The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 21, 1888, Image 5

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    • | L | | SANTA CLAUS
1 \ lllllr fffl b Makes his bow and extendi * to
V I if fl sA sts BPfl 3011 it cordial invitation to visit his
I It i % Headquarters
I n lftE 59 V at McMILLEN's
II "I " f ? ty Drug * Store ,
* | l - &O5 A Where you will find everything heart
\ P" * * * / A could desire , from Baby to Grandpa.
&f & 5 5 > l /y Come and see " his immense stock of
I fP\ | % Christmas Novelties ,
I' > 'Illlllllilhr Vw e"C-1 dollar purchase , and to children
I ) % M T \ V1 ' 1' ' cac" ' c Purc'iaf ' 'c on tnc 55doll.
If. lllf A. McMILLEN , Druggist.
l ( r' '
I * Pe H4 pkp.
' FItlDAY EVRNING. DEC. 14.1838.
' at less than COST to manufacturers.
I. We : yc overstocked on cloaks , and will
I J close out all we have at ' 'EARTH
I QUaKE BARGAINS. " This is a
J SPECIAL SALE for December , and is
I a chance to buy a cloak eh ear * .
I \ .Remember Noble for groceries.
I , Noble for superb hanging lamps.
' - Ladies' gold watches at McCrackens *
I ; for $15.00.
m E5 ? Fre8li sausage at the B. & . M.
II' ' Meat Market.
I ' Fresh oysters , in cans and in bulk at
I i the City Bakery.
M Everything fresh and clean in the
' vay of groceries at Noble ' s store.
Hj Patent candle holders at the City
I Bakery. The best in the maaket.
ly Cash paid f jr live stock , poultry and
If : hides at the B. & M. Meat Market.
WiL For home sugar cured meats hams ,
If breakfast bacon , etc. , go to the B. &
B' Meat Market.
R CHEAP ! Cheap I Cheap I The
K latest improved JEWELRY at the 10
Hj Cent Store.
Hi Prescriptions accurately com-
II pounded , day or night , at the ClTV
I ! Duug Stork
ll- S Tn the line of plain and fancy
lj groceries , C. M. Noble will Gil your
If ; every want satisfactorily.
If Buy one of those gold watches for
lJ | jour wife and make her happy Chriat-
l | mas. Call at McUrarken's.
lit 53lF"The price of liberty is eternal
IP vigilance , but Noble's prices on groceries
lj. are sure to catch you.
IlL - The celebrated Olds wagon for sale by
if Leland& Morrow. Also spring wagons ,
| r buggiesetc. All very cheap.
K A carload of Dakota Hard Wheat
K' Flour just received at
lj * . C. G. Potter & Co's.
I. This week. Leland & Morrow have re
ft - * " ' - ceived a car-load of fall and winter
lj wheat flour. Th y oarry the best grades.
I. Blank hooks of the very best quality
Iv hi this office and at ituwt reasonable
IJ- prices. Call and see our goods and get
KI prices.
| { If you want nice tender beefsteak
I give the B. & M. Meat Market a call.
E > They butcher none but the choicest of
I * . - beeves.
lj * If you contemplate building be sure
I io consult M. A. Libbee. lie jiuaran-
i tees his work to be the best and his
prices the lowest.
Toys of all Kinds !
' Gamks of all Kinds !
, Books of aw. Kinds !
MoCook Book & Stationery Co.
Ladies , in making up yoar list , don't
k forget the many attractive , useful and
' serviceable goods we have suitable for
men and boys. The Famous
' Leland & Morrow carry a complete
I stock of cornoats.chop feedand in fact
j of everything belonging to a first class
* - flour and feed store.
t Strasser has two of the finest offices
1 , in the city for rent. Front rooms , with
bay windows. Call at once if you wan
1 to secure elegant office quarters.
Of fine residences M. A. Libbee makes
{ , & specialty. Don't fail to see him if
J you intend to build. Good workman-
' . ship guaranteed. Prices the lowest.
If you want something handsome in
the way of a hanging lamp , call on C. M.
Noble. He is just in receipt of the
I largest and finest stock of hanging
lamps ever brought to southwestern
* Nebraska.
\ Chairs ! Chairs ! ! CHAIRS ! ! ! We
f bave now on exhibition in our furniture
n.indsnmest and el-
* • * emporium the most -
\ ' egant line of rocking chairs ever brought
iff to Western Nebraska. Call in and ex-
1 * * ? ' * ' amine them.
" Ludwick & Trowbridge.
' \ - at less than COST to manufacturer. We
, I are overstocked on cloaks.and will close
ft out all we have at "EAtl'l HQUAKE
'ij SALE for December , and is a chance
to buy a cloak cheap.
. ] : J. 0. ALLEN & CO.
| H Situated near Pleasant Ridge school
H& > jboiiseabout 7 miles southwest of Mc
iSE ; . - -Cook. House , stablewell , windmill ,
wp ' , tc. Inquire of II. W. Pate or G. W.
Wi > Bede. * J
. . . _ ,
, _ 'i ' • ' ' ' • ' -
We have the handsomest assortment
of NEW YEAR CARDS ever exhibited
in Western Nebraska. Call early be
fore the assortment is broken. We
will print the same in a neat and ar
tistic manner at a nominal cost.
fr 5,000.00 !
We have $5,000.00 to place on
1 good farms during the next 20 days.
No delay if security is approved.
Hocknell Brick Upstairs.
On city property , tor one to five
years , with privilege of paying part or
all at any time. Also chattel loans.
McCook , Nebraska.
We run the only exclusive store of
this kind in the city. We have a large
stock on hand and to reduce this before
j Jan. 1st have cut prices cleir to the
core. Shall hereafter sell' goods for
spot cash oidy and can give cash buyers
good goods for less money , as we will
not have to get big margins to pay for
bad debts. Yours for Low Prices.
C. G. Potter & Co.
I $100,000.00.
To loan on deeded lands. Money
' advanced to make final proofs. Gilt-
edged loans at 9 per cent.C.
C. J. ltYAN.
Hall. Cochran & Co have just received
a large shipment of the celebrated Mil ,
they are ready to sell at fair prices.
' A Miller pianoone of the best make.
Inquire at McCrackens ' jewelry store
Chy Drug Store.
Go to Noble for your family groceries.
I -Dr. Hall's office , over First Na
tioual bank.
Tinware cheaper than ever at the 10
Cent Store.
Sugar syrup , maple syrup and sor
ghum at Berry's.
Remember that Leland & Morrow sell
the reliable Olds wagon.
A complete assortment of Christmas
to\sat the 10 Cent Store.
A large stock of furnitureStnvesetcM
at the Second Hand Store.
Fresh and smoked meats of all kinds
at the B. & .M. Meat Market.
Go to Leland & Morrow for every
thing in the flour and fed line.
All the latent things in Neckwear ,
Gloves and Hosiery. The Famous.
Order New Year Callinir Cards at
McCook Book & Stationery Co. ' s
Plain and colored caudles for orna
menting Christmas trees at Probst's. .
The only complete line of UNDER
WEAR in McCook at The Famous.
X-mas Cards and Booklet * for mail
ing at
McCook Book & Stationery Co. 's.
Noble , the leading grocer , carries the
most complete line of queensware in the
city. Inspect it.
Watches are the most useful thing
for a present , and can be had for $7.00 '
at McCracken ' s.
McCook Book & Stationery Co. ' s. i
Don 't forget that the City Bakery
carries THE LINE of Christmas tree ,
If you want a real nice HANGING
or VASE LAMP call and see Mc- '
Milieu ' s fine selection.
We have just received a line of DIA- 1
RIE3 for 1889.
McCook Book & Stationery Co.
In making your selection of CHRIST- ;
MAS PRESENTS remember the City
Drug Store , where a very nice line is
carried at reasonable prices. !
A handsome lot of candle reflectors
for the holiday trade at the City Bak
ery. Nothing like them ever spen in
the city. They set off a Christmas tree
beautifully. (
at less than COST to manufacturer. We
are overstocked on cloaks.and will clo p ]
out aii we have at'-earthquake I
SALE for December , and is a chance to ;
buy a cloak cheap. j
J. C. ALLEN & CO. i
I am selling my entire and cxtpusivi
Mock of toys at cost. I am going out
of the toy business and am making tin
lowest figures ever offered in McCook.
DntL t fail to call and get my prices and
examine-my stock before making yout
final Christmas purchases
Geo. M. Chknery.
City Drug Sto * c.
Fresh candies at the City Bakery.
City Drug Store.
This is the shortest day of the year
Dec. 21.
There is no other way. Buy your
groceriesqueenswareetc.of Noble.
Drop in McOackens' jewelry store
and see what a dollar or two will buv.
Plumbing m all its branches prompt
ly ard skillfully performed by F. D.
Canned fruits , evaporated fruits and
dried fruits of all kinds and best brands
at H. D. Berry ' s.
A large line of HOLIDAY GOODS
at the City Drug Store at prices to
suit the times.
Engineers ' and firemen ' s time books
and Settlers ' Guides ac The Tribune
Another lot of latest styles m Gents '
Dress Silk Hats just received at
The Famous.
I guarantee both quality and price.
Nothing slop shop or stale. Give me a
call. . SH. II. Berry.
F. L. McCrackcn & Bro. are reduc
ing their stock , and making special
prices for cash.
"A thing of beauty is a joy forever , "
and so are Probst's Christmas tree orna
ments. He has an immense line.
A few second hand heaters suitable
Tor store rooms. For sale very cheap at
Lytle Buns. & Co. ' s.
Special prices given to churches and
Sunday schools on candies , nuts and
fruits. Get my figures before buying.
II. II. Berry
It is a difficult thing to select a
Christmas gift intelligently , but you
can still suit yourself from McMillen ' s
fine line of goods.
Just received at A. McMillen ' s Drug
Store a large assortment of the latest
designs m LAMPS.
Skates ! Skates !
Sleds ! Sleds !
Wagons ! Wagons !
McCook Book & Stationery Co.
Everything desirable in Plain and
Fancy Hanlkerchiefs and Mufflers. An
immense liur. The Famous.
A Singer Sewing Machine is the best
present you can make your wife or sis
ter or daughter Go to the office and
see it at McMillen ' s drug store.
Aiken. Lambert & Co. 's Gold Pens and
Pencils , just tme THING for X mas pres
ents , at
McCook Book & Stationery Co. 's.
Swarts has the cream of the candy ;
trade Because he makes all his own
• andies himself and they are fresh and ,
jlean and pure.
The City Drug Store is overstocked ;
with Christmas cards and they will be
sold at correspondingly low figures ,
[ 'all in and inspect his line. :
Go to the office of the Singer Sewing <
Machine Co. at McMillen ' s drug store , ]
Mid see the New Improved Singer Sew '
ng Machine. It makes a nice present.
My stock of queensware in both lus- j
; re band and granite , also glassware J
ind lamps , is complete. Come and se- ]
ect something nice a > .d useful for a i
S-mas present. H II Berry.
' ' - T
Every lady has a hard lime finding a '
suitable present for a gentleman. We '
lave just what you want. *
McCook Book & Stationery Co.f
Small , but well selected stock and
ionstautly why my goods are
ilways fresh. No stale stock in my (
; tore. H. H. Berry. [
Remember the "little candy kitchen' ' }
vhen you come to buy your Christmas '
'andies. Swarts is making immense '
reparations for the holiday trade.
My stock of candies , nuls and fruits ,
( ought especially for the holiday trade ,
s fresh. Special prices to churches j
nd Sunday schools. . H. H. Berry. | ,
A very appropriate Chri > tmas pres-
nt for any lady , is the latest improved
linger Sewing Machine. Can be bought
n very easy terms at McMilleu ' s drug t
tore. e
Swarts has the largest and Guest as- c
ortment of candies in the city. His "
tock for the Holidays will be more
' than . will
omp'ete ever. Everything b
ie fresh and home made. c
Children cry for them The old never *
efuse them. Everybody likes them :
'he McCook Book & Stationery Co a
iave the largest line in the city. a
t less than COST to manufacturer. We n
re overstocked on cloaks , and will close fl
nt all we have at "EARTHQUAKE a
JARGAINS. " This is a SPECIAL li
I ALE for December and is a chance to e
uy a cloak cheap.
J. C ALLEN & CO. ,
$ W If you are in need of a GOLD "
* EN. let McCracken give you a point- c
r. We have a full and complete stock v
f Aiken , Lambert & Co. 's Gold Pens. A
? hich we are selling very cheap. *
To lpen.f.O No. 1 pen & Pearl holder $1.5 • *
To. 2 pen .75 No. 2 1.75 fi
To 3 pen 1.00 No 3 2 00
[ o.4pen 125 n „ . 1 pen & Ivory hoUIer 125
io. n pea I.ijO Vo o . . . . . . i r. | a
" "
To. Open 2 00 • • : . , i
To.7pen 2 50 Toothpicks od cents.v
! f-e"d Pencils ami Novelties.
To 8 pen 3 00 - ji
fa. 9 pen 3.50 With holders , add 25 couts. e
The most popular clause Santa Clans.
Methodist social , next Thursday evening al
residence of .Miss Itnclicl IJciry.
Preparations are.already making for con
siderable social activity. New Year.
PutSl.GOhitothe publisher's pockotaiid get
The Weekly Tiuuune for one year.
Put salt in the water to prevent blacic cali
coes from fading when they are washed.
Hastings parties were in the city , last week ,
laying In a supply of gasulfuu mid kerosene.
Preaching in the Lutheran church , next
Sunday morning and evening , by the pastor.
We are. under obligations to the Courier for
tilts distiict court proceedings to be found in
this issue.
There is talk of re-dMrHiug the Nebras
ka TJ. S. Jam ! dbtiicts at the present session
of comrress.
The Red Willow County Teachers' Associa
tion meets in this city , Friday and Saturday ,
January 4th and 5th.
A small budget of county commissioners'
proceedings will be found in this issue cf
The TitiiyjNE. Read them.
Canon City , and other grades of soft coal ,
and both Pennsylvania and Colorado hard
coal at Milliard's lumber yard.
"Crazy Tea , " next Thursday evening , in
the Baucnck building , by Geometrical Soci
ety of Congregational chinch.
Bollard doesn't sell drug-t ; but It is a cau
tion the amount of hard and soft coal he is
weighing out , these chilly days.
Billiard has "the cream" of the coal trade.
He keeps in stock a large supply of best
grades of both hard and soft coal.
Is your coal bin empty ? If so consult Bill
iard , dealer in "dusky diamonds" of best
grades , at the. Budget * lumber yard.
This is the season of year when there is a
noticeable increase in attendance upon Sun
day schools throughout the country.
To the publishers of the Omaha Herald
greeting : One "glance at Nebraska papers"
such as appeareil in Tuesday's Herald is suf
With Bullard's filling your older for hard
or soft coal ? "He's all right. " So is his
large stock of coal. So are his figures. Give
him a trial order.
Three of the Hiiiglur gentlemen who essay
ed to walk the highway to wealth by burglar
izing a store in that village , recently , now
languish in our county jail atlndianola.
If you are conteniplatingslartiiig a new set
of books , the first of the year , it will be to
your advantage to call and inspect our stock
and learn our prices. We can save you money.
The quarterly repoit of the First National
bank of the city appears in this issue of The
Tiuuunk , and makes a splendid showing for
Iial solid banking mstiiuiion , which is a
• redit to our city.
At the grand chapter meeting in Beatrice ,
a > t week , Mr. E. E. Lowmau ol our city was
ilected Master of the Third Vail. d. is an
enthusiastic Mason and lias his eye on the
op rung of Masonic honors.
A typographical error occurred in the
> rogram ol Teachers'Association printed ,
ast week. The paptrou Satmday afterno m ,
January 5lh , w ill be by Miss M. E. McKee ,
instead of MUs MeLee as appeared.
The blue lodge brethren ol the Masonic oi
ler gave W. M. Anderson a "lilt , " Tuesday
light of this week. A banquet spread b >
L'ony Probst , caterer , followed the ceremony ,
mil of course was an enjoyable feature.
Christmas service at the Lutheran church , ,
L'uesday evening , Dec. 2oth. Carols and rec- .
tations by the Sunday school , closing with \
i concert exeicise , ' * A Ladder Between the .
Sarth and Heaven. " Everybody welcome. ]
Did you ever thii.k of it that you can get
00 envelopes printed with your name and '
aisiuess , if any , on them for the same price '
ou pay for them by the single pack ? This f
3 true. Call at this office and see samples.
Wedding and visiting cards and anything
roin that up t.ia full sheet sale bill printed
kith dispatch , in a neat manner aud'at reas. ,
liable r.ites at this office. Call and see sam-
Jes and prices before placing orders else- ,
We call your attention to the ad vertisments (
f Leland & Muirow , who have been making :
uge additions to their business ou West t
) eimisoii street , and of Mr. Geo. Jjeland who I
as some excellent bargains to offer both in
L'iil estate and stock.
Some people mistake dyspepsia for relig- j
in. And when a newspaper publisher goes v
osing around in a business man's secretary
) ascertain tile condition of his stationery i
upply , he mistakes his pure , unadulterated ,
all and cheek for business enterprise. .
The Indianola Times iias become the pro * > -
rty of 5fr. C. W. Barnes , who assumed
large of the paper , this week. The ret tr
ig firm vouch for Mr. Haines and The
mnuNE welcomes him into the fold , hop.i
ig lils relations may be pleasant and his
rospcrily marked. . ,
A few misguided , ill-mannered brethren of
ie state press have been exerting themselves . .
rer-inueh in an Impotent attempt to "scorch' '
ie "imported gentleman" of the Omaha
erald. But the "imported gentleman' * "
\ \ < - refuses to "curl , " while the Herald perr
inns as thougn she were in able , cultured , r
mipetent hands.
It should be the. endeavor of every businessM
i do business as nearly as possible on the * '
ish basis. Indiscriminate credit has swamp-
1 many a business man , and is a standing
enace to all. In fact perhaps the greatest
use of business today is this matter of j ,
edit Commence the new year on a new #
isis of cash and on January 1st , 1890 , the 0l
edit side of your ledger will surely make e ,
m a better showing.
A scheme has been devised for making
lurch socials pleasant. Each person is given j ]
card on which a dozen names are written [
id is required to talk five minutes with each
„ (
ie whose name is on the card. At the exa
a ]
ration of five minutes a bi'Il is struck and a
jw partner is sought. By this plan wall
iwers are eliminated , everybody receives
teution , cliques are. broken-up and all go w
line happy. It isn't exactly progressive p
tchre , but it is built on the same plan. y
On Tuesday evening , Mr. and Mrs. Cha * .
T . Knights were made the objects of a
• heet and pillow case. " surprise , a large
nnpany of friends , arrayed in white , drop- „ .
ng in upon tlieiu without announcement
id taking full , but peaceable possession. , , .
fter spending some time in such merriment J
id clee as the apparel and circumstances
igirested , the costumes were removed and a * -
iw pleasant hours were passed with pro-
essive euchre. The "surprisers" carried
ong their own commissary supplies , which
ere dNposed of at an appropriate lull in the
• oceedings. The affair was brim full of the ul
ements of pleasure nud amusement. ra
One wa.v to maku the holiday season pleas
nut to all Is to pay small debts and pay then
promptly. Many cannot pay large debts
but there are few who cannot pay small
ones. Besides this money Is generally due
to those who need It and can not afford U ,
get along without it. And for the reason thai
the debts are small they aie generally over
looked nud the poor creditor made to suffer.
If we had the. power to wipe the worst evil
in the financial world the. credit system would
go out so fast as would make your heads
swim. If there Is a season In the year when
these small debts should bo paid and all
made to feel happy , it is at the Christmas
tide. The man who refuses to pay , when he
can pay , is one who will receive his own
merited punishment , lie good to the poor
not necessarily by charity but by the better
plan of paying what you owe them. If you
don't and are able to pay , please don't think
of tins when you sit down to your holiday
feast , because it will turn the bounteous
spread Into wormwood ; Come to tliluk of
it , that's about fair though.
To Soldiers and Soldiers' Heirs.
From my experience in prosecuting Sol
diers' Claims against the Government from
18G2 to the present time , I know that there
are many soldiers who contracted some sick
ness or received some injury or wound while
in the service , and many fathers and mothers
of soldiers who died in the service or died
after discharge of disease contracted or in
juries or wounds received while in the ser
vice , and many widows and minor children
of soldiers who died after discharge of dis
ease contracted or wound' ; or injuries receiv
ed while in the service , are not aware that
they are entitled to Pension under our liberal
Pension Laws. And to qll such I will say ,
you are just as nilich entitled to a pension as
the soldier was to his monthly pay , while he
was risking his life to save his country. Many
Soldiers who are now drawing pensions , are
entitled to an increase. In letters of inquiry
send postage stamps. Address ,
DECORA II , WinnesheikCo. , Iowa.
Or P. O. box 00 , McCook , Neb.
Red Willow County.
At a meeting of the A. O. U. W. , Monday
evening , the following officers were elected.
The same will be instilled in due form on
Monday evening. January 7th :
J. E. Fanclier. M. W. ; W. W. Jossellyn ,
Foreman ; W. S. Perry , Overseer ; F. D. Bur
res.s , Guide ; Martin ilerian , I. W. ; Mori is
DesLarzcs , O. W. ; W. II. Davis , Recorder ;
IV. M. Anderson , Receiver and Financier ; J.
E. Cochran , Trustee for three years ; Dr. B.
13. Davis , Medical Examiner ; W. E. Dauchy
) f Red Cloud , Grand Lodge Representative.
Die installation cereuionv will be followed
) y a banquet , which will bean enjoyable
eature of tlie occasion.
List of Patents.
Patents for the following-named persons
iave been received at the .McCook IT. S. land
ifiice. Parties can have same upon surrender
if receiver's receipt :
"To. 971 Conrad Amen , Sen. , Hitchcock Co.
NTo. 1.072 Charles F. Walter , Hitchcock Co.
• To. 93 Dennis McKillip , Hayes Co.
Jo. 331 Nancy M. Hall , Red Willow Co.
Jo. 549 August Zeilke , Red Willow Co.
o.721 Chase Dechant , Red Willow Co.
sTo. S02 Wilhelmiiie Wiutet , Frontier Co.
fo. 940 Oliver B. Billings , Red Willow Co.
fo. 951 Ulrika Peterson , Red Willow Co.
io 1,511 George Sell iter , Klikitat Co. , W. 1' .
The Lutheran Banquet
At the Menard , Tuesday evening , was in
: eeping with the other enterprises uiider-
iiken by the Lutheran brethren , successful '
ml enjoyable. The audience was fairly
umerous. The speeches and other perform-
nccs good. Thirty-live baskets were sold '
or 544.00 , the prices paid ranging from 00 '
entstoSo.OO. JoeSpottsauctioneerdid the '
onors. The members of the society desire
II helpers to receive their grateful thanks (
in * assistance rendered.
U. & M. STItlKi : .
From tho Om iliu llue. |
In the United States Court , Wednesday ,
fternoon , the B. & M. engineers charged
ith obstructing the mails received a hearing.
, D. Eiainhrack and C. N. B.itchellor of >
IcCook plead guilty before a jury and were j
ich fined § 20 and costs. F. II. Ballanceaud '
W. Jackson were found not guilty. ?
"Santa Claus" Cantata. x
On the eve of Christmas , Mnudav evening ,
ecember 2lih , the Sunday c
L-hool will render the beautiful cantata en f
tied , "Santa Clam , " in Menard's Opera F
all. Admission 25 cents. Children under c
! , free. Much time and paius-takiug care 8
ive been absorbed in the preparation of this "
mtata and the puniic may expect a very in-
resting and enjoyable occasion. j (
The ladies of the Geometrical Society of
e Congregational church will hold a "Crazy
en , " in the new B.ibcoek building , opposite
e Commercial Hotel , Thursday evening , ; *
ec. 27th. There will be a literary enter- M
iiimeiitiu comiectionwith the tea. Admis- "
jn , 10 and 25 cents. J"I
I <
Christmas Exercises. h
The. Genu tu Sunday School will have their s'
iristnias tree celebration , Tuoday evening ,
tc. 25 , at 7 o'clock , M. T. The program * : '
ill consist of sinking and speaking by
holars of Sunday school and distributing ol
esents. Everybody invited. .
Wit. &UES3 , Pastor. t' '
The ladies of the Methodist church will e
ild a social at the home of Miss Rache ti
• rry , next Thursday evening. There will b
i an interesting program and an enjoyable ti
ening is assurred. All are cordially invited , n
Modern Woodmen Election.
Tlie election of tiie officers of the order of L
ridern Woodmen will occur at the meeting '
be field on the evening of Thursday of V
xt week , the 27th instant. A full attend- * *
ce of the members is urgently requested.S
Social and Oyster Supper. ti
On Friday evening , December 2Sth , there I'1 '
ill be an oyster supper ami sociable at the ai
ederick school house , for the benefit of the
uufay school. All are cordially invited. A
iud time may be expected. ci
We will take pleasure in publishing the ol
mes of the ladies of the city who intend to vt
ep open house on New Year. Send in your tii
mes for next issue. Ill
sTmoTe ) e " w1 t , !
• veiling. December 19th , 1S& > , Squire S. if.e'
olvin ofiiciatin-r. Mr. John C. Jelniore , C
iud Miss Jennie Dewey , both of this city.
The bride is tlie daughter of Night Police-
in Dewey. The groom is employed in the oi
llroad service. ci
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * - * * * * !
_ _
Ii. Mor.o of lU-nkcl-nutuoJouriu'dm thuclt *
a few hour * * , Monday.
JudRO Ashmoro wti up from Indianola , Sun
dny , a Commercial Kticot.
W. II. Spnln of the county-scat * vart ntnotif
our city visitors , Tuesday.
W. ( J. Moody of St rat ton wasfu the city on u
tlyliiK business trip , Monday uvonlng- .
Montgomery of tho Culbortson Sun wan
down on u little biislnc.-id , Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Mellniyer arrived homo ,
Tuesday , from u pleasure visit of a fow weeks
in Missouri.
J. II. Klatlnr of McCook is in tho city and
tuny bo found at tlie Windsor. Monday's Lin
coln Journal.
MIssOraco. daughter of Mrs. M. Yager , ar
rived homo from Hartley , this morning , to
spend vacation.
Mr. V. Franklin of tho Citizens hank was a
registered gneat at ttio Windsor Houso. Lin
coln , Saturday.
Mr. and Mr. J. II. Bonnett havo occasion to
rejolco over tho advent of a daughter Into
their houbcnold.
G. S. Hlshop nnd W. II. Spain were up from
ludlauolr. , lust night , In atteudaiicoonacom *
maiidery mcetinir.
Br. \ K. Hall madeashort vlat to lied Cloud
the first of the week , returning on tho flyer ,
Tuesday uftcruoou.
Mies Anna Thole , who haa been ntton ing
pchool in this city , will spend the holidays with
her parents In Hayes county.
C. H. Peck. J. It. McKuu' . A. A. Wenger nnd
O. K. Iteynokis uf Trenton participated In tho
commuudcry meeting , last night.
Dennfa McKillip cfThornburg.ono of Hayes
county'j solid citizens , was in the citv on a
fow little matters of business , yesterday.
George Elbert and family departed. Tuesday ,
for Cluitsworth , 111. , where they will spend u
number of weeks visiting at their old Illinois
E. M. Farnswortli arrived from Dccorah ,
lowu , lost night , und will remain here u num
ber of weeks. See his announcement else
Mrs. M. Colfer , Mr. Thomas ICceley and two
of Jerry O'Neill's sons left for Fairbury , III. ,
yesterdayon u visitor a number or weeks
back in the old home country.
Dr. Z. L. Kay was called up to neukelman.
yestcrdnj' , to see Fred Lytle who is sutTering
Irom a sud mental malady of some character
ind of ii rather serious uaturo.
Miss Lindner , who has been absent anumbcr
> f monihs. arrived in the city , .Monday even
ing , and will remain the guest of her brother ,
Emil Lindner , an Indefinite period.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hocknell are now comfort
ibly settled m I heir elegant suite oT rooms
ncr the new First National bank buildimr ,
laving occupied the same the first of tho week.
Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Dixon and Miss Hannah
lepart for California to-morrow atteruoon on
he llycr. They will spend Christians in the
dormon Capital. They expect to be abs ! iit
ill winter.
Pror. A. C. Eubank or tlie Hayes Centre
ichiinls. Editor W. S. Kimmcll of the Hayes
Centre Times. J. P. Davi3.13i | . . and Z-m. Spick ,
• lmier. of tlie Centre , were quests of the chief
. fry , Saturday , on business.
W. S. Hauloin and two sisters went down to
lartley. Tuesday , where luey will intend the
" • inter term of Mallalieu University. His
not her aid the remainder of the family will
peud the winter in this city.
Mrs. II. B. Davis went down to Beatrice , Sat
urday morning , on u short visit at her homo
iear the city on the Blue. The doctor joined
lis wife at Beatrice on Tuesday moruintr. nnd
ogether they preceded to Lincoln ou a visit of
tew days' duration. They returned home ,
his morning. '
Messrs. A. Hoagiand and Fred Wenzcll , of
linuiia. were in the city. Tuesday and Wedues-
ay , while in this part of the state inspecting
Ir. Hoaghind's extensive lumber interests , he '
eing tlie senior partner in the firm ofV. . C. '
SiiHard & Co. They took Wednesday's flyer
ur Yutaa. , Colo. '
Mrs. Dr. Spickelmier departed on Thursday
lorninjrforhcrold home in Indianapolis.Ind. ,
here she will visit friends and make a call ou '
ie I'residoiit-olect. General Harrison. After '
short stay there she will go to Glascow , Ky. , (
here she willspend the balance of the winter , '
Jtuiuing home in the spring.
Sam. Hnddleston , now in the lumber busi- '
cs3 in South Omaha , spent a few days early f
i the week in this city , his former home , elosE
ig up some unfinished business of tlie Bad-
er Lumber Co. Sam was both pleased and
atonished at tho improvements made during ,
ie last season in tho ' "Pearl or tho Valley. " ,
Mr. A. Kogers and J. It. Hanks , of Wayne
itinty , Iowa , arrived , this week , with their
unfiles nnd four good teams to occupy the
red I ! Mijainin farm , together with a tree
aim adjoining , making in all 4JJ acres , sold a !
iort time sinco by II. G. Dixon , real estate j
rent , to .John Sutton , or Way n county , lown. I
dd s ii" and immigration is a part or the fruits i n
thet-ip H.G Dixon made in September into j f
i.v.i t > iudueo immigration into this beauti-
ii country.
The stores of McCook are now filled almost
overflowing with goods suitable for the ' j
ilidays , ami they are being sold at astonish.j ,
ly low prices. Tlie 1'uure.s on m my limy ? • v
goods are fully 21 per cent , luvwr than a |
• ar ago , and it is indeed wonderful at vviiat
w prices so many ln-aiitiful articles are be- | fl
g offered. With the prices that are pre-jfj
iling it would seem that u i on • need deny 11 |
nisclf the pleasure of miking a few presu
ts , and we believe there are wry few in I h
. d Willow county who will. Toreadersof ti
is paper we would say , before starting out d
make your purchases look over the adverTl
dug columns of Tub Tjhhlwk and then d
• it the "
ar therein. The advertisers include almost ; "
cry branch of business , and they are all j '
orotighly enterprising and reliable. It will ' b
: found that their goods are the best and F (
eir prices the lowest. We most heartily v
commend them to your patronage. o
The TRiBrrii : notes the failure of Mr. F.
McCrackcn , jeweler , with profound ie- f.
et. Tlie store is now in the hands of Mr.
. Franklin of the Citizens bank , who holds j „
chattel mortgage on the same. Mr. Ceo. ti
it'puard being in charge. Mr. McCracken ' s in
< ets seem to be largely in excess of Habili-1 vv
s , and we hope to see him come out of his i * • *
esent financial straits in good form , and at P !
i early date. „ ' u :
There was a short adjourned session of the
y council held on yesterday afternoon. A I " '
inber of hills were allowed and some other .
t ,
utiue business transacted. The resignation
r (
Councilman Dixon was received , but the ! tvi
cancy wls ; not filled , the. Mayor desiring'
ne to consider the matter before appointing w
; successor. c
Remember * the "Santa Clans" Cantata at Ii
u Opera House on Christmas eve , Monday st
cuing , Deceiuber21th. Admission , 23cents. ; n
lildren under 12 , free. Jr
Flie ' "Santa Clans" cantata promises to be •
e of the most interesting performances j
er given by the children of tho city. vi
r V . J _ - ? jM
" *
tAMEntfSs. ; Jg2. a wire I
Atm A - - J Z < $ * U-HL CUTS. M
common iSs idf-tP. J
- I
- . ,
0JSEASCS WS W iCftivA , 4
mi ? irif\m&WVs 4
of * \ >
- / v l A
and W W SwlifcrtJJ <
, 4w.W.ibERTY.Meb ! ? 8 '
For Salo by A. McMlllon.
mas trco
so br > ght
nnd ureen
awaits Old .
Santa Claus.
And tho chim
ney placo all swept
nnd clean gapes wide
its ponderous Jaws.
The little stocklnnsaro
nil hung up , and baby'ti
Just tiMk * four. Won't
Old i-urtu Clans bo surprised
when he finds there are no more.
There's an elegant placo In the tree
to bang Johnny's gun , und n placo for
May and one Tor Kato to leave their
dolls upon. But for little baby blue eves
ii lower brunch he must chooso , whom
she may reach und find tho place he's hung
her first now shoes. Turn down tho
light a little , now , go old Santa Cluus
can see. And be as good as good
can be , und to-morrow morn got
up early , after u long night's
sloop ,
n ii d
r u u
to the
t r o 0
n u d
s o o
Who will get. the first , pcop.
The bridge gang wero paid oir und disband- H
cd. lust Friday afternoon. H
Engineers' und firemen's timo books for salo
at The McCook Tin hunk ollleo. I
II. 51. Ti ler nnd E. DoLong worn In at head- I
inarters from the sunflower line , Sunday , for I
repairs. H
Smith , tho robust , rubicund railroad tnsur- I
nice man , has boon around among tho boys , H
this week. H
Chief Irwin of the carpenter forco rccolvod fl
i badly sprained ankle , last week. In climbing1 fl
lver a car loaded with steel rails. H
A line boy baby put In an appearance nt En * . fl
? Iuccr Burnett's home. Friday night of last . H
veek. Billie never fails to come in on schedule H
ime since the auspicious event. H
Tickets will be sold on I lie II. i 51. on DcclM , fl
Io. : il. and Jan. I. to stations not over 200 miles' fl
listaut at ono fare for round-trip. Limit of H
roing passage , date or sale. Finul limit , Jauii- H
try 1st. | H
A new tfmr card gors into effect on Sunday ! |
noming at 4 o'clock. The principal change is |
n Xo. 4's time , whicii is minutes earlier. J k
ban at present. TI1I3 eluinge will be ipiito a |
onvciiienco to parties coming from tho west |
m business. M
The ofiices or Supt. Campbell , Chier Cleric M
Harris and his force are now located In tho | |
ast cud or the depot building in much more |
oinfortuble and commodious quarters. Kefc- |
lent Engineer Blair and Train .Master Hur- |
nun occupy tlie two west end rooms. |
As a sample of the fast timo on n Western |
oad it may bo stated that tho fast mail on tho |
turlinston recently attained an average spocil | |
f fifty-six miles an hour between Galeaburg |
ud Burliu ion. and fifty nine miles an hour |
etween Burlington andUttumwa. Taking into M
ccoiiut the limelost in slowing up and start- | |
i - at regular stopping p.dnts. tho running j |
[ teed must have been seventy miles an uouriu H
Jiuc portions of the route. H
an ot.n soLPiKtt Kir.r.r.D. M
Br.NKr.r.MA.v. .Veb , Dee. 11 [ Special Tele- M
mm to Tli > ! • . ] A. H Nnrdvko. orHafglcr , M
as run down and instantly killed by the oast- | |
nund pas. 'emrer train , a Tew miles west of H
lis place , this nrtert oon. He is man about H
fry years of na" . and a < i old soldier , drawing H
pousion. It Is thought ho tvusdeuf. Ho has ; |
• lativcs living at Hulirlur. fl
wir.r.wninii STncit. fl
The flash In the pan regarding the weighing : H
r live stock at Missouri river point.s. which H
• stem was to Ii ivo Iiphi inaugurated , lasi fl
iturday , was not it ila * > h afterall. TlicjCIiIcit- H
1 & Alton protested against tho system and H
it ly refused. This left the other roads pow- H
rless. But. Monday , the Chicago & Alton H
i'o notice that It would be ready to weigh j H
inuaryl. Incotisiqurnccon and after New H
ear dajthe shipments of cattle will be by H
Tin : United States supreme court lust FrI- H
tv reveroiil the di-cision or the state in tho |
todell-Kretchbaum cii e. Th" case involves |
o question or the constitutionality of what J H
known n the bweeney hill passed by tho |
glslature of U16. requiring 11 foreign corpora- |
in doinv busiiic ? ? in lown to incorporate tin- M
r the laws of the state. It ytmd.ned nt tho |
unk line railways in order to bring them un- |
irthejurisdicMfinofthost'itoeourie. A pen- |
ty wax to bo enforced against aiy c flicer or | |
rent of n corporation who di 'cgr.rilcl the |
w. nondcl ! . agent of tho Chicago. Burling- |
u &Quincv road at Burlington , was arretted |
• SherifT Kretchbaiim. Tlie case went to the j |
me supreme court , which body su = ta ncd the |
iliditynrthelaw. The decision reverses the H
union and declares the law unconstitutional. |
? omethitgmavperhaps be learned from the |
ct that in the great state or Iowa , where op- j H
es-sivc legislation against the railways has | |
en carried to extreme , only live miles of |
ie ! : have thus far been laid this year , tnnt |
p 'enge being only for a local belt railway. M
lutein neanj every other state , even those M
tSt the lare'-st proportionate mileage com- i |
re/I with are'i , numerous projects nro well > |
: dor way. the pro-poet for new ennctruction H
lown during the c-irainir year u poor , and |
: hongi ! there iroom and demand foriiFcoro H
more local lines , nnd many of them have |
f-n incorpomtci. still , unless the nttUudc-of |
e legislature and the people of Iowa toward |
ilway Investment changes , the out .ide capi- M
t which is relied upon to build these lines | |
If be verv sb.iv alwuit venturing into a 3tnte |
icrc it is treated as an enemy. A striking H
ntmst to the prospects in lown is given by H
s state of Kansas , where some seventy new |
ics are under wny or projected , notwith- M
iniling thefact that an eiiormops amount of |
ilwny cou.-troction has been done , amount- |
g la the last threeyear ? to no loss than 4.30 M
lies , while in the same time Iowa added only M l
outoGO. ' |
y H
lott will notice Gauschuvv's chnntcu of : nl' l l
rtbement , this we k. M