The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 02, 1888, Image 7

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BmwnniulBrnin !
Tlio powerful onlinewith its wondor-
? - * i > ropollin < , ' power , coupled to tholonji
} - ' train full freighted with the richest fitb-
< - ricai of tho intollectiml looms of tlio cen
turies what obstacles can stay tho prog
ress of this mighty forcewhen once uu-
; > , tier full steam along life's Ju ghway ?
j . 'J'ho American with brawn and brain
l . ' does not see tho necessity for titles of
l nobility , does not euro for elevation by
I . descent , ho cau reach out and pluck tho
\ " S"i - nt with brawn or brain-impaired , a
h ' man is badly handicapped in tho mad
A raco for miccchh which is tho marked
I characteristics of tho present ago.
| The physical system is a most intricate
\ piece of machinery. Jt ought to bo kept
t "well regulated , so that it will work har-
I nioniously in all its parts , then it is capa-
> ' Lie of an immcuso ' amount of work.
\ It is said that a watch , if expected to
1 keep perfect time , must be wound daily.
\ It will not keep jrood limo unless it
/ "nuiK regular. " Mora men break down
) because they don't "run regular" than
. 1 for any other reason.
J It is claimed by physicians that few
.y men are killed by hard work. Jt is to
' \ tho irregularities of modern social life
V that the high death rate is due. Men
/ . burn their candle at both ends , then
| lr " { 'wondervl13' itburns out so quickly.
I Ta * The main thing in keeping tho human
\\WX" \ \ / machine in good working order is to
\\Wfl. \ keep tho regulator all right. "The
Wjt'l blood is Hie life , " and sound health is
I If 31 assured so long as the blood Hows
[ I , V through tho veins n limpid stream of
| | t ltcgulato tho regulator with Warner's
I " t Log Cabin sarsaparilla , tho old-fash-
I JtF1 ioued blood purifier , prepared after tho
1 } • f best formula in use by our ancestors in
I & " _ good old Log Cabin days , and with tho
I -4' vigor of brawn and brain which must
I , ; -V ensue , in your life's lexicon you will
\ [ - * * • iind no such word as fail.
II *
I' " ' .
' * > "licIliCllll I'olllOlOJlIwIW.
I' " At the last meeting of tho South
1' Haven and Casco Pomological society ,
I ; , " tho following experiences and advice
I- ' were given : The yellows in peach or-
I' j eliards were on tho decrease. Water
Bu ' standing in the orchard will injure the
I j / trees in twenty-four hours and is a cause
W i. of 3'ellows. ] { emoving the afl'ected
B V trees is a remedy. The trouble is that
I - f too stubborn to
some growers are re-
w move the affected trees and others are
{ too careless. When only one side of
I ( j • the tree wasaffected one grower removed
Bl ! tho limbs on that side and let the other
B I side perfect its fruit. One man s > aid
B 1 that he had known of cases when one
B affected tree avus taken out tho others
B , would not become diseased. The opin-
B ion was advanced that a perfectly
B. lienltliy tree would resist the yellows.
B , I1 In one section where the yellows ap-
H A pcared and all tho orchards Avere de-
Bj 1 stroyed and have since been replanted ,
H } no yellows now exist. The reports gen-
1 erally were to the eflect that the disease
H • V was not increasing. AVestern Eural.
H J Havi : You CATAmtii ? There is one rem-
H \ edy you can try without danger of hutn-
BJ ' 1 hug. Send to II. G. Colciiimi , Chemist ,
J j Knhwunzoo , Mich. , for trial packaga of his
Bi ; J ' catarrh cure. His only mode of adver-
BJ i tiHing is by Riving it away. Postage 2c.
Bi Judge for yourself. Mention this paper.
H It Koom Not Soli Well.
An eastern Avoman is selling a queer
R concoction Avhich she has labeled "Lov-
H / ers' Ink. " Its peculiar property is that
Bl it remains legible only twelve hours , af-
B ter Avhich time it fades entirely. Jtis
H , hardly necessary to add that this partie-
B ' ular Avoman is not making a fortune in
M a day. The eastern girls quaintly ask
BV each other Avhat they could prove in a
m breach of promise suit A\ith letters Avhich
Bl could not be read , and then they pass
B scornfully by the fakir and order enough
Bh of the old stylo iluid to do for them-
BJ selves and their lovers. A feAv married
Bh menwith a sneakingfondncs for Avomen
BB not their Avives are aaid to think the in-
fl vention marvelous , an opinion , by tho
BB VAaA * , in Avhich their Avives do not concur.
A Fortune Tor $5.
BB An opportunity for every Lady and Gen-
BB tlcmnn to secure an independent fortune
BB by the investment of only S3. Address ,
BB witlistiimp , TlicMontuna InvestmcntCom-
BB pany , Helena , .Mont.
BBI * _ .
BB ] o lady lands so much in Castle Garden
BK' j as Emi Grant.
BH ; > The oak ] > lanted by the Prince of Wales
BBj ; in Central Park is dying.
BB | ; The spring clip of California wool is con-
BBJ | iderably short of that of 1S7S.
BBM A FrantTort ( Ind. ) well emits yellow gas
BBjl anil it burns yellow.
BBB A meat fiiendship has sprung up between
BBK' ex-Qnoen I > alella of Spain and Mrs. Mac-
" C0Ns UMPTl0H'
H It has permanently cured thousands
BBK of cases pronounced by doctors hope-
BBB less. If 3-011 have premonitory symp-
BBB toms. such as Cough , Difficulty of
BBB Breathing , ifcc , don't delay , but use
BBB immediately. By Druggists. 25 cents.
BBv * rz r zzzirzT ii'OHiti | > pi > 'enreti , > js
> ; , ft fi VTg g&Q esc Little Pilts. M
BBtl BeM SI I II fO T ey al < " ° relieve DiB !
By yB * g 8 w tn sfroiuDyspensia.In.lB
BBM Krt S Iarr B F" digestion amlTooIIean\y
BB- % 5EC fiLC. Eating. A r rfectreuiB
BBil , M % S W fe , RS Drowsiness ISad Tas g !
gf Bi pangs C- in tho 3Iouti. ! Coatodta
BHI1 fca E ° U L fi = 3. TongueJain in iho Side.fcS
BBB Id@&C , * ' e' ' 1 regulate the Bowels.S
BBB B Ka S2aH Purely Vegetable. W
BK ' Price 25 Cents. Qj
Hi Small Pill. Small Dose. Small Price !
BBB ' w wjii i jfi
BIBI L TpC rtrfdfe. Br null po lp id.eK al a
K lUir Ilnndl'.Octapnn BarrrL Hnrst - 7'BS
x Toeki t lErrolTrr. . • v-ndGcin timp I ii rH
ll for llln lrtrd 100-ptff Catxlopua of Rons , IX BI
, Hittrt. Kerolrrrt , l'olice Goods Ac JOHN" P. < HXK3
| B. LOWELL ARMS CO. . Mtnnrr * . lioston. Hut , tg ga
k y TnrtxntlJ relieves the most Ttolent attack , end 9
BBB > u esocimlorUblosleep. SO 1TA1TLA0f rke-D
i tcLTS.Beinens dbriahilitiotiltstctioni3im-l |
BH tnedUta. direct and certain , ud a core is tho M
V result in all curable case * . A einslo trial con-
H Ticces the moft skeptical. Price 60a and 8100
of any drncgist , or by mail. Sample Free for
HBf gtamp.
BBB ! # to cr : ner dOVSample worth 31 0 KUKK. Lines
BBICKiiot unSfr theyhoix. . ' feet. AVnte Brewster
BNB iBwSafety Rein Holder Co. , Holly , Mich.
B > n B MilCDC nntl TUMORS removed withontknife.
' - . Wrlto for refer-
• 1 liAHuCnO IfunUrrd * Cui-eil. -
Bk ] cnees. BK. F. Si. GULLEV , Milwaukee. AVii ,
WIiX ! : I AM DK.VD.
TVIion I am dead , ray doaieHtl
Kit ) x ao nt ! < l fonsh for me :
Plan j lliou no lo.scrf at my huad ,
No sliaily cyprc H trcol
lin tlio green grass above mo ,
Willi sliotrcrx and ilowdrops wot ;
And , if thou Avilt , fprgot *
I shall not kco the shadows ,
I slmll not feel the rain ,
I hIiii.1 not hear tlio nightingale
King on as if in pain ;
And dreaming through tho twilight
That doth not rino nor sot ,
IJnjily I may remember
And Imply may forget.
lYIijr Slio Called Herself a * 3Ican Old tfomnn. "
Tho Kun was slowly rising in the
Enst. .Brighter mid brighter grew
the great round ball , until with a sud
den movement it seemed to burst ,
and i golden , dazzling flood covered
the sky ; the birds were slowly waken
ing ; first a faint peep was heard and
as faintly answered , then a sudden
twitter , and the air was full of bird-
voices. The flowers wore lazity ,
drowsily , opening their dainty petals ,
and all nature , refreshed by a still
nights slumber , awoke to a probable
day of joyousness.
It was just after the battle of Long
Island , where the Americans , pressed
in on every side , had suffered a seri
ous defeat , and the Tories were every
where ; in the bushes , up the trees ,
taking possession of comfortable
farm houses , anywhere where rest
was to be found there also was
found a Tory.
Good Farmer Whitcombe , among
all this mass of British , A\as a true
patriot in the cause of freedom , but ,
residing as he did in a Tory neigh
borhood , outside from very near
neighbors ho was thought to be a
Great consternation reigned in the
kitchen of the farm-house on that
beautiful morning , for news of the
American defeat had just reached
there. Joel Ashley , the boy who had
brought the news , just now added to
his tale. "And do you know that
they are going to the different farm
houses , demanding shelter and food.
I shouldn't wonder a bit but what
they would soon be here , " he added ,
"The nasty varmints , not a rest or
a morsel of food "will they get here ,
and if they demand it , why , they will
find out with whom they have to
deal , " and certainly Mistress Doro
thy looked fierce enough to makethp
bravest heart quail as she stood with ,
one hand upraised : as if to strike the
foe with a large iron spoon which she
held , and the other hand placed de
fiantly on her hip.
"Sh ! sh ! " murmured the old man ,
"if thine enemy hunger "
"ISow , father , you just keep quiet ;
there ' s no use in quotin' Scriptur' to
me , Avhen I know them Britishers are
comin' ; you know if 'twant for your
blindness and my bein5 a woman ,
there would be two of the best sol
diers in the Continental army as they
• would want. "
Just then was heard the patter of
tiny feet , and the door was burst
open , admitting a little girl , followed
by a young woman.
"The Tories have beaten ! " exclaim
ed Miss Dorothy.
"No ! " the young woman answered ,
in surprise.
"But I say that they have , and ,
what's more , they'll probably come
here and ask for lodgin' and food.
I'll give it to 'em food forthought. "
And Mistress Dorothy bustled around
setting breakfast on the table.
"Well , well , " was all Batty Whit
combe could find to say , but she
finally exclaimed : "Mother , if you
refuse them admission they may
seize the property and fire the house. "
"That's go , " the old woman said ,
musingly. "I suppose if it conies to
the worst we'll hev to let them in.
Breakfast is ready ; come , father. "
They had no soonersat down when
a knock was heard at the door. The
two women looked at each otherand ,
the old man's lips were just framed
to say : "Come in , " when his wife
said : "No , you don't father ; I'll
meet 'em , " but the younger woman
was even quicker , and the dame sat
down on her chair.
But for all her bravery , Patty felt
a sort of faint-heartedness creeping
over her ; she threw open the doorand
there , to confirm her worst fears ,
stood two soldiers in the uniform
of the hated redcoats. "Good morn
ing , good mistress , " said the older
man , stepping forward , "I pray you
to get us a bit of breakfast , for we
have had a long fast , and my com
rade here is all but completely ex
hausted. "
Conquering her repugnance with a
mighty effort she managed to say :
"You and your comrade may enter
and partake of our breakfast. "
With a grateful look , both men
crossed the threshold. Mistress
Dorothy sat rigidly in her chair , she
had tightly closed her eyes when the
knock was heard , and had kept them
closed , until the strangers had en
tered the room , and now she
glared ferociously at them through
her glasses. Her daughter-in-law ,
noticing these glances , stepped be
hind her and whispered ; "Not so
fierce , mother , not so fierce , or they
will surely suspect something.
"Don't fret ; perhaps you would
like me to go up to them , and shake
hands with 'em , and say why didn't
they come before , and hope they'll
stay , oh ! the wretches , " andche old
lady shook herself with a grim vehe
The two invaders were not so fierce
and terrible-looking , indeed , for sol
diers who had just won a victory ; they
looked strangely worn , weary and
disheartened. Mistress Patty felt a
stir of sympathy in her heart , for the
younger man reminded her so vivid
ly of her husband , who was so brave
ly fighting in the true cause ; in fact ,
little Dorothy went up to him , laid
her dimpled hand on his knee , look-
BP aSBB S89wvp *
ing trustfully up in tho handsome
face bentover hernndsaid : "Papa. "
"And whero is papa , my dear ? " he
asked , gently lifting tho child on his
" ' ' ' the- "
'Way. 'way flghtin' -
"Dorotlry , " h ° 1' grandmother's
voicesoundedliko gravel crunched vi
ciously together , "yourmother , is go
ing to feed the chickens and you'd bet
ter help her , " with that she began tc
buisily clear off the table. "I don'1
suppose you want anything more ? "
she suddenly said , when thetablowos
almost cleared.
"No , we have had sufficient thankf
to your kindness , " courteously re
plied the older man.
" 'Taint no thanks to me at all , "
she returned , tartly , "you're soldiers ,
so I had to do it. "
"What an exceedingly curious
cream cup , " exclaimed the younger
man , taking the curious piece ol
workmanship up and examining it ,
with the air of connoisseur. That
was tho hist drop in Mis
tress Dorothy's cup of bitter
ness which was already over
flowing. She had let * them enter
her house , given them their breakfast ,
and now , after all owing them all these
liberties , always under protest , that
they would now begin to confiscate
property was too much ; she snatched
the cream cup out of the astonished
man's hands , and began excitedly :
"You'd better go now , you'd better
go , you've ha-d your breakfast and a
little rest , and at this time o' day
visitors ain't wanted 'round the
farm. "
"But my dear madam" the young
man broke in , "I assure you I meant
no harm , and really my friend and I
need a rest so badly that we are
afraid we must trespass on your hos
pitality , " here a faint smile crossed
the young man's face , "a little long
er ; give us but a bed to rest our
weary limbs a little while andthenwe
will depart. "
Dame Dorothy looked at the young
man sternly. "In my days , young
man , when folks told us Ave Avan't
wanted AA'e got out. "
"But , madam , the older man inter
posed , "circumstances alter cases , re
member that these are strange days ,
and strange things happen in them ;
but by the Avay , madam , are you a
Tory or a rebel ? "
" ' "
"Tain't none ofyourbusiness , was
the uncompromising reply.
"Well , Avill you allow us a bed ? " he
"I think it's time you Avas a
startin' , " Avas the laconic answer.
"Then since it becomee a necessity
I demand it in the name of " Ilere
something seemed to choke him , for
he seemed unable to go on.
"Well , if I must I suppose I must ,
but if eA'er I Avished a feather bed Avas
filled Avith pine needles , I Avish that
thar one Avas , " and Avith that she
opened a door disclosing a comfort
able bed-room. They silently entered *
the room , and slio , Avith a bang of the
door , fled to the kitchen. "There ,
I've gone and done it , " she said , in
high Avrath. "IVe harbored jcavo Brit
ish soldiers under my roof , and if any
body ought to be taken before Gen
eral Washington and convicted as a
spy I feel like that one. Joel Ashley , "
she said , suddenly , turning to the
boy who Avas the sole occupant of the
room and Avho Avas gazing at her in
bewilderment , "I've got an errand for
you. " "Yes ' m , " he said , meekly
enough. Joel was always meek when
the madam AA'as in such a Avrath.
"You knoAV Avhere the Continentals
are stationed about ten mile3 from
here , eh ? " Joel nodded. "Well , you
just stir yourself and go OAer there
and tell their commander there are
two redcoats in this house and if they
Avant them to come for them right
away , right aAvay , mind you ; now
hurry. " And Joel did hurry.
Madam sat rocking herself violent
ly to and fro. "There , yoxi've gone
and done another mean thing , " she
said to herself , angrily , "Doin' a
mean thing is jist like tellin' a lie , you
do one and you'll surely do another ;
I guess I'll just peek in the room and
see if they've set it afire yet. " She
tiptoed across the hall and looked
through a crack in the door , then her
conscience smote her Avorse than ever ;
carelessly lying on the bed , his fair ,
handsome face looking so Avorn and
thin even in sleep , he reminded her al
so of her soldier boy. The older man
Avas wearily Avriting at a table , rest
ing every once in the Avhile , but soon
resuming his task.
• "I'm a mean old AAroman , " she solil
oquized. "But they're Britishers. "
That settled the question , and she re
turned to her Avork.
Morning entered into afternoon ,
and afternoon sIoavIv melted into
early evening , the shadows were gent
ly creeping over the land , the birds
Avere tAvittering a good night , and
still the soldeirs slept. Softly , cau
tiously , a band of fifteen men were
wending their AA'ay toAvards the Whit
combe farm hduse ; nearer and near
er they got , until you could see that
they wore the Continental uniform.
They reached the house and were met.
by its mistress ; she pointed to the
room Avhere the soldiers were , then
sat herself rigidly doAvn in her rock
ing-chair to have an argument with
her conscience.
Suddenly avIiat is that she hears ?
A hearty laugh re-echoed throughout
the house. She hurried to the door
AA'herethe soldiers AA'ere. And AA'hat
did she see ? Her two red-coats shak
ing hands heartily Avith the Contin
entals. And what does she hear ?
"Captain , " one ofthe men says , "we
had given you and the Colonel up
for lost , and the camp was in sore
distress about you. "
And he , the admirer of the cream
jug , answers in a full , rich voice : "The
Colonel and I were surrounded by the
Britishers every side ; Ave just escaped
capture , stole these uniforms fron-
tAVo dead Tories and traveled , weak
and weary , through bogs and sAvamps
to join you , but , overcome by fatigue ,
stopped here for a few hours' rest.
But hoAV did you come here ? "
"We came to capture two British
soldiers , but instead ha\e found our
Colonel and our Captain. Three
cheers , men , three cheers ! "
And they" did cheer strong and
And Mistress Dorothy ? She crept
back to the kitchen , rocked herself
back and forth , and said : "Dorothy
Whitcombe , what a fool you've been ! "
Bertha Loonter , in N. Y. Mail anfl
IiOHluir It * ICncliil IUnrl { .
The colored raco is changing in ap
pearance nnd losing fioino of the birth
marks peculiar to it. Tho new genarn-
tion is showing the effects of a higher
culture. Especially is this noticeable in
tho towns , Avhcro contact Avitli tho whites
shows its effect. Tho flat nosed , kinky-
headed negro is passing away and bo-
coming an unknown race. All the col
ored children , no mntter how dusky in
hue , show tho change. Longer hair ,
nqnelino noses nnd smaller mouths , Avith
thinner lips , are tho rule.
2555 | | 1 | WAiiNKit's Loo Caiiin
S gSffSalls. Bemedies. "Sarsaimril-
yffirP ir * " ' " "Cough and Con- "
gb f sumption Kcmedy ,
tri Srt Hops and Bnchu , "
StsTSES "Extract , " "Hnir Ton-
frnciffli ic , _ "LiverPills , "Plas
ters , " ( Porous Electrical ) ; "Boso
Cream , " for Catarrh. They are , like
Warner's "Tippecanoe , " tho simple ,
effective remedies of the old Log Cabin
i : < -mi < K < r AdvortlMln .
Talk about tho benefits of advoi Using !
Down in Florida not long ago a family
lost a child Avhich Ihcy supposed had
fctriij'cd away from homo and got lost
After bearching in vain for three days
the frantic parents placed an ndveitisc-
ment in tho nearest newspaper , im
agine the surprise of the parents upon
going to tho door the next morning to
see a monster alligator upon tho door-
si op , where ho had disgorged the child
alive and then died himself. The "ad"
cost them but twenty-five cents , and it
gaA'e them back their darling child ;
they sold tho alligator's hide for five
dollars , and tho parents arc hhoAvinir
tho child in all the dime museums of
tho land at fifty dollars per Aveek. Does
advertising pay ?
"That Mins Jones is a niee-looking girl ,
isn't she ? "
• 'Yes , and she'd be the belle ol the town
if it wasn't for one thing. "
"What's that ? "
"She has catarrh ho bad it is unpleasant
to be near her. She has tried a dozen
tliincs and nothing helps her. I am sorry ,
for I like her , but that doesn't make it any
less disagreeable for one to be nround her.
Now if she had used Dr. Sage's Catarrh
Remedy , there would have been nothing ol
the kind said , for it will cure catarrh every
Thurman brings forth the bandana in
all public speeches.
A Ilalio in the lEonso
Is the Bourco or much sunshine and joy ,
brightening many a dark cloud and light
ening many a heavy load but joys contin
ual abide only in a healthy body. The
Creator with great wisdom has distributed
over the earth vegetable remedies for every
ill of human Kind. This marveloiiB Lab
oiatory revcalf * its secrets to man only be
long and searching labor. Few men lmw
attained greater success than Dr. It. V.
Pierce ; nor devised for suffering humanity
a greater production than his "Golden
Medical Discovery , " the unfailing remedy
for consumption in its earlier stages , as
well as for chronic nasal catarrh , scrofula ,
tumors and all blood disorders.
There are tailors in England who never
send a bill to a customer.
An Extraordinary I'liciiomeiion.
No other term than the above would ap
ply to tho woman who could see her youth
ful beauty fading away without a pang of
regret. Many a woman becomes prema
turely old and haggard because of func
tional derangement. What a pity that all
Mich do not know that Dr. Pierce's Favor
ite. Prescription will restore their organs to
p. normal state , and make them youthful
and beautiful once more ! For the ills to
which the daughters of Eve are peculiarly
liable the ' 'Prescription" is a sovereign
remedy. It is tho only medicine sold by
druggists under n , positive guarantee from
the manufacturers , that it will give satis
faction in every case , or money will be re
turned. See guarantee on bottle wrapper.
The present tariff on potatoes is fifleen
cents per bushel.
AVlion Baby was sick , we gave her Castoria.
AVlirn she Mas a Child , she cried for Castoria ,
AVlien she became Miss , she clung : to Castoria ,
AVlion she had Children , she pave them Castoria
* • 0,000 acre3 In any size tracts. S the placo
for a colony. Special inducements to settlers.
PftT Vl l-iTethoxaean < IniakexncremoncyTrorkinforiist2i&n
U'Jt'slnt ntiTlliH"else in the worM Kithrr n-x Coitlroutfl.
H.LC leroiAM.nL. .A < Mn 4 , T1.LK & Co. . AugustaMaiue.
P & HTP'P'n Treatert and cured witliont tne Knire.
I 'A IVI .It ll Book on ueatment sont fiee. Address
Villi UliIV F.L.rOND.M.D. . Aurora , Kane Co. , 111.
In chronic cases of nouralgia , rhotima-
tism , or gout , where tho disturbing cause
is a certain acid which poisons tlio blood ,
Salvation Oil should be lined. This power
ful pain-destroyer will in time dissolve tho
poison circulating in tlio blood , nnd bring
relief when all others fail. Prico 25 cents.
Tho latest nows from Zululand comes by
cable. Tho warriors havo all married.
They desire in the futuro penco and happi
ness nnd enough Dr. Bull's Couh Syrup
for tho next season.
Hearing dogs for their skins is practiced
in Manchuria nnd Mongolia.
A Lucky Uliacun.
Ithaca ( N. T..Iotirnal , Aug. 27.
Learning this morning that Alonzo 0.
Edwards avos tho luclcy Ithacan who
hold onet\ventieth of ticket No. 511,80 ! )
which drow the second prizo of $100,000
in the drawing of tho Louisiana State
Lottery hold on tho 7th inst. , our re
porter called at his residence to learn
the truth of tho matter.
Mr. Edwards has li\'cd in Ithaca
twenty years , and rents the south end
of the ono-story , iinpainted house ,
marked No. 70 on Linn street. Mr. Ed-
Avurds Avas jtibt returning from his work
as our reporter reached the house and
j he was asked if he was tho lucky holder
. of tho above mentioned ticket , and ho
i smilingly said that ho Avas.
j "Have you received the 11101103 * ? "
asked tho repoifer.
j ' 'J f seeing is believing , you can look
, at tho draft that C recefA'cd this niorn-
. ing , " and Mr. Edwards took fiom his
pocket a diaft on New York Avhich was
as good as gold , the faco A'aluo being
. $ < 1 , . )9 ) " , & being deducted for cost of
I "Shall j'ou try j'our luck again ? "
1 asked the reporter.
I 'Oh , yes , " said Mr. Edwards , "I
shall try my luck occasionnll } * , hut shall
not let 1113' good fortune run away Avith
mo. The best part of it is I can hoav
have a home of 1113' oavh , " nnd * Mr. Ed-
Avards handed over tho draft to his wife
Avhich he said ho should hnvo cashed at
tho First National bank , and tho moue3 *
placed Avhero it _ would be safe.
The loss in transporting cattlo across
the ocean was in 1SS0 IJ7 per cent.
lfaflllotril with SoreKyp * . iko Dr. l atc Tliotnp
HHi't. Kj e AViitcr. Unionists sell It. 25c
Tho presidential election occurs ou the
Gth of November.
gwannTrarwwmj mi awM oww
i" " " ' " " " 1 ' "PaTne's CeTeryCom-
PJI BiSUra3 ! [ pound cured my nervU f
? -y _ _ _ _ ous s'ck headaches. " H r
y > ; " " ' " " „ Mrs. I . A. IIkeni-neii , y
Mi "aadncho San Jacinto , Cal. \ %
fi j ' 'One bottle com-S :
j I T" -inn i i , petejy ] , (1 my wfef ; >
' H svau * of dyspepsia. " g"j
3T P"OSration PlymouthUrjon.Vt. jfefc
5v umi i 'imii"ini ' ii ii. . "After usins six botjpj
r"5 . ties of Paine's Celery B f
teS Dyspepsia Compound , I am cured 9 j
23k _ . _ ' , . ' of rheumatism. " hrh
ig ! ' 5Samuei.IIutchin > ; ovP
| 1 Rheumatism g South Comish.N.H. p $
Li _ I "Ithasdonememore % J
ffi " " " "j oodforkidney disease i& :
'S I than any other medi-fe3
: WsfEnnw
i3 uui"G5 lone. " Ueo.Abeott , pj |
r * * , Diseases a . s' ° uSS * . ! ° ' 1r n
5j | ! -T. . .iii = J "Payne's Celery ComjUl
K AMI f pound has been ofRreat LH
Fi t & 5J LS-JGZ * BbcnefitfortorpM liver , foil
J l I indigestion and bilious4
\ \ BssnrdarcJness. " LlizadethC. L3
r i [ jUn .i.T.,03echeeVt. fe = ? "
llo. * . Slinrt-hnnd , anil En-
] : - cecpIiiK. - Telegra piling ? -
Ilsli course. largest attendance and ] .iriest rooms
In the ii usr. Three flrst-class penmen emptoi ed. For
Journal and specimens of penmanship aililrea.1. . T.
Dailcy. Manager , G 1J. lUthuun , Proprietor , Omaha ,
a Ton AVacon Scales ,
c Lcitr > , St-cl UcarluRs. Brut
re Be urn and r. am II.n for
ETtrrslie Scale. For tin price Ujl
Edition thl pper mnd iddreu
2 | a MA.SeoE ,
Never Rutin , Never Freezes in Winter or Melts in
Summer. Kicry box Guaranteed. Samp'e orden
solicited. "Write Tor Prices. We mike the be't
Atle-Grea'e known and veil Uieupcr than othpr-i do
I their common -ood < CUKK Ja WISE CO , ,
Otic8 : , if'J Oliver Street , Chlcuso. Illluot * .
rrrn I'lnnfin ' i r
One of tho ronsonH why Scott'riEinulHloii
linn hucIi u Inrso snlo in , becaiiMO it Sh tho
betit. Dr.f. . II. Cmneron. Ilnllfax , N. 8. .
HnyH : "I haA'o prencribed Scott'n Kinul *
ion or Cod Liver Oil , with IJTypoplioH.
phitcH , for the pant two yenrH , and found
it more agreeable to the Htomach and have
better reoultn from itn iiho than any olhor
preparation of the kind I have over used.
Sold by nil druggiata
The Clovelnnd (0. ( ) city trensuror got
away with 5-100,000.
Fou Bronchial. Asthmatic ano JJulmo-
naiia' Complaints , "BrownVi Bronchial
Troches" havo rcuiarkablu curative prop
erties. Sold only in boxen.
Fi hIi nro reported very Hcarco ol the
Greenland coaat and in North Bay.
There are thirty-Hovon Kovolutionnry
peiiHionern still ou the lmt.
i -j3iiiii = * os , X5ixins.
Strong Evldonct' . Now Prcofo.
Crufclietl. Aii ! nil.AiMan.ICo.A7Ii , M y20'8S.
Mr. JOHN Vonns was roa over by nw-Ioi :
order dt > c' .or'i trre 3 weeks , two battles of Bt.
Jacobs 011 cared l L-n sjjrd and well , no r tnm of
piia. WiXKSa d CO. . Dm-cUU.
Fninlly Vts. IUU70II1.T11. , Jly Si. issa.
For a , nuraVr of yoir * Bt Jrcoj Oil his liea
nsod It my fa : " 7 I ta'Uva It Is tus test rtaiilj
for Urnn , 1 - ics.tu * . Iirclstt .r l sprtlartvct
preartil. J03IPH EUArKE.
KSgltt Away , " at IXcuIiizm , WIj.Kay 3S , 'S3.
I I ticraeil ray left hacd H'ily aad It wai curca
ricit tTray by St. . ' wwotc CU.
i TIE ! CHAnLES A. V0GELER CO. . Da'timorc. ' Mr * .
1 Diamond Vera-Oura
1 Stomach TronblcJ Arlilrj Therefrom.
' 1'otir Druggist or Uaitral Dealer icill grt Vera-
1 Cunt for you if not tilretuli/111 ttnrk , iir it tci't be
tent by mail on receipt uj 'Jj cU. ( " > hues $1X0)
itamjis. iszmp'e rent on rerijtt of 1 rait stamp.
THE CUAnLES A. V0GELER CO. . Baltimore. Wi * .
bule 1'rupriaUrs and
FOR THE licrts m.vtii < t ol'
' Has cured all cotu-hs , cold ? , broneliitis , and
relieved asthma anil consumption fora.ll who
have used it. Is not this an evidence of Its
merits and reliability i It is a .sure and salt
meilieint for all bronchial troubles an 1 nevr
fails toive satisfaction. Try it uml'-r a full
warrantee. Price f 0c and $1.0J per huttle.
Prepared by EiiMi'iir I'uornnrrvnv Co. , Chi-
cagcvIH. _ _
/r / S& if IJprisLt find Horizoatal ,
&r u * " - * ' - ! % Portatlo acd Semi-rcrtablc.
J , " * J . , xj n lolGHorao Io rer.
t& * IlSusfatedPunphleirree. Adlrrsi
' ? "fhI-'h4hr5T
[ • ailfej-J 6PIIHTCriKLl , OHIO ,
sgg ; * FgrvfP of no IAbcrty 6L. > ew Yorfa
CENTS Wanted SI an.iour ; Wnew trtli-Ir-i fit.
A lo ue untl fue. C H. M ir Iiall.f.t c tiort , * * .Y
W. N. U. , Omaha. 43u W.
Catarrh in the Head ,
Or'Klnntoitn.crofutoiMtVnt la tho Wood. IfeBCfflj
the proper mcttioa by whtcti to caro CJiurrti , U
purify tht blood. Iti rainy dtMsrcMWo aymptoms ,
amltho dancer of tcTeloplnslntobrortchlt'i or thaJj
terTibly fatat dlsotw consump'tox ro oottrely ra-i
mured by Hood's Sarsapirllla. whtch cure * catarrn'l
bypHrirylnittliebloo , ! ; ItnMo tone * up tho • ystotrv
and i-reatly Improvca tlio Renoral hoaltti.
-For a ytar * 1 havo been troublod with tnUrrh in
tti hrail. Indlce-tlon. and Kenoral debility. I coa *
eludrdtotry Hood'aSarsapnrllla. lidlrtmenomuoD
cood that 1 havo taken rira imttloi. My liealth * ia
creatly Improved , and I feet Hkoadt fferont woman.
8 Wcuinond St , Nowar * . A-
Mua. J. 11. Adams.
Hood-s Sarsaparllla
Boldbyalldr-Jsziu * . II j tt for i1'ropirol onlr
by C. I. HOOD i CO Anotliecarlct. Lowell , Mas * .
IOO Doses One Dollar
Mandrnltc Tills have a value as a houic- v
hold remedy far beyond the power of Ian- 1
"iiaj-e to describe. The family can hardly- ' |
be true to itself that docs not keep them. ' |
on hand for use in emergencies. |
. ;
substitute for that - *
Is the only vegetable
dangerous mineral , Mkrcury , and wliile
its action as a curative is fully equal , it
possesses none of the perilous effects. * . . _ '
In Constipation , Mandrake acts upon.
the bowels without disposing them to t.ub- * ;
sequent Costiveness. j
No remedy acts so directly on the Iivctv a
nothing so speedily cures Sick Headache ,
Sour Stomach and G | 0 fi | \
Biliousness as these | jj [ JjatjSo 1 Sale by nil IniKcl-t ) . I'rlco SJ ctg. jwr liox ; |
3 l .xi 3 for ( V. cl ; or i-ctit by 111 ill , | iitis frt-i' , on. j
receipt of pric" l > r J II htluuckib'ou.l'bllad'a. . |
Mr Books Lcaraed in One BeaAIii !
1 A Year's "Work Dono in Ten Days. |
Kiom tin. Chnplnlti of I'ic'itC' I mr. anil 'Ii > iilitiii | I
1 br ! 'I'iI/i 111 m. ' > \f'inl f
1 1 nil I > 'iii. 0 n . s v temlier. I * > H. <
1 I ) arEIr In > prlt. L'- . lilr tbl 11.I1 u of ia ! ur
11 il.rIn sit. | 1 ti it. 1 miilili nl > n 11 Ivid iioiieu fiat
oiillllitli • ! ! ft itllllltl lull tV'onlil lit * lirM III .1 fort-
i.UMi III d oiiu i n tiili ilajs li lilili ! • > | ir > p ro
• urrlie I'Miiit. . I lio'i.-l rri uiiiiiica I .1 rir' pri'im
I r.ilIon in ll c fit i' of nmone • uilrrlv miiin p'lii'tlan
I Putotir r-js'tiu liml 0 iri'iis'liniid my
1 11 i' nu'iiiiii j. Hi it Ir.lit able 10 ri" .nciili < r ami
irhci io 'NI or any l > < . < .k iftrr ri'inllii It 011m. t
1 litiMircri nl L li.loit. I'r > ctor ILirold. Hrowne.
Mo li tin. • • • < • . i'i iiiii' . : iiiil • Hiii'i'i iful In
cut * 0:1 of tin' lilni' ptipi'rl'lie 1 ri'-i'iit lllnliupuf
KilInliurK kim.vs iff I c • K.llllifiillj jour * ,
| l. 'i\ . .l\'ii..Muii irr < s Mi Iio.\aI.ii. | JI A. ]
To I'ror. A l.oi eitf. • , 1 Ifth A\i-nu < ' . .N. V.
I'irfirili liiu lii by curn'-pai Jciiee. fcend foe
• *
nn5ESWZZES&SB23& „ * , ? } % ASTHMA' .
. ftVigL
' ' . . ' . . ' * > IOVl I 1,1. it * O.
ir . ? tfMtutiiu'U'U r' - . . > ' . - - ' .ii.iM-'jr.ujgi.'i . - -t . - fli.irl.vtrmii , Man
r fi fRf5 ? STUDY. llook--ooplMir , rotimanKlilp ,
111 K.J > LUj i. Arlilmietif. fcliorthanil. etc. thor-
oiiL'ily tiuulil Ityni'iil. I.owrnti' .i. Clrculnm frci- .
liltVANT'b COI.I.KU I * . * M .Mala at. , IJuIIuIo , K. V.
Tlie 111111 whotu mt • slid lr 1:11 llircu i ° \ We ofli r iliu m.iii wl.o w.iut * tniet * /
to five ilollar111 a Kubber Coat , and STvi foot stjle ) a carim nt will kief
at Ins lirst li.ut hours expontnee in n m D * K33 fkiSSi bint dry in the lurdvxt sturni. It It.
a storm Unds to ln mrrow that It Is vJS&S Rao f3 cMvA TOWIIU' .S I lail iiA.M >
hardly a better protiction than a mosVJcf li-um m * 'bMCKKIt. " 11 name familiar to e\ery
( liulo nettiiig , not only kels chagrined * " * * " * • * * * Cow-boy nil over U10 laml. With tliein
at bciin : so bailly taken in , but also fj n CII5 | TII the only perfect Wind and Vati rproof
lecls If he _ uuts not look exactly liko KxZA K23v \ Coat is " Toiver' " ! Ki _ > ti l'rand > lnker. " \
AsktirtheKI > II I5IaVI > " &u kh : U B Ei33 C3 and l.iUeniiotlnr7 ltyMir tori'l'eeper I
d icinothnvpt'ieFis'iitKANn. p'idfiirdescrlptirccataloj. 'iie. A..T.Ti > ivKi.LilSimmon < st. . iiiMon..Ma : . |
2 | " * I ' 'I I < * I-'tI < iI < * I-J < I < 'I < * I * > I j
-3XmjX > 33T .S OjTT j
< J < ii-p3cJc Sietni 391xii3h lr ! < tni 1 to . * { ) E5. 1 . B" < 2. j
EST" n'rllf for Circular II. StiitimIliiHiwst. . SIOI'X < • ! rY ItiV 1. j
M IP ? 11 ft wlo ! I hlli S K BMp& m p O ll i
Jr /t lM PEATUHES FOB 1889.
r mt ; < l {
- / j M r S - E ! ! W *
t j H \ j - * * & - - . i' ' Profusely Illustrated by Eminent Artists. y&j
H | [ l ' \ Tales of Adventure ; Illustrated Articles of Travel ; 1,000 Anecdotes ; Historical Jj |
| | | " * and Scientific Articles ; Sketches of Eminent Men ; Humor ; Poetry. | | |
v si ' * * $5
I $ S,000 so Prizes fer Short Stories. I
Thrse Prizes of $1,000 each , throo of $750 , and three of $250 , are offered by tho Publishers of The Companion for the best MP | ?
j | Short Stories. Send stamp for full particulars in regard to the conditions of tho offer. alii *
| H Pour holiday lumbers j j The Illustrated Supplements | j |
Are in preparation , and will be exceedingly attractive , filled tvith the special 1 8 "Whichxere given with nearly every issue dunn ; , ' the last year , have become
? S work of our favorite writers , and profusely illustrated. 9 | an important part cf the paper , and will be continued.
' \ \ > > other paper attempts to-five nuch a large increase of matter and '
I nanftSglVillg UnriSlRlaS f.8W \ Vonr'c tnoinr . j I niasiratIoiu without increase of price. gp |
These Souvenir Numbers irill lie sent to Each Subscriber. I I " P lpGr V/orth S2.50 for Only Sf.75 a year. slli
J Cs3g T3 ? * ! n J" > H' ! n n tf i' : t aP \ J5 H S
Has written , especially for The Comi-axiox , an artich on "The Future of the English-Speaking Races , " which appears m the Mr ' . issue in No * , ember. Jgil
* S $ ii i ii ii iHiii-iiiiii- 5 s = s * & > S&
Household Articles will be published frcTcnilgiving nsefel information in varions departments i. horns ? / ? 5. 5 _ 3
life Cooking , Emhrolderj * , and Decoration of tliu Home , witliont ami within. Th i Editorial Pasu gives 'iz'i'iK * Jg . . 5
timely articles about current events at home and abroad. Tho Cu'itlrea's Pass ii always crowded with Storhr , i ' 9t\ *
Anecdotes , Rhymes and Puzzles adapted to the Youngest Readers. l S '
I Two Millions of Headers Weekly. f i f
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* *
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L THE YOUTH'S COMPAWIORSS7 Temple Place , Boston , IVSassW