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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 4, 1889)
i ; . ; , c > • ffihe' " Jtc 00ii ' Qltxbunt. - - - i [ if ' z = = = r ' ? x ' VOLUME VII. McCOOK , RED WILLOW.COUNT.Y , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING , JANUARY 4 , 1889. NUMBER 32 , 'j : fv * V > " „ , _ _ _ _ t J tYOUR CHOICE I * * * • If * ' - c OF OUli HEATERS at _ . for THIRTY DAYS ONLY at „ TIE PIONEER HARDWARE , > LaTOURETTE & CO. , w tW Brick Store , Main Avenue , 4 doors south of J. C. Allen & Co. -1 - - - . . . . . . . . - - , . . . . . . . . . i , . . . , . . . _ „ . , . . . . , . - , . . . , . . , - . . , L 1888. Fall Season.1889. _ . - : - . - : - . leZ , The fact that my efforts in the past to produce ' * none but of the highest standard of excellence % i have been appreciated by friends and customers , ft ' as shown by my large and ra pidly increasing busi- ! % ness , has encouaraged me to still greater exertions | for the Fall and \ \ inter season. f Mf Collection if Fie Fairies * : For gentlemen wear , is now complete , and it will jf"k give me pleasure to have you see my stock , which \ is as large and handsome an assortment of new | . , goods as can beshown by any of the best houses * T / in larger cities , lam better prepared now to exe- | - cute all orders promptly , and give the trade styl- t ish and perfect fitting garments. f L. BERNHEIMER , McCook , Nebraska. MER011 ANT TAILOR. Tie Frees k leliel Litel ZZTDEALERS IN = I. LUMBER ! Sash , Doors , Blinds , Lime , Cement , | EAEB MP S0FT C0AL ' " " v " m- $ K'/ Authorized Capital. - . Paid up Capital , $50,000. m _ OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS : Sir ' GEO. HOCKNELL , PRESIDENT B M. FREES , VICE-PRESIOENT. m ? f. L. brown. Cashier K/ A. CAMPBELL. J. C. ALLEN. S. L. GREEN. W SUBSCRIBE FOR THE TRJ8IJNF S1.50 A YEAR. i i i > n i i . . . . . 1 * . _ . * . . . BUSINESS DIRECTORY. J. IIYIION JKNNINOH. JOHH WILKV. JKNXK\GS& WILKY. ATTORNEYS ATLAW. . Will prnctlce In the Sime and United Staio Conrts. and boforo the U R. Land Ofllccs. Careful ntioniion itlvon o Collections. Ollice nverCIH7eiis Hunk. McConk. Neliu THUS. COhFJiUi ATTORNEY - : - AT - : - LAW , AND NOTARY PDIILIC. Real Esralo rioijjrht and Sold and Collecfons Made. Money loaned on real estate and Hnal proof. A iron t Lincoln Laud Co. Ollice. over KnniifTH & MercliiintH Hank. R. M. SNAA'KLY , rATTORNEY - : - AT - : - LAW , INDIANOI.A. NERUASICA. Will practice In all tho State and United States Coni'tP. ANo , liofnro tho Land Otlieoat McCookand the department nt Waohinutnti. [ 1U0I1 W. CO LB ! , ' LAWYER , MCCOOK NKRItASKA. Will practice in all tho Courts. Commercial and corporation law a specialty. MONEY TO LOAN. : Rooms 4 and " 1 , First Nat'l Hank Huilding- . A. . ? . KITTKMIUUKK. W II .sTMtlt , Mct'onk. lndiamda. Rittcnhousc & Starr , Attorneys % at f Law. OFFICES AT McCOOIC AND INDIANOLA. T. JT. IIKI.M. C. W. UAVIS. Late Stgiter ? . S. Lani Lata o ( Gon. Land 0Se , OScoSi : in.Ia : . Wasnlsgtos.S.C. I1KLM & DAVIS , Attorneys , Land H Loan Agents. McCOOK NRIIKASKA. . If you have a diilieult contest ciso to prose cute or de'ciid anil want to win consult u . Oliico. north or U. S. Land Office. Front tiase- iniwit of the Citizens Hank. h7 G. DIXON , Reai Estate and Loan Broker , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. Special attention piven tc tim sale of city property. House rented and collections made. Office : Rear of Citizens Hank. T. B. STUTZilAX , M. 57 , Eclectic Physician and Surgeon. OCULIST AND AUKIST. McCOOK , NEBRASKA iseroilice in McNeely Building. Main St. B. B. DAVIS. A. D. . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , McCOOK NEBRASKA 1ST Ollice at Chenury's dru store. L J. SPICK ELM I Bit , M. D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Special Attcaa 12 Ghe : to resale Siseases. Office hours , from fl to 11 A. M . and 2 to 4 P. M . mountain time. Office : Over Faimcis & Merchants bank. 1)it. Z. L. KAY , PHYSICIAN AM ) SURGEON Mi'COOK. - - NEBRASKA. nffice : Roo a No. 1 , First Naional Rank Building. Residence , on Marshall srteet. " A. J. THOMAS , DENTIST. Administer * Gas if desired. "Office over Scutt't. ttriek. G. W. MINKLI5K , rOUMKIUjY COUNTY - : - SURVEYOR , McCOOK , NEB It ASK A. Will do all kind's of Surveying , Gr idintr and Civil BiDriueuriug' . Residence north of school house. THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL , : Geo. E. Johnston , Prop. McCOOK. NEBRASKA. , This house has hern completely renovated ' and refurnished throughout , and is flrst-class I in every respei-t. Rates reassmahln , W. M. SANDGUSOlN , 1 DECORATIVE - : - ARTIST , I SCENIC PAINTER , Calcimininp , Qrainiiifr. Paper H-anginp. etc. I with ncatnes and dispatch 1 < JOHN G. W. F. FLEECING , [ House and Carriage Painting , | DRAINING. CALCIMININR , MA. 'IBLING , I MCCOOK , NEBRASKA. ' Leave aH orders at tho dru rstori ! of MoMil- len& Weeks. First-class work Kuaran teed. 1 J. H. BENNETT , t GONTRAGTOR OF J ' BRIGK AND STONE , McCOOK. - NEBRASKA. " t tt t PREDMORE BROS. , ; Blacksmithing and Woodwork. \ Horse Shoeing a SpeciAi/ . • < Repairs Wagons and Ungues in a Work ] manlike Planner. ' 1 All Work Warrantee ! . .McCook Kvbraska , i SHOP South of Radjrer Lum'ner Yanl. ; = 1 F. D. BURGI SS' , I PLUMBING , . ' Steam and Hot Wa'ter Heating , I North Main Ave. . VicCook. Nob. J ? Z3T All work receive prompt attention , i At the close of the war ihe iniltliu delit was S70 to each iulialiltniit This has been reduced to le > s tliiiu fllt-ouo 11 fill of what It wiifitucn. ty jenrrf iigo. All but four jears of that has beu 11 under RepuMIctoi iidiiiinlstratioiis. The New York Evening Pobi objects to John Wiiuamakcr for a cabinet position because he leaches in a Suiubiy school. The Post meets ttie full requiremeiitsof the Pharisees. Itsed- itor pra > s in thematket place , and thanks the Lord that ho is not as other men , even when tuoy ptoless to the same , goodness of hcait. Ukukh the law , whiuh exists in Now Yotk. iiqulrlitfjthe municipal authorities to t > i\c old soldieiH the piftuieuce in 1111 nibbing ein- ploj meut to be paid tor out ol cilj treie > uiies , a street comuiib ioiiur at Auluiin was an est ed ami tlued $ luu lor disutiarguigau old boldier withoutcaubO a week ago. ' 1 liogive the vett. Some coiibideraiiim do 11 in Yuri , btate. Thk tapid uiieuf uicie.ibu in Hie Udo of im uiiKiatioii to ( his country , ulmb lor ueiui > thrive \ eais kept up itbllnw , hastieen ulieeki d. The 1 ul 111 os tor the uliibe ol the ciiricut > ear. will show an incicuhc of about twelve thou sand in the uumlior ot an i mi Is as compiuid with last j ear. Rut duiing iho piibt leu months there lias been a peiceptiob'decline. It is highly pioli.ibie iliat the iiillii.v lor ili < - e.ul ) uioiiiht id lbS'l nil hIiou a hull lnillni falling nirin oiiiip.ttisoii wuli the uoi iLbpniid illg DliilltllS nl flu.11 d IiM .M'IM. It is uudoubiftll. ) uuc lion the utimlxr ol I allures of bniiUs and ii.tHiicbb houses in Neb lusluiduriiigtlir past few jears lias heeti pm poi tionatel > lebthan thobe ol any otluv 111 tLe country. The uatiunal hanks ol the btate , eb- pecially. aio noted for tiieirsateaiidconservti- tive maiuigemeut. Ne\ettheless , the loobe state lu-'B 011 banking have made it all too easy for men of small capital and men with dihlionest puipnbes to emliaik in the blinking bubiue s. Tiie baukiug laws ot the state eai - not be revit-ed too bpeedily for the pioiectmii ot b'git.iuaie bubiiabs and tor the yood ilium- ol thobialo. lr is asniguiui iinog iliui iii.s teniitneiiL ir- ol enttiel ) modeiugiowih.aod 11 ibeveu moie leccut tliau the tnoeiiiuol to c.tatolT thb etiii- veiitiooal icbiiiciiotib to'a activitieb In the lust cent wo , when the idea ot a omeu becking a caieer ouibide ttie lumily ouclo wns almost unheaidol , theie never wits an > doubt , when a woman tuigol tier six to ihfdcgieeol commiituig capital ctimcb , about liaiignig her. We have giouu more eiiliglileued tliau the eighteenth century iitiottl theeuiaucipaiiou ol noble , active vitiuotiB uoitic-ti.uod 11s a bott ol drawb.ick theie has tpiuug up the idea ot maintaining the exaggeiated and misapplied conception ot the old clmaliy low met lt-iaiou cumiiials. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to the neglect ol cougicss to pass in time the iiccebSttry uppiopiiatioti , the uaiy depatluieut did not sen it out an e.\pi dttitai to obbeive the toinl ecl.pbe ol the bun which oc- euired on New earda > . The apptopiiatiou was nut made until jtibt beloie'he ic-cess , . .1- thougti it had bten uiged lor borne tune , and us the exptd.tion was to go to ten liujs was tuo blini't a period 111 uhtch to get to gether tiie neccbbat itibtiuments and equip meats and make the trip. As a consequence of this cougiebbional m-glect , in a matter in volving an expenditure * of only five thousand dolbtib , the government will have to depend upon private cutcrpiise tor a tepott ot this vurj lmpoitaut scn-ntine ohberv.ttion. Altikiugii tins time ot year ib usually mark id b > 1 esiricted Hade , halting speculation and the business deptebsiou iticideiiiill to the olose ot ihe old j ears allatis and piepaiations lor the new , the past week bab witnessed a te . markable development ot eontliicnce and bticnglb , and liasbuen characienzcd tiy much moie than the n aelivitj. Tiie ptomised icstoratioti ot tieight tales itas been accomp- Itbhtd to a gteat extent , pieceded by two weekb ol unpteci deuily iieav > tialhe , and lo'- lowed by a wt-ll'SUsiaiued v'oludie ot bubiness. Hie loads 111 all pot lions ol the country am li Mowing the example ot ihe ti link lines , and the U-adiug lailtofd men ll ive voltiiitcuit < 1 slie Uli'bt suit 11111 pti tin-cs taal i.ilt's aie to tic lii.iUiliiiiicd aim c.uibc-rf ot ienevve.1 w at fait * ; aviinieti. lNdibcus8iugtheiiUpiobabdii > a'ld tinde.-ii- ability ol ihe election ol 11. A. W.Tabor to tne senate , lrom Culm\ulo , a newspaper reters to Tahoi's nightshiiiN as having cost $300 apiece. Now , the luct tb that die noctuiiial g.uincuts in question cost on.y-fiwO apiece ; at Itast when " Talmr Haunted 1 lt.-m live } i at * n o < uluiiv trains and 111 VVasIiington s > eiet\ . In-aid that they cost him * 3. i0 apiece. 'Jlns sum d.d not , however , include the value t the diamoi d cuff buttons and of tiie big solit.iiie diamond studs with which tiie Rocky mountain states man ornamented hiniglithii t each night beloie oingtobcd. Tlusuiolasdi * nuit weie made in Paris , and the material used in their composition was tho choicest old laces em bioideied with gold. Each of the garments had an extract liom Ov id's "Ais Aimuitib"iui > p uited in gold char.ieteis upon its tiont. a • v It is pleasant tt > recognize tiie general good fc feeling expie sed toward General Harrison in the pi ess ol the country. It is a fortunate cir- - cumstauce for him that , though a strict partif san , ins partisanship has never been so olfen- [ Bite as to make him enemies outside his state up to the time ol Ins nomination. Since then his course has been altogether ciicumspecr. and in the tiyingciicumstances preceding tho totuiation of his cabinet hib teti cence in do daring himseirinisbeen renIj ! admirable , "p thus gains a position in the public mi .d which gives Ft icing * hopes for the suectS3 of his ad ministration Jluch. however , depends upm what is next to follow. It is in the power of the president elect to confirm and strengthen the good opinion foi med or him by the making of a Judicious cabinet , or to uive it a severe shock bj taking the reverse action. Boston Herald ( Iud.Dem. ) Having summoned the bureau of ethnology to his aid. Congressman Springer will propose to christen the terntoius thafmay become Mutes with mimes expressive and euphonious. T11 thih matter the haiimnii of the hou e come mittee on teintoiies is likely to encoumer op position fiom th people or some of tiie terri tories. It is questionable whether a majority or those of South Dakota will be willing to ac cept" Winona. " however poetically expressive it mav be. There is ncommercial value in tho arae Dakota which the people may hesitate to take the chance of impairing , in hey can help themselves. If is even more probable p that th" > people of Washington u rrttory will vigorously resent the proposition to call the . intended new state ly any other than the proud and inspiring name or the territory , of which they urewarrautablyji-nlous , and which may also be said to posses * a commercial value. As to renaming Nw Mexico , the pen- I plo of that t ° rritoiy would dnuhtle-s accept * anything to secure statehood , but will the peo ple at large think well of naming a stnti after n. foreign barluiriari ruler. Montezuma , who was by no means a beautiful characti r ? Mr. SpringerU getting agood deal or n-itoriety out tif th s territorial biisini s .but it rem ins to be h een whether ho will uchiove much lasting , d fume. j c WOOD YARD. STOVE WOOD ! KINDIilXG WOOD ! 1-F00T WOOD ! 2-F00T WOOD ! 3-F00T WOOD ! 4-FOOT WOOD ! DKY WOOD ! GKKKN WOOD ! 500 Cords of Wood Now on Imiitl at A. W. Corey's Wood Y.ntl. Only Wood Yard in the City. HS * Ok1-i = i j.iotnit'y ' fillctl by rier- i.iti & De-Ii.n7. ' - , DiMvnien. Hail , Cochran & Co. , drai.iis in Implements , Etc. A complete stotjk uf GUTLVAIY , STOVES , TIN W AIIR , BARB WI11E. WINDMILLS , OILS , ETC. Lowest Living * Prices. WFST DKNNISON STREET. McCOOK. - - NEBRASKA. , " 1" ITT 1 9 Vimi will find a splendid line oF Clot lis Cashmeres , Yfnr- pteds. London Suitings , and Ti onset in r . and a complete nxMirttiKMit of Sirin | r and Fall Ovefeoalinjrs. AKo E-qui- Hiau Betivuts in all shades at DBYS DALE'S Fine Custom Tailor Simps , opposite the new postnlhce. Good lit" * iruaraiiteed Tiiir- t\-fiv ( > yeats * expeiienee in New York City. 1 MAIN AVHNTE McCOOK. NEB. I . . . , . . . * " * * * * * - 1 ; ii.i. i aKjaE = miii 11 11 Hcrian&DesLarzes , Propiietors of tbeMcCook Transfer % City Bus Line. Bn < ? to and fioin all trains. Cnal Imtilin ? mil ileliverv. Tluee drajs. All voik pioiupllvatteiiiletl to. Leaveouletaat > 'iee > & Hoeknell Lumlier Yard. . M P Wf-lllll Jill I II ! T ww q Blue Front Livery Stable D. 1) . SMITH , Proprietor. Liveiy. feed ami < nlu stables. Finest titrn- mUs in the city furnished. Jjarn , rear Mc 2ntoe Hotel. t.e. Mccracken , Flip Sn iiranpp flff't ' • McCOOK. NEBRASKA , Writes Indemnity against Fire , Lightf ling. Tornado and Kail Storm. M. A. LIBBRE , Contractor and Builder , 5ICCOOIC , NEBRASKA. { ST A specialty of fine residences , school | muses , churches , etc. All work done with lispatch and satisfaction guaranteed. Shops , lorner Dodtrn and Manchester fltreets. The "Mascotte. " ; THE MASCOTTE. ' Improved Heel-Plate MACHINE. 1 'J We liave tiie only Jj Machine in tovn. i Plates attaclied to I Rubbers of all kinds I at our STORE. BUY YOUR ' ! RUBBERS \ With our IMPROVED HEEL PLATE 011 and show them to your friends. j' ' yThe will make your rubbers J No where in this country can be found yjjjjjjm SjS a 'better assortment of rubber goods. See H our line of HHI H In Rubber Shoes , all made of fine Jersey cloth , J are the most stylish , best fitting goods in the , market. These goods are especially adapted to fine citj trade. We sell "first quality" goods at * the same prices other dealers ask for second and third grade brands. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * . * * For Wool Boots and Leather Boots and Shoes of every description. NOVELTIES in Ladies' and Gents' Slippers for the Holiday Tradk. We save you money on every purchase you make at our ' \ store. t u BOSTON BARGAIN SHOE STORE. " OPEllA 1JOUSE BLOCK , - JMcCOOK , NECIiASKA. . r : : ; ; * * . , . , , . , . . . U' * l" * ' * * i * 'rl * * * " rl' 'l" * ' * * J ' ' * * r * .1i * * 1 * ' • * • * * • m' " • k' * R * i I I CITY BAKERY , i g c ' j fresh bread I 5 DELIVERED EVERY DAY FREE OP CHARGE. ; * 1 . • U • * t. m \ -PIES-CAKES-CAXDIES-XUTS- \ \ \ -OYSTERS-CIDER-CIGARS- \ ] \ \ TOBACCO-ETC-ETC- * 1 : o : * : . \ LUNCH ROOM IN CONNECTION. I * . t - ; Cakes Made to Order. St. Paul Patent Flour. \ j I A. PROBST , PROP. 1 _ * _ _ . _ _ * l X * * - Ul.jrrmrrwrl * j * * 1 3 * W * * i The Candy Kitchen * Is now located in its new quarters in the 8GOTT BRIGK. A fine assortment of Candies of OUR OWN MAKE Constantly on Land. OYSTERS SERVED IN EV RY SIYLE. g ? W ? * f ? g ! * jt : ' 1.nrj- „ Tiv. . . . . . Vn _ . _ _ m wJ3 M | M mB | iag 1 r < a _ _ _