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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1889)
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' " • : " u f- " l - * • ' ' -a " ' Bfc ' ; = - is a BVOLUME : VII. • McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING , JANUARY 18 , 1889. NUMBER 34. JH Bt B ; - > j | , _ • _ , - tB ) m _ YOUR CHOICE B of . ouji nEATERS at FACTUAL COSTN- I- - for THIRTY DAYS ONLY at THE PIONEER HARDWARE , iifil I LaTOURETTE & CO. , IKL Hf. " Brick Store , Main Avenue , 4 doors south of J. C. Allen & Co. I 1888. Fall Season.1889. . - : - . - : - . i ] The fact that my efforts in the past to produce . . none but of the highest standaid of excellence have been appreciated by friends and customers , _ ? as shown by my large and rapidly increasingbusi- f * ness , lias encouaraged me to still greater exertions V. _ for the Fall and \ \ inter season. f if Collection if Fine Fairies : For gentlemen wear , is now complete , and it will > : give me pleasure to have you see my stock , vhicli i is as large and handsome an assortment of new ( goods as can beshown by any of the best houses in larger cities. 1 am better prepared now to exe- f cute all orders promptly , and give the trade styl- * ' . ish and perfect fitting garments. } i L. BERNHEIMER , i McOonk , Sebraska. MEKCUANT TAILOR If l ft Frees & Hiil Lite d' ' \ - ZZTDEALERS IN = = { LUMBER ! ; Sash , Doors , Blinds , Lime , Cement , HAED MP SOFT COAL. % . r _ ' ( /j jn t Cjs s _ II w - • lyj\5 " _ _ _ _ _ rXJ _ I5 c- - | , MiB lDOIQ MM3. . § - - * Authorized Capital. - Paid up Capital , $50,000. 1 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS : HV GEO.HOCKNELL , President B m. FREES , Vice-President . . V . . F. L. BPOWN . . , CASHIER . . . . * : A. CAMPBELL. J. C. ALLEN. S. L. GREEN. . I SUBSCRIBE FOR 4 fJ | [ TRIBUNE/1 / $ l 50 A YEAR - | f BUSINESS DIKKCTOKV. 1 liy ( ) N.fKNMKfS. .TOIMI WH.UY jnmngs&vikV | : STTORNEYS AT - : - LAW ' Will prnrtlcf in ( lie Si e iind I'nitfil Rtm ! > itrl ! . mill In. I'oro \ \ \ > > ' < l OIJUt- • Ti-iul mif'iiiiiiu Bivt'ii Coll'iidiis. . O/lu / - .crUJii/tMif. Itidik , Mc < • • • .o . TIIO.S. COLKIOH , ' \TTORXKY - : - AT - : - LAW A.VI ) \ > TAUi' ITIIMO. Kt'ii ! Kfttatu Itniiant : inl Scilt ! nnil ( * nll > < 'trn • l-sili * . Money IniMii-'l mi rciil''SiUc msil tli : fitnf. Avcm r < Tiic < ilii Lund Co. OlfifL1 , ovi irini-rs & Mci-c' .KUiiM Hunk. It. M. JsNAVKIA' , VTTO NKY - : - AT - : - LAW INDIAN'OL.X. SKIUSASJCA. Will pmcticc In nil tinSlum itnil fni : lutes Courts. AHo , licforc lh . l.aml Ollico. - IrCook uiirt tlic departinunt r.t Vt'uslilnutou * IW Gil Wr . CO LI ? , LAWYER , McCOfHC NKJJUAPKA. Wlirpruciice 111 all the Courts. - Comincrci : n < l ciii * | > ( > iittion law Sieciuliy. | MONEY TO LOAN. : oonif 4 ami " ) , First Nut'l Ititnk Iluildlng. i j. iin-n.MiiiuriK : , vr. n. rrtin Mcu'oo ! ; . luiliuuiila Rutenlinuse & Starr , Attorneys $ s.l f Lai OKPHT.a at McCOOK AND INOIANOL A. t. m ni-i.M. c. w. n.wis. is tJ. 3. Li Lite : f Zn. Lis : 3Ji OCeo.IirTin.Kis. Wshtos,2 3. IJKLM & PA VIS , \ttorneys. Lan.I W Loan Agent ? McCOOK N'KIIUASK \ . If ynu iiuw inlitlii-iilt. routi' .ot enso to i > ro-j • ittj or ( lo'V'iiil mill wurii to v in consult u- • iiiee. ncirih or IT S Laivl OJIicu. from Shim • icnt oT the Citizens Itioik. H. G. DIXON , "teai Estate and Loan Brokei itcCOOK. N'K. 'IHASICA. Spfolal uttontion iriwn tr the sale ofuii • ropi-rty. FIousO' ' rcni l ninl cnllcctio1 • milo. Olfiye : Kcnrol'Citi/cii < ltiik. T. U. STUTZMAN , M. D. . xiectic Physician and Surgwn OCULIST AND AUIUST. mCOOK , NEi : ASK e _ OHci'in : McNoely nuililinir. Main St. U. 15. DAVIS , M. D. , 'HYSICIAN AND SURGEON MuCODK KfiliKASKA < f Ofiioo at Chooery's ilruastoro. . L. J. Sl'ICKHLAlilOli , M. D. , 'HYSICIAN AND SURGEON Spjcial Attsij 3i02 toFcasle 33isis3. Odico houi-F. ft-om ! • to II A. M . nntl - ' to t V i . mountain tunc. Ollice * Over Farmers i : urciniiiis bank. Dr. Z. L. KAY , ilYSICIAX AN'i ) SURGEON McCOOK. - - NKHKASKA. • CSK Ofiice : Hoom No. 1. FiivtXatonal Bank 'liiildinir. Kr-si < ! ence. onMarshall crtei. A. J. THOMAS , DENTIST Ailtnutiftors Gas if dcsircl. "Oilice over o > ti's tirick. O. W. MINKLKU , KOKMKItr.V COUNTY - : - SURVEYOR , Mc'OOK , NKIUtASKA. Will < lo all kinds of Surveying. Gradine nnd Civil FinKineuriiij , ' . Ucsidcuce nonh of school house. - THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL , Geo. E. Johnston , Prop. McCOOK. VEItKASKA. This house has been completely renovated and rufiirninhcd thn u > rlu > ur. and is tii-st-class in everj respect , lisiies reasonable. W. M. SANDEHSON , ; DECORATIVE - : - ARTIST , ; SCENIC PAINTER , Caleimininv. Graininc. Paper Hanging , etc. with neatness and ilispatch. * JOHN G.V. . F. FLEE.MING , ' i House and Carriage Painting , - DRAINING , CAI.ClMININn , J AKBLINQ , ( MCCOOK , NEllltASKA. i Leave al' ' orders at the dniK store of Albert MeMib'n. First-class workiruaranteed. jTh. BEiSTNETT , GONTRAGTOR I OF \ ' BRICK AND STONE , . McCOOK. - NEUUASKA. F. D. BURGESS , PLUMBING , Steanf and Hot Water Heating , ; - North Main Ave. . McCook , Neb. _ tT * All work receives prompt attention , BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The BK8T Salvk in the world" for cuts , brut ? e . sor s. ulcprs. salt rhPirn. fevt > r sores , tei .ter. chapped hands , chilblains , corns , nnd ai Bkiti eruptions , and positively cures piles , o no pay req ii I red. ItlsjrtiHrnhteod tnjrirppw * ot satisfaction , or money rorundiHl.t Prit > " K uti p r box. For sale bf A.SJoMlllon. ' ) ' • v. : . . . . . iMiMiBMilBB HIHIHHHMHBHfe flit M $ $ ® & friJap , QN TO INDIANAPOLIS. SOMB FACTS KOIl TIIK I'llliSIUK.NTKI.KCT 1 m L4ND lIUSINhSS OKWKSrilUN NiitltA K \ UK- MllltAI.IZKll IIV TMK UKMUCltATIC AltMlMS TKATION IlKIMItTUKK OF A UKtiKOATION Til UIIQK UI'ON Mlt. IIAKUI.SO.N 'Jllw NtChSSlI V ill I'lrrrtNU a wkstkun m n ai * thk hkad ut TUIC LAND UKFAIITMKNT. A party of half ad zuutfuutloineii deeply li • terestud in thu devulopuiuui of iliu tvehiein part of the statu started Saturday tor iniiiau npohs for thu purptiso of ecouniiw ; an inter view with thu prusidenteleet. Thuy do nut { fo to boom any particular man Tor a poaiiion in ihucaldiiut. but ihey will ni eilmi a wesiern man bu placed at the head of thn laud depart ment. .Mr. Jj. Morse , treasurer of Dundy counti * . came in yeMerdny with a laruu packiiKu < > i documents and siat'sticul matter which wilt be brought to the attention of Mr. Harrison. * The people of the western part of the siau Imvo suilered Ki' 'atly on account of I he con lomptiblu policy of ihu lan > coiiiiniosniuer , ' t > aid Mr. More > e to u Journal reporter , "and thuy desire to havu tli" laud deparltnent pin in the hands of men who have some Kiuwiedti of thu needs of the west. Thu vuiue oi tlic laud in the southwestern part of ttie stale Into been depreciated greatly by the foolish work of thu department. For thu tiist time in the history of Dundy county we have corn aim hogs to ship out tins jenr. having beeu bless ed with ugowd crop. i'ih-ed ot land ought i b llriu. and constantly increasing , 'ihe laci is that we can i gut more ilian we could nw. and three ears ago wneu Hie couutiy was perlectly new. v Uj 't IKc.tune nooou uaii.s to tiny a law sun. i'uai is Hie iSl ol the w lum matter. 1 have in m > grip copies ol lei lets lioin ihu dep.trlmuiiL in reganl lo a mini burnt claims upo.i tvluch paienio aro tvuhiieiu. 'Ihu oUicutls are apparently anxious lo iiurasa tue seillers as mucli us luey can , auu caiiKU trouble upon thu siigu.eoi tecniucalit > . I'm ems have been wn.uliuid for years , because Ihu business ol llie olliue-lias m arrears- Final proof is inude. and iheu the lain ! isultliei Siild l vo or lluee llllfcri , each ptlichaner sup- ' posing that luu issuing ol Hie palenl is oui > u mailer of nine. Tou can see hai n panic u will lUrovy luu bujuro 111 when lln.llnu that tin ; laud deparimeut is uispoaeu lo reiuec lUu putuuts upon uimosi any pretext. It uuaciiii 8 values , uriVes out lliu loan and invest mum companies.uiidiendaiudibcourageev'eo bnUj. Under the repuuueau adiii.iuslr.itiuu thu pat uuts were issued juat as soon as iuu worK could be done aliur tliu tiual piools vvun made. Nou inco ttiu yuar itsf ) . only 7 'Upai ems havu beuu received at .Sorih rlaiie unu .vlcbuoK lanii otllci-S , wane Uiial pruola havu been inude l-i ihu iiunn.urol 7 4 . iliu naianci aro jusi held in uiu nuad ollice , apt > arenil > tic cause thu ollicuio vvant lo find some gruuuo lor rutuaul of the paiunt. Thuru is p < .rnapb no maiicu in it. It is perliaps just ignorance and otiiciouaiieas. 'lho land lentiie ol tin SouthiVuatui'U corner ot tile olalu baa litui. Kept in a state ot niiiiiuil blnce lWd. and In reaUil ot It all isunl tvvcivc canccllalioiib in luu Atcuuoii uiatncl. and vvcru cast wnero no del ease was maue. ' \\u want a western 111.01 al ihe head of ihu dupartmeiit. lue vvualern peup.e uii not u.t a lax auministralluii of liie niuU luvvs. It is it. tneir lnlerual to navu ail ol the laws property unforcfd. What Uiey oojlui to is ihia bio' .v nura 111 aituudiog lo the business , and this cou- leiupuolu relusal of paieuib on iliu iuosl in vial prutuxis. X'uis .s iuu reason we ate gun g to Indianapolis lo see Air. llurnsoo. " The papera carried i y Me. ivioisu show that a great ueal ol wiong is uuiiu lo ihu people ol the west by ihe pecubai uielhuUS of uoint ousiuess suice tile democtuia uav'e tnat couirt 1 of iuu him ! ueparimeui. in iuaii > eases , pat ents are ruluacd vviicru corieci liual proois tvure uutered two and liircu yeatb ago. 11 is otlen iinpoaaible to linn ihu original aelllerto ll.ive new prools mauu. and uUans are thus left , in a saUI > uuxcu suite. Tliu piuij , euiiaisuug oi.iVeasurer Morse oi . Uu'ndy e.niiily. lion. G. L. Laws , sceretary' stale , and Aicasrs. Uoiau ol Ked Wulotv , iiar- vuy ot Oriuaiis , itilla ol lteiiubiieau cny aim Ivy ot liHjeb eounlj , st.ilen lor li'tiuoni Sat urday aiieruoon. aiate .loiunai , jan. 115. tJ.M.vUA Kbl'Uill.lUA.N UF IL'i.SoAV. Thu vveai also haa a suing ileieguiiuii heic lo-U.ty troiu VjOlor.iuo , ivansus. Ua nota and vt iom.iig. 1'Uu prxiuuienl uielubeis ol ibe purl ) tvero liie Hon. G. fj. ljtiws , aeure lary of aiuie fur .Neor.tSi a ; ihe Hon. J. vv. iVej.oi iia e.t Cenlie , rvco ; l . A. llarvey , oi Oi'teaos ; Juuiib W. Utilan , ot ludliiiiola , iNeli : i. K. limiiiil. n , ol iNcWuni , K..s ; ueor u vv. Liiiiuit-y , ol Liatvoia , and H. it. Minur , ot Kapio oily , , xhe uauiu to luj oeloru thu preaideni elect ' maiteis relating lo alleged huuicaieuu irregularilles v/ulch liiej , and tliu \ cojne lu prusem eu by ihtm , ihinK he snuuid bu m ; quaiuled vvitu. 'lUOj urged hm lo select a uroad man lor life lolt-riur dL-parlliieut , vvlio tvuuld ileal the bulllers ltvin _ uu tioiuesieaU ? vvitu humauil > , aim encourage llietn lu prove up and secure lilies lo Iheir uolUmgs , lusteuu oi impeding tln-ir eU'tirts in ihis direeiiou b „ > lechiucaliiies. Secretary of auilu Laws sajs ' th.ti many homesieaders llml il aimt < si itupns- - aline lu secure lilies ; that tliu laud Ueparl meiit is irom thiee lo seven years iiehind in issuing patents. As an uxumule hu cites the cuiidiliou ot affairs in ihu .uuiJuuK , Acu. . lauu ollluu. wheru&ti claims have been suapeiiiieu and ihe owners put lo an expense ol S-tw , tvuicb lliey.cnuid not atford , yeilnig witoesseo aud going a long distance lo prove itieiriueu- tili and position. Uui oi 7 U cases of filing ol prnofs in tliut otiicu only iweivu Have lieun u.iuculled. There la good reason lo believe tnat the NebraUKU uelegaies suggested ttn- coiisideratiuu ul tlou. J. M. Tluiision 's name us u suitable head lor the interior department. i A Breakfast Idol Shattered. Another idol bhatteied. A physician in The _ American .Magazine , mi.vs that the practice of oegiuuiiig lueaKlast vvitUoaimeai has caused more d > spepsiu than any other single Labit that he recalls. "It places , " he says , "a laj er of sticki , pasty , carbonaceous food against a .nluuibrauu that is alruady torpid enough and needs b'hiii | stimulus of fruit or douche of ' wuier to start gastric secretions , instead of a clogging ma.s like the meal , that all day lung Works ill until it is gotten rid of. " Possibly thu blacklisting of workmen by employers has been grossly abused. At least tbrttseem 's to be the view taken of it by ihe representatives of New Mexico. The is la tino of that Territory has passed a law making i a misdemeanor for any corporation or firm of any kind to blacklists former Miiplnje. and _ fixes the punishment for thu violation of the sa ie at a fine of § 500. An injured parly may also iceover dainujies under he actIn look ing at thu labor question one fei-s that both blacklisting and boycut ting should bu avoided. One interferes with the rights uf labor and thu other with the rights of capital. Doth aro wrong. IS Nr.miAsKA to be turned into a national seminary for the educat'on of pedagogues ? Fifteen bills have been introduced into the legislature for thu establishment of normal schools , and all the buck counties have not yet beeu heard from. _ * il MS WOOD YARD. > T0VE W00f > ! KINDLING WOOliJ 1-FOOT WOOD ! 2FOOT00D ! 3-F00T WOOD ! • 1-FOOT 'WOOD ! m\Y \ WOOD ! GHEEN WOOD ! § 00 Cords of Wooil Now on Iiantl at A.Y. . Corey ' s Wood Turd. Only Wood Yard in the City. BrST * Orders jinuni Hy filled by Iler- inii \ & D : > LtiZ"s : , Drayiiit'ti. Hall , Cochran & Co. , DKAI.KKS IX • ' Implements , Etc. A complete stuck of rUTLKRY ' , STOVES , • • TINWARE , BARB WTIIE. WINDMILLS , OILS , ETC. Lowest Living' Prices. WKST DKNMSOX STRRKT. McCOOK. ' - - NEBRASKA. TB " T T "I Fi You will find n pplondid line of Cloths , Cashmeres , Yor - Fteds. Loudon Suitings , and Trniiseriuos , anil a couii'li'te assortment of S | rinr ; and Fall Overciialiiijis. Also E-qiti- luau Hcuvers in all shaded at DRYSD&LE'S Fine Custom Tailor Shops , opposite the new p stofiiic. . . „ Gondfits jitaraiiteed. Thir- < tv-five years ' experience in New York City. MAIN AVENUE , McCOOK. NEP Hcrian & DesLarzes , Proprk'tors of tlie McCook Transfer % City Bus Lino litis to and front all trains. Coal linnlim uui . jrenera ! ilelivety. Tlirei * lnis. . Ai vnrfc promptlvatti'iiiliMl to. feave orders a a i b * reis t& llockuell Ltim o.iV.inl. . _ _ _ > _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Blue Front Livery Stable I ) ; D. S3IITH , Propriiitor. Livery , feed uui salebibles. . Finest Mini its in the city furnished. Uiirti , rear Alir liltt-i' I Intel. _ _ _ _ _ i -uu - | | | Tmn-r R. H. COLE , "The Leading" fi ul j null I I tiillii OF .McCO'JK , FOR First- a ss Tailoring . TTavin r a Wee stop ! : of Fine Suiting mi Troiii'riii s , I will furnish them • • • • up Tttr tln to' .vt liil days. t.e. Mccracken , The Insorance * gfi McCOOK , KEDRASKA , Writes Indemnily against Fire , Light jng. Tornado and Hail Storm. 'The "M'ascotte. ' . " 1 ' r improved Heel-Piate f y MACHINE. 1 ) S S Wc have the only - * V > ] R Machine in town. ' ra I Plates attached to wfllll I Bubbera of all kinds I mm • at our STORE. 1 SBtfi &fflb BUY YOUR ' . , iSi _ al i 3 _ _ S _ § _ aB ; THE J' EVJASCOTTEL " IV U U U JLJ IV Vj } With our IMPHOVED IIEKL PLATE . \ on and show them to your friends. They will make your rubbers No where in this country can be found _ _ _ # a better assortment of rubber goods. See ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • our line of KHB | P11PD b I HIT ! \TDP1Q ! 1 DO wjilfflf • ' ) lilu uillll ujjuylulLluua v # 1 In Rubber Slmes , all made of fine Jersey cloth , 1 are the most stylish , best fitting goods in the ' , P market. These goods are especially adapted to line citj trade. W'e sell ' 'first quality' ' goods at the same prices other dealers ask for second and third grade brands. ( j t * * • * * * * * * * * * * We ( lre Headcjiiarfers For Wool Roots and Leather Boots and Shoes of every description. NOVKLTIKS in Ladies' and "F Gents' Slippers for the Holiday Trade. We save > J you money on every purchase you make at our srv store. _ _ " " m. m * . . , . . - . . , . 1 , 1. "BOSTON BARGAIN SHOE STORE. " [ : V- . Jl'EItA HOUSE BLOCK , - AlcCOOK , NE131IASKA. h 3 _ J • : . I CITY BAKERY. 1 j FRESH BREAD j \ \ DELIVERED EVERY DAY EREE OP CHARGE. \ f ! i t \ - PIES-CAKES-CANDIES-NUTS- - - - - \ \ \ \ -0YSTERS-C1DEII-C1GARS- - - - - | \ -TOBACCO-ETC-ETC- \ I - - - - 1 ' . - f I LUNCH.ROOM IN CONNECTION. 1 ' , ; Cakes Made to Order. St. Paul Patent Flour. $ j A. PROBST , PROP. | i J if 5 1 J The Candy Kitchen j Is now losated in its nevquarters in the . | SGOTT BRIGK. " ; fl ' * A fine assortment of Candies of - . - H