The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 12, 1888, Image 8

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    I The Only Store
% < - rpHE only place where you can find what you want
d in our line.
I HE only place that sells goods on their merit.
I yjfJ'E make our own prices. We sell at a profit.
I "XXT * nave bargains in surplus stock. "VVe guaran-
| vv tee every article as represented.
* " "XXT are establishing a trade for the hereafter , not
| * only for to-day and tomorrow , but for years to
I come , by conducting our business in a straight , legiti-
f mate maimer , giving full value , dollar for dollar , and •
y . backing up just what we say.
• " \7t7" * lave one ° * - r # King's celebrated Optometer's
| / * - - ' an can your eyes wi tli spectacles correctly.
'SFT ® cn . ar e nothing for piercing ears with a new
v painless process , its very funny ; makes any
one laugh.
WE are having a big sale on Gold Watches , which
we sell same price as silver.
ti s It will be impossible to describe all we have for sale , so drop in and
convince yourself that there is no place like it on earth.
R L Ital ! k to
I ain now located in the store room
lately vacated by Mrs. T. Nelis , on
Main Avenue , where I will he pleas-
\ ed to see all my old customers and
many new owes. My stock will he
larger and finer than ever , and my
> -v prices as low as the lowest.
, 1888. - : - Fall Season.1889. : .
B The fact that my efforts in the past to produce
m none but of the highest standaid of excellence
have been appreciated by friends and customers ,
[ as shown by my large and rapidly increasing busi
ly ness , has encouaraged me to still greater exertions
n for the Fall and \ \ inter season.
Ml Collection of Fie Fairies
For gentlemen wear , is now complete , and it will
give me pleasure to have you see my stock , wiiich
is as large and handsome an assortment of new
r * goods a s can beshowrn by any of the best houses
' Sp in larger cities. 1 am better prepared now to exe
cute all orders promptly , and give the trade styl
ish and perfect iitting garments.
\ Makes First Mortgage Loans on Farm Property.
f A dAMPBELL , Pbcsident. B. M. FREES , 1st Vice Presioevt.
\t \ O. HOCKNELL , Secretary. S. L. GREEN , 2d Vice President.
| f F. L. BROWN , Treasoaer. !
; EATON & CO. , Proprietors.a
L r East Railroad Street , - - SIcCook , Nebraska. a
c c
r -
\ c
\ _ _ _ _ . _ . . . . . . . c
ML H _ . . _ . - iw " . - . .i. * - , -a i. . . . . _
- Zj Zlmm l mW MjMMJMfaaMI * Tm = imirniJK ir : 'rti * " i Jf-S 'g * ' I . I ll
Commissioners' Proceedings.
IndianiiIa. Nkii. . Oclolier 1. 1888
Bonrd of county commlSHloiicra mot persu-
ant to adjournment. Present , II. 11. Ducli-
worth. Stephen Holies timl Henrv Cruotrce.
commissioners , anil Geo. W. Hoper , clerk ,
Minutes of Inst ineotinjr raid and approved.
In the matter of the petition of W. L. Mc-
Clunjj and others , asking for Hconso to sell
mult.flplrltuous and vinous liquors at Lebanon ,
Red Willow Co. , Neb. , read and considered
and on motion same was rejected by reason ol
IiiHUlIlolciicy of petitioners , and tho violation
of the law.
On motion the following : claim was audltet
and allowed , and clerk directed to draw war
rant on county general fund levy. 1883. as fol
lows , towit : Sirs. Julia A. Fox , board and cure
of pauper , Dortha Skow. $10.
On motion board adjourned to meet Oct. 2
Attest : Chairman
GEO. W. KOPEK. Clerk.
Jndianoi-A. Neb. . Oct. 2,1688.
Hoard of county commissioners met persu
ant to adjournment. Present , H. U. Duck
worth , Stephen Holies and Henry Crubtrec
commissioners , and Geo. W. Koper , clerk ,
M'nutes of previous meeting read and i\\ \
In the matter of the special election held it
North Valley precinct on August27.1888 , tin
following' were had and done , to-wit :
State of Nebraska , i aa
Hsu WiiiowCo. f55" '
ToV. . S. Phillips and W. 0. Ron.l , two disin
tcrested electors ol Red Willow Co. . Neb. , you
nrc hereby notified that you have been select
ed by me to act an members of a board of can
vassers , consisting of the county clerk and
two disinterested electors of said county , t (
canvass the returns of a special election hehi
in North Valley precinct , on tho27tli day ol
August , 1888. and for that purpose , you wil
appear at tho county cleik's ollice of sail
county , on tho 28th day of August. 1 88 , at t
o'clock , P. M. Duted this 28ih day of August
1888. GEO. W. ROPER ,
[ seal. ] Clei k
abstuact of votes
cast at a special election held in North Vallej
precinct. Red Willow Co. , Nebr. , on Augusi
27th , li-SS. for and.against . issuing bonds in sail
precinct , for thw purposo of aidi'igor ImilUiiif.
canal. The following votes were cast :
For issuing bonds , one hundred (100) ( ) votes
Against issuing bunds , thirty-seven (37) ) votes
Total majority for issuing bonds , sixty-thret
( ft't ) roles. We tho undersigned , Gen W. Roper
county clerk of Red Willow county , andV. . S
Phillips and W. O. Hond. two disinterested
electors of said county , acting us a board ol
canvassers for the purpose of canvassing tin
votes cast at u special election held in North
Valley precinct. Red Willow county , Nebr. ,
on thc27Ui dujof August , 1888. tor the pur
pose of issuing bonds to aid the Hartley Canal
Co. to construct a canal in said precinct , do
hereby certily that the foregoing is a true and
correct return of all the votes cast according
to the poll books returned from daid precinct
In testimony whereof , we have hereunto set
our hands and caused the seal of the county to
be allixed , this 28th day of August. 1888.
GEO. W. ROPER , County Clerk.
W.S.PHILLIPS , Canvasser.
W. O HOND. Canvasser.
On motion , the board proceeded to ascertain
the icsult ot the cunvnss of votes cast at tin-
special election held in Noith Vullej precinct ,
August27.18S8upon the proposition to issue
bands ol said precinct , in the amount of seven
thousand duliais , to aid in the construction ol
a canal at or near Uaitley , Nebraska. The
board , on due investigation , do find that more
Uiud two thiids of the votes cast in said pre
cinct were in favor of said pi oposition , audit
is hereby ordered that the notice of tho udop
tion of said proposition be published in the
luflianola Courier , a newspaper of general cir-
cuiiUion published at Iudianola , in said Red
Willow cow ty , Nebr. , for two successive
weeks , as by law in such cases made and pro
Statement of Mrs. C L. Nottleron. superin
tendent of pul > Ic instruction , for third quar
ter , ending Oct 1st. 18S3 , as follows , to-wit :
Paid Prof. Valentine S 75 0 < !
lleltmun 30 ou
Lessons in drawing and piodeis 21 00
Circulars . , , 125
Janitor and ice , , , , , - 2 70
Mr. Minkler 3 Ou
Total 137 95
Rec'd from Co. Commissioners 100 00
" " teachers examined 90 00
Total 190 00
Balance on hand 52 05
On motion , same was approved.
On motion , the following claims were audit-
Ed and allowed , and clerk directed to draw war
rants on county general fund fol
lows , to-wit :
Joseph Merritt , care of pauper. Smith. $7 25
Will S. King , pub. notice of election. . . 18 00
W. W Gosfaid. judge special election. 2 00
W O. Rond. canvassing special election , 2 DU
VV. S. Phillips , canvassing special elec
tion 2 0(1 (
I. S. Kirkendall , judge.speclal election , 2 00
: ; . E. Hyrkit , 2 00
Ambrose Heck , clerk , " " 2 00
. ) . W. Heck , clerk , special election and
return poll books , , 4 70
3. W. Curl'uian , medical attendance ,
pauper. It. H.Crisweli.55 allowed 40 00
Toward Lumber Co . coal for jail 8 C5
.cander Starbuck , jailer fee. prisoner ,
G. Shaffert 12 50
\ W. Butler , board prisoners at Mc-
Cook 4 GO
L. McMillen , medicines for pauper ,
DorthaSkow , . , 4 90
! F. Woehuer , glass in court houseand
ilts. C. L. Nettlcton. s'-rvici-s , supt.
public instruction. 3rd quarter. . 1S9 50
t. M. Suavely , services , county attor
ney , 3id quarter 162 50
. Teeter , digging grave , pauper , R.
H. Criswell 2 00
ibbctt & Wei born , furniture for pau
per. Mrs. Herr CO 00
On motion , the following claims were audit-
1 and allowed , and clerk directed to draw
arrants on county bridge lund levy , 18S8 , as
jllows. to-wit :
Has 8Co. , bridge mntcrials
furutehed $ is 05
On motion , Hj ° following claims were audit
1 and allowed , and clerk directed to draw
arrants on county eeneral fu 4 levy , 1887 , as
) llows to-wit :
. B. Duckworth , services as commis
sioner 5 8 00
enry Crabtrpe , services as commis
sioner , . 20 00
On motion , board adjourn to meet October
1838. B. B. DUCKWORTH ,
Attest : Chairman.
GEO. W. ROPER. Clerk.
Indianola. Neb. . Octobers. 1883.
Hoard of county commissioners met persu-
it to ndjournoiept. Present , B. B. Duck- ]
: > rth. Henrv Crabtrec and Stephen Holies ,
mmissioners. and Geo. W. Roper , clerk
inutes of previous meeting read # d ap *
• ovod. *
Road No.203. Petition of Thomas E. Brown. '
L-orge R. Tupper ; at ; U.for a consent road '
fld ond considered , and on motion , same te. ]
anted , provided the county bo expense *
r right ot way. Commencing at soutbsvest l
rner eccttop22. tience north on section .Hue {
northwest corivir ection 22 , thence east on '
bi ion line to iiortheastjcornersectfon 23. and r
rra mating thereat , uU In Aowjo.2 , rango26 ,
; st. .
) n motion , tho following claims were nu4lf.
und allowed , and clerk directed to draw
irrunt on couutj general fund lery. 1E88. as
lows , to-wit :
H.Goodrich , rrolghton 6craper8. . . . $ 28 52 t
S. Phillips , postage and express,3rd s
quarter 4 CO f
El. Bennett. J. p. . Stale vs. Oilplant , j 2
.1 ' • ' - • • •
i •
i . . .
. .
claim. 5185. allowed nt 100
E. R. Banks.deputy sheriff , claim , f 42.60
allowed at 25 00
Ou motion , tho following claim was audited
and allowed and clerk directed to draw war
rant on county bridge fund levy , 18S8 , as fol
lows , to-wit :
R H. Thomas , hauling bridge material. $ 8 50
On motion , board adjourned to meet October
19.1S83. ' - B. H. DUCKWORTH ,
Attest : Chairman.
GEO W. ROPER. Clerk.
Quito n number of people are laid up with
sieknesH , through the county.
Wc arc admonished to unusual carefulness ,
this being the season of sudden and extreme
changes of temperature.
Tiio desks and scats for the Vincent school
house were hauled out from the city , Saturday.
They uro models of comfort.
Alex. Johnson is preparing to enjoy more
convenience und eomrurt this winter , by build
ing on a commodious kitchen addition.
Mrs. Albert Griilin. whoso recovery from an
attack of typhoid Cover has been in doubt , Is
improving at this writing with ehunres of ul
timate recovery. A young daughter is also
down with tho samo disease.
The fuir was a success us to quality of ex
hibits , but not altogether satisfactory and
creditubleaB to quantity being too small for-
iigood showing. Evorything passed off with
out hindrance ordisordor , however , and much
may be said in Its praNe. Tho prohibition
orator failed to uut in appearance to the dis
appointment of many. The joint debate was
a complete victory for tho republican al
though both gentlemen handled their themes
iiiamastcrful manner. The union iaborspeak-
ers met with adiscouragingaudlence.asmany
were leaving the grounds by tho time they
caiueon the scene of auliou. Samples or farm
produce were sot aside to be sent to the nation
al museum at Washington. Rei'outeh.
For First Place.
A great amount of political engineering will
be done by friends of candidates to secure for
their man the first place on the ticket , and the
best man will probably secure the coveted
place. Then if endorsed by tho people , the
election is assured. Electric Hitters has been
put to the front , its merits passed upon , lias
heen indorsed , and unanimously given the
tirst place , among remedies peculiarly adapted
to the relief and curcof all Diseases of kidneys ,
liver and stomach. Elcctno Hitters , being
gurranteed , is a safe investment. Price , 50
cents aud 61 per bottle at A. McMillen's drug
The Growth of Luxury.
Prosperity encourages luxury ; luxury is
enervating , and encourages sloth ; luxury
tends to produce , and in the world's history
has often produced , national decay. Now , the
growth of luxury for the last half century has
been very great and very general. We do not
merely mean that the rate of living has ad
vanced. This of itself is not necessarily to be
deplored in any class , and in some classes is n
matter of serious congratulation. That an
agricultural laborer , for instance , should be
able to procure more food , better clothing ,
better housing , and better education for his
cliildieu than he cou'd ' li ty years airo isa mat
ter to rejoice over , and a state of things to se
cure by every proper means. What we mean
is , that the scale of comfort has enormously
grown. Aud the tondonoy is ever upward.
Young men beginning life try to start where
their lathers left oh" . Some quarter of a cent
ury ago tnere was a discussion in tho newspa
pers as to the prudence or otherwiso of young
persons In the upper classes marrying on an
income of three hundred a year. Three times
that income would be now considered inade
quate by the critics who conducted the discus
sion. Quarterly Review.
Their Business Booming.
Probably no one thing lias caused such a
general revival ol trade at A.McMiilen'sdrug
store as their giving away to their customers
of so many tree Irial bottlesof Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption. Their trade is
simply enormous in this very valuable artiein
from the fact that it always cures and never
disappoints. Coughs , colds , asthma , bronchi
tis , croup and ail throat and lung diseases
quickly cured. You can test it before buying
b.getting a trial bottle free , large size $1.
Every bottle warranted.
Manifold Cyclopedia Eighth Volume.
Theoightp volume of Alden's Manifold Cy
clopedia extonda from Ceylon to Club-Foot.
and is fully equal to its predecessors its hand
some type , numerous illustrations , bandy
form , neat , substantial bindingand more than
all , its skillful editing , which brings within
such convenient limits such a vast amount of
knowledge , so well adapted to popular needs ,
arc a satisfaction and a delight to students.
Not only in its raarvelously low price , but in
every other tespept , this seems better than an
other Cyclopedia suited for use in the homes
of the masses , and in our public libraries. A
specimen volume , to be returned if not want
ol , may be had in cloth binding for 50 cents ,
or in half Morocco for 65 cents ; postage. lOcts.
Address Jonx B. Alden. Publisher. New York ,
Chicago. Atlanta. Ga. . or San Francisco.
Tate Springs , Tpnn. , July 4 , iS83.
The Swift Specific Co. , Atlanta , Ga. :
During the spring cf ityj , whije vrorkirg
in the field at my koine in Morgan cpuntyj
Ga. , I pulled off my shoes to give my feet ft
rest. Unfortunately , I walked into a clump
of poison osk , and in a few days my feet
were in a terrible condition , and 1 could not 1
put on a slice because cf the soreness and
swelling. I was treated as poison oak cases
usually are , and e' crythir.g was healed up.
About the same tii.e : the following spring ,
1872 , my feet became sere again , as at first ,
and everj' succeeding spring for five years
brought Lack the same condition cf the dis
ease , only each time it became more dis
tressing , because I began to think it was a
lifetime trouble. Finally , I was induced to
try Swift's Spcific. I trok six bottles , and
to-day am er.ii. cly well. My improvement
was gra lual from the i. . t , and no evidence
of the disease remains. I shall lake pleas
ure in testifying as to its curathc proper
ties. It is the greatest blood purifier in ex
istence. Yours truly , J. L. Morgax.
The foregoing certificate is tcken at
random from thousands of letters in posses
sion of fhe Swift Speci.c Co. , and presented
simply cs a sampje. It is a voluntary
statcmcrt , giving facts and results of the
case. Its accuracy and genuir-jness are
beyond quction.
A valuable Treatise on Blood and SLin
Diseases mailed free. Address >
ri . . . > % a j . _ rim
The banana peel Is tuiobti ui yu but a great
Ague can not he permanently cured until
le system has been thoroughly cleansed ot
II morbid matter. Quinine nnd other febri-
ugc3 , will check it temporarily but It is sure 4
) return un/es / thesystem has been cleansed ,
or this purposo tiicr/f ja nothing better than
t. Patrick's Pills ! They not op y physic , but
loroughly cleanse the entire syBtenr'and wiH ,
1 most cases , prevent ague nnd like malarial
sew es/f / used as soon as the first symptoms
ipear. Bold by ail druggists.
Wit is folly , unless a yiso jjiau lias the -
Hjpiiijr of it. ' ' '
The Best Ba } 'E in the world for cuts , bruis-
.sorc8. ulcere , fujt rheum , fever sores , tet-
r , chapped hands , cbijbjajnj , corns , and ail
in eruptions , and positively cures pljes. or
1 pay required. It is guaranteed logive ppr.
ct satisfaction , or money refunded. Price *
cents per box. For sals by A. McMillen. J *
Jj j
# '
announces the reduction of its price from Two
cents to ONE CENT per copy. J
' It is fitting that the pioneer of low-priced
journalism in the West should lead in placing the
American newspaper of to-day upon the basis 0. '
the lowest unit of American coinage. Twelve
years ago that unit was the nickel in Chicago and
throughout the Northwest. The founding of The
Daily News at a lower price was regarded by the
journalistic profession as inviting certain failure.
But they were wrong. To-day there is not a
nickel paper in Chicago , and the circulation of
The Daily News averages , as shown by its pub
lished sworn statements , 175,000 copies a day
with a single exception the largest daily circula
tion in America , and greater than the circula
tions of all oilier Chicago dailies combined.
The Daily News has prospered beyond the
most sanguine hopes of its founders. For this it
lias more than once made its grateful acknowledg
ments to an appreciative public. It believes , how
ever , that the time has now come when , acting
entirely within the limits of a wise commercial
progression , it can give its thanks more practical
expression. It proposes henceforth to "divide"
as to its friends and to multiply as to its circula
tion. To-day it reduces its price to One Cent
V7d expects to double its circulation.
And anticipating the questionings of the
doubtful let it be brieflv said that the thing can be
done. The Daily News all that it has been in
the past , as well as all that is rightly expected of
> t in the future as a leader in progressive Ameri-
; an journalism can be produced and sold for
one cent a day , and this by reason of those com
mon principles of trade which make possible
lower prices just in proportion as the aggregate
volume of sales increases. The Daily News now
sells croer a million papers a weeh , as shown by its
published sworn statements of circulation , and it
can affo'-d to sell at a smaller profit per paper than
other Chicago dailies , no one of which has as
much as one-third the average daily circulation
We are ajrents for the following reliable
companies Note date of organi
zation and splendid assets :
yEtna of Hartford. Conn..ISl J S9SBS,840
Insurance Co. of N. A. . I'hiia. , 17U4 , 8,474,352
Plienix of Brooklyn , 1 5:5 : , 5S' , )7,025 )
Connecticut of Ilartl'onl , 1850 2.iR : .742
Continental of New Yoik , 1852 , . . . . 5,2W. ' . ) S1
Pennsylvania Fiteof Pliila. , 1S25. . . 2,710,885
I/iucshireof } Jaiiche terEng. , 1852 , l,4tblb7
mmm mm iinitiwu ilium win iuktub 11 1 1 1 m
- ' " > ' t > • ' 1 -
STou will find a splendid line
oF Cloths , Cassimeres , Wor
steds , London Suitings , and
Trouserings , and a complete
assortment of Spring and Fall
Overcoatings. Also Esqui
mau Beavers in all shades at
Fine Custom Tailor Shops ,
opposite llje new pnstofficc.
Good fits guaranteed. Thir
ty five years ' experience in
New y irk City.
t. e. Mccracken ,
Writes Indemnity against Fire , Light-
ling , Tornado and Hail Storm.
( Successors to E. D. Webster. )
Horses branded on left hip or left shouder.
jjksj , P. O. address. Estelle
Hayes , and Heat-
rB * , county -
7 235. rice. Neb. Kunce. Stink-
j ? 53ingWater and Freneh-
ItisSllwSSMM'i man creeks. Chase Co.
$ Pgggg | & } Nebraska.
eSkS22 ! * - * / ! Brand as cut on side of
( Ss5 b--/b' some animals , on hip and
3Bg&3 gSgtt& Bidos of some , or 3113- *
-T Ksas-tSaalS tvjere oll tje a , , ! , , , , , ] .
Ureeder of Improved Sheep.
I m.Merino
S L Southdown
fejjffiw wBwgPjjg Personal iu-
IBHCSSSyftWfy SSy rorrcspond-
fSm W j W' ence solicited.
I Wt3flffilr ? TvTrffinllir Address him
gmg | g j5r nt Kr-d Willow ,
MI&KHETgdMjfcr Nebraska.
P. O. address. McCook ,
Kcbraska. Itainresouth
of McCook.
Cattle branded on left
hip. Also. 10 , 5. A and (
r hv11 lirandsnu left hip.
iji - flg IIorss branded same
( Hg on left shoulder.
• a
of The Daily News. The large addition to its
present million-a-wcek circulation , which will !
surely conic with its reduction to one cent a day ,
will fully compensate for the reduced profit at
which each paper is sold. All this concerns the
reader only as assuring him that The Daily News '
can reduce its price and at the same time maintain '
its high character as the foremost newspaper of the j * i
Northwest that a million-a-wcck circulation J
makes the otherwise impossible entirely possible. j
The present is peculiarly the time to inaugu
rate this popular departure in American jour- j
nalism. The approaching Presidential election
widens immeasurably the field and opportunity \
for The Daily News as an independent , impartial , t <
fearless newspaper one free from all the entangle- ' \
ments of mere partisan allegiance. The demand \
is more and more for a newspaper which shall
give all the political news free from partisan color
ing , and which shall tell the absolute , unvarnished < I
truth about things , regardless of its effect upon the j
fortunes of this or that political party or candidate. j
This demand Tim Daily News aims to meet , and
at its reduced price it combines all the elements j
which should make it literally everybody's paper.
To the thousands of new readers whose atten
tion is now for the first time directed to The Daily
News it is proper to say that they will find it
complete in all the essentials of the best Ameri
can journalism of to-day. Its quality as a ncivs-
paper proper is best indicated in the fact that it is <
the only low-priced paper in Chicago or the
North-west , which is a member of the " Asso
ciated Press. " The other "Associated Press"
papers in Chicago , the Tribune , the Times and
Inter-Ocean all cost three cents. The Chicago
Daily News prints all the mnus and sells it for ,
one cent a day. Sold by all news dealers. Mailed ,
postage paid , at S .oo per year , or 25c. per month.
Address VICTOR F. LAWSON , Publisher ,
The Daily News , Chicago.
- - -
i . . . . . . . . .
ii i • • • • " - - .t- : : : : : : : : : : : : • : : : : : : : : : : • : : : : : : : : • : : : : : : : : : : " : v.v.vva. - " • : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
li 11Clllf liuullo < JjuWubL llibOO hi
i | : -n ? IN THE CITY. 4- : l\ \
• • 4 _ . _ .
: : I : :
' ' ' •
• • - :
: :
, -I ; Have .jnst received a heavy stock of new , ' • •
| j CLOTHINGwhich makes our stock com- ; : :
: \i \ plete , consisting of Dress Suits , Business 'li
' : ! -j Suits , Work Suits , School Suits , J tc , Etc. • • •
: : ' - : :
: : '
i | : A COMPLETE LINE OE : : !
: : ' . . . - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - ' : •
I ! J ' = :
ij 1 We received this week , from Chicago , the ' : !
; ; largest stock of Dress Goods , Flannels , I : :
• ' • \ Waterproofs , Blankets , Underwear , Shirts , ; [ \
j : : Hosiery , Notions , Gloves , Mittens , Hats , • • :
• • ; ' Caps , Etc. , we have ever carried. ' : "
: . • : ; • 4 " , , , i _ . . : • : . 1 :
ij : A § 3,000 STOCK OF : jj ' ' ' ;
• * 4 f : :
! ; : Beefs end Siioss , Robbers , Etc
: : - . _ _ _ , , ' : ;
li : We have 815,000 in Merchandise to sell f' "J
j ; i for CASH or PRODUCE at as low a price : \ ]
: ' : ' < as any house can sell. Don t pay more for ; • :
; ; 1 goods than we pretend to ask , thinking : j
• : ] you are saving ' " 25 cents on a dollar , " as ! [ • ;
: ! * ' some of our competitors advertise. it • : ' * .
: : . ' . ' : :
* ' :
. . i . .
, :
: : < :
: : - ' • : :
Bottom Prices
Blank Books , j
Legal Blanks , *
Land Blanks , * \
Inks. Pens. Pencils. Tablets. Etc. .
1 -