The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 09, 1888, Image 5

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    r • '
$ - '
• * * " FRIDAY EVENING. NOV. 0.1888.
fe ; , .
FT * Remember Noble fur groceries.
fc > '
yj Sweet cider at the City Bakery.
| | . Noble for superb lunifriiijr lamps.
* r ' jJ3F"Fresb sausage at the 13. & . IM.
fr Meat Market ,
1 f - Fine jersey coats ami canlijrati jack
( ; cts. TilK FAMOUS.
Fresh and smoked meats nT all kinds
I" at the 13. & M. Meat Market.
Ir : A consignment of nice fresh oysters
I- just received at the City Bakery.
\s \ Everything fresh and clean in the
. . - \vay of groceries at Noble ' s store.
Cash paid f > r live stock , poultry and
I hides at the 13. & M. Meat Market.
I There is no other way. Buy your
groceries , qneensware , etc , of Noble.
\ Go to McCrackens for musical instru
ments. We have ever } thing in that
* line.
H * * A full line of strictly pure spices for
\.s \ pickles , sauces , etc. , at the City Drug
' " Store.
Plumbing in all its branches prompt
ly ai'd skillfully performed by F. 1)
Children ' s suits , overcoats and caps.
Latest novelties and largest stock.
jr C = gF"Tlie price of liberty is eternal
f' vigilance , but Noble's prices on groceries
I are sure to catch you.
A shipment of fresh candies just re-
* ceived at the City Bakery. Call while
* they are fresh and nice.
The celebrated Olds wagon for sale by
I Leland & Morrow. Also spring wagons ,
buggiesetc. All very cheap.
| A carload of Dakota Hard Wheat
Flour just received at
Ji I . C. G. Potteii & Co. ' s.
I This week , Leland & Morrow have re-
5 * ceived a car-load of fall and winter
wheat flour. They carry the best grades.
" Dolls ! JJoli.s'1 ' IXJLLS ! ! ! All
f ' . kinds. All sizes. All prices. At
I. ' McMiMiK.v s Ditt. 'G Store.
We pa } ' particular attention to orders
II" \ for wedding outfits , or any goods of
t which sizes and qualities are not in
* stock. 'I HE FAMOUS.
f- If you want nice tender beefsteak
J ; give the B. & M. Meat Market a call.
It f They butcher none but the choicest of
* beeves.
\t \
Leland & Morrow carry a complete
• ; stock of comoats.chop feed.and in fact
I- ' of everything belonging to a first class
p. ' flour and feed store.
t -
* t Of fine residences M A. Libbee makes
fLy a specialty. Don't fail to see him if
fv' " you intend to build. Good workman-
ship guaranteed. Prices the lowest.
[ % ' ' , . '
V- If you want something handsome in
| - the way of u hanging lamp , call on C. M.
tg Noble. He is just in receipt of the
- * and finest stock of
g- largest hanging
! | y- lamps ever brought to southwestern
jp Nebraska.
* ' At McCrackens you will find afresh
1 > 5 lot of strings for the following iii : > tru-
,0 ments :
I * " VlOLIN ,
' i : J3anzo ,
f Guitar ,
! , Cello ,
1 DonBLE Bass
The fifty-first congress will have a
& . republican majority of perhaps twenty-
, - > five. With a republican senate and
'jf" ( - chief executive an era of unmatched
r- ? prosperity and progress lies before
'Z America.
Herii Rudolph Fa lb , the earth-
% cz quake doctor , has cast the horoscope of
C the feizmic disturbance * for next year
% and books us for earthquakes on March
% & 17 , April 15 , May 15 , August 11 , Sep
M " " teraber 9. October 24 and November 2B
§ Herr Falb stands in to win because , on
ff - an average , there are about two earth
ly quakes a day every year , counting all in
fi- the hill , little and big.
| 4"
* . . ' 1
* - . . BOOK learning is growing to be a
% . ' weighty responsibility in Germany. The
children there carry their school books
f- ' in knapsacks. and so many are growing
ly. ' stoop-shouldored that the authorities
Y" have been forced to interfere The po-
I lice have received orders to stop ebll
Kk # dren overballated with bonks , get their
| Vf address , and have their fathers fined.
I'J * Evidently the new rule inGermany is
r , to have children with square shoulders
i/ / as well-as level heads.
( ? / ? > l C 7/AT ? OPENING
Manufacturers of
Cloaks will be Retailed at WHOLE
SALE PRICES. Everybody invited to
come and seo for themselves , the
Sale to be held on TUESDAY and
WEDNESDAY , Nov. 20th and21st.
Lowest Prices ! Latest Styles !
Pay Your Subscription ,
Quite a number our of subscribers
are in arrears one year or more. A
cordial ard pressing invitation is ex
tended such to calf promptly and
$5,000.00 !
We have $5,000.00 to place on
good farms during the next 20 days.
No delay if security is approved.
Hocknell Brick Upstairs.
$50.00 REWARD.
$50.00 reward for the detection
and conviction of the thief who took
plow and single trees from the Com
mercial House farm
To loan on deeded lands. Money
advanced to make final proofs. Office
opposite Arlington Hotel.
At the Commercial House. Call
To the Ladies.
Mrs. M. K. Bargcr , 3 d.-ors west < .f
the McKntee House , will sell to the
close of the season at great reduced
.prices. Ladies come and see prices
and be convinced She has also secur
ed the services f the two Misses Hales
in dress and cloak making in which they
guarantee satisfaction
Hall.Cochrane Co havejust received
a large shipment o ! the celebrated Mil
theue re.idv to sell at fair prices.
Fresh candies at the CitBakery. .
Go to Noble lor your family groceries.
5P Dr. Hall s < ffice ' , over First Na
tional bank
Fresh Oysters at the City Bakery.
Just received.
Fine overcoats , suitami pants our
specialty THK FAMOUS.
Remember that Leland & • Morrow sell
the reliable Olds wagon.
Nothing but freshest and purest ,
drugs at the City Drug Store.
Go to Leland & Morrow for every
thing in the flour and feed line.
Citv Hotel & Star Restaurant !
The place for a good meal and clean bed.
Fanners , the "place for 3'iui to stop at
is the City Hotel & Star Restaurant
George M. Chencry at the City Drug
Store makes a specialty of prescriptions
Railroad men will find the City Hotel
Cc Star Restaurant the place for them
No house can show you one half as
mairy st\les in underwear or other
goods as TUE FAMOUS.
Noble , the leading grocer , carries the
most complete line of qneensware in the } ' . Inspect it.
If you are in search of a really deli
cious drink of soda water wander into
the City Drug Store.
McMillen ' s drug store is the place to
find the largest assortment of DOLLS
ever brought to McCook.
jgp In the line of plain .and fancy
groceries , C. M. Noble will fill your
every want satisfactorily.
J UST Rkckiveo ! Two barrels of ex
tra sweet cider at the City Bakery , which
will be sold at. 50 cents a gallon.
Prepare to pa\r your election bets.
We have just received another l t latest
stvles in stiff , soft and silk hats.
• ' • ! " ' " l * *
Busaaasaauanm xwsmBiB3ritaB Mxgps
T.i'jrLi.CTl1i.i ! , . . v > . , i jt . l'pw > | , , ! i | | l. , . | _ , , , j
Catliolic festival , November Llili. Don't
forget it.
Some men arc like riverssmall heads and
big mouths.
How does Tin : Tiuisunk's display of
poultry strike you ?
Suffer little sums to come unto us , for ot
such is our income made.
Never argue with fools , or listeners may
say , there are two of you.
Jiuildiug operations continue unmindful of
J. Fiost's chill approach.
Don't buy a loot of lumber until you have
seen iitillard and learned his figures.
Complete stock and best grades of lumber
and coal at W. 0. Hut lard & Co. 's yard.
Last week , .John Coleman purchased
Charlie Clark's laic residence , and moved into
same Monday ot this week. *
\V. C. Bullard have in stock beslquality of
hard and soil coal. Keineiiiber this when
lay ing m your winter's supply.
Applesslicid Very thin , tried in hot butter
and Mprhikh d with polveiized Migar , make a
very nice dUh lor lea or luncheon.
Don't forget the bazar to be held in the
Babcock brick next Tuesday and Wednesday
by the ladies of ( he .Metliodist church.
We have at this ollice a city fireman 's
badge found in ihe Congregational church'
cently. Owner can have same by calling.
After religion and politics there is nothing
abniit which intelligent people differ so rad
ically as what llu\y call the cost of living.
Let Dullard figure with jou if you con
template building or making any improve
ments. He will save you money every time.
The people of the countyscat are prepar
ing to ratily the ehctiuu of llariisou and
Morton , Saluidat evening , November 10th ,
in grand shape.
In the way ot a clock unique that on exhi
bition in Noble's grociiy store is entitled to
the bakery. It certainly is a clever piece of
m.cluuiical skill and ingenuity.
If you are contemplating Mai ting a new set
ot books , the lirst ot the year , it will be to
your advantage to call and inspect our stock
and learn our pric s. We can save you money.
Keep in reniemurauce liie appearance of
Majors l'eiubletoii and llawley and Misses
Nora aim Lizzie lViiibletoii at the Opera
Hall , next Saturday evening , the 10th iuMant.
Wells were in iieiiiand on the hill , Satur
day , and "water rustling" the older ot the
day. AH ot which laistd the percentage .if
piofanity sadly. This is undeiMoud to apply-
to the sterner sex , ol course.
The contract lor excavating the Bartlcy
canalvas4on Monday let to Messrs. Fern &
Cox of Noith Valley precinct , and work will ;
be inaugurated on the 15th. May loth , lbbO ,
it is expected , will sec the completion ot this
important eiiterpi ise.
The new supply main is pioving a source
of considerable annoy ance to the waterworks
company. Another pipe bursted Saturday ,
and consumers on the lull weic left ' "high
and dry" lor a good portion ot the day , until
the break was repaired.
Preaching at the Lutncran church and
communion next Sunday at 10J0 : , M. T. In
the evening at7o ' clock , Vim Young People 's
Mission Band will given conceit appropriate
to the anniversary of tiie bircuduy of Dr.
Martin Luther. All are invited.
The basement of tho First National bank
building will be occupied ny Philip Weick ,
who will move his billiaul hall Irom West
Dennison street to his new location as soon
as same is ready for oiciipr.ncy. This will (
give Phil , the liuest quarters for a billiaul
hull inthis section ol Nebraska.
The work of excavating cellars for the
Water Works-Meeker biicks , north of The
TitniuxE ollice , is progressing. The build
ings will be two stories high , sixty feet deep , j
and will have Colorado red sione fronts. It !
is expected to finish them tinwinter. . They i
will he among the very handsomest structj j
ures in the city.
The ladies of the Methodist ehmch will
open their bazar in the new Hancock brick on
Tuesday evening at 5 o ' clock , M. T. , with an
oyster supper. The bazar will be open all ,
day Wednesday , dinner and supper being i
served. On Wednesday evening , from 7 to 9 ! #
o'clock , the baby show will be held. All '
are cordially invited.
We are authorized to state that the flouring
mill of A. J. Thompson & Co. will he ready to
turn out flour by the most improved roller
process by the 25th day of December next.
The mill structure will be substantial and a '
model of convenience , while the machinery J
throughout will be of the most improved , hit- '
est pattern. However , if you have any feed :
to grind you can be accommodated light now :
and promptly. ;
Invitations are usually written on the new j j
writing paper which is now being vigorously ; <
"taken up" by the fair sex so vigoiously , • *
indeed , that they will piob ibly lire of it in a j
very short time. The "leather ' ' paper , the '
bright scarlet notes that we used to receive. ;
the "earthquake * ' paper , the "sliced lemon' ' j
paper , which made us billions to look at it ,
"ye old EnglMi ' ' paper , ami others too nu
merous to mention , are all things of the past ,
and this winter nothing will be used by the
very fashionable but the dull verde-gris or
' • Moonlight. " and the greeny-blue or "Cobel- -
in gray" note paper. The address , crest or 1
monogram is stamped in dead white , which <
is very effective on the dark tone of the pa- * ;
per. This is the first Mainping ever done in i
white , it having hitherto been regarded as an )
impossible feat. l [
s s ffi c * -
• • • •
The Result of the Battle.
Enough is known at the hour of going to
press Hi assure the election of the national ,
state and county tickets. In the national
and stale issues the democrats have been
simply overwhelmed with the avalanche of
billots. And the result in the county has
been most encouraging and satisfactory , all
the candidates being elected by lousing ma
jorities. The republican party has achieved
the grandest and most decisive victory in the
history of Ihe party , since Abraham Lincoln's
campaign. From Plymouth Pock to the suu-
ki-si'd shores of California
one grind pean
of victory swells on the breeze from the
hearts and lips of triumphant , chastened re
ir.Ecrriox : KCHOKS.
The heavens wept in sympathy with a
lachrymose democracy.
My unsophisticated democratic friend pre
pare lo pay your election wagers. The jig is
In the poll taken of the citv schoolsHar
rison and Morton carried by a large majori
ty. Education , you know.
The Congregational ladies cleared about
S50 out of their dinner and supper , ami
they deseivid it , and more , too.
Local toi.sorial artists have found it neces
sary to raise the price mi their democratic
customers to twenty-live cents , for a shave.
A fact !
Messrs. Simmons , Hills and Swarts un
burdened their souls , Tuesday night , at tele
graphic headquarters in occasional songs of
triumph , both enthusiastic and artistic in na
Oh , it was a genuine land slide , and the
noise thereof is scarcely less loud than the
wails of an over-confident demoeracv. who
tied their faith and placed their money on
( "rover.
Driftwood precinct nobly sustained heriep-
utation by easting "I straight republican
voles , hut one lepuhlican ballot in the pre
cinct being scratched. The boys are "true
blue" on the classic Driftwood.
Col. Phelan was down from the "high line"
to take his dish of crow with the rest of the
unterrilied hereabouts. In all truth and can
dor it must he stated that the Colonel did not
thoroughly relish the dish.
To the Democrat greeting : Rufus Moses ,
mutton chops and all , and .Justin A. Wilcox ,
the niczzl. (1 ( ? ) man , captured the persim
mons by handsome majorities. As it was in
the beginning , is now. * and ever shall be ,
world without end. Ah me !
For a number of nights TinTimbuxe
roosters have firmly and persistently refused
to go to roost. During all this time they
have resisted all oppoitunitics to take a rest
and have occupied an elevated position in the
rear of Ihe ollice , rehearsing the glorious an
them of victory they are now singing to our
enraptured lepuhlican readeis They are all
gav old birds and sing nothing but tlie music
of the union. Hear them !
Mr. Mike Adams , poet , and editor-in-chief
of the Democrat , will probably have an ef
fusion of a somewhat patheticiiature in this
issue of that more or less disfigured religions
journal. We imagine that it will runslightlv
; after this wise :
OilOViat'S r-AMKNT.
Oh. Tain the man whojrot lelt. -
Of oflicc and place I'm bereft ;
When they court.ed the votes , as the tally
The other elmp collared the heft.
The Omaha Daily Republican
Is en sale at the McCook Hook & Station
ery ' Co. 's. The Omaha Weekly Republican
fiom now until January 1st , 1S90 , for 31.00in
advance. ;
Teachers ' Examination.
The regularTeaciteis ' Examination will be
held 1 at Indiaiiola , Saturday , Nov. 17th.
Mits. C. L. Nkttixtox ,
County Superintendent.
Majors Pemb/eton and Hawley ,
Past drum and file niajois of the depart
ment of Nebraska , G. A. P. . will give one of
their entertainments at the Opera Hall , Satur
day evening , November 10th. Admission , 25
cents. Children , 15 cents.
Ca tholic Festival.
The ladies of the Catholic church will hold
a festival in Menard's Hall , November 15th.
Supper will be served from 5 to 10 o ' clock ,
mountain time. An enjoyable time and a
good supper are assim tl facts.
Attention , J. K. Barnes Post No. 207.
There will he an open meeting at the po t
room next .Monday evening , Nov. 1J. lSSb" .
You are earnestly requested to be present.
Bring your wives , ( the W. II. C.will be pres
ent. ) Let us all try to make this an enjoy
able meeting , and show our appreciation of
the good work tiie W. It. C. are doing in our
midst. J. II. Yakhei : ,
Post Commajider.
Card of Thanks.
Enrroi : Tkiuuxk : We , the. undersigned ,
being now cnnfortahly situated in our new
and roomy house at Yailton , desire that our
hearty thanks he extended to all our friends
and neighbors , especially to the merchants
and citizens of McCook , who so readily re
sponded to the call of Mr. and Mrs. A. N.
Nettlcton with their ever willing generosity
and sympathy towards the needy and afflict
ed. Never shall we torget the kindness be
stowed upon us in the past and present. Mav
\.e prove worthv of it all.
Ml ! . AMI MlW. Wm. ESIIEK.
iiaI del Thxtu
and Mrs. ( Jeo. F. Uamlel. one mile east of
this city , on Wednesday. Novemb.-r 7lh ,
ISSS. Mr. William C. Handel and Miss Eva
M. Ilinek. both of Indianola , Rev. J. W.
Kimniel oflieiating.
A few friends witnessed the happy event :
Mr. and Mr < . .Iohn Longin'CKer , Mr. and Mrs. i
Raudel , Mr. Clack and Miss Rinek.of Indian-
ula , being present. An excellent repast was
spread and enjoyed by all. Long life and un
interrupted happiness and prosperity to the
loung people is the wish of thnfr many
fiends throughout the coiiuiy.
* -t * * wlUj ( lUMff. ,
i * * 2 " • . ; {
Albert McMillcn returned.lastevenlnjr.from
his business trip to Chicago.
Miss Mary Uoherls will taken position In the
city postollicc on the 15ih Instant.
Swarts. the candy kitchen man , Into moved
ihe Sum 1'lslc property , this week.
j .7. C. Anderson entertained his father-In-hiw ,
( Mr. Jolm Peter-on. or Ited Cloud , Wednesday.
.ludgu Cochran went down to Lincoln , tide
mornuijr , on n short visit of two or three days.
11. A. McPraelcen made a business pleasure
trip up to IlayesCenire , the eloscof last week.
Tims. Colter , a lending lawyer of Western
Nebraska , is at tho Paxton. Saturday's Her
Deputy Internal Kerenue Collector Iliirnioii
was among the visitors hi the chief chy ,
. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Stoddard returned. Mon
day ninrninir. from a tnier visit to friends ut
the county-seat.
Mis J w WuUmrii of the c unty geat visit
ed frie ds in tiie ehiuf city , Fridiij undSatui-
day of last week.
Jack Lauuhlin came in from Holyoke , Tiicp-
diiy , to cast His vote for president-elect Oenei-
al Heujamin P. Harrison.
Manager Iluddof t'rces& Hocknell'sTrenton
yard spent Sunday In ihe city , guest of Mr.
and Mrs. Ililen Trowbridge.
Mrs E..I. Merrill returned to Stratton , this
morning , after a pleasant two weeks'visit to
friends in the city nod vicinity.
Mrs. Fred. f ) . Putney of I'tilhertson visited
her parents. Mr and Mrs. Peter Koyle. or thin
place , the fore part or the week.
Miss Clio a 13. Dimtnitt of McCook has organ
ized a class of instrumental music here with
about chHit pupils. Trenion Torpedo.
Mr. and Mrs. Fowler S. Wilcox depart. Sun
day morning , on a two or threevi ek's v isit in
Chicago. Gilman , and other Illinois points.
J. II. Liiuth spent Thursday iutheeity in the
interests of the subscription department or
that popular paper , the Omaha Republican.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harlan of Oberlin Ohio ,
and Mrs. Harlan's mother , Mrs. Halseyoi La-
con , Hi. , have been tiie nuests of Mr. and Mrs.
O. C. Gaston Tor a number of days.
Charlie Smith of the Paragon Drug Store re
turnrd. the beginning of the week , from hi-
visit east. Jacob Dambach of llajcs Centre
lilled his position during his absence.
Miss Ada P. Ruck , teacher in the Lincoln
public schoolswho has been quite i'l. is ex
pected home -Forest Home. " to-morrow ,
where she will recuperate her impaired health
and oer wrought energies.
Prof. W. S. Webster ot * the Juniata. Adams
county , schools , was up , Saturday. looking
alter bis real estate interests near Ranksville
in Grant precincr , and renewing Ins acquaint
ance with friends oi the metropolis.
Architect Uittcnliotise was up l'r in Hast
ings. Monday , closing up Ins busiuessuiih the
school board and looking alter his interests in
the First Nationnl-Rabcock-Morlaii
- - buildings
now i-eing rapidly pushed to completion.
Paul Reuthe left , Sunday evening , for Wy
more , this state , wherehe intends to engage in
the butcher business Paul deposes and says
that he lias bad all the Kansas experience he
uauts. • Henceforth Nebraska will a itisfy him.
Mrs. F. O. Newman and the baby returned.
Wednesday on the llyer , from a six weeks'
visit in Polo. III. , her old home. Her sister.
Miss Grace Hammer , accompanied her and
will make a visit o * some length. Frank's cup
of joy is about full but lor Grovers crushing
del eat.
Pro. F. 51. Kimmeil.orthe McCook TitinuXE.
can justly be proud of his paper last week in
the amount of neus therein contained as well
as the general appea : ance , the print cannot be
beaten any where , and the deserves
the patronage an. , support that it has acquir
ed. Stratton Neus.
G. W. Miukler. of McCook , was in the city.
Monday A. V. Olmstead. of McCook , was
in town. Saturday C T. lirewer.or McCook.
was in the city Monday . . . Arthur Dodge , of
McCook , was in the city. Saturday. . . M. Y.
Starhuek , of McCook. was in the city on busi
ness , Monday. Courier.
Mr. Mrs. Geo R Smvth and little ( laugh
ter , cousins of Frank Harris , arrived in tin ?
city. Thursday on No 1 , and will visa .Mr. and
Mrs. Harris a Tew days. Mr. Smyth and wife
have been missionaries to China forfiee years' ,
and are on tlieir nay to Foochow , China , utter
a visit to this country of a year.
In the ru3h of news the local scribe has
hitherto neglected to state that Mr. and Mrs
M. Stern are sadly distressed over the loss of
their little son Harry who passed over the
cold river of death in 1 o'clock. last Thursday
night. He was eight years old nod n bright
Utile fellow who will be sadly mis-ed from the
household. Mr. and Mrs Stern will be tender
oil thes.\mpatii.\ a large circle of friends.
Hastings Gazette Journal.
JD. . McAlpineof Ihesuperiutendent'soilir-e j j
took the glorious news oir the wires for the |
people ot Ihe county seat , Tuesday night.
Horace Easserday. in the employ of the
company'at Ited Cloud.visited friends at divis
ion headquarters , the earlj part or the week.
J. A. Slonecker of t' e railway mail service ,
and wife , removed to Pacifli : Junction , the
tirst. of I he uvek. wh-re Mr Slonecker's head- ,
quarters will be for the nonce. j |
H. R. Stone has been appointed second vice j
president of the C 11. & Q. system. K. P. Hip- !
ley succeeds Mr. Stone as general manager of i
the C. R. & Q system east of the Missouri '
riier. The change took effect November 1st. ' •
In order to handle the largely increased and
ever increasing work at the repairhops here ,
another stationary engine lias been placed in
the round hotis" . in the iww addition often
Stalls just recently completed. McCook is
s'etidily trowing in importance a = a railroad
town. the simps are a certainty oT the near
future |
, i
il l i ijiij. i wu . i I hi - * • ' UM M | W
k"f V * . . > "J * < * r 1 ' > ' / . > ' u i M * fc i'mini ' ihiw ' ii i * iii >
' - * *
\Tr 7' * ' Tv * ' " ' ' " " " ' " * * - - • • - . . .
" *
I I ! I I * M • - -
Partial County Returrs.
Relow we give pan seml-olllelal county
returns. Ollic al letutns. no.xt week :
JVilcox 38 , Suavely ; . Helm SI , Klttenhouse
Wilcox 07. Suavely W , Klttenhouse 31. Wel-
boru 13.
Wilcox SI. Suavely 21. Helm 21 , Kittenhouse
18. Wcluorn 2.
Wilcox : . Suavely 31. Helm 1J. ( Itittcnhouse
it. Welboru 11.
Wilcox 3.V. Suavely 320. Helm 185. Kltteu-
hoiisu20l. ! Weiborn 07.
uox Ki.ncu.
Suavely f ) ! ? . Klttenhouse 8 , Hodge 12. Wilcox
: > S , Helm 41 , WelliornG.
Thayer 75. McShuiio 'Sr. Suavely. 77 , Kitten-
huiifae3. i , Wilcox 71 , Weliioru J. Holm 21.
• ( JUANT.
Wilcox 21. Suavely 17. Helm 2.1. Kittenhouse
17. Republican 111. Union bailor ll . Democratic
Republican 35. Democratio IS. Wilcox12. .
Wciiiorn 5. Suavely 35. ICittciiiuuso23. ! Rlack-
man 35 , Voting 23
It Ml Wll.I.OW.
Republican 22. Deiuner.itio ! > . Union Labor
15 , 1'iohii'itioii 1. Wilcox 21. Weiborn t. Helm
1 , Miavely 23. Rillenlious < > 17. Dodge 13.Rlacl-
mai 22 , Young 14. Hardin 15 Kuitlcy 4.
Harrison 17,1 leveland 25. Street or 14. State
ticket same. Laird Pi. I listings : . ' ! ! . Suavely ll > .
ltitie.nliouse3' . W nco.x 15. Helm 2t. Wcllioru
ID , Dodge 21 , Voting5 ; ; , RlacKmau 15 , Hardin ti.
Ul IN n VI i.i.n.
• Streeter5 , Harrison 27. Cleveland 32 , Laird
27. Hustings 32. Kohr 5. Wilcox 21. W ellioru 33 ,
Helm' ' . Lindsay 17. Wbiio..3 , suavely 'M. Kit-
iculioiise 3'J , Dodge 4. RlacUmau s7 , Young2' .i.
Haidn. I.
K"puliicau | lit * . Democratic73. Union Labor
47. t'rohilntloii IS. Thayerlu ; ; .McSliniioTI. Ilut-
Ier4li lilgeioiv 17. Laird 1' . " > . Ila-tiugs 71. Kohr
4J. Scoit i J , Llieisay lit : , J. L. White .4 cariimi-
n-r2U , Wilcox 181 uliioru . i4. Helm .11. Norval
13. Suavely 185. Riltenhousc US. Dodge 40.
lilackman 187 , Young VJ. Hardin 45. Hartley 15.
California K Ahiliama 10
Colorado 3 Arkansas 7
Illinois -2 Delaware 3
Iowa 13 Kloi id.t 4
Indiana 15 Georgia 12
Kansas ! i Kentucky 13
Maine G Louisiana 8
.Massachusetts It Maryland 8
Michigan l : > .Missouri ll
.Minnesota 7 .Mississippi j
.Nebraska ft New Jersey a
Nevada 3 North Carolina 11
.New Hampshire. . . t souili Caiolina ' . ( '
New York oii Tennessee 12
Ohio 23 Texas 13
Oregon 3 Virginia 12
Pennsylvania 30 West Virginia U
Rhode Island 4
Vermont 4 Total 153
Wisconsin 11
Total 233
Received at the McCook laud ollice for the
week ending Nov. 10.1883 :
35 Philip II Lambach 15-2-38
23u' .l Wm Y. Jotiosou 31-120
20W Wendell M. nearer ! ; J3I
li : < 2 Conrad Heinberger 17 3 32
1121 Philip York iS-3-3 :
1111 Conrad Kuhu 233-.i2
7iiu * Gardner Niles 4 1 2S
115 Andrew Webb 27828
S. P. HART. Register.
The Augusta national exposition will
open to-morrow anil will continue until
December 10. It is the first venture of
the kind undertaken by the citv , unaid
ed by the government of the state.
There will be a complete display of the
vailed resources of the south anil the in
dustries of that section will be fully rep
resented. The building is the largest
in the south , and the exhibit will great
ly exceed in extent and variety all south
ern expositions with the exception of
the world's fair at New Orleans. It will
altord travel , ts and pleasure seekers an
admirable opportunity of visiting one ol
the most attractive and enterprising
cit ; * s in the count y , and one which ex
eiuplilie.s.iii the largest degree , the pro
gressive spirit of the new south.
For three successive years have the
farmers of we-tern Kansas lost tlieir
corn crops In drought " and the conse
quence is that they are in a state of "X
trcnie poverty verging on actual desti
tution. lc has been suggested that
drought may he prevented by treeplant- •
ing , because it in caused by hot winds ,
and the force ot these would be broken
Ly rows of tiees in sufficient numbers
It is true that tree planting has been
found efficacious in Nebraska , as a rem
edy against these burning winds that
blow I mm ihe American desert that
stretches from the west to the foothills
of the ilockmountains. .
Latkr indications from West A'lr -
ginia indicate that the republicans have •
broken the solid south by carrying that !
state. The congressional dele- :
Igation is clai'i > "d , as well as the legi-la ,
ture. which gives republicans another >
If you contemplate building be sure
to consult .M. A. Libbee. Lie guaran-
tees his work to be the best and his
prices the lowest. i
Strasser has two of the finest offices
in the cittor rent. Front rooms , with
bay windows. Call at once if you want
to secure elegant clHce quarters.
TllK Union Labor v.itcMn this cuii
ty fell far below whst was ex ; ccted.
ykkickr \ carried the G7th by a nice' '
majority ,
aDHV BBa BMW9ax3a : BMcMQVcnHHaHa aaai M
i n > j m 11 wiii. iV Ti ltfj' * * , * * ' ' * * 3j B B
' if '
* tsfi
i Bret
HBil .
- * -33
UM&d& & & $ l&riB WIRE vJ |
AND AV J&Jc r ir * t' GUTS * " !
DISEASESf4Siyr * / ) & - & $ > % II
For Sale by A. McMIUen. I
TllK government will be called upon [ ; H
to settle the claims of about live thou- \ H
sand settlers down in Kansas who have H
• quattcil on lauds that .Judge Brewer H
has decided to belong to the Missouri , H
Kansas and Texas liaiiroad company. H
\Jany of tiie settlers have occupied the H
land for five , ten or fifteen years. The H
grant was probably made at the same H
lime as that to the St : Joe & Denver H
mad , that has been the subject of simi- M
lar litigation in this htate and was simi- M
larly decided. Congress stepped in to M
the relief of the scttleis and set a pre- M
cedent that will be valuable to the Kan- M
sas siirferers. Congress of course nfust M
repair its own blunders. If it was ever M
to grant any more lauds to railroads , it M
woul'i have some pointers that would re- |
-ult in more carefully drawn bills. But H
the laud grant business is done with H
forever so far as the railroads arc con- H
cerucd. H
TllK idea-that men do not have to die H
but owe death to their follies is not new H
but has always been derided except by H
the visionary. Dr. William Hammond , t M
the great i iiysician , startles the public H
with a reassertion. He says that dying H
is unnecessary. He says that the human H
machiucrv' is kept m proper condition by H
the proper quantity and quality ofuel , H
that is fed to the furnace. A thorough H
knowledge , lie claims , of the waste that H
goes on , and a diet that will accurately H
meet such wa te , will keep the machine H
in perfect adjustment , prevent undue H
gain or undue waste , prevent disease H
and prevent death. There is one thing H
ab-olutelv certain about it , which the H
doctor docs not mention. Tbc man who H
undertakes to live forever must keep H
out of politics. M
Barbecue and Dance. H
The republicans ot Southwestern JSebras- M
ka will bold a grand barbecue , in this city , H
Tue-day al'teriioon next , commencing at 1 H
o'clock. In the evening a free dance will he * fl
civcu in Ihe opera hall. Everybody invited. H
This will he the grandest ratification ever M
held in this portion of the state. Don 't fail H
Road Notice to Land Owners. H
To All Whom It .May Coxckrx : M
The t'ommissioiier appointed to examine : t H
road commencing at N. W. ( 'or. See. "J ) , in H
Valley Grange precinct , I Jet I Willow County , H
Nebraska , running thence U est on Sec. line H
to S. W. ( lor. Sec. 2b. and termiuatiug there- H
at. all in Town. : ; , U. 2J , has reported in favor H
of the location thereof , and all objections * H
thereto or claims for damages must he tiled HH
i < i the County Clerk's ollice on or before noon l 9
of the 17th day of December , A. I ) . , 1S8M , or HH
said road will he established without refer- |
ence thereto. GEO. W. IJUPEIJ , H
21-Its. County Cleric H
Land Ocfick at McCook. N'hii. , i M
October U5.18 3. f H
Notice i hereby gi\en that 'In ; following ; . * * H
named settler has llb-d notice of her intention * * H
to make tiual hiiiuestead prool m supportf H
her claim , and that said proof will tie made be- * * H
fore Regi-ier or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on H
Tuesday. December 11 ISsS.viz : Amelia Con- | H
rail , widow of Elias n.Conrad. ilcceageU. H. * | H
K. WW. for the N \ - or N" W. .t ol Ecction2. ) , * * H
Town.4. Range3 ! ) W.iitli I . l. she names the * H
following' witues-"S to prove her continuous * P
re-idence upon , and eiiliivutionof. said land. * L
viRobeit Mimre. Charb-s M. Collins. | | H
Nfitie C. Collins and James K. R-irnes. all of [ [ H
MeCook. Neb. S. P. HART. Register. H
La.mi Ofkick at McCook. Neb. , i M
September 2. . 164. f H
No'ice is Iif-robv given that the following- * | H
iiam < < l s' > 'iii'i' has tlb'd notice or his intention * H
to tn ik > - II : . il h-'iiie < > td proof in support of H
ii s e'.tun. : "id that said proof will be made tie- H
Tore ! Jegi i r or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on H
aiir > tiv. Nov. iili. IM. viz : ColumbiiH R. * * H
Rowel' . * v.h. . made IL U 95 torthc I' Vi S. K. > i * H
of Section I'l and W \ S. W..x \ of Section 11 , H
Town. 3. N of Range 29 W. ot Cth P. M. He' H
names the loliowmg witnesie ? to prove his con- | | H
* * *
linuoiis res denee upon , and cultivation of , H
paid l-o.d v < / : Kdgar F. Coum % Gcirge Rollins. H
Smith Gordon. . .lhn A. V/illinmsnu. all of Mc- j H
'ook. Nei. ! 18. S.P. HART. Register. H
L v.nm Oitici : at Mci 'ook. Nku. . I |
October 11.1 M. H
* * *
Nor ice . - iierrty given tint the following- H
nani'd b ( tiler haslilc'l uoticcof her fnttntlon H
to m ike linal pre mption commutation proof H
In support of her claim , and that said prool will * j | H
be made befoie Register or Receiver at Mc- H
Cook. NeL . on Tuesday. Noveinber27.1FS8. viz : 1
* nn i R VilMiid. who made P K. D. S No.ii.Tl H
for the W ' , : S. E V Sec. 17. Town.5. Range 29. * |
she names the following witnesi-es to prove H
hereoutiioiouresidence upon and cultivation * H
of. said land , viz : Enoch H. Osvng. Christopher H
O. Duelaod Martha C.DucIaud. Anna M. Ilan- I H
son. all of Quick. Neb. 1
S. P. HART. Regisler. M
* * *
By correspondence made easy by the use of onr new H
Fan and winter Illustrated Catalogue i l
on application. Onr Are floors arc packed wlta all * * H
tbc Latcit Foreign and Domestic Novelties. * | H
? < 1illinery , Ladies' Suits , Cloaksetc. H
All Rood , imported Mxpll o3 Amrrlcnn , u-trc. } | H
pz'ectcd from manufneturers by Mr. J. Jay Jo-Un : * [ H
and all Middle-Men's profits arc Sared to * * H
parcliajcra. Eastern prices nnd latent atvies iranr- [ H
nntecd. AH goods not ns repre-eatcd can bo re- * * H
turned at our ctpence. KEEP YOUR MONEY H
latiewc3t. "STrlte for samples and prices. * * H
16th and Curtlo Streets , CENVERCOLO. . . H