The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 16, 1888, Image 3

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    p ' * m
JK | * ( fllntlo mind 'I'lii'iiiich VHiiIlf.
Osf ' About a year npo ono of the most
[ P"1 lovely girls in the atnte lived at 40
life Orniigo avenue , in this city. A pair of
[ Si * . large , liquid bluu oyes Hot oil'a face that
Kj5l | , would put nny picture to nhnrae , and
FBI her form was bimply perfect. The
| gj- i young lndj' wns highly educated , and
\Wt \ ; poHscssnd all the quulities that go to
ifm * ' , moke up n society "bollo. Her parents
| Ef | y aro well to do , and eho has wanted for
IK' . r nothing sinco she wna old oiiough to
llr prattle. But sho had ono 'fault , and
| f | | that fault has proved her undoing. It
HIT " * ' 8 CftH ° Yinity. Slie fairly worshipped
W& I her own eyes , and did everything in her
IP * V power to mako them look more beauti-
Hfc E um 10 wcre * She , IH ° d numer
ic H ° * > 1S drugs l' ° foro Rho found what she
If m wanted. This last drug made her eyes
IbL A sparkle like diamonds , and sho used it
WW 1 to such an extent that her right eyo
Ik & began to shrivel. This brought her to
WW g her seiiHcs , and the family physician was
uW called in. 13ut he came too late , and in-
fE , 1 formed the poor girl that she must lose
WW § one of her eyes sure , and probably both.
§ ; # The right eye was taken out some time
U&f 1 ago , and site has lost all sight in the
J1 | loft , and will bo blind for life. Evaus-
l > - I villo Times.
He I A Fit till In lorM > iiipiit.
J" - ' Mr. Roc's publisher , with whom ho
has had intimate relations for many
„ ' J years , says : "Mr. Ttoo was ono of the
H most successful authors whoso works wo
have over published , and a more agreea-
K' t bio associate wo have never met within
H I our business experience. Howasabril-
H a Hunt , great hearted man , different from
B those novelists who advocatephilanlhro-
phy in their books , but do not practico
B it. His goodnessof heart brought him
H to the verge of rain not long ago. Two
H years since ho indorsed a big note for
H his brother. Tlio brother did not pay
B lip , and Mr. Boo had to foot the bill.
B [ Several of his relatives were indorsers
B , i with him , but to shield tliem ho took the
B - i burden of settling it alone. He was
B \ obliged to sell his copyrights in order to
B raise the money. Yet I never heard him
B * * jj complain. He went on with his work
h screnel3r , although much crippled fiuan-
K J cially , and only labored tho harder to
Bj | . _ get on his feet again. I do not think ho
B , ' was worth much money at the time of
H | I his death. His income lately has been
HI I something like $15,000 a j'enr , but tho
B f loss incurred by indorsing that note pro-
I bably took away a great part of his sav-
H I ings. Cosmopolitan.
H I EnxlUIi Will Not Ilnvo It.
B. I In nothing is the contrast between
H I English and American temperaments
I better illustrated than in the readiness
H I which our people show for radical
HH t changes in the way of improved travel.
H \ A new invention to expedite the hand-
B \ ling of freight or baggage is at. once
H caught up here , but in England they
HB will not even change from the old sys-
HHj I tern of checking and rechecking bag-
B . I gage. Ono largo English road sent
HH 1 across a commission to look over our
HH | railroad S3'stem and report available im-
B | provemeuts. The report favored our
B M American plan of checking , but the
B C English people will have none of it.
B , I ; They prefer to see to the delivery of
B. I their baggage to tho cars and from
HE them. But their special abhorrence is
H | our open cars and Pullman system. To
HB & an Americau this looks like incxcusablo
B f old fogyism. Globe Democrat.
HHE f ; Roublo Glrdl N for Slender Girlt ) .
K k A new device suitable for the cos-
wm h tumes of slender women is the double
B \ R girdle. The waist of the dress for this
Hi Wu purpose is made uiiusualty long and
HHl IP loose , and thon n metallic belt of some
H jp BOV 's worn just nbove the hips , while
HHl m another encircles tho body three or four
H M inches higher up. The eilccfc is to im-
H Mi part an appearance of suppleness and
K K grace. The suggestion for the dupli-
HV MS cate gii'dle was probablj' found in the
H W ballets of the eastern nautch girls. It
HHE K | is certainly novel and seductive. I saw
HHj. K at Lenox several elegant morning dress-
HHE m es made for these double belts in India
HHtffi cashmere and faille in contrasting col-
HHftfl | ors. Some of the tea gowns similarly
HHl jo encircled were wonders in richness.
HHJ m The picturesque and fanciful costumes
HHM of oriental countries had all been laid
HHmB' under tribute to furnish ideas for these
HbIP luxurious garments. New York Cor.
HHJwf Pioneer Press.
H Hjtt ? Do We Know Oni-aelves ?
Bji } The invention of the phonograph and
HHs | | graphophone has brought out the singu-
HHBk lar fact that few persons , if any , know
HHK-S the sound of their own voice. When
HHn f | several persons in succession'have spoken
Ht | into one of these machines , each may
HHBK recognize in its reproductions the voice
HHB'R of a friend or acquaintance , but does
HHB r not identify his own. An analogus
HHJ 1 phenomenon has been observed m the
HHl matter of sight by photographers , who
HHl I often satisfy in a likeness every one but
HHb • the original. Thus it seems that we not
HHJ only do not see ourselves as others see
HHB us , but we do not hear ourselves as
HHJ others hear us.
H H { Have You CATAimn ? There is one rem-
HHJ * edr you can try without danger of hutn-
HHJ bug. Send to H. G. Coleman , Chemist ,
HHJ Kalamazoo , Mich. , for trial package of his
HHJ catarrh cure. His only mode of adver-
HHJ Using is by giving it away. Postage 2c.
HHJ Judge for yourself. Mention this paper.
HHJ ' For the first six months of 1S88 the
HHJ English railways killed 1G5 people and in-
H H jured 957.
H H A Hamorton ( Pa. ) firm ships walnut
HHJ logs to Germany.
H \ ' • In the United States there are 140,000-
H H A' 000 acres of wheat , corn , rye and oats.
HHl I IfufBlctrd tiith Sore Eye * , use Or. Ii&ac Thomp
I los't Eye Water. Dniesritts set ! It. 25c
Hj $ G0,00O Tor $1.00.
H H | < Send $1 to the Montana Investment
H H f Company , Helena , Montana , for a chance
H Hf. in their Prize Distribution , Jan'y 7 , 18S9.
HHKt The $300,000 Aborn House , Des Moines ,
H B , ' ) ' > ' Iowa , and 153 cash prizes from $10 to $5-
HH | | 000. Tickets $5. Fifths ? L
? | , They haTe begun to ship beef from Ne-
HHJI h vada and Oregon to the east.
Bf il
H \ When Baby tvns * ict. we pave her Castoria ,
HB g AVhen she was n CbilJ. she cried lor Castoria ,
HJ E When she becair * Miss , she clung to Castoria ,
HJ U When she bad Children , she pare then Castoria.
HH 11 The revival of the tulip mania is threat *
HJ | i ened in Holland.
HJ | | Chicago's 7,000 boot and shoe workers
HJ $ include 900 females.
HJ 1 * - . FrenchXaundrie8 useboiled potatoes io-
HJ [ 1 | ' zj t. ' * tea "d of E * oap.ifl cleaning clqthe3j ; • * *
Hj J Electric motors are to be used on the
HJ g underground railway of London.
HJ i • ' HOuiKTHIS !
HJ M We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward
HJ ; < for ant case of Catarrh that can not be
HJ1 cured by taking Hall's Catarrh Cure.
HJ 'I F. CHENEY & CO. , Props. , Toledo. O.
HJ ! t We , the undersigned , have known F. J.
HJ • i ' Cheney for the last 15 years , and believe
HJ , I bim perfectly honorable in ail business
HLf J transactions , and financially able to carry
HVIl * . out any obligations made by their Arm.
HJ H West & Truax , Wholesale Druggists , Tole-
HJ B do , Ohio.
HJ H Walding. Kinnin & Marvin , Wholesale
HJkH Druggists , Toledo , Ohio.
BiBl " E. H. Van Hoesen , Cashier. Toledo Nn-
HJ HJ T tional Bank , Toledo , Ohio.
HJ HE / Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally ,
HI HE" ! acting directly upon the bood ! and mucus
JS ) surfaces of the system , Price. 75 cents per
HK \ bottle. Sold by all Druggists.
M ft
HHH HJHJfe. > K , • - ' ' " "wwwi.iiiMiwni.1 mi au < ui. _ imnjnju imiw" "
_ mi pi _ mj _ < iipii ji _ jii n iiy. ; ! * wfWMi jt. ! * wip7 tww
1 '
Only a human heart
Vtcary of toil and strife ;
Tired of playing a part
In the wor.derful drama oflifo.
Only anothor bright dawn ,
CIoikIp'1 by shades of night ;
Humanity left to mourn
And pray for a ruy oflight.
Only a storm-tossed houI
Thrown in tho shadow of sin ;
Written in firry scroll ,
The pcuco it can never win.
Only a find j'oang face ,
Wet with a woman's tears ;
That , silently falling , trace
The lines of pain and feurs.
Only a low bowed head ,
Vending in enrncst prnver ;
For tho voice oftho"Knther"Fnid
"Go ! Seek yo comfort there. "
Ella Alice Johnson.
II I Q I 11 II H
The Story of a Iilg rind.
Written for the Northwestern Newspaper
Union. ,
"Let's hitch up dor rig'n go out
prospectin' ter-dny , .Tim , wot d'yer
say ? Mebbc we'll strike suthin' . "
Tho ubovo proposition emanated
from a small tattered specimen of
humanity , rejoicing oftener lament
ing in the rather burdensome name
of Elijah "Worthington Graves , Lige
for short , and who counted one of
the seventy odd pupils who absorbed
wisdom and made life a burden to
the long-sufieringandpatient teacher
in the Plum street , Dead wood , school.
The boy whom he addressed was
much like himself , under tho disguise
of grime and rags which covered him ,
tho only difference being that his
individuality was determined by
a name peculiar , to himself ,
to wit : "Jim-Jams. " He had doubt
less , at an early period of his exis
tence , been christened James in the
orthodox manner , but that title had
long since been discarded by his com
panions for the morostriking nom do
plume before alluded to.
He was still farther rendered illus
trious by the possession of an under
sized , tan-colored , "cinchback"
mule , which dragged out a miracu
lous existence on visibly nothing , and
answered to the airy appellation of
Pansy. Furthermore he was joint
owner of a small two-wheeled cart ,
the wheels whereof being the sole re
mainder of a stray perambulator ,
which had , in its palmy days , given
sundry airings to numerous juve
nile Deadwoodites , and , which had
changed ownership a score of times
being finally relegated to the region of
things decayed the dust-heap
where-from it had been rescued in
triumph by the two upards , " Jimmy
and Lige. The wagon box had been
fearfully and wonderfully constructed
from bits of boards gathered here
and there , by hook or crook , in the
partners' zeal to provide somemeans
of locomotion other than their nat
ural giftsa , pair of legs respectively.
As for Lige , he was the only child
of poor but decidedly not honest par
ents , the female moiety of whom had
long since succumbed to the com
bined effects of general shiftlessness
and opium , while the male sponsor
for his existence , yet in the flesh , was
as far gone in wicked ways as his
capabilities for liquor and opium
would permit.
Let no deluded reader suppose that
Lige is an embryo hero , who , after
the fashion of most narrators , can be
washed up , inducted into some new
clothes , and made to shine forth into
magnificent potentialities. Lige was
not a cherub , either patent or con
cealed. He would lie likeatrooper with
an unruffled conscience , or steal like
a Hindoo , thinking the sole disgrace
connected therewith consisted in be
ing detected in the act. His capacity
for chewing and smoking was limited
only by his supply of tobacco ; and
swear ! A modern raftsman would
stand agape at the variety of Lige's
Lige's sensibilities were not of the
highest order. Once when a minis
ter essayed to offer him some
good moral advice , Lige forci
bly clinched that good man's
hitherto uncertain belief in
i his ( Lige ' s ) total depravity by
firmly and impolitely declining to
accept said advice , with jeers and
objurgations petrifying to the re
cipient. Bear with Lige , dear reader.
Oaths , and vile epithets constituted
the greater portion of the language
his baby life had learned when he
was toddling about , unheeded and
uncared ior , amidst the filth and
refuse heaps of "Bag Alley. "
So had Lige battled with the ivorld
up to his tenth year , A. D. 1883 , and
to theday whereof we write.
As for Jim , read Lige's description
over again , and you have his story
told. In short , he was an outeast
and a vagabond , moreover ,
his gratest delinquency was
that he was Lige's friend , steadfast
and firm.
Lige and Jim were in constant
open rebellion against school. To
them reading was a torment ; the
multiplication table a mockery ;
while their untutored minds received
with utter incredulity the statement
that the earth of a surety revolved
on an axis. If any lingering doubt as
to the falsity of this strange tale of
the earth's motion found refuge in
Lige's minjl , it was forever crushed
by the crucial test to which he subject
ed the theory. He placed his father's
familiar black bottle upon the top of
thepump in the backyardonenight.
saying , with a wag o f his head : "If
she ( the earth ) flops , the bottle'll
tumble , 5n that'll be the waytertell. If
she flops , 'n the bottle busts , it'll be
wutli th' lickin' , anyhow , ter find
out. "
When Lige arose next morning at
daybreak , and ran out to look at
the bottle , onty to find it just as he
had left it the night before , he ejac
ulated : "nary a flop ! " And ever
afterward the absurd theory of the
' received him
earth's-motion was by
with a cynical sneer , born of superior
The BJi2Z'3SK.y of Lige and Jim , as
-J *
regnrded their hatred of school , was
so great that the proposition of tho
former ( it was on a Saturday thisoc-
cured , but it would have made
no difference had it been
any other daj' ) to leave
the dirty streets of the city for a day
of unlimited freedom , and a scamper
among the hills , with a dazzling
vision of the possible discovery of
untold wealth floating before his
eyes , was received with rapture and
an enthusiastic "whoop ! you bet ! "
by Jim , and tho luckless Pansy soon
found herself hitched to her cart. The
two "pards" crowded up inside the
none too roomy box , and , as rapidly
as Pansy could be persuaded to ad
vance by dint of shouts and blows ,
tho embryo miners bowled out of
thq town , with no objective point in
view , save the A'ague idea of
"prospectin" somewhere , with tho
possibility of "ptrikin' it. " Do not
deride Lige and Jim , reader. How
many of us , scarce better sailors on
life's wide sea , put forth in very simi
lar crazy crafts , seeking fortunes on
uattainable shores , over treacherous
waves which balk our childish ambi
tion !
At first they rattled along in too
much rapture to talk. Dead wood
lay far behind the little treasure
seekers , and the sun seemed scarcely
a foot above the long low range of
hills before them , but they were well
aware that their parents would not
be anxious about them , and so they
took but little heed of time and dis
It was Lige who broke the silence ,
and suddenly poking Jim , ecstat
ically exclaimed : Look here Jim ,
mobbe we will strikei t , 'n then won't
we have a nifty time , jest like all
them rich fellers , Eh ? D'ye see them
piles o' rock 'n dirt ? " pointing to
some heaps of miningrefuseclustered
about the mouths of some aban
doned shafts in the foothills now
near at hand. "Well , there's mines
where they found lots o' gold once ,
'n they say them fellows wot owned
'em took out heaps o' pay dirt.
Mebbe we kin find some too , eh ? I
don't bleeve all that there dirt 'n
indercashuns is around fur nuthin. '
pos'n you'n me Jud make a find
here to-day ! " and with his voice
pitched up to the exultation of the
moment he shouted : "Wouldn't we
fly high ? Oh , no ! mebbe not ! "
"I bleeve I see some signs
now , " Jim exclaimed , whereupon
both boys jumped out of the cart and
began "prospecting" in good earnest ,
not even stopping to shy an occa
sional stone , as usual , at the birds
which hopped about , so intent were
they with the business in hand. The
ground was strewn with rocks , which ,
to a novice , might have hidden a
golden bonanza in their embraces ,
and the boys ran hither and thither
picking up and throwing down speci
mens , as each new treasure outshone
the last , and talking sagely about
how "high" they would assay , and
how much to the ton the dirt Avould
"run , " using the stray terms which
they had picked up from tho miners
aboutthe camp.
Presently , looking around , Jim
discovered that Lige was nowhere
to be seen. The little mule
was grazing contentedly near
by , but no Lige was visible.
Jim ' s first thought was that Liga
was hiding near by in order to
frighten him by suddenly jumping
out upon him , and so he looked
about , shouting for his comrade , and
threatening to "thump" him soundly
for "playing possum" when it Avas
almost night and time to start for
Suddenly , down to the right , he saw
foot-prints which he knew well to be
Lige's , the shoes that were not mates ,
and were run over at the heel as no
other boy in Deadwood could run
over shoes. They led on and on , up
the rocky path , past the old
abandoned shafts ; "till they ended
abruptly at the edge of a deep , nar
row canon , overgrown with trees
and shrubs , to look down the dizzy
sides of which made Jimmy sick with
fear. No need of looking farther for
Lige !
Jimmy's first impulse was to run
for dear life for assitance. How he
got back to town , driving Pansy
( who seemed to realize the necessity
for an extra burst of speedon ) a
keen run , how he managed to gasp
out his story while his teeth chat
tered with fear , how he guided a
partyof brave , big-hearted min
ers , provided with ropes , to the spot
where Lige had disappeared , need
not be recounted. Suffice it to say
that when a stone miner was let
down to bring up Lige from the bot-
ton of the awful chasm , Jimmy stood
by shivering with fear , and choking
his sobs as best he could waiting to
see what would come up. His little
countenance was past recognition
with the mingling of grime and tears.
What if his best and only friend was
badly injured , or , worse still , dead !
Terrible thought !
At last the brave miner rose to
view , drawn by willing hands , with
Lige's limp , mud-splashed little form
in his arms. He was drenched and
shivering with cold , and one little
leg hung helplessly down.
"Bet yer sweetlife t'want no fun a
layin'down there in the snow , " he
chattered. T'uant any too warm ,
nuther. "
"Oh , Lige ! " cried Jimmy , "You
ain't hurt much , are you ? "
* 'Notby a long shot , " was the
rather shaky reply. "I bleeve I'll
be able to thump you to-morrow ,
Jim. "
At this Jim's tears broke out
afresh , but they were of downright
joy. Love could not have framed a
tenderer message to him , than
this characteristic remark of his
Beviving stimulants were adminis
tered , the chilled little body wrapped
in the thick coats of several of the
miners , who willingly tendered them
for the purpose , and he was carried
tenderly to the carriage which was
waiting. And that is the. way the
two little miners returned from
"prospecting. "
"Golly ! " groaned Lige , "jest think
o' ridin' home in this gallus rig like
the rich fellers we was a torkin'
erbout ! Purty slick , eh , Jim ? " Jim
in spite of his grief at his friend's
calamity , could not entirely stifle
his delight at ridingfor the first (
time in a "fly outfit , " having as he j
. - . ,
menially termed it "a Jo-dandy
time. "
Lige was taken to the housi which
he ( " ailed home. No one was in tho
neglected cabin , but humane neigh
bor.soon flocked in , and tho lit
tle sufferer was mado as
comfortablo as possib'e. Good sur
gical aid was procured , and the poor
little broken limbs were cared for ,
and a sleeping potion given to the
exhausted patient , while a kind old
lndy , who loved children , and would
give worlds for ono of her own , sat
beside him , to watch and < are for
him in a mother's stead , while big
tears of sympathy stood in her kind
gray eyes. Tho doctor had spoken
of possibly fatal internal injuriesbut
could not say as yet. Time would
tell. Jim , poor fellow , refused to
leavo his partner's bedside. He sat
on a little stool at tho foot , of tho
bed and fell into an uneasy slumber ,
from which he aroused every few
minutes to inquire : "How's Lige
getting along ? "
The night sped on apace ,
and toward morning tho little
patient grew rapidly worse.
Tho feverish flush gave away to a
gray pallow , and moan after moan
broke the stillness. The nurse sought
by every tender act to quiet the
little sufferer , but in vain. Once ho
sprang up , crying in a terrified
voice : "Oh ! Oh dad ! please don't
lick me. I couldn't help it ! Oh-h !
I'm fallin' . " Then he fell into a doze.
Again he sprang up , screaming in
terror , and was again quieted by the
pitying nurse , and seemed to sleep.
It was near morning when Lige
opened his eyes again with a start ,
and , raising quickly up in bed , and
pointing one small finger upward ,
exclaimed , joyfully :
"Jimmy ! Jimmy ! come quick live
made a find ! I've struck it ! come on !
we're partners , and we'll share alike !
See if we don't ! "
At the sound of Lige's voice Jimmy
rushed to the bedside and grasped
his friend's hand , and exclaimed in a
frightened voice : "What is it Lige ?
I don't see nothin' ? "
The sick boy gazed with rapture at
what neither the nurse nor Jim could
see."It's a big-find ! " he cried. It's
where Christmas comes fromJimm3 * ,
and its all mine and yours ! "
"You bet your sweet life , " he mur
mured again faintly , "there ain't no
body agoin' to jump our claims , Jim
my. "
Then there was a sudden relaxing
of the features , a quiet shudder
passed over the small form and
then silence. Jimmy's partner had
left him.
A grave in the potter's field , and a
very brief paragraph in the morning
paper , are all the earthly tokens of
Lige's treasure trove.
May we not sometime see , looking
past the afar-off shores of that dark
river , the glory beyond all word to
tell of , Little Lige's "Big Find. "
To Make the Heart Strong.
Now there is but one legitimate
way in making tho heart strong.
That is by taking regular , systemat
ic and sufficient muscular exercise ,
into which climbing heights or stair
cases enters as a prominent feature.
Let a person who finds his pulse in
creased fifty to sixty beats in a min
ute after mounting a staircase climb
a hundred staircases day after day
for a month or more and he will find
that the exertion does not add ten
beats to the normal number of his
heart throbs. The exercise has a cted
upon this vital organ just as it does
on the biceps of a prize fighter or a
blacksmith , and strength and the ca
pacity for endurance have been the
But this is not all the good that
will be gained by climbing a hundred
staircases a day say fifty in the
morning and fifty in the afternoon.
Doubtless the person with a weak
heart has suffered more or less from
what is called nervous dj'spepsia. His
food , instead of being properly digest
ed , has been mainly fermented in his
stomach and has caused him various
uncomfortable feelings , which he has
been in the habit of attributing to
everything but their proper cause
Not only have the hundred minutes
or so spent in Jimbing staircases
put strength into his legs , expand
his chest and saved his heart from
fatty degeneration , but they have
given tone to his abdominal muscles
and to his digestive organs. His food
no longer lies like a lump of lead in
his stomach , torpor has disappeared
from ( what we physicians call and
which , for the sake of delicacy , I must
here designate them ) his chylopoetic
viscera , and his system gets the full
benefit of the food which is required
for its nourishment. Dr. William A.
1)1 II ! >
"That is my Pic. ! "
Thefollowingincidentof "diamond
eut diamond" occurred in a Boston
restaurant the other day. An ac"
quaintance of the writer was seated a t
one of the tables enjoying his noon
day lunch. It was somewhat near
the closing part of the dining hour ,
and , as frequently is the case , some
of the articles of the daily fare were
about exausted. A late comer en
tered the restaurant and took a seat
at the same table with the gentleman
first noted. This late arrival , evi
dently in somewhat of a hurry , gave
his entire order at the one time , but
as soon as the waiter had returned
with the same , he was chagrined to
see that cold bread was served him
instead of the warm biscuits he ex
pected , the stock of the latter having
run out. However , not to be wholly-
deprived of the luxury desired , he
unceremoniously reached across to
the domain of the earlier diner ,
picked up the solitary biscuit that
yet remained on the latter's plate ,
and commenced to eat it , whereupon
the othernot , to be outdone in themat-
ter of a good reach and the ability to
employ it , extended his arm , gathered
in the piece of pie that belonged to
the original offender , and proceeded
to regale himself. "That is my pie ,
sir ! " came the prompt protest.
"That is my biscuit ! " was the cool
rejonder. A silence followed , only
broken by the patter of the waiter ' s
feet upon the tessellated floor. It
ivas a clear ense of " uiznioD-J cut
liamond. "
mmmmmmmmmm ill HURium. * . , *
"Soma Olhor Man. "
Tho Kov. A. 33. Dunaway , sneaking of
a certain preacher , said : 'Mi ho would
upend a8 much time in earnest , wiso ef
fort to ilovelo | > his own Hold as ho spends
in hulittlinr { his brother preachors who
do buueeed ho would do a great work in
tho world. _ Many a nmir of that kind
will read this and think of somebody
else whom ho fancies brother Dunaway
had in mind , but no ono will say : "So
meant me. " Richmond Beligious
"JiiMt flrnr ' 1'hnt CM Id Scream ! "
said Mrx. Smith to her sinter , Mrs , Davis ,
an the Hound of a child's uhrieks enmo
across the garden from a neighbor's house.
"What kind of a woman you have for
a neighbor ? " Doea she abime her chil
dren ? " ' 'No , indeed , " replied Mrs. Davis.
"She is ono of the most tender mothers in
existence. But you see , sho believes in the
old fnshioncd styles of doctoring. When
a child need * physic , sho fills a spoon with
some nauseous dose , lays tho little victim
flat on her hip , holds his nose till he is
forced to open his mouth for breath , when
down goes the dreadful mess. Then como
the yells. " "No wonder. " said Mrs. Smith.
"Why doesn't he use Dr. Pierce's Plens-
ant Purgative Pellets ? They ure effectivo
without being harsh , and are as easy to
take as sugar plums. I always give them
to my children. " "And so do I , " said
Mrs. DaviB.
Richard Kitld , 115 years old , will vote
in Texas if he lives till election day.
The cleansing , untisep'ic ' and healing
qualities or Dr. Sago's Catarrh Remedy
are unequalled.
The first complete sewing machine wns
patented by Elias Howe in 18-1G.
The Little Seed.
A little seed lay in the carter's path ;
A little nlinot bowed in tho strong wind's
wrath ;
A little shrub grew , by its roots held fast ;
"Then a stout tree braved all tho winter's
A little cough started 'twas only light ;
A little chill shivered the hours of night ;
A little pain came and began to grow ,
Then consumption laid all his bravo
str-ngth low.
Bo wise in time. Check tho little cough ,
cure the little chill , dispell the little pain ,
ere tho little ailment becomes the strong ,
unconquorable giant of disease. Dr.
Pierce ' s Golden Medical Discovery , taken
in time , is a remedy for these ills.
A New York physician says excessive
gum chewing ruins the eyesight.
Use Brown's Bkoxchiaij Troches for
Coughs , CoIdnandallotherThroatTroubls.
" tho best. "
"Pre-eminently Rev. Henry
Ward Beecher.
Will Carleton , tho poet , wrote his firs
piece of verse when 10 years of age.
Ostriches sell for $1,000 per pair in Cal
Warranted to color more goods than any
other dyes ever made , and to ive more brif-
liunt and durable colors. AskibrthcZ > iumont/ ,
and take no other.
A Dress Dyed ) Fon
A Coat Colored V | Q )
Garments Renewed J
A Child can use them !
Unequalled for nil Fancy and Art Work.
At Druggists and Merchants. Dye Book free.
WELLS , RICHARDSON &C0. Props.Burlingion , Vt.
/S lactatedTood
\ = . & 5V Is = Perfect SUBSTITUTE
! > jS viafv abics living upon it sleep u ell.
yVV'St * iy ? \ 'auKh ' and crow , are plump and
f' i Sy * \ ' h 'lny. ' It regulates the bow-
' / jjllj | \ \ \ jels , curing both constipation and
Of" , Ji > Jdiarrhoea. Send for valuable
pamphlet , free. Sold by druggists , 25c , 50c , $1.00.
r J PoMtl velycured by
PA DTCD C thcse 1LUte PI1I"
liMl\ . l\eul Th ° J' al9 ° relieve Dig-
i ! k > S * < 4 ? tress from DyapepiiUJn.
HiHiipg p digestionandl'ooHearty
VP III Lb Eating. A perfect rem-
El llff D edy forDizziness.Nauiiea
El § W • fl Drowsiness. Bad Taatt
mm Dill C lu * no H ° uth. Coated
R JrlLLw. Tonguo.Pain in the Side.
KBKMfJI regulate the Bowels.
I mWmwmmtum Purely Vegetable.
J Price 25 Ccnts ;
The Western Newspaper Union.
"Whenever needing anything in 'way
of job stock , print paper , outfits or
printing material of any kind , ink , rol
lers or stereotyping , don't fail to get
our prices. You will save money by so
Our Elcady Prints arc lite Best.
If you are contemplating starting a
new paper you should not fail to see us
before closing a deal.
If you are not receiving Tiic Print
ers' Auxiliary , our monthly , send for
it. Free to every printer or publisher.
A.QirGss *
SNIckplnd . SolMnklngPen & Pencil Stamp
jM > amcin Rubber.2Q ccnttT Club of 7.furg | biUT
" ! .SmeTown AStateon,25e. Jtirki inrlhin ; .
M > fflr CP ul f > make p Int writTnc or ttomp ink , 15 c
UBr Rubber Stamp Co. New Haven. Conn
M f % RH ET STUOY. Book-kcepins , Penmanship ,
Effl V iwl id Arithmetic. Shorthand , etc. . thor
oughly taucht by mail. I-orrrates. Circulars free.
BRYANT'S COLLEGE , 1 Main St. , Buffalo , N. Y.
P 11TPPT > Treated and cored witnom tn cnite.
I .Q IVl , H K Book on treatment tent tree. Add ret *
Villi UJulVy l. jOND. M.D. . Aurora , Kan * Co , , 121.
PAf n lira at hose and makemore monej worklngfcrtis than
VVBSI > itan7thine lfe In the world FJHbtr ftx Co.tlroutfit
TKXE. Tenui rxcic AdurrM , Txck A Co. , Augiut * , " lUiii .
ffto S8 per dayhample worth $1.50 FREE. Line *
$ ftnot under the hor f's UeC Write Brewster
IdSafety Rein Holder Co. , Holly , Mich.
k CENTS Wanted. SI an flour ; Mnorarticlea. Cat.
• Analogue end sample free C E. MarhallLoakportN.Y
" * w " '
"TTJTim iiinTi7i in ii
! > BaMaaa BMaMaiBnBaHBaiaHH NMaaBaaaai
Gout in raofft cnnon ( Irak nmhoft HocU
known by an ncuto pain in tlio joint of tin *
great toe. Thin most excruchitini ; puln
mny bo likened to Unit produced bjr tho
driving of awodso under tln > nail. For gout
u o Sulvutlon Oil. Price 25 contH a bottle.
"Drink , pretty crouturo , drink , " a little
at u timo of Dr. Iiull'n Cough Syrup , and
you will roliovo your cold , and not ruck
your client und lungs to pieces , and keep
erorybody else in a ntato of agitation.
Price twenty-flro cento.
Two hundred St. Paul railroad hands
have formed a club.
MoTUEitH who have delicate children can
boo them daily improve and gain in flc h
and ntrength by giving them that perfect
food and medicine , Scott's Knuilaion of Cod
Liver Oil , with HypophosphitcH. Dr. W. A.
Ilulbert , ol Snliabury , Ilia. , nays : "I have
U8 < nl Scott's Emulsion in cased of Scrofula
and Debility. KesultB mostgratifying. My
little patients take it with pleasure. " Sold
by all Druggists.
During the last year sheep in Iowa de
creased 20,900 head.
A square milo contains ( J 10 acres.
For ! oTi.valg-ia ; , .
SOMInilte * . Xrvmgton , 111. . 1I 7 35.188S.
About throo yoan ago , Mri. Ejbtrt Toatjrok
w takaa with Nturalgta la hud and fact ; bad
idStred three dayi : ah * trWd St. Jacobs Oil ; wu
rtlliTtd In 30 plcntti. Jai. 7. Ooodncr , Drugf lit.
Prompt. Columbui. Ohio , Mar s8.13 < > .
Hart lofferid with Mearalfla for many T ri ;
I tit St. Jacob ! Oil ; it | lv i rellaf and finally
drlvei away all pain. I would ma no othtr mtd >
fiure. Towanda , III. , Jan * S , 1S8S.
Th * wlf * of EIMON ? . ANDERSON had palm
In th * had from childhood , which ylild to St.
Jacobs011. O.W.HOWARD A BOMB.DraffUU.
THE CHARLES A. VOQELEIt CO. , Baltimore. Md.
Diamond Vera-Cura
Slomach Troubloi Arising Tnsrttrom.
lour Druggist or UaieraX VtaUr icill gd Yern-
Cura for you if not already m Black , or U uil lie
tent by mail on receipt ofi ! cU. (5 ( baxei 81.00) ) ta
ttampt. Sample sen' on recei ) > t cf 2-cent ttamp.
SuU Proprietors aud AlanuUcturin.
iSiS" 0 A t a e r H
P < z . ! !
i mB | | Ely's Cream Balm |
iffl flP Cotl , in Head
laS Vv--fi Ml > .l ELY BHOS. . M Wnrren St. K Y
i - -i
FOR THE Eilert\s Extract of
SIGSC.Itarakd wild cherry
Has cured all coughs , colds , bronchitis , and
relieved asthma and consumption for all who
have used it. Is not this an evidence of Its
merits and reliability ? It is a sure and soft
medicine for all bronchial troubles and never
fails to give satisfaction. Try it under a full
warrantee. Price 50c and $1.00 per bottle.
Prepared by Emmkht Fhofkietaky Co. , Chi
cago , I1L
Made of stool , lighter , stronger , cheaper , mors
power , everlasting and competition distanced. For
proof order on trial , to keep the test and et nny
other alongside if you can. HeversibloFull Clrc' *
• ff ty < g t7T . & Helt Prcaaes , all sizes.
AiUrru for'lreclsrs nd' r
location of W'tlffi x-\A Soutfc.ra PurfhnJ" ' n4 AtfnU.
P. K. IiKDEUICIi. it. CO . AMU.NY. H. Y.
ez&FSSsf * * * pre f.op and 'nllyea-
ftjE S wAi cl'ii .t Tt.ic H is the only
/ VACcrula > ' 3 spe-iCcfortliecertamcun
fU(2v l TO 6 DATS. s'--j of thi3 disease.
/sv ° airtatMd n" "a G.u.ii RAir.or. 'M. n. ,
IfigR cacjsStrlctarc. Anisterdnm , N. Y.
K ? a Krd only by tto V. 'o have sold Bis : G for
iv < , . . . rv - ! . i Pt many years , and it M
W'A Ci3ClanEtI , 25a faction.
Si k Ohio. > ? D.K.DYCiTKCO. .
3 Chicago , III.
T ? c2S0 eSy larl Sl.OO. Sold by Druggists.
Full Pearl , . , VfSl.OO
Four Blades , Jr / ' " < tc/r. p . / sentFoit-
Rnest Steel. > Sx K'ofilL
W. puraau * it U , . / X w % , ' A,4r
Cff ( KlfOIM _ / V "O V. Aj , ' f C ,
Tit * Largest. Cheapest and Hem la the tVorM.
cash Assirrs siao,000,000.
Special Af eat. Oeaeral Agent.
OaXJftJLXA , - - WEB.
Nerer Gums. Nerer Freezes in Winter or Melts in
Summer. Erery box Guaranteed. Satnp'e ordor
solicltod. Write tor Prices. We ruaku tlie beit
Axle-Grea- known and ell cheaper than others do
their common good * . CI.AKIC ifc WINE CO. ,
OEica , 20 Itlvcr Street , Chlcnzo. Illinois.
3 Gcrtnan Asthma Care nereryVsitt toglre tn.ES
KS m * < iiau rtlief in the wont caxea .insures comfort-M
H able aleep ; eaects caret where all otheni fail. JM
ml trial convince * thtmoit skeptical. Price fiOe.aadW
KS1.00cdDrximrirt orbynialL SampleKKKE
fcjforetamp. na.RSCHIFFMAN.8LPanl.Mlnn-H |
HB Pi30's Eemedy for Catarrh 13 the [ 33
ISS Best , Easiest to Use , and Cheapest. g3jj
99 Sold by druggists or sent by malL am
Jj 50c E. T. Uazeltine , Warren , Fa. gjJMj
t rtrJS 5 3rSrS ! ! ? relief ASTHMA
IssssssBBsssiMSBSBBsssssBSBssssssssaBBssssl Charleitovrn. Mas ?
nAHfiERC and TUMORS remoTedwithontknlfa. I
UHnUCliO Hundred * Cured. VTritefor refer
ences. IIS. F. H. OULLEV , Milwaukee. Wis. I
Catarrh |
May affect any portion of the body wliera the ma f W
cons membrane 1 found. Uuf oilarrhof Hie bead * .J1
Ii by far th mos" coiiinon. and stratisfi to say , ta * - _ 1M
most lUWo to bo nrclected. U ordinate * Tn o eolJu JM
. with Im-mrn bwodt _ -Js"
or .ucceiiton of cold * omMnnJ |
Tho wonderful micceM Hoo-tN Sarsnnnrllln tin * DswPl "jm
In eurhK catarrh warr.inl u In nrglne all who til- - - - gfl |
frr with tl.U d'sease to try tiic peculiar rn.dlcloei. - 3
It ronovat-s and lnv.K3ratc tho bloal , anJ tones * .SB
erery organ. * sH
"I UaYo been trouhlcl with naaal catarrh , awa -WA
never found rellrf till I u d Hood * a ParMpaHU k. " * a |
which I am cunndent will do nil that U clalmea. If Jl
nurroh for Hood'a SarsaparlHar' J. 1 * . UovrXS4I
MarksbuM. Ky. | j
Hood's Sarsapariiln M
Sold by all dru c'sU. lit ax ! for $ \ J'rcparcd onJa ? 1
by C. I. HOOD & CO. . Apethecorlet. Lowell. Maws , 9K
IOO Doses One Dollar * 3 |
< Inrfl fnrocTl ESTABLISHED 1861 j 180 So. 9
oUraimMII chcag0 | , ins. 1 ClarkSt. . 'M
/ \ SheRcgular Old-Establlstaed M
ma &tt I * still Treating with thiGrealejt ja
dirouic , Ner7ons and Private Diseases ,
ffiT NERVOUS DEBILITY , Loat Manhood
Falllnc Memory , Exhaustinp Drains , Terrlblcr • • j
Dreams , Head and Back Acne and all the effects
leading to early decay and pcihap * Consumption or
Insanity , treated scientifically Ly new incthbds with •
ncvcr.fjilins micccm.
* > - SYPHILIS and all bad Blood and Slcln Dis
eases permanently cured , u
* i7-klDNEYand URINARYcompbtntsGteetr . 1
Gonorrhoea , Strictu re , Varicocele and all discaiet
of the Uenito-Unnary Organ * cured promptly without I
injury to Stomach , Kidneys or other Organs. I
9 No experiments. Arc and experience itn- I
portant. Consultation free and sacred. I
* -Send4centsi > ostage for Celebrated Works on- * J
Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Diseases. |
eirThose contemplatinK Marriace * end for Dr. f
Clarke's celebrated cuidc Male and Female , each * J
IS cents , both 25 cent * ( stamps ) . Consult the oldS -j
Doctor. A friendly letter orcallmay javefuturesuffer- A
in and hame.and add golden years to life. TsT-Iloolt. I
"Life's ( Secret ) Errors , " 50cents ( tamp > . Medicine. < ]
and writings sent cver > where , secure from exposure. il
Hours , 8 to 8. Sundays 9 to 12 Address SI
F. D. CLARKE , W3. D. .
ISO > < . liiili.- , - < llK'Ai.O , IL , JL. I
. . . I
When ihe food docs not 1
digest , but ferments and .1
sours , it causes a burning \ I
sensation. This is a step' ] |
in the direction of m
Q spepsia I
II can be cured safely and- ; I
surely with I
which mill pit all Ihe digesliver I
organs in heallhy condition. I
For Silo by ail Drvpsiit ? . rrlcn 17 cU. p r 1-ot , 9
Z liixe * fur • " ctii ; or t-Mit by ir.jil , r-Tt"K" r * " • ' • * I
receipt of j rice. ir.J.ll. i > < .ii-uck iboii. l'nlja ' . H
f of Books Learneit i One Beaiu I
A Year's "Work Eono in Ten Days. I
From the Chi | > laln < f i : .ef rC"l.iizaud Itoiiiur . H
Sjrlac I'rtzi'iuan. Oxford. H
I oil i\on. Uzori. . SM tc'ii'ii-r. ' 18SS. H
Dear Sir : In April , lf.HT . while thinking of taking
orders In September , I suddenly n-ttlvid notice that H
my ordination cxnmlna'lon ffunlil be held In a fort- H
nl Iit. I had only ten dOt days iunlilch to prepare H
lorthe Kxain. 1 tliould reeoiiiineiid a jcar" * prep- H
ration In the ca c of anyonr m > utterly untircpan-d as H
I Wiix : but > oiir bjHtem had mIrcn tlii-ucil my
natural memory. thtt 1 wns able to remember and Ut
Kle the cist of any book nfter rradlu ? It once. I Wf
therefore read Llulitfo t. Troctor. Harold. Ilrovrnr. MM
Mohhelm , etc. . etc. oner , and iw fticcs.f'i ; la fl
every one of the nine papers. The prenrnt Hl bopol- Mm
Edlnburc Lnowa tlir Ihc s. Faithfully ynurx. mm
[ Kkv.i James Mumt.ETo.v Jl khk > saia > . [ .M.A.J 1
To Prof. A. Lolsette. 'Z7 Fifth Aenue. . X. Y.
Ferfeclly taught by cortcponilenee. Send fo- H
pio9pectus. mm
issued March and Sept. . . . M
each year. It is on ency- H
OTho of useful inform S
mation for all who pur- \
chase tho luxuries oxthex ' H
necessities of life > . "We i WW
Can clothe you and furnish you frith * W\\ \
all the necessary and unnecessary/ L\
appliancos to ride , walk , danco , aleop , , L\
eat , fish , hunt , work , go to church , , S WW
or stay at homo , and in various % izen % . M
styles and quantities. Just figure out , M
what is required to do all those things- M
COMFORTABLY , and you can make a fair- M
estimate of tho valuo of the BUYEE&r
GUIDE , which will bo sent upoc - M
receipt of 10 cents to pay poctarltf , . M
Hl-114 Michigan Avcnuo , Chicanes.TX1. H
a7fRy3KT ? > 55 , laa a i'3A different from all. mm
fgfatfjgKgiygyjP others , la cup chapewith Seir- H
[ * ! T adJusUnerBalllncenter.arSaptsm \
V2 JPitself to all positions of tha body , whlfcr : . JmM
NPv j0 thebattinihe cap .presses bacsc m\
Qtcsas * tho intestines Juntas a per m\
eon.does vvlth tho finger. , withllKbttprtisare mm\ \
tnaIIernlai3heldsecureydayandnlgtitandB radlcaf. - mm\ \
curscertaln. ItUeaAT.dnrahloan'tcbrsp.rVntbymali-
CtrcoUralrce. lXauaT03TiaiaCO.ailcai ; , tll. H
Ton Watson caU * m\
a Ultn. 8t , T XtxrlBfi. Stan H
f B < asi mad H ln Bat J&e | H
Xrtrr sli Stale , r ( its prfeBn > - H
aitidsa ihli r prr ais Utitim kssssl
WTNrU.7 Omabiu 43S4r (
3BXJIXjI > 333EtS OP S
Corliss and Single Valve Msmafissj ; 11
Complete Steam Plants from 1 to 500 II. 1 . I- I'uniisIietl.
J2T Writ * for Circular JI. Statimj Jlnsinrss. SIOUX VITY IOiTAC fl
tJ. . J. J , , , , .aS. , . JiJ < fa • I-'WV'i'WTWl" i I
Thcmaiiivnohasiuvc edlromthrie j We uRer Ue nun nhu < rdiib > < nice \ H
to fire dollars in a Kubber Coat , and ( not style ) a carment that will keep.
at his first hair hour's experience In as m Kjmt mmm him dry in the hardest storm , it 1 * i mi
a.stonn rinds to his sorrow that it 13 UBtf | L 1 called TOWEk'S FISH BRANI > i
hardly a better protection than a mosC W • 1 " aLICKEK , ' a name familiar to exery ,
quito nettinjr. not only feels chagrined m , Cow-boy all over the land. With thera
at being so badly taken in , but also 9 BBS BA the only perfect Wind and Waterproof
feels if he does not look exactly like U ha | S Coat is "Tower's Fish llrand .Slicker. "
Ask lor the "FISH UKAXD" Slickzk I lEalfl and Uke no other. Ifyourstortltr pei -
does not hare the fish brand , send fordescriptlre catalogue. A. J. Tower. 20 Simmons St. . Boston. ifa _
ii * " i i * " " "a""s sra = = = = = = ajsas sis Bn aja aBBMssmisaBBBE3 = = ss sBEaBsa
Tll [ te lffillPMMMrf SPECIAL OFFER
1 To any New Subscriber who will send us this Slip , with I
du name and paddress and $1.75 in Money Order , Express ill /
AAA . & Money Order , Registered Letter , or Check , for a year's sub- 11 | iQraf | Off : ; /
senption to the Companion , we will send the paper IlluOlIalCU
ONLY $1.75 te &m&S fr kunnlpmpn ? * '
1 FOUR HOLIDAY NUMBERS , ruPPiefflsnts ,
1 Sent to Each Subscriber
at \
I I The volume for ISS9 will be superior I11.S Thanksgiving-Christmas-New year It will qi , * t c. , ,1 cv ' oEaster - hj '
Household Artide ales of Adventure .
1 - rE3 Specimen Coptr * and Colored Announcement free , fleas e mention thii publication. Addrcw
| THE YOUTH'S COMPANION , 37 Temple Place , Boston , tl ass , j i