K' : i fl * IW Jt pit ? * . Sj [ FRIDAY EVKN1NG. NOV. 10.1888. IflK stationery. school supplies. II I > ' SCHOOL BOOKS 1 i v Jhe Tribune Office , ll ( At Publisher's ' Prices. w ' . ' DLANK BOOKS. LEGAL BLANKS. ' ' ' I UNIVERSAL II I ) ? Si $ S BT ( LAM 0fi kJ B WIRE * diseases ta SS J r ) \ OF Bt"V - SiClT01 > % | \ f # YiBERTYNEB/ * ' B 11 For Sale by A. McMillcn. H ) \ -Remember Nulile for groceries. fl 4 \ Sweet cider at the City Bakery. fl J | Noble for superb hungiiig lamps. H \ I EgT'Fiesh sausage at tlie B. & . M. H | rf 31 eat Market. B Fine jersey coats and cirdi : < riji jack- \ cts. THK FAMOUS. . : H A consignment of nice fresh oysters H just received at the City Bakery. H I Everything fresh and clean in the fl I' ' ray of groceries at Noble's store. fl jH Cash paid for live stock , poultry and H ' 3 | hides at the B. & M. Moat Market. H f i There is no other way. Buy your H ( j groceries , queens ware , etc. , of Noble. H ( ' M ) \ Go to McCrackens for musical instru- B | nients. We have everything in that B { line. | H < ) A , full line of strictly pure spices for B * pickles , sauces , etc. , at the City Diug B ( Store. H i Plumbing in all its branches prompt- H ly and skillfull } ' performed by F. D. B i Burgess B j Children ' s suits , overcoats and naps. H j Latest novelties and largest stock. H ) THE FAMOUS. K v } n \ Just received at A. McMillon ' s Drug K J Store a large assortment of the latent.l fl designs m LAM PS. HL' ' iHF ° The price of liberty is eternal l fl . , vigilance , but Noble's prices on groceries 1 are sure to catch you. Bi ' A shipment of fresh candies just re- K l ceived at the City Bakery. Call while j | they arc fresh and nice. H ) The celebrated Olds wagon for sale by H , Leland & Morrow. Also spring wagons , . K > * < buggies.etc. All very cheap. . Hi i Hr j A very fine assortment of DOLLS at flj \ the City Druz Store. Also a complete B 4' and well selected stock of fancy article.0 . B j A carload of Dakota Hard Wheat B ( Flour just received at B C Q Potter & Co ' s. B \ This week. Leland & Morrow have re- 1 B i ceived a car-load of fall and winter e B j wheat flour. They carry the best grades , c HL J i Blank hooks of the very best quality a B at this office and at most reasonable fl prices. Call and see our goods and get _ H prices B Do you know it ! Why Mrs. S. A. B j Presscott is actually selling nicely c fl I trimmed hats for $1 00. They are worth c [ < $2 00. H j Dolls ! Dolls ! ! DOLLS ! ! ! All B A k'inds. All sizes. All prices. At s i H I McMillen ' s Drug Store , j H j ] We pay particular attention to orders c Bf'1 or wedding outGts. or any goods of Bjv which sizes and qualities are not in d Hfj stock. 'I HE FAMOUS. 8 fl * L If you want nice tender beefsteak B' i give the B. & M. Meat Market a call. c fli They butcher none but the choicest of Hu beeves. B ! * ( Leland & Morrow carry a complete / stock of cornoatschop feedand in fact g i of everything belonging to a first-class 3 B ( / flour and feed store. H . H Of fine residences M. A. Libbee makes H j a specialty. Don ' t fail to see him if d B \ you intend to build. Good workman- B ship guaranteed. Prices the lowest. s H'i Election is over. But this ha < noth- d B I j ing to do with the astonishingly low e H prices at which Mrs. S. A. Presscott is H } | closing out her entire stock of millinery d B * * i If you want something handsome in d B | the way of a hanging lamp.call on C. M. * B Noble. Tie is just in receipt of the c B largest and finest stock of hanging v B 0 lamps ever brought to southwestern H j Nebraska. e B H Mrs , M. E Bargeri-selling her com c B & pletc line of millinery at figures that v B | i will surprise you. 'It will pay you to B Si ' call and make an examination of her d B I j stock and get prices before going elser BfL * where. . B B At McCrackens you will find a fresh K B fl lot of strings for the following instru- " H fl ments : in B" " Violin , B ( T Guitar , B M Cello , k I Double Bass. . JU ' • \ ( ' > ; ; < - - PAY YOUR ELECTION BETS ! SOFT AND STIFF HATS SUITS AND OVERCOATS. Lowest Prices ! Latest Styles ! L. LOWMAN & SON. $5,000.00 ! We have $5,000.00 to place on good farms during the next 20 days. No delay if security is approved. BABCOCK & KELLEY. Ilocknell Brick Upstairs. gl0P,00Q.0 " 0 ] To loan on deeded lands. Money advanced to make final proofs. Office opposite Arlington Hotel. C. J. RYAN. WAGONS ! WAGONS ! ! WAGONS ! ! ! Hall. Co < : lira11 & Co haveju-it received a large shipment of the celebrated MlL BURN TUBLKR AXE WAOONS , which they are ready to sell at. fair prices. Fresh candies at the City Bakery. Go to Noble for your family groceries. B Dr. Hairs office , over First Na tional bank. Fresh oysters at the City Bakery. Just received. Fine overc-jats , suits and pants our specialty THK FAMOUS. ' Remember that Leland & Morrow sell the reliable Olds wagon. Nothing but freshest ' and purest drugs at the City Drug Store. Fresh and smoked meats of all kinds At the B. & M. Meat Market. Go to Leland & Morrow for every thing in the flour and feed line. Hitv Hotel & Star Restaurant ! The ' place for a good meal and clean bed. . Farmers , the place for you to stop at is the City Hotel & Star Restaurant. George M. Chenery at the City Drug Store , makes a specialty of prescriptions. Railroad men will find the City Hotel & Star Restaurant the place for them. No house can show you one half as many ' styles in underwear or other goods as THE FAMOUS. Noble , the leading grocer , carries the most complete line of queensware in the city. < Inspect it. . If you want a real nice HANGING or VASE LAMP call and see Mc1 Millen ' s fine selection. Why you can buy hats , nice ones too , for a mere song at Mrs. S A. Presscott's bazar. Good felt hats , untriramed , at from j 50 cents upward. . McMillen's drug store is the place to find the largest assortment of DOLLS ever brought to 'McCook. - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • JgjP'In the line of plain and fancy groceries , C. 31 Noble will fill your every want satisfactorily. .1 ust Reckiveu ! Two barrels of ex tra sweet cider at the City Bakery , which will be sold at 50 cents a gallon. ti . Prepare to pay your election bets , s We have just , received another 1t 1 latest styles in t tiff , solt and silk hats THE FAMOUS. J Strasser ha > two of the finestoffices in the city for rent. Front moms , with \ bay windows. Call at once if you wan to secure elegant office quarters. 3 If you contemplate building be sure to consult M. A. Libbee. He guaran tees his work to be the best and his „ prices the lowest. | Chair , ! Chairs ! ! CHAIRS ! ! ! We J have : now on exhibition in our furniture emporium the n-indsomest and most el $ egant Imeof rocking chairs ever brought ii to Western Nebraska Call in and exs amine them. c Liidwick & Trowbridge.e PRECINCT OFFICERS. > Willow Grovk Justice of the Ppsico ( To All vacancy ) , S. II. Colvin ; Constables , Win. F. b Coleman and C. B. Gray ; AFseusor. C. J. Ryan ; a Overseer district 29. W. D. Paine ; District 8 , J. H. Williamson. j Indianola Assessor , Will McCool : Over- „ seers. A. Beeman. 2 ; Chas. Collinjr. 3 ; H. A. Habcock. 4 ; E. Dutclier. 19 : Thomas White. 20 ; " M. lessen. 3 . l Red Willow Assessor , W. M. Kalliturs ; * Overseer district 10 , T. J. Rujrgles. c Pekrv Assessor , B. F. Olcott ; Overseer t district 26. John Real. * a Coleihn Assessor. W. > 1. Rozelle ; Overd seer district 19. Robert Monro. e Xortii Vallev Assessor. • . S. Kikendall ; Overseer district 1 , A. Utter ; District 26 , J. V. Caniahan. s East Vallky Assessor. S. B. Howe ; Over- seer district 12 , Win. Foust ; District K , Win. J" Brinkman. Driftwood Assessor , B. A. Lincoln ; Over- I1 seer district 9 , C. H. Pate ; District 35 , J. W. " aicCaslin. I Missouri Ridge Assessor , J. Jones ; Over3' seer. John Gircns cl Tyrone Assessor. Isaac Bunker ; Overseer n district 34. tie. C. S. Binir and Geo. Kempton ; c Dislrict23. It F. Gordon. ij Lebanon Assessor. Isaiah Bennett ; Overv seer district IS. L. F. Xicliols. a DanruryAssessor. . H. W. Naden ; Overseer * district IT. W. H. Sislcr ; District 27 , J. C. Laff- . erty. Gerver Assessor , A. Waggy ; Overseer district 16 , E. Green. u Grant Assessor. Frank Albricht : Overseer a district 25 , S. M. Scranton ; District 3" , tie , W A. Chase and U. F. Elliott. Vallky Grangi ; Assessor. W. G Gillespie ; I Overseer district 21 , It. Johnston ; DistrictSO , f W. H. Deraay. 1 Bkaver Assessor , Win T. Henton ; Over n se r district 24. Win. Hierskorn. j , Box Elder Assessor , I. W. Sniuulh'ng' , Overseer district 7. T. Pinkerton ; Disrrict 31 , . Wm. Taj lor : District6. R. F. Loomis. , BoNiiVii.i.E Assessor. .Inliu Hall. Overseer > district 22. Henry CoIHiik ; District 15 , Kelson " Downs. * Probably the most enthusiastic republican jollification that has taken place In Western Nebraska occurred at Dmihiiry on Monday " nijrht. A huyebon-flre attracted a Inrjjo crowd { ? who went wild over the . od news oruchunpe ci administrative nfTairs. Faces wpre blackh ened and hats were captured aud thrown in s ] the fire , while wild yells , dancing and jokes of jf all kinds J'ddo-l zestlo the oceaslnn. Happily j | no one was n rt. no had b otwl. and beyond , j jrettinjf l.rmri sely rire-I e\-eiyyody washappy. Indiaaoiu C. urlei. _ " " ' - - % r - . . . , - * ' The very latent tiling In fall bonnets fe male hearts. An addition is being made to his dwelling by S. Seaman. Observe * ehniigo of sulvertlM'iiieul by L. Lowman & Sou. Don't fail to read Lawler's sieclal cloak sale announcement in ( his issue. * If you want enemies , oxcel others ; if you desire friends , let others excel 3011. Don't buy a foot of lumber until you have seen liullarrt and learned his figures. Complete stock and best grades of lumber and coal at W. C. Billiard & Uo. 's yard. For the ollicial lettirns to be found in this issue , we arc under obligations to the Indian ola Com ier. Joel S. Kelsey will snt-ak , next Sabbath , both inuniiiij ; and evening , ' upon "Crime and iis Kefonii. " We regret to leain that Mis. McAdanis , mother of Contiactor James MeAdams , is very beriously ill. W. C. Dullard have in stock best quality of hard and suit coal , itcmember this when laying 111 your winter's supply. n It is amusing to note with what unanimity the democratic sheets of this district 'will " now devote their energies to local work . " The incarceration ol an intoxicated , frail female , Wednesday , i one ot the very unus ual and disgusting Happenings of the week. Let Dullard figure with you if you con template building or making any improve ments , lie will have you money eveiy lime. Wild geese are moving and the local mmi rod bi'sthiiug himself accordingly , pivp.ir ing "decoys , * ' cleaning up the old bluudeibus , etc. i .Now that our democratic friends are be- ginning to pay their election wagers , silk hats aie becoming noticeably numerous in the ciiy. [ ' _ _ , An eleven pound sou , Tuesdaj * , came to exercise < the heait cockles of Air. and iMrs. George ' Burns ot South.AleCook , in an active , pai ental way. The gentlemen of the gieen cloth are be1 coming ( too nunieious. They mi ht be made conspicuous by their absence with good ef- feet to public 11101 als. If 3ouare contemplatingstaiting anew set of < books , the lirst of the year , it will be to 3our : advantage to call and inspect our stock and learn our prices. We can .save 301111101103' . Tie ! Catholic friends of the cily are gradu- ally moving the remains of those interred in their * cemetery in Egau park into their new burial ' grounds immediately west of Longview cenieteiy. Lumber is being hauled out tor a new frame school house , about two miles west ot the Quick < postollice. The sod school house is beginning I to disappear before the advance of civilization. The lecture entitled , "lleioes and Hero Worship 1 , " delivered by Prf. C. C. Deltman at the AI. . church , Sunday evening last , was well attended and the effort is highly commended. - A nice little nest of gamblers have taken snug winter quaiters in the city , preparatory to carrying on their nefarious business here dm ing the couiiim winter months. The city authoiities should make them dust. The entertainment announced for Saturc day evening at the opera hall by the "Majors" did not pan out much paying ore for the com. binatiou. The " .Majors" should routine their operations to the 1 uial school house. This week , J. D. Harris of Oherlin , Kas. , who is already considerabl3' interested jn McCook property , comuienceii the erection t of another dwelling house on East Dcnnison street. Its dimensions are 3ixiS feet. Dr. and Airs. T. 13. Stutzman gave a pleas- ant evening part.v , Wednesdaj * , in honor of Rev. and Airs. ( Jeo. B. Smyth of Fnochow , China , now in Ihe city on 11 short visit to Air. and Airs. Frank Harris. The guests were. . Air. and Airs. Chas. 11 Bojle , O. C. Gaston , " j Frank Harris. Geo. II. Smylh , W. F. Lawson , Airs. F. D. Fitney and Airs. C. L. Ni-ttleton. A charming time was had in a socialva3 * . c In another place will be seen the advertise- ment of Messrs .lames Littell & Co. , who I have ] embarked in the hulrlier business in our midst , being Idi\iteil in Tun Tribune's old :1 : quaiters on East Dennison street. These 1 gentlemen carry a full stock of fresh and n salt meats , in fact of everytliiiig ' usually kept ii in a tiret class meat market. They ask a share of the public patronage , promising courteous treatment , best of meats and low est market prices. Remember then * stand , t one door east of J. C. Allen & Co. , East DenA nison i street. ri ric A bill has been prepared , and will come up ' before the next legislature for consideration and action , con-ituting and establishing a "bureau of agricultural and animal industiy in the department of state " The bill is re ceiving hearts' endorsement at hands of the stock and agricultural papers of the state , n Great advantages are claimed for the measa ure ' and it is to be hoped that the bill may beti come a statute. Too great care cannot be s taken ; of stock anil agriculture interests , and department or bureau to gather statistics , disseminate helpful information , etc. , will be entirely sensible and the proper caper. How quickls' one can see the approaching signs of winter : eveiy draft of air and evers * plant seems to fell us that winter will soon be. here with its storms and snowfalls. Even now the shortness of da3s and the cool eveni ! , ing breezes tell us that summer is no more. 0 How sad , .vet beautiful , is this period of the { ti year when the leaves have turned to niairy 1 different hues and rich colors. It seems to J one like death , and so it is with man. First comes spring of youth without care or frouP ble , then summer and autumn , and at last' ' l > winter with all its trials and tribulations and G at last , when we have stood the storms , sunK shine and pleasant weather of a lifetime , we t ll ! down and die. with Sl lay So summer , first the davs begin to grow shorter , then conies cool " ? breezes , and at last cruel storms and then w " . 11 all know that winter is here. n An open meeting of the G. A. R. , the ir Ladies' Relief Corps , and some of their ? , friends ; , was hold at Grand Arms * Hall on ' j , Tuesday evening of this week. Quite a large ! w number were present. No regular routine of I p business was transacted however , the Post j cl Commander called the meeting to order and ( n delivered an address of welcome ; after which n hoit speeches , appiopriate to the occasion , 1 , n were made by comrades Judge Lellew , II. j w U. Berry , T. E. AlcCracken , Col. Alay , of- Oberlin , Kas. , and Post Chaplain Kiuunel ; then a song by Prof. Lewis and others , when , ( p the bugle sounded "to draw rations , " and ; 'pi general movement forward was made to the j m commissary department , where instead of' ni hardtack , sow-bosom and tin cup coife * * , a' ' al splendid collation had been spread 03' the | ladies of the Relief Corps , to whicii ample ! „ , justice vas done. A very plea-ant and social'V ] Lime wa > * had and enjoyed by ail present. rc Lexoloc. ID 1 I i THE BARBECUE AND BALL. An Immenso , Enthusiastic Crowd Participate in the Affair. Although but short and indiffei cut notifica tion had been given of the affair , the atten dance at the barbecue and ball held in this cits * , Tuesday , was something great , while enthusiasm ran high. The feast was spread about noon , on the vacant lots in the rear of the new bricks , two large beeves , loaves of bread without number , baked beans without measure , and cups of coffee without limit , helng served to assuage the hungry and thirs ty multitude. After the banquet followed the "dude parade , " speech-making , etc. , the affair concluding in the evening with a free ball in the opera house , which was largely participated in , the commodious hall being taxed to its utmost capacity. At a late hour the people dispersed to their homes having , we feel safe in stating , had a fairly enjoyable time , which might , however , have been con siderably : more so , had arrangements been more elaborate , and had more time been taken in preparation. In the laiufuutre of the classic Greek , "the dude 1 paritdu was a dandy. " The Indianola friends , flfty stroiiK1 . who ar rived too iate for the barbecue , were gii'oii a line I supper at the Commercial House , which entirely | pacillcd and soothed their keen disap pointment. ' One of the events of the afternoon which caused ' kicut merriment was the wheelliij , ' or .Moody Starbuck up Alain Avenue , by Frank Vore. in pa > ment of an election nauer. A free excursion ' ot the same kind was also enjoyed by Joe Wilcox. Thomas Malone } * , second cook at the Mc- Eniee. 1 ho inebriatedouulster who persist ently ! annoyed tlio"ciidr ] procession. " and dis turbed the peace , and who wits dually rim in by 1 " ad" Paine , niter quite it chase in which 1 i lie chief used his "persuader"- liriiur the ll'-et 1 fellow lo time , was afterward * released on recognizance of Mayor McEnlee. He ap J peared before Police JudtfeO'Dnuiii'll. the fol lowing I mnriiiiitr. and was discharged , the Judge deciding that there w s no cause of ac ticm. liu r. 11 small due and trimmings would not ' have been ami s. ' A Birthday Surprise. Last Montlay evening was Air. J. E. , Kelley's birthday anniversar.y , and with the connivance . of Airs. Kellty , his numerous fiiends in the city took occasion to impress that I act upon his mintl in a fashion altogether felicitous 1 and indelible. So at an hour ap pointed ] , a goodly company rcpaiit-d to the Kelley ] mansion and surprising thegarnson , took 1 peaceable possession. An evening of much ' genuine pleasure was whiled away with r cards ami social intercourse. The guests | were : AIu. and Mrs. J. C. Allen , C. F. Babcock. C. II. Boyle , AI. Eruian. J. B. Jennings , E. Lindner , R. D. Woods , A. J. Thomas , T. B. Stutzman , S. Strassir. AIisses . .Maggie AIcAlpiue , Alatie Knights , Jennie Crooks ( , Anna Forbes , Sara Lowmau , Lizzie Ivirs"h. AIessrs. E. E. Lowman , J. D. Robb , Frank W. Vore , J. F. Forbes , J. D. AIcAlpiue , W. E. Mullen , C. B. Wahlquist , Geo. B. Berry , L. W. Alc.ConnclI , and Dr. A. D. Stnpleford , of Campbell , Neb. A Special Meeting Of St. John Commantlery No. 1G of this city was held in Masonic Hall , hist evening , for the purpose of giving the degree of the rod cross to AIessrs. C.H. Peck , J. It. AIcFaul , A. A. Wenger and A. E. Reynolds , of Trenton ; Air. Peck also took the degree of the black cross. Among the visiting brethren were Rev. E. X. Prosserof Kansas City , J. A. Tul- leys of Red Cloud , G. S. Bishop of Indianola , Frank R. Gump , Esq. , of Red Cloud , and County Treasurer W. B. AIcNitt of Red Cloud. After giving the degrees , an elegant collation was served in the banquet hall. Probst was caterer. Another special meet ing will be held in two weeks for a similar purpose. \ . An Encouraging Success. The bazar held in the Babcock brick , by the ladies of the AI. E. church , Tuesday and Wednesdas' , was a vers * successful affair , netting the indefatigable workers of the Alite Society about $30 for their labor. The at tendance was large both evenings. The laities feel vers * grateful for the liberal p.it- ronage received. The "infant showing" was both large and lovels * , so the doting mothers individually and severally asseverate. A Fractured Arm. While playing in one of the residences in course of constuiction in tlie noitheastern part of the cits * , Sunday morning , Alaster Edtlie , younger son of E. J. Scott of The Tribune i lorce , fell and fractured his right -triii near the wrist. Dr. Hall assisted by Dr. Kay reduced the fracture and the soung man w ill be in shape to do some more climb- ing in a lew weeks. A Card of Thanks. The ladies of the AI. E. Alite Society use this means of expressing their gratitude to Air. C. F. Babcock lor the use of his store room timing the holding of their bazar and supjier ; , Tuesdas' ami Wednesday of this week. Also , to Ihe ladies outside of the so- ciety for their helpful assistance in manv " f ways. Needs Some Repairs. i Word conies that the bridges anil load , noitheast of the cits * , aie in need of repairs at once , and we respectfully refer the matter t to the proper load officer. Public highwass ' should not be slighted. l t The Omaha Daily Republican ( Is en sale at the AleCook Book & Station ery Co. 's. The Omaha Weekly Republican * fiom now until January 1st , 1890 , forcl.OOin l advance. ' NOTICE. j The festival which was to have to have r been held by the ladies of the Catholiccliurch , c 1 an tlw loth hist. , has been postponed until the 29th inst. , Thanksgiving daj * . IC A Newspaper Fails. ! s Hastings. Neis. , Nov. 12. [ State Journal • Fr-cciiilJ The w 01 st financial failure this city - lias known for years occurred today when the a Gaxette-Jourral company turned over the l keys to a receiver. The principal creditors are c ' e Nebraska Loan and Trust company for the v sum of Jf.TJ.OOO. The Gazette-Journal company - was one of the largest printing houses in the tnte. employing over seventi peopleand havr ing several men on the road. The company ti lias been runninsr behind for three years and t tho Loan and Trust company has been carryi it i ing them. Collections have een very bud this v uramer and the patronng-o of the Ga/"tte- Journal establishment at home has not been jj ivluit it should have been. The stockholders r xot tired of seeinsr the money sunk and cont eluded to iet it drop. The business men of o Hastings feel bad over the failure and the t prospects ofcttintr ( the institution on its feet n ire decidedly jrlwmiy. This leaves Hastings p ivithout a daily paper and wipes out its largest s nanufacturiiig establishment. Hastings peotl lie will soon awaken to the fact that they have g nade a great mistake in refusing to give this 11 inper and printing house a bettor support , s Hie receiver will beirin to take an invoice tou norrow morning. It is believed the stock. I f nachinery and oulce fixtures will invoice | c ibout $00,000. ' Conjrrossman LairtI who has been quite seri usl.r . ill nt.his homo in Hastings is now rapld- improving and it is expected will bo able to eaunie uis duties in the tllty-ttrst congress , in December , with his usual vigor. . C I / I 1 * * ' 4 - , , " - ' " ' . T , , . - . V * t PERSONALS. D. L. GrhfgH Is hero from Chicago on n busi ness visit of a few dHys. Ilev. I. W. Dwlro was In Culbcrtson , U'cd ties day , on soma chur.u business. Sum Ashmore of Vuma , Colo. , hobnobbed with the boys , Friday and Saturday. F. B. Hnrcourt , "king of the mugwumps , " Trenton , celebrated with us , Tuesday * . Tom Dames was in the city , tuo foro part of the week , on 0110 of his weekly visitations. Joe McBrayer has been down at Wllsouvllle , Furnas counts * , this week , inovln-f houses. Mrs. Mont. Doyle augmented the city census returns , Sunday. ' .Mother and baby doing well. Miss Grace Martin and Miss Maud Kouark were up from Uartlos * , spending Sunday at home. Airs. J. N. Smith of "Town Four , " wo regret to learn , Is quite seriously 111 with typhoid fever. Judge Ashmore was up from thecountj'-seat , Tuesdto * , to "barbecue" with those who "bar becue. " Hev Geo. B. Smyth left , this morning , for Denver. Ills wife and child will join him on Monday. Charlie Watkins wa3 up from IndianolaMon day , arranging with Friend Tom lor the U. L. I' , obsequies. Mrs. Ed. Highland , or Hed Cloud , was the guest ul Sirs.V. . rf. Perry a number of dass , ihe first of ihe week. Sirs. V. T. Thoinan departed , yeslordas * . for Springfield , Illinois , where she will spend the winter with her mother. The Burlington switchne 11 at Denver are out on a strike. About 18 men uioellceted. They weie given their time. Hev. D S. Morris of Wllsouvllle , formerly of Bondville , wits a business pilgrim to the com mercial centre , Wednesday. Will Fisher came down from the Falls. Sun day , reuiuniinjr here until utter ihe buivectie , returning home on Wednesday morning. Mrs. Dr. Eskey and Mrs. Judge Keies of In dianola were the guest of Sir. and Alls. E. C. Bullew , Tuesduy and Wednesday ot" this week. Special Agent Crump of the Interior Depait- nieut was in the ciij * . the first of the week , on business connected with the duties of his of fice. fice.S. S. P. Kirkbride , E. J. Harden , W. C. Ashwill , J. S. Harden , .1. W. Burney and other Strnttoii- ites were Commercial regibters , Tuesday even ingW. W. S. Hnnlein , of McCook was in town Thurs day and Friday. He is one of the old students and will return next term. Hartley Intcr- \ Oceau. 1 II. I. . Mcrriinau , Esq. , one of Frontier's ablest ; attorneyti. and a very clever gentleman withal , had business before the local laud oili- cials. Mont aj * . Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Floyd , Mr. and Mrs. L. C. E. Stockton uud W. Thompson , constituted a part of the Trenton delegation in the city , Tuesdaj eetiing. . Cashier Brown of the First National litis been absent from the citj , three or four daj s , visiting Denver. Cheyenne , and other western points ' , on business. John F. Majors spent two or three davs , car ls i * in the week , down ut the state capital on business ' of a more or less political nature , perhaps more than less. L. Morse , one of Benkleman's prominent citizens < , came in to ratify with us , Tuesdaj * . He i invaded these headquarters in a pleasant , social 1 was * during his short visit. John C. Harlan , master of that trim little craft , , the Cambridge Kaleidoscope , spent a few 1 minutes 111 this sunctum. Tuesdaj * , while here to wiiiiess the barbecue nut. Barney Hoferof the Hayes Centre Times and John II. Curisluer , clerk county of Hayes , \ were in the principal city , Saturday , in the transaction t of some little business mutters. H. A. Brown , late manager for the Howard Lumber Co. , lelt on Wednesdav evening for , Medicine Lodge , Kansas. Harry made manj * J friends while here who will regret his leaving. E. M. Forbes , who presides over the Hjde Topius : witli dignitj * and abilitj * . had a few hours in the city , Monday , on laud business. We have to acknowledge nshort fraternal call. . County Clerk Koper and wile participated | in tlie barbecue , Tuesdaj * , driving down to the C countj'seat on the following morn. George thinks that AleCook belongs to the"WhatuIuj lu , class. " v vC Secretarj' Laws came up from Lincoln , this / morning , on a brief visit. Of course the sccre- .1 C tarj * feels somewhat elated over the fact that . in his old counts * . Ked Willow , he ran about .1 200 votes ahead of the ticket. ' Mrs. T. S. Iloslej * arrived from Fairmont. C last l Frldaj' ufternoon. on a ten days * visit | among her numerous friends in the cit.v. She " is ' the guest of Mrs. and Miss Hollister , and .1 expects to return to Fail moot , to-morrow. Mrs. Samuel Strasser returned , the close of j last I week , from a visit in Hastings of a week i or two. a visit made sad bjthe deatli of a G brother I ' s little boy , and bjthe illness ol" her own daughter. Aimee. whom it is proposed to F send to Geimanj\ treatment , in the spring. C Dr. A. D. Stapleford of Campbell , this state , who has been spending a few dajin the citj * , | guest of his sister , Mrs. J. C. Allen , icrt f r 11 home on Tuesdaj * evenimr. The doctor is very j • ' higltlj * pleased with the citj * , and it is not alto- j gether improbable t hat he maj * yet become one .1 or our number. y Dr. B. B. Davis was called up to Stratton , Saturday and Sunda.v. to see a child of Mr. y Lic-kliderof that place , professional * . Onth" { fi doctor's second visit he * ' performed a success- ful. delicate operation for hydro-thorax on the v j-oiing patient , wiio lias been verj * low for a V number of days , and at this writing the sick M child is improving , with fair hopes of ultimate ! ' ' rccovcrj * . J IP Rev. Geo. I J. Smyth , missionary to Foochow. 1 V China , occupied tie. 1 Congregational pulpit. | Sundaj * evening , delivering a hiirhiv interestq ing sermon 011 the subject of missions. Mr. V Smjth has been engaged in missionary work j among the inhabitants of the "Flowery King dom" for live .years and his remarks have the 1.1 charm and additional force of personal obser-1 J ] vation and experience. 1 fj ; .1. The wretched heathen kneels before an idol > j madeof stone.a monster that can neithersmile i D nor sigh , nor weep nor moan : constructed tiy I j the hands of Those who worship at its shrine | .1 stand , a gloomj * mockerj * of all that is di-1 T vine. How can it be that men will kneel and ' worship such a thing , and prnjimplore , and j ii grovel low , and anthems to itsinsr ? And sacI I A riflce their children to give their sod his food. • " the god of stone , that towers above a stream f : of victim's blood ? Ah. well , in other lands 1 Si \ there lives a more enlightened race , where J * men , like heathens , worship one with dark re- , = pulsivc face ; a thing more cruel than trods if _ stone , relentless too. as doom , an idol grim 1 that fills the world with darkness and with gloom. It's prpstisre. in the living years , it | never seems to lose ; its temples are on every > street , the synagncues of Booze. Who is the J f worst the heathen of the land by the Ganges , ' foam , or his "enlightened" brother who is dis covered nearer home. Walt Mason. Van Wj-ck's J2.000 donation to the bourbon boodlo fund of the state did not result in glad fruition not to an alarming extent. . All doubt as t-i whether "Bonnie can wear di Grandpa's bat" has been removed. ct y • • CLOAKS ! i CLOAKS ! J + > • * - • - - - < • > + + + . + + + + > > • - _ • _ • • • • * - * _ 'afi GRAND OPENING j CLOAKS ' I - LAWLER'S - C. M. CROSS & CO- , I Of Chicago , 111. I OPENING TO BE HELD I Tuesday , & Wednesday , I NOVEMBER 20th and 21st. I m * * * _ * • • _ I Ladies of McCook and vicinity invited I to call and examine our line of I Lilies' ifl Misses' tts. . There will be the LARGEST LTNE I to select from , ever shown in South- I western Nebraska. I • * m m * * * * * * . g * I Ladies' j I ' Cloaks Made to Order , I A SPECIALTY. 1 * C- * * * * v * * * * * * * fl Kcmember place and dates , H at Hj . "V XjE3I = 2L ? on I NOVEMBER 20 and 21. I MuKntcc Hotel Block , West Dennison Street , McCook , Nebraska. H Official Election Returns. I The ollowinjr are the official returns of the election held in Red Willow H County , Neb. , Tuesday , November G , 1838. H CANDIDATES. I I ff , | | \ % ? | | ? | f ? ; f f f ; ' % I * • • ( f-2 • * • w • • " * ! I * i * I " H • t • * * i * * * * • I 1 * l l " < • i • t • ! * . • . • ! . • • ! • * • . * . * t * i • . ii * . H i • t • • • I. • ) 1 1 ) | H eijECToks : ij j i i • i I I I I j i i A ( j | 11 n. ! tug < ell. r ! .TB21B2 * ' 251 ) ! r,7 74 • i9'K4S27 16 31 7i : B0 20f 35 10 11.T4U. 83 Geor-o H. Ilastinss. r \ HVJ2 Zl 'JZ 21 r,7 " > 'JOSi4S.nn\ \ l t • 73 IK2 ) ' ! ) * T 19 ll. iS. .W ) M. M. Hiltlor. r | 3 1W ' t 23 23 . * i7 75 211 : K4827 ! 10 | 30 73 60 2J ) 35 19 115o o l Cli.irlcs F Id-lilies , r. IW ! ! - ' 22 23 23 57 75 235-8 ! 27 IB , 30 73 Ol' ' 29 35 19 II.mTIuOO Jurats j McN'ency. . r | 5i Utt 2 : 23 2 = 1 57 75 29 35 IS * J7 ; 10 iV ) 73 UU 29 :3 : ? 19 1I54 | [ . " 5S9 H \V l } . SIuiiii. < 1 - 73i 9 2S 1 < S 25 14 18,1532 , 21 ! 15 Ut \ 2S I I.l ! 5 5i , H Olar HiwIilPtrom. (1 Oi , ' " • 2S llil 8 25 14 18 15. K 2C 15 14 23 28 tl 151 515' ' - A S Tihlii'ts. (1 ( 2i)2 73 9 2S Hi , 25. . 14 18 1532 21 ! 15 It 23 28 4 , 15. 585' r H ! C ICc-terson. d 1202 73 9 2S 10 8 25 14l8 153i 20 15,14,2 , : ; 28 | 4 ! 1.1 . * V5. ! . H " , \V AIIpii , ( I - ' n 28 10 8 25 14 1115 23 20 ! 15 11 23 23 4 ! . * > -j6.il H A , ' lliMi Knot , ii 60 47 15 2 10 42 19 Hi 7 2 5 l.V 4 2' ' ' 2 15 1 ! > ' 288j F UliK-k. u ' 0 , ) 47 15 2 10 42 19 10 7 2 5 15 , 4 2 0 2r 15 19 , 283 H " r W Wh.-eler. n t 00 47 15 2 10 4' 19 7 2 5 15' ' 4 2 i ! 2 15 Iflj 28.8 J L - H Cnlioon. ll 00 47 15 2 I'l ' 42 19 115 7 2 5 l. i 4 2 0 2 15 19 288 j M Onili Colhy. ti 00 47 15 2 10 42 19 l'S 7 2 5 15 1 2 , 0 2 15 19 288 j | H C. Crowull. p ! 0 18 1 . . 3 10 4 5 2. . . . ' 3 22 2 . . . . W1 H j A Hsiwloy.p I 0 18 1 . . „ 3 10 1 3 2 . . . 3 2 2 2 . . | 04 j H * D Fitchle. p 0 IS 1 . . . . 3 If. 4 fi 2. . . . ; 3 2 2 2 . . . . < 01 • , H R S Al.bntr. p ' . 0 18 1 . . . . 3 10 l.5 \ 2. . . . ; 3j 2' ' 2 2 . . . . ' Of H nines It. Carey , p 0 18 1 . . . 3 10 4 , 5 2 | . . . . 3 2 2 ; 2' ' . . . . . Ot i H rtViitMiit. ' ' I I ! .i H John M.TImver.r , -SXi IKi 22 22 22 57 75 ! - i % 47 27 10 31 72 Oil - j : ; 19,1121 , J. > 0 H .Inlin A Mchuic. . < 1 | ; 225 74 9 29 18' ' 7 251 MI8 , 153"i 20 15 15 23 2 ? ' I 15 ] 53Si M David : Buclor. n 'I ' 05 40 l.V 1 9,43 19'111 ' 7 3 5 14 4 2 IJ' 2' 15 J9 | 291 H Gcor'O ti : iit ; 'lo r. p 5 17 1 . . . . 3 W , 4.5 t 3 2 ] 2 2. . . 11 63 j H i.iKCTi' .VASr ctuVKitN-nit. i ; ' ' I . I * I l | H ncor-'P D Mciklfjohn. r. ' 301 192 22 2:1 : 1 57 75. 29 ] .4727 10 31 7t'5S ' 29' ' 35 19 1153 591 H Frank Folda. tl I K 7 73 8 28 10 7 25 14 1ST. = 12 26 15 ll l.ftj . 4 151 55S M G Potter , o j 05 47 16 ! 2 , 10 43 19 10 7. . 3. . 5 15 t 2j 0 2 , 15 19' ' 290 ] H John Dale , p ' • - ' lb 1 1 - ; ICJ S 2 . . . . 3 2' ' 2 2 ; . . ] \ 01 j sKcnirrAicv tie state. j I I 1 ' _ i ' ' ' tl M Gill > ort I. . I.iw .r ! 455 lf2 ! 2212:1 : 27 57 74 2934 4327 10 31 75 , 00 29 35 19) ) 1253 7tS H P-Vtr-i-Ic J A. HiHPS.fl Ill"I 9 28 12 7 25 ! Illi 3i2 ! 20 J5 l'S 22 28 4 f . 105' H . Hpnthorii.il j = s r' 1 : 10 ii : , -v' ' * " 5 V' 4 ' ' " " V' Ir ! ! - i John 13 Hopper , p ! 5 IS I . . 3 15 ; 4 5 2. . . 3 2 , 2 2 . . lj 611 ST\TK TlICASUIlKlt. ! I 'I ' E Hill , r ' ! 10-2 22 23 23 57 75 ! 29.35 17 27' 10 31 73 60 29 35 I9,1103i , 002 Iamc M. Patterson , d „ 196 73 9 25 10 7 25' ' 14 IS I. .32' 2)J. 15. II. 23 2& ' 4 151 558 James H % ew..rt. p 4 lei 1 . . . 3 16 4 5i 2 . . . . 3j 2J 2 2 , . .I ! 01. STATU AUOITOI' . I1 I I ' ! ' ' ' t H ThomaII lloiitoti. r : > 4 19. ! 22 20 2:5 : 57 -29354727 16 31'73 • > • 29 35 ! 9'1100i VA \V A I'ovntcr.d ,1H ! 7.5 9 27 10 7 25 11 19 15Si , 26 15 ! Ill 23 2 * t | 1.1 , . * > S ! fl ' S MpV. n - . * . 03 17il5 2 Id 43 19 10 0 3 ! 5 15 1 21 l * 2 15 19 293 H JohnF Helin. p , • ' , 1 I . . . . 3 16 4 5 2 ; - . . 3 | 2 21 2 . . 1 | 65 fl Will am Lpesf' .r . 139 175 22 2 = J 15 57 75 29 35 47127 10 ! 31'CO 3t > 29 : j5 p , JJ j 43 fl WHMiinscr.il 1117 1 81 9 28 24 7 20 14 IM5.32 ' 26 15-21 H.2S 4 15' 821 } fl F Knox , n " • " 1" > 1' 43 19 10 7. { : 5 15 4 ! 2 0 | 2 15 Iff ! 2 9j John Unriiil. p ; i -J I" 1 3 1" "I 2 . . 32 ! 2.2. ; . 'j HI b CUM I.AXUS & HCILIHXfiS. 'i ' I I ' < i H To i Meet r i M 10' ' - 23 23 57 75 28 35,47'27 , 10 311 73 CO 29 35 19 1155 ttl P.HJ.s . = cnd 1' TI 9 28116 7 25 14 18K | : 20 I5j It 2 ( 2h 1 I * ! .VK W F WriKht. n i , " * " ! 15 2 , 10 43 19 16 C 3' ' 5 , 15 4 , 2 C , 2 15 , 19 | 2 ! ArtPiniuilolierts P ! • • ' ' 1 3 1 • ! • " 2 • | I 3 2 2' 2 . | > . c * . f ? TVrB SUl'EllINTKXPt' .XT. 'i ' ' I I , I I - I Gpor-c- . r.ann. r ' • 'Wt 19l'22 23 23 57 75 2835 47 27 IB ; ' 31 73 00 29 35 19,115t | Mtt Mario. Tnra heV.d ; -20J 73 9 2b ! 6 72.5,14 ; 18 15321 rfi' 15' ' 16 23 28 4 15 502 Mri AT.F Wood , ll ! j < V2 ! 47 15 2 li. . 43'19 10 ; 7 3 5 ; 15 4 2 0 2 15 19 293 Itorntio , S. Hilton , p ij 4j 18 1 . . 3 15 1 | 5 2 . .i . .j 3 2 2 , 2 , . 1 68 'IKMHEIt COSOItESS. I I I ! ! ' 'I H I-imes ijilrd r , \W \ H5 21 21 22 57. 73 2935 1727 16 , . ' 53 72'00 28 35 19' ' 1130 011 fl Willian G. IiartiniH * , d IMi 74 8 23 17 7 25 14 18 15 32 2G 13 It'2TJ 28 4 15' 515 fl H Itohr. II . . . . I 58 49 15 2 10 45 19 16 7 3 5 15 4 2. 6 3 15 19j 29t fl GeoVpScott. , . . . . , 'i • - . 29 3 . . . 3 17 4 , 5 2 . - • . 3 , . | 2 , 2 1 ( { 70 ; I . V LimlVny r tJ ? . " ! { * 192 22 2 = 5 23 57 70 293547J27 ' W 29 ' 73 * Co | 29 3T. 19J liwj o I LW ite ? .1 . . . . - h" 74 & , * * 25 35'45 18 is'si 23 16 14 23 ! a , 4 15. U3t | I D. R. CarpPnun „ . ! . . . I. 5 20 131 . . - 3 , 19 7 2' ' . . . . . 3 . , 2 ; -J . . . . Wfj I la'tin ' A KfT1" ! ? * ! i3M 181 21J22 23 3S 71 27423820 15 3l ' 07 * .V , ; 2t | 34 2J ! HAS g 640 1 „ ; \Velhornd. . . i W "J - • U - ' ' > , : s * " * m ' * ' - 13 2T. 27 , 4 8 WT\ \ T.V.lloll I , . . IS 79 21114 2141121 Ii 10S | , 9 2. 12 9 7' 5J 10 25 , 550\ \ ; . . _ . . . . _ . . . . . , W. O. Norvul. p ; l 4 l.t - II 4 _ - ( - ; • i. M Snavelyfr . . . . . " . - * ? 3" I i 23 l"1 21 77 2S353620 10 26 ! :6 , -3I ; , 31 17jin , .35 ! j UiUPnh e.d • • fjr , . 7 : J5 ira37 , , 19 21/22/271 / 4 1 710 Sidncv Dod e. 11 ; ! . 'lW J' ( • - , 10 44 1. 1. _ 1 4 , 4 . . _ . _ 14 is _ n.j foil nliiisT Blackmail , r ' 360 187 22 23 21 37.72 1354 : ! J27 * 15 24 65 61 , 29. . 35 ! ' Ills' ' 510 am. Yomi . ? . . . - ' - " "I 79 9 28 10 0 20 25 1M5 29 :55 21i Si 22' 28 41 I. . , U H F HVr Iii ii 05 4.S 15 'i W 4.3 21 20 0 3 • 0 3 . . ff 2 15 20 ! an. . ' J-i'i ' 4 ' " 'AJi . ' 4 ! > ! MlPti Itirtlpr. p • • - . _ _ _ _ 1 • • • • • - = - - - • - - -i- : . r IJppublicaii. d Dpimu-rat. u Cnion Lahor. p Prohibition. M. A. LIBBEE , Jontractor and Builder , mccook , nep.uaska. JS" A spL-cialiy or lino repidences. seliool onsc : . churches , etc. AM vrork done with ispatt'li and satisfautioti jjnaranleed. Shops , arnerUodjfe and Manchester e'reets. r f . . . " . . . f. jtHi .il.tnjiiim i " 3W 1 i-i.ii Si aKj- , fl nll , , t. e. Mccracken , The Insuranoe Sg't ' McCOOK , NEBRASKA , Writes Indemnity against Fire , Light- 1 ning , Tornado and Hail Storm. M