The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 19, 1888, Image 4

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    ' * Mui iiniiin ) ori ' iiiii im < wa
flfik fnkwt.
and County Paper.
can ticket !
r President ,
1' Iiidlunii.
ice President ,
New York.
ilier of Congress ,
IKS LAI Hi ) .
-fiovernor ,
tennnt Governor.
sretnry of Stnte ,
ate Treasurer.
torney General ,
It lit n A minor.
( iiil of l'ulilic Instruction ,
lillc Land * and Uuthlings ,
9th Senatorial District ,
unity Attorney ,
asloner. 2nd District ,
; c eral niovo all alnng
-ancc railroad rates by
to Chicago and by the
e seaboard. All freight
restored to the. tariff < if
a week , which means a
c over existing rates.
the first step in putting
nt to Itiow , " said the
sippian , as he bit off a
and crunched itsavage-
this yer bill of Con-
reduces the tariff on
If it doesn 't , I'm agin
it allit , costs too blam-
ry an honest election in
lift in the United States
: ided the Chinese cases
the Chinese law con
5 decision has the effect
arly 35,000 of the form
silts of this country who
with return certificates ,
jrtificates aren't worth
ire written on.
the carmen in Chicago
it to an end by the snr-
erkeSjWho has consent-
rages and to revise the
ijoyes on the North Side
Lis mainly due to Mayor
s equally determined t
mil to obtain for the men
ion of their demands by
ion of A brum Hewitt
ew York City by the
1C3' is the fire brand
he whole state ablaze ,
ations betweon Hill and
been s-mouMeiing for a
nly needed the Hewitt
he embers into a disas-
tion. Mr. Cleveland
'the ashes a singed and
vud Millsof , Washing-
oses the formation of a
'he Military Order of
America , " ' to be formed
nth parties in the late
Without desiring to
ts of Washingtonians it
iiat they are apt to get
lised thereand , that the
north and particularly
, hwest are perfectly sat-
present orgauiz ition.
the exchiMoii of Dakota
tnd the trampling down
iu the south that Cleve-
) secure a second term ,
frauds perpetrated in
are not sufficient. In
lis the people of Dako
ifranchised. Not onl\
lsurp power , and in so
d degrade the just vote
lern states , but a great
)0,000 ) northern people
campaign thejndepen-
ikely to be a great host
ing power. The issue
not , as it was in 1884 ,
tyjit is a material one. .
1 or evil the common
ariff is a question of
" ecting the general pros
y or indirectly it con
In respect of it citi-
hundreds of thousands
out the country are aj-
to do , vote upon it not
; " as men of business , in
nrosperity of their busi-
_ _ _ _ _
" 1 Secretary Fairchild claims that
1 be has at least obeyed the law in the
I matter of buj'ingbonds with thesurplus.
i | JSut while he has at his discretion the
1 matter of buying band" , after the exi-
1 gencies of the sinking fund are met , be
m refuses to buy a single dollar's worth of
I government paper tostop interest there-
I on , after lie has purchased sufficient , to
1 let hjm xut of the strict requirements of
1 that act. He refuses to withdraw any
of the sixty millions deposited without
1 interest in favored banks , and let the
1 government save the interest on that
I Amount , instead of making a pre entof
1 000,000 annually to his friends , the
1 Sailc presided and stockholders He
I , is detewnined that the surplus Ml not
1 off the debts of
reduced by paying
jcthe nation * >
- ' ' " * ' " '
-v - < V H ' K * ' > ' • \ > ' • # /
LEVI P. Mokton is not n mnu with a
narrow , contracted soul. His act.s of
kindness and charity are well known
throughout the country , and thousands
of men , especially Irishmen , remember
him with feelings ( rgratitude. Lntely
democratic papers have attempted to
throw diserudit upon the report that din
ing the famine in Ireland in 1S7G. Mr.
Moiton sent $50,000 worth of provi
sions to that country , they alleging that
Mr. Morton sent the provisions there for
speculative purposes. In answer to this
attempt to injure Mr. Morton in the eyes
of Irishmen , the fi'es ' of the New York
Herald have been brought into use and
in them the whole affair is given in this
way : "On a certain day the Herald
announced that a wealthy gentleman of
New York had offered to give $50.11(1(1 ( (
towatd sending a cargo of provisions to
Staiving Ireland , if other ghitJemeii
would contribute a like amount. The
amount was raised and the provisions
sent. Then the Herald , having obtained
Mr. Morton 's consent , gave his name as
the wealthv New Yorker who bad donat
ed the $50,000. Tins is good demo
cratic testimony and ought to aettlc the
matter beyond dispute
NEVER has the postal service been
more openly prostituted to parti.-an pur
poses than to-day under democratic mis
rule. Every business man realizes that
the postal service was not what it was
four or five years ago. Worse than all ,
postmasters have been encouraged iu il
legal partisan acts. The eoinumuiea
tiou printed , recenth , from Hx Senator
Arkeli reveals the gro.s < si iliMviiaiil "I
the postal lawsat Canajohoiie It .shows
that the ptina > > ter or hi * assistant uv
liberately violated the law by selling
papers which had been subsrribed for
and left undelivered. No nmice was sent
as the law prescribes , to the publishers
of the Journal iu reference to the mat
ter nor were the papers returned for the
period required by law. They were S"ld
and their sal led to the discovery of
the violation of the postal rules. It re
mains to be seen if the post-office depart
iiieut will take this matter in hand.
What has been done at Cauajohorie ha <
been repeated elsewhere and strangely
enough , none but republican papers
seem to be the sufferers. Albany Jour
TlIE noisy ignorance of free trade
' "who is Harrison
newspapers inquiring , ,
anyhow ? ' ' has been reduced to a mere
murmur. General Harrison himself did
it with his lucid and epigrammatic little
speeches day after day on the tariff
question. The ignorant inquin not
amounted to anything , however. It ha <
boiiie. altogether too much res < 'Ui'dan
to the cry of iSliOWho , is Abraham
Lincoln , anyhow ? ' '
B a _ HaaM a _ _ _ _ ( _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • _
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bush of Trenton were
city visitors , Wednesday.
Capt. A. C. llaptonstall of the Western
Farm Mortgage Co. is in the city.
( ieo. B. Beny is about attain after a short
seige of threatened catarrhal fever.
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Lindner arrived home ,
the tirst of the wcelc , troiu St. Louis.
Father A. J. Capellcn was tip from Indian-
ola , Wednesday , on business ot the cloth.
Norman Forbes arrived home from his trip
to St. Thomas , Can. , jeMenlay afterno.m oiii
X o. 1.
E. E. Lowman is att ndinir to business
asaiii. after a week's cruifuiciiifiit to the
Barney Ilofer of the Uajes Centre Times
came down to the metropolis , yesterday on
C. S. Howard. Denver , of the Howard
Lumber Co. , was in the city , yesterday , on
his way cast.
Traveling Ku iu if li\oti , or D * ii\vr ,
at headquarters , Mwiul i .v , iu the * !
of his official woilc.
Mrs. E. S. Hill of Indianola is visiting in
the city a few days , the guest of Reporter
and Mrs. O. C. Gaston.
Mrs. Chas. A. Scott of South McCook is
entertaining her grandmother , Mrs. S. A.
Keyes , of Franklin , this .state.
Fowler S. Wilcox and Frank II. Fowler re
turned home , Saturday evening last , fioiu
their business jaunt over in Northwestern
Miss Nellie Lee is visiting relatives in the
eastern part of the state , Exeter. She went
down , Tuesday and will be absent four or
five weeks.
Mr < . Frank Harris and the children are
visiting in Galva , III. , Mr. Harris' old home.
They wmt on Friday last and are expected
home next Wednesday.
W. C. Bullard arrived home , yesterday
morning , from his trip to Chattsworth , III. ,
whither he was called , about two weeks
since , by the illness of his father.
Conductor Chapin has been pinning h\ \ <
faith to McCook realty in the purchase of a
fine residence lot on Upper Main Avenue ,
lot 4 , block 12 , second addition. The pur
chase was made , Monday , from C. II. Har
mon , trainmaster.
County Attorney Suavely has been in the
city two or tlnee days , this week. looking
after the state ' s side of the Brown-Duuhani
suit disposing of mortgaged property , se
curing money under lalspretenses , etc.
Hugh W. Cole , W. M. Anderson and .J. E.
Fancher of this city were in attendance at
the Grand Legion meeting. A O. U. W. of
Nebraska , at Hastings , Tuesday of this week.
Theyall returned honieon Wednesday morn
ing 's passenger.
Train Master Harmon's family is just now
very much interested in and delighted with
two "Rocky Mountain Canaries" received ,
the first of the week , from Denver. The filly
is a well broke , docile animal , and its six
week's old foal is ' 'just too cute for any use , "
theyall agree. Charlie is just as proud of his
line , blooded stock as the children are happy.
Road Notice to Land Owners.
To Am. Whom It .May < 'oxcikx : :
The Commissioner appointed to examine a
road commencing at N. W. Cor. See. W. in
Vallev Grange piecinct. Red Willow Comity ,
Nebraska , running thence West on See. line
to S. W. Cor. See. 2S. ami terminating there
at , all iu Towii.IJ.R. 29 , has reported in Hivor
of the location thereof , and all objections
thereto or claims for damages must lie tiled
in the Countv Clerk's otliceon or before noon
of the 17lli flavor December. A D. , 1SS , or
saidtfiad will " bo e-stablNlied JY , 1"0 ! , ' " otn"
.neethereto. CEO. W. ROPER ,
Si-jts , County Clerk J
Are the goods for you at present.
We will sell you either for less
Than any of supposed merchants
who give you goods for nothing.
s o o o o o o o o oO J O O O O O O O Q O < O i ) o o o
As usual , we have the only stock
in the city , and make you the low
est possible prices. See us for
1 f i \ ra I ir III II1 esa bb I j i iii 11 1 If \P
o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o
. . . . . . . . . , _ . . . . . . _ . . . . _ . . , . . . ,
gjH Mwaj i [ iim\mt \ i ± rxii\A. < c.v > fitU'iU " .iiA f.\-iri .j.KjM\ \ j. jmii. .m i.uu i..jjmn > jnji.iujii .w. ijji.j hw .u"Ihji. < - * ' < vt-i-i j' .t u.f - > im.t wmctub -
We l.iv ijown con i-ev. ! and we trust
eieaih , the democratic ( lictriue < [ ' free
trade , which is as old as the birth of
the jiartv. Tlie doubtful states have
lon < ; been familiar with the I act that the
democratic party is the free trade part- ,
and they know that any attempt to rec-
eneiiiate it to protection in any form ,
shape , character or degree would be an
abandonment of principle that would
am ! nl right ought to cover ii with oblo
quy and di-graee. Memphis Appeal ,
Aug. 4. ( Delil )
MccTU ? -vVuTnA
her ltJth , at the residence of R. A. Green ,
E-o. . George A. McClimg and Thankful S.
Wolbaeh. both of Danbury , Nebr. R. A.
Green oftiei.iting.
Out of tho Breastworks *
Tate St.ixrs , Tenx. , July 4 , i358.
The Swift. pecific Co. , Atlanta , Ga. :
Gentlemen Seven years ago I contracted
an exceedingly bo.1 case of blood poison. I
trie \ a physician , the bast at command , but
secured no benefit. My throat began to
g.t soe , an J my bedy covered with sores
and ulcers. Going from bad to worse , I
felt iVt my grave r. ust be reached in the
near future. I gave up the doctors' treat
ment and with a despairing hope I com
mence J taking your meuicinc. I began to
improve from the first bottle , anu in a short
l .ne the ulcer healed , and my skin cleared
off and was entirely well.
One year ago .i case of catarrh developed
in my The physician did his best ,
but could not cure me ; but two bottles of
Swift ' s Specific gave me permanent relief.
J. II. Robinson' .
Kaufman , Tex. , June 23 , iSSS.
The Swift bpecific Co. . Atlanta , Ga. :
Gentlemen I ' . ive been afflicted with a
skin disease for about twelve years , and the
best inr lical treatment failed to give me re
lief. I m now using Swift's Specific , and
have received the greatest benefit from its
use. Yours truly , Wji. Jones.
For sale by all druggists.
The Swift Specihc Co./
Drawer 3 , Atlanta , Ga.
New York , 756 , Broadway.
London , Eng. , 35 Gnow Hill.
LAND Or'FlCh AT McCoilK , NlIB. , I
aiiKUStSPtli.lbSS. f
Notice is hereby jriven that J lie follou-infr-
named seitli'iInis tiled notice of Ins intention
to iiuUic liiuil proof in support of his claim ,
ami that said proof will lie made before the
Hejrisler or He'-eiver at McCook. Nel > . , on
TiiCMlay. Oct. rSrd. I8S8. viz : U'HIiatii Kinps-
tmry upon H. E. No. 0.0 8 tortile S. yx N W i
siiul W Vz . Sec - ' 4. Town. 6 , N. Kiinize3u
\N . 6 P. M. He names the foliou-ing witnesses
to prove his eoiitiiiiiKiis residence ujioii. iiiul
euliivatiiin ot , said land , viz : Milan W Quick.
William II. Aekernian. lolin A. Miller. W. B.
\ \ liittaker. all of Quick , Nuli-
S. P HARTlt Itetrister.
Land U kick at MetJonK. Sbu. , i
September 13111.I8SS. I
Notice is lieret'y iriven that ilie fotlowiinr-
niiiiicil settler bus ll'n ! notice of his intention
10 make timil pre-emption prooT in support of
his claim. 11111 ! that said proof wll be made tie-
fore Hejrister or Heceiver of U. > .LiindOllicent
Mui'oiik. Neb..on Saturdiiv Out Utli. ISHS. vz :
.losmli Mnore. O S. No. I 005. f"r the S.W 14 or
See H. Town. 4. N of Itati P 29. W. 6ih P. M.
He mime * , the foilowintr witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon , and cultivation of.
siiiil liui'l' viz : Thnmiis Pinkerton. AU-xander
fampbell. Nelson Chrysler. Peter A. Ilniwer ,
all or Hox Elder , Neb.
16 S P. HART. Register.
Land okfii'k at Mci ook. Nkii. , i
Septemlier 10.18S3. f
Notice is hereby piveu that the Inllowinjr-
uanied pettier has tiled notice or his intention
to miike final commutation proof in support
of his ebi ni. ami that said proof will be made
before the Hrjrister or Receiver at McCook.
Neb. , on Th.irsdiy. November 8th. 1S83. viz :
Rflwni-fl V D-itrey. II.K Nf 8.3ftS. lor llie N W.
U. eelVi Tcmvu 2. N Itiiii f * 3U. W. He iinmes
ihe folIoH-iinr witnesses to prove his cominii
oils residence upon , and cultivation oT. said
land , viz : Robeit T. Allam. .lames Cain. .T. |
Albert Hrewtr and John W. MeCiislin. all of
McCook , Neb. (10) ( ) S. HART , Register.
With ; ! the Latent luiinoviMiioiits.
IIIWIl I l l llll lll III III ! ! 1IWII I I
Guns , Ammunition and Loaded Shot Shells ,
We Respectfully Invite Your Inspection.
Land Office at McCook. Nkb. . I
SeptemberISSS f
Nnlice is lierebv jriven that the followinsr-
naiued settler has filed notice of his intention
to make tiual homestead proor iu support of
b s elniin mid that ssiid proof will be made be
fore Register or Receiverat McCook. Neb. , on
.siouiiliii , .Nov 17Mi lS. ! . viz : Coliiiiilius II.
Rowel I. uho made It K 9. > lor I he B ii s. E U
of Seel ion li > and W 'J rt. W.i4 of Section II.
Town. 3. N ol Ruiifie L'O W. of Cih P. M. He
mimes I he loliowiitfr witnesses to pi ovehs : con
tinuous residence upon , and cultivation of.
said land viz : EdzrurF Coiise. George Rollins ,
Smith Gordon. .b > hn A. Wjllmiimon. all of Mc-
( ook. Neb. IS. S. V. HART , Register.
Land Offiok at Mccook. Nkb. . i
October 11,1B.S8. • '
Notice is hereby given tLat the followlntr-
uaiiiid settler 1ms filed nolieeof her mt ntion '
to miike final preniption cominiitaliou proof ,
in support of her claim , and that saidprool will
be imule befoie Reg ter or Receiver ai Mc
Cook , Neb .on Tuesday. Novembers' lPBS. viz :
winii U Viland. who made p E. D S No. 5.717
for the W. 14 S. E. li Sec. 17. Town.5. Range 29
she names the following witnes > es to prove
lier continuous residence ii pon and cultivation
of. said land , viz : Enoch K. Osvog. i hn.-topher
C. Dueland Martha C.Dueland. Anna M. Han
son , all of Quick , Net ) .
S. P. HART , Register.
Notice of Attachment.
D. I. Reynolds will take notice : That on
tlieSSlli day of September. ISSS. X. .1. John
son , justice irthe peace , K-iI Willow county ,
Nebraska , issued an older of attachment ba
the sum of thirty dollars in an action pend-
iiii ; before him. wherein William Kelph is
plaintiff and D. I. Reynolds ileteiidant ; that
property of defendant , consistinsj of : All
corn on x\inos Gondentieiger's farin except
sod com ; all coin on D. I. Reynold's farm ;
undivided half hay stack ; one Rockland cul
tivator ; one left hand stirring" plow ; mixed
lumber , and one bedstead ; has been attached
under .said older. Said cati-e was continued
to the titli tinv ot November. ISSS , at 2 o'clock ,
P. Al. 20-3U5. \ \ ILLlAJl ItELPil.
F. L Hnov , 'N. Defendant , "I
vs. |
W. I.i.wis. DetVmlants. j '
The defetidaiit. Charles W f.ewis. will lake
notice that on they'll day ot September , lsjss.
F. I. Hro > vn. plainiitf lien-in. tiled Ins petition (
in the district couit id Red Wdlou countv.
Nebniska.ngaMWt the above named MeTciidauts J
the object and pra.wro ; which joetoloreclose I
a ceriaiu mortgage executed tiy the defendant ,
l.ymiiu C Hatiiung and Addie It Haiiuin Ins
wile.tothe nlaintiff.F. I < llrown.upon the fol-
louinirdescribed real estate • 'Tln north east
qiianorof section eleven , toiviisliip four , range
twenty six in ihe county of Red Willow and I
state of Nebraska : " to secure the payment of
eiiilit pr-'ini'-sorv notes , each dated October ! ! .
IBSTi. for the sum ol seven and one half dollars
each , an i due renectivelv on the first davof
April . 1 > S7 ISSS 1SSI. ! IS-LMand October 1st. li-S7.
lsSS. ISM : that theieis now due from the de
feiidiiuts.l.\miinr * Hn'oinigaiu ! Addie II Han- the pla utilf F I. Iboivti.oiisafd notes
and mortgage the sum of SGOOt ) wiih interest
at III per cent , on 7f ' theieof fifim April l-st
1SS7. and on S7ii0 thereof from October 1st ,
18i > 7. r.nd on $7 50 tbei-eorrrom Aprl 1st. IS1- .
for which sum wiMi interest plaintiff prays
foradeciee that the defembmts be required
to put the same or that said premise. * mav be I
sold to satisfy ihe amount found due and that (
each and all of saai defendants mav be fore '
closed'iuid barred < > f all equity of tedeinntiou i
or otlierinieresr in said morttrauef ] premi-i-s
Vwii are required to answer paid petition on or
before the 5th day of November. ISSS
F b. RROWN , Plaintiff.
Rv his attnrnev. W. S. Mmu.iN.
Dated.September 21lh , ISSS. 16.
The Rkst Sai.vk in the world for cuts bruis- /
es. sores , ulcers , .salt rheum , fever sores , tet
ter , chapped hands , chilblains , corns , and ail
skin eruptions , and positively cores piles , or
no pay required. It is irunrattteed to give per
fect satislaction. or money refunded. Price
25 ceiiis per box. For sale by A. McMillen.
Clolliiiig * , ,
* rSST Fall Slock now Ready. " I
We have inaugurated the Fall
Season , and invite you all to in-
a j
0 sPect the LATEST and FINEST
0 Collection of goods ever show in
"p any one Establishment in S. W.
Nebraska. Everything new and
desirable in Dress , Business , and ;
I TtlMllTI * ! ! II Mil ! ! | MIIM1I MiinBl WlliriMinil WI1IWDM PJBMI M l
Working Suits , latest in fall and
I winter Overcoats , to fit and suit
pj everybody. All the novelties in .
naiiiM miMn m n iiimmi * iw nmnn fccuwif wi * ijmi ! mm i > iti Mifrrn (
O Shirts , Underwear , Neckwear ,
Hosiery , Gloves , Hats and Caps ,
wipnuTTiwini ii > iii d in ipmiihiimi Mi wiiii iiniMiiiiiiHiiiw ! ! wm m tt mmt -i
% -
V comprising in all , an assortment
H found in no other store , except- , . . .
- - - * - - -
Tfnairinn iiwwiiiiii iimum niwMiawiiniinii i T 1 |
4 ing the larger cities. Every ar-
> n\ * " " " * - - MnwMHMV
Tnrn ra irrwiiTwrfrTiTirfiwfc nnTMTniTMfn iaTTTTM-wTTWi TiiiTgiriirrrii rrr-n i i
V tide marked in Plain Figures . ,
rrniTMMrfi T"M' ' nwwm iiinitm ! iBMin w i i i in n i i i rriTiri Mm w
o end . is , guaranteed to be in every
LyJ * * rirrn. ttr ir ii w iiiBiniiiiiii umi n m - - - - - - n - - - " - - itn n r t ifT " •
'W'ay as represented. Ladies are
ill especially invited to examine
our Children's and Boys' _ Suits ,
Overcoats , Hats and Caps , Etc.
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
McCook , Neb. , Sept. 14. ISSS.
And see the best selected stock in
Tlies goods were Loug'lrt for Ike
Very Lowest Cash Price ,
And I mean to give my customers
ever offered in Western Nebraska.
pi IKIIL mm dllj fjullolIlUL
Dome and See for Yourself.
I sell one of thebest