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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1888)
I f ( ' VOLUMEmf . McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING , DECEMBER 28 , 1888. NUMBER 31. JH H , i . ' I „ ! „ , ) LUMLJU- ' . U L. . . ' . ' I _ 1 i PPWff 1)111 ) . 1 , 1 ! ! J1 I .YOUR CHOICE" I OF OUK HEATERS AT H " I IWIH' " .Tl- ? WT JJ _ - -f ir - . - • - . - . . . . . . : , . . - . . , . _ , , . , . , . - _ i _ . . - , - H I for THIRTY DAYS ONLY at TIE PIONEER HABDWABE , I LaTOURETTE & CO./ H : B Brick Store , Main Avenue , 4 doors south of J. C. Allen & Co. < * iilLpF I 1888. Fall Season.1889. ' . - : - . - : - . The fact that my efforts in the past to produce none but of the highest standard of excellence have been appreciated by friends and customers , as shown by my large and rapidly increasing busi- B ness , has encouaraged me to still greater exertions " for the Fall and Yinter season. My Collection of Pine Fairies ; B , • For gentlemen wear , is now complete , and it will : ' - give me pleasure to have you see my stock , 'which m is as large and handsome an assortment of new goods as can beshown by any of the best houses h in larger cities. I am better prepared now to exe- : m cute all orders promptly , and give the trade styl- ' ] i ish and perfect littiDg garments. L. BERNHEIMER , f- MoCook , Nebraska. MERCHANT TAILOR. . Ik Fffl k MM Ml C . : If V < ' ; " DEALERS IN = | LUMBER ! I : Sash , Doors , Blinds , Lime , Cement , t HARP AND SOFT COAL. J " * /Authorized Capital. $100,000. - Paid up Capital , $50,000. | | - OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS : : fcEb.HOCKNELL , PRESIDENT B M. FREES , VICE-PRESIDENT. F. L. BROWN , CASHIER t A. CAMPBELL. J. C. ALLEN. S. L. * GREEN. I SUBSCRIBE FOR " THETRIBUNEl / " * 'S" ' A YEAB- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . * b 4K > * * "V * • \ ' = = g - * - " * * " * * ' - Jss tiraS ? i51s * * rtLw rfif * * B a BUSINESS DIRECT0RT. J. BYHON JKNNIN08. JOIIH WILBV. JENNINGS & WILEY , ATTORNEYS AT - : - LAW. Will practice In tlio Stale and United State Courts , and before tlio U S. Land Offlccs. Ciirefnl attention Riven no Collections. OlHco over Citizens llnnk. McCook. Nolt Til OS. CUJiFBll , ATTORNEY - : - AT - : - LAW , AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Real Estato nought and Sold and Colleclons Mtide. Money loaned on roal estato and final proof. Ajjont Lincoln Land Co. Office , over Farmers & Merchants Hank. It. M. SNAVKLY , ATTORNEY - : - AT - : - LAAV , INDIANOLA , NEBRASKA. Will prnctice in all the State and United States Courts. Also , hefore the T.und Ollico at McCook and the department nt Washington. " HUGH W. COLE , LAWYER , MCCOOK NEBRASKA. Will practice in all the Courts. Commercial and corporation law aspocialty. MONEY TO LOAN. Rooms 4 and 5. First Nafl Bunk Building : . A. J. IIITTKKIIOirSE , W. II. STAIill , McCook. ludiauola. Rittenhouse & Starr , Attorneys $ at $ Law. OFFICES AT McCOOK AND INDIANOLA. T. 1. IIKLM , C. W. DAVIS. Late Scglstcr V. S. Lisl Lata of Qas. Lsai 0Eo , Offlca , Slr ia. Sa : . Waihl&ztoa , D. C. IIKLM & DAVIS , Attorneys , Land P Loan Agents. McCOOK NE11KASKA. ' If you have a difficult contest case to prose cute or defend and want to win consult us. Olllcc. north of U. S. Land Office. Front base ment of Ihi' Citizens Bank. H. G. DIXON , Reai Estate and Loan Broker , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. • Special attention given to the sale of city property. Housos rented and collections made. Office : * Rear of Citizens Bank. T. B. STUTZMAN , M. D Eclectic Physician and Surgeon , OCULIST AND ATJBIST. McCOOK NEBRASKA JS'-Offico in McNeely Buildinp. Main St. B. B. DAVIS , M. D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , I McCOOK NEBRASKA. "Office atChonory's drug store. L. J. SPIOKELMIER , M. D. , \ PHYSICIAN ' AND SURGEON , i Special Attentl-n Qlvoa to "cnalo Sisaasec. ( Office hours , from 9 to 11 A. M. . and 2 to 4 P. t M. . mountain time. Office : Over Farmers & j Merchants bank. Dr. Z. L. KAY , i PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON \ McCOOK. - - NEBRASKA. I E Office : RoomNo.l.FirstNaional Bank . Building. Residence , on Marshall srteet. L. J. THO.MAS , t DENTIST. , . t Administers Gas if desired. J3r"Office over n Scott's brick. ( G. W. 31INKLEK , I I FOKMEIUjV c | COUNTY - : - SURVEYOR , z V Met'OOK , NEBRASKA. Will do all kinds of Surveyinsr , Grading and 3ivil Engineering. Residence north of 6chool o muse. | : I'HE COMMERCIAL HOTEL , it i t : Geo. E. Johnston , Prop. s McCOOK. XEBRASKA. v ThiB house has been completely renovated ind refurnished throughout , and is flrst-class a i n every respect. Rates reasonable. W : M. SANDERSON , [ 1 DECORATIVE - : - ARTIST , u SCENIC PAINTER , u Calcimining , Graining. Paper Hanging , etc. rlth neatness and dispatch. p a JOHN G. W. F. FLEE.MING , I flouse and Carriage Painting- , GRAINING , CAtOIMININO. MAItBLINO , j , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. p Leave alt orders at the drug store of McMHH en & Weeks. First-class work jruaranteed. n nfi = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = fi J. H. BENNETT , I GONTRAGTOR i.o . o _ -OF BRICK AND STONE , ; McCOOK. - NEBRASKA.Bl PREDMORE BROS. , I : Blacksmithing and Woodwork , Ic I * Horse Shoeing a Specialit. c cg Repairs Wagons and .Buggies in a Work 1S 9 ° manlike Manner. p i.11 Work Warranted. McCook , Nebraska K : Ka SHOP South of Badger Lumber Yard. % ti F. D. BURGESS , Ip I PLUMBING. ! p h bteam and Hot Water Heating , Io I North Main Ave. . McCook , Neb. ri 81ll ll tW All work receives prompt attention , ti Havks Ckntiik Is hugging Itself over the prospect of baviiigdaily mall from Culbertsou in a few weeks. At Tabasco , Mexico , a new tolcniin Is spurt ing Tortli streams nf red water. It is hiudly nccessiiry to state that It Is painting every thing red in its vicluitv. " Tfie only repiildlcan paper In the country that Is not publishing Hiiirlson's ciibiueis Is the Indianapolis jpuriml , the only paper that knows anything miniit It. Tub amount sunk In the Panama canal is staled at 1400.000.000. ' And the woist of it is the money came lariroSy fiom the small sav" lugs of the Freneh middle classes. Tun White Caps of Illinois have sent signifi cant wariiiuys to the coal dealers to give full wefirht on dial , and if they do not they will feel the black snake acios their backs. Wk have authentic and inside news reirard- luir General Harrison's cabinet. It will be re publican of the all wool-and unnl wide kind , and we believe that this Is all tlio republican parly wants. Tnn supreme court of Missouri , in the t 'lr- phouc case , lias decided that muiiielpiiliiKs cannot control the rates charged by corpora tions recoiling their cliarteis and franchises from tin : slate. TfiituAn from the liber ol tin * nottlo is now spun so flue that sixty miles of it only weigh two and a half pounds. The same liber has for some time been iifcd in Europe in the mauufitctuie of r.ipes. GknkriTj J < > nN M. Pai.mi.ii and Adjutant Gen. Kountz have discovered that iheir etrorts to divide the Grand Army , liuve icsulted in nothing more torinidnhlc thnu tneir own with drawal. The ranks of the veterans remain solid. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . With a rashness which ho never realized until too late , he hud ki sed the Morton girl right on th' * umiith. "Never < Io that asrain. sir ! " she said. "M.M MUs U'jildo. " said be. "if the Lord lets me thaw out this time. I will never attempt the like again at least without an overcoat. " If railroad authorities will neither conduct their oxvn business on decent principles and with good faith townrd each other and lowaid the stockholders and the public , nor observe the lestrictions and regulation * laid down hy law , the time will come when the government will take the management of railroads into its own hands , and that we should not like to see. Tup. New York Voice sa.\s : "There is very little hope for tctnpoiance legislation. " Thar is true. The Prohibitionists of New York united with the saloons and defeated Wiirner Miller and elected Governor Hill , who is pledg ed , to vote all legislation looking toward tem perance. In no state of all the Union has the Third Party Piohibiiinnists ever enacted a single ' measure > f temperance legislation. The Garrett lamily is once more really at the head of the Ball imore& Ohio , nud a women did it. Miss M ry Garrett's influence retired Spencer nud put Majer in his place. Speucer had bee the right hand man of the elder Gar rett , but he was approached by Gould and in duced to sell out the sou. Then the daughter took a baud , and now Spencer realizes that in gratitude is a crime with the penalty aflixed. At Macon. Ga. . the other evening , some un reconstructed miser emit hungu United States fl.ig ' upside down , with the evident intention of insulting the government. The next morn ing early the flag was promptly removed by the loyal residents ot the city This is an in dication that the national sentiment is fast superseding sectional feeling in the south. . l'ho next four j ears will see great progress In the same diroctiou. Leon Baii-ky , the man nominated by Presi- ient Cleveland to be United States district at torney for Indiana , bitterly opposed , as assist- mit district attorney , the piosecution of the lemocratic tally s-heet lowers ami thieves of bat state who ar < * imw in the state penrteiiti- iry. If the'ptesident is an honebt man. and , loes not want to insult those American citi- 4 sens who believe in political honesty , ho will . Withdraw the appointment of Bailey. A MiNiSTiuand his wife enteied a lawyer's > mce in Chicago and asked for a divorse. The awjer granted it on the spot. He being a judge as well. Then the woman wanted to ray the lawyer and he s iid she could pay by narrying him , and as the divorced husband 1 .tanding by. promptly assented to perform he ceremony , they were wedded at once. In • lew of this case it fa difficult to understand vhy marriage may not be both a success ana failure. It appears troin statements recently pub- ished that tlio railwujs of Prussia , owned by he government , arc paying great and fast rrowing profits. The net surplusfor thetreus- iry or that kingdom was S17.000.000 in 1870 SO , md it has steadily Iiiciensed each fiscal year intil. for 1837 88 it lcached $65,000 000. and the a irofit for 18bS S3 is said to be almost certain to y imourit to $77,500,000 Tin 's is an enormous net V e venire to obtain from the railways of aterri- " ory smaller than that or any one of several of r mr slates. J Thk county auditois ut Iowa have taken a irautical aed simple method lor solving the problem of it uniform basis for assessments iT pioperty in the countiesoT thestate. They net in convention and by comparing the dif- erent rai.dcs of assessment , they have orer- nmeihe confusion and embarrassment which esultfrom the various methods now used , laving agreed upon a uniform and equitable ihsis. tlio auditors urge all boards of supervis- irs to enforce it upon the ns-essnrs of the va- 10U3 counties. Tlie county auditors of Neb- aska could well follow the Iowa example in o iriiiglug about a similar reroim in our own E tate _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = Thk demand for the suitable regulation of iiilroads in accordance with equity to all con- erued is legitimate , but the spirit of hostility lisplajed bv certain newspapeis in their eT- ! oris to excite a senseless prejudice to serve mds or their own is not ouly mean but mis- j hievotis. The people of Nebraska must runrd against the growth of a sentiment that unjust and calculated to impede the devel ipmeut of our resources. Demagogues hero ne doing their utmost to accomplish what has iroved a ruinous poliej in other states. Just roinds of complaint have been exaggf rated rj md made the basis of glaring wrongs perpe rated against corporations , with disastrous " esults to the public interests. This has been lotnbly true in Iowa , where a mistaken policy las triumphed and crippled industrial pros- terity. A quietus has been put upon railroad ( itiilding. and during the past year not a mile * las been built in if state that has a greater ca- iacity for growth and more need for railroad . acillties in its undeveloped sections tbau any ilher of the Western states. The people have uincd the railroads already built , and put a top to the building or new lines that won d h ave opened up the remainder of the state to d he markets of tbe country. e - s-m. . . ; .1.---- / & -i - . 1 - Mill Hl-m KWBlM _ _ w Hall , Cochran & Co. , DEAMMIS IN HARDWARE , Implements , Etc. * A complete stock of CUTLERY , STOVES , TINWARE , BARB WIRE , WINDMILLS , OILS , ETC. Lowest LivingPrices. . WEST DHNNISON STltHET. McCOOK , - - XEHilASKN. ' j- ! frr : una mini ] O > pj iniMiTTt o o n ii" " 7 , • j > o cr- ) XS CO O tj , ° ra " 1 SZ xwe J Z r q " fctu.-ffrenra ] - Si o S _ = L W el _ _ _ es 11 in | 1 5 ° g § § § S 2aq 5 ° 2 > ° CSD 2 y • * r = 3 pi go- i o po • 33 3J 7- 5 fj p > , S8 sn w row O r P JaoEEasssrod O -I r ! > oJ ft P ' rirTTTri n " HQ ' ' " ' * ' * 5 5 3fT - - < * 1- _ . i i ii t : 5Toti will find a splendid line of Cloth" , Cas-iim-res. 'Wor steds. London Siiitinjra , and TrntP'erinsr" . and a complete assortment of Sprinjr and Fall Overcnalintr * . A No Esqui mau Beavers in all shades at DRYSDALB'S Fine Custom Tailor Simps , opposite the new pnstniiiuc. Good fits "uar.ititeud Thir ty-five years ' experience in New York City. MAIN AVENUE , McCOOK. NEB. Herian&DesLarzes , .Proprietors of the McCook rransfen % City Bus Line. Bus to and from all trains. Coal haulinc Liirt general delivery. Tliree drays. All vork pioinptly attended to. Leave orders at 'rees& Hocknell Lumber Yard. Blue Front Livery Stable D. D. S3I1TH , Proprietor. Liveiy. feed and sale sbtbles. Finest turn- nits in the city fiittiMied. Earn , rear Mc Sntee ilotel. t. e. Mccracken , \k \ insuranos Ag't McCOOK. NEBRASKA , • Writes Indemnity against Fire , Light- ling , Tornado and Hail Storm. • M. A. LIBBEE. Jontractor and Builder , 5ICCOOK , NEBRASKA. ZST" A specialty or flno residences , scbool louses , diuretics , etc. AH work dono witb llspatch and satisfaction guaranteed. Sbops. orner Dodge and Manchester streets , _ The "Mascotte. " : i * * * a * * * < * * a * J . Improved Heel-PIate j WHHk * ' " 1 Phites attached to • M Eubbcrs of all kinds 1 JRR " I J _ TUTV VOTTl ? DTTDDCDC I THE "MASCOTTE. " lVUiJil/lVO ] I With our IMPHO VED HEEL P LATE I on and sliow tliem to your friends. I They will make your rubbers I No where in this country can be found WgNmtA I a better assortment of rubber goods. See J Eb I In Rubber Shoes , all made of fine Jersey cloth , H are the most stylish , best fitting goods in the I market. These goods are especially adapted to Jfl fine citj trade. We sell "first quality" goods at ' * | the same prices other dealers ask for second and V third grade brands. H - • - - - - , . , . . - . . _ H * * * g * * ' a # * * ' * * * H Wer © Headquarters J I For Wool Boots and Leather Boots and Shoes of H every description. NOVKLTIES in Ladies' and H Gents' Slippers for the Holiday Tkade. We save H you money on every purchase you make at our H "BOSTON BARGAIN SHOE STORE/ ' V OPEItA HOUSE BLOCK , - McCOOK , NEBRASKA. 'H H 2 * - _ J _ * _ _ - v.x r _ _ .rr - . a.Fr _ _ > _ 4T T _ aF * Kr > _ * tf _ | Vd < H I CITY BAKERY. 1 I _ l j FRESHBREAD j I ' I DELIVERED EVERY DAY FREE OF CHARGE. ! | -PIES-CAKES-CAXDIES-XUTS- | I \ -OYSTERS-CIDER-CIGARS- I - - - - \ \ TOBACCOETCETCJ J I ] LUNCH ROOM IN CONNECTION. I I Cakes Made io Order. St. Paul Patent Flour. | H | A. PROBST , PROP , j I EATON & CO. Proprietors fl _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ * * : _ H EQUIPMENT UNEXCELLED IN THE CITY. * _ B _ _ * H East Aailcoad Street , - - McCook , Nebraska. H _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ aas _ a . _ 4s . _ _ _ , < - - ' > * * " _ • - , _ _ • -i • _ ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i M gj Mii JS ? ggi ! * n J MjJM3itr J S JTD r At yT j _ _ * _ * _ ll'iTifc _ "ji . _ J5ni * i - * - ' > * 5Pr > W * g * id" JBl I B fcl v * - " * * "rf J _ _ _ HHHB ' _ _ _ _ _ H l