The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 04, 1889, Image 4

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    H 5i.i5K MiE5BHiSiM M 'ii ' ii " ii"w iiii i mmmimSSSmti i
H lis Exfy& fflbm
fl By F. M. KIMMELL.
M Official City and County I'apei
H TlIG lfiomingtnii Guard dues tint < - .v
B pcct to be saved by Faith alone. Mr.
H Baxter in the junior publisher , we ub
H The legislature of Nebraska is ti < > u
H organized for work. We hope none ed
H our solons shall prove afraid of it we >
H mean good , honcht work Tor the cum
H monwcalth's best interests.
B The London Star Hi v'Grover Clcvc
H land is worth a quarter or a million do | .
B lare , and he will fettle down in New
H York at the close' of his prosiiienrial
Jj term. " This-scenirt to be authoritativ.
H 'St. Paul liaa her ice palace. Sioux
H H City her corn palace and New Orleans
B her cotton palace. It would be appro
1 priute for New York to erect a gin pal
B ace , and have Governor Hill lay the cor
H ner-stone.
H Already * certificates of election to
H | the next House of Representatives have
H been issued to 164 repu HeaiiP two
| more than a majority and to 159 detu
H ocrats. There are still two certificate *
H to be filled.
H { 1 Peace earth of
on to men good
H will" is a new but not improved render-
H ing of the colestial chorus at the advent
H Christendom takes more delight in the
H prophetic annunciation of the old ver-
H b ' ioii , ' 'On earth peace ; good will to men. "
M Will S. Kino , lately of ( he Hartley
B Inter-Ocean , has leased the Trenton
H Torpedo ; and , bringing as he docs , al.ii-
H , ity and experience to that paper , it may
H be expected that noticeable improve-
H xucnts will appear on the same at once
H Three young women of Rapid City ,
H Dale , at a dinner last December , it is
JH said , declared their intention never to
H marry , and agreed to dine together on
B the 23d of each December. Since then
Hl" three honorary members have been add
H ed to the "club. " They are the girls '
B husbands , and all six met at dinner on
fl the 23d inst.
fl A SINGLE house in Boston drew
fl drafts for $00,000 for Christmas gifts
m sent to Irish homes by American reni
H dents from ' 'the Grien Lde. " It tells
M a b.ctter story of the condition of
H Auierican laborers than all the oratory
H What Boston did was done by "very
H L / city of the land , not only to Ireland ,
Hrjf but to Germany , Sweden , aud other
f " lauds.
| B Mayor II iswitt t New York stop-
m ped out of office Tuesday , and his sue-
M cessor , Hugh J Grant , was given pos-
m session of the keys and seal. The iu-
| coming of a new mayor in New York
HT city is one of the important days in the
H metropolis. The mayoralty of that
B city is a more important office , in a fi
H nancial sense , than the presidency ct
fl ' * the United State = .
H An Eastern Democratic paper is
H growling about the iittle presents Gen
H eral Harrison has been rereiviim. If
H the editor will agree to pay charges we
H will guarantee that the General will
H gladly forward a black bear , two .r
H three jack rabbitsan eagle , a porcupine ,
B and other beauties. 'Hie fact is that
m the people are trying to make up to the
H General for the wear and tear of ear
B pets and other furniture , aud the de
B * .ntruction of fences and lawns during the
BH summer , but have not done so yet.
H A WRITER gives , in a late Centuiy ,
H an account of a visit to Nazareth in .
H Palestine , where it is related that Jesus
B fallowed the occupation of a carpenter.
H.- . From his description of the place , with
B its squalor , its dirt , its poverty , its beg J
m gars , and its lepers , the question a.-ked
B over 1,800 years ago would be pertinent
M now : "Can any go < > d thing come out < > !
Bj - Nazareth ? " Certainly , fiom the pen 4
B picture of the ancient village , it is nut (
M m a condition to-day to invite imuiigra t
H tion. i
f DURING the laj t year the new high-
H license law went into operation in P < ; nn
H sylvania , and the result already is a '
H very large reduction in the number of .
H saloons in the State. In 183 ? there .
H were 14,553 applicants fcjrlieense. The m
H number of applications last year under
H tthc more rigid conditions of the new
H 'law was 11,590 , and of these only 7.
H Ti'2-i were granted. Within a year the
H" " number of saloons in Pennsylvania has
H been reduced almost exactly half. But
H Third Party Prohibitionists insist that !
H such results are a great crime. n
In the January number of the North \
H American Review , Allen Thnrndike \
H Rice has a thoughtfnl article on the re- ' |
H form of American suffrage which is r
B worthy the attention of all win * are in | ,
ierested in seeing the best resultof „
I government achieved through the dec ; ,
I live franchise. He declares that a re- t
I form of election methods is the pressing I
B national question of the hour , and that , j ,
B it should enter into the next national s
B campaign. There is no question but
B the ballot , both North and South , is '
B and has been for years , persistently and t >
B flagrantly debauched. Good citizen.-
B are in favor of having this outrage come It
B to an end. * 1
B :
e :
B Several hundred statesmen are ; ; 1
M ; doubtless either on the way to call on t |
r the presidet elect or intend calling tl
/ upon him some time between now and p
m- the closing days of February , and sev , . ,
K eral hundred other statesmen have a ] a ,
1 , ready called. All this , of course , was its
If to be expected , and i * no more of a stirf f ,
In- prise to the object of tlu > ir visits than it
Ife , is to the average person who reuds about
1 - them. All our chief magistrates at w
[ | r , least all since Jacksonjiave bpei * nj
Up- ' obliged to undergo a similar experience sj
Bfc in the two or three months immediateh s <
K preceding their inauguration. Never ji
If theless , iu the extent to which it has f <
% grown iufco an abuse , which it demand-
* . bttement , * at
Till' lejri-lstiM'f of Vermont has ; . . • •
ed u l vv which it i * fafe to pttdie ! will
make tiouble. It pi" \idfh tluil" > t nliiill
tic * the duty of an ) sheriff or his deput\
r any constable to search , wit bout war-
iant , any wagnn , carriage , cart , sleigh.
> led. * * * * trunk , box , band
< g , hiitehel , liuudle or clothing , " eon
ve'd ' ' alnii road ortreet
ve\ ' or 'worn any ?
in the state , for intoxicating liquor , * "
if he thinks there is a chance of Huditiu
any by so doing If the sheriff or one
of his deputies can find any ol tin ; con
traband article he is entitled to one
fourth of the fine inflicted upon the
• ownerr keeper' ' of th • whisky , beer ,
wine or like beverage. Under this law
deputy sheriff's may search men or wo
men at any tune or placet , and under the
s.iiietinn thereof mainflict ali mamo r
oi iedi uities. ( ' Hiumeiitiuu up < ni t'ti- '
• xliaiir.tinarv li' i > latiuii the New York
World R'lys : • • Out' masearch iu vain
-iitmn" Uii-siiin statutes or edicts for an
instance where the prii.ciple peisonai
bin rtv is more dicei-th violated than
rijilit here , or where auth. > rity is given
umre completely the form and spirit , ol
despotic tyranny. "
TllEKE never wan a women sogiflrd ,
wealthv , beautiful or hiijh iu social po-
siiiou that she was not marred by a coid ,
distant and supercilious bearing Then-
are so many sorrowful things in life ,
there are so many hurts ami wounds for
all of us , it seems to me that every
woman ought to cultivate a sweet man
ner and a kindly glance for the stranger
or the acquaintance. It c.n.-ts nothing ,
and like a ray of sunshine , it warm- ;
and strengthens many a frost bitten life
whereon it falls 1 think some women
and girls have the idea that a haughty
and proud bearinsr impresses a stranger
with arouse of their importance This
is a mistake. The truly great are nev r
arrogant or cold , but modest and kind
in demeanor , while the. unworthy and
presumptions often assume an air oi
supercilious disdain with strangers to
hide their natural deficiencies. I < Ma
Wheeler Wilcox.
John L Sullivan generously per
mits Peter Jackson , the Australian
fighter , to challenge him. but positively
reluscs to meet hijn in } he ring because
Jackson ' is a colored man This is a
rosebud path by which to sneak • ut of
a hole. There is a flowing belief that
the colored gentleman iu question can
come ' very near placing a mansard roof
on ' the dome of thought of either Kil
ram ' or Sullivan , and he should not he
barred ' because he is a brunette. If Col.
Sullivan really desires to win the eonti
deuce ' aud affection of the public , as he
claims ' , he should go out of business as
a dramatic editor and commence fight
ing. ' Topics.
E. O. Wolcott was nominated iinan
imnusly ' by the republican leuislative
caucused' ' Colorado Wednesday for sena
tor ' to mieeed Senator IJowen. Ex
Senator Tabor has for months been '
making ' a most determined effort to sei
cure ( this nomination and to defeat Wol
colt , and in this effort he has been aid-
ed ' by a numherot the nroniiuent old
time ' politicians > f that state. Hut the
work of tins kickers has come to naught
and thei < ung republicans of the state
are jubilant Mr Wolcott is ine of
the < • • bs " " in age. b * in < r about Torty
V i > * ars old , and his uominitiou placi s
the t young re | u .licans of Culu > aiJo at
the t front.
A QUEER election epi.ode will come
bcfoie j the grand iorv when it next
meets at Indianapolis A man in Win
chester countv was iccenth arrested on
complaint of hi > wife , who allege * that
he | did nothing for her Hipport In his
answer heet out various provi.-ion > lu-
had I made for her. and included in the was the sum of $2 , which lie alleged
that he had reeeived for , and
had immediately paid over to her The
matter . came to the knowledge uf the
Federal hirers. ; ind he wi I be called to
account for either tinsale of his vote
or his ia.e oa' .h in sa\iug that he had
sold it '
Ol ? ail the Chri.-tnias piesuuts re- '
ce-ived by any bejng. tjie emior | > > r uf '
Cliin.i piobably cariie'ii o | thechoice ol ;
the wh"le hit. lli > mother , tin ; empress '
dowager , issued a preiciamatiem just be :
fore Christmas , commanding oikgirl
eif sixte-eu tei th ' emperor ' s ' " • first coo- '
seirt. " another ed' fifteen to be his • see ;
emd cein.-eirt' and a thirel , u girl of thir
teen , and -ister ed'cem.ent So 2. to
be his "cemenbine of the second rank
The emperor is emfy eighteen years eiiel
and for a } nuug man is pretty tetlerably
well fixe-d. It i > lietter tei be born with
an indulgent mamma tnan to be born i
rich. d
From it is
foreign correspondents p
ieaiued i that the British government is V
much , amazed at the attitude of # the geiv '
ermueiit of the United States towards
England ? failure to send a minister to t
Washington in place of Sackville West n
The omission te send an accredited repb
resentative iu Sackvillu ' s place is a dip * •
lomatic insult and ought tei have lieen j °
met by the withdrawal of our own min ,
ister at the court of St. James. But is
this | has not been done , neither has .Mr. r
Bayard taken any . t"jis teivyaid express c
ing his disapproval , of tlie. .course pur t
sued b } ' the British governlueut. M.
' • Turning the rascals out' ' has not °
been a very great success m the various „
treasury and subtr 'asury buildings bea
longing to the federal government , o
There has been more stealing of gov °
eminent funds in the treasury vaults h
md iu the redemption bureau within | . (
the last thirty days than there was in p
the last eight years uf republican rule oi
Perhaps this election eif November disl l *
ronraged the clerks and messengers , 01
ind tjiey concluded that honestv is not
own reward , and they must make Sl
liay right away while the sun shines. f , |
THERE are many smallends in tin- hi
world who are the natural enemies , aud n ;
waliiMiers of all men who havemade ; a , n
liuvritt jn JilV. The st. tesmau. the'h
scholar. nd fjje millionaire , however D
just and wise and generous jpiye to , „
feel the tongue stings nf the Hass of
misantlin pes whose li\e have been a ir ,
moceHsiou of fuilurts. • > ,
' . . . . . * 1
* - ' - i-l I - lmamVm * m ' * dimrm' X
- -
The Legislature.
The le-gislature cemveued eui Tues
da . organizing in the * senate by the
election eif the Hon Church IIowe a-
pn'sidi'iit pro tern. , Mr Walt. M Si-eh
as ehi.'f clerk , wiMi J II. Ka terelay. 1st
assistant erlerk ; S. Ii. Reiberts. 2nd as
sistent c-Ii'fk ; II M. We-lls. clerk ceim-
initte'e : of whole ; ( ! . Parkam , nergi'aut .
at arms ; S G B e-i'ii. assistantsergeant-
at. a ins ; B S. Gillespie , doorkeeper ;
\ \ > v J G. Tate , chaplain ; Mr IJayes ,
enndling clerk ; .Mr IIu.-te'ad , engross
ing eb'ik ; M K Getter , postmaster. In
the house' , Hem Jedui I J. Watsem was
chosen speaker ; Mr Brad. Slaughter ,
chied'clerk ; Thos Cooke. 1-t assistant ;
CKde Barnard. 2 < l assi-taut ; Nettb
Woitiiam enroHiiig clerk ; Jenim- I In )
I ind. enuros-ing clerk ; Kev S. 1 * . Dil
lon , c.iaplaiu.
Fortnightly : For some time past
fashion.itili' t"iiele'ii < :3 has been large
ly in the eli ee'tion ol'a consciousii"t to
sav wilful , thiiiues-of narrative material
The old merit' * eif fullncs" and "body ' '
virtues apparent ! } ' hereditary iu that
lini'aire of robust minds which can be
traced backward without a break from
George Eliot to Fieiding have been
growing rarer anil rarer. Tn their place
the art of making a very little go a verv
long way has been carefully cultivated
by undoubtedly de'Xtcmu * hand' * . Fie
Hon has almost reached the point eif
sheer bravado in some developments eif
the "society' ' novel , notably a species
grown in American soil , eir rather tn
New York conservatories and forcing
beds , and distinguished by an elaborate
triviality which no amoiiuteif cleverness
can render other than vapid Such a
fashion can never iu the nature of things
be longlived. . Those miracles eif inex
haustible nothingness , in which the
tiuie'st rivuh't of iui'ideut just trickles
across a continent of dialogue , cannot
long be : interesting , even as miracle's , in
an age to which the miraculous doe-s
not make a permanently successful ap
If there be any possible danger to
life and property that cannot be over
come by man ' s ingenuity it has yet to
show itself. The deadly elevat r has at
la-t bi'i-n rendered innocuous by means
of an air cushion If it breaks loose at
thp tenth story.or the fifth , it is received
on the cu-hion so safely that no harm
can be done. The Scientific American
tells of an experiment where an eleva
tor , weighing 2.300 pounds , equipped
with plate glass mirrors and loaded with
baski-ts of e-ggs and goblets of water
was cut loose and allowed to shoot down
eighty feet. The air cushion received
the elevator with so much ease that not
a drop of water was spilled nor an egg
broken. The pressure at the point ol
concussion was (50 ( (100 ( pounds.
While talking to John \ \ ise. Ruber' '
Ingersoll came in sight , and Wiseaid :
' • I would mueh like
not to play Inger
soil's i roli in this country. I said to him
not long ago : ' • Ingersoll , you go into a
hou-e 1 whi'iv the little children are play
ing ' with th'-ir dolls. You jump on the
doll ' hahietand smash them all up. Thev
begin ! to cry. ami when they are all cry
ing i for the bus eif their dulls you turn
around i and say. Good morning , I have
give'iiynu J a great , deal of common sense ' "
= = = = =
TliE people of Dakota have won a
substantial vii'tory m the decision of
Judge Ross. if the territorial supreme
court , who afijnned the right of tin
eouulies of the territory to levy taxe.
on railroad lands and to sell the saun
where the' taxes were neit paid. Tin
principle' invulveel holds good iu othei
sections of the country than Dakot ; . .
wh'Te y railroads shirk pacing taxes on
their lands
Tins nati ni needs two volumes ! ik • •
the "Coiup"iielium of the Tenth Census "
More than that is a waste of time an-
money. More than that , i * ; uude'imicrat
ie , and conduces onlv tei the engrossing
and forestalling of products by semind •
rels. To he printing the census of 1880 .
in 1SS8 di-graces ttie most ignorant b >
habitant , ft should unke the intelti
gent h-gi-lator turn < curht to think o
Uncle SamOfficer Leice , what's tin
charge against Hayti ? •
Otfie'i'r leuce lJisonlcrly coidut' | . . - i
Uncle Sim Three humlrcd ami lift
thousand dollars fine. '
Flayti Sacied AJe * finds me in z _
vat. you call , ze guuibo.
TllK won ! S'liilicare antl Phil.ulci | > hia an '
slowlv Inn surely becoming si'iinnyin'ius. The
Pliilieli > liliin | min.1 turns imtm-jilly to the s > i - "
diciite ielea. miel it Is u Tact uiiiijh seems to e-
cape e-oinineiit that. Philadelphia capital is : t
present riiiininir semie of the bifrttest cnti-i-
prises in New York e-ity Th-re seems to lie a r
lintindle-ss ' amoiiiir of ready cash in the Quake-
City. , They run to railroads mainly , iliinigt. '
they occasionally wake up and Del money , a *
they did on Harrison. Thi'yhave tremondou1s
interests in Nev Turk street railroads , ar < "
biiildinj , ' the Poughkoi'p < ie luidge find a lot ol ! l
connecting lines , own the entire ; cable system °
of cip'f in Chiuiifro. ami have a strong hold ii
Huston. Washington and llaltinmre. The odd "
hins-almiit it all. aecordiiifr to tinancial men
that ihoiifrh the Phlladelphimis have ayreat ,
reputation for conservatism and caution , thi'y „
ceiine up like a shot when a syndicate scheme a
that ] promises great proiitB is placed belore ,
M.iein - ol
PiviiitTV isafeirtuiioiiiitaelf. Tor a courteu :
nus man usually succepdg } i } lii'e. and that evet o
when persons of ability sometimes fail " . " To sl
man civility is. iu fact , what beauty is to wornn
mi it i < a general passport to favor , a letter
tif recommendation written I" a language thai
pvory stranger iifder8taud3. | The best of men ri
liavo often Injured themselves by irritability tc
md consequent rudeness , as the greatest ff
scoundrels have frequently succeeded by the-ir s <
plausible manners. Of two men , equal in all ai
ither respects , the courteous one has twice ol
ho chance for fortune that the discourteous m
ine has. a' '
A woman has entered the race for United
3tate > senator in Delaware , and s > he has fright0 |
ned all the other aspirants for Unele Eli SaulsT
T )
niry's seat. She la workinir for her husband ,
ite. who will not work feir jitmself. ' Ifo fs ricli gh
ias < a blsr business , und is olel'enough ' to care a g ,
nore for rest than for " politics , tidt his wifo -
hfukshe Is the bi.gest man in the state and *
he bes lined to represent the repulilicuns of
Jolawure. She is iippnmntly causing a great yt L
ininy other pen pie to think jiist us she does. io >
' ch
"lH IlP ? HPP" . ° ff Jr ! p * JJrsf assistant clork br
the so. $ . ' . • g.ijs . tfip plnejedp "PttllyC'i > | f llfl |
Joe Banterduf wjll be the ron. " J jj\ \
/ j / * XZ • > - * jj jC i cry
> - / $ H rJ Sk J\ \ l " " "
° /0rrS / k\\ \ / s.
[ ' n
i ' •
, as wise folks s.iy , "Wlntcounc ihnt.I.I j-cr.plc ihr j.uritia ?
ECONOMY pronounced another way , Tn short , theliiy thing m • ! • > ,
So while "hard times" the people cry , Thoujjh rich in bonds , m .von Iv , ioor.
The Toiht Soaps they should not buy. The " Ivory Soap" they should procure- .
Let all who buy such Soaps take care Which may be bought from coast toco.isi ,
To weigh the cake exact and fair , At sixteen cents per pound at most ,
And find they pay in figures round And does more satisfaction grant
A dollar , more or less per pound. Than all the Toilet Soaps extant.
There are manv white soaps , each represented to be ' ' just as good as the' Ivory' ; "
they ARE NOT , but like all counterfeits , lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities
of the genuine. Ask for "Ivory" Soap and insist upon getting it.
Copyright 1S80. by Procter < k Gamble.
SUBSCRIBE FciiT j" ! ! jJuSUNE S1"50 fl YEAR'
J. A. YanSlioik ,
Singer ' Sewing Machines
Repairs and Supplies.
Office ( , in McMillen's Drug Store , - • - McCook , Nebraska.
Court convened Tuesday morninzr and up to
the time of our jrediiK' to pre > ss the following
cases were disposed of in the manner describ
ed :
The people ex rel. vs. Boyer&Gillen ; injunc
tion ' made perpetual.
ManiKTCt Wilhelm vs. George Wilhelm. di
vorce granted.
Auinistn M. Penner vs. Peter Penner. same.
.lospph H. Bickford vs. Elizabeth Bje'kford.
< nmp.
Exehanjre Njitionnl Bank. Hastings , et a ) , vs.
ttH. \ . Havden. ovidenoe taken and urpuiuunts
' to be iiinde > in MoCnnk.
Frees S ? ilncknell vs. Allan Hartley , judg
ment * 83ii.:5 : < .
.Same vs. same. S1.I4S 30.
Same vs. .1. S. LeHew.
B VV. Ingersoll . Wise ; & Stoop , judgment
? 70.60.
C. G dnnhson vs. A II. Covvles et ux. , judg
ment ? 142I.C2
e' F. Mtiticeiuk vs L J. Starbuck. judginent
(3. P Itinker vs It. H. X dll. nontinued.
Alie-e Bird vs VV O Suynr , D Keudull. W.O.
liussell. i dismissed , plaint iff sts
"TuuitE. " said a iiei ht > or , pointintr to , i vil
ajre cirpunter , "there is a mini who has denie
more good , I really believe , in this community
hail any other person who ever lived in it. He
. • .moot talk ver.mueh . in public , and he does
• eit try. He is not worth.000 and it is verj
iCIuliecau put down on subscription papers ,
.ur a new family imvor moves into the village ;
hai he does not tind it out , and give them a
neighborly welejome and eiffer them S'lino ser ;
ice. He is on the lookoiit to gi.e etniui'ers. a
rat in hi ? ppw at church He is ailwajsre'iuly
o watch wlih u sick neighbor and i ieik after
] lis atfuirs for him. I believe by anil his wife
ti'ep houseplaius in winter mainly that they
nay , l > e able to seuij Ijttle botoiets to frieids |
ud invalids , He lijuls litpo ( epa pietbiiut )
vord to every child he meets , aud you'll al-
vays sec them climbing into his one-horse
vagon when he has no other load. He has a
"renins forhelpiug folks , and it does megood to
neet ' him in the streets. "
Tun democratic members id the house of
epreseutatives are laying their plans for a
ery vigorous campaign agaiiiH the senate
' irilf bill. This is entirely unnecessary. The
lemocrats e-iui del eat the bill em tirst ballot.
io whut's the use of wasting time ? Everyone
if them has said all he knows abemt the tariir
md more too , und any turther fouling away
if time is an iinjiistice to the people. The
text congress will flx the business on short
lou'ceaud with very little iuss.
William Swinton proposes to write a hnok
o obliterate ihe fame ot Grant. Gen. Grant
nice ordereel dwintou to be hanged as a spy ,
md thu gentleman never recovered from the
moment. Hut iwnitou will not particularly
hange the public estimate of Grant. A tly
night start toward the sun witli fell purpose
if eclipsing it with a speck. The auu would
liinp oiL ' tiuej'as to the tly , " it ' s fate would" b'e ' of
io particular interest.
"A soul I like the oid word a soul that is
ightly developing is always growing itself it. ;
a shapes , ipfo houses. , treps. fjartjens , atjirps.
amilies , as well as oharjties and friendships ,
o we get the ideal character , the idsal Hie ,
nd the ideal good. If our ideals are defective
ur work follows of tlw same sort. A man
my work without ideals ; he can not work
head of them. "
A xationai. historical association has been
rganized with headtpmrters at Washington ,
his Is a gooel movement for preserving his-
irical data. If it would beceime , al | thnt Jt
opid bo. it si ouh } jiuvo a hranuh In overy 'olt ?
Hef'cOuuty iiitheDtlion. * ' leiIh'is ' way 'itwould
Dc oiuo 'theunivcTHal historical treasury of tho
atloti' j
The Philadelphia Press suggests that in the •
ar8 to come Secretary Whitney will doubt-1
ss prefaee the stories he tells to hisgranel-I
lildren with : "The , year our wtlrvi | | ) l\i\\t\ \ \ \ '
P'S ? PJf'l " f * fie ? { l-'IflPhrigt ' t aifol--
jed . il Q rps.toratip.n P.f Pftiefl ' between the
niteej States aud. Hnyti , "
Chicago Tribune.
1SS9 !
Walk in anil sit down.
You come at a most unpleasant time
HarrNnn's eahiuet not half made up ,
The Hifi Four still unsatisiied
Anel kicking up
A most tremendous row about it ,
Tascott still at large.
Antl Kieelleher | er drunk as usual ,
Land Office at Mc ohk. Neu. , i
UecemUer 8.1S8S. |
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be inmle before regis
ter or receiver , at Mce'ook , Neb. , on Saturday ,
January Uflth. 1S89. viz :
who mailo II. E. No 7.729. lor the E. ' / S.W.i
of Sec. II. in Town. 3. Nonh of itangc K . ) uvst.
He names tho following witnesM-s tei prove his
continuous residence upon , and cultivation ol" .
said land , viz : Thomas W. Uiichey. KeUar F.
' 'enise. .lohn a. Williamson aud Michael Houli
han , all of McCook. Neb. 29 * S. P. HART.
Land Ofkiuk at Mci. 'ook.N' . , i
December 11.1 3 "
Notice is herein given that the follouiiiii
named set tier has til d notice ol lieiintt'iitiou
to make llual Homestead proof in support of
her claim and that s-aid proof v.iii lie made be
lore ItVgisiur or K.-ceiverat Met Took , Neb. , on
Tuesd.iy , January is. 1880 viz :
A VIE i.l A ( ON it AD.
widow e > l" EIihs II. Cone-ad dueease I. II E 0CJ3
tor the N \ 2 ' -if N. W. iol Sccti. n S Town. 4.
Itangeaii , VV ( jt li P M she nam - the tolle .iu ' -
nig wiiiu ses lei proveber i ntiiuiiii5 | Vesi
di-nee upon , and euliiyaijon of. ( " d land. v\/ \ :
Kot.ert M"oie. Charliis M. e'oliins. Nettie C <
i ollins add James It. Barm-r all of McCook.
Neb. S > .tt ' S. I HAIIT. ttegistor.
li.VMi Okkuu : at iciiiiK. | Nhu. ,
\ownieer21. lS-sS. t
Notice is hereby given tin * lollowiiig-
naiii-il { . ( 'tiler lue QUnotice \ < d bin iutentioii
to malm ttnul proof | u biippori d' Ips claim
mid that said pf-oeif \\-iII e upiejc before the
register and reccivr. at McCook , Neb. , on
Tuesday. .liiuiiHryia. P-8'J. vis :
I ) S. No. . lor the N E hx Sec 10. Town. 5
N , It 3W \ fi P M Ho names the followim.
witnesses to prove liN continuous resldeno
upon , and cultivation of sai.l laud. viz. I'nil
lip itoi'ineirsliuiiscr. Honr > Telsrner. Samuel
C'inemon and Joe Harr , all of Zuntner , N u.
2i * S. P. HAHT. Ke-gister.
The Best Salve in the wen Id for cuts , hruis
es. sores , ulcers , salt rheu-ii. feve-r sores , let
ter. chapped hands , e-hilhlains. corns , and ait
skin eruptions , and positively cures piles , en
no pay required. It isguaiaiiteed togive per
f.-ct money refunded Pric >
2T eents per box. For sale It A McVlillen
oo 7T l '
' % CD C I )
SI w
O CD TJ Lljiw • 'l '
U j
I ' S 8t *
? 5 JT r CBJ
| r C r" cr " I g a
nn * ri ! > W r i _
Nw O z C hmmmmmml
i ; i3 > ; r1
no . amnrd
n n - j > ' I
a s m
n n O r * * > * ( , -
ii S3 ,
Our Regular Scmf-Annual
" Is now going * on.
. '
\i \
We are giving * J
20 Per Cent. Off
On all Winter Goods. - I
- '
• ' .
. • /
\ i |
• • (
WT(5 never carry .
" ' "
Over Eoofls if Low Prices j
Will sell them. i
. . . , _ _ _
+ + + + + + + + + + + + j.n. + + + 4. > + + + + + j + I M
JONAS ENGEL , Manager. - 'l '
N I < 9
w . I
g | . Christmas Gift , j p I
IjADIES. if yuu wisli tn make jeutr liushane ] or gon- j * " fl
| j tletiiau frieini a present , think of a nice pair of slippers , d 1 " fl
Q j and gea them at GattschoVs. | \jii \ fl
\ GENTLEMEN , if ' , fl
m\ you want to make your wifi > or i-
j lady frieini a present , let me whisper good lidings to ,1 fl
J } eiu , and don 't you forget it. I Q' fl
W i : o 1
_ j | A nice pair of B. Un K ' ) t ? or a fine pair of Slippers - * fl
; will surelj vi ise , and you will lemg be renie-mbcreei ] fl
m ; I .Vv rehy. Come and y-ec the eleirant selection at fl
< i' - I
j J. E. GANSCttOW'S ,
llj ! McCook , Neb. The - ' 'Old Reliable. ' " i fl
M-e O- ? v 4 'fl
' 1
o n < ;
W I i M :
P l i l w 1
_ . . o s y ; , . , fl
M & : ; f
. _ .
_ ' *
* 1iMl ' ij l l