H VOLUME Vlt. MeCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING , DECEMBER 7 , 1888. 'NUMBER ' 28. • 1 I' STOCK OK I FURNITURE K . IS THE COMJ'I.KTKST IN I Southwestern Nebraska. j Hj Tlicy also carry a full line of IWindow Shades , Pictures , I Picture Frames , Carpets , Etc , H' ] Ai\D MEET ALL UONOltAULE COMPETITION IN THEIR LINE. I Meittii a Sicialtf. M MeCOOK , - NEBRASKA. ' - , . „ „ , . „ , . . . , . , . r.i.n B $ On all goods purchased of us in the next 30 days in Older to H make room for our I r of New Season Goods. We offer to our customers in this sweep- : 4. ijig sacrifice sale , an unprecedented opportunity to become pos- I Hj , sesf-ed of superlative bargains , and we expect that the announce- \1 \ HI ment of this sale will N if V i WQQ " • " " Tft e - ' " To will' If x tZ. We are not after money now , bin , room. Call and Pi " Ttcl lear" our pri ° ! 's ° " DliY G00r > S' CLOTHING , I IS * $ HATSCAPS , BOOTSSHOES and GROCERIES. wfa& O g&r uy while the boom lasts of W C.H.ROGERS . . , ! m mgSgg& Tlie Pioneer Merchant. , Iff ( , . . . . . l)2& i i i ii -i i in i i imp ibi i imi .iumiLi mi 'ii ' mi nil i m i ' iii imi - .j M pnaamM B. | | That you can SAVE MONEY on all kinds of ] tm BY TRADING WITH II • p. G. POTTER Js CO. _ _ m tM - " = " = DEALERS IN = lf I r IJMRFR ! ; I _ LLJ 1V1JLJ JLl/XY i K Sash. Doors , Blinds , Lime , Cement , I HAM ) AND SOFT COAL. ; [ B Authorized Capital , Sioo.ooo. - Paid up Capital , Sso.ooo. ft \ . s & | OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS : fH GEO.KOCKNELL , PRESIDENT. B M. FREES , VICE-PRESIDENT. Bf F. L. BROWN , CASHIER. , W A. CAMPBELL. J. C ALLEN. S. L. GREEN. BUSINESS DIRECTORY ' .J. IJVHONJENNr.NOS. JOIIII WII.KY. .7ENNLNGS& WILEY , 'ATTORNEYS ' - AT • : - LAW. ' Will practice In the Slate and United Stale Courts , and before flic U S. Lund OnicoH. Careful attention Riven to Collections. Ollico overCitl/.ens Him It , McCook , Ncl > . Til OS. CONFER ; ATTORNEY - : - AT - : - LAW , AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Real Estate noujrht and Sold and Collecions Made. Money loaned on real estuto and ilnal proof. A vent Lincoln Land Co. Office , over Fiirmcrs lc Merchants Hank. R. M. SNAVELY , ATTORNEY - : - AT - : - LAW , INDIANOLA. NEBRASKA. Will practice in all the State and United States Courts. Also , before the Land OIllco at McCook and the department at Washington. HUGH W. COLE , LAWYER , MCCOOK NEBRASKA. Will practice in all the Courts. Commercial and corporation law a specialty. MONEY TO LOAN. Rooms 4 and B. First Nafl Rank Ruildine. , A. J. IUTTKNHOUSK , ' W. It. STAKK , McCook. lndmnola. Rittenhouse & Starr , - Attorneys + at + Law. OFFICES AT MeCOOK AND INDIANOLA. ; T. SI. HKLM , C. W. DAVIS. Lito Ecgistor U. S. Lsd Late of Oca. Laid OSco , Offico.Eirwia.Eas. Washhgtoa.D.O. HELM & DAArIS , Attorneys , Land § Loan Agents. MeCOOK XEI5RASKA. If you have a difficult contest case to prosel cute or defend and want to win consult us. Office ( , north of U. S. Land Office. Front base ment of the Citizens Rank. H. G. DIXON , Reai Estate and Loan Broker , MeCOOK. NERRASKA. Special attention { riven tc the sale of city property. Houses rented and collections made. Office : Rear of Citizens Rank. T. B. STUTZMAN , M. D. , t Eclectic Physician and Surgeon , OCULIST AND AUEIST. MeCOOK NERRASKA J2f OIIice in McNeely Ruildinjr. Main St. B. B. DAVIS , M. D. , p PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , ? MeCOOK NERRASKA t ' "Office at Chenery's drugr store. e tl L. J. SPIOKELMTER , M. D.s a PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON.w Special Attentl ; a OiTon to Fosalo Bisease : . tl Office hours , from n to 11 A. M. . and 2 to 4 P. M. . mountain time. Office : Over Farmers ii c Merchants bank. n Dr. Z. L. KAY , * PHYSICIAN .AND SURGEON I MeCOOK. - - NCBRASKA. 51 ' . E "Office : Room No. I.Firs Naional Rank lr Ruildin < r. Residence , on Marshall srteet. A. J. THOMAS , " ; DENTIST. : : Administers Gas if desired. "Office over H Scott's brick. in G. W. MINKLER , FORMERLY 10 COUNTY - : - SURVEYOR , p MeCOOK , NERRASKA. iy Will do all kinds of Surveying. Grading1 and ol Civil EnffineeringResidence north of school al liouso. so THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL , ci Geo. E. Johnston , Prop. MeCOOK , NERRASKA. he 1 th This house has been completely renovated tl ind refurnished throughout , and is llrst-class , in every respect. Rates reasonable. 1L - or W. M. SANDERSON , 0l DECORATIVE - : - ARTIST , J ; SCENIC PAINTER , dl CalciminingGraining : . Paper Hangingetc. . 8V with neatness and dispatch at JOHN G. W. F. FLEE.MING , is House and Carriage Painting ; Pi GRAINING , CALCIMINING , MARBLING , | fu e MCCOOK , NERRASKA. . Leave all orders at the druy store of McMilj j in en & Weeks. First-class work cuaranteed. . J. H. BENNETT , S. its GONTRAGTOR [ J OF vf\ BRICK AND STONE , Z au MeCOOK , - NEBRASKA. • Cc PREDMORE BROS. , , h th Blacksmithing and Woodwork. : su Ilonsn Siioni o a Spixiai.tv. i , , an impair * Wasroif and Busies in a Woik " ' ! manlike Maniicr. ' of v 111 Work Warnuitt- . ik-Cook , Nebraska , „ fa SHOP South of Badger Lumber Yard. 0i , in F. D. BURGESS , Z th PLUMBING , ? a lit iteam and Hot Water Heating , L ov KorUi Main Ave. . McCook , cb. pu on " ' en QT All Vork receives prompt attention , pij : Mu. R. A.Ciiaio , formerly in charge of the advertislnp department of the CIiciik ! < > Times , ha ? purchiibed a controlling Interest in tlio Omaha Herald , and taken charge. Kansas jruve a republican plurality of over 80.000 , and gave tbo Prohibition tiekot 6.779 votes .And yet Kansas is more of a prohibitory state i than any other In tbo Union. The editor of tho Montffomury ( Ala. ) Dis patch has got It bad. Commenting on tbo elec . tion ho says : "Thncuise. however , hems us in. Behind 1 us lies tho ghostly record of ten years of < horror. Before us stretches the dilating' vista of alarm. " Knowlkook of bonks and works of art well- trained intellect and judgment , trace of o\- - pression ' in conversation and writing , sweet reasonableness of life , calm moderation and gentle enthusiasm these are the aptitudes for lire ' which a liberal education should develnpc. The Atlanta Constitution pokes the Domo-j cratic ribs with a sharp stick in tho following note : "Ry thexf. . what wa3 itMr.Tilden said should be done with the surplus ? Didn't ho mention something about coast fortifications ? i However , compared with some of the modern t leaders j , Mr. Tilden wasn't much of a Demociat. Oiru sister republic , Mexico , is just now celebiating witti feasts and bull lights and sports dear tot ho Mca nan heait , the inaugura tion of President Diaz. The libeiul ruler of I MeAico began his tlilnl tenn on December I , and carries with him the best wishes nf the people ' of the United States for four > ears of progress and prosperity. Tin : resolution ot the Oklahoma settlers to throw up their claims and abandon the terri tory , was the most sensible policy that could have been adopted. < 'ongresihas the question of opening the territory to settlers under con- hidcration , and all the blow and bluster of the boomers to coerce congress into doing impos sible and unlawful acts only injured their cause. Genkiial Palmek calls the republican mem bers of the Grand Army of tho Ropublic ' • pro fessional soldiers. " This coining from a mini who resigned his commission in the army be cause he did not like the orders issued by his superiors , and who withdrew from the G A. R. because he could not control the votes of its members , will have but little effect on think nii ing people. General Palmer should not forget that the bullets or the "professional soldiers" had much to do with suppressing the rebellion. Politic campaigns in this country havea way of adding new words to the American , if not to the English dictionary. To go back only a single presidential term , no future treasure- house of American-English words will be com plete without the "Mugwump" of 1884. And it will bo a marvel , indeed , if the purchasable voter be not hereafter known of all men as a "floater. " The word is a most eonvenie.it one lo ) designate that class of citizens whose exist- 2iice is a greater danger to the American state than the presence here of any number of alien inarcbists. Genekal IlAimisoN is not talking ; he is iviscly waiting , and. as we bPlieve , studying the situation. Some of the slates that have ticen prepared for him must amuse him , espe cially when he remembers who are the slate- aakers : ; but ho will find in the newspaper gos sip , speculation , and discussion food for care- j Tul thought , nevertheless. This volunteer jabinet-making is , therefore , not only a harm- ess , but a useful amusement , and before March next the people of the country will at east know a great deal more about some prom- ncnt public men than they now do , and Gen- jral Harison will also know what the people • hinkofthem. J The last craze among traveling men , accord- ng to one of their guild , is to present their ard. on the reverse of which is printed tho ollowing : "Re kind to the traveling man. ie has a father , perhaps , and a mother , who tnew him in his innocent youth. Perhaps , iven novv in some distant village fond hearts ire beating for him , and sweet lips breathe . ove's dearest prayers for his welfare. There- ore lay him down tenderly ; fold his hands lencefully < o'er his breast ; close his eyes gent- as you put him to rest under the branches if the weoping willow , where the birds carrol ill through tho summer days their softest ongs ; but plant him deep , plant him deepl" The government directors of the Union Pa- ' ific railroad have just made their report to T he secretary of tho interior. The road-bed ras found to be in excellent condition. The ervice was good , the champagne better , and he attention recoived superb. As for the lit- le ( debt of fifty-three millions to Uncle Sam , ' were better , so say the government direct- j rs , lor the United States to lose every dollar f its debt and execute a release to the compa- iy than to insist on prompt payment from the Jnion Pacific when the mortgage becomes ue. The only way to pay this debt is to sad- le it on the patrons of the road , and let them weat under the burden for three more gencra1 | tions. Bee. S' A wondeiiful amount of energy and wealth being gathered for the purpose of making H lie inauguration of Harrison next March surC ass anything pertaining to the inauguration ulderol that ever was seen before. It were to wished that somebodv had the power to ijuelch all this inauguration flummery iuclud- lg the procession and the ball , but as this is a a ice country. The Journal supposes that such II prayer will not be answeied. The large | lass . rhat delights in making a spectacle of S self thinking itself be.iutirul in gilt and gathers , aud the large class that loves to tee lie spectacular people in guilt and feathers , ill \ doubtless prove too strong for the JefTer- Dnian of the aud will simple ity philosophers , uU arry their point from year to year until an ingj uguration procession will be several days in paEsing a gi\en point. " and the DNtrict or lolumbia wiil have to be enlarged to give all he dancers at the ball room in which to disport liemselvesJournal. . It seems that natural gas. as a constant fuel I upply. cannot be relied upon. Pittsburgcom- | lains : that the gas supply is lieieg exhausted , nd the price of natural gas has recently been nii-ed to city consumers. I n Indianapolis and 'indlay. O. , the supply is so irregular that it is ften difficult to meet the demands lequired uianufactuiiiig cstahlis' .ments. Exped ients arc heinir made for theuseof gas inmu-1 pjj netured from coal , and manufacturers arc bliged to use that substitute in their plants the natural gas region. Tho prospects are liat coal and petroleum must be depended up- for fuel. The success which has attended lie use of crude petroleum , especially in Chi P ago. augurs well for the extension of pipe * * ties to other manufacturing cities. In time , lie cities of Nebraska and Kansas will have a I ecided advantage In tho matter of cheap fuel ver the cities of the east. Tho inexhaustible etroleum beds of Wyoming and Colorado will J no day be nature's reservoir , from whence ho rude petroleum for fuel will be forced through' dis ipo lines to the Missouri river. * co . . ' - ztiM Hall. Cochran & Co. , ikaiiks ix HARDWARE , Implements , Etc. A complete stock of CUTLERY I , STOVES , TINWARE , BARB WIRE , WINDMILLS , OILS , ETC. , Lowest J Living * Prices. i AVEST DKNNISON STREET. MeCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. o o 2s " p > CD Cll ll _ > SF S 3 n " S ° J iJ. i • 33 z -s S t . r | 3 crq o i00 i I g r- r cm lr ? 5 co tjrj g = i p ? S3 ? 2 B j ; 55 o = 5 ' ' o o n n " fimm m DTJ j S5 S2 S3 o * n n CD AHKin Fiie Woolens ! . .I You will find a splendid line of Cloths , Cassimeres , Wor- % steds , London Suitings , and Trouserinps , and a complete assortment of Spring and Fall Overcoatings. Also Esqui mau Beavers in all shades at DRYSD&LE'S Fine Custom Tailor Shops , opposite the new postoffice. Good fits guaranteed. Thir ty-five years " experience in New York City. , UAIN AVENUE , MeCOOK , NEB. Herian&DesLarzeSj c Proprietors of the McUook rransfer % City Bus Line. Ilus to and from all trains. Coal haulhur nd general delivery. Three drays. All .ork ' promptly attended to. Leave orders at 'reas & Hneknell Lumber Yard. i Jlue Front Livery Stable 1) . 1) . 8M1TH , Proprietor. t Livery , feed and sale stables. Finest turn- uts in the city furnished. Barn , rear Mc Intec Hotel. t. e. Mccracken , • Fiie insurance Ag'l' ' MeCOOK. NEBRASKA. I Writes Indemnity against Fire , LightI _ I ing , Tornado and Hail Storm. jI j M. A. LIBBF.E , Jontractor and Builder , MeCOOK. XERIIASK \ . = = = = = J A specialty of lino residences , school ouses. churches , etc. All work done with Ispatch and satisfaction guaranteed. Shops , irner Dod e and Manchester streets. | The "Mascotte ; ' ] f Improved HeeNPIate j We have the only I Machine in town. I if Plated attached to I i Rubbers oi all kinds I THE " MASCOTTE. " lv W D i3 Iv JV U \ With our IMPROVED HEEL PLATE I on and show them io your friends. I They will make your rubbers I WEAB TWICE AS LONG. II No where in this country can be found wl f I a better assortment of rubber goods. See WBwmm I Pure : - Cm - : - Specialties , w I . In Rubber Shoes , all made of line Jersey cloth , I are the most stylish , best fitting goods in the ' I market. These goods are especially adapted to ' * . . I fine citj trade. We sell "first quality" goods at I the same prices other dealers ask for second and M . third grade brands. We } re Headquarters I For Wool Boots and Leather Boots and Shoes of I every description. NOVELTIES in Ladies' and I Gents' Slippers for the Holiday Trade. We save you money on every purchase you make at our I store. I BOWEN ' § LAYOOOIC. I " . ' ' I "BOSTON BARGAIN SHOE STORE. , , . OPEKA 110USIJJLOCK - 3IcCOOK NEBHASKA. H ! CITY BAKERY. | I j FRESHBREAD | I } DELIVERED EVERY DAY FREE OF CHARGE , f I \ -PIES-CAKES-CAXDJES-NOTS- | I - - - - - 1OYSTERSCIDERCIGARS 1 - | \ | I -T0BACC0-ETC-ETC- j LUNCH ROOM IN CONNECTION. 1 I : Cakes Made io Order. St. Paul Patent Flour. | H j A. PROBST , PROP. | I CIRCLE M MI STABLE , I EATON & : CO. , Proprietors I EQUIPMENT UNEXCELLED IN THE CITY. fl East Bailboad Stbeet , - - jMqCook , Nebraska- M