The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 02, 1888, Image 8

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    Hf aat < iM Mg * > * * * ' - ' "i _ _ _ . _ . . , - - I , , t i . . . . . . . i i . j . . . . | , *
_ E
B rpHE only place where you can find what you want
K * in our line.
K 'J'HE ' only place that sells goods on their merit.
S " 7" - make our own prices. We sjell at a profit.
3 " \XT-E have bargains in surplus stock. We guaran-
S v tee every article as represented.
TX7"E are establishing a trade for the hereafter , not
m v v only for to-day and tomorrow , but for years to
M come , by conducting our business in a straight , legiti-
mate manner , giving full value , dollar for dollar , and
'M backing up just what we say.
' \KT llav6 one ofDr * nff'B celebrated Optometer's
m v and can fit your eyes with spectacles correctly.
1 * \KTE charge nothing for piercing ears with a new
1 V painless process , - its very funny ; makes any
J : one laugh.
m / - * X77"E [ are avniff a big sale en Gold Watches , which
% W we sell same price as silver.
O 85 * It will be impossible to describe all we have for sale , so drop in an
| fl convince yourself that there is no place like it on earth.
1 J. A. VaiiShoik ,
j Singer Sewing Machines
| Repairs and Supplies.
1 Office , in McMillen's Drug Store. - - - McCook , Nebraska
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
H BBWMPPWPB3BBiBririaiiii Maacrga satqqB3KcaPMnisi m f i h 3Ba- w ft' - - ip ' arW woan K5gM3'i wrT-
ili Kgr hS3 fmill fsf IS _ ? * * _ a tf
I I am now located in tlie store room
1 lately vacated by Mrs. T. Nelis , on
Main Avenue , where I will he pleas
ed to see all my old customers and
many new ones. My stock will he
I larger and finer than ever , and my
prices as low as the lowest.
• H. H. BERRY.
1888.Fall Season.1889.
. - : - . - : - .
The fact that my efforts in the past to produce
none but of the highest standard of excellence
have been appreciated by friends and customers ,
j . -as shown by my Jarge and rapidly increasing bnsi-
• + -y ness , has encouara ed me to still greater exertions
for the Fall and Winter season.
For gentlemen wear , is now complete , and it will
give me pleasure to have you see my stock , wliich
is as large and handsome an assortment of new
goods a s can beshown by any of the best houses
in larger cities. 1 am better prepared now to exe
cute all orders promptly , and give the trade styl
ish and perfect fitting garments.
• ' I _ . BERNHEIMER ,
M MBM B MagB8Bamag5g . . . .i. . . nun nn , , iijiininBiiriwuw in mi i MMibiis _
: Makes First Mortgage Loans on Farm Property
i. . .
* * ' ' - ' ' - i ' ' "
| - A CAMPBELL , Pbcsiocnt. B. M. FREES. 1st Vi-c Pr--ient.
jj ? , O. HOCKNELL , Secretary. S. L. GREEN , 2d Vi t President.
\ F. L. BROWN , Treasurer.
& CO. , Proprietors
McCook Nebeaska.
_ sr Eaileoad Steee
] (
\ i
; ; J
] iwtaMmMWMaMmtaMmMMmMmmmmU
? fT. J. C. ALLEN & CO.W - J. C. ALLEN & CO. : {
. { ; . . • . ORIGINATORS OF LOW PRICES. " . . \ THELEADERS * : " - * A
' " • • - . * % ' . • ' , J
- • ' \ v - " ; * - \ : t
11 Dry Goods and Cloaks
= r
} ' . , We have a Large and Elegant Stock of DRESS GOODS , CLOAKS AND
* . . WINTER GOODS , that we bought in the Eastern Markets for CASH. : I
We will sell them VERY CHEAP to our customers. We can only ' ' > • * Ij
buildup and increase our trade by giving the people ' • ' • " - . . . - - * j
' '
\ - - = $ > Compare these prices with what you have heen paying * : < 3 = r J
• I
• Double fold Tricct , - - $ .50 worth. % .75. I Ladies' Kid Gloves , all sizes and colors , $ .50 worth $ .75. \ \
Cotton Flannel - - - .08& " 12 ' • ladies' Kid Gloves , all sizes and colors , .75 worth 1.00. • j
. " . . Lalies'Kid Gloves , all sizes and colors , 1.00 worth 1.50. i
Flannel , .20 .30.
Scarlet Twilled - - -
, . Ladies' Kid Gloves , all sizes and colors , 1.2worth 1.7 . v
. t tit i it • xa . u . Hr- .
46-mch Wool Henriettas , • • .50 .75. Ladies'Kid Gloves , all sizes and colors , 1.50 worth 2.00. • I
54-inch French Broadcloth , - - 1.45 " 2.00. | Ladies' aU wool Hose , .35 worth .50 ' \
These are a few of our low prices tins week. We are making special inducements for your trade in all departments. " W
These prices are about 25 per cent lower than any place in the city. , j
Wp tap jj full lip of Window fi iif ! Mi Watinift fio tpil Fnffpp
0 Mru Cl 1UI1 11110 Ul WXllOJ.0 , IWM ullu Wdldllllo flOdulull uUiluu , k
i The Highest Grade of Coffee in the World. Sold only in 2-pound cans and in bulk. H
( B. F. Jap Tea at GOe , worth 90c. I
r\ fllir QnumQliSa ® ' ) Crawford Company Cheese. ( \ % 1
U Uul OPBulalllBSSweet Pickles in bulk I
( Monarch Canned Goods. • 1
J. C. ALLEN & CO. - : - J. C. ALLEN & CO. I
mmmmmitii ' Ffntfi-tAajrjrtMTXtggyeia mnaiB iAa iMgiMear iimin mKWii avti * wrr TimTiii mm m itnjiTi'n" " " > - " " -
ti mm ii irwfKwmniwtin' ! ' .imMiiiiii iiiii minii w iin a 11 ihbihhpimi
Practical Etiquette.
Tlicro are ninny lioous of ctiquuttu before
Iho public , and .imony thorn several which are
written by poisons ofvi < Ie social experience
anil iiiih culture They are often excellent as
far as they jjto. but there are many deficiences
which ate painlully marked by those who de
sire lo l'otm ilu-iut-clvcs m all limits upon cor-
' rect htanclnrJs. In many of the common ox
ijrences of lilero are left by these authories ; !
absolutely without direction , and with no lig'lu
but the uninspired iruiriunce of common sense ;
and cverybodj knows how little that has to do
with etiquette.
Where , lor instance , is the manual which
Injs don n any correct and effective way ofex-
pn-bsiufr indignation uheu vulvar people at
the theatre or opera persist in continuing
a nois > private conversation during the most
interesting portions of the play ? How soon is
it well bred to pass lrom the stare tot he lrown ,
from the lrown tomoiedemonstrativeexpres
sious of nnnojiince and indignation ? V bat
book tells us how one should behave when at
the theatre or in a horse car a man weighing
half a ton steps on our corns and apologizes to
our neighbor ? .lustuhat is the proper form-
of words in which to thank a man for return
ing an umbiella. so that he ma.leel . that his
unusual honesty is appreciated , and jet not
lie insulted hi the expression of toogreat sur
prise on the part of thr fortunate neighber ?
How should a man be treated who gives one a
cigar so bad that to smoke it would e worse
than a j ear in state piisonou Iip ad and water ?
These and many similar questions present
tnctnselves daily , and one bearches in vain in
the books of etiquette for any solution lor the
perplexing doubts they raise.
And there are other questions somewhat Ies
common , uhich in. y jet arise , yet w Inch sure
I , sliKiild not be lelt miaiiMvercd in any band
it > ok uhiih makes anj pretense to be exhaus
tue. It a man is introduce' to another who
> > as eloped with his great-aunt , how t-liould he
conduct himsell ? On being presented to a
man who has killed one of one's ancestors in a
duel , how far is it etiquette to exhibit a cool-
ne.s ol demeanor ? Would it be excusable , ii
o ie chanced , at table d'hote or on shipboard ,
tosit i.osiilea lailorul dinner , to order cabbage'1
Would thu same rule wh-itevcr it is auplj to
S uicr-kraut , and would the fact that the tailor
w is a German affect the question ? If one
were to mairy a bride who had the misfortune
t > be descended fiom an ancestor who uas
h iiiged. would it be unkind or indelicate to in
c tide adiumond pendent among the wedding
gi is ? It a girl'is engaged to two mt-u at once ,
and marries one , issho to consider herself still
engaged to the other in case of the death of
her husband ? Has a book agent , or the man
who asks. "lt > tins hot enough for you ? " any
rights that are recognized bj the etiquette of
the oest buciety , and it so , what arethei ? If
Oiu one-legged man requests the loan of a
cork leg lrom another one-legged man , is l'e
-ccoud justiticd in declining to accommodate , and what is thu polite form of such a re
fusal ? Should the announcement to a lady
t tat she had dropped her btistlv be made in
tie third person ? H a gentleman making a
p irty call discovers , after boing ushered into
t it-drawing-room , that lie has inadvertently
c -me out in lus shirt sleeves , should he apolo-
go or allow the circumstance to pass with ,
out remark ?
T ii-bc aie but f < w of the Innumerable ques-
iii..sol piaitical importance that press upon
sfwrj which aie uhollj ignOieil by
ivnteison eliqocite. Whin the world , theii ,
oi-s nobody wute a practical and comtilcle
iiik on the etiquette of daily lile ? Boston
Our Candidate for President.
He w II be nominal ! d oy the convention and
w i ! bo elected by the people , because he will
• ome the nearest to filling their ideal of u chief
magistrate. Electric Hitters has been given
c it ; highest place , because no other medicine
mis so well Allied the Ideal of a perfect tonic
md alterative. The people have indorsed
tJloctrlc Bitters and rely upon this great rem
edy in all troubles or Liver , Stomach and Kid-
icys. For all Malarial Fevers and diseases j
Binsed by Malarial Poisons. Electric Billets
• u.iiiot be too highly recommended. A'so cures
( "inlache. anil Constipation. Satisfaction
. • uiitantee.l , or money tcruuded. ' Price 50c. \
tnJ $1. at A. McMillen's drug store.
\ - '
zzz. \
I * - .
i ii ii ii n ! mum 11 an niiMrTTiii mi riini
j Iffesi's Letter.
I Pioneer Press : "While you bluwsted Ha-
• mericans are hiuveiitin' Hie escapes , why
cawn'r-sum'un hinvent some kind hof a letter
escape , iou know ? " Lord Sackville West.
Minneapolis .Tournul : Minister West's bad
break is likely to result in the retirement of
two men from public life. One spells his name
the satae way that Minister Wt-st spells his and
tho other spells his name the same way that
Mr. Cleveland spells his.
Globe Democrat : A Ficnch minister was
once recalled from this country for writing a
letter that was insulting to the Tailor admin
istration ; but the letterof Lord Sackville West
wasjnspired by leelings of exceeding respect
and friendship for the Cleveland administra
tion , and hence the precedent in the i-rencli-
raan's case does not apply to that of the Eng
Inter Ocean : "Daniel ? " IYes sir. " "This
Sir Lionel Sackville West business all upsets
me. Dajiiel , what will our Irish subjects think
of us ? We must act promptly or there will
not be one of them by Nov ember 0. Daniel ,
telephone Bayard to ortler Mrs Victoria to re
move the remains of Sir West at once they
are offensive. "
Chicago Tribune : The worst feature in Min
ister West's letter in the eyes of democrats
will be the bluut ' aud direct manner " 'in which
he has given aw aj their game A beady some
of them are calling him "achump" and other
oppiobious namvs. It was well understood
alter thi ! rejection of the fisheries treaty be
tween Secretary Bayard and the British minis
ter that the retaliatory message of the presi
dent was to be sent to conirress for political
elleet only , and this explains why it made no
sensation in i anada. and u hv no diplomatic
attention was paid to it in England.
Reducing the Surplus.
The disposition of tho Surplus in the U.S.
Treasury engages the attention of our States
men , but a more vital question has our atten
tion , and that is the reduction of the Surplus
Consumptives. Since the discovery and intro
duction of Dr ICing's New Discovery for con
sumption , .theie has been a marked deciease
in the mortality lrom this dreaded disease , and
it is possible to still I urt her reduce the number
of consumptives How ? By keeping con
stantly at hand a bottle of Dr King's New
Discovery and using according to directions ,
upon he appearance of the first symptoms ,
such as a Cough a Colda ore Throat trChest ,
or Side Pain. Taken thus early acure is guar
anteed. Trial bottles free at A McMillen's
drug store.
It is not quite so dusty since the rain.
Prairie chickens are getting to bo quite nu
Jim Hill has been trading wagons. Ditto H.
• lack Hntinan is building a new horse stable
and corn crib.
.1. O'Neill expects to prove up on his pre
emption , soon and move to town.
Evervbody ts busy nowadays huskinir corn ,
ihrgiug potatoes and fl.xiin. stock sheds.
Little Krankie Hnniinn had a pretty narr-iw
c eapo one tbiy. last week. A yearlinir colt
kicked him in the stomach hut fortunatelv
ivae 'tlier too far awav or too close as it only
jueeeeded making tho boy pretty sick 'or a
while. Uno.
Road Notice to Land Owners.
To All Whom It ) bw Coxckkx :
The Commissioner appointed to examine a
-ond eoninieifciiiir at N. W. Cor. See. GO. in
Valley Grangp precinct. Retl Willow futility ,
Nebraska , rminimr thence Weston See. line
: o S. W. Cor. Sec 23 , and teriuinatinir tliere-
tt , all in To\vii.3RL 29. lias reported in favor
if the location thereof , and all objections
hereto or claims for dsunaires must he filed
u the Countv Clerk's oiliceoniir before noon
iftlie-lTlli tlay or December , A D. . 1SSS. or
iaid road wilt be established without refer-
• liee thereto. - GEO. W. KOPEK ,
2l-4ls. County Clerk
i& 0E&
. .A. . . $ G i - .
We ore a eiits fur the follmviii'r reliable
companies Note date .if organi
zation and splendid assets :
Ml •
/Etna of Hartford. Conn..lSl J S9. "iOS,840
Insuniuce Co. of X. A. . Phila. , 1791 , 8.474. " 52
Plienix of Brooklyn , I&tf oS97. i2. j
Connecticut ot Harttord. 1S-j0 2.139 742
Continental of New York , ib.72 r..2J9.9Sl
Pennsylvania Fire of Phila. , lbi" . . . 2,710S.S'j
Laucsliireof Manchester , Emr. , 16.V2 , 1,4'JS,1S7
The Mutual Life Insurnce Co.
The Buffalo .Mutual Accident Ins. Co.
A full line of Fire and Lightning Ins.
Money to Loan on Real Estate Security.
imoMS : cvkk first natioval bank.
Allen's ' Transfer ,
Bus , Baggage Dray Line.
F. P. ALLEN , Prop. ,
BB Ucst Equipped in the Citv. Leave orders
lit Commercial Hotel
Good well water furnished on shnrtimtice.
Von will fiml a splendid line
of Cloths. Cas iuitresVor -
stedLondon , Suitiuns , and
TrniiM'riiitiN and a conn iete
asMirtuient'of Spring and Fall
Overcoatings Al-o Ivqui-
mau Beavers in all shades at
Fine Custom Tailor Shops ,
opposite the new postolfiee.
Good fits guaranteed Thir
ty five years " experience in
New York City.
- - m
! : j ' ( : •
: J
ip Ijpw Pnnno 9 I nwopf Dpipop I
j. im buiilld < LUWoDi fflbCS i I
• ' 4 . . ' • • B
\ \ i Have jnst received a heavy stock of new ' \l \ 1
; iCLOTHING which makes our stock com- : : : 1
: ! plete , consisting of Dress Suits , Business ' i ! 1
: : j Suits , Work Suits , School Suits , Etc. , Etc. : i : 1
yssUyLIllLyj rLUyjlj UlLu L i Ua • : : 9
: : - - : : |
= = = - -
i ; i We received this week , from Chicago , the ' : : ' M
ii < largest stock of Dress Goods , Flannels , : : : M
" : : Waterproofs , Blanket ? , Underwear , Shirts , : \l \ 9
: : : Hosiery , Notions , Gloves , Mittens , Hats , ' : : m
• : ' Caps , Etc. , we have ever carried. • . : :
- > : :
jj { A $3,000 STOCK OF /J
i : Boole and Shoes , Rubbers , Etc , : S I
. : . ' : : imm
: \i \ We have § 15,000 in Merchandise to sell : : . = -M
ii j for CASH or PRODUCE at as low a price : i ' . -
jj j as any house can sell. Don 't pay more for : • : M
. : j goods ihan we pretend to ask , thinking ; - : M
. ' j\ \ you are saving ' " 25 cents on a dollar , " as ' • • fl
• : j some of our competitors advertise. i : jfl
-Ml HI
: 1\ \ ' : _
. , .
- - I ' • • 4 l
. . - . - . . . . 'M . . . 7 . . V . . . < . * MT1 . . . . . . . Jl-VVVVV . . . . . . . _ "JTtffV - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . m . . . . v . ' . . . . VV . . . . . . t . . . . 'M . . . . . . V . . T . . V . . . 1 . . . . V . . . V . T . V . . . . . T . . . 7 . . . . T . . . * . . . . * . . . . f . . . . V . . . . . - . . " . . H H H
r-r' T. 'V . - n - - iwi. . "TiT-i r . -.TTi 1- , ir T-IHTJTT-r-r-rwHllMmi I III ! I III11 _ IMii - - l-M _ _ !
Breeder or Imimcovep Sheep.
> gfef - § r o r r e p oikI-
Xr"tirr11 * U'lnt'e.south
TjMigi m '
Uf'ifl | |
_ _
( Successors lo E. D. Wcbjter. ) J H
Horses branded on left hip or left showier. } , H
o4H& ; paddress , Estclle i 7m\\\
jj-gZ _ Hayes county , and Heat- ' J mU
RiS PiSHS5S5k r'ce Neb. Range. Stink- J mm
| ggT&Srv > InKWater and French i + WM
l S avl * man creeks , Chaje Co. 1
tf&&rg r z , Nelmiska. JH
> * * fi * * _ f Brand as cut on side of 3 1
< * ? -lt.5ir _ _ some animals , on hip and i j H
* fflfm - 8''es ' ° f sorao , or any- , H
-i-wcn-rnT inr'
- inr'where on the animal. 1
lJmW\ \
- J
1 H
_ _ _ _ _