T j i * * - ; * ? * jKd * s ' ( ' * - „ • • r H HJk _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t H By F. M. KIMMELL. I /Official / City and County I'apei ' * _ _ - * . . -I , i . - ' tiik recent Boston tntinlclnul election tv H suited In mi ovrwliulmlinr victory for Hie iu H publicans. Education Is hcfflnninK to tell H ovun In the American Athens H Mas. Siuvr hits Indiscreet > renmrkcil that H fjum cliL'wiiifr Ir a trri'ut alii to whistling. IT H tlioKnind mmy of Kum-clicwcrs ciircliidi * to H add whlptlitur to ttiolr ueciiinpllxliiiioiitH. Hie H popular slffleiiMO will have a host of rlvul till H over tliu country. H A Maine admirer or President Uleveliuiil ie- H ccutly forwarded him a touchlntr tribute In il o H form of "a ciitnlciiMonkiiiir conn eat. " 'I he H cutting down of Democrntle majorities u- H pears to have dlhlniljfcd coons in curious vat u- H ty nil over the Northern country. H Tun enseof .1. It .liicobn. ol'Jacobs , nnmlj H county , charged with opening lctteis while H Niifiby of that postolltce. came up before.I uri e Hj Dundy In U. S. court , Omaha , Tuesday , and H * * Jo8h" was lined $50. iiclinr roleiisecl on disown H ieco nIzance until tlie flue sluill bo paid. H The scniito has resumed its tarltT debates H with full force , and although the election is H over the arguments aic spirited , if not new. B Tliu democrats aro fastouini ; upon thuinseh es H the namo of freo traders , which they so luilljj- H imntly denied during1 the late campaign. B It certain I j seems absurd that twenty three H thousand Sioux radians in Dakota should hold B a reservation latter than tl.e state of Iudintia B against thu progress of civilization. The policy B of the government will probably bo framed in B accordance with the recommendations of the B Sioux commission.which suggests ilmtnrbitia- B ry but humane measures bo taken. B Tni : Man land navy lias at last distinguished B it6olf and has whipped a licet of oystermen in B tbo rugliijr Cbesupuuk > . Fuidbu the cmceii- K trated tire of the lleet too tint tor her. ilic ad K miral's fitter ship turned herself into u bieaio K rum and sunk two boats , drowning a hail B | dozen piratical oyster grabbers. The navy mm l promises to get away with the oyster thieves. Bi Goncral Harribon u as admirably judicious B ] in all that he said during the campaign , tin- fl ! discretion of his silence since tho election ib B ) . not less to be commended , { { pisuniluubtcdl.v K giving a great deal of careful thought to the B duties and ic < poubibilitics of tlie near futiite. K but ho knows how 10 keep his own counsel , 1 and the politicians may us well make up their R minds to wait hisown good time for the infot- | mat ion they are manifesting so luueh holiei- j tude to obtain. , IL' .yti has illegally seized one of our in or- j chnntships. Canada has illegallv seized about i -00. Ha > tiisi poor little waif of a counr.\ j Canada is a trreut empire , with the greatest of Bm > ampins behind her Four American men < > ' Bal Mararegoiuirdowu to lla\ti to blow her u { > ) t K do somuhinir ' , . t-imilnrly drt'iidfnl Hut . - i < K Canada and tho empire behind her wo arc .iot 1 going to tie so vicious Tins isan tidniinti'i-i j tion which looks befoic it leajis. and i'lli- j leap looks b.id It doci-n't take ir lint if h t. 1 is nothing to lean over , wlij , then , it ma i - > 1 bravo , bold , resolute dadi. K Kkei tho infamous gerrvraatider and is re- H | suits iu your mind-1 , lly it. although the : tte Hj is reliably reiiuiilican. and hislieen r > r : ' tir K jears. tLe wishes of a majotity of propire ! K trampled under foot. Indiana lia * -x rel able B republican majority or ftornG0 > t 3100 and B yot the legislature and consm-j-SMiii.I < li' , i B t.1 ° n aro ovonvlielmitigiy ilem > cr.ttie. T i i > H | not right , just , fair , or reasonable , fid ttv in i El pie will tiot long submit to it. The vol m > I B l'e ' People in matters of stato legifl.iti t N B practically as much suppressed in Indian. 1 , hr B it is iu liussia. B . Tnn adjournment > f the ledcial 'raud jiuy R at Indianapolis without returning any in Met Hi inonts ns to tlie alleged icpublicnu eleeiion H- frauds , is signiQcant. It indicates thai the BJ1 democrats luue failed tn make out their cii- . ' H | and score the seiisation which thcj expected HI Evidently their charges of corruption against H | Colonel W.W. Dudley , chairman of the Indir H | ana state republican committee , were made Hg out of whole cloth and had fallen flat Tt i He more than likely , therefore , tliat the it" estfga- Hfi tion will be abandoned , aid the demi crats HE "will swallow tln-ir medicine manfully. Hfi 0 TltEitE is a prospect that the United States Hj | may have some trouble with Germany con- If corning thuS.invmIslands. Germany h id as' ; Hfj ed to have absolute control of these islands HP The unre.isonilde request had been refus-d HI by Secretary U.uard. Negoti.itiotw had been HI Eusputided forrt time During the interval of HI suspension the German fleet moved upon tlie Hi island ami took full possession Tins move B | was probably made with the consent or Engl l 1 land and tlie connivance oTthooth'TEuropean BJ powers. This is tlie situation. The question I uowis , what will thelliiited Statesdoabout it ? 8 BE nc sudien resignation of United Slates mm District Attorney Sellersofliidiana h.ts caused BE more than a ripple of e.vciteinentatiionif prom- BG inent democrats of Indianapolis. While it is Be not known yet for certain tho exact cause of Bp his resignation , it is almost sure that it was I. K | caused by the course of prominent democrats ' BI | in the Dud ey letter case , i/crt-uii democrats BE of Indiana made a great fuss during the last Bj | * ew days of th ° eamjiaign about thu now fa b Bk mousDudleyletter.and instituted proceedings . . Bfj aminst Col. Dudley. But now , it seems. Uie > BE hive weiUene I and c in not , or at least i-cOisc B to Produce the evidence necessary toconvict • * B Sellers got dNgiisted with the whole affair , and iu B rather tlrin bp'"inn > con , ectedIo > li- 'iiib I ' > B | such a proceeding rosigrteii. A verj se' • ! * • ! • • , BB move. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ B Tnr. people of Itoston who . j > end tivr tun B studying the usthetic and clnisitig alisM-ijc , . H ideas to their lairK are not in tin * inaj < > rl\ A BE grcatmnnylo iding lightsun * liissoingfhe it m- Bl bio dollar with Western mortgages , commit- w BS ting tho market reports to memory , and keep II ing pace generally very c'oce to the lnisiiie s is I 1 band-wagon. While great political and "m i nomic pnddems are irivni great public • • In I 1 - ' ' " discussinn.o-ieocca iona'l.vrtiscoverKthe p-ic- I I tlcal drift liy "posers" liketlieiudowinsr.il the * " I j Globe : "Pleaso inform me when' am er r'a I obtained ? " Whereat ju editor .I'dllnu'i e K I practical results "f n visit to Xiitiitieke ie ; I sponds : "Ami crgris is e morl.id secieii..n ot I tbo liver f the spermaccii whale , fun d i < I lumps of fr m one tothirt.pounds in w : 'hi " ' I ordinarily though pieces havo been found r weighing over a hundred pounds It is bright gray in color , streaked with black nnd c'low. in ! and soft enough to lie flattened iu Uicnngcis. " M The training on a diet or baked beans is not to bo sneezed at. = = = = = = = id c < TnK testimony that Is coming to the people hjj of this country of the deidnrable condition of the natives of Alaska is too direct to be pass ed over in silence. It is a blot on our ch iliza- tion that the Aleuts are morally worso ofT un der our government than they xverc undt r the rule of Russia. The appeal that has reentry been addressed by the natives to the people and pressof America forhelp. since the "truth hii { never reaches Washington. " will awaken a re- „ sponslve chord. Public sentiment , ir no othir ' xt influence , may stir congress to action. In a few months the leaseorthe Alaska Commercial cr ° ? company oxplrcs and congress will be asked h to extend its valuable franchise. The unolo ' b Alaska questie : i will bo brought to discussion , an g and the barbarities and iniquities practiced by Bi 1 tho company and Its employes will be fully mi ' rentllated. It is s ro to predict that congtess , if „ will not presume to renew tho contract with i * the Alaska Commercial company , no matter aj what pressuro Is brought to law. and a hap- d will dawn for Alas- day. Io consequence , * " TriE RAILROAD. tai . 'iglu tiuiii" f ii'iii-ii 'tv lieav % j is > mh' > I uiiii 's I. ! ipi ! g trn- , ' < inpii.M a iiMn p ll" < ! > -undie It * J It C Hitler Hfn'kh ttt ixe < | | it o' oo'O ) ill : a < > lii h" 'og Htjij h pi s.iIoh lii thi iiiiti.d lltiinte. Courier T'n ' ani 'iil of tltn iMld clnirlol " UYdnes tin ) hud a pleasing , exhibit at Ing effect on the railroad boys , and a noticeably stlmuhit'iig consequence on business. .Inek Monro secured the elegant mid hiiiid- i , < < iniuscl of dishes iu the , iie at oble's gto eerj They nie rich and beautiful and .lackIs proud of his prize to be sure. Tiieuk will bo two b jr tnniielson the It & M. line botwecn < raw find mid Vlllance. ntie 1 < ' W icet long and tliu oilier 500 feet Twelve bun- died men are now ut work on them To-morrow , December 15i It , tho company will inaugurate a change iu the shlpmeui.of hv < stock. Instead or shipping by so much it car the rate w ill be so much per 100 pounds. A -'Mcfook cru.nl" dined with At-s'l Sun . l'bt'lau's lamliy mi Thaiiks ivlng Naming host and guest isMillicicnt guarantee or io\nl etitcriuiiiuiei t and thorough enjoyment. Mi. ami Mrs ( Canyon , It S. Marvin , il. V. Marvin , and A.M. Woodfotd weiethuguetas. Iloljolu Iltiald. Tho average ago of locomotives is nbotit twelve yeais. yet many , thiuugli piopei hale Iib of living , taking their meals ivgulur and avoiding all intoxicating beveinges attain ijjiio an respectable old age. Til ; ; oldest run ning euyine iu Germany has been on the road since 1845 , and is consequently 43 j earn old ; quite a Metliusela , iu fact. Wtth legaid to us liabits it has alwajb couilued itself to water , though it lots been addicted to smoking all its lite , it lb sad to bee a locnmnthc giown pe- maturely old by gelling on tiaiitsaud itiiiuiiiK all night , but tliey mo often uici with in col lisions. lix. Ciiaikman Coom.vof tlie interstatecommis- bion ; Tuebdnj lead the not act to aiar e tiodj ol rai nniil m.iiiiigeis assciutned tieloi" the coiumtsrioii : il. Cliica o , on account of tonic ol their evi ! doings. Thcclncl point upon which Judge Cooicj touched was the discrimination iii passenger rates ol which cenain laihu.uls lias been gouty. lie intlmaiedqiiiiestioiigly Unit ho knew jimt the guilo parlies , and thai swiit and buic pun slimeut invalid ! any fur i her operations of thifbort. It uiaypossiblv.lie wibdnm tor rail.vay m.tiiagurs not to pun one ilio couilitlsbioii to the < xjic sent Us full pou lis. 'JbcLOUb qiicnt.es ma > not lie pleasant The Chicago liiiiliugtou JfQuincy.hist week , issued i its statement ol earnings and cxpeusis lor the month ol October. It is aery tavot- al'lu ' tepoit , sliowing .or the Hist tune , this ycar.au iucieasu in tliu uetuu'iiiugs ao com puted with iho coiiespondiiig month ut 1&87. The gloss earuiiigH weie t .bU-31 , : 04. an iu ciease , ot t-7 4-U IZ. Opeiating expenses , SI. - 6 i 4 0(51) ( ) " 0. a dccieiibe of § lst'0U 77. Not cam nigs frl 0 . .bi 44 an uici eastol # 43 C.J0 c3. For leu i months ending October 31. the gloss eauiings , weie il'Jo'J > 05007. a dreie.isu ol t'J. .05"ui 13 Opeiuliiig e.\peiiso > < > I4 N55 , ' MJ. 1)7. ) mi 1 , . ( 'I , , lbl * ol 5-5J U b lM • ll Nl I CnlllilUr. > 4oM- a , < : t'i i ense ot t3 OjJ 4 , 'J US Till. • Q" STlSIKl .llu.u ; [ i' e i0 . tt al atti in t will ne ti" .t- < low 1 jm \ atiUiiill . e . .l tlift-ii IIIL'LT..lil > \till < ul .1 t.l.M'l.ll i lit * illli g ion ro.id last Ktbi ti. 'ii i i.i ci the men latch io work upon the old leims. or oetter. 'Hie n- ' -u t of the conlfiein.e is bound to be itnpor ' t. i. , lor it ihe men cuunoi gel n cK tinloin mititc ' iias power to teiiru ihe t 1T Us .u.idi last ' s.ir.ug ui.ii hi chitc a gi in i > i : ti.i > cmi mi • • Q"lltigti . It Ibis iM.teoli ] > .deel'iieii.it is "aid th * fc t ltn..i n . • - • . a - > \i' I. u , .ie cjiiieeis Ini the ; ic s < i > in t u. ' ! iitn , < .i . x vung-Mioe .ifciniist < * if t'.i inttis . .id in nc iheiu with ticuht'ij in having iihuiluI i.h : n lositike ' bibl spimy ami then i.tvieg tiuin in i he lurch , 'there ate si ill 4u0 idb sr.iti iiuieii. aid tile * , have held se'tiui meeting- Hit I tSi ol which they appointed a coiiiuiiiice io w.iit on tile Itur ingltin tillieiaiand .i&K loi a te-itoration ot their old p.atis A tepl > t * . e.\ peett'ii | from Mipeiitite-ideiit ife-ler lhc.ei.- . • rtl grievance miuiiniitei' tit tl.e lit < ili < . In td ol Locomoctvc Cegsneti's is now iu ibuo tvitii 'he single i \ < epnouol liiccliun in.in , nliu u en mute , r < iiii iiu FituicisCo Feeling s staled to bo verj biiler iieiweuu ih • eiigiin-eis and lilemon heic , and this has , extended to oilier ro.els tei in.mil n.g in Cliiciigo 'Him tin diiioii of aff i.rs is raid ! < be n Id i gn power lui i ii fluei.ee iigini si .in pu | oseti s. h t a ; ciieial ttdei.itioii nl ihe i.i'n.t. imiu i > > is wlncti has been undel d.bciiss'tni loi s. u.e tune. SOUTH S.Da. We notice a new wii.d mill up on ti.e.tld .Nel soi place. Alvtti Conner , of Obeilm , Kan . \'is.ting ut . W. T. Stone 's. .Inmes Uobiiibon. of the South side dimv , lot < one ot bis mules , lasi week. N Uurtless loturutd this week frtmi Yoik state. His nephew , John W. lfurtkss uccom pained him. Well. well , if Town. 4 h isn't got onto that grade already. Tisu t so much uji lull now. is it • Granger ? " George Schwent. of North Platte , was over List week , looking atier his aouih Side tai m tietalksolm ivmg onto thesamuin ihespring. There is considerable complaint am nig the I. people aboUL the coal oil we but , nowadays. Il bums out very rapid li and gives a very po r light. Sat. Mr E.Ittor.tvhen speak ngof Fretl Uenj- auiin ion have iuv.ni.ihly loc.ili d h.in either Grunt or Driftwood piecmctwlnle ihe ael is he has Ir'e I siiii } li • e.no • bie .i I w e.oti tjo. i.i V ileji tlrtn e U.m DAN'o EAVER 2UDGET > Dai.I.in t sti no m > . -"hurt I ' el.ei mis tv a. \ ill wi ite limit next 11 k. Mr Cass b is completed Ins residence and il tsadtis.t. t. lie will in > vv in his week. * ' . P. tin lii Wild h . > coiilp ele 1 an I m ite utins e resilience. .Jueli ii.eat and liand- "itne. j V > .iir c-nif.jsit'.i in s.e # • • * i _ , McDoiiiissaud E\ it i 8 e k uvit-tiir-i nUeis instead of lelJtiiiiiitl & hwnrl U h itt is our friend the JJ. aver M jpe cones iioniti'in ol ihe G izeiie. W , ia > o < • hcird rum him for-time time _ ll S t'ooley starte I for Ge.ii'v.t , Nefir. on A important bu-i ie.-3 i s mo kind lust Mouda > 2 lieexpecteil io return ntmut S.ituid.iy. B Dr P. I. Moore's residetico is neai It , cotnplct r ; and is the boss of the town. The Dr. Uas a 2 pleudid practice and is going to remain here. 3 Dan Mkiikv. • • RED WILLOW ITEMS. L O R Ho > al Buck is 011 the biek list. Threatened \ villi pneumonia. sc scni ni Mr. and Mrs. Knot are iu Hastings iu attend Pj iiico upon the State Grange. tn In If anyone thinks corn is not a success , tins ear , let him visit tlie two thousand bushel iribs of ihe above named farmers and man. , • ' ithers. _ The de-Lorning fiend has struck Bed Willow. indhaB visited the herds of John Helm , ( total iuck and LnTo filler much to the Improve- neat of the stock. Mrs Smith has just begun the wi tertermoi al chool with u largo enrollment. The rather nd mother of Mr. Smith havo recently arrlv- and tho Bod Willow mills will bo still better oiidsctadr A. P. U. * . . _ , . _ , . _ 1 1 1 nr . . 1. i 1 . . .uniip ' ' mm il II I 1 jj * • • * j * + frxr f tTMmgmimw&mm * * . * * * 1 5 * * * - , - " / " ! f - * J- * If * A Profitable Business. Thiw who take 1111 lunncv Tor a rellalile en- torpr sng | t otise learn Iheb lnirtiiiess and . on" I 'he world ' who • .Heb ! • • il , get I'eeplti have Hiy I leu iiff-iiga nw In am niimtsslt-g business ib 'Io well to tvnte Geoige Mfitsoii &i'n. Purt'niid Main * the gicatart and gen eral publishem Tln-j oiler the most excep tional advaiitiiires to those who are snfllclent- | y eiilerprlslug to bo willing to make it push iu order to belter their condition. It costs noth ing to try. Women make successful canvas sers , as well as men. Full particulars will be Bent to those who addioss the firm ; their full address Is given above. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. IheBrs'i Sm.Vk. 111 the win id for cms. brills 0Miies ulceis. salt iheti'n. lever sores , tet ter , chapped hunls. chilblains , coins , and ail skin eruptions and positively euros piles.or no pay lequlred. It is guaranteed to give per- feet sat Israel Ion. or money refunded Price 2T > cents per box. For sale bv A. MuM illen. I.anhOkhuk * t M.Couk. Neh. 1 November ii. : 1888 f Notice is herein , git en thai the following miliieil seller ll silled iioiieeol Ins illtcillioi to mil'.f ' II ml pie-eniplloil piool Iu Mippott Ol his elami. and ihai saiil proof will be made 1 e- loie Ifeglsieror Iteeelt er 111 Met'ook. Neb .111 Sat in day. December & ! . I8 > . viz : JAi'OB t ; FOCTZ. P E.D S. Vn : t'lC lorthoSi \ < ec. SJ. T. 2. .N Biiiuie 28. W 0 P M Ho names ihe lollowiii' . witnesses to piu\ his coiitinuous resident 1 upon , and cultivation of. said 'atnl viz : II A. Griiham , W. II. Aliugtoii. of Duiibiiry. Neb John Toltintti. Anion Kedferu. of Indiauola Neb. 6 25 S. P. HAIIT. Begtbter. LandOkkicb at McCtnu ; . Nm.i Novemtier lit. 1888 i Notice i * herebv given that Hie lollowing nained senior lias tiled notice or his intention 10 make final proot in support of his claim nnd that said proot will be made beloro Regis ter or Hoi eiver. at McCook. Neb , oil Fridaj December 2 ih 1888.iz : JOHN MK.liCIt. D. S 5 114 for the s. s\ ' . \i sec lO.Town C.N. It 20 W Gth P.M. He mimes the following wii nesscs to pi ove his continuous residence upon ami cultivation ot said land 117. : Geoige.M Tracy. William Kingsbury. William 11 Whlttn ker and Maishnl J. Armstrong , all ot Quid. Neb. 2ii * S. I' . HAIJT , Register. I.ami Okkick at McfnOK , Nhll. . V tit'er ' 21 \ . t Notice is hereby given that tho following- named sen ler tins tiled notice or his intention to make ilnal proof in support of his claim , and that said prnol will be made bcfoiclhi legist .1 * and reeeivr. at McCook , Neb. , on Tuesday. January 22. 1880. viz : I'El'EU UHEINHEIMEB. D S. No. . for tho N.E. ! Sec 10. Town. 5 N . It. 30. W. 8 P M. He names tho rollowitn. witnesses to provo his continuous resideuci upon , and cultivation of. said laud. viz. Phil lip Itoemershauser. Henry Tilirner , Samii. Cinemon and Joe Hurr. ull of Zimmer , Nub. 2d * S.P. HAIIT. HegNier. L 1.M1 Ui' 1 . A. MC w irt. .Si.11. , 1 lleeenilierS. 18S8. f Notice is hereby given flint Ihe following named settler has filed notice of bis mteniioi to make U1111I pi oof in support of his claim and lhat said pinof w ill bo inaile before iegi > - ter or icceiver. at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday lauiiury 20th , ISsn. viz : THOMAS F ltOWEl.fi who made II. E No 7.729. for the V. l/2 S W \ nt See II. in T < iwij | : Ni rh of itanire 2i ) west. He ilium s Ihe rol lowing witnesses to pioveiu eon tin in ais lesiileiii e upon and cult i vat 1011 ol said land , viz : Thomas W Hnehey Edgar I ' oie-c. John a. tt illiniioii and Michael H011I - him. all ol MeC-.ok Neb. 20 * S P. HAUT I.imi On'icr. vt McCii-ucNui , 1 December 11.1888 N'oiieo is heiebt given that ihe lollowiii. iniineil settler has III ( | notice ol her iiiteutioi Im make timil hniiie-te id 11ro.1T in support nl hi-i el if in and tlmt Miid proot w ill be made be line Hi tfi M'r ir It' eeiter at Met'ook , .Neb . 01 tti-sd > . Jiinu.it v22 18S9 viz : \MHI.I \ • ONItAD. w iluw f Eh" II t'our nl decease I. H E 6.C4 iirlln- ; 4rN v * lt of Secti"tt • . ' . " > T twn 4 K.iiij:10 : , tt C1I1 P M She names the follow log witnesses to piove tier e' > ntiniious les di-nee upon .nil eub iv i'nut ' of said bind vi/ Ibil.eil M .ore ( Millies \ | . i'nllillK. NettIO I I'ttl'iii- ind I 1 lies U Itarner all of McCook N'e • 2i ! * S P H. ur. Itegister. Is tho o'dest nnd mn t popular scientific nrd merli.anicnl pm er pnblislied and has the largest circulation of nnv pnper of Its clnss In the world. Knlly ilhistruted. Bept cIusb or Wood Knprav lng . I'uiilMiort weekly , b'end for sp"cimen conv. Price W a year. Konr mnntlis'trial , $1. UUNN & < O. , PUBUSHEits , 301 Broadway , N.T. Ar.GHiTEGfS& BUiLDERQ Edition of Scicntttc American. W A great snccosi. Ench l ? no contains cnlorod lltliuKruplilc pfutes of country and city residen ces or public buildlnus. Nnmernun cturruTlngn and full plan ; and Miedttcatlons for the uvo of mch 11s cnntemplnte building. Price $2.50 a \ ear , 25 cU. a copy. ilUNN & CO. , PuuiasttEitS. HQl Bl IpU SV& EB 53 mirbo. ecnr- 1HIA MM J fe. ing to aiu.NN MB&akmak Ob&V A Ks' barhad over H 40 years' experlenco nnd have made over DR ldO.dOU applications for American and Fur. " • I'lun patents. Send for Handbook. Corres- pondouco siricily conadential. TRADE MARKS. In caso your mark i < t not registered In tho Pat ent om > e , apply 10 llUN' .V A. Co. , mid prumre mmedUte ptotection. bond for liundbuuk. COPVRIflHT.S for pnnki , charts , map * . etc , quiukiy procurud. Addicts ML'NX & CO. , Patent Solicitors. G XiaAL OriKESGI ritlOAIIWAV. N. 7. .t-3 jtf > nti 00M wctch.nTiTm v\ -inlji.umill.telt. . jj III , If , - .i.vUA D" ' 513 vtstrft In Iho ttorld fl JS li M . _ S I'eifgct . - timtkeeinr. ar 1 lUjij "T Vsi' S I ( . "uttil. Hcity ouliu ould ' ' ' triS&'Jet • 7 > - < , IUUI"1S C li llitli luilirt' 3&ikT < } ( / T K1WSCv'"ldS " ' i- . 'ilt orI.t S kS - WwyJTAiuml cIir5 of equal vslue. • ' > & 8li ityJPl. fMg OiiePcrnon Innch Io- • H Vty - S i S talny can tpcnre one free , fc * j SgS cg tocrtlit r with our If rpr and ral- syi S SuttSL mole line of Household ViW5a5S5 5 Si3 > Ple . These samplo , s S g wrM ts tiie W1tch. we tend i j- . n . - . ff * - > " Free , and oficrjcm hnre kept tn-m , in ronr hore { it 13 momhs and aLown Ihera to thoss tr io inty haT ntifd , thpv become vour oh n propertT. Those tt'io nnls at once ran be sjre of receirmir the Wtltch an I Snntplpi We piy all eipre . frclcht , etc. Address StiatomSz Co. , 3ux 813 , iorllaad , Maiae. . ' ° " 0H' l C0ns UiVP1" | It has permanently cured THOixaAif ds of i cases pronounced by doctors hope less. If you have premonitory symp toms 1 , such as Cough , Difficulty of Breathing , &c.f don't delay , but use PISO'S CURE FOR CONSUMPTION immediately. ; By Druggists. 25 cents. O % J W * W i B % "VI By correspondence made easy by the use of l _ i p roil and winter illustrated Catalogs J OPs ? SSS SENTFREt on application. Our Ave floors are pricked wita al. the Latctti'oreigQ and Domestic Novelties. DRY GOODS , CflRPFTf , rVJillinery , Ladies' Suits , Clo-k ctc V All goods , imported as tc11 as American , vr < " se'ected from manufacturers by Sir. J. Jay Jo Ii nnd all Middle-Men's Profits aro S ved t purchasers. Eastern prices and latest sttlcs gn nnt cd. All goods not ns represented can ha r turned at our expense. K'iEP YOUR tYlOfcE the west. "Write foraamples and prices. JB JAY JOSLSK , .t-th and Curtis Streets , DENVER , COLO. IV FOA SALE. " A choice bunch of feeding barrows , jIso a lot of small pigs. g | J. F. BLACK , " 7 25. , Red Willow , tfeb. . . . . . iii i i iii i ip.iiii.iin mil ' | " > * 1 " " " " ' " " " ' ' " ' ' * * ' " * " " * * "T 'I "I "IU 'I 1 1 < - tW i ia < > l i'W ' i rl . . . .ifaAi ' 4 * ' * A BAD EGG Is dear at any jirifp , and that self evident fuel paves the wnfur the truth equally obvious that the rjiie ifnii of qualify awell ai price , mu t enter intticvei' ) purcha > c lithe offer of a few dollars ' . dirC'iunt thc-puhlic may he induced tn overlook thiquestion ol quality .but vrc think il WON'T STAY DOWN ! Buy a SOVEREIGN JEWEL BASE BURNER with the Patented Spiial Hot Air Cinntlating Fine , which adds one-lhiid to the heating capacity of the stove without incroaniin : the consumption of fuel , or your winter coal bill Hi Ml II WIN Hill HI Ant llll Cilia ! We have had difficulty so far in .supplying the demand for these stove"8 , but now have a ( air stock on hand and can promine not to disappoint you. IT you want a base burner call and see the SOVEREIGN JEWEL , and don't be induced to buy an old-style stove on account of a sliyht reduction in price. There is money in this for you iu the end. + + + + -M- + - MM - - lM - - < - -M- - MM - - tlM - -M- - MM - 4- * THE PIONEER HARDWARE , LaTOURETTE & CO. , * * - Hiitk Sfi.fi" , M..i . \\iiim 4 il. " - - < f d f y\\ \ " < & t' . . CMUHMi WlUI.VajlEI ] Great Reduction in 'Base Burners ! We have only a few base burners left and in order to olose 1 them out entirely , we will make the following un equalled i low prices until they are closed out : * 30.00 ISiisi15ni iier for § 25.00. ' $32.00 Base Burner for § 27.00. J $36.00 Base Burner for § 30.00. $40.00 Base Burner for $32.00. These are the celebrated "Gold Coin" and "Palare Alad din1' ( stoves , guaranteed to be first-class heaters. We also have I I a complete assortment of Soft Coal and Wood Heaters at very low prices. If you want a base burner , call early , for they I are bound to go quick at above prices. n Eespectfully , LY TLE . BROS. & CO. PADE & SON'S Fill HEADQUARTERS , IS THE PLACE TO BUY Chamber Sets , Parlor Sets , j Fancy Rockers , Book Oases , Btc. AT PUICKS THAT WIU. | DEFY I - : - COMPETITION. A large line of Children's ' Goods Very Low ! . c J3F R > member the place and call curly. PADE & SON , * s > t Deiini nn Street , McCook , Xuhrifku. SUBSCRIBE FOR fHC TRIBUNE " SI.SOAYEArT" \ i 1 Ifl ll Ti FAMOUS CLOTHING 1 | * * * * * * * * 4- - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * " ih Mm ® © j > m < i a 15 pq , ' mmm3 "H 'w r -4 02 1 O DC H I ? 5 ? I III I 5 s § - fJ I 1 fell I I ' ' 1 . . + + + + + + + + - - + i 4-y + -f + + + + + + + + + + + + + + * - + + - + + + H ! "il STOP AT I J. F. GANSCHOWSr l And see Hie l > est selec-tetLstock in I File , HeiiiM I Coarse Foot Wear , j ; * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + + i H i jfl Tliese goods were l > oiig\ht for the :9 : Yery Lowest Cash Price , . Im \m \ And T inean to give my customers ] M THE BEST BARGAINS I ever oiiered in Western Nebraska. . I 2S Her cent Biff any Conmefltor. I Oome and See for Yourself. I I sell one of the hest SCHOOL SHOE MADE. I l i | SEMEMBER , ' FHE OLD RELIABLE I