The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 28, 1888, Image 8

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    K _ < * .
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I Southwestern Nebraska.
' * " " " " " " " " " ' " '
( - They also carry a full line or
ItI Window Shades , Pictures ,
I Picture Frames , Carpets , Etc ,
\v \ * TT J X 1 " Ci " IX
- •
! *
I * : ' On all goods purchased of us in the next 30 days in order to
Iff make room for our
I of New Season Goods. We offer to our customers in this sweep-
c * " ing sacriGce sale , an unprecedented opportunity to become pos
sessed of superlative bargains , and we expect that the announce-
* ; * ment of this sale will
A "VL Ve are not after money now , but , room ; Call and
\jftUj learn our prices on DKY GOODS , CLOTHING ,
n if KFrl uy while the boom lasts of
. . ,
jfiSl ! Tlie Pioneer Merchant.
320 acres good farm laiul , 200 acres
broke , 100 in pasture , ( fenced ) , good
house , water and outbuildings. Also
75 head of cattle , mostly cows , 8 head
horses , 10 head lio&s , 1,500 shocks of
cane , and 115 acres of cori , partly
shocked. Will either sell or trade
for merchandise.
. ' • GEO. LELAND ,
McOook , Nebraska
J\F \ ' -
$ Great Reduction in Base Burners !
fgjt We have only a few base burners left and in order to
Prf close them out entirely , we wilL make the following un
\ equalled low prices until they are closed out :
$30.00 Base Burner for $25.00.
$32.00 Base Burner for $27.00.
| $36.00 Base Burner for $30.00.
$40.00 Base Burner for $32.00.
f-\ These are the celebrated "Gold Coin" and "Palace Alad
din" stuves , guaranteed to be first-class heaters. We also
hive a complete assortment of Soft Coal and Wood Heaters
at very low prices. If you want a base burner , call early , foi
I they are bound to go quick at above prices.
Eespectfully ,
. . ' LYTLE BROS. & CO.
'Mries , Boots and Shoes.
luce taken in Exchange at Highest Market Value
. .
. . • / - : - - < " - NEBRASKA.
Bill Nye on Journalists.
Tnkltiir tiff thu emit u > m ) vest iiiiillottliurdnwn
I In * KiiHiciiili | > ia in nnliir to wrilo lniriilntr
llHMijrlHB isgnidiiiilly tieeomlnir more ut'Piili'tp
its women hccoinc inori ; tmd muro Idcntiflfd
with JonrnnllHin. A man nmy , irho will. JtiPt
us enBlly sit erect , throw nut tils chest , find
pull In hjs toiiKUC , us to eultlvnlo eccoitrIcitlt'P :
ntid seek to attract attention by nsaumlnif odd
attitudes whllcatwork. I knowiiKOod.Ecutli
injr writer who tpies Into tils olllco nliout 10
o'clock. lockB the door , takes off most of his
clntlms , tielnjr wrapped up In thouuht most ex-
cltislvely , bIIh on the fourth 1 urn liar vertebra ,
braces his heels on tho wall a littlo above his
head , and as he works ho screws the nails or
his boot heels into the bard wall harder and
harder as he k < > cs on. One day last summer ,
while working with unusual vigor on an edit
orial In relation to the ever attiactive , bright-
ejei ) cancer in tho crown prince's throat , he
was HiirprlKcd to see thirty or forty gold coins
fall on his table liko a blessed advanco in his
Hiilury. Looking up ho discovered that with
III * heel ho had bored a hole into the vault of
the Kirst National Hank , next room. Careful
ly poking back the money , he pasted a sheet
of paper over the hole nod marking It "Open
ed by mistake , " he put Ills heels against tho
drum of a light sorrel coal stove and went on
with his work.
[ . Lincoln State Journal ]
Since th election , many of the republican
clubs in the eastern states which did such good
workduringthccampaign huvo tieen reorgan
ized on a more pt'rmaiicnt basis for usefulness
In the future. This is vervgralif.\iiigfrnm a
republican standpoint and the example could
bo followed witli profit In the west. Instead
or having debuting clubs these organizations
could lakothelrplaceaiid proposed legislation ,
state and national , ho discussed with great
houcflr. It Is certainly a mistake to suppose
these clubs have no work to do except during
a campaign. On ilie contrary their lust work
can bo done in the months of political quiet
between campaigns , when the minds of th >
voteis are nmri ; open to mprcssiuus. Theed
iiciitinual work ouii ho carried on totiiobesi
advantage then. Nulmi kn oualit to have a
I irtro number of icpuhlieati clubs on a peruia
mint basis Tortlie next fouryearss. and thet'ap city club ouaht to lie Hie central orirauiza
ti in for iliostutc. During that tune the party
w.ll lie making its converts and lie huildin ; . -
up in the laiih us old members , preparaior ;
to the great contest , of the next pi evidential
campaign It is lo be hoped Unit rcptihlicnu i
throughout tho Male , particularly the young
republicans of cour.igeatid ambition , will take
hold of this work and push it forward to the
great success that awaits it.
OittaiN of Visiting Caiius Ab is tho case
in many other instances wo owe the invention
of cards to t lie Chinese. So long ago as i he pe
riod of tho Tong dynasty (61s907) ( ) . visiting
cards were known to be in common use in Chi
na , and that is also the dale of ( he introduction
of tho "red silken cords" which figure so con
spicuously on tho engageinont cards of tho
country. From very ancient times to the pres-
ont day the Chinese have observed tho strict
est ceremony with regard to the paying or
vie its. The cards which they use for this pur
pose are verv large , and usually of a linglit red
color. When a Chinaman desires to marry ,
hi-j parents intimate ihe fact to a professional
' 'matchmaker" who thereupon runs through
the list other visiting acquaintances , and se
lects one whom the considers a titling bride
for tho young man ; and then she calls upon
the young woman's pa'nuts , armed with tho
bridegroom's caul , on which aro inscribed his
.incestoral and the eight sj munis which denote
the date of bis birth. IT the answer is an ac
eeptance of nis suit , the bride's card is sent in
return ; and should the oracles prophesy good
coieerning the union , the particulars concern
ing the engagements aie written on two cards
a id these are tied together with the cords.
Thk Illinois bureau or labor has compiled a
t tide of statistics Miowing the extent to whicii
thai state is moitgaged The total value of
the mortgages exceeds four hundred mil ion.
oiu-iliir.i of which represent liens op the lands
alone in Illinois. Stock and farm imp'emeuls
are mortgaged to the value of seven mil'lon
d > llars. and household goods and chattels are
in rtgaged to the sum of four millions. Chi-
c < io is burdened with a huge mortgage debt
exceeding the aggregate value of the mort-
r-iges in the rest of the shite. The interest
alone on ibis huge burden estimated at but
-he percent amounts to over twenty million
iiiiiually. The report of the Illinois bureau i3
valuable in calling attention to the great debt
iiich the people of that state are piling up
uicniisciouMy and uhicti one day will have lo
> • • paid.
Siimk very good peopie now begin to show
s gns of • • orry , became • 'there will lie a grard
'i illiluiing the inauguration festivities. " No v
s ii'P'/se "General Ihirrisou isa I'lesliyterian , "
a.I the peopleol the Uni'ed States are not. F > o not been elected President for the purpose
i dictating reforms in the social iimnsemeirs
o tho public , winch byhe groat majority aie
regarded as harmless. If Gen. MairiMiu con
sulted his own taste and inclination he wou.d
no r Iikelv dispense , as much as was in li.s
mwer. with all the fiit-s and parade upon the
c.'iision. Hut being a ram of sense , lie wi-l
mall probability leave all thearraiigemeii at d
r xpoiis tiiliry in the hands of others , and per
form simply 'be duties ot a i hristian gentii-
ina n icqiineil < > ' linn upon the great oecasio .
A ixttki : rccenti.t t pnb.ishod in the .Mon-
omery. Ala . Adx'ertieer. over the signature
if W. II. Skaggs mayor of Talladega , Ala , h : < s
created a panic among ho oil Huecnnffdei * -
iie democracy of thattutu. . He sajs : "We
an not go iu forever stealng tho negro 's
illot. There must be a wiser and mure lion-
• rahle solution of the question. Wo have
.one too far in our election frauds audi-non
! C shall learn iliac success founded on fraud
an not be permanent. In tho black belt ,
vbcre tho negroes are in the greater majority ,
lie tactics by which tho negro has been do-
urived of his vote has also served the purport.
• f deiiriving the white men of fair i epresenta-
nou. The negto has been used to count the
Miuih Alabama democrat in and the North
vtabaum democrat out. "
The evidence which has been produced be
fore the house committee investigating the al
leged outrages iu Alaska does not show up any
too iluely tor the accu&ed parties. The bulk
of the evidence tended to establish the t. 'utb
of the charges. If the testimony given is true ,
the seal islands have been made a pandemoni
um of drunkenness and prostitution , too hor
rible 10 contemplate. Thu agents of the Alas
ta Commercial company have forced tho na-
ives. not too moral by nature and training , in
to the lowest depths of vice. Every trait of
icceucy has been obliterated , every restraint
-cmoved which tends to lift man above the
rule. That this state of atTairs exists in this
laud Is a bliame to any civilized people.
Til nit P. is little wouder that a Frenchman
, uefers the guillotine to an extended course
if English instruction , while the German looks
it his task in wild despair and hopes for an
• arly death. The addition of a single letter so
changes the prououuciatloii of a word
jitu who is unused to the language stumbles
iii , every step. The letter c changes a lover in
to clover ; d makes a crow a crowd ; k makes
• > ed keyed ; g changes a sou into a snug ; I
iiiusforms a pear into pearl ; s changes a boo
uito a shoe ; tmaKes bougn bought ; w makes !
-.nice into women. Little wouder that some
me has called our utplmbot pugnacious , and
leclaiX'S that ho has known Hie time when b
dt , d cried , n raged and x pounded.
Mits. Cleveland's Intent evening jress Is a
Munuer bustle or no buttle. It is a Directory
inwn of pr.le junk crepe do chine , embroidered
• vfih roses and gieen leaves outlined in silver. 'I
lie coat is of moss-green re ) vet For the wni3t
here Is a belt of coial rutin bigoameomedal-
tons , and with coral collar and bracelets to
* * " * • * • rrrT' . .
- - -
- - -
A Scrap of Paper Saves Her Life. '
It was Just nn ordinary scrap of wrapphu
I in per. but It saved her life. Sim was In the
last stages of consumption , told by physicians
that she wan incurable and could live only a
short tlaie : she weighed less Minn seventy
pounds. On a piece of wrapping paper she
read of Dr. King's New Discovery , and got n
sample bottlo ; It helped her. sho bought n
large bottle. It helped her more , bought an
other and grew better fust , continued its use
and Is now strong , healthy , rosy , plump , weigh
ing 140 pounds. For fuller particulars send
sminp to W. H. Colo. Druggist. Fort Smith.
Trial bottleB of this wonderful discovery free
at A. MoMillen's drug shiro.
Tho publishers or tho Homestead , tho weekly
twenty-page agricultural pnperof Des .Moines.
Iowa , inform us that they willscnd theirpaper
for four consecutive weeks , free of charge , to
every farmer in this county who will send his
name and address , plainly written on a postal
card , to tho Homestead Co. . Des Moines , lown
The copies for four weeks will lie absolutely
free , anil will be sent to any farmer to enable
him to judgofor himself of the mortis of tho
Homestead as a paper devoted to his special
Interests. At the end of tho four weeks tho
paper will be discontinued unless subscribed
for in due form.
This Is whntyou ought to have. In fact , you
must have it , to fully e . njoy life. Thousands
are searching tor it dally , nnd mourning be
cause they find it not. Thousands upon thou
sands of dollars are spent annually by our
people in the hope that they may attain this
boon. And yet it may lie had by all. We guar
auteo that Electric Hitters , if used according
to directions and tho use persisted iu , will
bring you good digestion mid oust the demon
Dyspepsia and install instead Uupepsy. Wo
recommend Electric Hitlers for Dyspepsia and
all diseases of Liver. Stomach and Kidneys.
Sold at 50c. audI OU per bottle by A. MeMilleii.
The trial of 'Dauerelsen at Geneva. III. , un
der iiidichueiiis for conspiracy and unlawful
use or dynainiio. resulted. Monday , the 24th
Inst. iu his conviction and a sentence of two
years iu the penitentiary was imposed. An
appeal has been prayed for Thus < an
other icminisccticu of the great Burlington
Croup is a terror to jouiig mothers , especi
ally during the winter monins as it is then
most prevalent. It. can always be prevented ,
if properly treated as soon as the first symp
toms appoar. Hoarseness is the lirst s > mptoin :
this is Boon followed liy a peculiar.rough cough.
If Chamberlain's Cough Ueinedy is treely giv
en as soon as theso symptoms appear , it. will
invariably prevent the attack. There is no
danger in giving the remedy , as it contains no
injurious substance. Forsale by all druggists.
Tun Itev.Dr. N'nilorof Washington speaks of
tho powerful griji of the dance or to day. True ,
doctor , we need the old fashioned Virginia
reel and the chesnut covered quadrille There
is not much chance to grip in these. Not as
much as there is in the dreamy decolelto waltz
with its short sleeves.
Persons troubled uith chronic diarrhoea or
subject to bowel coraplniutinnnrfnrm , should
try Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diar
rhoea Itemedy. Many chronic cases that had
resisted all-other treatment have been cured
by it. For sale by all druggists.
Thr Augusta ( Gu. ) Chronicle asks : "Was it
a TJ. S.flag' " 'Jhe ed'tor's education iii patri
otism seems to have been neglected or he
would know the National flag when he sees it.
When you desire a pleasant physic try St.
Patrick's Pills. They can always be depended
upon , and do not nauseate the stomach nor
gripe the bowels. Forsale by till druggists.
It is somen hat galling to republican sena
tors to know that such a man as Itiddtcberger
holds the whip over them. The obstreperous
Virginian holds the balance of power in the
senate and luisto be handled like neat with
gloves. A little -sediie88 on liis part might
do considerable damage in several directions.
Out of tho Breastworks.
Tate SnRiNns , Tenn. , July 4 , i333.
The Swift specific Co. , Atlanta , Ga. :
Gentlemen Seven years ago I contracted
an execcdinf ly baJ case of Llood poison. I
triel a physician , the best at command , but
secured no benefit. My throat began to
gjt sore , and my body covered with sore3
and ulcers. Going from bad to worse , I
felt that my grave trust be reached in the
near future. I gave up the doctors' treat
ment , and with a despairing hope I com
menced taking your medicine. 1 began to
improve from the first bottle , anu in a shor :
tne llie. ulcer. healed , and my skin clcarc-i
off and was entirely well.
One year ago a case of catarrh developed
in my sys-em. The rhysirian did his best ,
but couid not cure mc ; but two bottles of
Swift's Specific gave me permanent relief.
J. H. Uosinsuk.
Kaufman , Tr.x. , June 23 , i8G3.
The Swift Specific Co. Atlanta , Ga. :
Gentlemen I 1 ave been afflicted with a
skin disease for about twelve years , and tha
best mciical treatment failed to give me re
lief. I . n now using Swift's Specific , and
have leccived the greatest benekt from its
us ? . Yours truly , W.i. Juncs.
For sale by all druggists.
The Swift Specific Co. ,
Drawer 3 , Atlanta , Ga.
New York , 756 , Broadway.
London , Eng. , 35 Gnow Hill.
Several jenis ago riiamberlain & Co. . or Des
Moines. Iowa , commenced the manufnctuio
; ifn cough remedy , believing it o be the most
lirompi and reliable preparation jet produc
ed for coughs , colds , and croup , that the pub
ic appreciate true merit , and in time it was
certain to bpeonie popular. Their most san-
ruine hopes have been more than realized.
Dvpi- 1 lire * hundred thousai.d bottles of Cham-
icrlain's Cough Itemedy arc now sold each
rear , and it is recognized as "ihe best made. "
.vherever it is known. It will euro 11 severe
jold in less time than any other treatment. For
nile by all druggists.
It has permanently cured thottsaxds
of cases pronounced by doctors hope
less. If you have premonitory symp
toms , such as Cough , Difficulty of
Breathing , &c. , don't delay , but use
immediately. By Druggists. 25 cents.
A cficfsa buncfi qf feeding barrows ,
\lso \ a lot of sn\all \ pigr
• J. F. BLACK ,
" ' "
7 25. Red Willow , Nab.
' , 1 * , i , n mt p , ii I * ! W.IBM ja KME5S'nyi rir gWSBTOS' '
* . " v v , * j
. _ . . .
„ ' " ' -g v Wi * !
: J
We have an immense stock bought 1
Direct from the Manufacturers , and I
are the only 'firm in the citywho ]
buy goods • • that way , and we can . ' I
therefore save you • 1
. . . - . iB
O ( I < > ( I ( I O O O II Q O ( I O (1 O O II O ( > O O O O O 0 .m
Come and see our ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRICES on 1
R. H. COLE ,
"The Leading"
Meroheof Tailor
First-Class Tailoring' .
Having alarjro stock of FtneSuitinjrs
and Tronsovtii" . - ! , I will furnisti thetu
olipati for tlw next fit ) da vs.
The Mutual Life Insurnce Co.
The Buffalo Mutual AcoinVnt Ins. Co.
A Tull line of Fire ami Lightning Tup.
Mime } ' to Loan on Real K.tate Secnrii.y.
. . . . .
< pwawtMwiiiiimiiuimwliw i
Allen's Transfer ,
Bus , Baggage Dray Line.
F. P. ALLEN , Prop. ,
"Rest Equipiied in the Citr. Leave orders
at Commercial Hotel. i
Good upll water tiirnilr-d : onsliortnotice.
3P P. O. address. McCootr ,
XflMfejBJIIil'JL ' J ? i'i' ' i % T"rri1 | "tr' ' Range , south
2 3 rattle branded nn left
fi5tf3ljpES ! hiji. Al > o. 10 , 5. A and
" , Hinges hruuded same
r mrtmmm i
( Successors to E. D. Webster. )
Horses branded on left hii > or left shouder.
la , P. t ) . address. Bsti-lle
jSiic Hayes county , and Hunt
" .jtSBmn JB NHep. Xoh. Ranjre. Stink
JKnE S S'tS'nt1' ' waior and Freucli
KyRS Cjl7 inuti ui-eeks. Chare Co
32 6 'I Uraml ns cuton Pido ! • :
W Sh * sotiieaiiluialson hip an-
tffiMfiuSngS ftJIjj . sides of pome , or an
J " * • " where on thu uuiiual.
S S5w 55a { afa ftifefe
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • * • • • • • • * • • • • • • • • • * • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • # • • • • • • • • * * • • • • • • • • • • • • • j | |
; i iluw fjUulu ) < XjUWodL rilboo in I
. ; ! : . --in the city.h- • ) l m
. _
• • ' • • •
j ! ; Have just received a lieavy stock of new - : : I
ji ! CLOTHING-which makes our stock com- I \ \ I
, iil plete , consisting of Dress Suits , Business ' \ \ ' * : |
• i ] JSuits , Work Suits , School Suits , Etc. , Etc. - : i 1
. . • • _ _ tm _
" * i t • • M
lj ! liOOEBIES , FLOOR , OILS , ETC. Ill l
: : 3 . - : : '
, ,
: : i ' nr • • fc H
: : 1 ll
ii i We received this week , from Chicago , the - : • Jfl
j ; j largest stock of Dress Goods , Flannels , \ : J . /
• i \ AVaterproofs , Blankets , Uiidcirwear , Shirts , ; \ \ \M \
\ : y Hosiery , Notions , Gloves , Mittens , Hats , ; : [ | l
= : ] Caps , Etc. , we have ever carried. : : '
_ _
" < % |
: : = = = = = = = = = = !
: ! j |
i A § 3,000 STOCK OE : l ! m
• Ji i\M \
. ; . : ; . Ouulb am dEiuyos siyyoSoOs J liui * h • . ! M
: : - - : : '
: > : We have § 15,000 in IVrerchandise to sell - : I
i ; * for CASH or PRODUCE at as low a price : i = vl
: • j as any house can sell. Don 't pay more for ; • :
ii J goods ihan we pretend to ask , thinking . = '
• I j you are saving " 25 cents on a dollar , " as ' •
. - : - some of our competitors advertise. ill M
mm _
' •
• • " • I _
: \ " = . :
: . j I' |
* ' ' • ' l _ i
: : ' \ \ : :
• ' vt\vt tv i I v f m v t vr v v ; m i < 11 m f t 'M v 'i 11 I v ' i < tt It , H
_ _
* * * * * * * * • • • * * * * * • • * * • * * * • * * * * * * * • * * *
• -A * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * • • * * * * * • * * vt * * * * * * * * * * * * idb
i Mm
Paid up Capital , - - $50,000.00.s j jl
DOES A' : { [
General Banking Business , x | |
Collections made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn directly on the principal ' I
cities of Eurojie. Taxes paid for Non-Residents. Money to loan on fanning i _ _
lands. Tillage and personal property. Fire Insurance a specialty. ' J
Tickets For Sale to and from Europe ? . if I
correspondents. j .V. Frxxkzxs.Prealdent. ll\M \
first National Bank. Lincoln , Nebraska. 1 Jobjc B. Clahk. Vlce-Preildeat. . 1 1
TheCboinical National Hank , New Tork. J A. C fusr Cii > m Jly'Ufl
? & * * " ' H
• - - - -
i y linwiiMijiipiii - - : : Jj jfefewtf _ t j
f ffifflffiflggtfim . Jm Ss _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |