The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 21, 1888, Image 8

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H To "buy Tine Goods , such as is generally carried
I by a First-Class
Jewelry House ,
H For a mere sum , consisting principally of
H • . I . I . . . - -
H * . * * * . * * * * * * * * * * ' *
I " . * * * . " ' * . ' * * * * " * * * * * * "
I Also in the Music Line ,
I And Fixtures for above Instruments.
' " ' " '
I * * * . . . * . . * . * * " . - * * * * * , , , * * -
I Come in and secure an instrument of some kind
I before the , assortment is broken. Goods are go-
I ing fast. Eemember our entire stock amounting
I to $8,000 must be reduced down to $3,000
I within the next SIXTY DAYS. Now don't let
I this opportunity pass you. We will give two
B dollars for one , and don't forget it. No more
B goods to be bought when these are gone.
B HIF ft 1 ' T 1 H 4
I Timwrnr ftTMMiin
I liUllnlufV OL lAUnlJIUfJuliO
I Southwestern Nebraska.
| They also carry a full line of
'Window Shades , Pictures ,
Picture Frames , Carpets , Etc ,
I Mertffii a Spialtj.
E iffliuliliilil IiUIIuIjI
I Great Reduction in Base Burners !
: JSVe have only a'few base burners left and in order to
close 'them cyit entirely , we wilL make the following un
equalled low prices until they are closed out :
§ 30.00 Base Burner for $25.00.
f $32.00 Base Burner for $27.00.
$36.00 Base Burner for $30.00.
$40.00 Base Burner for $32.00.
These are the celebrated "Gold Coin" and "Palace Alad
din" stoves , guaranteed to be first-class heaters. We also
haV8 a complete assortment of Soft Coal and Wood Heaters
at very low prices. If you want a base burner , call early , for
fbfcy &V& bOUnd to go quick at above prices.
Kespectfully ,
* i
TOWN. 4 , RANGE 30.
.Tuck Patterson whs In McCook , Wednesday.
J. N. Smith purchuECd some Hue shouts , Mon
Tom Whltmor delivered his whole drove of
hogs in McCoulc , Sututduv.
The county superintendent visited the school
in district No. 05. lust week.
Dob Moore wns in McCook , Saturday , with
time everlasting jug. He wus out of oil.
The party that took the puullfi'Jumping rope
from the school housois known uud should re
turn it before ho is named.
It is folly to undertake to turn the world's
down sido up with one team. Whenever more
Is undei taken than cuti be done well , there is
loossuiiio wheic.
Sloro corn can be grown on 40 acres proper
ty planted uud tilled , than 125 acres properly
plumed mid not tilled. Forty ueies of corn la
enough lor one team.
Tom Murphy has a sow that has dropped
twenty-six pigs within a year. Who bios this
is not a progressively productive country ? At
that rate Tom will soon have u herd of hogs.
An out building was removed from tho
school house in district No. 58 more than a
I ear ujro , and bus not been returned , uml for
mat time jjreut inconvenience has been pa
tiently undquietly endured. During this time
nearly eight mouths school have been taught ,
and it is high time it is returned or replaced
Tt was paid lor , and is tho pioperty of the dis
trict , and if nut returned soon , the matter will
be looked after. When u teacher is employed
to instruct our youth , every convenience
should be supplied to secure comfort uud rapid
advancement. Let the school loom and sur
foundings be us much like home us possible
If tho teacher is encouraged by providing con
veniences both iu and out doors , they will
cheerfully lnbor lor the rapid advancement of
their pupils. Teachers , as a rule , arc pie.iscd
to have the patents visit the school , and when
a teacher is opposed to patents visiting the
school , that teacher is a fit subject for dismiss
al. Many parents never think of visiting the
school , uud whole terms pusses by with no visit
lrom the director even. There is entiiely too
much dithdeucc6huwii by parents in this mat
ter. What would be thought if a farmer should
employ a hand and suy to him , "John , the
hordes and harness are in the barn , small grain
in tho bin , corn in the crib , hay in the mow ,
uud tools iu the shed , and thete is the furm ,
> \ork it ! " And the larmergoesto town. John
may be a No. 1 tanner , bur he would very liko-
ly itppiL'cinie tho piesenec of the 'old buss"
occasionally , and some checting words , as
' \ \ lo John jiou are doing excellent work and
it is ( tone thoroughly uud well , and a large
amount ot it. " Tho school teacher posset-bes
an average amount ot humanity , according to
size , as other mortals. Now w hy not show our
appreciation of their labors by frequent visits
to the school room. We show our interest in
our fauns , horses , cattle , hogs , etc , by our
iltuli pteseiice. but that which is of Infinitely
mote value , the education ot our children , wu
aie to apt to r.ito as a hecondary matter. TI10
teacher has much to contend with , and needs
our encouragement. A mother said , "Little
Mary is always getting into some uiisehiel.
She 's the plague of my life. Thete is no get
ting along with her. I'll send lier to bdiool to
get rid ot her. " Not thinking that the teacher
has six little , and twice the number of larger
ones , with so manj different
manage , and then wonder that the teacher on
coming home at evening , worn out with the
labots of the day , is not sweet as honey. Let
encouragement be given to the teachers at
every opportunity. GttANGUtt.
Croup is a terror to ioung mothers , especi
ally during the winter months as it is then
most prevalent. It can nluirys be prevented ,
if properly treated as soon as the flr3t symp
toms appear. Hoarseness is the first symptom ;
this is soon followed by a peculiar.rough cough.
If I'liumberluin's Cough Uetnedy is treely giv
en as soon as these mptoms appear , it will
ioviii iahly prevent the attack. There is no
danger in giving the remedy , as it contains no
injurious substance. For sale by all druggists.
Porter Maddox is under the 'Wtather , this
Com. Bolles made a trip up the Stinking
Water , last week.
Mips EMa Piper returned home from Beat
rice , on Sat 111 day last.
The lyceiira is in full blast , ami the hoys
have a good time every Friday night.
T. Pinkcrton was engaged in making some
new seats for the school house , this week.
Merry X-mas to all , but from country lyce-
ums and X-mas trees good Lord deliver us.
The hoys havegotthesled out. and promised
their best girl a tide the firot snow that comes.
We half hope they will not get a chance to use
the sled this winter.
Box Elder is to have a X-mas tree , and they
will need about 6 buckets of Texas mixed can
dy with whiph to commemorate old feuds. We
think it is time to call a halt.
The 1st quarterly meeting of the M. E
church will be held at Box ElderDec UJ and . ' 51.
Preaching at 11 A M and 7 P. M. . Sunday.
Quarterly conference , Monday morning , at 11
o'clock. Biievis.
Persons troubled with chronic diarrhoea or
subject to bowel corapl.iiutin any form , should
try Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diar
rhoea itemedv. Many chronic cases that had
re-i.-ted all other treatment have been cured
by it. For sale by all druggists.
Conference of Superintendents.
The state superintendent of public Itistruc
lion has called for a meeting of county super
intendents at his office on the3td day of next
January. It is given outthat theohjectof the
pioposed conference is to determine upon
needed changes in the school law8nt'tllestale •
tt"d such other legislation its may pem to lie
neees ar.t. Superintendent Lane snepestscor
respondence ftnmall county superintendents
uliii may not be able to be present , relating tn
school legislation. Ho states that hehas"d < fn
en I ties and remedies" and will invite discus
sion upon them. The meeting will doubtless
he an important one. It is also understood
that on the evening before the meeting of the
county superintendents a council of the best
educatois of tho state will be held. The spec
ial object of the council will lie to consider
the best plan lor the unification of tho educa
tional system of the state. Mr. Lane will pre
side at this meeting.
When yon desire a pleasant physic try St.
Pali ick's Pills. They can always bo depended
upon , and do not nauseate tho stomach nor
gripe the bowels. For silo hy all druggists.
State Supreme Court Decisions.
The following decisions ot interest in this
district were handed by tho supremo court ,
Saturday :
Davenport vs. Jennings , error from the dis
trict court of Hitchcock county , rovorsed nnd
remanded ; opinion by Iteese. Ch. J.
John W. Weleornatid Van NattaLyndsdrug
compmy vs Eskcy , error from the district
ci'utt of lied Willow county , affirmed ; opfnion
iiy Mnxwi II , J
Howard ttios vs. Ji'y.errnr from the district
court < if Frontier county. 1 oversell and re
mmideil ; upillioii bv Hee e. Oh J.
Smnh , Fn/I-r&Oi vs Tiv or&un . appeal
lrom the dl tret : d'tirt of Hitchcock county ,
nfliimtd : opinion by Mu > ueil , J.
Ji-hii W Wclborii and 12 D. Smith drug
companv vs. Ekcy. . error from the cbs riot
coin I of Bed Willow county , roveised and re
mumlcd : opinion bv M i.xwHI. .1.
School distrctl , Bed Willow county , vs
WhfPlcr. error from th' district court of lied
Willow county , affirmed : opinion by Beeso Ch.
VnnBnskirk vs.Tndeimlll , error from tho
district court or Furnas comity. afQrtncd ;
opinion by Mnxwcll , J ,
Morristown , TnwM July 4 , 1888.
The Swift Specific Co. , Atlanta , Ga. :
Gentlemen Five years ago I was so un
fortunate s to contract an extremely bad
case of blood poison. My bones ached nd
my muscles began to swell and contract. I
was under treatment of the physician from
the inception of the disease until I found
' that he could do me no good. Then ,
through the advice of a friend I began tak
ing S. S. S. Your medicine seemed to have
an immediate effect. I took six bottles , and
to-day am sound and well. That was two or
three yerrs ago , but I have seen no evidence
of the return of the disease , and I take this
opportunity to thank you for what it has done
for me. It saved rav life. You can refer
any one to me. R. M. Wall.
Farmersviixe , Tex. , June 22 , i83S. '
The Swift Specific Co. , Atlanta , Ga. :
Gentlemen Th-j mother of a member
of our firm was afflicted with a cancerous
sore on her face for about twenty years.
During the past few years it troubled her
very much by continued pain and itching.
She used > our S. S. S. , and the sore has
disappeared and is apparently well. Should
it break out again , will advise you.
Very truly ,
Pendleton , Yearly & Riley ,
Three books mailed free on application ,
Drawer 3. Atlanta. Ga.
oavs the New York Press : "General Lew
Wallace , in a letter to Major George P. Edgar ,
formerly of his staff , writes : "Jubilate ? Yes ,
you inuv. So may all who love the country. It
was Gettysburg and Shiloh rolled into one.
Hero we are , now , a solid North seated ovet
face to face with tho solid South. I think the
latter will go to pieces first. The great excel
lence of General Harrison's election was that
he was notcommitted to any one for anything ,
and for my part I want nothing' ' ft0111 him but
a clean , advanced administration. "
Tiiis Is what you ought to have , in fact , you
must have it , to lully enjoy life. Thousands
are searching for it dally , and mourning he-
cause they find it not. Thousands upon thou
sands of dollars are spent annually by our
people in the hope that they may attain this
boon. And yet it mny be had by all. We gunr
anteo that Electric Bitters , if used according
to directions and the use persisted in , will
bring you good digestion uud oust the demon
Dyspepsia and install instead Eupepsy. Wo
recommend Electric Bitters for Dyspepsia and
all diseases of Liver. Stomach and Kidneys
Sold at 50c. andSl 00 per bottle by A. McMillen ,
AS a 111 : ( litis pass it becomes more and more
probable that the action of Sheiiff mith of
Biimuigitam iu firing upon a mob of would bo
lynchers , was justifiable. If a sheriff is not to
be allowed to protect Lis prisoners it is wrong
to force him to 6\\ear upon assuming oflice
tiiat he will obey the law of the land. This
countrv has touched a degree of civilization
uhii-h makes the demand lor the services of
Judfco Lynch very limited.
A Scrap of Paper Saves Her Life.
It was juat an scrap of wrapping
paper , but it saved her life. She was in the
last stages of consumption , told by phjsicians
that she was incurable and could live only a
short ciaie : she weighed less than seventy
pounds. On a piece of wrapping paper she
read of Dr. King's New Discovery , uud got a
sample bottle ; it helped her. she bought a
large bottle , it helped her moie. bought uu-
other and grew better fast , continued its use
and is now strong. Iiealiln , ro 3 % plump , \ \ chill
ing 140 pounds. For luller paiticul.irs send
stamp to W. H. Cole , Druggist , Fort Smith.
Trial bottles of this wonderful discovery tree
ut A. McMillen's drug store.
The collapse of a number ot bunking institu
tions during the pust few weeks in the rural
districts ot the state , makes it nil the more
pressing for the legislature to pass adequate
usury and banking laws. There are grave * us
pieions that the class of hanks which exact ex
tortionate rates of intet est , uud whoso stock
holders give depositois no security , need
Several years ago Chamberlain & Co. , of Des
Moines , Iowa , commenced tho manufacture
of a cough remedy , believing it to be the most
prompt and reliable preparation jet produc
ed for coughs , colds , and croup , that the pub
lic appreciate true merit , and in time it was
certain to become popular. Their most san
guine hopes have been more than realized.
Over three hundred thousand bottles of Cham
berlain's Cough itemedy aro now sold each
year , and it is recognized as "the best made , "
wherever it is known. It will cure a severe
cold in less time than any other treatment. For
Bale by all druggists.
The negro must always remain black , it is
true , ubjeot to processes of mod ifleation which
ate happily not so active now as they were In
the days of slavery. But he is not responsible
for the color ot his skin nor for the place which
he occupies In the polities of the South. It is
useless to blame him for not being white , or
for not living in Africa. Tiie wise nnd safe
nnd profitable thing for tnu South to do is to
irive him the same opportunities for bettering
[ lis condition that it gives to the white citizen.
Ho can thus be made more useful in eveiy
way ; and he can not possibly gain supremacy
without excelling the white man in education
and enterprise.
PnoNoiTNCiATtoN matches are beoming
rery popular in the east this winter and might
lie profitable in the west. Boston has had a
match or two taken part in by professors ,
students , teachers and journalists and the way
they blundered on simple , easy words was a
3.iution. The west can't boast of as much cul
lure , possibly , as Boston , but when It comes to
pronouncing such woidn as "gaseous , " "abso
lute , " "luxury. " "luxurious" and • 'allopathy , "
: he ordinary eitize.i of the west would be
ishatned of t ha record made by the Uostouese.
Mot one of thecoittestants ro far has been able
to pronounce correctly three words in a row.
Tiiev don't reform very tin iitimously : Of
500 men discharged Joliet penitentiary , and of
ivhich track was krpt lor tun jeais. only 120
ed honest lives. 300 of t lie number anback iu
: he prison again , "doing time. " Prison re
form , us a movement , needs every encourage
ment. surely , in view of above facts
* - CONsuMPf '
It ha3 permanently cured thotjsai.t > s
of cases pronounced by doctors hope
less. If you have premonitory oymp-
toms. such as Cough , Difficulty of
Breathing , fca , don't delay , but use
immediately. By Druggists. 25 cents.
fou sale
A choice Bunch of feeding barrows ,
ilso a lot of small pigs.
7-25. Bud Willow , Neb ,
4 II
, . , • * . ? - j
• 41
AT \
r fi
We have an immense stock bought
Direct from the Manufacturers , and I
are the only firm in the city who ]
buy goods that way , and we can ]
therefore save you J
_ o > ( I < O O O ( > O ( ) ( > O O O O O O I ) O O P o o I
C'foafis rji i-oods © vercoats |
. H
1 [ inrTmr i nrniwp iii 1 > iiuphiwi ion 1 -
TTtmit T7i 1 tt 111 i iTMnrwrnm
R. H. COLE ,
"The Leading"
EflSlGSidilS idiiUi
op MeCOOK , for
First-Class Tailoring" .
Having a large stock of Pine Suitings
and Trouserings , I will furnish them
alipap for the next 60 days.
Wm. ffl. ANDERSON ,
The Mutual Life Insurnce Co.
The Buffalo Mutual Accident Ins. Co.
A full line of Fire and Lightning Ins.
Money to Loan on Real Estate Security.
rooms : over first national bank.
Allen's Transfer ,
Bus , Baggagei Dray Line.
F. P. ALLEN , Prop. ,
Sf"Rest Eauipiied tn'the Citv. Leave orders
at Commercial lintel.
fiord well wliter lurniFhod on < diortnntice.
* < 3P p P. O. address. McCook ,
Nehnmku. itnngc.south
KwRfeffujiiK'Vi' ' ' '
KS Cattle branded on left
SaHhip. Also. 10 , 5 , A and
\S * $ ail brands on lett hip.
gjgg5i > ffS HorM-s branded same
( Successors to E. D. Webster. )
_ g tty * S ? ' 'w fVI I i ilfx5j&
Horses branded on left hip or left shouder.
. , . I * . O. address. Esti-lli-
. IJf-at
T& kL- IIiiycMJOunty.atid
% * 7 $ $ &Pt ! & gi&kricee0 - K ngp.Stink
! 5rtrv5'"f ' w ! or and French
BbSS EKs \ fS > * * ' ! ! ? , nnn creek8 Chase Co
S S-S &S'VSSl Ht-Hiid as cut on side ot
j& wbtt * ffaaomoanimals.on hip mi-
gaaa/iSS3&sig > sgaa4i sidet of somo , or un >
"J1 • • iiriii " ' wnir0 0 „ tjje HQimal.
minimi iiv-nw. i •'ri J.mvrHnr.iran : ; * " ' T V ni " mill lillll HI III WI' ' III Willi IN > m
. . - Nv , A * * ftftftftftM > * * * ftftint ft i > > - * * - * - * * * * * ' * - * - - -T * . . * am
M Now Eflfiik g Inwpit Pripp : i , I
1 : j ; # - IN THE CITY. H- ' ' ' s 1
. • - ' : :
! ! i : 1
: : - Have just received a heavy stock of new ' • •
! j : 1 CLOTHINGwhich makes our stock com- : ; j
fi i plete , consisting of Dress Suits , Business ' l\ \ \f '
| : ] Suits , Work Suits , School Suits , Etc. , Etc. J i |
: : - ; : :
• • < _ _ _ _ ' • ' H
; We received this week , from Chicago , the > : • j- f41
| | < largest stock of Dress Goods , Flannels , . ' | | >
: . : < Waterproofs , Blankets , Underwear , Shirts , ; j |
ii ; Hosiery , Notions , Gloves , Mittens , • Hats , ; ij
= ; < Caps , Etc. , we have ever carried. > | | 'H '
A $3,000 STOCK OF M
{ H
• • m r • '
! ; i Boots and Shoes , Roirse , Etc , ; I I
• . • . < _ _ , _ . . • H
* - • • kmm
i : < We have S15,000 in Merchandise to sell ' " . : -
II ; for CASH or PRODUCE at as low a price : II
| | < as any house can sell. Don 't pay more for ; : : S
ij 1 goods ihan we pretend to ask , thinking [ : : - '
• : * you are saving u25 cents on a dollar , " as I • :
: | - some of our competitors advertise. 11\ \
. .
• • B
• . i H
: : ) - : : M
• * • * * * • * * • * * • • • • * * * • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * &
* * * • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * a * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 0 * * * * • * * 9 * * * * * * * Ak k k km
Paid up Capital , - - © 50,000.00. ;
does n ;
General Banking Business , * ; |
CoIIection i made on all accessible points. Drafts dratm directly on the principal I H
cities of Europe. Taxes paid for Non-Resident" . Money to loan on farming i |
lands , village and personal property. Fire insurance a specialty. i |
Tickets For Sale to and from Europe.
CORRESPONDENTS. V. FkaseijkPreafdent. iH
nrat National Dank. Lincoln. Nebraska. I j0hh B. Clark. Vlce-Presldeat- ,11 |
The CbeuiioaJ Nstional Daak , Ne Y/ork. / 3 rj. Ebsbt , CsikUb- , 1
, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm\