The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 09, 1888, Image 1
I I ' VOLUME V : McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING , NOVEMBER 9 , 1888. NUMBER 24. * * W | | LUDWICK& TROWBRIDGE'S W I STOCK OF I FURNITURE p ' . - - - , . . - , , - . , . - . . , . . . . . . . , _ . H ' IS THE COMPLETESIN | Southwestern Nebraska. M They also carry a full line of I Window Shades , Pictures , | ' Picture Frames , Carpets , Etc , 1 { . AND MEET ALL HONORABLE COMPETITION IN THEIR LINE. I IMgiMi a Specialty. 'I McCOOK , - NEBRASKA. 1 SWEEPING mm ' On all goods purchased of us in the next 30 days , in order to make room for our 1 SELECT AI SPLENDID STOCK J of New Season Goods. We offer to our customers in this sweep ing sacrifice sale , an unprecedented opportunity to become pos- I sussed of superlative bargains , and we expect that the announce ment of this sale will I i * diw@efi - • - Tfte - • ' - To Will I " \JL We are not after money now , but room. Call and \ J * Dk/ learn our prices on DRY GOODS , CLOTHING , V &J/ HATSCAPS , BOOTS.SHOES and GROCERIES. | . "f l rl uy wn e tne hoom lasts of | | . w C.H.ROGERS , ] i } * gSSgP Xlie Pioneer Merchant. . . . . . . . IMUHIIIW I I ! „ LI IM III. M.Mt ( | MMM 11 : iTlS TFAOT ' ' l Wtl' That you can SAVE MONEY on all kinds of PrnfliiPP Blom1 UppiI Bolpfi tlflif Efp § B5 rl UuubD5 riUUl , ruGu , Daloil lidplu. j Kg- ' BY TRADING WITH WC. . Gt. POTTER & CO , IBpfc = TDEALERS IN = I LUMBERS mm Sash , Doors , Blinds , Lime , Cement , I HARD AND SOFT COAL. ] m Authorized Capital. - • Paid up Capital , $50,000 : if OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS : W - - EO HOCKNELL , PRESIDENT. B M. FREES , VICE-PRESIDENT. & • F. L. BPOWN , CASHIER. I A. CAMPBELL. J. C. ALLEN. S. L. GREEN. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. J. BVnON JKNNINGS. JOIIII Wir.EV. JENNINGS & WILEY , ATTORNEYS AT - : - LAW. Will prnctlco In tho State und United Stnte Courts , and boforo tho U. S. Land Offices. Careful attention given to Collections. Olllco over Citizens Hunk , McCook , Neb. Til OS. GOLFER ATTORNEY - : - AT - : - LAW , AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Heal Estate Houplit and Sold and Collccions Mttde. Money loaned on real estate and final proof. Agent Lincoln Land Co. Oflice. over Fanners & Merchants Hank. R. M. SNAVELY , ATTORNEY - : - AT - : - LAW , INDIANOLA , NEMtASKA. Will practice in all the State and United States Courts. Also , before the Land Oflice at McCook and the department nt Washington. HUGH W. COLE , LAWYER , McCOOK NEBRASKA. Will practice in all the Courts. Commercial and corporation law a specialty. MONEY TO LOAN. Rooms 4 and 5. First Nafl Bank Building. A. J. ItlTTKNHOUSB , W. It. STAUK , McCook. ludmuoht.l Rittenhouse & Starr , Attorney's $ at + Law.p OFFICES AT McCOOK AND INDIANOLA. T. M. HELM , C. W. DAVIS. Late Ecgistcr U. G. Lis ! Lata of O02. Land Oflce , Offieo , rirxis , Ea : . Washington , D. C. HELM & DAVIS , Attorneys , Land p Loan Agents. McCOOK XKDKASKA. If you have a dillicult contest case to prose cute or de'eud and want to win consult us. Ollico. north of U. S. Land Oflico. Front baseu ment of the Citizens Bank. H. G. DIXON , Reai Estate and Loan Broker , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. Special attention given tc the sale of city propertv. Houses rented and collections made. OiHce : Itear ot Citizens Bank. T. B. STUTZMAN , M. 57 , Eclectic Physician and Surgeon , OCULIST AND AUKIST.t McCOOK NEBRASKA Oflico in McNcely Building , Main St. B. B. DAVIS , M. D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , McCOOK NEBRASKA OQico at Chcnery'8 drug store. l7j. spiokelmier , m. d. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , C Spacial Attcntin Sivcn to ? caale Sseas. Office hours , from t ) to II A. M. , and 2 tot P. M. . mountain time. Office : Over Farmers & Mercliauts bunk. : s Dn. Z. L. KAY , i PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON McCOOK. - - NEKUASKA. ri K Office : Room No. 1. First Nnional Bank Building. ] . Residence , on Marshall srteet. A. J. THOMAS ] pini . DENTIST. v m Administer * Gas if desiicl. "Office over Seotfs brick. e : CI GW. . MINKLER , FORMGitny cc COUNTY - : - SURVEYOR , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. th Will do all kinds of Surveying. Grading and th ! Civil EngineeringResidence north of school r house. Sl " THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL , eh Geo. E. Johnston , Prop. lei iKi McCOOK. KEBKASKA. , lr This house has been completely renovated In and refurnished throu > rhout. nnd is first-class co in every rcspert. Rates reasonable % W. M. SANDERSON , w DECORATIVE ARTIST To - : - , [ SCENIC PAINTER , Calcitninin < r , Graining. I'aper Hanging , etc. in with neatness and dispatch , . „ • - or JOHN G. W. F. FLEEMING , House and Carriage Painting- , " ; GltAININ'G , CALCIMtNtXO , MAHEHIXG , Ge .McCOOK , NEBRASKA. , n no Leave all orders at the drug store of McMil- , lon . ii Weeks. First-class work cuaran teed. ' i bm • J. H. BENNETT , - GONTRAGTOR 2 do or iay BRICK AND STONE , % dcl McCOOK , - NEBRASKA. gn of PREDMORE BROS. , He Blacksmitliinp ; and Woodwork * n ° ' Gr House Shoeing a Specialty. " Mji Repairs Wagons ami .Buggies in a Work "h manlike Manner. = = All Work Warranted. McCook , Nebraska SHOP South of Baduer Lumber Yard. E. D. BURGESS , PLUMBING , Steam and Hot Water Heating , North Main Ave. . McCook , Neb. All work receives prompt attention. I 1 * " . Harrison , Morion and Protection. Our candidates are chosen , hear that Indiana cheer. And New York sends it back againto greet the list'ning ear ! From Maine to Californin , ring the chorus full and free , With HA liltrsON and MORTON we've won tbe victory. Floating no flag of anarchy , our leaders , brave and true. Bnt the colors brave men buttled for , tho old Red. White and Blue ! From ocean untooccnu , it waved triumphantly With HARRIsON and MORTON , we won the victory. Protection to the industries , that made our nation great. Fair wages for the laborer in every town and suite ; No Cobdcd Club enactments. like the Mills de fortuity. With HARBISON and MORTON , we've won the victory- Of Importance to Oattlemen. It is of importance to cattlemen to know that on the application or the Kit Carson cat tle company Judge Dundy has appointed Crust us D. Webster receiver of the Harlem cattle company , tu take charge ol its property , personal ' ami real. His bond isfl.xed at $30,000. The Kit Carson ei.mpany is a Texas organiza tion. The Harlem company was incorporated in Colorado , but lias ranches ami cattle in Hitchcock and Chase count ies.Nebraska. The complainant's bill alleges prior to Febru- ary24.18S8. the defendants became indebted to I1 In the sum of $9.1,015 oG for cattle , ami at var ious times gave notes signed jointly by itself and E. M. McGilien & Co. of Cleveland. O. The j ; defendant subsequently agreed to give a chat- tlo ! mortgage , to be placed in Montana , but changing its plans as to t no latter , it then gave a mortgage on its property in Nebraska. That property consisted ot a herd of Polled Angus and a herd of Holstein , a herd of Hereford cattle , all thoroughbreds , and numbering about 1 lour hundred and fifty ; also , si.\ty head of graded and common cattle , and a stock of biooded and common horses. Omaha Herald. Ninth Volume of AI den's Manifold Cyclopedia. Open at landom at which page yon will , or mC for almost any subjert you ehoo e. and concise ( , accurate and valuable iniormation meets the oje With each new volumo one's surprise at the available knowledge contained in these handy and even ciegant books is in creased. Theie can be no doubt that the com pleted i set will foim one of thestaiulaid works of the generation. The smull hnndy volumes arc so much more convenient forconsuitation than the big unwieldly octavos or quaifos of rival cyclopedias that one luttmallj let'ersto them ' much mine ollen , and is gratified to find that e.\cppt in rate cases the information af folded is fully as fraiistactory as found in App pleton's. Johns-on's. Chambeis' " , or the Brit an- nica. The price is low beyond all precedent , placing ' it within popular reach 30 cents a volume for cloth binding , G5 cents for half morocco ; postage 10 cents. A specimen vol ume ma ; be ot dei e.l and returned it not want , ed. ] ) oiiv B. : > , Publisher , Vow York. < Chicago , Atlanta , and San Francisco. Ruskin makesthofollowingobservation con cerning a popular and pievalent evil : But there is one way of wasting time , of all the vilest , because it wastes , not time on'y , but the interest and energy of your minds. Of all tho ungentlemanly habits into which you can Tall , the vilest is betting , or interesting your selves in the interests of betting. It unites nearly every condition of folly and vice ; you concentrate your interest upon a matter of chance , instead of uponasubjectot true knowo ledge ; and you back opinions which jou have t- grounds for forming , meiely because they are j our own. All the insolence of egotism is o this ; and so far as the love ofe.vcitementis ( . complicated with the iiope ot w inning money , joti turn youiselves into the basest sort of tradesmen those who live by speculation. Were there no other ground for industry , this ivould be a sullicient one ; that it protected rou from the temptation of so scandalous a rice. Work faithfully , and you will put your- selves into possession of a gloiious and enlarg ing ; happiness ; not such as can tie won by tho peed or a horse , or mariied by the obliquity a ball. Badeau , has finally accepted thp first offer nade by the Grant family to pay him ten thou- and dollars for his'-ervices as amanuensis for P 3en. Grant at the time he was writing his m nemoirs. In accepting this. Badeau re- 1 lounccs his claim to joint authorship and a larticipation in the profits on the sale of the look. The Grant family has always been cady to pay the ten thousand dollars that the r-Jiieral promised Badeau for his services , hough they say that Grant having become liscati fled with him and discharged him. they not equitably owe him the money. They it as a matter of lienor so that nobody can lave an excuse for going about accusing the irunts of repudiating a cortiart made by the len lead husband and father. This is the last jrab that Bad' au can make out of the money the Grants , who have supported him in one vay or another since the close of the war. lereafter he will have to live on what he has jrubbed or work out his own salvation. The Irants will no longer support him. "The state of sin and misery , " remarks WhH Mason in an unexampled burst of confidence , has gone democratic. " Heartrending Scenes caused ' by an exhibition of ITeating Stoves | at the Pioneer Hardware. Pandemonium a Picnic , compared < to the commotion caused by the | dazzling splendor of the Sovereign Jewel base burner. A Woman Burst into tears and declared she would have no I olher stove if she didn 't have a new dress for a year. One Woman Hung about ; i ber husband's neck and besought . him to buy her a Sovereign Jewel for a ; i Christmas present. Another Woman Melted into tears when she saw one going to her ] neighbors , and one woman Thought She'd Die , laughing for joy when she discovered i that her husband had alteady secureu one. But it was only a touch of hapJ ' py hysterics and she is now feeling bet ter than ever before in her life. The Sovereign .Jewel Base-Burner is guaianteetl to do one ihitd more heating J with the same amount of luel than any other stove on the market. We have juat finished unloading O Two Car Loads of HEATERS of all sizes and descrip tions. Call and investigate the meiits * of : the SOVEREIGN JEWEL , and size : up our Beautiful Bargain Banquet , of heaters at . THE Pioneer Hardware , LaTOURETTE & CO. , McCook , Neb. Z&Brick i Store. 4 Doors South of J. C. Al & Co. , Main Avenue. u } a r j And our concert captivates customers because the I silvery sound means sound silver saved to every I mothers' son of them. We are willing to let I There's no denying that they are great on that I instrument , and play with a good deal of vim , but the Lyre doesn't last like our instrument. I WE BLOW OUK HOEN I To announce that we have added § 4,500 worth of I Fall and Winter Goods to our already mammoth I 5Sios& of Hoofs & ftoss I And that we intend to sell them 20 per cent , be- low any firm that claims to compete with , or undersell us. I Because we buy direct from wholesale manufac- H turers' saving the jobbers' profit , which is 20 per I cent. Because we pay cash for ever } dollars' worth of goods we buy and take a liberal discount. Come and see us. jj | J * * * * * * * * * * * 9 I I "BOSTON BARGAIN SPIOE STORE/ ' I OPERA HOUSE BLOCK , - 3IcCOOKNEBRASKA. . H * I CITY BAKERY , i I j fresh ' bread j I I DELIVERED EVERY DAY FREE OF CHARGE. \ I \ PIES-CA1CES-CAXDIES-XUTS- \ H -OYSTERS-CIDER-CIGARS- H J ; - - - \ | -TOBACCO-ETC-ETC- \ : o : | H i LUNCH ROOM IN CONNECTION , j I ; Cakes Marie io Order. St. Paul Patent Flour. ; | I A. PROBST , PROP , i I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ * 1 -s < , -x / % , HEXKY PEXNER , H lfi - 1 UwllSW HARNESS SADDLERY , SJALfn t& Ki \v I I las jiHt recellmI liis fall ami H y _ * 2i ttsr I e > * J s \\inter stock of H Horse Blankets , Winter ilo "bes , Etc. , Etc. H j IIarnos ? nil hninc made and guar.jteed. 31 y patent collar is the Gucit M liing in the market. I carry the hest goods in the city , the largest stock , and M prices are the lowest. M Hear or The Famous. 11EXRY PEuSihElw : H