nice pairoi alipiier. , I r \ and get them at Gansehow ' a. iTJ I GENTLEMEN , iF ynu want to make your wife or * -j- < . ' fl LM lady friend a present. let mo whisper good tidings to A } ou , and don 't you forget it. J U ! I W • . . . . O I | A nice pair of Button B..ots ora fine pair of Slippers > J H * willurIy please , and you will hoisr be remembered ' fl l ± \ thereby. Come and sec the elegantelection at • 9 < I fP . 1 - ; J. F. GANSCHOW'S , ff ) ' I ( l | McCook , Neb. TheOld Reliable. " E & W w 2 I j. d : I O m ] w i r. . I X a w i I * " I * i I 1 i I I ; I I j I J. F. CANSCHOW. I i . L ' I